Новинка від компанії Olight - підствольний ліхтар нового покоління Baldr Mini, що поєднує в собі компактність, легку вагу і розширений функціонал.
Ліхтар являє собою приголомшливу комбінацію таких моделей, як Baldr Pro і PL-Mini 2. Зберігши форм-фактор PL-Mini 2 і лазерний цілевказівник від Baldr Pro, в фінальному результаті компанія отримала ту саму "золоту середину".
Ліхтар оснащений сучасним світлодіодом High Perfomance Cool White Led і потужність світлового потоку в ліхтарі становить 600 люмен. Крім того, ліхтар зберіг функцію "step down", яка знижує яскравість ліхтаря в разі потреби до 100 Lm. Дальність світлового променя - 130 метрів, що дає можливість використовувати ліхтар не тільки в закритих приміщеннях, але і на відкритих майданчиках.
Для того, щоб зменшити габарити ліхтаря і зробити його більш компактним, інтегрований ЛЦВ зеленого кольору тепер розташований безпосередньо над самим діодом.
Baldr Mini оснащений вбудованим Li-Po акумулятором потужністю 230 mAh. Наявність фірмової магнітної зарядки дозволяє заряджати ліхтар не знімаючи його зі зброї.
Модель легко встановлюється на планку Weaver/Picatinny, а зручне легкознімне кріплення не заважає активувати ліхтар за допомогою кнопок, розташованих ззаду.
Конструкція ліхтаря дозволяє встановити його на будь-який пістолет, включаючи Форт-17.
New Oilght Baldr Mini Light Laser Weapon Mounted Light has 600 lumens of light, Green Laser, QD mounting system and it rechargeable when mounted,.
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Music is from Jingle Punks and Epidemic Sounds Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор тактических фонарей Olight. Фонари для пистолетов, ружей и карабинов.
Рекомендую: Новый шикарный подствольный фонарь от Олайт: на диоде XHP35, 1200 люмен, Свет, лазер, стробоскоп, светит метров на 800, узкий пучок, быстрое управление боковыми клавишами, быстрое крепление на стандартную планку П/В, подходит под Глоки и длинные Форты. Идеален для штурмовых винтовок на базе АР15. 5 режимов. Мощный стробоскоп. Рекомендую:) Новейший тактический фонарь Olight PL2 Baldr является модификацией известной модели PL2 Valkyrie. Baldr получил долгожданную функцию - ЛЦУ, который существенно упростит взаимодействие с оружием. Основная часть корпуса имеет точно такой же дизайн, как и у PL2 Valkyrie. Оптическая часть фонаря состоит из высокоэффективной TIR-линзы и светодиода CREE XHP-35 яркостью 1200 люмен. Фонарь устанавливается на рельсу пикатинни или вивер, крепление интергированное быстросъемное. Питание фонаря осуществляется за счет 2-х батарей формата CR123A.
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Lanterna Dedicada da Olight PL-Mini 2 Walkyrie e Baldr RL Mini 600 Lumens
Na PL- Mini 2
600 Lumens - 100 Metros de alcance
Na Baldr RL Mini
600 Lumens - 130 Metros de alcance + Laser Vermelho Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
La boutique Olight: ?streamerId=1431807971806351369&channel=youtube
Code promo : HAMZATRAC10 ( remise de 10% toute l'année, sauf les produits sont déjà en promotion) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Baldr Mini Flashlight with Green Laser. - Light Giveaway!
💲 Baldr Mini here: ?streamerId=1480364372893421570&channel=default&utm_source=ol_kol
During 8:00 PM August 13th -11:59 PM August 14th EDT
1) Baldr Mini Black or Desert Tan, 35% off
Bundle:Baldr Mini Black + i5T Purple, 45% off
Bundle:Baldr Mini Desert Tan + i5T OD Green, 45% off
2) Baldr Mini Gunmetal Grey(Limited Edition), 35% off
Bundle:Baldr Mini Gunmetal Grey+ O Pen 2 Black, 45% off
Bundle:Baldr Mini Gunmetal Grey+ i5T Purple, 45% off
During 8:00 PM August 13th -11:59 PM August 15th EDT
3) M2R Pro Gunmetal Grey(Limited Edition), 30% off
Bundle:M2R Pro Gunmetal Grey + i3T ODG, 40% off
Bundle:M2R Pro Gunmetal Grey + M2R Pro PE, 40% off
2. MEGA PACK, 40% off
3. Free Tiers:
1) Over $129 get a FREE I3T OD Green
2) Over $199 get a FREE M1T Plus Desert Tan
3) Over $299 get a FREE Seeker 2
4) Over $399 get a FREE Warrior X
5) Over $599 get a FREE Javelot Pro Black
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La tan esperada versión con láser de la PL MINI 2
600 Lumens + Laser verde, compatible con todos los modelos de pistola que incorporen riel picatinny.
Agradecemos a la fabrica BERSA por abrirnos las puertas y dejarnos todos los modelos de pistolas a disposición para realizar esta review. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Baldr Mini RL - Maximum Features, Miniature Price! - New Flashlight/Laser Combo!
In this video we take a deep dive into the brand new BALDR Mini RL by Olight. This is a relatively new light and laser combo from Olight featuring a 600 lumen flashlight with a 130 meter throw, a red laser and magnetic charging. In this video we do an unboxing, discuss the features, and get outdoor impressions.
#Olight #BaldrMiniRL #Flashlight
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Disclosure: Scope was borrowed on loan by Affordable Optics & Rifle Reviews channel. Tract Optics did not see this video prior to publication.
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Sigma 30mm f1.4 -
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Sony 55mm OSS f1.8 -
Tascam DR-10L -
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Video Timeline
0:00 - Olight Baldr Mini RL
0:30 - TL;DR
1:00 - Introduction
1:32 - Features
5:52 - Bottom Line Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Sale Link
8:00 PM August 13th -11:59 PM August 17th EDT
Every Day is different But the BALDR mini Ends FIRST
Free Tiers:
1) Over $129 get a FREE I3T OD Green (MAP: $)
2) Over $199 get a FREE M1T Plus Desert Tan (MAP: $)
3) Over $299 get a FREE Seeker 2 (MAP: $)
4) Over $399 get a FREE Warrior X (MAP: $)
5) Over $599 get a FREE Javelot Pro Black(MAP: $) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Baldr Mini Review (600 Lumens, Green Laser)
Pickup the Olight Baldr Mini at Amazon.
Desert Tan:
Read this on my Blog at
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Olight Baldor Mini Chapters
0:00 Start
0:31 Packaging & Accessories
1:19 Construction
3:10 Size & Weight
3:40 LED & Beam
4:06 Night Shots
5:05 Heat & Runtimes
5:46 User Interface
6:40 Recharging
7:18 Conclusion
As an Amazon Associate I may earn a small percentage from links to Amazon.
#FlashlightReview #Olight #BaldrMini Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canadian Olight Affiliate link:
US Olight Affiliate link:
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Baldr Mini
lumens with 130 meters beam throw
size with Green laser and White light combo.
with most pistols that have a rail.
4. Quick attach lever allows for installation and detachment in a second.
5. Magnetic charging, no need to detach the light.
colors for your choice, including Gunmetal Grey limited edition.
sale date: 00:00am EDT
UP to 45% OFF and at least 20% off site wide, Except X9R
FREE Gift: i1R II Rechargeable Keychain Light (Worth $)
1).Enter entry of the website and click to enter the I1 R2 landing page;
2)login/register and share the page with friends (FB/Email);
3)Add I1R2 to the shopping cart during the event
During 8:00 PM August 24th -11:59 PM August 25th EDT
1) Baldr Mini Black /Desert Tan, 35% off (MAP: CAD$; Sales price:CAD$)
Bundle:Baldr Mini Black /Desert Tan + i5T Purple, 45% off (MAP:CAD $; Sales price:CAD$)
2) Baldr Mini Gunmetal Grey(Limited Edition), 35% off (MAP: CAD$ Sales price:CAD$)
Bundle:Baldr Mini Gunmetal Grey+ O Pen 2 Black, 45% off (MAP: CAD$; Sales price:CAD$)
During 8:00 PM August 24th -11:59 PM August 28th EDT
3) Warrior X Turbo Black, 30% off (MAP: CAD$; Sales price:CAD$)
Bundle:Warrior X Turbo Black + i5T Purple, 40% off (MAP: CAD$; Sales price:CAD$)
4)Warrior X Turbo Gunmetal Grey(Limited Edition), 30% off (MAP: CAD$; Sales price:CAD CAD$)
Bundle:Warrior X Turbo Gunmetal Grey + O Pen 2 Black, 40% off (MAP: CAD$; Sales prices: CAD$)
PACK, 40% off
4. Free Tiers:
1) Over$149 get a FREE I3T OD Green (MAP: CAD$)
2) Over $269 get a FREE M1T Plus Desert Tan (MAP: CAD$)
3) Over $399 get a FREE Baton Pro (MAP: CAD$)
4) Over $599 get a FREE Warrior X Pro(MAP: CAD$)
Hitman by Kevin MacLeod
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GIVEAWAY - SUBSCRIBE to this channel, LIKE this video, and leave ONE comment below on what you are putting a Baldr Mini on to enter to win one for free in the color of your choice!
The Baldr Mini features all of the versatility and strong performance of the PL-Mini 2, now with an integrated green laser for perfect accuracy!!! Get yours up to 45% off from August 13-17 during our Elite sale 2020! Check out the website link to see all of the other new products we have on sale as well!
Baldr Mini by itself (all 3 colors) - 35% off
Black Baldr Mini + Purple I5T AA battery light - 45% off bundle
Gray Baldr Mini + Purple I5T AA battery light - 45% off bundle
Tan Baldr Mini + OD Green I5T AA battery light - 45% off bundle
Gray Baldr Mini + Open 2 - 45% off bundle Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight's NEW BALDR Mini - Laser/Light REVIEW and Torture Test.
Olight gets OUTSTANDING reviews on Amazon ( star). They seem to have quite the reputation for lights, I see why. Limited time they are offering discounts and FREE gifts. Use code "BeyondSeclusion" to get 10% off (non-sales).
Up to 45% off sale - (Aug 13th & 14th)
Check them out on our Amazon page
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Drew Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Baldr Mini:
10% Off Olight Code: "HARLEY10"
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Подствольный фонарь Olight Baldr Pro для Adar 2-15 (Ar-15)
Ни одно окно не пострадало и никто не занервничал во время съёмок, ввиду выходного и отсутствия кого-либо в офисном здании. Фонарь Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Baldr mini 600lm with green laser. My thoughts
Olight recently released a weapon light with green laser in small package. This video review what I think about this light and comparison with previous PL-mini 2 VALKYRIE.
Olight Baldr mini: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight BALDR Mini Review - Tactical Flashlight with Green Laser
Search for "BALDR Mini" on our website to find the lowest price & specs.
Please let us know in the comments your opinion and also like and subscribe, it would really help us out. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Revision de Olight Baldr Mini. !La mejor linterna tactica para mi pistola!
Sin lugar a dudas para mi las linternas de olight son las mejores que he probado.
Olight Mexico:
Codigo de 10%: Llaniteco Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
this flashlight has blown me away. It's the new OLIGHT BALDR rl MINI.
Get yours here:
10% discount using this code: BULLAIRSOFTSNIPER
Si queréis conocer todos los detalles de esta linterna en español visitad el video del compañero Buddy de Battle Airsoft España:
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About Bull Sniper:
Welcome to my YouTube channel where I share my airsoft gameplays, gun teching, often using my Silverback SRS 22'', Tokyo Marui VSR & HK45 tactical action. I also show in my scopecam some funny moments.
Bull Sniper cameras: Brain exploder Runcam, GoPro Hero 5-7 black Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Baldr Mini Green Laser and Flashlight Review
Olight sent us the Baldr Mini Green Laser and 600 Lumen Flashlight to review. Chris had been keeping a flashlight on his home defense gun but had not a laser light, so he had to learn the principles involved in mounting and using your laser. Learn along with us.
Get your Baldr Mini from Olight with free shipping on US orders over $49.
Use the code 10%off to get a discount.
If you want something more powerful go for the Baldr Pro with 1350 lumens
If you want just the flashlight try the 2000 lumen Baton Pro
We are compensated at no additional cost to you when you make purchases with our affiliate links.
Time Stamp:
00:00 Introduction
00:17 Unboxing
01:52 Changing the pic rail adapters
02:50 Examining the Baldr Mini
03:45 Turning it on and off
04:20 Switching functions
05:05 Attaching it to a Sig P320
06:15 Positioning the laser for the flight path
09:01 Sighting the target and adjusting
10:02 Shooting with the laser on the P320
11:20 What happens with magnified shooting glasses
12:30 How easy it is to adjust
13:00 Settings
13:31 Magnetic charging port
13:49 Attaching it to the FNS9
14:40 Sighting the target with the FNS9
15:31 Shooting the FNS9 with the laser attached
15:44 Adjusting the positioning
16:34 Shooting the FNS9
17:08 Ease of use
17:48 Testing the light and laser indoors
18:30 Will it be my new weapon light?
20:18 More shooting now that all the settings are correct
See our written review of the Baldr Mini
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Baldr S GIVEAWAY: To enter - SUBSCRIBE to this channel, LIKE this video, and leave ONE comment below with what you would put the Baldr S on! Winners picked next week!
Our very first July summer sale starts July 26 at 8:00 PM EDT. and goes until July 30 at midnight EDT.! This is one of the biggest sales of the year with discounts up to 50% off, free X9R Cell for every customer who logs in, and some of the coolest exclusive products we have ever released! The 800 lumen Baldr S is the best compact WML on the market by far, the element series Warrior Mini 2 lights are to die for, the camo Warrior X Turbo and blue X9R look incredible, and the Open Pro is going to blow your mind. We also have SO MUCH MORE on sale, click the link above to learn about this HUGE sale!!! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Watch and see what i think to this new Tactical Torch by Olight
Olight 2020 Elite Sale will be start at 8pm 24/08 - midnight 28/08
1) Enter to get a free i1R 2:
Step1. Register/log in
Step2. Share to Facebook/Email
Step3. A free i1R 2 will be auto-added to your basket from start at 8pm 24/08 - midnight 28/08
2) Baldr mini Up to 35% off St 8pm Start a4/08, 28 hours ONLY.
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If you want to know what we use to run our business and youtube channel please support us and order the products using our amazon affiliate store.
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We take a look at the new Olight Baldr Mini and compare it to the PL-Mini 2 and Streamlight TLR-8. We also show our IWB and OWB holster options for Glock.
*Update: Right and left handed holsters available for Glocks. SIG P320 options available at link below as of September 11.
Buy your holster today:
Buy the Olight Baldr Mini:
Download our low-light defense guide:
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Olight Baldr Mini | 600 lm pistolová svítilna se zeleným laserem
Pistolová svítilna Baldr Mini je mimořádně kompaktní dobíjecí led svítilna s výkonem 600 lumenů, která svou velikostí a konstrukcí připomíná PL-MINI 2, avšak disponuje funkcemi a zeleným laserem. Pasuje např. na CZ P-10 C, CZ P-10 M, CZ P-10 S, Springfield XDS, Springfield Hellcat, Glock 19 nebo Glock 17.
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Olight Baldr Mini Weapon Light Laser Combo: Review & 45% Off Sale
Full review of the new Baldr Mini, an amazing micro 600 lumen light laser combo with a 100 meter throw at only 3 oz. It's also on sale from Aug 13th at 8pm till Aug 14th at 45% off, click the link below to get it for only $90.
Olight Flashlight link
Use The Permanent 10% OFF Code: outlaw10
Here is a link to donate to a local shelter in Ames Iowa that could use your support
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Bladr Mini Review Green Laser/ Light (M1T Raider Plus, i5T EOS, iR2 EOS)
This is a review of the rechargeable light laser Baldr Mini by Olight. Included in this video is a review of the M1T Raider Plus (Desert Tan), i5T EOS (Purple) and iR2 EOS (Mint Green). The M1T raider is a tactical flashlight intended for everyday carry (EDC) and runs on 2 CR123A batteries. The i5T EOS runs on a single AA battery. The iR2 EOS is a small waterproof rechargeable flashlight that is awesome as a keychain light (best keychain flashlight I have reviewed thus far). Olight Flash Sale: Up to 45% off August 13th to 17th, 2020.
Affiliate link to Olight:
Baldr Mini:
Baldr Mini
lumens with 130 meters beam throw
size with Green laser and White light combo.
with most pistols that have a rail.
4. Quick attach lever allows for installation and detachment in a second.
5. Magnetic charging, no need to detach the light.
colors for your choice, including Gunmetal Grey limited edition.
Amazon Links:
Olight iR2 EOS (Desert Tan)
Ammo Can 50 Cal
CAT Tourniquet
Sabre Crossfire Pepperspray
Rightful Liberty FFL $20 transfers including background check in Miami, FL
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Soldes d'été Olight jusqu'à -50% sur tout le site : début le 26/07. Choisissez vos lampes torches ou lampes tactiques Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Unboxing and review of the Olight Baldr Mini with Green Laser. This is an excellent light and laser combo. Also reviewed here is the Olight i5t EOS and the i1r2 mini LED lights which I received as part of a package deal. All 3 of these lights are high power LED flashlights at a very affordable and very well made.
You can get one here at our link and help out the channel at the same time.
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Olight baldr mini flashlight laser combo on springfield hellcat
Trying out my new Olight baldr mini on my sig p320 M18 #M18 #Olight #Olightbaldr #Olightbaldrmini #sig #sigsauer #glock #sigm18 #sigsauerM18 #gun #music #video #djkhalid #viral Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Baldr Pro or Mini, How to adjust for steady laser🎯
Go to our website - to know more about it!
👍 Powerful to deliver a 600-lumen output and a 130-meter throw
👍 High output via a 230mAh rechargeable battery
👍 Green beam is added for greater accuracy
👍 The quick attach/detach rail mount is extremely easy to install
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I show the Baldr Mini and send some down range at City Guns. Although the laser still needs to be fine tuned to be zero'ed correctly, its pretty accurate.
Olight Discount code: SAEDCReviews
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Olight BALDR Mini - Compact weapon LED light & Green Laser - 600 Lumens
Olight Baldr Mini.
Olight compact LED weapon light with green laser.
An impressive 600 lumens LED, 4225 candela of intense light, with a throw of 130 metres, USB rechargeable, with Olight magnetic charging cable included. Fully adjustable rail mounted weapon light with a built-in powerful Class 3R long-range Green Laser.
Olight Baldr Mini details:
mini Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thanks to Olight for sending us lights to review. With so many choices, it can be hard to narrow down which one you want. Chris compares the Olight Baldr Mini with the Baldr Pro R.
Olight Baldr Mini:
Olight Baldr S:
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Olight BALDR MINI | Will it fit in a Holster for PL-MINI 2?
Does the new Olight BALDR MINI fit in a holster for the PL-MINI Valkyrie 2? In this video we unbox the BALDR MINI to find out.
Find Your Light-Bearing Holster:
Available now for Glock double stack 9mm/40 pistols, as well as Sig Sauer P320 family of pistols (also 9/40/357sig). Available in right or left hand configuration.
Olight Holsters:
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OLIGHT NOUVELLE BALDR MINI 🔦déballage et essai sur mon GLOCK 17 9mm🔫
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Comparing my new lights. Baldr pro baldr mini. TLR8
Recieved some new lights in. Check out the functions and comparisons of these bad Larry's.
Olight Baldr Pro
Olight Baldr Mini
Streamlight TLR8
Massive 1350 lumens! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Baldr S - next level EDC light - Baldr mini UPGRADED
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In this video, we take a look at the brand new Olight Baldr S. The new features on this new light are absolutely crazy and make an insane option for an EDC light.
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Olight Baldr S
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Olight Baldr Mini
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The Olight Baldr S is the next member of the Baldr family. All of the other Baldr lights all have rechargeable batteries, a slick QD so you can connect into any size pistol, and a laser that is built into the optical housing.
The Baldr S takes all of these to the next level by offering two light modes. You can flip the Baldr S from 800 lumens to 100 lumens. So if you're moving from indoors to outdoors, just tap the button twice and it'll flip to the higher lumen output. This is amazing to see as you rarely see a light that offers you two different lumen settings that you can swap to on the fly.
What makes the Baldr S even crazier is the adjustment they made to the QD mount. On the previous Baldr series, the mount was adjustable to fit anything but one drawback was that it would sometimes wobble on the mount if it was moved in certain positions. The Olight Baldr S corrects this with two set screws. You set the proper length on your pistol by sliding the QD into position and then remove the light. Now you're able to lock down the set screws and remove any slop in the mount. Keeping your laser insanely accurate.
The modes of the Baldr S include the green laser only mode, the Laser and light mode, which can be at either 100 lumens or 800 lumens, and only the light mode. The laser and light mode uses the most battery and I tested the light and laser mode duration and it lasted for 39 minutes. Then I swapped over to the 100 lumen mode and got almost 2 hours of run time in the light and laser mode. From an EDC standpoint, that's amazing that it lasts so long, has that much power, and I don't need a ton of special batteries.
Topping it all off, I tested to see if it fit the Badlr mini holster profile. As the Baldr S has a larger housing, I was worried it wouldn't sit properly in the holster. But it was amazing to see that the Baldr S fit perfectly in the Baldr mini holster profile! Just a heads up for you, if you get a Baldr mini holster cut it fits:
Olight PL 2 mini Valkyrie
Olight PL 2 IR
Olight Baldr Mini
Olight Baldr RL
Olight Badlr S
This is a stupidly good pick for your EDC light. As it fits everything and has multiple light and laser modes, this has a huge yes from me.
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Music by: @Barren Gates Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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The Olight BALDR Mini is an interesting, compact weaponlight that was just released. The Olight BALDR Mini features a 600 lumen light, as well as an integrated green laser. It's a compact weaponlight that is adjustable to fit on a variety of different weapons. The compact nature of the BALDR Mini makes it an ideal candidate for concealed carry as well. Let me know if you'd be interested in a holster for the Olight BALDR Mini in the comments below.
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OLIGHT BALDR Mini 8/24新発売の最新ライト! 日本最速レビュー!? 小型軽量600ルーメンの実力は!?【エアガンにもピッタリ】
The Olight Baldr Mini is a new light/laser being offered by Olight. The Baldr Mini has a small form fractor with a rechargeable battery. If you want USB rechargable the Baldr might not be a bad one to look at.
OLight Flash Sale here:
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IMPORTANT: All shooting is done on state-approved firing ranges by trained professionals. Our videos are produced in a safe environment by highly trained professionals with decades of experience. These videos are strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Imitation or the use of anything demonstrated in my videos is done AT YOUR OWN RISK. Do not attempt to replicate the actions featured in our videos without the proper training, licensing, and without medical professionals present.
We are not attempting to sell you the items featured in this video. We are not instructing our viewers on how to modify firearms, accessories or otherwise change their basic legal function. All firearms and accessories are legal products commonly available in stores all across the United States. Our videos are for entertainment purposes only. We are not a gun shop and DO NOT sell or deal in Firearms. Such a practice is heavily regulated and subject to applicable laws. I DO NOT sell parts, magazines, or firearms. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Тип - пошуковий, джерело світла - LED, дальність світлового потоку - 350 м, яскравість - 330 люмен, елементи живлення - вбудований акумулятор, вага - 1048 г....
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