Для цього товару відсутній докладний опис. Форма годинника - круглі, Сумісна ОС - Android, Інтерфейси підключення - Bluetooth, ANT+, Wi-Fi, Garmin Connect, NFC, Тип дисплея - кольоровий, Діагональ дисплея - 1.1", Роздільна здатність - 218 х 218, Час автономної роботи до - до 7 днів, Вага - 40 г
Детальні характеристики:
Vivoactive 4S Silver Stainless Steel Bezel with Po
В чем разница между моделями, сильные и стороны часов. Тесты GPS, датчиков пульса, производительности в сравнение с топовыми моделями Garmin.
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Vivoactive 4 и 4S – смарт-часы с GPS-приемником, улучшенными функциями наблюдения за здоровьем и новой экранной анимацией
Яркие новинки vivoactive предлагаются в двух размерах, с диаметром дисплея 45 и 40 мм, в нескольких цветовых вариантах и с различной металлической окантовкой. Богатейший набор инновационных функций (отслеживание дыхания и менструального цикла, наблюдение за энергией Body Battery предупреждение об отклонениях частоты пульса, водного баланса и др.), а также период автономной работы свыше 8 дней делает приборы vivoactive 4/4S незаменимыми уникальными инструментами наблюдения за здоровьем и поддержания формы.
Наблюдайте за здоровьем 24 часа в сутки с часами vivoactive 4/4S благодаря встроенному пульсометру, пульсоксиметру (Pulse Ox) и монитору энергии Body Battery. Отслеживайте спортивные показатели и частоту пульса, уровень стресса, параметры сна, показатели дыхания, уровень стресса, параметры сна, менструальный цикл, водный баланс и другие важнейшие параметры состояния организма.
Инновационная функция Body Battery позволяет контролировать уровень энергии организма в любой момент времени, чтобы вы могли лучшим образом планировать время тренировки, отдыха и сна. Эта функция использует данные уровня стресса, вариабельности частоты пульса (HRV), показатели сна и спортивные нагрузки. Высокие показатели Body Battery означают, что выбранное время оптимально подходит для активных занятий, а низкие значения говорят о необходимости расслабления.
Когда приходит время ночного отдыха, расширенные показатели сна позволяют определить фазы поверхностного, глубокого и быстрого сна. Новая функция слежения за дыханием измеряет количество вдохов и выдохов в минуту. Датчик Pulse Ox определяет уровень насыщения крови кислородом во время сна. Общий анализ этих данных показывает качество сна. После пробуждения пользователи могут просмотреть статистику сна в приложении Garmin Connect.
Новшество vivoactive - анимированные тренировки, впервые реализованные в моделях vivoactive 4/4S. Эта функция предлагает наглядную демонстрацию упражнений прямо на экране часов. Свыше 40 экранных анимированных тренировок (йога и пилатес, силовые и кардиотренировки, и др.) помогут тем, кто хочет обновить привычные спортивные занятия, дополняя набор из более 20 встроенных тренировок в часах vivoactive, как с использованием GPS-приемника, так и для закрытых помещений (ходьба, бег, велоспорт, гольф, плавание в бассейне, и прочие). Хотите устроить короткий отдых? Устройства предложат новые дыхательные упражнения, которые помогут концентрации и расслаблению.
С помощью бесплатного приложения Garmin Connect можно загрузить готовые, а также создать собственные планы тренировок, получить инструкции и мотивирующие сообщения в зависимости от Ваших достижений. Готовитесь к марафону? Опция Garmin Coach предоставит Вам бесплатные планы тренировок для дистанций 5 км, 10 км и полумарафона, которые помогут в достижении поставленной цели!
МУЗЫКА в часах
Тренироваться с музыкой еще увлекательнее! Модели линейки vivoactive 4/4s позволяют загружать на часы любимые песни или списки воспроизведения, включая контент, предоставляемый музыкальными сервисами (например, Spotify и Deezer). Подключившись к беспроводным наушникам (продаются отдельно), слушайте музыку в часах без использования телефона!
Бесконтактная оплата GARMIN PAY
Система бесконтактных платежей2 Garmin Pay в моделях vivoactive 4/4s - это свобода от кошельков и банковских карт. Отправляясь на тренировку или пробежку, смело оставляйте дома неудобные платежные средства - оплачивайте покупки с помощью часов одним взмахом руки!
Совершая пробежку или велозаезд с часами vivoactive 4/4S, не теряйте связь с миром благодаря умным оповещениям от сопряженного с часами смартфона. Информация о входящих вызовах, текстовые сообщения, напоминания календаря и другие уведомления появятся на экране Ваших часов. Готовясь к гонке или долгой тренировке, заранее внесите в устройство список контактов для экстренной связи. В случае аварии или непредвиденной ситуации (для некоторых типов занятий), благодаря реализованным в часах функциям безопасности и слежения, ваши друзья и родные получат сообщение о происшествии. Загружайте тысячи бесплатных циферблатов, приложений и виджетов при помощи бесплатного приложения Connect IQ Store.
vivoactive 4: До 8 дней в режиме смарт-часов; до 6 часов в режиме GPS и музыки
vivoactive 4S: До 7 дней в режиме смарт-часов; до 5 часов в режиме GPS и музыки Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Garmin Vivoactive 4S Galaxy Grey Unboxing in 2022 | GPS | Vivoactive 4 & 4S | Galaxy Grey Color | Sports Smart watch | Best watch for athletes | Quick review after 2 years | Chroma display smart watch | Best outdoor visibility | ANT+ sensors support Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Garmin Vivoactive 4S Powder Gray/Silver Unboxing HD (010-02172-04)
This is a preview of what's in the box of Garmin Vivoactive 4S Powder Gray/Silver.
GPS smartwatch built for your active lifestyle. Product code 010-02172-04.
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Garmin Vivoactive 4S — мини-обзор крутых смартчасов с GPS. Находка для фитнеса и здоровья.
Коротко о функциях и характеристиках. Кстати, на эти умные часы сейчас нереальная скидка! Проверяйте в магазинах своего города!
Фрагменты видео отсюда: — Garmin Vivoactive 4S Smartwatch Review by "Conveyor of Randomness with Andre"
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#motonaz #smartwatch
The new Garmin Vivoactive 4 and 4s are here, and these are the watches to get for everyday folks who value a great battery life and an always on display (superhero triathletes better look at the Garmin Fenix 6).
The most notable update to the Vivoactive lineup is not a single feature, but just having two different sizes, a smaller and a larger one, making it easier to pick the right one for different sized wrists. Of course, there are also a few new features that come in handy and music is now included in all models.
We got to spend some time with the Vivoactive 4 series at IFA 2019 in Berlin, and these are our first impressions. In terms of design and style, the body of the Vivoactive 4 remains made of plastic, but the bezel is now made of stainless steel, which gives the watch a bit more of a premium feel. As usual with Garmin, it comes with an interchangeable, industry-standard quick release 18mm band.
And here is a breakdown of what's new...
Vivoactive 4 vs Vivoactive 3:
• Two sizes: 45mm for Vivoactive 4 and 40mm for 4s
• Music now comes included
• Secondary side button (to go back, also marks lap, opens menu)
• Hydration and Sweat loss tracking
• Respiration Rate, Breathwork Exercises
• Animated guided workouts for Strength, Cardio, Yoga, Pilates
• 24/7 PulseOx blood oxygen tracking
• 7-day battery life, 5 hours with GPS and Music
Price and Release Date
The Garmin Vivoactive 4 series are a logical update and with the new features also comes a bump in the price:
• Garmin Vivoactive 4/4S: $350
• Garmin Vivoactive 3/3 Music: ~$250
• Garmin Venu: $400
Considering that you can get the earlier model for just around $250, some people might have second thoughts about spending a full $350 on the Vivoactive 4. The nice thing this year is that you do get two different sizes, something that is hugely appreciated.
And if you are looking at the Vivoactive 4, you should also consider the new Garmin Venu, which has a full-color, gorgeous AMOLED screen and even an always-on display option. It's similar in functionality, but does not quite last as long as the Vivoactive 4, plus it also costs a bit more.
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This is a preview of what's in the box of Garmin Vivoactive 4S Dust Rose/Light Gold.
Smaller-sized GPS Smartwatch built for your active lifestyle. Product code: 010-02172-34.
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Garmin Venu Silver Stainless Steel Bezel with Granite Blue Case and Silicone
Koleksi selengkapnya klik link dibawah ini
Case Length 43.2 mm
Case Diameter 43.2 mm
Thickness 12.4 mm
Case Shape Round
Case Material Reinforced Carbon
Case Color Silver
Dial Type Digital
Dial Color Black
Indexes Arabic
Calendar Month, Date, Day, AM/PM
Glass Material Hardlex Crystal
Band Type Strap
Band Material Rubber
Band Color Black
Band Width 20 mm
Clasp Buckle
Movement Type Quartz
Water Resistant 5 ATM
Warranty 2 years
Weight 46 gr Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is a preview of what's in the box of Garmin Vivoactive 4S Black/Slate.
Smaller-sized GPS Smartwatch Built for the Active Lifestyle. Product code 010-02172-14.
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Garmin Stainless-Steel Vivoactive 4 Shadow Gray Silver Keep an Eye on Your Health 24/7 with The Broadest Available Range of All-Day Health Monitoring Features
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The Garmin vivoactive Smart Watch has an array of features such as energy monitoring, pulse monitoring, respiration tracking and more. You can download your favourite Spotify playlists to the watch to listen while running and expand your workout routine with a series of animated exercises on the screen. It's great for those looking to keep track of their health and fitness. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is a preview of what's in the box of Garmin Vivoactive 4 Shadow Gray/Silver.
GPS Smartwatch Built for the Active Lifestyle. Product code 010-02174-04.
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Get the Garmin Vivoactive 4 here:
I have owned and used the Garmin vivoactive 4 for two years, and and in this video, I provide my keyinsights of owning over that timeperiod as well as how I have used its fitness oriented functions.
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Check out the Garmin Vivoactive 4 on Amazon here:
The fitness trackers and products I use and recommend:
Garmin Fenix 5X
Garmin Instinct:
Amazfit Stratos:
Fitbit Versa:
Fitbit Ionic:
Garmin Vivoactive 3 Music:
Garmin Vivoactive HR
Scosche RHYTHM+ Heart Rate Monitor
Polar H7 Bluetooth Chest Strap HR monitor
Yunmai Smart Scale - Body Fat Scale
Garmin Instinct:
My All Purpose Gym Shoes - Saucony Jazz Low Pro
Mava Elbow Sleeve
Mava Compression Shirt
Reebok Nano 2 Shoes
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Thanks for watching this Garmin Vivoactive 4S Smartwatch Review.
As a successor to the Garmin Vivoactive 3, the Vivoactive 4S builds on what made the 3 so successful in my opinion.
The Garmin Vivoactive 4S and 4 brings great features such as:
Wrist Based Heart Rate
Stress Tracking
Hydration Tracking
Respiration Tracking
Advanced Sleep Monitoring
Mindfull Breathing
Garmin Coach
Built in sports apps
Animated, on-screen workouts
And adds new features:
Body Battery Energy Monitoring
Pulse Ox Blood Oxygen Saturation monitoring
Available in the larger 45mm watch body (Vivoactive 4) and the one in this video the smaller 40mm (Vivoactive 4S).
Don't forget that Garmin Vivoactive 4S is a smartwatch as well, with its smart notifications (enhanced interactions if you use the watch with an android phone), music and Garmin pay.
The mass of data that the Vivoactive 4S provides is managed through the Garmin Connect app, available on the App Store and the Google Play Store.
You are getting the same up to 7 day battery life om smartwatch mode and up to 5 hours in GPS mode with music.
Let me know your thoughts on the Garmin Vivoactive 4S
Amazon Link:
#garmin #vivoactive4
All of my videos are filmed on an Apple iPhone 11 using FilmicPro and edited on an Apple iPad using Lumafusion.
All of the music featured in all of my videos is from Epidemic Sound, the link to where you can get copyright free music and sound effects is below:
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Garmin vivo active 4s,smaller sized GPS Smart watch
Garmin vivo active 4s,smaller sized GPS Smart watch
click on the link to get it
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Garmin Vivoactive 4, GPS Smartwatch, Features Music, Body Energy Monitoring, Animated Workouts, Pulse Ox Sensors and More, Black
#shorts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Garmin Vivoactive 4! Smart Utilities😍Garmin Smartwatch from Amazon. #Shorts
Garmin Vivoactive 4! Smart Utilities😍Garmin Smartwatch from Amazon.
#GarminVivoactive4 #Vivoactive4 #Vivoactive #Garmin #Smartwatch #ONLINESHOPPER
In this video I will show you the Garmin Smartwatch, Smartwatch Scissors is available on the market. I made the list based on personal opinions and hours of research. I have listed them based on quality, durability, price, and positive feedback from the real users. keep watching this video I guarantee you'll find the best and most suitable one.
👉 Amazon:
👉 AliExpress:
Thanks for watching, I hope you liked this video. If this video was helpful to you, please Like and subscribe to my channel to see more videos, and if you have any questions comment down below and I will get back to you as soon as I can! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Garmin 010-02172-21 Vivoactive 4S, Smaller-Sized GPS Smartwatch, Features Music, Body Energy Monitoring, Animated Workouts, Pulse Ox Sensors, Rose Gold with White Band, 40mm
Check Price and Details
Pattern Name: Smartwatch
Brand Garmin
Color Rose Gold with White Band
Screen Size 1.1 Inches
Item Dimensions LxWxH x x 0.5 inches
Item Weight Pounds
Battery Life seconds
Sensor Type Wearable
About this item
Keeps track of your energy levels, Pulse Ox (this is not a medical device and is not intended for use in the diagnosis or monitoring of any medical condition), respiration, menstrual cycle, stress, sleep, estimated heart, hydration and more
Easily download songs to your watch, including playlists from Spotify, Amazon music or Deezer (may require a premium subscription with a third-party music provider), and connect with headphones (sold separately) for phone-free listening.
Record all the ways to move with more than 20 preloaded GPS and indoor sports apps, including yoga, running, swimming and more. Get easy-to-follow, animated workouts right on your watch screen, including strength, cardio, yoga and Pilates
Fits wrists with a circumference of 110-175 millimeter
Battery life: Up to 7 days in smartwatch mode; Up to 5 hours in GPS and music mode
Personalize your watch with thousands of free watch faces, apps and widgets from our Connect IQ store
Garmin Pay contactless payment solution (not all countries and payment Networks are eligible) lets you pay for purchases with your watch
Garmin vivomove Style, Hybrid Smartwatch:
Garmin vivosmart 4, Activity and Fitness Tracker w/ Pulse Ox and Heart Rate MonitorA:
Apple Watch Series 6 (GPS, 40mm) - (Product) RED - Aluminum CaseCase:
FEICE Men’s Automatic Watch:
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Fitbit Charge 5 Advanced Fitness & Health Tracker:
SAMSUNG Galaxy Watch (46mm, GPS, Bluetooth) – Silver:
Smart Watch for Men,suinsist AK26 Pro smartwatch:
Smart Watches, Men (Dial/Receive Calls, 100+ Faces), Fitness Smartwatch:
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Garmin Watch:
✝️🔥 You going to Heaven or Hell: Click to find out:
Product Features:
- Keeps track of your energy levels, Pulse Ox (this is not a medical device and is not intended for use in the diagnosis or monitoring of any medical condition), respiration, menstrual cycle, stress, sleep, estimated heart, hydration and more
- Easily download songs to your watch, including playlists from Spotify, Amazon Music or Deezer (may require a premium subscription With a third-party music provider), and connect with headphones (sold separately) for phone-free listening
- Record all the ways to move with more than 20 preloaded GPS and indoor sports apps, including yoga, running, swimming and more
- Get easy-to-follow, animated workouts right on your watch screen, including strength, cardio, yoga, and Pilates
- Battery life: up to 7 days in smartwatch mode; up to 5 hours in GPS and music mode
- Personalize your watch with thousands of free watch faces, apps, and widgets from our Connect IQ store
- Garmin Pay contactless payment solution (not all countries and payment Networks are eligible) lets you pay for purchases with your watch
- Safety and track Features include incident detection (during select activities) and assistance (when paired with a compatible device), which both send your real-time location to emergency contacts
- Stay connected with smart notifications (when paired with a compatible device), for incoming calls, text messages, calendar reminders and more
- Garmin Coach provides free 5K, 10K and half-marathon training plans that guide you to reach your race goal and adjust based on your performance in the plan
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Links above are my affiliate links to Amazon Associates or other related programs. I may earn a commission if you purchase through my links.
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Garmin Vivoactive 4, GPS Smartwatch, Features Music, Body Energy Monitoring, Animated Workouts, Pulse Ox Sensors and More, Black
List Price: $ Details
Price: $
You Save: $ (19%)
Brand Garmin
Material Stainless Steel
Color Black
Compatible Devices Smartphones : smartphones|smart phones|android phones
Screen Size 1.3 Inches
Item Dimensions LxWxH x x 0.5 inches
Item Weight 36 Grams
Battery Life 8 days
About this item
Keeps track of your energy levels, Pulse Ox (this is not a medical device and is not intended for use in the diagnosis or monitoring of any medical condition), respiration, menstrual cycle, stress, sleep, estimated heart, hydration and more
Easily download songs to your watch, including playlists from Spotify, Amazon music or Deezer (may require a premium subscription with a third party music provider), and connect with headphones (sold separately) for phone free listening
Record all the ways to move with more than 20 preloaded GPS and indoor sports apps, including yoga, running, swimming and more
Get easy to follow, animated workouts right on your watch screen, including cardio, strength, yoga and Pilates
Battery life: Up to 8 days in smartwatch mode; Up to 6 hours in GPS and music mode
Personalize your watch with thousands of free watch faces, apps and widgets from our Connect IQ store
Safety and tracking features include incident detection (during select activities) and assistance (when paired with a compatible device), which both send your real time location to emergency contacts
Stay connected with smart notifications (when paired with a compatible device) for incoming calls, text messages, calendar reminders and more
Garmin Coach provides free 5K, 10K and half marathon training plans that guide you to reach your race goal and adjust based on your performance in the plan.
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Garmin Vivoactive 4, GPS Smartwatch, Features Music, Bod
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-37% $
List Price: $
$ Shipping & Import Fees Deposit to Pakistan Details
Color: Black
Light Gold with Light Pink Band
Rose Gold with White Band
Silver w/ Gray Band
Silver with Gray Band
Size: 45mm
Pattern Name: Smartwatch
Brand Garmin
Material Stainless Steel
Color Black
Compatible Devices Smartphones : smartphones|smart phones|android phones
Screen Size 1.3 Inches
Item Dimensions LxWxH x x 0.5 inches
Item Weight 1.3 Ounces
Battery Life 8 days
See more
About this item
Keeps track of your energy levels, Pulse Ox (this is not a medical device and is not intended for use in the diagnosis or monitoring of any medical condition), respiration, menstrual cycle, stress, sleep, estimated heart, hydration and more
Easily download songs to your watch, including playlists from Spotify, Amazon music or Deezer (may require a premium subscription with a third party music provider), and connect with headphones (sold separately) for phone free listening
Record all the ways to move with more than 20 preloaded GPS and indoor sports apps, including yoga, running, swimming and more
Get easy to follow, animated workouts right on your watch screen, including cardio, strength, yoga and Pilates
Battery life: Up to 8 days in smartwatch mode; Up to 6 hours in GPS and music mode
Personalize your watch with thousands of free watch faces, apps and widgets from our Connect IQ store
Safety and tracking features include incident detection (during select activities) and assistance (when paired with a compatible device), which both send your real time location to emergency contacts
Show more
Note: Products with electrical plugs are designed for use in the US. Outlets and voltage differ internationally and this product may require an adapter or converter for use in your destination. Please check compatibility before purchasing. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
2021 BEST Smart Watches ( BUY NOW )
Garmin Vivoactive 4, GPS Smartwatch, Features Music, Body Energy Monitoring, Animated Workouts, Pulse Ox Sensors and More, Black Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is my quick review of the Garmin Vivoactive 4S smartwatch I got on Amazon:
Great alternative smartwatch from Garmin:
►Garmin Forerunner 255:
My favorite wireless earbuds:
►Apple AirPods Pro :
The Amazon links above are affiliate, which means that I may get a small commission from them if you decide to buy something on their website. This is to support this channel :)
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2021 BEST Smart Watches ( BUY NOW )
Garmin 010-01769-01 Vivoactive 3, GPS Smartwatch with Contactless Payments and Built-In Sports Apps, Black with Silver Hardware Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
REVIEW: Best Womens Smartwatch in 2022 | Garmin Vivoactive 4S
Today we take a look at one of the best womens smartwatch in 2022 - the Garmin Vivoactive 4S (Smaller-Sized) GPS Smartwatch. Tune in to your body, and tone up with the 40 mm Vivoactive 4S GPS smartwatch. It has the broadest available range of all-day health monitoring features, music storage and on-screen, Animated workouts To help you reach your goals. Boost every activity by downloading your favorite Spotify or Deezer (may require a premium subscription With a third-party music provider) playlists straight to your watch.
🚚 If you want it now 🚚
⌚Garmin Vivoactive 4S:
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#GARMIN #Vivoactive4S #SMARTWATCH #GPS #ROSEGOLD #Amazon #Revu2u Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Garmin Vivactive 4 💪 endlich ist Sie da... #shorts #läuftbeidir #derbraeuti
Garmin Vivoactive 4S Smart Watch White Rose Gold – Don’t Buy Before You WATCH This….
Get It Here
Watch this video to know all about Garmin Vivoactive 4S Smart Watch White Rose Gold – Don’t Buy Before You WATCH this….
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Garmin 010-02172-21 Vivoactive 4S Smartwatch White Rose Gold Bundle with 1 year extended warranty
Tune in to your body, and tone up with the 40 MM 4S GPS smartwatch. It has the broadest available range of all-day health monitoring features, music storage and on-screen, animated workouts to help you reach your goals.
Boost every activity by downloading your favorite Spotify or Deezer playlists straight to your watch. Easily download songs to your watch.
Tune in to your health 24/7 with Pulse Ox Body Battery energy monitor features and by tracking your respiration, menstrual cycle, stress, sleep, heart rate, hydration and more.
Record all the ways to move with more than 20 preloaded GPS and indoor sports apps, including yoga, running, swimming and more.
Get easy-to-follow, animated workouts right on your watch screen, including strength, cardio, yoga and Pilates.
Battery life: up to 7 days in smartwatch mode; up to 5 hours in GPS and music mode.
Personalize your watch with thousands of free watch faces, apps and widgets.
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Simple 3D Renderer for Garmin Vívoactive 4: Part #2
【AliExpress: Dingyi store】Leather strap for Garmin Vivoactive 4 45mm 3/CAME 2 butterfly clasp strap for Garmin Forerunner 245 645 music bracelet Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Garmin Vivoactive 4S | Smartwatch with GPS | Fitness Tracker [Unboxing First Look Review] 2021 Setup
Get the Garmin Vivoactive 4S here:
Garmin Vivoactive 4 | Smartwatch with GPS | Fitness Tracker [Unboxing First Look Review] 2021 Setup
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Unboxing a Garmin Vivoactive 4. (Black/ Slate).
Currently on Amazon, UK for £, 45mm model.
A simple video with some music and not much else.
For more information on it, visit the Garmin store:
Anyway, If you like this video, please give it a like and please subscribe for more unboxing content. Also please check out me other stuff that I'm , gaming, fitness, art and random stuff in the Wongy: STUDIO playlist.
Music: Thinking of Us by Patrick Patrickios. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Guía de Instalación para Garmin Vivoactive 4s
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Garmin 010-02174-01 Vivo 4, GPS Smartwatch, Features Music, Body Energy Monitoring, Animated#short
Multi Mart, Digital Products, Kitchen and home appliances
Garmin 010-02174-01 Vivoactive 4, GPS Smartwatch, Features Music, Body Energy Monitoring, Animated Workouts, Pulse Ox Sensors
Brand Garmin
Material fiber-reinforced polymer with polymer rear cover
Color Silver with Gray Band
Compatible Devices Smartphones
Screen Size 1.3 Inches
Item Dimensions LxWxH x x 0.5 inches
• Keeps track of your energy levels, Pulse Ox (this is not a medical device and is not intended for use in the diagnosis or monitoring of any medical condition), respiration, menstrual cycle, stress, sleep, estimated heart, hydration and more
• Easily download songs to your watch, including playlists from Spotify, Amazon music or Deezer (may require a premium subscription With a third-party music provider), and connect to headphones (sold separately) for phone-free listening
• Record all the ways to move with more than 20 preloaded GPS and indoor sports apps, including yoga, running, swimming and material:Silicone
• Get easy-to-follow, animated workouts right on your watch screen, including cardio, strength, yoga and Pilates
• Battery life: Up to 8 days in smartwatch mode; Up to 6 hours in GPS and music mode
• Personalize your watch with thousands of free watch faces, apps and widgets from our Connect IQ store
• Safety and tracking features include incident detection (during select activities) and assistance (when paired with a compatible device), which both send your real-time location to emergency contacts
buy on amazon
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Garmin Vivoactive 4S White/Rose Gold Unboxing HD (010-02172-24)
This is a preview of what's in the box of Garmin Vivoactive 4S White/Rose Gold.
Smaller-sized GPS smartwatch built for your active lifestyle. Product code 010-02172-24.
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