Manix 2 Lightweight Maxamet об'єднує легку конструкцію Manix 2 Lightweight з клинком зі сплаву Carpenter steel's Micro-Melt Maxamet. Maxamet - це дуже тверда порошкова інструментальна сталь, за своїми характеристиками близька цементованим вуглецем сталям, надтвердим матеріалам, які зазвичай використовують для обробки інших, більш м'яких металів.
Після розробки даного сплаву, зразки його було відправлено до багатьох ножових компаній, але тільки фахівці Spyderco змогли розробити унікальні методи обробки цього вимогливого матеріалу для створення надійних клинків.
Плоске листоподібне лезо ножів цієї лінійки цілком і повністю використовує переваги сталі Maxamet®, пропонуючи власнику ножа комбінацію міцності та ефективного різання.
Замок Ball Bearing Lock в модельному ряду Manix 2 Lightweight Maxamet є як оригінальним, так і зручним рішенням для фіксації клинка, головним чином за рахунок того, що фіксуюча кулька оснащена накладками з ребристого пластика. Накладки виступають з рукояті приблизно на міліметр, не ковзають і значно полегшують процес повернення клинка в складене положення. Надійність фіксації клинка в робочому положенні при цьому анітрохи не страждає.
Кліпса двохпозиційна, дротяного типу. Є отвір для темляка.
Загальну картину легкого, але при цьому міцного, «непоступливого» ножа для щоденного носіння, завершує рукоятка, зроблена з так званого FRCP - текстурованого полімеру зі скловолокном, що не ковзає в руці навіть в умовах підвищеної вологості.
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Manix 2 Lightweight Maxamet
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Spyderco Manix 2 Lightweight “Maxamet” I finally got some!
I just got my newest addition in the Spyderco Manix 2 Lightweight, with Carpenter’s Micro-Melt Maxemet Steel. Maxamet has a ton of carbides packed into it, and it’s know for its rediculous wear resistance, acompannied by being extremely hard machinabilty. Not may, if any other, knife makers are daring to use Maxamet due to that. I just give you my first impressions of the knife after carrying it one day, and I also introduce a new project coming up with the Mule Team 26 in Micro-Melt A11. Carpenter A11 is an analog steel of CPM 10V or Bohler K294, and should have an extremely high wear resistance when hardened into the mid-60s hrc, which it’s capable of. Both of these steels are using Carpenter’s Micro-Melt technology, and have a very fine grain will be a lot more content coming up shorty, including much more talks about Maxamet and the Manix 2. Thanks for watching! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Manix® 2 Lightweight Maxamet
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БОЛЬШЕ ЧЕРЕПОВ! Spyderco Manix 2 LW S110V складной нож
Good gravy its bricky on things
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Spyderco Manix 2 Maxamet - Best Lightweight EDC Knife ?
The lightweight Spyderco Manix 2 Maxamet steel version has become one of my favorite knives ever and secured a spot in my EDC knife rotation. The Eric Glesser design is literally on of the best folding knives I have ever used.
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Spyderco Manix 2 Lightweight in Maxamet Steel Close Up
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Was ist mein bevorzugtes EDC?
Das Werkzeug mit der meisten Tragezeit ist schon länger mein “Leatherman Charge ALX 2H” Multitool in einer speziellen, nicht mehr verfügbaren Zweihand-Ausführung.
Welches CB-Funkgerät verwende ich?
Aktuell verwende ich ein “Albrecht AE 6199 NRC” Funkgerät mit 80 Kanäle FM, 40 Kanäle AM und 4 Watt Leistung. Die Rauschunterdrückung (NRC) funktioniert sehr gut.
Welche Antenne verwende ich?
Auf dem Autodach steht eine 215 cm lange, 5/8 Wendelantenne der Firma “Firestick USA” in rot mit 3/8 Anschluss auf einem 16 cm “Sirio MAG 145” Magnetfuß mit 3/8 Gewinde.
Welche Stromversorgung verwende ich?
Alle Funkgeräte schließe ich an eine mobile “Beaudens B-1502” Powerstation an. Der Generator hat LiFePO4 Akkuzellen verbaut und eine Kapazität von 166 Wh.
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For some time now, most of the videos have been recorded with the "Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus" smartphone and processed directly on the device with the "YouCut" app.
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The tool with the most carry time has long been my "Leatherman Charge ALX 2H" multitool in a special two-handed version that is no longer available.
Which CB radio do I use?
I currently use an "Albrecht AE 6199 NRC" radio with 80 FM channels, 40 AM channels and 4 watts of power. The noise suppression (NRC) works very well.
Which antenna do I use?
A 215 cm long, 5/8 spiral antenna from "Firestick USA" in red with a 3/8 connection on a 16 cm "Sirio MAG 145" magnetic base with a 3/8 thread is on the roof of the car.
Which power supply do I use?
I connect all radios to a mobile "Beaudens B-1502" power station. The generator has LiFePO4 battery cells installed and a capacity of 166 Wh.
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In search for the best knife to unbox unlimited amounts of boxes Maarten finally found a match.... after dating for a few weeks they fell in love and eventually this knife even made it into a real DBK Episode! Yes, ladies and gentleman i'm talking about one of the sickest folding knives when it comes to steel in this universe. I'm talking about the Spyderco manix II in Bloody maxamet!
Our shop is completely restocked you bastards!
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Customizing the Spyderco Maxamet Manix 2 - Hydrographics in Multicam
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Spyderco Manix 2 Gray Maxamet
More about the knife and the Maxamet steel Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Good gravy its bricky on things
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Sometimes you have to get a little crazy and break things to get things to be just as you would like.
This is what you do when Spyderco does not make the exact knife you want. You go to your workbench, or chop shop, and make one that is unique to you. That is what I did here. The orange Manix 2 with the S90V handle is pretty cool. But other than wearing it in the yard or when I mow on the tractor, it never saw pocket time. What I really wanted was a black handle and all-black hardware with the S90V blade. does not offer that. So, what do I do? Buy an all-black one with the BDN1 steel, take that blade out, and replace it with the S90V from the orange one. The only problem is that the orange one is of the older variation that is riveted together and not supposed to be monkeyed with. Fear not, I have a vise and tools. ANYTHING can be taken apart. Once I got the blade out, it was a piece of cake putting it in the new variant of the Manix 2. This one is put together with screws. Yippee. Which begs the question, why did it take so long for them to make it this way when all along they have been making the Native 5 and others that way? Oh well. Mine is not to question. (Ha). I'm just glad they did it and now we tinkerers can have more fun with the Manix 2!
Here is the video where I painstakingly modified the Gerber Strongarm:
Here is the video where I teach you how to Scandivex a knife blade.
And if you are into modifications, this one about my Randall Model 3-5 should be interesting:
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Redwood Trail by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
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MAXAMET Manix 2 FRN RIT Dye and Clip Adjustment: Breaking Red Loctite Threadlocker
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Joe finally figures out how to dye the stubborn Grey FRN handles of his MAXAMET Manix 2 pocket knife from Spyderco. Previous attempts did not take, but the RIT Dyemore Synthetic did the trick and did it FAST. Also, Joe shows how he breaks the factory threadlocker found on older model Spyderco knives. This threadlocker is a huge pain to break and remove and coupling it with T6 torx hardware is an unforgivable Spyderco sin. Luckily, they have since changed their policies after years of customer feedback. But you still can't disassemble the knife so it's a wash on this model.
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Manix 2 History and Lightweight Screw Together Construction
Ounce for ounce, the Spyderco Manix 2 Lightweight is one of the most capable folding knives ever created. This award-winning design offers full-service cutting performance in an ultra-lean package that tips the scales at a mere 3.0 ounces (85grams). To make this groundbreaking folding knife even better, Spyderco is proud to announce it now features screw-together construction.
Check out all of the Manix 2 Lightweight knives on our website
Check out the entire Manix 2 line on our website
0:00 Intro
0:23 Manix 2 Lightweight Overview
0:38 Original Manix design - C95
1:26 A slightly smaller size - C101
2:04 Core ergonomic design
2:18 What is a 50/50 choil?
2:43 Lock, scales, and steel
3:15 The next evolution... The Manix 2
3:27 The Spyderco Ball Bearing Lock Mechanism
5:08 The Manix 2 clip
5:30 Evolution of the grind from Hollow to Flat
6:05 The transition to Lightweight
7:13 Recognized by the knife industry
7:32 Black and blue
8:01 Light discipline
8:45 A platform to showcase different blade steels
9:08 CPM S110V
9:35 Maxamet
10:25 CPM SPY27
11:16 The latest evolution - Screw together construction
12:27 Close
Thank you for your continued trust, confidence, and interest in Spyderco and our products. We are honored to serve you.
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Joe attempts to dye his Spyderco Manix 2’s handles but winds up with an acid etch. Luckily, it looks like an intentional mod and has a cool gunmetal aesthetic
@joeinkiron on Instagram Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This Manix 2 utilizes an ultra high-performance Maxamet steel blade and gray lightweight handle. The result: another must-have Spyderco to add to your rotation. Carpenter® steel's Micro-Melt® Maxamet® alloy is a super-hard high-speed powdered tool steel possessing properties that transcend conventional high-speed tool steels approach those of cemented carbides, the ultra-hard materials used to machine other steels. Like its G-10 handled counterpart, the lightweight Manix2 features a Ball Bearing Lock. The lock operates around a free-floating ball bearing contained inside a custom polymer cage. The ball bearing's round shape allows the lock to self-adjust across a large surface ensuring smooth and consistent lock-up every time it is engaged. The Ball Bearing Lock is engineered to be self contained meaning there is no need for internal liners to support it, allowing the folder to be manufactured liner-free and extraordinarily light weight. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
See the Spyderco Manix 2 Lightweight in this hands-on snap review. I cover the pros and cons and it may help you determine if the hefty price difference over the other Manix 2 models is worth it to get this super-steel ergonomically-friendly get another model or super steel entirely. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Характеристики ножа Spyderco Manix 2, Maxamet Blade:
- длина клинка - 86 мм
- длина открытого ножа - 204 мм
- длина закрытого ножа - 118 мм
- материал клинка - Carpenter CTS Maxamet Tool Steel
- обработка клинка - Satin
- материал рукояти - армированный термопластик FRN
- тип замка - Ball Bearing Lock
- приспособление для открытия клинка - отверстие в клинке
- масса ножа - 84 г
- страна изготовитель - США
Складной нож Spyderco Manix 2, Maxamet Blade не является холодным оружием. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video I give my full thoughts and opinions of the Spyderco Manix 2 LW, and this particular one is a Knife Joker exclusive!
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Spyderco Manix 2 Lightweight in Maxamet Vs Baloon String
Hope you enjoy today's Pocket Dump Deconstruction! Please Like, Share, Subscribe, and Turn On Notifications! Follow me on Instagram@keithkevinken. Thanks! -Kevin Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Spyderco Manix 2. Обзор и сравнение с легендарными Спаями.
Всегда хотел Manix 2 (правда его облегчённую версию). И вот этот нож у меня. Вроде бы я должен быть рад и счастлив... Но на полке я ножи не держу,а вместо какого из своих Спаев использовать Маникс, я так и не понял. В кадре мои рабочие спаи и мысли,как же всё-таки можно позиционировать Spyderco Manix 2. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The soul of the C101PGY2 Manix 2 Lightweight is its flat-ground Carpenter CTS Maxamet tool steel. Its leaf-shaped profile flows seamlessly into the lines of the handle while providing both a forefinger choil and an understated thumb ramp. Both these areas feature strategic jimping (textured grooves) for a secure grip and support a forward grip for increased control during detailed cutting tasks. The blade's 14mm Trademark Round Hole makes one-handed deployment with either hand swift and positive.
The Manix 2 Lightweight's handle is injection molded from gray fiberglass reinforced copolymer (FRCP) and includes Spyderco's distinctive Bi-Directional Texturing pattern to ensure a secure grip in all environmental conditions. The lightweight FRCP handle reduced the overall weight of the knife to a mere 3 ounces--42 percent lighter than the G10 handled Manix 2. A reversible wire clip provides convenient left or right-side tip-up carry and an oversized lanyard hole allows the easy attachment of fobs and lanyards.
Linking the blade and handle is Spyderco's patented Ball Bearing Lock mechanism. This high-strength lock consists of a ball bearing nested within a durable textured polymer "cage." When the blade is deployed, a spring-loaded steel plunger drives the ball bearing forward to wedge between a ramp on the blade and an "anvil" in the handle's steel insert. Drawing the caged ball bearing to the rear releases the lock and allows the blade to close smoothly while keeping your fingers safely away from the sharp edge. Smooth, strong and easily operated, like the rest of the knife's features, the Ball Bearing Lock is also completely ambidextrous.
Carpenter CTS steel's Maxamet is a super-hard high-speed powdered tool steel possessing properties that transcend conventional high-speed tool steels approach those of cemented carbides, the ultra-hard materials used to machine other steels. When Carpenter developed this amazing alloy, they sent samples to various companies in the knife industry to evaluate as a blade material. Although many tried, Spyderco was one of only a handful of companies to successfully develop the specialized methods necessary to machine, heat treat and grind this demanding material to yield reliable, high-performance knife blades.
Maxamet's remarkable alloy composition includes: Carbon: %, Manganese: %, Sulfur: %, Silicon: %, Chromium: %, Cobalt: %, Vanadium: %, and Tungsten: %. This sophisticated mix of elements, combined with the advantages of powdered metal technology, give it an extraordinary balance of wear resistance and toughness at high hardness levels. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Spyderco Manix 2 Collection: Exclusive And Sprints Knife Video
Inspired by Michael Christy and Shawn Houston.
Sharpened on a WorkSharp Precision Adjust and stropped on leather with Jende 1 micron emulsion.
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Taking your look at the new Spyderco manix 2 lightweight in maxamet crazy high alloy tool steel from Spyderco and a sneak peek at the Benchmade 590 boost Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Zero Distance Static Push Cut with my(Freshly Sharpened) Spyderco Manix 2 Lightweight in Maxamet
Большой клинок с прямыми спусками от обуха изготовлен из нержавеющей высококачественной порошковой стали CPM-S30V. Фирменное круглое отверстие Spyderco Round Hole, для удобного открытия любой рукой. Замок - Ball Bearing Lock. Этот замок представляет собой подпружиненный подшипник (шарик), заключённый в камеру из полимера. Который фиксирует лезвие, а также позволяет быстро раскрыть нож. Крупная эргономичная рукоять изготовлена из полимера G10 с мелкой шероховатой текстурой. Рукоять удобно ложится в руку и позволяет использовать разнообразные хваты. Сердцевину составляют лайнеры из нержавеющей стали, их насечка слегка выступает за контуры рукояти, обеспечивая дополнительное сцепление с поверхностью. Двухсторонняя клипса. Широкое отверстие для темляка.
Длина ножа: 227 мм
Длина клинка: 98 мм
Толщина обуха: 3,2 мм
Материал клинка: СРМ S30V (58-60HRC)
Материал рукояти: G10
Производство: Spyderco, США
Вес: 146 гр
СКИДКИ до 30% в телеграм канале Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Ніж Spyderco Manix 2 Lightweight Maxamet (C101PGY2). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17