вагітності, для зниження ризику народження дитини з дефектами головного і спинного мозку
розладах нервової системи
ослабленому імунітеті
дисфункції шлункового-кишкового тракту
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Приймайте по 1 капсулі в день з їжею або без або за вказівкою кваліфікованого лікаря.
Що це?
Метілфолат ((6S) -5-метілтетрагідрофолат або (6S) -5-MTHF) - це високо біологічно активна форма фолієвої кислоти. Розробка форми фолату 4-го покоління, володіє чудовою стабільністю, розчинність, безпекою та біоактивністю в порівнянні з іншими формами.
Як це працює?
Фолієва кислота відіграє значну роль в утворенні еритроцитів, кров'яних елементів. Як наслідок, вона успішно бореться з анемією. Вітамін В9 впливає на процес виробництва пуринів з яких складаються клітини нашого організму. Також він бере участь в процесі вироблення нуклеїнових кислот, які відповідають за передачу генної інформації. Таким чином ця речовина вкрай необхідно вагітним жінкам. Вітамін B9 знижує ризик народження дитини з дефектом головного або спинного мозку. Фолієва кислота сприяє виробленню серотоніну і норадреналіну, головним гормонів щастя і радості. Таким чином її можна приймати як антидепресант.
Детальні характеристики:
Jarrow Formulas
Метилфолат, 1000 мкг, Methyl Folate, 100 вегетари
для імунної системи
для нервової системи
для шлункового-кишкового тракту
Окремі вітаміни
Форма випуску
Кількість порцій / капсул
100 шт
Вміст елементів в 1й порції
Фолат (1000 мкг в вигляді (6S) -5-MTHF [з Quatrefolic® (6S) -5-метілтетрагідрофолат глюкозаміновий солі) 1700 мкг DFE
Фолиевая кислота витамин В9 Фолат Quatrefolic что это такое? И какое имеет значение, в чем отличие от обычной формы В9. Так же я вам расскажу, на что нужно обратить внимание, для правильного выбора. Кватрофолик улучшенная версия фолиевой кислоты, он гипоаллергенный и имеет лучшую биодоступность, это если в кратце) более подробно в ролике, приятного просмотра.
Товарищи, фолаты или кватрофолик, оставьте свои отзывы под этим роликом.
Всем приятного просмотра и не забывайте подписываться на канал!
Полезные ролики по этой ссылке
На этом канале я не рекламирую конкретную продукцию. Канал несёт исключительно информационный характер.
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💊 Смачне та корисне поєднання для забезпечення добової потреби у вітаміні С.
🔰 Вітамін С з екстрактом шипшини допомагає боротися з вірусами та інфекціями, зміцнює імунітет, забезпечує антиоксидантний захист організму, а також дарує шкірі здоров’я і молодість.
🔰 Вітамін С - жувальні вітаміни від американського бренду Nu-Health Products Co забезпечує добову потребу організму в даному вітаміні, а також компенсує його дефіцит при незбалансованому харчуванні та поганому засвоєнні аскорбінової кислоти організмом.
детальніше на сайті Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
For More Info or to Buy Now:
Andrew Lessman Methyl Folate 1000
Andrew Lessman's Methyl Folate 1000 delivers 1,000 mcg of 5methyltetrahydrofolate (5MTHF or Methyl Folate)the active form of Vitamin B9, an essential Bvitamin also known as Folic Acid. Although often mistakenly viewed as a secondary Bvitamin, Folic Acid is required for the body's most critical functions, such as all cell replication, repair and DNA synthesis, making it essential during pregnancy and to support the health of our body's most vital organs and systems (heart, brain and immune). Plus, Methyl Folate can cross the bloodbrain barrier, where it can deliver its brain and mood supportive benefits directly to the nervous system.
Folic Acid is the typical form of Vitamin B9 found in supplements and fortified foods, but it must be converted to 5MTHF to deliver its benefits. Unfortunately, a substantial percentage of Americans cannot convert Folic Acid into its active form and are thus deprived of its vital benefits. Our Methyl Folate (5MTHF) already exists in its active form and can deliver its benefits to everyone without requiring any difficult or impossible chemical conversion.
In short, our Methyl Folate 1000 overcomes the all too common biochemical obstacles that prevent so many of us from enjoying the critical benefits of this essential Bvitamin.
What You Get
30 Methyl Folate1000 easytoswallow capsules
Made in USA
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Менс формула Больше чем поливитамины описание и инструкция - КРУПНЫЙ ПЛАН *
Видео-описание препарата Менс формула Больше чем поливитамины. Краткая выдержка из инструкции, фармакологические свойства Менс формула Больше чем поливитамины. Препарат Менс формула Больше чем поливитамины в аптеках Украины.
Узнайте информацию о приеме и дозировках еще до похода в аптеку.
Купить в Киеве и Украине на https://витамины. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Be sure you’re getting enough folate (B9) to avoid a vitamin B9 deficiency.
0:00 Take folate instead of folic acid: here’s why
0:42 Vitamin B9 deficiencies are common
1:28 A B9 deficiency can cause these major health problems
In this video, I explain the importance of vitamin B9. There are a couple of different versions. One is folate and one is folic acid. I recommend folate because it’s the natural version, whereas folic acid is synthetic.
Vitamin B9 is important in chemical reactions in your body, especially turning genes on or off as well as DNA repair. You could end up with a lot of body issues if you have a B9 deficiency.
B9 deficiencies are common. The enzyme, methylfolate, which converts folate or folic acid to its active form, often causes gene mutations on the MTHFR gene in different groups of people. Some mutations cause no problems; others cause huge issues with the absorption of folate or folic acid. In fact, thirty to fifty percent of the population has some form of these mutations; out of this population, people have various abilities to absorb folate.
B9 deficiency can cause the following:
●High homocysteine, increasing your risk of stroke, heart attack, or hearing loss
●Increased risk of cancer
●Increased risk of heart disease
●Can’t detox
●Problems with neurotransmitters
If you’re taking or exposed to folic acid, the synthetic version, and you have a problem with the mutated gene MTHFR, you could develop health problems.
You might be exposed to folic acid if you’re eating grains that have been fortified with it, or in the vitamins, you’re taking.
You get folate from dark leafy greens; also from organ meats, although very few people consume them, let alone eat enough vegetables.
If you want to know if you have trouble with the MTHFR gene, take the 23 and Me test online. If you have a problem, then you want to take the version of B9 called methylfolate. It’s easy to find. Also, take a high quality B12 too, called methylcobalamin. Avoid the synthetic variety.
You can tell why getting enough folate is important to prevent a B9 deficiency.
Dr Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 55, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Disclaimer: Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The Health & Wellness, Dr. Berg Nutritionals and Dr. Eric Berg, D.C. are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site.
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Метилфолат — это ни что иное как одна из наиболее биологически активных форм фолиевой кислоты (витамина B9). Как известно, фолиевая кислота играет весьма важную роль для здоровья человека, а более подробную информацию вы узнаете в этом ролике.
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For More Info or to Buy Now:
Andrew Lessman Methyl Folate 1000
Andrew Lessman's Methyl Folate 1000 delivers 1,000 mcg of 5methyltetrahydrofolate (5MTHF or Methyl Folate)the active form of Vitamin B9, an essential Bvitamin also known as Folic Acid. Although often mistakenly viewed as a secondary Bvitamin, Folic Acid is required for the body's most critical functions, such as all cell replication, repair and DNA synthesis, making it essential during pregnancy and to support the health of our body's most vital organs and systems (heart, brain and immune). Plus, Methyl Folate can cross the bloodbrain barrier, where it can deliver its brain and mood supportive benefits directly to the nervous system.
Folic Acid is the typical form of Vitamin B9 found in supplements and fortified foods, but it must be converted to 5MTHF to deliver its benefits. Unfortunately, a substantial percentage of Americans cannot convert Folic Acid into its active form and are thus deprived of its vital benefits. Our Methyl Folate (5MTHF) already exists in its active form and can deliver its benefits to everyone without requiring any difficult or impossible chemical conversion.
In short, our Methyl Folate 1000 overcomes the all too common biochemical obstacles that prevent so many of us from enjoying the critical benefits of this essential Bvitamin.
What You Get
30 Methyl Folate1000 easytoswallow capsules
Made in USA
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About HSN: Welcome to HSN. The spot with one-of-a-kind finds. And the place where you are celebrated every day for what makes you remarkable.
We provide the thrill of discovery and unique experiences you can’t find anywhere else with a great collection of uncommonly brilliant products from fashion and beauty to home, jewelry and electronics. HSN delivers the full immersive shopping experience no one else can.
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Витамин Д - выбираем форму: жирорастворимая или водорастворимая? Однозначно жирорастворимая! Почему? Потому что витамин D имеет такую химическую, биохимическую формулу. Собственно, это стероид, и как любой стероид, приверженность его рецепторов только тогда, когда он приходит в своем естественном состоянии. Поэтому когда вы выбираете препарат и сомневаетесь какую форму выбрать, выбирайте беспрекословно жирорастворимую форму витамина D. Водорастворимая форма, конечно имеет свои определенные показания, но они не так богаты, не столь принципиальны и, собственно, согласно последним исследованиям водорастворимая форма не имеет настолько качественного эффекта на наш организм как ее естественная форма - жирорастворимая.
Vitamin D - choose a form: fat-soluble or water-soluble? Definitely fat soluble! Why? Because vitamin D has such a chemical, biochemical formula. Actually, this is a steroid, and like any steroid, the adherence of its receptors only when it comes in its natural state. Therefore, when you choose a drug and doubt which form to choose, choose the fat-soluble form of vitamin D unquestionably. The water-soluble form, of course, has its own specific indications, but they are not so rich, not so basic and, in fact, according to recent studies, the water-soluble form does not have such a qualitative effect on our body as its natural form - fat-soluble.
Вітамін Д - обираємо форму: жиророзчинна чи водорозчинна? Однозначно жиророзчинна! Чому? Тому що вітамін D має таку хімічну, біохімічну формулу. Власне, це стероїд, і як будь-який стероїд, прихильність його рецепторів лише тоді, коли він приходить у своєму природньому стані. Тому коли ви обираєте препарат і вагаєтесь яку форму обрати, обирайте беззаперечно жиророзчинну форму вітаміну D. Щодо водорозчиннорї форми, звичайно, є теж свої певні покази, але вони не такі багаті, не такі принципові і, власне, згідно останніх досліджень водорозчинна форма не має настільки якісного ефекту на наш організм як її природня форма - жиророзчинна. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Курс 3(19). Заняття №4.Вієта теорема. Формули Вієта для розвязування квадратного рівняня. Алгебра 8.
1. Для чого використовують формули Вієта?
2. Для розвязування якого типу квадратного рівняння зазвичай застосовують формули Вієта?
3. Як звали математика Вієта? В якій він проживав країні?
4. Яке квадратне рівняння називається зведеним?
5. Як виражається добуток коренів зведеного квадратного рівняння через коефіцієнти даного рівняння?
6. Як виражається сума коренів зведеного квадратного рівняння через коефіцієнти даного рівняння?
7. Як довести формули Вієта (для знаходження коренів квадратного рівняння) в загальному вигляді?
8. Для знаходження якого типу коренів квадратного рівняння зручно (доречно) використовувати формули Вієта, а в якому випадку не доречно використовувати ці формули?
9. Як втановити, що корені квадратного рівняння раціональні числа? що для цього необхідно обчислити?
10. Якщо для знаходження коренів квадратного рівняння використовуються формули Вієта, то з якою саме формули ( для суми чи для добутку коренів) необхідно починати підбирання чисел "які можуть бути" коернями даного рівняння?
11. Якщо дане квадратне рівняння незведене, то яке перетворення варто зробити з даним рівнянням перш ніж починати використовуват и формули Вієта для знаходження його коренів? Як буде називатись отрмане квадратне рівняння після виконання такого перетворення?
12. Чи можна використовувати формули Вієта для знаходження коренів квадратного рівняння, у випадку коли таке рівняння має один корінь? А коли дане рівняння не мє коренів?
#алгебра #формули_вієта #теорема_вієта #алгебра_8клас #learnayzer #відеоурок Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Виведення молекулярної формули речовини за масовими частками елементів
Дізнаємось про 2 способи виведення молекулярної формули речовини за масовими частками:
0:17 основні формули
1:27 задача 1 (І спосіб)
8:03 задача 2 (ІІ спосіб)
14:28 задача 3
20:25 задача 4
25:43 домашнє завдання Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Виведення молекулярної формули речовини за формулою гомологічного ряду та густиною або відносною гус
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Виведення молекулярної формули речовини за продуктами згоряння органічних речовин
00:28 виводимо загальне рівняння реакції горіння вуглеводнів;
3:22 задача 1: виведення формули вуглеводню за кількістю речовини реагентів та продуктів реакції;
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11:39 задача 3: виведення формули органічної речовини за масою реагентів та продуктів реакції Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Тимьян или по другому чабрец это одно и то же растение.
Британские учёные установили, что карвакрол, который находится в маслах Тимьяна сильнее стрептомицина, пенициллина и ещё 16 антибиотиков. При этом патогенная микрофлора поражается на 97-100%.. Эффективен для лечения инфекций, болезней органов дыхания и пищеварения. Из этого растения изготавливают препараты против большого спектора паразитов, бактерий таких как кишечная палочка и весь ряд бацилл.. Канадские учёные подтвердили эффективность в отношении грибков, устойчивых к действию флуконазола (при грибке ногтей)
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Формули квадрата двочлена, різниці квадратів / Теорія за 1 хвилину (7 клас. Алгебра)
Дивитись повну версію відеоуроку з повним поясненням, задачами та тестами Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Folinext gold tablet use, folinext gold tablet review in hindi, METHYL COBALAMIN, L METHYL FOLATE
Folinext Gold Tablet
Information about Folinext Gold Tablet
Folinext Gold Tablets contains L-methylfolate , Pyridoxal 5 Phosphate and Mecobalamin Tablets.
Folinext Gold Tablets contains all active form of vitamins would be rationale approach to prevent Neural Tube Defects (NTDs), pregnancy related anaemia and associated pregnancy complications due to elevated homocysteine levels.
Role of key ingredients:
L-methylfolate is the active form of folic acid used by your body. L-methylfolate is proven to lower levels of homocysteine (an amino acid linked to pregnancy complications).
Mecobalamin deficiency is linked with increased risk of intrauterine growth retardation, abnormal embryo-foetal brain development, cleft palate and metabolic syndromes.
Pyridoxal 5 Phosphate is the active form of vitamin B6 . B6 may play a role in the prevention of pre-eclampsia, where the mother’s blood pressure is high with large amounts of protein in the urine or other organ dysfunction, and in babies being born too early (preterm birth). Vitamin B6 may be helpful for reducing nausea in pregnancy.
Use under medical supervision.
#Folinext Gold Table
#LifeLine Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Міфи про вітаміни з лікарем дієтологом Оленою Дрюченко
Чи корисно щодня приймати #Омега3? Як готувати їжу, щоб там залишалося більше корисних речовин? Чи можна вживати #вітаміни на постійній основі? Про це і більше у програмі "Запитай у лікаря" розповість лікар #дієтолог Олена Дрюченко.
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Methylfolate Benefits & Dosage | How Much Methylfolate Should I Take? | Methyl-Life Supplements
Methyl-Life Dosage - How Much Methylfolate Should I Take? This Video Discuss the benefits and dosage of Methylfolate.
#supplement #health #wellness
Thanks for watching the video Methylfolate Benefits & Dosage | How Much Methylfolate Should I Take? | Methyl-Life Supplements Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Виведення молекулярної формули речовини за масою, об'ємом речовини реагентів або продуктів реакції
Навчальне відео з хімії 10 клас. Тема "Вуглеводні"
#slide= посилання на презентацію Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Подготовка к Беременности: Питание, Витамины, Фолиевая Кислота, Обследование
Планирование беременности. Как забеременеть?
1. Необходимо раз и навсегда сказать «нет» своим вредным привычкам: выбросить последний окурок, допить последний бокал пива и забыть об этом надолго, а лучше навсегда
2. Вторым шагом станет нормализация питания и обмена веществ. Обязательный витамин на этом этапе – фолиевая кислота.
3. Необходимо заняться спортом в разумных пределах. Лишний вес по возможности нужно ликвидировать, а мышцы тела укрепить.
4. Необходимо провести лечение зубов, которые будут подвержены разрушению во время вынашивания ребенка.
5. Необходимо посетить гинеколога, сдать некоторые общие и специальные анализы, а также нужно пройти медосмотр у других врачей.
Подпишитесь на канал : Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
MD. Life L Methylfolate 10mg – Active Folate 5-MTHF, Professional Strength Methyl Folate - I Reviews
link to this product (Special discount).
This is the best Flower Essences in the marketplace with cheap price that you can easily afford.
MD. Life L Methylfolate 10mg – Active Folate 5-MTHF, Professional Strength Methyl Folate - Immune Support, Essential Amino Acids – Vegan Gluten-Free - 90 Capsules Reviews:
ACTIVE FOLATE THAT WORKS - This L methylfolate 10mg formula contains the ingredients necessary for your body to properly utilize folic acid, also known as a complex b9 vitamin. Unlike folic acid, the synthetic form of vitamin B9, methylfolate is the already converted form of folate people can easily use without the need of the MTHFR enzyme.
- Methylfolate 10 mg, the most active form, is essential in the production and maintenance of new cells.
THIRD PARTY TESTED FOR PURITY - All our brain supplements undergo extensive third -party testing to maintain the highest level of quality and purity in the manufacturing of our products. Having third party certification means these products comply with specific standards set for safety, quality and performance. These products are also made and packaged in the USA.
– MD Life’s Methyl folate 10mg is a great choice for mood support. Sleep, concentration, energy, mood stability and hormone support are assisted by methylfolate.
- Studies have shown in humans that a methyl b complex deficiency may lead to decreased production of T-cells, which are part of the innate immune system that provides short-term defense against pathogens
MD. Life L Methylfolate 10mg – Active Folate 5-MTHF, Professional Strength Methyl Folate - Immune Support, Essential Amino Acids – Vegan Gluten-Free - 90 Capsules Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
We all have heard that we need folic acid, but what exactly is folic acid? How is it different from folate? Nurse Suzie from BINTO is here to break down the differences and explain the benefits of having methylated folate in prenatal vitamins. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Folic acid vs folate: dietitian explains | Nourish with Melanie #183
Folic acid vs folate
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Are you confused about the difference between folic acid vs folate? Well you've made it to the right spot!
In today's episode of Nourish with Melanie, fertility dietitian Melanie McGrice discusses the difference between folic acid and folate and how you can best meet your needs.
Kick start your fertility diet by downloading Melanie's FREE fertility meal plan at
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Available here:
Bulletproof™ Methyl Folate goes to work fast — making it the preferred form of folate supplementation. Folate is necessary in the production of everything from DNA to amino acids — working hard to help support your heart, your nervous system, and more. Methyl Folate is the most abundant form of active folate in the body. Other forms may need to be made into methylfolate before they can be used — taking Bulletproof Methyl Folate saves your body the trouble. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Технология выращивания томатов смотрите в последующих выпусках Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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There has been a lot of hype about methylfolate recently. Is it more natural, safer, and better utilized than folic acid? How much of what you have been hearing is myth and how much is truth? In this video I utilize my 40 years as a biochemist, educator and research scientist to answer those questions for you Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Folic Acid is trapped in the deficiency of Cobalamin (B12).
The active form of Folic acid is Tetrahydrofolate (THF)
Because B12 is required for the conversion of the Methyl THF to THF.
This leads to trapping of Folic acid in the form of methyl THF.
Deficiency leads to functional folate deficiency. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
CoQ10 - WARNING:5 Things to Consider *Before Buying* a Bottle
For a discount on CoQ10 go to and use the code PH882244 at checkout for 10% off our Coenzyme Q10 supplement.
Please note: The 10% off discount code PH882244 only applies to the purchase of one bottle of Purely Holistic offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer by Purely Holistic.
The video above details what you need to know about CoQ10 before you consider buying CoQ10 supplements.
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The video reveals the extensive health benefits associated with healthy levels of CoQ10. It’s so important to everyone’s health Dr Peter Langsjoen a prominent US cardiologist recommends that people over 30 increase their intake of CoQ10.
Dr. Stephen Sinatra America’s #1 Integrative Cardiologist said ‘CoQ10 is critical to your health—especially as you age. This compound is the spark that fuels energy production in every cell in your body, including your heart, which is your body’s biggest energy user.’
What is CoQ10?
CoQ10 is a substance similar to a vitamin, it’s found naturally in almost every cell in the body. It helps maintain a healthy heart, liver, kidneys and pancreas. As we age the body produces less CoQ10 naturally, Dr Peter Langsjoen a prominent US cardiologist recommends that people over 30 increase their intake of CoQ10.
What are the health benefits of CoQ10?
CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant, fighting damaging particles in the body known as free radicals, which damage cell membranes, tamper with DNA, and even cause cell death. Antioxidants, such as CoQ10, can neutralize free radicals and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage they cause.
CoQ10 can help with the following:
• Post Heart Attack - One clinical study found that people who took CoQ10 daily, within 3 days of a heart attack, were less likely to have subsequent heart attacks and chest pain.
• Heart failure - There’s evidence that CoQ10 may help treat heart failure when combined with conventional medications
• High blood pressure - Several clinical studies suggest that CoQ10 may lower blood pressure
• High cholesterol - People with high cholesterol tend to have lower levels of CoQ10, so CoQ10 has been proposed as a treatment for high cholesterol
• Diabetes - CoQ10 supplements may improve heart health and blood sugar and help manage high blood pressure in people with diabetes
• Gum disease - Clinical studies show that people with gum disease tend to have low levels of CoQ10 in their gums.
5 Things you must consider before buying CoQ10
1. Should I take Hard or Softgel Capsules?
Researchers from Canada’s KGK Synergize compared formulations from both forms and concluded that taking the softgel form resulted in 3.3 fold higher blood level concentrations of CoQ10 than the hard capsule.
2. Is it Manufactured in the USA?
Look for CoQ10 that is manufactured in the USA. Manufacturing in the USA also guarantees certified GMP processes are used. Imported supplements are often manufactured in sub-standard facilities that do not follow quality control and hygienic manufacturing.
3. How Much Should I Take?
Healthy people under age 60 take a minimum daily dose of 100 mg of CoQ10 to improve the metabolic efficiency of their cardiovascular system. If you’re over 60 increasing your CoQ10 intake to 200 mg daily is recommended.
4. Can CoQ10 Help Reduce Blood Pressure?
High blood pressure cause blood vessels to constrict and reduce the flow of blood through the veins, CoQ10 relaxes the layers of blood vessels, opening more space for the blood to flow thereby reducing blood pressure.
And finally the single most important point, you should consider this very carefully when buying your CoQ10 supplement.
5. Which CoQ10 is best Ubiquinone or Ubiquinol
Ubiquinol makes a claim that it can be absorbed better than other forms of CoQ10. Dr. Stephen Sinatra conducted a study of CoQ10 ubiquinone vs. ubiquinol. He checked the CoQ10 blood levels of his test group each month and found that both groups achieved excellent results. Dr Sinatra concluded ‘I’m sticking with hydrosoluble ubiquinone as the best kind of CoQ10 supplement’.
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In this clip, Joe Llenos, M.D. discusses the possibility of too much folate or folic acid. This board-certified family medicine physician practices at West Valley Medical Group. Learn more about Dr. Llenos here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Folic Acid vs. Folate | Improve Fertility with Folate | TTC Journey
Folic acid vs. folate If you have been TTC or struggling with fertility (infertility) issues for a while you have probably heard about the importance of taking folic acid BEFORE you fall pregnant. Folic acid and pregnancy go together like hand and glove, as lack of folate can cause spina bifida in an unborn child. You may have heard the terms "folate" and "folic acid" used interchangeably. Are they the same and what exactly is the benefit of either? These are a few of the questions I set out to answer when making this video. I hope you find it useful! Wishing every loads of baby dust on their trying to conceive (TTC) / Going to conceive (GTC) journey.
The Folate I use:
MTHFR and folate metabolism
Folate. What is it and what does it do?
Understanding the MTHFR mutation
Understanding methylation cycle
IVF and folic acid/folate (live birth rate increase)
Did you find this video from search? Find my channel here: Let's get those babies, ladies!
Here are some other videos you might enjoy!
Secret Tips Clear Blue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test | OPK | Fertility
IVF | What Is It? What To Expect During the IVF Process | TTC
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New York, NY 10185
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ИНСТРУКЦИЯ | Как собрать гастрономическую витрину G95 PALM длиной 1780 мм | Carboma™
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Multipharma full automatic capsule filling machine for hard gelatine capsules from size 00 to size 4 mod. V 10.
Hourly production from to capsules.
Opercolatrice automatica per capsule in gelatina dura per formati dallo 00 al 4 mod. V 10.
La produzione oraria va da a capsule ora. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
One Carbon Metabolism | Tetrahydrofolate and the Folate Cycle
Lesson on One Carbon Metabolism, the role of tetrahydrofolate and the folate cycle. Tetrahydrofolate (THF) is derivative of folic acid (Vitamin B9), which is acquired from dietary sources. Tetrahydrofolate (THF) in various forms (N5,N10-methylene THF etc.) acts as a carbon donor, allowing cells to produce nucleic acids, amino acids and methionine and s-adenosyl methionine in the activated methyl cycle.
***Re-uploaded to correct mistake***
Hey guys! In this lesson you will learn about one carbon metabolism, tetrahydrofolate and its role in producing various cellular products needed for purine and pyrimidine synthesis. You will also learn which dietary sources contain folic acid (folate), how folate is processed to tetrahydrofolate, and you will also learn the enzymes of the pathway. The anti-cancer medications known as methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil and their enzyme targets will also be discussed. Finally, you will also learn how the one carbon metabolism pathway is connected with the activated methyl cycle and methionine metabolism.
Hope you all find it helpful.
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Medical Terminology - The Basics - Lesson 1:
Fatty Acid Synthesis Pathway:
Wnt/B Catenin Signaling Pathway:
Upper vs. Lower Motor Neuron Lesions:
Lesson on the Purine Synthesis and Salvage Pathway:
Gastrulation | Formation of Germ Layers:
Introductory lesson on Autophagy (Macroautophagy):
Infectious Disease Playlist
Dermatology Playlist
Pharmacology Playlist
Hematology Playlist
Rheumatology Playlist
Endocrinology Playlist
Nephrology Playlist
**MEDICAL DISCLAIMER**: JJ Medicine does not provide medical advice, and the information available on this channel does not offer a diagnosis or advice regarding treatment. Information presented in these lessons is for educational purposes ONLY, and information presented here is not to be used as an alternative to a healthcare professional’s diagnosis and treatment of any person/animal.
Only a physician or other licensed healthcare professional are able to determine the requirement for medical assistance to be given to a patient. Please seek the advice of your physician or other licensed healthcare provider if you have any questions regarding a medical condition.
*Although I try my best to present accurate information, there may be mistakes in this video. If you do see any mistakes with information in this lesson, please comment and let me know.*
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Professor Julia Rucklidge, Psychology, College of Science
Despite the advent of medications and other therapies over the last 50 years, the rates of mental illness have been on the rise rather than a decline. Over the last decade, scientists have been uncovering an uncomfortable truth: What we eat is affecting our mental health.
In this talk, Prof Rucklidge will discuss the data that shows an alarming picture of food choices serving as risk factors to all kinds of psychiatric problems; she will then introduce the recent paradigm shift of using nutrients to treat these challenges, reviewing the evidence to date. The talk will challenge our current treatment regime for mental disorders and suggest one alternative course of action.
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Lesson on Folate (Vitamin B9), metabolic pathways that require folate, dietary sources of folate, and the physiology of absorption and metabolism of folate. Folate is an essential water-soluble vitamin that is required for several different biological pathways. Because it is essential, we have to get folate from our diet. Folate is an important precursor for formation of cofactors required in purine and pyrimidine synthesis among others. Folate is absorbed through our gastrointestinal system and metabolized and eliminated via several processes.
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Medical Terminology - The Basics - Lesson 1:
Fatty Acid Synthesis Pathway:
Wnt/B Catenin Signaling Pathway:
Upper vs. Lower Motor Neuron Lesions:
Lesson on the Purine Synthesis and Salvage Pathway:
Gastrulation | Formation of Germ Layers:
Introductory lesson on Autophagy (Macroautophagy):
Infectious Disease Playlist
Dermatology Playlist
Pharmacology Playlist
Hematology Playlist
Rheumatology Playlist
Endocrinology Playlist
Nephrology Playlist
**MEDICAL DISCLAIMER**: JJ Medicine does not provide medical advice, and the information available on this channel does not offer a diagnosis or advice regarding treatment. Information presented in these lessons is for educational purposes ONLY, and information presented here is not to be used as an alternative to a healthcare professional’s diagnosis and treatment of any person/animal.
Only a physician or other licensed healthcare professional are able to determine the requirement for medical assistance to be given to a patient. Please seek the advice of your physician or other licensed healthcare provider if you have any questions regarding a medical condition.
*Although I try my best to present accurate information, there may be mistakes in this video. If you do see any mistakes with information in this lesson, please comment and let me know.*
I am always looking for ways to improve my lessons! Please don't hesitate to leave me feedback and comments - all of your feedback is greatly appreciated! :) And please don't hesitate to send me any messages if you need any help - I will try my best to be here to help you guys :)
Thanks for watching! If you found this video helpful, please like and subscribe!
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MTHFR Mutation, Symptoms and Diet: What You Need to Know
Ready to lose weight WITHOUT cutting carbs, fighting cravings or cardio exercise?
I’ve created a FREE Case Study video for you that reveals:
- How the traditional diet and weight loss industry sets you up to fail
- The two major secrets this industry keeps from you, so that you always come back
- How the “low-calorie” or “no-carb” diet approaches are NOT serving you, and why to take a “know-calorie” approach instead
Click this link to watch the free case study now:
For more detailed information (updated 2019) see:
To subscribe:
All humans have the same set of genes.
Our differences come from the tiny variations in those genes.
Those variations influence not only in how you look or behave different to others… But in how your body reacts differently to external factors.
Especially how it reacts to the foods you eat.
For example, some have great difficulty metabolising caffeine. For others, it could be alcohol.
Then there are the people who have zero issues with either.
This is because we all have certain genetic variations or “defects” that can influence how we metabolise certain nutrients.
One of the more common and potentially dangerous variations is known as an MTHFR mutation.
This gene variation can severely impact how well your body metabolises folate and folic acid. Both are forms of vitamin B9, required for numerous critical bodily functions.
Unfortunately, a fault in this metabolic cycle is linked to many serious health problems.
This video describes the MTHFR mutation and explores what implications it may have for your health and diet.
What You’ll Learn:
- What is MTHFR, the MTHFR gene, and MTHFR mutation?
- MTHFR mutation may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and vitamin B deficiencies
- What about other disease states and disabilities, like anxiety?
- MTHFR symptoms of a problem
- Folic acid is a problem, 5-MTHF is a solution
- Folic acid, MTHFR and pregnancy
- MTHFR diet and nutrition recommendations Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Are folate, methylcobalamin, pyridoxal sufficient during early pregnancy? - Dr. Nupur Sood
During early pregnancy earlier days we used to advise only folic acid supplement, 4 mg of folic acids tablet used to be considered sufficient. But now the recent trends and changes in the food patterns and with higher chances of miscarriages being picked up we have realised that there has been a deficiency of vitamin B12 also in our patients especially the ones who are pure vegetarians because they do not get sufficient levels into their systems and pyridoxine is again a test of another vitamin. All these three together work synergistically in our system and help in the baby’s brain development. The baby’s brain is the first to form among all the organs and if that forms well most of it carries on well further also. Most of the 1st trimester miscarriages are due to deficiency of these simple vitamins which can be easily replaced through a good diet as well as through this tablet. Hence it is a must that every pregnant woman and even if you are planning a conception three months prior to the planning of the conception this formulation tablets should be considered. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Як порахувати урожай безостої та остистої пшениці? Формула урожайності зернових.
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Как посчитать урожай безостой и остистой пшеницы? Формула урожайности зерновых. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Multivitamin Buying Tips: 4 things to look out for
Hey pals! A common question we get is, "What's a good multivitamin?" Often times this question gets asked when folks are trying to have a baby or they're looking to supplement their young kids's diet.
Here's four things you should look out for!
If you want to give our brand, MYOXCIENCE a try, the Tasty Micros and Ultra Kiddo Complete are great:
Either way, please avoid crappy folate, crappy B12 and garbage minerals!
---------------------------Sleep & Camera Tools You NEED!--------------------------------
The best Blue Light Filtering Glasses:
New REMedy Sleep Mask:
Gravity Blanket (use code HIH10 to save):
A Metabolism Book Should Have:
Best Mouth Tape (Nexcare):
Red Headlamp (wear this at night around your house):
Breath Right Strips:
Best iPhone Stabilizer:
Sony Vlog Cam:
My Interview Camera C100 ii:
Vlog lens: Canon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS:
Good Audio: Rode VMPRPLUS Videomic Pro:
-----------------------------------------Lets Connect--------------------------------------
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------------------------------------Show Notes--------------------------------------
Mike owns MYOXCIENCE Nutrition. If you've tried one of our cutting-edge blends, we'd be grateful for any feedback you can leave us Amazon.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
L Methylfolate: What, Why, When, How and Side Effects
MTHFR issues? Learn way more with this book in your hands, Dirty Genes:
Find the right form of L-Methylfolate supplements here:
L Methylfolate is the most active and prevalent form of folate in the blood. Folic acid can negatively affect the genes which help product l-methylfolate.
Learn from Dr Ben Lynch about:
- What is L-Methylfolate?
- Side effects of L-Methylfolate? (and read an article about it here - )
- Which form of L-Methylfolate should one use?
- What are the differences between L-Methylfolate and 6S-Methylfolate?
- and more
Connect with Dr Ben Lynch:
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
Need L-Methylfolate?
Dr. Lynch formulated a variety of multivitamins, prenatals and more using L-Methylfolate.
Health professional and need to use L-Methylfolate in your clinic?
We offer L-Methylfolate wholesale to health professionals.
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Talk to a Dr. Berg Keto Consultant today and get the help you need on your journey. Call 1-540-299-1556 with your questions about Keto, Intermittent Fasting or the use of Dr. Berg products. Consultants are available Monday through Friday from 8 am to 10 pm EST. Saturday & Sunday from 9 am to 6 pm EST. USA Only.
. . Take Dr. Berg's Advanced Evaluation Quiz:
Your report will then be sent via email analyzing 104 potential symptoms, giving you a much deeper insight into the cause-effect relationship of your body issues. It's free and very enlightening.
Dr. Berg talks about the MRHFR genetic defect and how it effects the MRHFR enzyme. No longer will you be able to fully convert folic acid to it's active form (methyl folate). This leads to a chain reaction with
*high homocysteine
*low methionine
*low SAMe
resulting in
1. Inflammation (fibromylagia)
2. In ability to detoxify (esp. heavy metals and iron)
3. Deficient neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and melatonin. Then comes mood changes (depression and anxiety), addictive traits (drugs, alcohol and cigarettes).
Here's what to do
1. Avoid taking folic acid (esp in enriched wheat).
2. Take the methyl folate (B9) form.
3. Take the methylcobalamine (B12) form
4. Avoid gluten
5. Consume dark leafy greens
6. Eat only organic and grass fed without antibiotics
7. Consume these 2 supplements as well: NAC and Glutathione Reduced to help your detoxification take place.
Also get testing to rule out your specific genetic detect in the first place.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, 56 years of age is a chiropractor who specializes in weight loss through nutritional and natural methods. His private practice is located in Alexandria, Virginia. His clients include senior officials in the U.S. government and the Justice Department, ambassadors, medical doctors, high-level executives of prominent corporations, scientists, engineers, professors, and other clients from all walks of life. He is the author of The 7 Principles of Fat Burning, published by KB Publishing in January 2011. Dr. Berg trains chiropractors, physicians and allied healthcare practitioners in his methods, and to date he has trained over 2,500 healthcare professionals. He has been an active member of the Endocrinology Society, and has worked as a past part-time adjunct professor at Howard University.
Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The Health & Wellness, Dr. Berg Nutritionals and Dr. Eric Berg, D.C. are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site.
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