Ліхтар Olight M1T - представник нової лінійки повсякденних ліхтарів. На відміну від більшості повсякденних моделей серії S-Baton, M1T має торцеву кнопку управління, що буде набагато зручнішим для користувачів, які утримують ліхтар зворотним хватом. Нова модель успадкувала високі стандарти ударо і вологостійкості, завдяки яким ліхтар переживе падіння з висоти до 1.5 метрів і перебування під водою до 2-х метрів. Пристрій здатний працювати як від батарей формату CR123A, так і від акумуляторів 16340, які будуть більш практичним вибором при щоденному використанні. Незначні габарити ліхтаря в сукупності з торцевою кнопкою управління дозволяють використовувати його також при роботі зі зброєю за допомогою застосування техніки Роджерса.
Модифікація M1T Raider може похвалитися максимальною яскравістю в 500 люмен з дальністю світлового променя до 97 метрів. Модель працює від 1 батарейки/акумулятора типорозміру CR123A.
Покращена версія M1T Plus отримала яскравість в 800 люмен при довжині світлового променя до 122 метрів. Працездатність забезпечується двома батареями/акумуляторами типорозміру CR123A.
Вирішивши купити ліхтар Olight M1T - користувач отримає якісний освітлювальний прилад, що відрізняється універсальністю і компактністю.
Хочемо познайомити Вас з компактною моделлю ліхтаря #Olight M1T Raider, яку варто віднести до категорії EDC. Зручний форм-фактор, простота у користуванні, а також 500 люмен яскравості – основні риси цього невеличкого ліхтаря.
#olight #m1t #flashlight Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Review of the olight m1t raider plus - desert tan special edition
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This week on the channel Olight fanboys love to hate, we review yet another sacred artifact. The M1T Raider plus, by America's favorite Chinese company - Olight.
Grab a box of tissues and your favorite comfort food...
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Gear I Like:
Streamlight Microstream
Olight s2r Baton II:
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Barton Watchbands
Ka-Bar Turok
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5 Minute Knives is just one man's opinion on knives, flashlights, watches and all things everyday carry. Tune in every Sunday for a fresh gear review!
Disclosure: Some of the links listed here are affiliate links, that doesn't change your price but I do get a small kickback. Check 'em out and thanks for watching!
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#Olight #EDClight #Flashlightreview Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Opening my M1T Raider Plus and using it for the 1st a review more of a 1st look. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight M1T Raider Plus EDC Flashlight in Desert Tan Review
Hello Guys! Welcome to Episode Twenty-Eight of Boxing With Ben.
In this episode, I will be reviewing the Olight M1T Raider Plus EDC Flashlight in Desert Tan. I will discuss the specifications of this flashlight, size, battery life, weight, ease of carry, aesthetics, beam power and quality etc... I will discuss the self-defence applications of this flashlight, and why individuals may choose to refer to flashlights such as the Olight M1T Raider Plus EDC Flashlight in Desert Tan as a 'tactical' flashlight as opposed to an 'everyday carry' flashlight.
These are the Icy Mike Hart2Hurt Videos that I referred to within my own video:
Flashlight Self-Defence:
High Elbow Guard:
I will then move on to a wider discussion of flashlights as a self-defence tool in a UK context; outlining why I believe these to be the best choice of everyday carry self-defence tool available in a UK context - especially at night. I contextualise this by explaining the various criteria upon which a self-defence tool needs to be judged in a UK context and how this tool meets those criteria. Something that is worth noting; to effectively use a flashlight as a hammer-fist tool, you need to have practised and have a knowledge of 'dirty boxing', inside fighting, hand positioning and the intersection between boxing and wrestling. Refer to this very first Icy Mike video that I have tagged in this description for further exploration of these concepts and why they are of importance.
As always, I hope you enjoy;
Ben. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tale of Knives T Tux EDC gear with Olight New M1T Raider Plus - Limited S1R Baton II in Orange
Miss TOK featuring Olights new gear available August 13, 2020
M1t Raider Plus in Desert Tan
Limited edition color S1R Baton II Orange(Limited Edition)
I1r 2 EOS keychain - get it for free when you share their posts (follow share directions on their website)
i3T EOS in OD Green
Use our link and code TOKOLIGHT for a discount on NON SALE items
SHOP all T - Tux belt loops gear at:
SHOP all EDC CLIP gear at:
Follow our IG to find out when we release the newest TOK gear XL Trio Clip + Mini
Standard Tools known to fit include: (1.2 inches wide and 4.6 inches in length) Benchmade 940 and Benchmade Bugout, ZT 0450CF or 0470, and Chris Reeves large Sebenza 21.
+ Flashlight known to fit include: up tp .91 inch diameter - Fenix PD25 or Olight S2R Baton 2 or Baton Pro.
+ T Tux Pen fits Gerber Impromptu Tactical Pen, BigiDesign Click, Fenix T5 TI tactical pen, regular sized Sharpie. Fits pens up to .45 inches in diameter and up to 5.6 inches in length. Pen must have clip, works best with solid piece click pens.
+ Keypster fits normal sized key rings
100% handmade - hand cut, hand dyed and hand stitched
Quality leather - Full grain American tanned cow hides create a unique patina in time
Hand dyed - giving each and every item a unique appeal full of character
Tiger Thread - known for its strength and durability
Handcrafted leather gear made using traditional methods from a family owned and crafted small business.
#edc #everydaycarry #edcgear #olight #olightworld
#flashlight #gear
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In this video I'll take a look at the Olight M1T Raider Plus and a single rechargeable battery for it. Enjoy!
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Olight Unboxing NEW LIMITED EDITION - O'Pen2 - M2R Pro Warrior - M1T Raider Plus
Oldies but Goldies: Olight M1T Raider Plus
Die M1T Raider Plus ist eine Taschenlampe, die in Schwarz nie auf den deutschen Markt gekommen ist. Warum dieses Modell trotzdem sehr spannend ist und wie ihr es unter Umständen gewinnen könnt, erklärt Miro im Video.
Eine tolle Weiterentwicklung ist die Warrior Mini 2:
✔️ Daumen hoch und Kommentar
✔️ optionales Extralos durch Teilen! Screenshot an miro@
✔️ Adresse in Deutschland oder Österreich und volljährig
*Teilnahmeschluss ist die Veröffentlichung des nächsten Videos aus der Reihe Oldies but Goldies. Die Ergebnisse des Gewinnspieles werden zeitnah in einem Live-Video von Miro bekannt gegeben. Erfolgt innerhalb von 14 Tagen nach Bekanntgabe keine Rückmeldung der Gewinner*innen, wird der Preis erneut verlost. Bei den im Rahmen der Oldies but Goldies verlosten Taschenlampen handelt es sich um gebrauchte Modelle aus Miros Lagerbestand ohne Gewährleistung oder Garantie. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
M1T compared to S1 Mini & S1R Baton
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Olight M1T Raider PLUS: 800 Lumens and An EDC Winner (In My Book)
I liked the other Raider that Olight put out but this one - this one is a bigger winner than that. The main win: the interface. Give me an end pressure switch all day long, and this one allows you to cycle using the end switch. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Purchase the M1T Raider Plus here:
Pick this up at the Olight store using this link to help support Everyday Tactical Vids:
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Everyday Tactical Vids: Thinking Tactically, Living Purposefully
- Lt. Colonel Dave Grossman, originator of The Sheepdog
- Travis Haley of Haley Strategic
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- The team over at ITS Tactical
- NutnFancy and his YouTube channel/community
- Tom Brown Jr. of The Tracker School
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- Rob Pincus of . Training Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video I'll share with you the Olight "special" model M1T. This is one of my favorite EDC lights. It's small, light and bright enough for many tasks. I love it because it comes on to LOW and then HIGH. Perfect for me. Enjoy!
Jiujitsu2000 UNFILTERED:
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Need a solid flashlight?
Feel free to use " jiujitsu2000 " as your coupon code to get a discount... :-) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Below is the Olight flash sale details:
Flash sale date: 8:00pm September 24th -11:59pm September 25th EDT, lasting 28 hours
Coupon Code will work during sales on non-sale listings ONLY.
Main promoting products are as below:
1. Warrior Mini Black or Desert Tan, 30% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Bundle: Warrior Mini Black or Desert Tan + i3T EOS RED, 40% off (MAP: $; Sale s price:$)
Warrior Mini Camouflage (Limited Edition), 30% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Bundle: Warrior Mini Camouflage + i3T EOS RED, 40% off (MAP: $; Sale s price:$);
2. Perun Mini KIT Desert Tan(Limited Edition), 30% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Bundle: Perun Mini KIT Desert Tan + i3T EOS RED, 40% off (MAP: $; Sale s price:$);
3. RN 1500, 30% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
SEEMEE 30, 25% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Bundle: RN 1500+ SEEMEE 30, 40% off (MAP: $; Sale s price:$);
4. i3T EOS RED, 25% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
5. MEGA PACK, 40% off
Mega Pack A: Warrior mini Black+ Warrior mini Desert Tan+ Warrior mini Camouflage + Perun Mini KIT DT + i3T EOS RED, (MAP: $; Sales price:$);
Mega Pack B: Warrior mini Black + Perun Mini KIT DT+ i3T EOS RED, (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
6. Free Tiers:
Over $99 get a FREE I3E (MAP: $)
Over $199 get a FREE M1T Plus DT (MAP: $)
Over $299 get a FREE Seeker 2 (MAP: $)
Note: If you buy a Mega Pack A, you are qualified to get a FREE M1T Plus Desert Tan. If you buy a Mega Pack B, you are qualified to get a FREE I3E. Free tier gift can’t be stacked.
Warrior Mini
1. Amazing 1500 lumens with 190 meters beam throw.
2. Dual switches make it versatile for both EDC and Tactical use.
3. Compact size and two-way pocket clip design making it great for everyday carry
4. Using a powerful 3500mAh 18650 rechargeable battery.
5. Magnetic charging.
6. Three colors for your choice, including Camouflage limited edition.
Perun Mini
1. Tiny but mighty: with incredible max output of 1,000 lumens.
2. Multifunctional use: EDC flashlight, headlamp and work light.
3. Remarkable duty patch makes it convenient and easy to carry.
4. Magnetic charging.
5. Limited edition color Desert Tan
RN 1500
1. Easy and multiple mounting methods with Garmin mount.
2. Amazing 1,500 lumens output
3. Anti-glare lens design, moving the light beam downward.
4. IPX7 waterproof rate, tough metal case.
4. Using a powerful 5000mAh 21700 rechargeable battery.
5. Having the USB-C fast charging& discharging port.
6. Easy-to-read multiple battery power indicator.
1. Maximum 30 lumens, 230° high side visibility, and visible from up to 800 meters.
2. Ambient light sensor for automatic mode adjustment.
3. Low power mode to extend running time efficiently.
4. Memory function and multi-modes to satisfy varies riding scenarios.
5. IPX6 waterproof rate, only oZ, very lightweight
Jiujitsu2000 UNFILTERED:
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Want to contact me? jiujitsu2000@
I wear an XL t-shirt
Need a solid flashlight? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight M1T Raider Plus Compared to M1T Raider!!! - Here we have a light comparison between the Olight M1T Raider Plus and the original M1T Raider!!!
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Please watch: "Vertx' New "
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Olight Warrior Mini vs. M1T Raider Plus (Available again and FREE) plus Flash Sale information!
The flash sale is from Sep 24-25 but VIP customers can get in starting Sep 21 at
For lights not on sale use code H2H to get 10% off!
The Olight Warrior Mini is a little smaller than the M1T Raider, provides more control over light output and uses the magnetic charging tailcap.
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DISCLAIMER: This video and description contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on them, hard2hurt receives a small commission. This helps support the hard2hurt channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thanks for supporting us and stay hard2hurt.
Title Song is Lying Low
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Olight I3T EOS Мощный и компактный светодиодный фонарик
COUPON CODE: musty10
(Coupon Code works during sales on non-sale listings ONLY)
Well guys it’s that time again to share another great sale from the fine folks of Olight. We’ve covered several of their sales now that have ranged from the PL-PRO Valkyrie, the M2R Pro Warrior, Seeker 2 Pro, the i5T EOS, and now the M1T Raider Plus. I cover everything in the video, but let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for watching, take care.
Check us out on Instagram
@Musty Yeti
@Olight World
▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
0:00 - Intro
0:50 - Sale Details
1:59 - S1R Batton 2 Sale
4:42 - i3T EOS Details
5:37 - M1T Raider Plus Details
8:24 - Free i1R2 EOS
9:58 - The Mega Pack Sale
10:40 - Tier Sale Details
11:32 - Outro Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Warrior X Turbo Desert Tan!!! *Christmas Deals*
Get the deal -
GIVEAWAY: SUBSCRIBE to this channel, LIKE this video, and leave ONE comment below on why you need a thrower in your collection to enter to win one of these for FREE ($ VALUE)!!!
The Warrior X Turbo packs an insane 1,000 meter beam distance in a hand-sized flashlight! For the only time ever, get yours in limited edition Desert Tan up to 40% off! THIS SALE ENDS TONIGHT at midnight eastern time, get it now or never at the link! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Une LAMPE TACTIQUE en EDC ? - Olight M1T Raider Plus
Dans cette vidéo je vous présente la nouvelle lampe Olight M1T Raider Plus en coloris Tan ainsi que la Olight i1r 2 eos (en bonus). Ces deux lampes sont excellentes en EDC, chacune dans leur domaine. Entre compacité et légèreté ! Profitez également de promos lors de la ventre flash dès le 24 août à 20h.
Pour vous offrir les Olight au meilleur prix et donner un petit coup de pouce à la chaîne :
Olight Vente Flash :
-20% O Pen 2 :
-20% Olight i5T EOS :
Cadeau Gratuit (i1R2) :
Pour vous retrouver dans la vidéo:
00:00 - Intro
00:28 - Contenu de la boîte
01:19 - Caractéristiques extérieures
03:12 - Alimentation
04:25 - Caractéristiques techniques
05:17 - Fonctionnement et tests
07:01 - Les plus et les moins
08:49 - Pour qui ? Pourquoi ?
09:20 - Olight i1r 2 eos
10:34 - Ventes Flash Olight
Vous êtes 2257 abonnés à l'heure à laquelle je publie cette vidéo, merci à tous ! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bladr Mini Review Green Laser/ Light (M1T Raider Plus, i5T EOS, iR2 EOS)
This is a review of the rechargeable light laser Baldr Mini by Olight. Included in this video is a review of the M1T Raider Plus (Desert Tan), i5T EOS (Purple) and iR2 EOS (Mint Green). The M1T raider is a tactical flashlight intended for everyday carry (EDC) and runs on 2 CR123A batteries. The i5T EOS runs on a single AA battery. The iR2 EOS is a small waterproof rechargeable flashlight that is awesome as a keychain light (best keychain flashlight I have reviewed thus far). Olight Flash Sale: Up to 45% off August 13th to 17th, 2020.
Affiliate link to Olight:
Baldr Mini:
Baldr Mini
lumens with 130 meters beam throw
size with Green laser and White light combo.
with most pistols that have a rail.
4. Quick attach lever allows for installation and detachment in a second.
5. Magnetic charging, no need to detach the light.
colors for your choice, including Gunmetal Grey limited edition.
Amazon Links:
Olight iR2 EOS (Desert Tan)
Ammo Can 50 Cal
CAT Tourniquet
Sabre Crossfire Pepperspray
Rightful Liberty FFL $20 transfers including background check in Miami, FL
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The Olight M1t Raider Plus is a good light for 40$. It can use two CR123a batteries or 1 x 16650 Li-ion battery. It has s simple ui and three modes. Hi-Low - Strobe.
Filmed on a panasonic gh2, 5.6 aperture, 320 iso, white balance of 3000k and a fps of 50. Beam shots info are stated in video.
Audio - Rode Filmmaker lav kit with zoom h6 audio. I wasnt lazy this time and sync'd audio from the recorder. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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While there are lots of flashlights on the market, a lot don't have what I am looking for in a good EDC (Every Day Carry) flashlight. The criteria for me is being easy to operate, not overly complex, and the ability to switch between a low setting and a high setting.
The Olight M1T Raider Flashlight does a pretty good job with the above criteria. For starters, it is small and light, weighing about 2.5 ounces. The light also has 2 settings, 5 lumens for all of the small every day tasks and 500 lumens for when you need a lot of light. When I say lot of light, think searching for something at some distance, or with respect to EDC, perhaps identifying if someone is a threat.
While the switch technology built into the light leave something to be desired for me, it does have the makings of a pretty solid flashlight. And due to the weight and size, it will treat you equally well in the backcountry on backpacking trips.
You can find the M1T Raider Flashlight by Olight here:
*Gear & Clothes in the Video*
Hoody: Fugitive Hoody (now Covert Hoody)
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Olight M1T RAIDER - EDC LED Taschenlampe bei Nacht - 500 Lumen
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Where To Buy On amazon:
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Favorite Knife Sharpening Systems:
Favorite EDC Knife:
Manix2 Lightweight
Favorite Medium Survival Knives:
Fallkniven A1
Favorite Big Chopping Knives:
Ka-Bar Becker BK39
ESEE Junglas
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Alpha Outpost
Forged From Freedom Tshirts
Buy Locs N Load Tshirts
use code “LNL5” TO save 5%
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use code LNL5VQ to save 5%
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use code locsnload to save 10%
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#Olight #Flashsale #Seeker2
This is a new release from Olight. I like it. The run times are excellent! Enjoy!
Want one? Here’s some flash sale information (August 29th)
If you want to help the channel use this link to purchase:
Customers need to log in or register to get the free clip or a traffic wand. The clip fits on both Seeker 2 and Seeker 2 Pro. The traffic wand has two color options: orange and white and can fit on Seeker 2/Pro and Warrior X.
1-Seeker 2 in Black 30% OFF (MAP: $; Sales price: $) limit 2 per person
2-Seeker 2 in Blue 30% OFF(MAP: $; Sales price: $) limit 2 per person
3-Bundle: Seeker 2 Black + I3T FDE 40% OFF(MAP: $131.9; Sales price: $) limit 2 per person
4-Bundle: Seeker 2 Blue + I3T FDE 40% OFF(MAP: $141.9; Sales price: $) limit 2 per person
Spend over $99 get 1pc i1R (MAP:$) for free;
Spend over $159 get 1pc S1 MINI HCRI (MAP:$) for free.
For for other products not in flash sale. Feel free to use " jiujitsu2000 " as your coupon code to get a 10% discount... :-)
Seeker 2:
Seeker 2 Pro:
Seeker 2 Pro DT:
Seeker 2 vs. Seeker 2 pro:
I3T Black:
I3T Copper:
I3T Desert Tan:
S1 mini:
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The Olight M1t is a great EDC or backup light putting out 500 lumens through it's TIR lens.
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In this video I'll show you the brand new M1T Raider PLUS by Olight. I loved the original M1T and I like this one even more. It has 3 modes now. They've made the low mode 3 times brighter (15 lumens instead of 5), added higher lumens on high (from 500 to 800), and also added a STROBE option! It's much improved over the previous version. Enjoy!
The M1T Raider Plus is the enhanced tactical version of the Olight M1T Raider running off two CR123A batteries which increase the output to 800 lumens while having a 15-lumen low mode as a milder alternative.
Aside from a firm grip, comfortable tail switch, and the simplistic operation adopted from the M1T Raider, the M1T Raider Plus is an even more feature rich and versatile light given the added strobe mode and compatibility with optional weapon accessories such as a weapon mount and dedicated remote pressure switch.
1. Unique body. Dense double helix body pattern combines functionality and style.
2. Premium beam quality. TIR optic produces a soft and balanced beam which is great for reading on low mode or any close-range illumination at night.
3. Comfortable tail switch. It features an auxiliary spring hidden under the switch making operations smooth and crisp.
4. Simple user interface. Control mode changing (800/15 lumens), momentary-on, constant ON/OFF, and strobe mode all through single clicking the tail switch.
**M1T PLUS is not compatible with 18650.
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Need a solid flashlight?
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My everyday carry tactical flashlight. The Olight M1T raider is a max 500 Lumens Flashlight. I had been thinking of upgrading my flashlight to a better quality one. Found this Olight flashlight on a flash sale half off. Took a chance and ordered one, received it in about a week. So far I am satisfied with this flashlight, the 500 Lumens is enough light output for me. This is supposed to be a pretty tough light, able to stand up to some abuse. It is about the size of the palm of my hand. Started off carrying it clipped inside my pocket but have now moved it to my belt.
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: A Novel Of Survival In The Coming Collapse
2. When the Grid Goes Down: Disaster Preparations and Survival Gear for Making Your Home
3. Urban Emergency Survival Plan: Readiness Strategies for the City and Suburbs
4. Easy Peasy Crops in Pots: Container Gardening for the City Dweller
5. Olight 15T 300 lumens
6. Olight Baton Pro 2000 lumens
Intro: "Gearhead" Kevin MacLeod ()
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You need a good flashlight to survive in the hurricane lava zone Hawaii. Olight is one of the best.
Olight Raider
Olight m2r Warrior
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The M1T Raider is an innovative single CR123A powered LED flashlight. Equipped with Luminus SST40 LED and a TIR optic lens, the M1T gives a premium quality soft beam for reading at night along with a high mode for self-defense. It is designed with a body length that fits perfectly into the palm of your hand maximizing contact area for a perfect grip. The body features a dense double helix knurling pattern that strengthens grip and provides unique style. The tail switch integrates momentary on, constant on, and mode changing all through single clicking the switch with minimal force. With an included lanyard and detachable dual-direction pocket clip, the M1T Raider is a great addition to your tactical gear and every day carry lineup.
buy it here:
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OLIGHT M1T Raider 500 Lumen LED Compact EDC Tactical Light CR123A Powered LED Flashlight
Sa video na ito ipapa kita po natin and bago natin edc tactical flashlight ang #Olihgt m1T raider. Nag lagay po tayo ng paracord at beads at sinubukan din po natin ang durability nito o un water test at drop test. Hindi po natin hinahamak ang quality nito bagkus isa po lamang itong trial o pan sariling kagustuhan ano man pag ka sira nito or damages wala po tayong ibang sisihin o hahabulin sa liability kundi ang may nag mamay ari nito (ako po). Hinihikayat ko po ang lahat na mag provide o mangalaga ng isa o dalawang flashlight sa atin pocket o bulsa sa pan araw araw. Bilang bahagi ng EDC (everyday carry) pan araw araw na dalahin.
Salamat po god bless
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Olight Flash Sale One-Day Sale on April 19th: M1T Raider 50% OFF (No matter how many units you buy! )
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Olight Raider M1T Flash Sale! 4-19-2018 See Details!
It's that time! is having one of their biggest sales of the year with everything on the website 20-40% off July 27th-30th with free goodies too! Watch the video to learn the details and set a reminder to score during the sale.
Olight Member Days 2018 -
1. On 27th July the Olight PL-MINI, 40%OFF, one day sale;
2. Last day 30th July the promoted product is M2R, 40% OFF, only 2 hours sale from 1:00pm to 3:00pm;
3. The new M1T will be promoted with 30 % OFF for four days from 27th to 30th July ;
4. Other products will be 20% off during our member day.
Olight M1T Raider 500 lumen tactical LED torch:
Olight PL-MINI:
Olight M2R Warrior:
R50 Pro Seeker:
I1R eos:
These are awesome flashlights!! Enjoy!
To all the UK fans... There's a sale for you too! Check it out here:
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Product Link -
In depth Look at the Warrior X -
We take a look at the Warrior X in a limited edition Desert Tan! Edit: SOLD OUT Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight M1T Raider EDC Flashlight - TheSmokinApe
Just a quick video review of the new Olight M1T Raider EDC / Everyday Carry light.
This light was sent to me free of charge from Olight in exchange for this video review.
Get the Olight M1T Raider here:
The M1T Raider is an innovative single CR123A powered LED flashlight. Equipped with Luminus SST40 LED and a TIR optic lens, the M1T gives a premium quality soft beam for reading at night along with a high mode for self-defense.
It is designed with a body length that fits perfectly into the palm of your hand maximizing contact area for a perfect grip.
The body features a dense double helix knurling pattern that strengthens grip and provides unique style. The tail switch integrates momentary on, constant on, and mode changing all through single clicking the switch with minimal force. With an included lanyard and detach-able dual-direction pocket clip, the M1T Raider is a great addition to your tactical gear and every day carry lineup.
1. Unique body knurling. Dense double helix knurling pattern combines functionality and style.
2. Premium beam quality. TIR optic produces a soft and balanced beam which is great for reading on low mode or any close-range illumination at night.
3. Comfortable tail switch. Features an auxiliary spring hidden under the switch making operations smooth and crisp. Control the mode changing (5/500 lumens), momentary-on and constant ON/OFF all through single clicking this tail switch.
4. Super convenient carrying. With a length no longer than the width of an adult palm, the concealed profile is perfect for backup duty. It comes with a dual direction pocket clip and lanyard for multiple carrying options, i.e. attach to pocket, backpack belt.
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Olight M1T Raider:
The Olight M1T Raider is a small 500 lumen EDC light. It is powered by a CR123 battery, has a deep pocket clip and a sturdy tail cap switch.
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OLIGHT M1T Raider EDC Flashlight L2Survive with Thatnub
Learn more -
The brand new Seeker 2 is a simplified version of the Seeker 2 Pro with 3,000 lumens coming in Black or Limited Edition Blue! With a simple user interface and booming runtimes, the seeker 2 is a great all around light to use in any situation!
Full Sale Details -
Black Seeker 2 + Desert Tan I3T Bundle - 40% off! (Only $)
Blue Seeker 2 + Desert Tan I3T Bundle - 40% off! (Only $)
Blue or Black Seeker 2 by itself - 30% off
Free Seeker 2/Seeker 2 Pro Pocket clip or traffic wand in orange or white (fits seeker 2/Pro or warrior x) during the promotion! (No purchase necessary)
Spend $99-$158 - Free I1R keychain light ($ VALUE)
Spend $159 or more - Free S1 Mini HCRI ($ VALUE) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video I'll share with you the biggest flash sale in Olight history... Model M1T for 50% off!!! limit 2 per customer... you can get two for the price of one... Today 19th 2019! If you spend $99 or more like will automatically throw in a 13T eos for free! Enjoy!
You can use " jiujitsu2000 " as your coupon code to get a discount... :-)
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2 mode tactical light
simple operation
small size
easy to carry
nice pocket clip Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Update video on the M1T Raider Plus.
Battery Amazon Link:
Instagram: @TNMProductReviews
Song: Jim Yosef - Firefly
Music provided by NCS Music.
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Full product review on the Olight M1T Raider. A fantastic little EDC flash light with a 500lm max output and a new purpose designed outer casing! I give it a 10/10 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Elite Sale Link:
Olight M2R Warrior Review:
Olight i1R review:
Olight PL Mini-Valkyrie Review:
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Olight M1T Raider Compact EDC Tactical Flashlight - Unboxing, Review, & Test
Тип - пошуковий, джерело світла - LED, дальність світлового потоку - 350 м, яскравість - 330 люмен, елементи живлення - вбудований акумулятор, вага - 1048 г....
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