Ліхтар Olight I5T EOS - новий представник популярної лінійки EOS, що включає в себе компактні повсякденні ліхтарі.
I5T - "старша" версія I3T і відрізняється більш ємним форматом батареї AA. Вибір формату АА дозволив зробити ліхтар дуже компактним і зручним при зберіганні в кишені брюк.
Оптична система представлена поєднанням світлодіода з TIR-лінзою, що забезпечує широкий промінь світла яскравістю 300 люмен. Управління ліхтарем просте і здійснюється за допомогою торцевої кнопки, яка здатна активувати один з двох режимів роботи: на 300 і на 15 люмен.
Новинка успадкувала високі стандарти ударо і вологостійкості, завдяки яким ліхтар переживе падіння з висоти до 1.5 метрів і перебування під водою до 2-х метрів. Вирішивши купити ліхтар Olight I5T EOS - користувач отримає якісний освітлювальний прилад, який завжди буде під рукою.
Фонарь предоставлен для обзора официальным дилером фонарей Olight в России.
Промокод на скидку “SERJ32”
Источник света — светодиод Philips LUXEON.
Срок службы светодиода — 50000 часов (около 5 лет).
Мощность светового потока: 300 люмен.
Дальность светового потока: 60 метров.
Интенсивность светового потока: 910 Candela.
Линза - акриловая TIR оптика.
Количество режимов — 2: 300, 15 люмен.
Питание: 1 х alkaline АА или 1 x Lithium АА 3,0 В. или 1 х NI-MH АА 1,2 В. (1 шт. alkaline АА в комплекте).
Метрическая анодированная резьба, обеспечивает долгий срок службы.
Прочный эргономичный корпус выполнен из медного сплава, который подвержен окислению на воздухе.
Удобная накатка корпуса в виде спирали позволяет держать фонарь даже в мокрых руках.
Съемная двухсторонняя клипса для крепления на кармане или кепке для использования как налобный фонарь.
Ударозащита по стандарту FL1 Standart (падения с высоты до 1,5 метров).
Повышенная герметичность корпуса по стандарту IPX-8 ( погружение под воду не более 2х метров на 30 мин) - при условии наличие уплотнительных колец на корпусе фонаря, смазанные силиконовой смазкой.
Сертифицирован по европейским стандартам CE и RoHS Certification.
Габариты: 17,8 мм. x 95 мм
Вес: 60 г. (без батареей)
Комплектация: Фонарь Olight i3T EOS Cu Copper, 1 алкалиновая батарейки ААА, клипса, упаковка.
Время работы (1 x AA alkaline):
High 300~150~30 люмен - 3 минуты ~ 25 минут ~ 122 минуты (60 метров)
Low 15 люмен — 20 часов (12 метров) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight I5T EOS: зручний ліхтар на кожен день | Ліхтарі | Ібіс
Ліхтар на кожен день однозначно має бути компактним. Olight має гігантский досвід у цій галузі та розробила справді зручний ліхтар - I5T EOS, про який і піде мова у цьому відео.
#olight #i5t Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this short, the rechargeable battery of the Olight i5r is dropped into the i5t.
If you would like to support the channel and/or you would like a discount on Olight products, use the 10% Coupon Code: PME10
Link to Olight store: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video I'll show you what happens if you put a 14500 battery in an I5T EOS light and I'll share some of my thoughts. Enjoy!
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Feel free to use " jiujitsu2000 " as your coupon code to get a discount... :-) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Miss TOK featuring Olight newest limited edition color OD Green i5T EOS flashlight.
Tuxedo Multitool Push Up + SLIM Flashlight + Keypster
SHOP more gear that fits the i5T and similar sized AA lights here:
Belt Loop sizing is for a standard 1.5 inch wide belt.
Multitool Push Up known to fit: Leatherman Free P2 or P4, Wave+, Signal, Rebar or Spyderco Para 3
+ Flashlight small Olight i3t EOS, Olight i5T, Streamlight Microstream and similar sized AA flashlights no more than 4 inches in length.
+ Keypster fits normal sized key rings
+ Pen fits Fisher Space Bullet pen and similar diameter/length pens
From the Maker!
100% handmade - hand cut, hand dyed and hand stitched
Quality leather - Full grain American tanned cow hides create a unique patina in time
Hand dyed - giving each and every item a unique appeal full of character
Tiger Thread - known for its strength and durability
Handcrafted leather gear made using traditional methods from a family owned and crafted small business.
Find it at
Sunday 7/20/20 8:00 PM during their 25% Flash Sale.
Use Code: TOKOLIGHT for 10% off NON - SALE items.
The i5T EOS is the perfect minimalist light carry putting out a decent 300 lumens at its brightest andweighing in at a ounces and conveniently powered by a AA battery.
#edc #everydaycarry #edcgear #olight #olightworld
#flahslight #gear Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Battery 🔋 2.4V (1420mAh) for the I5T EOS Copper. Replace Alkaline!
Tired of Feeding your I5T Alkaline batteries ? Replace it with Olight’s rechargeable 14500 (1420mAh) Battery!
#olight #ofan #edc #unboxing #everydaycarry #flashlight #battery #lithiumbattery #lithium #alkaline
@olightworld Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight i5T EOS EDC flashlight. Light up the dark!
Full video here:
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OLIGHT i5T WITH 3.7 BATTERY 1,200+ LUMENS #shorts #24
Який ліхтар обрати на кожен день? У цьому відео ми розкажемо про невеличкий Olight I5R EOS з можливістю підзарядки. Незначна вартість, зручний форм-фактор та варіативність має привернути увагу любителів EDC інструментів.
#olight #edc #ібіс Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Taschenlampe Olight I5T - (inkl Rabattaktion am 29.05.2020)
In diesem Video stelle ich euch die Taschenlampe I5T EOS von Olight vor, welche für Sportschützen und Jäger ein idealer Begleiter ist.
↓ Weitere Infos zum Olight Sale am und meine Empfehlungen ↓
► Olight Taschenlampen (im Sale am ):
Infos zum Olight Sale am :
Nur am erhalten Sie 30% Rabatt auf Seeker 2 Pro Blau, €
Nur am erhalten Sie 40% Rabatt auf Seeker 2 Pro Blau+I5T Desert Tan Bundle, €
Nur am erhalten Sie 25% Rabatt auf I5T EOS Desert Tan, €
Nur am erhalten Sie 30% S1RII Lila, €
Nur am erhalten Sie 40% Rabatt auf S1RII purple+I1R2 Deset Tan Bundle, €
Nur am von 19:00 bis 21:00 erhalten Sie 40% Rabatt auf X7R, €
über 135€ eine I1R2 GRATIS
über 265€ eine Array GRATIS
über 395€ eine Warrior X GRATIS
Die Aktion für O-Fan Club Silver Level- und UP-Kunden beginnt zwei Tage früher - am 27. Mai
Melden Sie sich an und legen Sie am 29. Mai ein kostenloses Bandana in Ihren Warenkorb.
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Danke für eure Unterstützung! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight i5T every day carry flashlight #edc #lumens #light #olight #minimalist #budget #mashup
The i5T EOS COPPER is a tail switch EDC flashlight powered by a single AA battery with an amazing max output of 300 lumens. It features a double helix body knurling for an attractive appearance, unique style, excellent ventilation, and solid grip. It is equipped with a high-performance LED paired with a PMMA optic lens producing a soft and balanced beam for comfortable use. It also features a dual direction pocket clip for multiple carrying options such as a pocket, backpack strap, or hat brim as a headlamp in seconds for a hands-free experience, making the flashlight incredibly convenient to take with you everywhere.
(For Malaysia local seller)
Please like and subscribe my channel to make me excited for more videos
mini flashlight small led flashlight Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
What is the difference between the i3T and i5T? Or the i5T and the i5R? What is high CRI? Which is the brightest? Let's talk a look at all the model names and types of Olight's great alkaline battery flashlight lineup!
10% OFF Coupon code: CFR10
The coupon Code is not valid on sale items, nor the X9R.
Below are some highlights of August Sale event:
Free Gift! When you log in to Olightstore, you'll be entitled to get a free i3E EOS (Stellar Blue)
* Warrior 3S Ti (Black Stonewash) 3000PCS
The crafted titanium body offers unparalleled strength and durability. Max 1850 LM.
When the light is blocked by a nearby object, the proximity sensor will work and then dims the brightness automatically.
Special Offers!
* Up to 50% off the entire line!
* In the DIY bundle area, Instant up to 40% off when you buy three or more.
00:00 - Intro
01:51 - i3E AAA Light
02:53 - i5T vs i5R
07:03 - UI for i5T i5R
07:38 - UI for i3E
08:19 - Lumen Testing i3E i5T i5R
10:25 - i5R High CRI Version
13:44 - Special i3T and i5R for August Sale
15:53 - i3 vs i5 beam shape
16:57 - Lumen Test i3T vs i5R
17:35 - i5R vs i5T Plus
19:18 - CW vs NW vs WW
20:28 - Conclusion
21:31 - Get your free i3E! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#olight #sale #jiujitsu2000
In this video Olight is having a flash sale with the release of the new Olantern. Enjoy!
My Coupon code: jiujitsu2000
My affiliate link:
My Coupon Code will work during sales on non-sale listings ONLY.
Flash sale date: 8:00pm October 22nd -11:59pm October 23rd EDT, lasting 28 hours;
VIP customers(above Silver) will have the early access to our Flash Sale from October 20th EDT.
Main promoting products are as below:
Basalt Grey, Wine Red or Moss Green, 30% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Bundle: Olantern Basalt Grey, Wine Red or Moss Green+ i3T EOS (ODG), 40% off (MAP: $; Sale s price:$);
X Pro Red, Green or Blue(Limited Edition), 30% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Bundle: Warrior X Pro Red, Green or Blue(Limited Edition)+ i5T EOS(ODG), 40% off (MAP: $; Sale s price:$)
Olantern(Basalt Grey)+ Warrior X Pro(Blue), 40% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Olantern(Wine Red)+ Warrior X Pro(Red), 40% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Olantern(Moss Green)+ Warrior X Pro(Green), 40% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$);
2CU(Limited Edition), 25% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Ti (Limited Edition), 25% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
PACK, 40% off
Mega Pack A: Olantern(Moss Green) + Warrior X Pro(Red)+ i5T Ti + O Pen 2 CU+i3T ODG, (MAP: $; Sales price:$);
Mega Pack B: Olantern(Wine Red) + Olantern(Basalt Grey) + Warrior X Pro (Blue) +i5T Ti + O Pen 2 CU, (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Over $99 get a FREE I3E (MAP: $)
Over $199 get a FREE M1T Plus DT (MAP: $)
Over $359 get a FREE Warrior X (MAP: $)
Note: Free tier gift can't be stacked.
Free O-Refill set for customers who bought Open 2 before October 19, 2020, at 9 AM EDT. Shipping is free only for the first order.
Free O-Refill set for customers who ever bought Open 2. Free shipping for orders over $49.
O-Refill is available until 2022
(II)The Features of main new lights for your reference:
1. The white light LED module and flaming LED module are replaceable for fun and versatile illumination.
2. Motion-sensitive battery indicator, fading on and off to help locate lantern in the darkness
3. Maximum 360 lumens output
4. Magnetic charging
5. Three colors available, basalt grey, moss green, and wine red
Warrior X Pro
1. Incredible 2,100-lumen output and 500-meter throw
2. With a sturdy heavy-duty build, enough to endure a harsh 3-meter drop test
3. Using a powerful customized 5000mAh 21700 lithium battery
4. Magnetic charging
5. Three Limited Edition colors for your choice, including Red, Green, and Blue.
Open 2 Cu
1. Unlimited access to Free O-Refill
2. Pen and Light 2-in-1
3. Upgraded L-type smooth bolt action
4. Limited Edition in Copper
5. Built-in rechargeable lithium-polymer battery
Jiujitsu2000 UNFILTERED:
Donations for Jiujitsu2000:
Want to contact me? jiujitsu2000@
I wear an XL t-shirt
Need a solid flashlight? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This 10%off coupon code can be used when checkout but cannot use to purchase the sales torch and X9R
● Max 300-lumen output and 60-meter beam distance
● Anti-slip Experience: tail switch with pearled silicone surface
● Quick Mode Switch: all in one tail switch
● Hands-free Experience: comes with a dual direction clip Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this short video we check out the Autism Awareness i5T available during the Olight 16th Anniversary Sale.
The sale will be held from April 18th 20:00 EDT to April 22nd 23:59 EDT.
If you'd like to support my channel and grab a new light, please use the below affiliate links:
Olight Store Homepage:
i3T Dount:
i5T EOS (Autism Awareness Edition):
The coupon Code is not valid on sale items, nor the X9R.
10% OFF Coupon code: PME10
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941 West I35 Frontage Rd Ste. 116 # 223
Edmond, OK 73034
#olight #flashlight #torch #edc #everydaycarry #camping Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video, I unbox and review the Olight i5T EOS, a compact and durable flashlight that is perfect for everyday carry, camping, and hiking. If you're looking for a high-quality flashlight that won't break the bank, the i5T EOS is definitely worth checking out. Made from aluminum alloy with a sleek black finish, this flashlight is both user-friendly and powerful. It comes with a pocket clip for easy portability, and its tail switch makes it easy to operate even with one hand. I'll take you through all of its features, including its multiple modes, long-lasting battery, and durable construction.
During my testing, I took the flashlight outside at night and tested its brightness, beam distance, and battery life, so you can see how it performs in the real world. And if you're an outdoor enthusiast, you'll appreciate its ruggedness and water-resistant design. Overall, I was impressed with the i5T EOS and think it's a great value for the price. If you're interested in purchasing one for yourself, you can find it on the Olight website Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Shalom Everyone! ❤️
Today we're unboxing the Olight i3T and taking a look at how it compares to the Olight i5T & i5R, as well as the i3T-Plus and the s1R Baton 2.
If you want to watch the Victorinox Climber Unboxing, here's the link to that video:
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OD GREEN FLASHLIGHT!!! (the Olight i5T eos OD Green)
Taking a look at a simple flashlight, but FINALLY a light in OD Green!!! Dudes this simple light goes on sale this monday 7/20/2020 25% off. If and only if you want to help support the channel click the affiliate link below and get you a sweet light on sale!
Thank you for stopping by CACTICALMAIN! make sure to subscribe for more! Hey if you feel like supporting the channel click on any of the links below. Dont have to buy whats linked, you can buy anything and it will help out the channel! Thank you very much!
Olight products-
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Clean you dang tools- =as_li_qf_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=cactusmain-20&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B00109AAN2&linkId=55d642a6dd28d11688efdd2bf9d1cf16
Interested in sending items for review? email cacticalmain@ Sorry at this time we are not set up to receive mail from fans, businesses only.
Warning cacticalmain is a professional idiot, do not take anything said as legal advise. Safety is your responsibility. Know what you are doing before you do it. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Follow me on Patreon.
Discount Codes:
Olight - FBE10
Ekster - FBEDC
Lever Gear - FBE10
Wuben - FBE10
OdenWolf - FBE10
My Affiliate Links:
Olight -
Alpaka Gear -
Bastion -
Ekster -
Grim Workshop - ?sca_ref=
Lever Gear - ?ref=5744
Refyne -
Wuben -
Imalent -
Artisan Cutlery -
WE Knife -
Viper Tec -
OdenWolf -
What’s in my current EDC:
Chaves Ti Wallet
Microtech Standard Issue
Imalent LD70 Mini EDC
Alpaka Gear Bravo Sling Max
Ace Of Hanks
AirPod Pros
#FloridaBoyEDC #unboxing #review #EDC #everydaycarry Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight i5T EOS in 100% brass - Quick Look - It's BEAUTIFUL!
In this video I'll take a quick look at the Olight i5t EOS in BRASS! It's a beautiful light and I'm sure it'll sale out fast! Enjoy!
i5T Brass
-Using a single AA battery with max 300-lumen output
-A dual-direction pocket clip makes it perfect for hands-free use
-Double helix body knurling provides excellent ventilation and solid grip
-Simple tail switch operation
-Limited edition in Brass, perfect gift for your loved ones
Jiujitsu2000 UNFILTERED:
Donations for Jiujitsu2000:
Want to contact me? jiujitsu2000@
I wear an XL t-shirt
Need a solid flashlight?
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#flashlight #olight #perunmini
In this video I'll give you a quick look at the new color on the Olight i5T EOS. It's one of my favorite EDC lights to carry. If you want to see my full review, please check out my link below! Enjoy!!
Perun Mini:
S2R Baton II:
Seeker 2:
Olight playlist:
Here’s the Father’s Day flash sale details:
Flash sale date: 8pm June 21st -12am June 23rd EDT, lasting 28 hours
Free Gift: Keychain Multi-tool, need to click the Facebook or Email share button to complete the sharing, and it will be automatically added to your cart .
1---Perun Mini Black 30% off,(MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Perun Mini Orange(Limited edition) 30% off,(MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Only 1 dollar more to get a Perun mini+headband bundle.
2---S2R Baton II Desert Tan(Limited Edition) 30% off,(MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Bundle:S2R Baton II Desert Tan + i5T DT 40% off, (MAP: $107.9; Sales price:$)
3---i5T Gunmetal Grey(Limited Edition) 25% off,(MAP:$, Sale Price:$)
All listings above are limited 2 per person, except i5T Gunmetal Grey
S2R Baton II Purple (Limited Edition) Date: 8pm June 21st EDT - 12am June 24th EDT, 52 hours
4---S2R Baton II Purple 30% off,(MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Bundle:S2R II Purple+ i5T GR 40% off, (MAP:$; Sales price: $)
5---S2R II Purple + S2R II Desert Tan 40% off, (MAP:$; Sales Price: $),LIMIT 1 PER PERSON
3. Free Tiers:
1) Over $119 get a FREE i5T EOS desert tan(MAP: $)
2) Over $219 get a FREE H1R (Headband included) (MAP: $ )
3) Over $319 get a FREE SEEKER 2 (MAP: $ )
PS:If you buy a Odin Bundle DT or MEGA PACK, you will get a i5T DT for FREE, or buy more to get higher tier free gift.
Coupon Code ( jiujitsu2000 ) will work during sales on non-sale listings ONLY.
Jiujitsu2000 UNFILTERED:
Donations for Jiujitsu2000:
Want to contact me? jiujitsu2000@
I wear an XL t-shirt
Need a solid flashlight?
. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Фонарь - Olight Фонарь светодиодный тактический Olight i3T EOS
🤝сотрудничество - punkezzzzz@
📷Instagram- punkezzzzz
Группа в ВК - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I recently upgraded my pocket flashlight from the i3t EOS up to the i5t. The Olight i5t EOS is a great light. Simple, affordable, reliable flashlight. I am a genuine fan of most of Olight products and this unit is near the top of the list for me.
#olight #i5t #edc
Link to purchase (not affiliated) -
IG: FloridianThoughtCriminal
Tiktok: FloridianThoughtCriminal
Time Stamp:
0:00 Intro
0:14 About the light
0:39 Specs & Modes
1:08 Weight
1:11 Size
1:22 Throw & Drop rating
1:26 Waterproofing & test
1:53 Pocket Clip
2:03 Why the i5t?
2:36 Other uses
2:55 Pros of AA battery
3:43 Night footage in use
4:50 Final- Is it any good?
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Flashlight Specs (from olight website)--
Beam Distance (ft) 196
Beam Distance (m) 60
Max. Performance (lumens) 300
Powered By AA Alkaline Battery (included) X 1 AA NiMH Battery (compatible) Note: NOT compatible with Li-ion Battery
Light Intensity (candela) 910
Light Form Wide/broad hotspot. Perfect for up close illumination.
Lens / Reflector Type TIR reflector
Mode Operation Tail Switch
Unique Characteristics Powerful for its size: Compact and lightweight, powered by a convenient and widely available single AA battery, it delivers a max output of 300 lumens and a max throw of 60 meters. Unique style:Double helix body knurling is designed for unique style, excellent ventilation and solid grip. Highly integrated tail switch: The user can operate momentary on and quick mode shifting (15/300 lumens) all through a convenient tail switch. Smooth and Easy Operation: The tail switch features a built-in spring, making the pressure smooth and just right; Embedded with small pearls silicone surface, the switch provides an anti-slip pressing experience. Versatile Carry Options: The dual direction pocket clip makes it convenient to carry the flashlight in a pocket or attach to a hat brim or backpack strap for hands-free experience. With a lanyard hole, the clip can accept a diameter lanyard cord.
LEVEL 1 (lumens) 300~150~30 lumens
Run-time LEVEL 1 3+25+122 minutes
LEVEL 2 (lumens) 15
Run-time LEVEL 2 20h
Strobe No
Waterproof IPX8
Weight (g / oz) 60/ (including pocket clip and battery)
Length (mm / in) 95/
Head Diameter (mm / in) 17.8/ 0.7
Body Diameter (mm / in) 17.8/ 0.7
Light Source High Performance Cool White LED
Packaging Carton box
Use Everyday carry, gift
In The Box Flashlight (Battery Included) x 1 Pocket Clip X 1 User Manual X 1 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Today we check out the i5T EOS from Olight and I let you know why it's replaced every other as my new, NEW favorite EDC light!
Got five minutes?
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C'était le moment d'en profiter, du 24 au 28 août, il y avait plein de promos chez Olight et donc plein de nouveaux modèles en test dans cette vidéo, j'ai tout fait d'un coup ça évitera de faire du blabla inutile ! 😉
Petit plan du site :
0:00 ... introduction
1:20 ... la S1R Baton 2 "Orange" (la plus attendue)
7:35 ... la i5T eos "Violet" (la très désirée)
10:00 ... la i3T eos "OD vert" (la petite dernière)
11:40 ... la i1R 2 eos "vert menthe" (la plus riquiqui)
14:55 ... la O'Pen 2 (la petite grande nouveauté)
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A short Introduction to the Olight i5T EOS, including some indoor and outdoor Beamshots.
The light for the video was provided by Ruyu Trade EU, so i have to declare it as advertisement. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Lumintop AA 2.0 is made of copper material
Gold plated stainless steel pocket clip
Indicator light, easy to find light in the dark (only works for 14500 Li-ion batteries)
Using Cree XP-L HD LED or Nichia 219C LED with a life expectancy of 50,000 hours
Powered by one AA Li-ion battery or a 14500 rechargeable battery
Two ways to select the output: Tail switch or rotate head
Four output levels plus Strobe with a maximum output of 650 lumens
The mode memory function reminds the output of the last use when turned on next time
Very long operating time up to 2.5 days in Low mode
Lightweight and compact, best for EDC use
Size: 89.5 * , NW .: 60g (battery not included)
IP68 rated dustproof and waterproof, submersible up to 2 meters
Discount code: BGLMTB
The olight i5t powered by only a single AA battery and equipped with a simple tail switch to operate momentary/constant on (2 modes: max 300 lumens)
The tail switch features a built-in spring, making the pressure smooth and just right; Embedded with small pearls silicone surface, the switch provides an anti-slip pressing experience
Powered by a single AA battery with an amazing max output of 300 lumens, the i5T EOS takes up barely any space in the pocket for easy carrying on the go.
It features a double helix body knurling for attractive appearance, unique style, excellent ventilation, and solid grip
The user can operate momentary on and quick mode shifting (15/300 lumens) all through a convenient tail switch
The i5T EOS can be carried in a pocket or attached to a hat brim or backpack strap for a hands-free experience
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Olight i3t with 10440 vs. Warrior Mini 2 High Mode
In this short, the Olight i3t with a 10440 Lithium Rechargeable Cell is compared to the 500 lumen high mode of the Warrior Mini 2. Can the tiny light possibly complete? The 10440 battery used in the i3t is from PK Cell.
If you would like to support the channel and/or you would like a discount on Olight products, use the 10% Coupon Code: PME10
Link to Olight store: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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MMaxlvledc is a channel dedicated to exploring the #tools we carry every day. I will be discussing bags, #flashlights, #knives, #multitools, #pens, #wallets, key organizers, pry tools, functional clothing, #watches, electronics, and much more. Because I also love to modify these items, there will be videos on tools such as #screwdrivers, #pliers, #scissor, #wrenches, and #power-tools .
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I will use affiliate links whenever possible. Using these links allows me to continue to make content for this channel. Thanks so much for your help!
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LED Flashlight Full Review, The Olight i5T, it's small but surprisingly powerful!
This is the full review of the Olight i5T LED Flashlight.
For more information, to buy Olight products or to
(This is an affiliate link, so it costs you nothing to buy from this link, but a small portion of the sales goes to support the It's Tipp Topp Fishing channel)
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OLight i5T EOS CU vs M2R Pro Warrior vs Warrior X Pro & i3UV EOS Review
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Olight Quality
If you are not familiar with Olight, they are a tactical flashlight manufacturer that builds high-end flashlights at a good price. They have great charging platforms and have mounts to put lights on guns with pressure switches.
Olight is not a cheap knockoff brand. These lights are backed by a 5-year warranty and promise. They take care of their customers and have flash sales often. They will advertise the flash sale well in advance so you know what is coming and at what price. Our experience with Olight has been fantastic overall and we believe yours will be also. If for any reason it is not, we want to know about it!
Olight i5T EOS CU
The Olight i5T EOS CU is an everyday carry sized light that is powerful for its size. It is powered by single AA battery and delivers a max output of 300 lumens with a max throw of 60 meters. This light is operated by a tail switch only. The user can operate momentary on and quick mode shifting (15/300 lumens) with a press or hold of that button. The dual direction pocket clip makes it convenient to carry the flashlight in a pocket or attach to a hat brim or backpack strap for a hands-free experience. With a lanyard hole, the clip can accept a diameter lanyard cord.
The Olight 15T hits me as the perfect bug-out bad light. Straight out of the box, the light is vacuum-packed and ready to be packed away for some time or used right away. The fact that it uses an AA battery for power can be a plus or negative pending how you use the light. In emergency situations, it is easier to find an AA battery than find a power outlet to charge the light.
This is an excellent close-range light. Perfect for following a trail or scoping out a building. When you get out much past 100 feet, the light is fairly faded compared to the others in the video.
This light is not overly heavy, but it is not the lightest flashlight we have ever used. It could be mounted to the bill of a baseball cap, although we feel you would know it is there.
Warrior X Pro
The Warrior X Pro is the upgraded version of Olight’s revolutionary Warrior X. The Pro version uses a 5000mAh 21700 lithium battery rather than the 18650 found in the Warrior X. The Warrior X Pro produces 2,250 lumens for up to 600 meters of throw. When the Warrior X Pro is low on battery, the flashlight will start to vibrate. The closer the vibrations become, the less battery you have remaining. To aid in charging, the Warrior X pro charges at 2A current for 100% faster charging than Warrior X.
The Warrior X Pro is a heavy-duty built light with an IPX8-rated aluminum-alloy body and fully tested and guaranteed to endure a harsh 3-meter drop test.
The Warrior X Pro features a redesigned raised tail switch that allows for easy changes between high and low beams. This is a tactical light that is ready to do the work needed if asked.
Our recommendation for this light is to use it beyond 30 feet as the light is so concentrated that it will fade out items at a distance under 30 feet. This light will throw to 600 meters and it works best when used at longer ranges, in our opinion.
M2R Pro Warrior
M2R Pro Warrior is the newest version of OLIGHT two-button straight tactical flashlight. This light was upgraded with a single 5000mAh 21700 rechargeable lithium battery and TIR lens for incredibly uniform light. The M2R Pro Warrior has a maximum output of 1800 lumens and a throw distance of 300 meters. The Included MCC will USB at 2A current.
The M2R Pro Warrior was built as a tactical light with an aggressive strike bezel. The light has six different modes; seven if you include the strobe function. The light has a tail switch and a forward switch to operate the modes. The light is simple to learn even with all the modes and functions. The smooth switches and well thought out functions set this light apart from all the others who are trying to match this quality.
The M2R Pro Warrior works very well from 5 feet all the way out to 500 feet and beyond. The TIR lens gives you a very consistent circle of light that is something none of my other much more expensive lights can produce. This would be my preferred all-around light if I had to choose one.
The i3UV is an extremely compact ultraviolet flashlight. The small flashlight is powered by a single AAA battery. The ultra-compact UV blacklight emits 395-nanometer wavelength and should not be shined in anyone’s eyes. The i3UV can be carried along to detect invisible stains, find scorpions, confirm minerals, and check money. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Make sure you buy it on May 29th so you don’t miss out!
Olight I5T EOS | AA battery | 300 Lumens
Olight I5T Torch
● Max 300-lumen output and 60-meter beam distance
● Anti-slip Experience: tail switch with pearled silicone surface
● Quick Mode Switch: all in one tail switch
● Hands-free Experience: comes with a dual direction clip
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Olight I5R EOS Pitch Black Test Compared To iPhone Flashlight
Ich bin ein großer Olight Fan und auch diese kleine Taschenlampe konnte mich überzeugen. Mit 300 Lumen ist sie definitiv nicht die hellste Taschenlampe die es so gibt, aber dennoch eine gelungene Lampe.
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Тип - пошуковий, джерело світла - LED, дальність світлового потоку - 350 м, яскравість - 330 люмен, елементи живлення - вбудований акумулятор, вага - 1048 г....
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