Здоровий сон. Наповнювач ЗМ Thinsulate дає змогу тілу «дихати», на відміну від багатьох дешевших антиалергенних аналогів, не створює «парниковий» ефект, через найтонші волокна наповнювача безперешкодно проходить колосальний об'єм повітря, у такий спосіб підтримує оптимальну температуру в ліжку. За цим показником ЗМ Thinsulate перевершує не тільки своїх штучних суперників, але навіть натуральний пух. Особливості терморегуляції ЗМ Thinsulate дають змогу наповнювачу повністю адаптуватися під температуру тіла, завдяки чому не виникатиме парниковий ефект, що зумовлює комфортний і здоровий сон.
Тканина — бязь, 100% бавовна. Бязь — щільна 100% бавовняна тканина з полотняним перпендикулярним переплетенням, стійка до частого прання, добре прасується, чудово вбирає вологу та пропускає повітря. Хоча тканина не має блиску, однак під час фарбування пігмент лягає настільки якісно та рівно, що на полотні з'являються півтони та відтінки. Має чудову здатність надовго зберігати яскравість кольору. Екологічно чиста, легка та гігієнічна, невибаглива в догляді. Бязь прекрасно вбирає надлишки вологи, залишаючись водночас сухою на дотик, а також добре пропускає повітря й зберігає тепло. Натуральність, екологічність і практичність — наш девіз під час створення всіх колекцій білизни.
ЗМ Thinsulate. ЗМ Thinsulate — інноваційний антиалергенний наповнювач, який має високі теплоізоляційні властивості за мінімальної ваги та обсягу. Неймовірна м'якість, найвища терморегуляція з усіх наявних наповнювачів, вбирає й дуже швидко віддає надлишки вологи в довкілля, легкість, довговічність, 100% антиалергенність і захист від мікроорганізмів — це лише невеликий перелік властивостей цього справді унікального наповнювача.
Ручне пошиття «Hand Made». Неповторності, ексклюзивності й унікальності виробу додає процес його виготовлення. Два товари можуть бути візуально схожі один на одного, але обов'язково знайдуться відмітності, особливі деталі. Вироби серії «Hand Made» завжди тішитимуть вас не тільки своєю унікальністю, але і якістю пошиття, акуратністю швів і красою! Ось цим і цінна ручна робота, порівнюючи із серійним виробництвом домашнього текстилю, що створюється на машинах. Вироби Hand Made, природно, мають свою обґрунтовану ціну, яка доступна шанувальникам якості у всьому. Оригінальні подушки та ковдри серії Hand Made ручної роботи.
У чому ж її перевага?
Ручне сортування антиалергенного наповнювача
Тільки ручне пошиття
Виключно якісні матеріали
Італійські тканини
Детальний і ретельний контроль якості
Під час виробництва серії «Hand Made» використовується винятково ручна праця, жодна машина не зможе на 100% проконтролювати якість подушок і ковдр так, як це роблять фахівці з багаторічним досвідом.
Премія року. Десятки тисяч сімей гідно оцінили якість продукції ТМ Mirson. Нагорода компанії — це ваша оцінка. Компанія створює продукцію для задоволення ваших високих вимог.
Ковдра антиалергенна MirSon 3M Thinsulate №1320 Valentino Hand Made Зимова
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Installing 3M Thinsulate in our van was the best choice we found after hours of research and studying articles and videos. For winter van life we wanted to make sure we had a good layer of insulation.
We chose as wall and ceiling layers:
- Kilmat (sound deadening)
- Ez Cool (thermal thin layer and sound dampening)
- 3M Spray (adhesive)
- 3M Thinsulate (insulation)
Thinsulate is low weight, non-flammable, does not absorb moisture, doesn’t off-gas, is meant to be used in vehicles, and is easy to apply with adhesive. It ships light and is overall easy to cut and work with. And many winter van lifers recommended as very good.
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See you on the road!
van insulation,camper van,vanlife,van conversion,sprinter insulation,best van insulation,choosing insulation rv,3m thinsulate,sprinter,promaster,transit,custom van insulation,camper van insulation,van conversion insulation,promaster insulation best insulation for vanbuild, what insulation is best for van build Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Please do not turn away from the pain of geese and ducks.
3M Thinsulate Featherless will help you to make ethical choice. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
3M Thinsulate | Bio Insulation [produced by Lemonlight]
With nearly 120 years of scientific innovation behind, the 3M is pushing towards a future of compostable clothing insulation. Thinsulate is thin yet durable, extremely warm, comfortable, compostable, derived from bio-based materials, and developed with 3M science.
Insulation was invented to make living life in every season more enjoyable. It makes it possible to get out and enjoy the cold. When insulation really performs, it's never too cold. 3M Thinsulate takes insulation full circle.
This product video was produced by Lemonlight Media. Lemonlight is an on-demand video production company in Los Angeles that specializes in creative marketing videos for businesses across the globe. Learn More:
Let's Meet! ☎️ Schedule a Free Consultation Call:
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Burton team riders require ultimate mobility and comfort in all conditions. With 3M™, Burton found a progressive solution through a blend of 3M™ Thinsulate™—an insulation constructed from unique, high-loft microfibers for increased warmth with less bulk. Breathable, water-resistant and durable, it's proving there's substance to the cliché: less is more. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
3M™ Thinsulate™ Window Film Performance Demonstration Tool
With the 3M™ Thinsulate™ Window Film Performance Demonstration Tool, you can simulate how the film retains heat and energy in your building during colder outside temperatures. Such easy and convenient tool deserves to be own by anyone looking for the window film they want.
For more information, please contact:
Energy Products Distribution
9223 Harford Road
Baltimore, MD 21234
Tel: 410-882-0800 | 800-537-3911
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Install 3M insulation SM600L | FOUR SEASON VAN LIFE | EP.21
DIY Vanbuild #21: Four season van insulated with 3M Thinsulate SM600L
To be a true Four Season Van insulation is key, we are using a top of the line product and spray gluing our SM600L 3M Thinsulate to our walls and ceiling of the ROAMR. We have discussed the importance of the right tools in the past, and even just a simple pair of scissors can slow progress to a halt. This step is helping our tiny home on wheels get one step closer to become a true 4 season 4X4 Overland Roaming home.
Check out the video and let me know what you think in the comments, maybe even hit that subscribe and follow along.
Thanks for Watching! See you next Sunday.
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Products used to make this video possible:
3m Thinsulate Link:
Fiskar Scissors:
Lizard Skin Insulation:
Lepage Heavy duty Spray glue:
Camera, lights and tools:
LED work lights:
Photography light:
Sliding miter Saw:
Miter saw stand:
Drill Press:
Impact socket set:
Dewalt drill set:
Dewalt Skill saw:
Dewalt Jig saw:
#Insulate #daresdrives #diyvanbuild Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I decided to purchase my thinsulate from Adventure Wagon due to their great customer service after buying my Auxiliary Battery Kit from them.
🥋👕 Seat Time Shirts 👕🥋
Parts Needed:
Thinsulate :
White Paint Pens:
Straight edge ruler (4’ or 5’):
Tape Measure:
3m Spray Adhesive - 77:
2” Masking Tape:
Heavy Duty Scissors:
If you don't want to use Spray Adhesive, 3m Double Sided Tape () is a great option to adhere the thinsulate to the van walls.
Here’s the process:
- Break the van up into sections
- In each section, figure out your panels
- Measure your panel
- Test fit your piece and make adjustments
- Spray adhesive on panel and piece of thinsulate
- Once adhesive is sticky to the touch, adhere thinsulate to your panel.
Some panels you’ll be able to double up the thickness.
Thanks for watching. Please ask questions in the comments.
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3M Thinsulate is good for reducing panel resonance; in addition to its ability to absorb transmitted noise and provide thermal insulation Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Burton Boot Tech Grom Boot Powered by 3M™ Thinsulate™ Insulation
IG ‣
Continuing on the van build with fully insulating the walls, ceiling and doors. I chose to use 3M Thinsulate for my insulation because of ease of use, its safe to use, moisture resistant and provides sound deadening. It comes with a price but seems to be worth the investment. I ended up using some craft paper to create templates to cut out the insulation to get the most out of each roll. For my 159 wheelbase Promaster, I purchased 50' (a 30' roll and a 20' roll) and had a little leftover to double up in certain areas.
p r o d u c t s
3M Thinsulate ‣
3M Adhesive Spray ‣
Face cover + glasses ‣
Craft paper ‣
Door panel removal tool ‣
t r a v e l g e a r
Camp stove ‣
Travel coffeemaker ‣
Solar panel ‣
Power supply ‣
Packing cubes ‣
f i l m g e a r
Main camera ‣
Camera mic ‣
Favorite Lens ‣
Tripod + Camera bag ‣
Mic ‣
Drone ‣
Gimbal ‣
Mini tripod ‣
Mini light panel ‣
Wireless headphones ‣
Support my travels (never expected, always appreciated!)
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(Links in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with any of these links, I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting my channel so I can keep providing you with free content each week!) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Installing insulation in Sprinter van using 3M Thinsulate SM600L
DIY video showing how we insulated our Sprinter van using 3M Thinsulate SM600L. Products used: SM600L (50 linear feet for 144 WB) and drywall T square
If you found this video useful, consider donating to our channel using this link:
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Insulating Wheel Wells with 3M Thinsulate in Ram Promaster 3500 Extended
Here's a quick how-to on insulating your wheel wells with 3m Thinsulate Insulation in a Ram Promaster 3500 Extended van.
Adhesive used:
CRC Adhesive Spray from Harbor Freight:
Here are some Amazon Affiliate Links:
Clip Removal Pliers:
Fabric Shears:
For most of the van, 3M Thinsulate (60"x30 Feet) x2:
=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B07ZTWLZ5J&linkCode=as2&tag=redgiantvan-20&linkId=7b0338d0e36fbfc7787860815d721d35 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here I walk through each insulation I considered, and the thought process behind my final choice. There are many pros & cons to each option, so this may help you with your final choice! After an overview of insulation types, I show how I insulated my van with 3M Thinsulate, and what I learned along the way.
3M Thinsulate -
3M High Strength Adhesive -
I also used this adhesive....
3M High Strength Contact Adhesive -
Shop Shears -
Reusable Respirator -
If you wish to support our channel & help us continue making videos to inspire others, visit our Patreon here!
We are Linnea and Akela. In May, 2020 I purchased our 2016 Ram ProMaster, Togo, to become our full-time home! With this van build, I am using my stubbornness and drive to show individuals that they, too, can convert a campervan BY THEMSELVES and ON A BUDGET, with a lot of learning, rolling up the sleeves, and getting to work.
Our goal here is to inspire individuals to chase their dreams. To break from any societal limitations and live the life they truly desire.
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Watch this video and learn why this Riverside FR jacket is perfect for warmth without the bulk! The Thinsulate FR insulation is the perfect lining to keep the jacket lightweight and less bulky. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Applying 3M Thinsulate to Sprinter rear door using 3M 90 Spray Adhesive.
3M Thinsulate is good for reducing panel resonance; in addition to its ability to absorb transmitted noise and provide thermal insulation. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
✅ 1. Chippewa Men's 9" Waterproof Insulated Steel-Toe
✅ 2. Carhartt Men's 10" Waterproof Insulated PAC Composite Toe Boot
✅ 3. Thorogood Men's Logger Series - 9" 400g Insulated Waterproof, Safety Toe Boot
✅ 4. Danner Men's Quarry USA 8" 400G NMT-M
✅ 5. Keen Utility CSA Philadelphia+ 8" 600G WP Carbon-Fiber Toe
✅ 6. SOREL - Men's Conquest Waterproof Insulated Winter Boot
✅ 7. Carolina - Mens - Maximus 2.0 Comp Toe
✅ 8. Timberland PRO Women's Hightower 6" Composite Toe Waterproof Insulated Industrial Boot
✅ 9. Caterpillar Men's Diagnostic Waterproof Steel-Toe Work Boot
✅ 10. Wolverine Men's Marauder 8 Inch Contour Welt Steel Toe EH Work Boot
These insulated boots come in both steel and composite toe and are durable and comfortable to wear all day.
If you're working outdoors in harsh weather conditions you need an insulated work boot to protect you're feet from getting cold. The list of boots mentioned in this video are not only insulated but also have features such as safety toe, waterproof, durable and comfortable.
Follow the link mentioned below each product to know the exact price and reviews on Amazon.
Do let us know in comments below which one you think is the best.
“As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.”
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These Carhartt Sawtooth parka & bib overalls are crafted with a Storm Defender® waterproof breathable membrane and Thinsulate® featherless insulation to help get the job done in even the coldest weather conditions. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Insulate your Van - Thinsulate Tricks and Tips
This video is full of many tips and tricks to help those who want to insulate their van conversion.
I chose to insulate my Ford van with Thinsulate after much research. It was easy to cut to size, fit into all the spaces and glue into place with 3M 90 Spray. It took me about 1 week to complete the job.
I chose not to add Reflectix as many have because after additional research I read that it is best if exposed and I would be covering it with the wall fabric/wood.
Rigid insulation was used only on the floor.
Thanks for watching. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE.
Daily photos posted on: Instagram @artisticadventurervan
Teri Lou and her dad are creating the perfect full-time home for her inside a Ford Transit Van. Teri Lou, a female photographer in her 50's, is excited to be on the road living the simple life and waking up to incredible sunrises all over North America. This DIY project will be documented at least weekly for those of you who are interested in the process.
If you have any questions please ask. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Heat Insulation Drops Temps 20 Degrees in YOUR CAR! HERES HOW FOR $20 for your Chevy Nova or any Car
Here’s how I dropped almost 20 degrees in my car. So can you for $20 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
3M Brings Innovative Solutions to all your Boating Needs - Captain Bill Pike of Power and Motor Yacht magazine Boards Pacific Mariners Special Edition 65, amazed by the noise reduction and thermal benefits, Bill shows some possible uses of Thinsulate in the marine industry from reduced wave slap to improved Thermal control within the air conditioning system. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bu içeriğimizde Burçin Ören; Merrell'ın, ürünlerinde kullandığı özel bir termal astar olan Thinsulate teknolojisini anlatıyor. İyi seyirler. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
See more about Irish Setter Grizzly Tracker Thinsulate® Boots - Waterproof, Insulated (For Men): Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Wilson Leather lamb hipster Mens Leather Jacket with thinsulate Review
A video review on my new Wilson leather lamb hipster Mens black leather jacket with thinsulate layer.
The jacket is quite warm and is very comfortable. The Wilson Leather has so big of a selection of jacket and coats, I settled with this one since I like the Lamb leather feel.
This jacket can be worm all season and is very flexible since you can remove the 2nd layer and wear in summer also.
I purchased this one from the company website. Received within 1 week, quite happy with the turnaround time.
The sleeves have no metal buttons also a plus for me. It has thinsulate which is a 3M product.
I found leather if maintained well will last a long time and will save money besides looking good.
This Mens style is: WC2A2189
Check out the video. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video we show how to remove the headliner (AKA the ceiling covering) from a Ford Transit passenger van. We also show what equipment, wiring, etc. is located behind the headliner.
You can see all the videos related to the adventure van build at
#VanLife #VanConversion Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
DIY Sprinter Step #1 - What is the Best Insulation? 3M Thinsulate + Reflectix & Gutting out the Van
Carhartt and 3M™ Thinsulate Brand came together to tell the story of the Albany Police Athletic League (APAL) and the 20th Anniversary of the Capital City Holiday Lights Celebration. Because, just like those working to do good on behalf of APAL, this is the time of year that Carhartt gear with 3M™ Thinsulate™ Insulation shines. Providing the lightweight warmth and flexibility needed to make the holidays a little brighter.
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Thermal insulation is one of the most important choices in converting a van. After tons of research, I found THE BEST overall option for insulation in your van: 3M Thinsulate. In this video I describe why it's the best overall option and how to install it.
Product Links:
3M Thinsulate (144 sprinter = 50' roll) -
Industrial Scissors -
3M 90 Spray Glue -
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The BEST Insulation For Your Van & How To Install It!!!
How to make affordable, no-sew window covers for privacy and to help protect your van from the hot sun or cold temperatures! I show how I made a set of 2 window coverings for less than $25 each. After researching what others did for DIY van window covers, I was inspired by another YouTuber, Erin Michelle, who created covers I really liked. I’ve followed her example but have made a few modifications. Like this video? Make sure to check out our other low budget van life van build videos!
- Cardboard for templates
- Mainstays Fraser Fabric Tablecloth, 52x70 or 60x102, Rich Black ($10-12)
- Water and fade resistant indoor/outdoor Tommy Bahama tablecloth ($12)
- Old sheet or other material for extra layer(s)
- 16 in. x 25 ft. Double Reflective Insulation Roll with Staple Tab Edge ($)
- Dritz Stitch Witchery Fusible Web 1/4" x 20yds ( with 40% off coupon)
- Neodymium Bar Magnets, Rare-Earth Metal Neodymium Magnet - 60 x 10 x 3 mm (12 Pack) $
- 1/2 in. Neodymium Rare-Earth Magnet Discs (6 per Pack) $
- 3/8 in. Neodymium Rare-Earth Magnet Discs (12 per Pack) $
- Country Brook Design - Black Polypropylene 2 Inch Webbing (25 Yards) $
- Hot glue gun
- High-temp glue sticks
- Straight pins
- Lighter
- Ruler / straight edge
- Permanent marker
- Scissors
The supplies listed above will provide enough for a few different window covers, depending on size.
- Leave extra material around edges (It’s better to have extra then realize you don’t have enough later!)
- When using hot glue, use it sparingly then add more as needed. It’s easy to apply too much, which can leave a messy residue
- Start with approximately 4 magnets (medium to large size) evenly spaced along the edging and then add additional magnets as needed.
0:00 Intro: No-sew van window covers
0:38 Cutting out window cover materials
4:35 Gluing/bonding material for window covers
8:20 Edging & test fitting window covers
10:49 Finishing touches (magnets & glue)
16:51 Finished window covers reveal
17:47 Windshield cover sneak peak
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We're Steve and Audra, DIYers from South Florida that share a passion for travel and adventure! We've been working on converting a 2019 Ford Transit cargo van into a campervan and are sharing our build and adventures with you! We've started traveling the country with our two cats. We invite you to follow along on our journey! If you have any questions, we’re happy to answer! Comment below or send us a message on Facebook and we’ll respond as soon as possible. And please don’t forget to subscribe to our channel!
Ice Flow by Kevin MacLeod
#VanBuild #DIY #NoSew #DIYVanConversion #Vanlife #FordTransitVanConversion #LowBudgetVanBuild #SteveAndAudra Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to make DIY no sew insulated window covers for your van (less than $25) | VAN BUILD SERIES #11
The Sleep Philosophy® down alternative comforter collection features 3M™ Thinsulate™ Featherless Insulation-600 Fill Power. This revolutionary, loose down fill down alternative mimics or surpasses the performance of natural down in Fill Power, loft and overall performance. Made of durable, lightweight polyester fibers, 3M™ Thinsulate™ Featherless Insulation provides warmth without a single feather.
The Sleep Philosophy® down alternative comforter collection features a silky-soft 300 thread count, 100% cotton sateen cover. The comforters have sewn through box quilting so that the down alternative fill doesn’t bunch or shift. They’re also hypoallergenic so you’ll have a comfortable "sneeze-free" night’s sleep. It’s also machine washable for easy care.
Great sleep, it never goes out of style. That’s our Sleep Philosophy. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Down Alternative Comforter with 3M Thinsulate Featherless Technology
Charlie from GO Outdoors takes you through the main differences between down and synthetic insulation to help you choose which is right for your needs. For more info, check out our Insulation guide here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The SPEED SERIES of KLIM Technical Riding Gear is led by the Vector Parka—an all-new jacket with speed in its veins. Constructed with GORE-TEX® Two Layer Performance Shell technology, the Vector parka drops the hammer on the most abusive riding. Ballistic nylon overlays, 200 Grams of 3M™ Thinsulate™ Insulation and integrated front impact padding bring the fight back to Mother Nature. Race inspired high-visibility logos and reflective add safety and style while KLIM’s exclusive angled ventilation system opens up when you overheat. The Vector owner wants a race-ready jacket with the sleekest look and the 3M™ Thinsulate™ Insulation and GORE-TEX® performance to make every ride, or race, their best Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Insulated Jacket Buying Guide - Down vs Synthetic Insulation
The Thinsulate work gloves are great for cold/wet weather applications. Featuring a waterproof liner, these gloves keep your hands dry and warm. Additional safety features include padded knuckle pads to prevent smashing your knuckles on equipment and preventing injury.
The hands are the most valuable asset in the professional trades and also get the most abuse in a day's work. Good quality gloves and prevent injury, protect hands, improve comfort and reduce fatigue. We've added several new styles of gloves to address the varied demands of our customers working in different jobs and in different seasons.
- Waterproof liner for wet environments
- Reinforced palm and fingertip pads for added wear and protection
- Padded knuckles to protect against bumps
- Full cuff for added protection and textured tab for pulling on the gloves
- Molded hook and loop strap adjusts comfortably to the wrists and keeps debris out
- Thinsulate layer protects against the cold (Thinsulate is a trademark of 3M Company) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Travelling Two-nies
This is our fourth video in a series of videos that will cover our van build.
In this video we will proactively address known issues that have caused:
• Blown Fuses
• Grounding Issues
• Vehicles Not Starting
• Key Stuck in the Ignition, and
• Electrical Shorts
Other Videos in our van build series include:
8 DIY MAXXAIR FAN INSTALL - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mens Thinsulate work Gloves with 3M Thinsulate Insulation
Maxing out with 100 grams of 3M™ Thinsulate™ Insulation, this Spyder Qest Series bestseller will keep you warm but not constricted. Our Leader Jacket has long reigned as King of the Mountain. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Primaloft ThermoPlume is an innovative new synthetic insulation which features in the Men's Icarus and Women's Phoenix range. It looks like down, feels like down and performs like Primaloft, allowing it to still perform in wet conditions. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
KLIM’s entry into the GORE-TEX® insulated jacket/bib market was headlined by the Klimate Parka/Bib years ago. Since then, it’s received multiple updates in fit, style and material durability. The Klimate provides a substantial 300 grams of 3M™ THINSULATE™ Insulation.
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Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Ковдра MirSon Літній комплект №2653 3M Thinsulate 17-4735 Caterina ковдра (2200003112375). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17