Freyr - в германо-скандинавській міфології бог родючості і літа. Фрейру підвладне сонячне світло, він не любить воєн і протегує мир на землі. Саме на честь цього бога був названий новий унікальний ліхтар Olight Freyr.
Модель являє собою не просто ліхтар, але ще і може використовуватися в якості сигнального інструменту. В якості основного світла використовується сучасний High Performance Led діод. Максимальна яскравість ліхтаря складає 1750 люмен, а дальність світлового променя - 360 метрів. На мінімальному режимі 5 люмен ліхтар здатний працювати протягом 15 днів. Основний промінь світла активується безшумною торцевою кнопкою.
Ліхтар також оснащений трьома RGB світлодіодами - червоного, синього і зеленого кольору, які незалежно працюють, як від основного світла, так і один від одного. RGB світлодіоди за розміром значно менше основного, і розташовані навколо нього. Найчастіше, такі кольори використовуються для зменшення навантаження на очі в темний час доби, або в якості сигнального світла. RGB-діоди активуються бічною кнопкою і дозволяють проводити перемикання між собою.
В якості живлення Olight Freyr використовується кастомізований акумулятор типу 21700 на 5000 mAh. Індикатор зарядженості ліхтаря знаходиться в боковій кнопці і сигналізує користувачу про рівень заряду ліхтаря.
Обзор фонаря OLIGHT FREYR -
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The Freyr is our first Multi-color LED flashlight featuring an incredible 1,750 lumen white light and an integrated red, green, and blue LED! Get the functionality and overbuilt quality of the M2R Pro now with colored LEDs! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Sale Link Code 704tactical for 10% Off NON SALE ITEMS !
Make a great EDC , Emergency , Survival , Camping , EMT , Search and rescue , Law Enforcement , Bug Out , Car kit Light ! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Flash sale date: 8:00 PM January 28th -11:59 PM January 30th GMT.
Affiliate Link:
Discount code: Andy10
Main promoting products are as below:
Star product: Freyr
Single Freyr: ₤, ₤, save alomst ₤ 30!
Freyr + i5T Grass: ₤, ₤169.9, save almost ₤60!
Freyr + Open 2 Blue: ₤, ₤189.9, save almost ₤70!
Freyr + Obulb Green: ₤, ₤159.9, save almost ₤55!
Surprise discount: buy one Warrior X turbo Black worth ₤, get one S1R II black (₤)for free!!
Popular product: i5T Brass
Single i5T Grass: ₤,₤, almost save ₤7!
i5T Grass + Open 2 Blue: ₤, ₤99.9, almost save ₤35!!
Couple Couple
S2R Baton II BK +S1R Baton II BK: ₤, ₤119,9, almost save ₤40!
Warrior X Pro + i5T Purple: ₤, ₤152.9, almost save ₤50!!
i5T Brass+I3T red: ₤, ₤61.9, almost save ₤20!!!
Please click the following link and see more information about Olights Flash sale!!
Coupon Code will work during sales on non-sale listings ONLY.
Link code for tracking purposes only, no affiliate / commission is received from sales of Flights Products.
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Music - Lobo Loco - Blues Angeline:
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→ OLIGHT Freyr 1,750 lumens and 360-meter throw RGB Tactical Flashlight - ?streamerId=1428563681332875265&channel=default
► Use Discount Code: WA10 to get 10% off
Here are some of the basic specs on the new Olight Freyr.
The new Olight Freyr is a smaller full-sized LED rechargeable flashlight that produces white, red, green, and blue light. The white light is the brightest light and the red, blue, and green are mostly designed to be used with the included silicone traffic wan. While this wand is perfect for directing the traffic and signaling, it also has many other uses for someone other than law enforcement.
The new Olight Freyr is a great LED flashlight for many with 1,750 lumens and 360-meter throw and 32,400 Candella. This light is as bright as many other larger and more tactical Olight flashlights. This light uses a 5000mAh 21700 rechargeable battery and boasts a 15-day runtime with the moonlight mode. Love it or hate it, the Olight MCC, a magnetic charging cable that comes with this unit is a 2 amp charger and helps to recharge the light quickly.
This seems to be a purpose-built flashlight that many other people will want to get their hands on because of the many features it has along with a great design. Leave us some comments on what you think this light would be best used for outside it's designed purpose of law enforcement.
#Olight #New #Freyr Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
OLIGHT Freyr - 1750 lumen flashlight with RGB LED's and Proximity sensor
Get the OLIGHT Freyr here -
Discount code: FLASHAHOLICS10
FLASHBOX 2: I measured 1898 lumens / 41956cd (409m) @turn on
FLASHBOX 1: I measured 2280 lumens / 41956cd (409m) @turn on
Please subscribe if you all ready haven't -
Main promoting products are as below:
Star product: Freyr
Single Freyr: ₤, was ₤, save almost ₤30!
Freyr + i5T Grass: ₤, was ₤169.9, save almost ₤60!
Freyr + Open 2 Blue: ₤, was ₤189.9, save almost ₤70!
Freyr + Obulb Green: ₤, was ₤159.9, save almost ₤55!
Surprise discount: buy one Warrior X turbo Black worth ₤, get one S1R II black (₤) for free!!
Popular product: i5T Brass
Single i5T Grass: ₤, was ₤, almost save ₤7!
i5T Grass + Open 2 Blue: ₤, was ₤99.9, almost save ₤35!!
Couple Couple
S2R Baton II BK +S1R Baton II BK: ₤, was ₤119,9, almost save ₤40!
Warrior X Pro + i5T Purple: ₤, was ₤152.9, almost save ₤50!!
i5T Brass+I3T red: ₤, was ₤61.9, almost save ₤20!!!
We also prepare all kinds of packs for any needs. The more you buy, the bigger discount you will get! Please click the following link and see more information about our Flash sale!!
Coupon Code will work during sales on non-sale listings ONLY. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Have any questions? Leave them in the comments below!
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Olight Freyr Chapters
0:00 Start
0:30 Packaging & Accessories
1:22 Construction
3:00 Retention
3:49 Size & Weight
4:05 LEDs & Beam Shots
5:45 Night Shots
7:40 Heat & Runtime
8:11 User Interface
9:27 Charging
10:03 Pro's & Con's
10:36 Conclusion
As an Amazon Associate I may earn a small percentage from links to Amazon.
#FlashlightReview #Olight #Freyr Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Freyr:
The Freyr is a dual-switch flashlight producing both white light and RGB lights. White light for daily use. The three colored lights (red, green, blue) are helpful for night vision, investigation, or signaling.
It's Olight's first RGB flashlight!
-6 lighting mode + strobe.
-Max 175 lumens with a 360-meter throw
impact resistant
-IPX8 waterproof
-Red, green, and blue modes
-Dual switches
-Comes with a holster and silicone wand
-Built-in thermal and proximity sensors
-Retail $
**Olight Freyr: Amazon link✔
(I may or may not see a small kickback by using Amazon links. I am not sponsored by Olight.)
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#olight #freyr #flashlightreview
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Link to Olight sale:
Olight Freyr Review - I must say, I do like the simplicity of this Olight. Usually its inundated with "press and hold" for different lumen modes, this one has 2 tail modes and the RGB is cycled by the side switch and that's pretty much it. You don't have to hold down a button to cycle different outputs to get to max lumen mode, it's a really good blend of EDC and defensive.
Channel Links:
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Olight Affiliate Link:
Olight South Africa Discount Code: EDCFORTHEEDG
Torch SA Affiliate Link:
Kore Essentials Discount Code: EDCfortheEDG
Strauss & Co Discount Code: EDCforEDG Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
FREYR, esta linterna multicolor es una pasada [Unboxing + test de luz]
Buenos días a todos, en el video de hoy os traigo una de las linternas más innovadoras del mercado con hasta 14 modos de luz diferentes (rojo, verde, azul, blanco turbo, blanco suave, blanco moon, blanco estrobo, todos ellos para ser usados con y sin cono de silicona)
💙 Link de la linterna: 💙
Índice del Vídeo:
00:00 Introducción
00:55 Unboxing
03:56 Colores
04:12 Certificado caídas
05:23 Avisador batería
06:02 Batería y cargador MCC3
06:41 Test de agua
07:38 Clips de enganche
08:03 Lente TIR y sensor de proximidad
08:45 Modos de luz
12:41 modo bloqueo
13:08 Utilidades
14:00 Test de luz
17:00 test de caídas
18:06 Conclusiones
💙WEB: 💙
SOBRE NOSOTROS: En Olight somos especialistas en iluminación portátil, nuestros años de experiencia y nuestras decenas de modelos lanzados al mercado en sus diferentes versiones lo avalan.
Olight a sido creado por amantes de la iluminación portátil que buscaban soluciones prácticas y eficientes a sus problemas del día a día, por lo que todos los diseños son ergonómicos, pequeños y muy muy potentes, con protección frentes a caídas, barro y agua para una mayor durabilidad.
También creemos que una buena linterna debe tener también una buena autonomía, por eso llevamos años desarrollando baterías recargables de gran capacidad y cargadores magnéticos exclusivos para poder recargarlas lo más rápido posibles y en la mayoría de situaciones que se puedan dar.
En Olight tenemos linternas para múltiples usos:
- Linternas para fusiles.
- Linternas para pistolas.
- Linternas para senderismo.
- Linternas para búsqueda y rescate.
- Linternas policiales y militares.
- Linternas laborales de señalización.
- Linternas de llavero ultra potentes.
- Linternas de bolsillo EDC.
- Linternas para bicicletas.
- Linternas de decoración.
- y en general todo tipo de linternas para todo tipo de funciones.
#freyrolight Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Review flashlight OLIGHT FREYR (White+RGB) -
Where to buy flashlight OLIGHT FREYR (White+RGB) -
or with coupon BEREZOVY for 10% discount – Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Freyr is a dual switch tactical flashlight featuring both white and RGB lights. It has a max lumen output of 1750 lumens and 360 meters of throw. The RGB lights aid officers in night vision, investigation, and traffic signaling with the included silicone traffic wand. All powered by Olight's optimized 5000mAh 21700 rechargeable lithium-ion battery featuring their magnetic charging. While lacking some of the mid range modes you might find in regular EDC flashlights, the 360 meters of throw in this small framed flashlight is impressive.
Use promo code TXTOOL for 10% off all non-promotional items Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
BRAND NEW Olight Freyr RGB Multi-Colour Tactical Flashlight
Learn more details, click here
In this video we take a look at the Olight Freyr, a new mult-color and also LED flashlight. This light will give you up to 1750 lumens in the normal LED mode and it also give you red, green, and blue lights as well. If you like it, please catch the chance to get one.
Come and join us FB Group ( ) to win giveaway! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#olight #olightfreyr #taschenlampe
Die Freyr von Olight ist eine vielfältige Taschenlampe mit 1750 lumen und RGB Modus.
Der Diffusor macht die taktische Lampe zu einer praktischen Singnallampe.
• Sichert euch im Juni Sale bis zu 35% Rabatt!!
Olight Flashsale
. 10:00Uhr - . 02:00Uhr
🔦 Zur Lampe:
⚠️Rabattcode: ProjectHistory10
Unsere Ausrüstung findet Ihr auf unserer Website
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Unboxing the Olight Freyr RGB Flashlight | Giving it a quick test
Looking for a great all around light? This Olight Freyr may be the solution!
Great to keep in the car for emergencies or for those awesome camping trips! The diffuser and RGB settings work great for signaling or for acting as a lantern providing 360 degree light. With White, Red, Green, and Blue LED's, the uses are endless!
With a beam distance of 360 meters and max 1750 Lumens, this thing packs a punch!
Check out some quick shots of it outside, a quick comparison to an Olight S1r2, and see all the accessories it comes with.
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Find the Olight Freyr here:
#EDC Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Az új Olight Freyr innovatív kereső és taktikai lámpája több fronton megtalálja az elvégzendő feladatot. A nagy teljesítményű (Turbo fokozaton 1750 lumen) fehér fénnyel kiválóan alkalmazható keresési feladatokra, míg az RGB színskála vörös, zöld és kék színeit is elő tudja állítani a további fokozatokon az alkalmazáshoz beállított csökkentett fényárammal.
A különleges formatervezésű hűtőbordák külön egyéniséggé teszik az új készüléket. A jól kézreálló, kényelmesen kezelhető készülékház két kapcsolós rendszerű. A mágneses végkapcsoló egyben a töltő talpfelület, kapcsolóként pedig a gyors ki-bekapcsolást segíti, illetve a fehér fény folyamatos és taktikai beállításai állíthatóak itt, míg a lámpafejen a kívánt fokozat, illetve az alkalmazni kívánt szín állítható be. A különböző színek használata előnyös pl. éjszakai kereséskor, nyomozás során, vagy adott esetben jelző funkciókat is kiválóan ellátnak.
Különböző opcionális kiegészítőkkel alkalmas lehet közlekedés irányítás során, de akár helyszín biztosításra is jól használható.
5000 mAh-s készülékházban tölthető akkumulátora "Holdfény" üzemmódban akár 15 napon keresztül képes működtetni a lámpát. Töltéskor elegendő a pénzérme méretű mágneses töltőkábelt a lámpatubus végéhez közelíteni, a töltő mágnesesen csatlakozik és máris tölthető USB-A aljzattal rendelkező hálózati töltőről, laptopról, vagy akár autóban is.
A lámpa gyári tartozékaként kap a felhasználó egy praktikus, két irányban rögzíthető csíptetőt és egy kiváló minőségű tokot is, mellyel hosszútávon biztonságos helyen és mindig kéznél tartható.
Ideális lehet akár rendvédelmi felhasználásra is. 5 év gyári garanciával, az Olight-tól megszokott prémium minőségben és tartóssággal.
Válassza a megbízhatóságot, válassza a Leitz-Hungaria-t! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vom . bis zum . könnt ihr euch auf mit tollen Weihnachtsgeschenken und großen Rabatten eindecken! Mit dabei ist ab um 19 Uhr Abends auch die Freyr.
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Viel Glück Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Learn more -
UPDATE: Freyr sale starts tomorrow Dec. 16 at 8 PM Eastern time!
In this overview, we take a look at the brand new Olight Freyr, which is our first full RGB tactical light featuring a 1,750 lumen white light plus a red, blue, and green LED. This might be the most featured packed light we've ever made, and you can get yours up to 40% off during our Christmas sale starting tomorrow Dec. 16 at 8 PM Eastern time!
We have so much more on sale during one of our biggest sales of the year! Click the website link to learn about everything on our website up to 40% off! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Lampe torche RGBW puissante avec un capteur de proximité intégré pour éviter les brûlures. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Learn more -
FREYR GIVEAWAY - To Enter: SUBSCRIBE to this channel, LIKE this video, and leave ONE comment below with your favorite colored LED (Red, Green, or Blue). Winner picked next week, good luck!
The Olight Freyr is packed with features because it not only has a 1,750 lumen white light mode, but it also features a red, green, and blue LED for increased night vision and visibility for certain situations. With the body design of the extremely popular M2R Pro, the Freyr is the perfect high function tactical light for your kit! Also, this thing is an absolute beast! Click the link to get yours today and use the discount code olight10 at checkout! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Freyr Vs Nitecore SRT7GT - Olight Vs Nitecore Volume 1 #olight #nitecore #tactical #edc
Pick them both up here:
Use code: liteshop5 for 5% off orders over $100
Use code: liteshopten for 10% off orders over $200 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hi guys on this short video I'll be reviewing Olight's freyr .
An awesome flashlight for your car, boat, camping, fishing. hiking pass times.
Here are the links to the January sale
Affiliate Link:
Discount code: Mark10
Main promoting products are as below:
Star product: Freyr
Single Freyr: ₤, ₤, save alomst ₤ 30!
Freyr + i5T Grass: ₤, ₤169.9, save almost ₤60!
Freyr + Open 2 Blue: ₤, ₤189.9, save almost ₤70!
Freyr + Obulb Green: ₤, ₤159.9, save almost ₤55!
Surprise discount: buy one Warrior X turbo Black worth ₤, get one S1R II black (₤)for free!!
Popular product: i5T Brass
Single i5T Grass: ₤,₤, almost save ₤7!
i5T Grass + Open 2 Blue: ₤, ₤99.9, almost save ₤35!!
Couple Couple
S2R Baton II BK +S1R Baton II BK: ₤, ₤119,9, almost save ₤40!
Warrior X Pro + i5T Purple: ₤, ₤152.9, almost save ₤50!!
i5T Brass+I3T red: ₤, ₤61.9, almost save ₤20!!!
We also prepare all kinds of packs for any needs. The more you buy, the bigger discount you will get! Please click the following link and see more information about our Flash sale!!
Affiliate Link:
Discount code: Mark10
Main promoting products are as below:
Star product: Freyr
Single Freyr: ₤, ₤, save alomst ₤ 30!
Freyr + i5T Grass: ₤, ₤169.9, save almost ₤60!
Freyr + Open 2 Blue: ₤, ₤189.9, save almost ₤70!
Freyr + Obulb Green: ₤, ₤159.9, save almost ₤55!
Surprise discount: buy one Warrior X turbo Black worth ₤, get one S1R II black (₤)for free!!
Popular product: i5T Brass
Single i5T Grass: ₤,₤, almost save ₤7!
i5T Grass + Open 2 Blue: ₤, ₤99.9, almost save ₤35!!
Couple Couple
S2R Baton II BK +S1R Baton II BK: ₤, ₤119,9, almost save ₤40!
Warrior X Pro + i5T Purple: ₤, ₤152.9, almost save ₤50!!
i5T Brass+I3T red: ₤, ₤61.9, almost save ₤20!!!
We also prepare all kinds of packs for any needs. The more you buy, the bigger discount you will get! Please click the following link and see more information about our Flash sale!!
Link: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hier geht es zu Olight:
Mit dem Gutschein-Code "Fredprana10" gibt es 10% Rabatt auf die Lampen von Olight. Gilt nicht für reduzierte Lampen und die X9R. (Werbung)
Vorstellung der Olight Freyr, die es im Dezember in einem Sale zu kaufen gibt.
Vom ab 19:00 Uhr bis zum um 23:59 Uhr gibt es die Freyr für 106,41€ (anstatt 152,02 €).
Folgenden Bestellnummern wurden der Einkaufspreis erstattet:
1) 20121100469
2) 20121101392
3) 20121500927
4) 20121401330
5) 20121200064
Vielen Dank an Olight, die mir die Lampen kostenfrei zur Verfügung gestellt haben.
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Latarka Olight Freyr
Olight Freyr to profesjonalna latarka taktyczna, która oferuje światło w 4 kolorach. Latarka świeci, poza standardowym białym światłem, również na czerwono, zielono i niebiesko.
Czerwone światło nie zaburza pracy z urządzeniami noktowizyjnymi.
Zielone światło wyostrza kontury obiektów, co ułatwia poruszanie się w nocy.
Niebieskie światło poprawia nocne widzenie śladów oraz cieczy.
Dane techniczne
Źródło światła: dioda Cool white LED
Zasięg skuteczny: 360 m, wiązka skupiona
Zasilanie: akumulator 21700 5000 mAh - (w zestawie)
Obudowa: aluminium lotnicze z twardą anodyzacją typ. III
Włącznik: 2x typu klik (tylny i boczny)
Wymiary: 136 x 25,6 mm (głowica 40,5 mm)
Waga: 202 g
#olight #latarka #militariapl
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In this video we take a look at the Olight Freyr, a new mult-color and also LED flashlight. This light will give you up to 1750 lumens in the normal LED mode and it also give you red, green, and blue lights as well. Take a look and let me know what you think.
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Up to 35% Off 📣 Olight New Releases - This Is What You Came For
📣 Olight New Releases - This Is What You Came For
🔥Up to 35% Off ⏰ 8PM 5/27 - 11:59PM 5/28 EDT
🔦Brand New Odin Turbo - Rail-mounted LEP Tactical Light
🔦New Freyr Orange - White & RGB Tactical Light
🔦Marauder 2 Desert Tan - 14,000 Lumens
🆓 3-For-1: Buy Marauder 2, Get i3T Brass & Baton 3 Premium for FREE!
💻Register Now to Win yourself a FREE i3E!
👉 Save Up To 35% Off: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Marauder Mini & Freyr | RGB Compared! (Do you need to spend the extra money? 💲💲💲)
Olight Marauder Mini & Olight Freyr | RGB Compared! (Should you spend the extra money?)
👉Olight Store:
👉Save 10% by using my discount code: ChrispyThings10
(The coupon Code is not valid on sale items, nor the X9R.)
I thought this video would be helpful to those who need to have RGB modes in their flashlight but wondered if they needed to spend the 200 bucks on the Olight Marauder Mini if the Olight Freyr would do the job at a lower price.
Let me know what you think of this comparison in the comments and if you want to see more videos like this!
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🆕 Olight New Release: Freyr - New Multi-Color Tactical Light💯
🔥UP TO 40% off ➤ 8PM 12/13 - 11:59PM 12/17 EST🔔
⚡ 1750 Lumens & 360M Throw
⚡ Dual-switch with white and RGB lights
⚡ MCC3 Magnetic USB Charging
⚡ Conveniently built for all occasion - outdoors, tactical, traffic direction, law enforcement, self-defense & everyday carry
🎅Grab it here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Click here for more:
Beam Distance (ft) 1,181
Beam Distance (m) 360
Max. Performance (lumens) 1,750
Charge type MCC3 Magnetic USB Charging Cable
Compatible Batteries Customized 5000mAh 21700 Rechargeable Lithium-ion Battery
Light Intensity (candela)
White light: Max 32,400
Red light: 35
Green light: 90
Blue light: 15
Mode Operation Dual Switch
Unique Characteristics
● Olight first torch producing both white light and RGB (red, green, blue) lights
● White light: Max 1750 Lumens & 360 meters
● The RGB lights are helpful for night vision protection, investigation, or signalling (silicone traffic wand include)
● Dual switch: side switch to select a coloured light, tactical tail switch to operate the white light
● Intelligent proximity sensor: dim the output automatically when it detects an obstruction ahead
LEVEL 1 (lumens) 1,750 - 850 - 300 lumens
Run-time LEVEL 1 2+150+28 minutes
LEVEL 2 (lumens) 300 lumens
Run-time LEVEL 2 9.5 hours
LEVEL 3 (lumens) 5 lumens
Run-time LEVEL 3 15 days
LEVEL 1 (lumens) 30 lumens
LEVEL 1 (lumens) 60 lumens
Run-time LEVEL 1 14 hours
LEVEL 1 (lumens) 25 lumens
Run-time LEVEL 1 12 hours
Strobe No
Waterproof IPX8
Weight (g / oz) 222 /
Length (mm / in) 136 /
Head Diameter (mm / in) 40.5 /
Body Diameter (mm / in) 25.6/
High Performance Cool White LED
High Efficiency 635nm Red LED
High Efficiency 515nm Green LED
High Efficiency 470nm Blue LED
Packaging Carton Box
Use Outdoors, Tactical, Law Enforcement, Traffic Direction, Self-defense, Everyday Carry
Package Contents
Freyr (Battery Included) x 1
MCC3 Magnetic USB Charging Cable x 1
Silicone Traffic Wand x 1
Pocket Clip x 1
Holster x 1
User Manual x 1 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is my review of the Olight Freyr Flashlight.
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Auf haben wir auch im Juni wieder einen Sale für euch. Neben der Warrior Mini 2 in Schwarz, Desert Tan und Sky Mountain ist die Freyr in Orange definitiv ein Hingucker des Sales! Alle Infos zur Freyr hier im Video.
Freyr in schwarz ODER orange Gewinnspiel (je nach Verfügbarkeit)
✔️ Daumen hoch und Kommentar mit der richtigen Lösung
✔️ Adresse in Deutschland oder Österreich und volljährig
*Teilnahmeschluss am Ende des Sales. Die Gewinner*innen des Gewinnspieles werden zeitnah in einem Live-Video von Miro bekannt gegeben. Erfolgt innerhalb von 14 Tagen nach Bekanntgabe keine Rückmeldung der Gewinner*innen, wird der Preis erneut verlost.
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Olight Freyr 1750 Lumen Rechargeable Multi-Color LED Tactical Flashlight RGB
Battery Type: 21700
Material: Aluminum alloy Beam Distance(m): 360
Max. Performance (lumens): 1750 Brand: OLIGHT
Mode Operation: Tail Switch & Side switch Brightness: 1000-1999 Lumens
Model: FREYR Bulb Type: LED
MPN: Does Not Apply Color: Black/Orange
Type: Tactical Compatible Batteries: Customized 5,000mAh 21700 Rechargeable Lithium-ion Battery
Use: Outdoors, Tactical, Law Enforcement, Traffic Direction Features: Batteries Included, Rechargeable, Waterproof
Waterproof: IPX8 Length (mm / in): 136/
UPC: 6972378121493
Product Description
● Bright & Long Throw: Olight first flashlight featuring not only a normal white light mode but also a green, red, and blue LED for night vision protection, investigation, or signaling
● 3 Auxiliary Color LEDs: Ideal for directing traffic or marking a potential danger with the included traffic wand
● Dual Switches: Up to 15 days runtime and max 1750-lumen output Powered by a Customized 5,000mAh 21700 Rechargeable Lithium-ion Battery
● Useful Traffic Wand: With a silicone traffic wand, the Freyr is suitable for directing traffic, marking a potentially dangerous area, or party decorations
✔ Freyr, Olight's Innovative Multi-Color Tactical Light
The Freyr multi-color handheld flashlight delivers a max output of 1,750 lumens with its beam distance reaching 360 meters.
Light Source 4 x Leds: 1x High Performance Cool White LED; 1x High Efficiency 635nm Red LED; 1x High Efficiency 515nm Green LED; 1x High Efficiency 470nm Blue LED
Battery Source 1 x Customized 5000mAh 21700 Rechargeable Lithium-ion Battery
Max. Runtime 15 Days
Max. Throw of White Light 360 Meters
Max. Throw of RGB Light 12 Meters
Weight (Including Battery and Pocket Clip)
Head Diameter
Body Diameter
Body Material Aluminum Alloy
Waterproof Rate IPX8 2 Meters
Drop Test 1.5 Meters Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Freyr Flashlight Review - 400 m range tactical flashlight with magnetic charging, RGB output
Hello YouTube, Flashlight Enthusiast here! Another Olight to be tested, this time I chose tactical flashlight with a bit more range and additional RGB LEDs. Excellent finish, as always from Olight, yet with some complicated UI and sluggish sensor performance. I did enjoy reviewing the flashlight, but I have some reservations to my review sample. Enjoy!
Table of content:
0:00 Intro
0:40 Box overview
1:39 What's included
2:00 Traffic wand
2:15 Holster
2:54 Other accessories
3:55 Customer recognition
4:26 The battery
5:51 Switch design
6:29 Charging via switch
7:02 LED and optics
7:32 UI Overview
8:08 Battery indicator
8:45 UI comment
11:00 Beam pattern
11:54 Sensor
12:55 Turbo runtime graph
14:09 Beamshots
15:55 Summary Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
FLASH SALE - Link Below!
Affiliate Link:
Discount code: raykit10
Star product: Freyr
Single Freyr: ₤, ₤, save alomst ₤ 30!
Freyr + i5T Grass: ₤, ₤169.9, save almost ₤60!
Freyr + Open 2 Blue: ₤, ₤189.9, save almost ₤70!
Freyr + Obulb Green: ₤, ₤159.9, save almost ₤55!
Surprise discount: buy one Warrior X turbo Black worth ₤, get one S1R II black (₤)for free!!
Popular product: i5T Brass
Single i5T Grass: ₤,₤, almost save ₤7!
i5T Grass + Open 2 Blue: ₤, ₤99.9, almost save ₤35!!
Couple Couple
S2R Baton II BK +S1R Baton II BK: ₤, ₤119,9, almost save ₤40!
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We also prepare all kinds of packs for any needs. The more you buy, the bigger discount you will get! Please click the following link and see more information about our Flash sale!!
Coupon Code will work during sales on non-sale listings ONLY. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
● Multi-Colored Lights: Olight first flashlight featuring not only a normal white light mode but also a green, red, and blue LED for night vision protection, investigation, or signaling
● Perfect Combination: Ideal for directing traffic or marking a potential danger with the included traffic wand
● Great Performance: Up to 15 days runtime and max 1750-lumen output Powered by a Customized 5,000mAh 21700 Rechargeable Lithium-ion Battery
● Dual Switches: A side switch to select a colored light on demand, and a tail switch to operate the white light tactically
Learn More - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
All I Want for Christmas Is My Own Flashlight | Olight Flash Sale
You can check out all the sale details I missed at Olight:
Flashlights are up to 40% off and there are several bundles with big discounts as well as free flashlights! The Freyr has not actually been released yet... whoops!
For items not on sale you can use code H2H to get 10% off at Olight.
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Title Song is Lying Low
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Olight Freyr Multi Coloured New Arrival LED Torch
Affiliate Link:
Discount code: 10Mark
● Olight New Multicoloured LED Torch Producing White Light and RGB Lights
● Max 1750 Lumens & 360 meters throw
● Ideal for directing traffic or signalling with the included traffic wand
● Dual switch: select a coloured light/white light/strobe by side switch
● Intelligent proximity sensor: output dims automatically when it detects obstruction nearby
♦ Freyr - Innovative Multi Coloured Tactical Light
✔ The white light boasts a maximum output of 1,750 lumens and a beam distance of up to 360 meters.
✔ The three colored lights (red, green, blue) are helpful for night vision protection, investigation, or signaling.
✔ With a silicone traffic wand, it also can be used to direct traffic, mark a potentially dangerous area, etc.
Affiliate Link:
Discount code: 10Mark Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight FREYR le deballage et essais en FRANCAIS par NICO FIREARMS
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The Olight Freyr is a flashlight that I have used as an EDC option. In this video we look at it in detail with some basic field use footage to get an overall impression of the light. I definitely need to say it is very well made, with near perfect functionality and programming. Highly recommended!
Flash sale date: 8:00 PM May 27th - 11:59 PM May 28th EDT,
Olight Freyr Bundle Link:
Olight Store Link:
10% OFF Coupon code: OUTER10
Coupon Code will work during sales on non-sale listings ONLY.
B. Free Gift:
1. Free Magnetic Hook for Obulb
2. Every Newly registered customer will get a FREE i3E in black automatically
C. Main promoting products are as below:
1. Freyr Orange (Limited Edition), 20%OFF, $ (MAP: $); Bundle Obulb Orange, 30% OFF, $ (MAP: $)
2. i3T Mountain Sky, $
3. Free Tiers:
1) Over $129 get a FREE Obulb Green (MAP: $)
2) Over $259 get a FREE Open 2 DT (MAP: $)
3) Over $359 get a FREE Baton 3 Premium Edition Orange (MAP: $)
C. Below are our new lights main features:
1. Producing white, red, green, and blue light. Silicone Traffic Wand included, Perfect for directing the traffic and signaling
2. Incredible 1,750 lumens and 360-meter beam distance
3. Max 15-day runtime with the moonlight mode
4. Built-in proximity sensor automatically reduce the brightness to avoid overheating
5. Convenient and easy to operate with dual switch
6. Innovative magnetic charging
7. Limited edition in Orange
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OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM embodies the intellectual works of “Eric Outer”: host, owner, inventor, creator, designer, photographer, videographer, musician.
OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM includes, but is not limited to, multi-media works that are displayed on a multitude of online and social media platforms and is the property of “Eric Outer”. Content includes, but is not limited to, reviews and feature videos of gear, products, merchandise, outdoor activities, hiking, backpacking, camping, and related subjects.
OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM includes original music performed by the owner and affiliate musicians.
OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM produces products fabricated by numerous vendors and produced with the OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM name and logo. These products are the property of OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM and have been developed per the direction, specifications, and invention of “Eric Outer”.
OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM logos and images are property of “Eric Outer”. The OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM tribal tree and font is property of “Eric Outer”. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
New Thrunite TC20 Vs OLIGHT Freyr RGB | Lumens Vs Candela
→ Buy TC20 V2
- On THRUNITE Official Site: (Save 30% for a limited time)
- On Amazon:
→ OLIGHT Freyr - ?streamerId=1428563681332875265&channel=default
► Use Discount Code: WA10 to get 10% off
The new Thrunite TC20 V2 is powered by a 26650 5Ah battery and boasts 4,068 Lumens, 22,400 Candella, and a 299-meter throw. The only step down with this light is on Turbo mode that will last 220 seconds and drop from 4,068 lumens to 1,722 lumens, slightly fewer lumens than on high. On high, the light is 1,853 lumens and will last 122 minutes. That is impressive for a smaller light. The fairly large 26650 battery is charged via a USB C charging port on the side of the flashlight covered in rubber. Also on the side is the mode button that allows you to change through all the modes from Turbo to Firefly and also engage the strobe mode.
The OLIGHT Freyr is one of OLIGHT's newer flashlights and is powered by a 21700 5Ah battery with 1,750 Lumens, 32,400 Candella, and a 360-meter throw. The Freyr is an RGB, Red-Green-Blue, flashlight that is charged via the Olight MCC, Magnetic Charging Cable, and has a side and tail switch. The side switch operates the color change and the tail switch operates the white light for tactical use. The Freyer will step down multiple times on high as it starts out at 1,750 lumens for 2 minutes and eases into 850 lumens for 150 minutes and lastly drops to 300 lumens for 28 minutes.
Both the OLIGHT and the Thrunite are IPX-8 rates and will take a fall.
While it might seem that these two lights are very different, they do give you a good idea as to the difference between lumens and Candella. Sometimes we can get all caught up in the marketing and look at lumens and throw. If you look at the marketing on these two lights the Olighthas just a slightly longer throw than the Thurnite, but it would seem that the Thrunite is a brighter light. How? When we look at the lumens on the OLIGHT Freyer, they are pretty low at 1,750 compares to the Thrunite at 4,068. Lumens are the total amount of light a lighting apparatus emits. The higher the lumens value of a lighting device, the greater the area it illuminates. So we can see that the Thrunight is much more of a floodlight than the OLIGHT. When we compare the Candella from the OLIGHT at 32,400 and the Thrunite at 22,400, we see that the OLIGHT has a much more concentrated beam. Candella is the amount of light emitted by a lighting device in a particular direction.
When looking at flashlights, this information is not always given, but it is important to know what you are purchasing. If you need a long throw light, you want very high Candella numbers and if you want a floodlight, you want high lumen numbers.
#Thrunite #Vs #Olight Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Olight Freyr is a VERY cool light. Very versatile and ideal for those with a creative flair.
Flash Sale: ?streamerId=1431875785806970900&channel=default
My Olight SPLINT pocket knife:
SPLINT knife and i5R bundle on sale **Excellent hunting and fishing combination** : Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Unboxing & Reviewing The Olight Freyr Tactical Light
Unboxing & Reviewing The Olight Freyr Tactical Light
If you would like to buy this please go to my olight link below
Remember to use discount code MIKE10 to receive a 10% discount on your latest order.
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In this video I'll take a look at the brand new Olight Freyr. This one is fantastic!! Enjoy!
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Need a solid flashlight? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Тип - пошуковий, джерело світла - LED, дальність світлового потоку - 350 м, яскравість - 330 люмен, елементи живлення - вбудований акумулятор, вага - 1048 г....
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