Новітній тактичний ліхтар Olight Baldr є модифікацією відомої моделі PL2 Valkyrie. Baldr отримав довгоочікувану функцію - ЛЦВ, який суттєво спростить взаємодію зі зброєю. Основна частина корпусу має точно такий дизайн, як і у PL2 Valkyrie. Оптична частина ліхтаря складається з високоефективної TIR-лінзи і світлодіода CREE XHP-35. Ліхтар встановлюється на рейки пікатінні або вівер, кріплення інтегроване швидкознімне. Живлення ліхтаря здійснюється за рахунок 2-х батарей формату CR123A.
Розвиток індустрії освітлювальних приладів створив окремий напрямок підствольних ліхтарів, які створені для взаємодії зі зброєю. Ба більше - в сучасному світі підствольний ліхтар став таким самим важливим елементом тюнінгу зброї як приціл, руків'я переносу вогню чи сошки. В новому відео Григорій Соя розповість про сімейство підствольних ліхтарів Olight Baldr, які здатні задовольнити більшу частину потреб стрільців, правоохоронців чи військовослужбовців.
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Обзор тактических фонарей Olight. Фонари для пистолетов, ружей и карабинов.
Обзор пистолетных фонарей OLIGHT, ЗЕНИТКА, Surefire. Тестовая стрельба в темноте. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Фонарь OLIGHT BALDR S и совместимость с кобурами под BALDR MINI
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Get the Baldr RL Mini and so much more up to 30% off starting this Thursday, April 15 at 8:00 PM until April 16 at midnight Eastern time! Click the link above to make your wish list for Thursday now!
The Baldr Mini has been a monumental addition to the WML industry with its 600-lumen white light and integrated laser inside the reflector itself. The fact that the adjustable rail adapter can fit on subcompact rails is an absolute game-changer. We have received tons of requests for a red laser version, and we have delivered! The Baldr Mini RL features increased runtimes over the green version and the most precise red laser dot on the market at a huge discount during this sale! Your safety and accuracy in a stressful situation are what counts, an addition like this to your carry can easily be considered priceless. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Лазерный целеуказатель прицел фонарь Olight Baldr Pro R Black на карабин Штаер Ауг Steyr AUG
Фонарь Olight Baldr Pro R представляет собою усовершенствованную версию популярной подствольной модели Baldr Pro. Основным отличием является возможность подзарядки, без съема аккумулятора.
Фонарь поставляется с встроенным литий-полимерным аккумулятором емкостью 1000 mA/h, который заряжается от магнитного USB-кабеля Olight MCC. Магнитный кабель самоцентрируется, необходимо только поднести его к месту установки, он присоединится при помощи магнита и начнется процесс зарядки.
Еще одной особенностью модели Baldr Pro R является наличие двух режимов яркости: на 1350 люмен с максимальной дальностью светового потока до 200 метров и 300 люмен, чего ранее не было ни на одном из фонарей серии PL и Baldr. Управление также претерпело изменения — теперь оно осуществляется путем поворота магнитного кольца на голове фонаря: белый свет, белый свет+зеленый лазер, зеленый лазер отдельно.
Корпус стал более плоским, что стало возможным благодаря переносу лазерного модуля, который теперь интегрирован в голову фонаря.
Оптическая часть состоит из высокоэффективной TIR-линзы находящейся под минеральным стеклом и светодиода CREE XHP-35 HI с нейтральным оттенком света. Фонарь устанавливается на планку Picatinny или Weaver, крепление интергированное быстросъемное.
- Включение/выключение — нажатие на любую кнопку (правую или левую).
- Смена режима яркости — двойное быстрое нажатие.
- Строб — нажатие на кнопки с двух сторон одновременно.
- Установка режима света — поворотом магнитного кольца на голове фонаря.
- Настройка лазера по оси «X» и «Y» ключом, который поставляется в комплекте. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Baldr RL 1,120 to 300 Lumen Light/ Red Laser Review
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Music is from Jingle Punks and Epidemic Sounds Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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The Baldr Mini features an adjustable rail that can even fit subcompacts (must have a rail), which makes this the ultimate light/laser combo for concealed carry!
It also features 600 lumens and magnetic charging so you're always ready to go with a super bright WML! Learn more about the Baldr Mini and all of our other WML models at the link above! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Starting July 26 at 8:00 PM EDT., you can get the 800 lumens adjustable Baldr S in FOUR different colors (blue, black, grey, tan) at a HUGE discount! This is by far the best compact WML on the market. Watch this video to learn how this light works!
Visit our website to learn more about our July summer sale on these and so much more!!! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
We have sold OLight products for a long time and this Laser/Light Combo is the best they have produced by far! Lenny's a big fan and we think you'll be too!
* Olight Baldr Mini | SKU: 2698
* Glock 34 | SKU: 7031
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Olight Baldr Mini Vs Baldr RL mini : Which is best?
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In this video we take a look at the Olight Baldr Mini and the Baldr RL mini to see which one is the best choice for you.
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Olight Baldr Mini
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Olight Baldr RL Mini
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We start out by taking a look the Olight Baldr mini and Baldr RL mini to see how well it would function as a EDC light.
The main selling point of this style is the quick disconnect used by Olight to connect to multiple size frames. This allows you to use the same light on full size, compact, or tiny frame pistols.
We then move on and do some testing to see how the Olight Baldr RL mini compares to the popular Olight PL-mini 2 Valkyrie. We use our Sig M18 airsoft trainer to test and see how well the illumination works in a nighttime environment.
Which setup do you think would be best for you? Would you just want a simple red dot?
(DISCLAIMER: This post may contain paid advertisements or affiliate links. An affiliate link means that if you follow one of the gear links, Thin Line Defense Co receives a small portion of that purchase but incurs no extra cost to you. This helps us make the channel grow and get more great gear to review just for you! Thanks for the amazing support.)
Music by: @BarrenGates Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Baldr RL Mini: The Ultimate Compact Weapon Light for Tactical Use
The Baldr RL Mini is the red beam version of the Baldr Mini, integrating the adjustable compatibility of the PL-Mini 2 and the accuracy of the Baldr RL. The patented sliding rail mount allows the light to be easily adjusted to a position that even fits subcompacts.
With our Olight quick install system, you can attach and release the light in seconds for instant activation.
The Baldr RL Mini comes standard with both a Glock and a Picatinny rail adapter to meet your specific needs. Even with a compact form factor, this WML delivers a booming 600-lumen bright white light, along with a red beam for increased accuracy.
The Baldr RL Mini is powered by a built-in lithium polymer battery, which is magnetically charged for extended runtime and maximum convenience. This precise, quick, compact and adjustable WML is the perfect addition to your subcompacts.
👉 Get it here -
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Israel Defense Store (IDS) is an Israeli producer and distributor of high-end Outdoors & Tactical equipment. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
🔦 Présentation Olight Baldr RL et comparaison avec Baldr Pro 🔦
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Olight Baldr RL Mini - Ultra-compact white light and red beam ( laser ) combo
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Olight Baldr RL Mini is high visibility red laser and 600-lumen white light combo featuring a 130-meter beam distance
● The adaptability of the PL-Mini 2 with red laser accuracy
● Quick and easy to install. Attach or remove from your tactical equipment in the manner of seconds
● Charges fully by the included MCC Special Edition cable in just an hour
The Baldr RL Mini is an ultra-compact white light and red beam combo, integrating the compatibility of the PL-Mini 2 and the accuracy of the Baldr RL. Baldr RL Mini delivers 600-lumens and 130-meters of bright white light along with a highly visible red beam for greater accuracy. Baldr RL Mini is much smaller than Baldr RL, making it perfect for concealed carry. The red laser helps achieve greater accuracy and the easy to use switch gives you even more options; white light only, red beam only, or both combined. Powered by a built-in lithium polymer battery and rechargeable through the signature magnetic charging port on the bottom of the light. Patented Sliding Rail Mount design help eliminate structural differences to be more compatible while being easily adjustable. The quick attach and release mount and the dual rear switch make the Baldr RL Mini extremely easy to manipulate. The low battery indicator alerts you when it is time to recharge. The dual rear switches can be pressed by either hand conveniently allowing smooth activation in any situation. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
New from Olight is a super compact high lumen weapon light with the addition of an integrated red laser. The Baldr RL Mini. This compact pistol light is designed for use on compact and sub-compact pistols. While still delivering fuel size power from the LED. 600 lumen and a 130 meter throw to be exact.
Read the full review here:
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this flashlight has blown me away. It's the new OLIGHT BALDR rl MINI.
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Indroducing the new Olight Baldr RL weapons light with laser sight. One day only Friday March 27th 2020 FLASH SALE!!
Purchase link:
Flash Sale Date: March 27th, Whole day EDT
1. Baldr RL Black/ Desert Tan, 30% OFF, MAP: $; Sales price:$
Baldr RL Gunmetal Grey Limited edition, 30% OFF, MAP: $; Sales price:$
2. Bundle: Baldr RL Black/ Desert Tan+ i5T CU 40% OFF (MAP: $; Sales price:$), limit 2 per person
Bundle: Baldr RL Gunmetal Grey Limited edition + i5T CU 40% OFF (MAP: $; Sales price:$), limit 2 per person
3. i5T EOS CU (Limited Edition) 25% OFF, MAP: $; Sales price:$
4. Free gifts:
a. Spend over $99 get 1pc i3UV EOS (MAP: $) for free;
b. Spend over $199 get 1pc S2R Baton II (MAP: $) for free
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I recently got my hands on a Baldr RL Mini from Olight and wanted to give my first impressions, and explain why I like this option for my subcompact firearms. This gun light is easy to install, has an internal battery which in more convenient than replacing batteries, and fits most firearms.
Here is the description from OLight…
High visibility red laser and 600-lumen white light combo featuring a 130-meter beam distance
● The adaptability of the PL-Mini 2 with red laser accuracy
● Quick and easy to install. Attach or remove from your tactical equipment in the manner of seconds
● Charges fully by the included MCC Special Edition cable in just an hour
As I said in the video this works great for my Walther P22, but I had to add an SHR9 rail adaptor to my M&P Shield in order to attach the Balder Mini. It’s available on Amazon (Affiliate Link) Here:
If you are interested in the Baldr RL Mini, OLight has given me a coupon code for 10% off. Just use SPOlight at checkout. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
OLIGHT Baldr IR Eye-safe IR Beam Emitter Tactical Neutral White LED Flashlight 1350 Lumens 260-meter Beam Distance Tail Switch Rail-mounted Light For Night-Hunting Tatical Self-defense Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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TAN BALDR RL MINI GIVEAWAY: To enter - SUBSCRIBE to this channel, LIKE this video, and leave ONE comment below letting us know if you prefer a red or green laser. Winner picked next week!
Get yours and so much more up to 30% off starting this Thursday, April 15 at 8:00 PM until April 16 at midnight Eastern time! Click the link above to make your wish list for Thursday now!
The Baldr Mini has been a monumental addition to the WML industry with its 600-lumen white light and integrated laser inside the reflector itself. The fact that the adjustable rail adapter can fit on subcompact rails is an absolute game-changer. We have received tons of requests for a red laser version, and we have delivered! The Baldr Mini RL features increased runtimes over the green version and the most precise red laser dot on the market at a huge discount during this sale! Your safety and accuracy in a stressful situation are what counts, an addition like this to your carry can easily be considered priceless. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight BALDR RL - Does It Fit In a Holster For BALDR Pro?
Does the BALDR RL fit into your BALDR Pro holster? We test it out in our M6 IWB holster with a Glock 19.
Find Your Light-Bearing Holster:
As a thank you for visiting, download our low-light guide: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Glock 19 Gen 3 9x19 W/ OLIGHT BALDR RL , Pearce Grip Plus 2 Mag Extension, Glock Night Sights & More
*Olight BALDR Mini 600ルーメン フラッシュライト
✔長さ5.7センチ、重さ87グラムで超コンパクト ハンドガンに最適
公式ストア👉?streamerId=1431873600232415247&channel=Youtube Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
(BLACK FRIDAY!!!) Olight BALDR RL Mini Laser Tactical Flashlight Review
Unboxing Review and some hands on testing of the Olight BALDR RL Mini laser Tactical Flashlight.
(The Small Print:The above link is a affiliate link. I am paid a small finder’s fee from the product in question. You don’t pay any extra for the product and you help support the channel. Thanks!) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
OLIGHT BALDR MINI ON SIG, GLOCK, & BERETTA #shorts #guns #collection
Sig P320, Glock 19X, and Beretta M9A4, they all have Olight's
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First look at Olight's new BALDR RL. Quick walk through of the new light/laser combo from Olight. First impressions are that this light is definitely worth some consideration if you are looking for a light/laser combo. Let us know what you think.
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Olight Baldr Pro RL Weapon Light Laser Combo: Review & 40% Off Sale
A full and detailed review of the new and improved Baldr Pro Red Laser Light. Maybe the best weapon light and It's under $100 on March 27 2020 only. Click the link below to pick one up.
Olight Flashlight link
Use The Permanent 10% OFF Code: outlaw10
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New Olight Baldr Pro R 1350 Lumen Weapon Light & Laser Review
Black Friday Sale Nov 24 8pm -29 EST Get the Baldr Pro R 35-45% off
Sootch00 Discount doesn't work during flash sale events
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Instagram: Sootch_00
Music is from Jingle Punks and Epidemic Sounds Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Baldr Mini RL - Maximum Features, Miniature Price! - New Flashlight/Laser Combo!
In this video we take a deep dive into the brand new BALDR Mini RL by Olight. This is a relatively new light and laser combo from Olight featuring a 600 lumen flashlight with a 130 meter throw, a red laser and magnetic charging. In this video we do an unboxing, discuss the features, and get outdoor impressions.
#Olight #BaldrMiniRL #Flashlight
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Video Timeline
0:00 - Olight Baldr Mini RL
0:30 - TL;DR
1:00 - Introduction
1:32 - Features
5:52 - Bottom Line Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Baldr Mini (green laser+flashlight combo) on Glock 19 gen 3
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● LED & Red Laser: High visibility red laser and 600-lumen white light combo featuring a 130-meter beam distance
● Easy Operation: Activate the light with an ambidextrous rear switch with your fingertips. Easily switch modes with a quick flip
● Adjustable Rail: Slide the rail adapter back and forth freely to fix the light in the desired position
● Quick & Compatible: Quick attach and release within one second. Compatible with both Glock (insert already installed) and Picatinny sized rails (included in the package) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight BALDR RL Mini, Flashlight/Laser Review, 20- 30% Off April Sale
***April Sale Info Below***
Sale Date: 8:00 PM April 15th - 11:59 PM April 16th EDT.
Sale Link:
Discount Code (10% Off Non Sale items): WAJK10
***Sale Highlights***
Baldr RL Mini Black or Desert Tan: 20% OFF
Baldr RL Mini Desert Tan + i5T EOS Stardust: 30% OFF
Baldr RL mini Black+ Obulb Pink / Baton 3 Premium Orange: 30% OFF
Baton 3 Premium Orange: 30% OFF
Warrior X Pro Desert Sunset: 20% OFF
M2R Pro Warrior Ocean Camo: 20% OFF
M2R Pro Warrior Ocean Camo + Baton 3 Premium Orange: 30% OFF
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5 Inch butcher Knife:
Elk Ridge Butchering Kit:
Estwing Carpenter's Hatchet:
Klein Tools Electrician Knife:
Milwaukee Fastback Utility Knife:
Milwaukee Fastback, Compact:
Butcher’s Choice Defender Cleaver (Heavy Meat Cleaver 10 Inch Blade):
Tramontina 12 Inch Blade Machete:
Imacasa 14.5 Inch Blade Panga Machete:
SAS Survival Guide, Pocket Edition:
Eneloop Pro AA Rechargeable Batteries (4):
Road Pro Weighted Tire Checker:
Cold Steel Brooklyn Slammer:
Collagen Hot Chocolate Powder (Collagen is a protein containing a variety amino acids which are beneficial for strong nails, hair, skin, and muscle development):
Knife VLOG #8: Inexpensive But Effective Tactical Knives:
Victorinox Hercules Swiss Knife, Review:
Victorinox One Hand Trekker Knife Review:
Victorinox Outrider Swiss Knife, Full Review:
Leatherman Free K2 Multitool Review:
My Trench Shank:
Blunt Impact Weapons Collection!
Jeo-Tec Model 39 Fixed Blade Knife Review:
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Sale link -
GIVEAWAY - Subscribe to this channel, Like this video, and leave ONE comment below with your favorite Olight weapon light to enter to win a free black Baldr RL ($ VALUE)!!!!
The Baldr RL, the red laser version of the Baldr Pro is on sale this Friday the 27th ONLY in extremely limited gunmetal grey (3,000 made worldwide) or standard Black and Desert Tan. Get your Baldr RL with the limited edition I5T in solid copper for 40% off (Save up to $)! Set a calendar reminder so you don't miss out on these amazing lights on sale this Friday only!
Bundle - Baldr RL (Gunmetal Grey, Black, or Desert Tan) + I5T in Solid Copper - 40% off
I5T in solid copper by itself - 25% off
Spend $99 or more - Get a free I3UV light automatically for free!
Spend $199 or more - Get a free S2R Baton II light automatically for free! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
OLIGHT Flash Sale : 8:00 PM April 15th - 11:59 PM April 16th EDT
COUPON CODE: musty10
(Coupon Code works during sales on non-sale listings ONLY)
Today we are talking about the Baldr RL Mini and Olights flash sale. We’ve covered several of their sales now that have ranged from the PL-PRO Valkyrie, the M2R Pro Warrior, Seeker 2 Pro, the i5T EOS, M1T Raider Plus, and now the Baldr RL Mini. I cover everything in the video, but let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for watching, take care.
Check us out on Instagram
@Musty Yeti
@Olight World
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: LRDQLCUAF5RIRPTP Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Learn more - ?streamerId=1428232770322472966&channel=YT2&utm_source=ol_yt
BALDR SERIES GIVEAWAY (winner gets choice) - 3 simple rules to enter:
1. SUBSCRIBE to this channel
2. LIKE this video (thumbs up)
3. Leave ONE comment below with your favorite Baldr Series light!
The Olight Baldr series is a must-have on your setup to increase accuracy during high-stress situations, and of course help you identify targets when it's dark. You can't go wrong with any of them, but it's smart to weigh the pros and cons based on your needs and usage scenarios. Enjoy the video and use the code Olight10 at checkout on our website!
Rail adapters:
Recover tactical -
Tactical development -
Holster recommendations:
Werkz -
Kobra Kydex -
Colorado Kydex - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
🔦Olight Baldr RL Weapon Light With Red Laser Flash Sale
The flash sale starts just after midnight on the 27th and lasts only 1 day here:
Slow is smooth shirt:
Nine Line Apparel Shirts: (discount code MRGUNS20):
1776 United shirts: (use code Mrgunsngear for 20% off):
My Amazon store:
Music by Machinima & Epidemic Sound
Disclaimer: These videos are strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Imitation or the use of anything demonstrated in my videos is done AT YOUR OWN RISK. All work on firearms should be carried out by a licensed individual and all state and federal rules apply to such. We (including YouTube) will not be held liable for any injury to yourself or damage to your firearms resulting from attempting anything shown in any our videos. I do not endorse any specific product and this video is not an attempt to sell you a good or service. I am not a gun shop and DO NOT sell or deal in Firearms. Such a practice is heavily regulated and subject to applicable laws. I DO NOT sell parts, magazines, or firearms. These videos are free to watch and if anyone attempts to charge for this video notify us immediately. By viewing or flagging this video you are acknowledging the above.
Fair Use: In the rare instance I include someone else’s footage it is covered in Fair Use for Documentary and Educational purposes with intention of driving commentary and allowing freedom of speech. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Baldr Mini vs Baldr S - HandPew Rail Light Breakdown
Available @ Longhorn Tactical -
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Longhorn Tactical - $
Baldr Mini -
Longhorn Tactical - $
Baldr S -
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#olight #olightflashlight #olightbaldr Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Тип - пошуковий, джерело світла - LED, дальність світлового потоку - 350 м, яскравість - 330 люмен, елементи живлення - вбудований акумулятор, вага - 1048 г....
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