Накопичений роками досвід допоміг розробити та випустити нову лінійку зубних щіток Oral-B iO. Однією з моделей технічно досконалих пристроїв є зубна щітка Oral-B iO Series 6 White. Вона була сконструйована на принципово новій платформі, що дозволило значно покращити якість очищення всіх поверхонь у ротовій порожнині. Завдяки консультаціям провідних стоматологів при розробці цієї щітки було враховано всі аспекти щоденної гігієни, необхідні підтримки здоров'я зубів і ясен. Для електричних щіток Oral-B iO розроблено інноваційну магнітну приводну систему. У такому двигуні між деталями немає тертя, тому щітка працює дуже тихо, а вібрація ручки майже непомітна. Крім того, значно знизилося енергоспоживання та пристрій може працювати до 2-х тижнів без підзарядки.
Зворотно-обертальна технологія очищення разом із мікровібраціями набагато краще видаляє зубний наліт, ніж звичайна мануальна щітка. Клінічні дослідження щітки Oral-B iO довели, що лише через 1 тиждень стан ясен, за умови регулярного чищення, значно покращується, оскільки щетина чудово видаляє наліт не лише із зубної поверхні, а й з лінії ясен. Кругла голівка "Ultimate Clean" адаптується до особливостей кожного зуба завдяки ідеальному куту нахилу щетинок 16°. Oral-B iO Series 6 має інтелектуальний датчик тиску, що динамічно контролює зусилля, з якими Ви чистите зуби. При оптимальному тиску на зубну поверхню світловий індикатор на ручці щітки сигналізуватиме зеленим кольором, а якщо тиск буде надмірним – червоним. Білий колір індикатора під час чищення означає недостатнє зусилля, тому ефективність видалення нальоту в цьому випадку буде дещо меншою. Синій колір індикатора Ви побачите при успішній синхронізації щітки зі смартфоном за технологією Bluetooth. Щітка Oral-B iO Series 6 отримала інтерактивний дисплей, на якому відображається вся необхідна для користувача інформація. Ви можете персоналізувати щітку, вибравши потрібний режим очищення ротової порожнини.
Модель Oral-B iO Series 6 запрограмована на 5 різних режимів роботи, що відрізняються швидкістю та інтенсивністю очищення. Більшості користувачів підійде режим Daily Clean, оптимізований для щоденного чищення з високою ефективністю. Якщо Ваші зуби і ясна мають підвищену чутливість, то зробити чищення комфортним допоможе режим «Sensitive». У режимі Intense щітка працює з максимальною інтенсивністю, що допоможе впоратися зі складними забрудненнями. Для кращого відбілювання та полірування зубної поверхні призначено режим «Whiten». Режим Gum Care запрограмований на делікатний масаж ясен. Вбудований професійний таймер щітки Oral-B iO веде двохвилинний відлік часу та кожні 30 секунд нагадує про перехід до наступної ділянки чищення. Додаткові налаштування щітки можна змінити у безкоштовному мобільному додатку Oral-B. Крім того, на екрані смартфона Ви зможете стежити за процесом чищення, а штучний інтелект підказуватиме, як правильно чистити зуби відповідно до порад стоматологів. Електрична зубна щітка Oral-B iO Series 6 White – це передові технології, високоякісні матеріали та сучасний актуальний дизайн.
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Электрическая зубная щётка Oral-B iO vs Oral-B Genius: главные отличия
Изучили с экспертом Oral-B iO Series 9 — новые топовые электрические зубные щётки. Рассказываем, что собственно в них нового и какие главные отличия от предыдущего топа Oral-B — щёток Genius. Что это за 7 режимов работы, откуда взялись микровибрации и есть ли разница в насадках? Всё это и многое другое обсуждаем в видео. Навигация по видео, для удобства, в первом закрепённом комментарии.
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Сравнение всех щеток Oral-B iO без рекламы недостатки и достоинства
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Jon gives his verdict on the Oral-B iO Series 6.
Arguably the best value option in the iO Series range, balancing features with price.
🛒 Buy Oral-B iO6 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
🛒 Buy Oral-B iO9 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
Alternative options
Best overall - 🛒 - Buy Smart 1500 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
Best overall - 🛒 - Buy Smart 2000- on Amazon (commissions earned)*
Best overall - 🛒 - Pro 3 3500 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
Best overall - 🛒 - Buy Pro 2 2000 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
📌 Written Review
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#oralbio #io6 #oralb #electrictoothbrush #toothbrush #dentalcare #electricteeth
0:00 - Verdict
0:18 - Battery life & charging stand
1:22 - Cleaning results
2:13 - Brush heads
2:45 - Handle design & display
3:44 - Cleaning modes
4:03- Timer & pacer
4:47 - Smart pressure sensor
5:23 - Bluetooth & real-time tracking
6:42 - Travel case
7:10 - Warranty
7:35 - Price & alternatives
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❓ Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent company focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
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🤝 The contents of this video is information, NOT dental/medical advice.
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Лучшая электрическая зубная щетка от Oral-B. Обзор Oral-B iO9
Смотрите обзор лучшей флагманской электрической зубной щетки от Oral-B.
Oral-B iO с инновационной технологией iO обеспечивает невероятный опыт чистки и ощущение свежести благодаря магнитному приводу и нежным микровибрациям. Узнайте больше:
Новая система линейного магнитного привода iO эффективно направляет энергию бережных микровибраций на каждой щетинке и удаляет больше налета.
Подберите электрическую зубную щетку Oral-B iO, которая подойдет именно вам:
Каждая зубная щетка Oral-B iO оснащена всем необходимым чтобы превратить рутинную чистку зубов в приятный ритуал.
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Электрическая зубная щетка Oral-B iO: обзор эксперта по чистке зубов
Learn the key differences between all the iO Series electric toothbrushes.
Jon highlights how each of the iO brushes compare and which one you should pick.
🛒 Buy Oral-B iO6 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
🛒 Buy Oral-B iO9 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
📌 Written Comparison
🇺🇸 -
🇬🇧 -
🇨🇦 -
🇦🇺 -
#oralbio #oralbio #electrictoothbrush #toothbrush #dentalcare #electricteeth
0:00 - Verdict
0:47 - iO Series overview
3:13 - Cleaning modes
4:00 - Display
4:28 - Bluetooth connectivity
5:20 - Brush head reminder
5:56 - Travel case
6:32 - Battery life & chargers
7:58 - iOSense
8:16 - Noise
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❓ Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent company focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
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🔎 Ethics - #ethics
👩⚖️ Disclaimer:
🤝 The contents of this video is information, NOT dental/medical advice.
💰 Some links are affiliate links which we earn a commission from.
📝 Full disclosure - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Jon explains the differences between the Oral-B iO6 and the iO7.
🛒 Buy Oral-B iO6 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
🛒 Buy Oral-B iO7 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
📌 Written Comparison
🇺🇸 -
🇬🇧 -
🇨🇦 -
🇦🇺 -
#io6 #io7 #oralbio #orlab #electrictoothbrush #electricteeth
0:00 - Introduction
0:09 - Charging stand
0:59 - UK/European viewers
1:25 - US Viewers
1:45 - Price
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❓ Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent company focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
📝 About us -
🔎 Ethics - #ethics
👩⚖️ Disclaimer:
🤝 The contents of this video is information, NOT dental/medical advice.
💰 Some links are affiliate links which we earn a commission from.
📝 Full disclosure - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Эпизод 02. Как правильно выбрать электрическую зубную щетку Braun Oral-B
В данном ролике анализируется рынок электрических зубных щеток компании Braun Oral-B. Их характеристики. После просмотра данного ролика, придя в магазин и выбирая себе зубную щетку, покупатель точно будет знать какая ему нужна модель, которая повысит качество чистки зубов от налета Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Секретный промокод OZON для скидки OZONOEMH2I
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Мои секретные ссылки для вас:
-Оформи страхование питомца или квартиры от 150руб. и получили кэшбэк на телефон
-Инвестиции это просто и легко, зарегистрируй портфель акций и получили бесплатно портфель до 25 000 рублей
-Создавай сайты для себя или своего бизнеса, зарегистрируйся на сайте бесплатно
-Получаем 1000 рублей в Эльдорадо на будущие покупки новым клиентам
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Oral-B iO 9 - обзор новой электрической зубной щетки Oral-B
#зубнаящетка #электрическаящетка #oralb
Всем привет! Наконец-то свершилось - ко мне в руки попала щетка, которую давно хотела опробовать. Познакомилась с ней год назад на стоматологической выставке, и она приятно меня удивила своей деликатностью к деснам и зубам, а также новыми возможностями. Кто пробовал - жду отзывов:)
Я знаю, что многие из вас опираются на мое мнение при выборе той или иной продукции, поэтому я хотела бы поделиться с вами промокодом в интернет-магазине Доктор Слон ( ), где собраны все средства гигиены для полости рта.
Промокод SMILE52 даст вам скидку 3% на всё, а на продукцию President - 10%.
Будьте внимательны, промокод действует только один раз, зато на неограниченное количество товаров в заказе.
Если вам нравится канал, и вы хотели бы поддержать его, то это можно сделать здесь - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Let's find out how well the Oral-B iO Series 8 will clean my stained teeth!
Smile on :)
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Супер умная электрическая зубная щетка Oclean X Pro Elite:
Цена по акции: $.
Купон: HTET005 - СКИДКА $5
Окончательная цена: $54,99
Сравнение двух топовых электрических зубных щеток OCLEAN X PRO ELITE и ORAL-B iO SERIES 9n, каждая обладает умный функционалом и большим количеством разнообразных технологий. Как это все работает? Какие есть плюсы и минусы? Что стоит знать перед покупкой? Какую стоит купить? Все подробности в этом видео)))
Данное видео носит исключительно нейтральный характер и призвано показать вам продукт или устройство, дать информацию о его существовании и какие особенности имеет. Любые выводы это исключительно субъективное мнение автора, основанное на его многолетнем опыте тестирования различного типа устройств и оно может не совпадать с вашим.
#OCLEAN #OralB #ЗубнаяЩетка #Обзоры Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ТОП–7. Лучшие электрические зубные щетки ✅ Рейтинг 2022 года ✅ Какую выбрать взрослому?
Согласно исследованиям, электрические зубные щетки в разы лучше мануальных по качеству очистки и эффективности препятствования развития кариесу. Сегодня я расскажу, на что нужно обратить внимание при выборе электрощетки, а также о лучших моделях на 2022 год. Я подобрал их, сравнив характеристики, возможности, стоимость, а также изучив отзывы реальных владельцев.
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💲💲💲 Актуальные цены можно посмотреть по ссылкам💲💲💲
00:00 Рейтинг лучших электрических зубных щёток 2022 года
00:38 Как выбрать?
02:43 Philips Sonicare 3100 HX3673
✅Яндекс Маркет ➔
✅Aliexpress ➔
✅Ситилинк ➔
03:53 Sonic Electric Toothbrush S7
✅Яндекс Маркет ➔
✅Aliexpress ➔
✅Ситилинк ➔
04:55 Xiaomi Soocas X5
✅Яндекс Маркет ➔
✅Aliexpress ➔
06:00 Oral-B PRO 500 CrossAction
✅Яндекс Маркет ➔
07:06 Oclean X Pro
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✅Aliexpress ➔
✅Ситилинк ➔
08:31 Polaris PETB 0701 TC
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09:44 Revyline RL 010
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Revyline RL 040
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☑️ Лучшие детские электрические зубные щетки ➔
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• Paul Hibbert Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to clean your Oral-B iO electric toothbrush to keep it at its best
In a few simple steps, you can keep your Oral-B iO pristine clean – ensuring it can perform at its best: giving you the WOW of a professional clean feel at home every day. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Всем привет!
Наконец то решил обновить свою старую электрическую зубную щетку Oral-B Braun Pro 2000.
Нашел отличный вариант за свою цену - новая щетка Braun Oral-B iO Series 8, которая вышла мне всего в $125. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор новой зубной щетки Braun Oral-B iO Series 8 и сравнение со старой Oral-B Braun Pro 2000
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Как правильно чистить зубы звуковыми электрическими щетками
The differences between the Oral-B iO Series 5 and 6 explained by Jon.
🛒 Buy Oral-B iO6 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
🛒 Buy Oral-B iO5 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
📌 Written Comparison
🇺🇸 -
🇬🇧 -
🇨🇦 -
🇦🇺 -
#io6 #io5 #oralbio #oralb #electrictoothbrush #electricteeth
0:00 - Introduction
0:29 - Display
1:26 - Cleaning modes
1:40 - Charging times
2:16 - Travel case
2:34 - Handle colours
3:04 - Price
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❓ Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent company focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
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На ежегодном съезде гигиенистов, 14 апреля 2021 года , дали на апробацию щётку, которая выйдет на продажу только летом 2021 года. Распаковываю при вас. Всё содержимое будет входить в комплект . #oral-b #гигиена #стоматология #обзор #распаковка. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Jon gives his verdict on the Oral-B iO Series 3, the cheapest and entry level model of the iO range of brushes.
🛒 Buy Oral-B iO3 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
🛒 Buy Oral-B iO6 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
📌 Written Review
🇺🇸 -
🇬🇧 -
#oralbio #io3 #oralb #electrictoothbrush #toothbrush #dentalcare #electricteeth
0:00 - Verdict
0:29 - Cleaning results
1:00 - Handle design
1:39 - Cleaning modes
2:08 - Time & pacer
2:48 - Smart pressure sensor
3:35 - Brush heads
4:20 - No Bluetooth & smartphone app
4:35 - Battery life & charger
5:18 - Price & alternatives
5:45 - Warranty
6:05 - Conclusion
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❓ Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent company focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
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📝 Full disclosure - gives his verdict on the Oral-B iO Series 9. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
My toothbrush Oral B iO8 not switch on, and not charging. Only iO logo scroling on display!
Any idea for this issue? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Jon explains the differences between Oral-B iO Series electric toothbrush heads. This includes the Ultimate Clean, Gentle Care, Radiant White and Specialised clean heads.
🛒 Buy Ultimate Clean Black* - on Amazon (commissions earned)
🛒 Buy Ultimate Clean White* - on Amazon (commissions earned)
🛒 Buy Gentle Care* - on Amazon (commissions earned)
🛒 Buy Radiant White* - on Amazon (commissions earned)
🛒 Buy Specialised Clean* - on Amazon (commissions earned)
📌 Written Article
🇺🇸 -
🇬🇧 -
🇨🇦 -
🇦🇺 -
#io #toothbrushheads #oralb #electrictoothbrush #electricteeth
0:00 - Introduction
0:31 - Most important
1:10 - Are different styles needed?
2:35 - Compatibility
4:12 - Similar alternatives
5:30 - Ultimate Clean brush head
6:44 - Gentle Care brush head
7:54 - Radiant white white
9:23 - Targeted Clean/Specialised clean
10:25 - Replace heads
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❓ Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent organisation focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
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Електрична зубна щітка ORAL-B BRAUN iO Серія 7 Біла (4210201362982)
• Ціна тут: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Jon gives his verdict on the Oral-B iO Series 9.
An excellent toothbrush with lots of clever features, if you are prepared to pay for them.
🛒 Buy Oral-B iO9 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
🛒 Buy Oral-B iO6 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
Alternative options
🇺🇸 - 🛒 - Buy Smart 1500 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
🇨🇦 - 🛒 - Buy Smart 2000- on Amazon (commissions earned)*
🇬🇧 - 🛒 - Pro 3 3500 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
🇦🇺 - 🛒 - Buy Pro 2 2000 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
📌 Written Review
🇺🇸 -
🇬🇧 -
🇨🇦 -
🇦🇺 -
#oralbio #io9 #oralb #electrictoothbrush #toothbrush #dentalcare #electricteeth
0:00 - Verdict
0:22 - Real-time tracking
2:29 - Travel case
3:04 - Handle design & colour display
4:03 - Cleaning modes
4:36 - Timer & pacer
5:27 - Smart pressure sensor
6:04 - Cleaning results
6:52 - Brush heads
7:51 - Battery life & charging stand
8:36 - Warranty
9:03 - Price
9:33 - Alternatives
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❓ Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent company focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
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🔎 Ethics - #ethics
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🤝 The contents of this video is information, NOT dental/medical advice.
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Emmi-Dent / Soocas (Xiaomi) / Braun Oral-B / Oclean - проблем хватает! Что разочаровало за годы эксплуатации и какую электрическую зубную щетку лучше НЕ ПОКУПАТЬ (личный опыт) в наше время?
Так как обзоров/распаковок/тестов новых эл. зубных щеток хватает, то большей частью делюсь опытом поломок и наблюдений за свои годы эксплуатации. Ну и личный вывод, конечно.
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#ЯрославЛевашов #Жизнь #ЗубнаяЩетка Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
👉 *Электрические зубные щетки в DNS: *
Это видео про электрические зубные щетки. Выясним, действительно ли электрощетка лучше обычных щеток, или всё же они разрушают зубную эмаль? Какие электрощетки бывают и в чем между ними разница? В этом и будем разбираться. Расскажем про преимущества и недостатки.
00:00 Электрические зубные щетки
00:26 Электрическая зубная щетка против обычной
02:14 Функции электрических зубных щеток
04:07 Эффективность электрических зубных щеток
06:38 Выводы
В главных ролях:
Enchen Aurora T+, Philips Sonicare HX3671/13, Philips Sonicare HX3641/11, Philips Sonicare HX3673/13, Realme M1 Sonic Electric Toothbrush, Brush-Baby KidzSonic, Oral-B Vitality Cars Kids, ORAL-B Pro 3 3000 CrossAction, Braun Oral-B Vitality CrossAction, Oral-B Genius 10000N, Oral-B Vitality CrossAction, Braun Oral-B iO Series 8, SOOCAS X3 Pro Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The differences between the Oral-B iO Series 8 and 9 explained by Jon.
🛒 Buy Oral-B iO9 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
🛒 Buy Oral-B iO8 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
📌 Written Comparison
🇺🇸 -
🇬🇧 -
🇨🇦 -
🇦🇺 -
#io8 #io9 #oralbio #orlab #electrictoothbrush #electricteeth
0:00 - Introduction
0:30 - Cleaning modes
0:53 - Real-time tracking
1:12 - Travel case
1:38 - Handle colour
1:51 - Brush heads
2:08 - Price
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❓ Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent company focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
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🔎 Ethics - #ethics
👩⚖️ Disclaimer:
🤝 The contents of this video is information, NOT dental/medical advice.
💰 Some links are affiliate links which we earn a commission from.
📝 Full disclosure - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ready to brush like a pro? Learn how to properly brush your teeth with an Oral-B iO electric toothbrush following our step-by-step guide.
1) First, wet the brush head and apply a pea-sized amount of toothpaste.
2) Choose your brushing mode. The brush will remember for next time.
3) Guide the brush, positioning the bristles along the gumline.
4) Turn on and allow the oscillating-rotating brush head to surround each tooth.
5) Hold for 2 seconds at each surface of each tooth: outside, inside, chewing areas.
6) Brush for at least two minutes, twice a day. The toothbrush encourages you to brush for 2 minutes.
Apply optimal pressure for gum protection and a sensational clean. Keep the pressure sensor green.
Use the Oral-B app to get guidance on your technique with real-time feedback:
Learn more about Oral-B iO electric toothbrush here:
Discover the perfect Oral-B iO electric toothbrush for you: #series=io
If you want to learn more about electric toothbrushes and oral care, visit our official website:
What are the benefits of brushing your teeth with an electric toothbrush? Follow this link to find out:
You can find the full range of Oral-B electric toothbrushes here:
Oral-B offers a variety of brush heads to fit your specific oral care needs:
Explore all of our tips, content and oral health articles right here:
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How to brush your teeth with Oral-B iO electric toothbrush?
You can buy them here at amazon (affiliate links):
Oral-B iO Series 9 🇺🇸 🔥
Oral-B iO Series 10 🇺🇸 yet to be released
Oral-B iO Series 9 🇬🇧 🔥
Oral-B iO Series 10 🇬🇧 🔥
The Oral-B iO Series 10, flagship model of the iO Series and probably the best electric toothbrush of 2023, has finally been released. Although unfortunately not worldwide just jet.
In this elaborate review we'll unbox it, set it up, see how the Oral-B iO Series 10 works and compare it to its predecessor, the Oral-B iO Series 9. This video aims to show you everything you need to know; from the content of the box, all the way up to a factory reset of the charging stand.
Questions that I'll try to answer for you:
What exactly is the added value of this new magnetic charging stand with iO Sense Technology? Where does it rank on the scale of smart levels of brushing your teeth?
And does it make us want to have it, no matter the cost?
So if you consider purchasing one of them, hopefully this video will help you determine whether to go for Oral B's new flagship model or for the currently more financially attractive iO Series 9!
Hope you'll enjoy the video and feel free to like and subscribe if you do:) That would enable me to make video's more frequently.
Music by @OtisMacMusic by the way. In case you like it, he has his own youtube channel you can subscribe to!
00:00 Intro - Footage Toothbrush
00:53 Release Date & Price
01:15 Unboxing
04:39 Charging Stand - Low Power Mode
04:52 Charging Stand - Factory Reset
05:27 Setup
07:41 Four Smart Levels Of Brushing
09:30 Charging Stand Conclusion
09:50 iO9 & iO10 Similarities
10:34 Conclusion
#braun #oralb #iosense #oralbioseries10 #oralbio10 #bestelectrictoothbrush #electrictoothbrush #besttoothbrush #oralbioseries9vs10 #oralbioseries9 #oralbio9 #viral #technovelties
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Oral-B iO Series 10 (iO10) REVIEW - Worth it or go for the iO Series 9?
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How much thought do you give to your toothbrush? If you’re like most of us, not a lot. But if your dentist has told you you are an aggressive brusher, you have gum disease, recession or cavities, you might have been told to check out a better toothbrush than the old manual option. I’m here to tell you there’s lots of choice in the electric/ultrasonic/smart toothbrush category and I’ve reviewed many of them. The latest to cross my sink is the all new Oral B iO smart electric toothbrush. In this review, I’ll look at what it’s like to use, how well I think it cleans and what kinds of special features it has.
What is Oral B iO?
Oral B iO is a rechargeable electric toothbrush, with an Interactive Display that guides you as you brush. The brush also has a unique L-shaped head with a circular brush that’s a bit different from the standard horizontally-oriented brush. More on that in a sec. Paired with the Oral B app, it can help you slow down, stop brushing so hard, and to brush for long enough to be truly effective. Important for a toothbrush is should be effective and Oral B says the iO is validated by Canadian Dental Association to remove plaque, and reduce and prevent gingivitis.
What’s in the Box?
In the package there’s the brush handle, two?? Toothbrush heads, a magnetic base for charging and a travel case.
Set up and prep
There’s not too much to do to get ready to brush with the Oral B iO: plug in the charger and ensure it’s full of juice to start. Download the Oral B app to your phone. Pair?? That’s it
Linear Magnetic Drive
In what sounds like the flux capacitor of the toothbrush world, Oral B touts something called Linear Magnetic Drive. Linear magnetic drive is supposed to “direct the cleaning energy to the point of every individual bristle and integrates Oral-B's iconic round brush with gentle micro-vibrations for better plaque removal* and an amazing brushing experience.” While that sounds like a lofty promise I think it translates to ‘the brush head vibrates around your mouth’. I wouldn’t say I felt cleaning energy at the end of every bristly but I appreciate a good sales pitch.
Round Brush Head
The brush head is “Dentist-inspired” and is circular. It’s supposed to “expertly clean with micro-vibrations and oscillating action.”. Oral B doesn;t say on its website what a round brush is supposed to do better than a rectangular one
Smart Pressure Sensor
What’s it like using Oral B iO?
This toothbrush has been an experience. I’m going to try to describe the experience without ending up being overdubbed j. for an adult video.
For starters, the round brush and L-shaped head take some getting used to. The configuration of the brush head really means you need to open up our mouth more and it can be a bit awkward to manoeuvre it into your cheeks. Because of its taller L-shape if feels really big and like it’s getting in the way of my teeth. I have to be really deliberate about brushing because it feels more like your operating a tool than just mindlessly brushing easily. But I guess that’s partly the point.
Brushing with this device does require your attention: you need to work to get it around your mouth. You need to apply the smaller circular brush head to every tooth. And of course you’re supposed to brush for the full two minutes or risk frowny face,.
The truth is, for me personally, I didn’t like the round L-shaped brush head; it was too big and awkward. I did appreciate how it made me slow down and brush more deliberately though.
Battery Life:
I got about 10-14 days
Overall I liked a lot of things about this brush and some things I didn’t. The round L-shaped brush head is a bit like using something shaped like a rake in your face. I jest, it’s not that bad, but it is like using a whole new tool. I didn’t care for it. The round brush head is okay; the brush itself is a lot smaller than I’m used to so it forces me to brush more deliberately, aiming to hit every tooth.
I like the colour screen, but I don;’t love the battery life. Compared to another toothbrush I have that lasts months, this one feels like I should be keeping it plugged in. I found a lot of the brushing modes to be too much for me personally. But at the same time, I really did feel like it cleaned really well. Selling for about $279 CAD, it’s also much more of an investment than some other options.
This is a tough one for me: I like the clean it delivers but the tool just isn’t my fave because I honestly prefer mindlessly brushing my teeth so I don’t think I’ll keep using with this one and will revert back to my other brush, whcih happens to be the Philips Sonicare Diamond Clean. That review by the way is also here on the channel.
The Oral-B iO is available in 4 different colours – Black Onyx, White Alabaster, Violet Ametrine and Rose Quartz, sold at local retail stores from $. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Links to the Best Electric Toothbrushes 2023 are listed below. At Valid Consumer, we've researched the Best Electric Toothbrushes 2023 on Amazon saving you time and money.
► 5. Oral-B Pro 1000 -
► 4. Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100 -
► 3. Waterpik Complete Care 9.0 Water Flosser -
► 2. Philips Sonicare 9900 Prestige -
► 1. Oral-B iO Series 9 -
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You've been told by your dentist to brush for two minutes twice a day and floss on a regular basis to maintain your teeth in good shape, but let's face it—on some (lazy) evenings, that's just easier said than done. That's where an electric toothbrush can come in handy. These clever devices oscillate on their own, so no physical work is required, making the daily commitment to an oral care regimen much easier. Not only that, but electric toothbrushes provide a deeper clean for a brighter smile and look far better on your bathroom counter than a traditional toothbrush.
Electric toothbrushes are available at a number of pricing points, ranging from the less expensive (but still completely effective) drugstore ones to the more expensive, higher-tech options that connect to your phone and assess your brushing skills. (Yes, they are similar to having a dentist on call.)
I am affiliated, but not sponsored by, any of the products mentioned in this video. The links in the description are affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of them and purchase the product, I'll get a little compensation. Because I am not sponsored, I am free to express my own thoughts and provide unbiased product reviews. From among the millions of products available, I select those that I have personally examined and found to be highly satisfactory, and which I will immediately recommend. This is how I feed my family: by making honest and helpful reviews that allow you to make informed purchasing decisions. I appreciate your help.
Hope you enjoyed my Best Best Electric Toothbrushes 2023 video.
Video Link: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Electric Toothbrushes 2023: The Only 5 Dentist Recommend!
What are the differences between the Oral-B iO and the Sonicare DiamondClean Smart?
Jon explains the main differences between these 2 brushes and gives his opinion on which brush you should opt for.
🛒 Buy Oral-B iO- on Amazon (commissions earned)*
🛒 Buy Sonicare DiamondClean Smart - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
📌 Written Comparison
🇺🇸 -
🇬🇧 -
🇨🇦 -
🇦🇺 -
#oralbio #diamondcleansmart #electrictoothbrush #toothbrush #electricteeth
0:00 Introduction
0:29 Verdict
1:00 Key differences
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❓ Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent organisation focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
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What are the differences between the Oral-B iO and Genius X electric toothbrush?
Jon explains the small and subtle differences between these 2 brushes, whilst giving his opinion on which brush you should opt for.
🛒 Buy Oral-B iO - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
🛒 Buy Oral-B Genius X - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
📌 Written Comparison
🇺🇸 -
🇬🇧 -
🇨🇦 -
🇦🇺 -
#oralbio #geniusx #electrictoothbrush #toothbrush #electricteeth
0:00 - Introduction
0:30 - Verdict
1:02 - Key differences
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❓ Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent organisation focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
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🔎 Ethics - #ethics
👩⚖️ Disclaimer:
🤝 The contents of this video is information, NOT dental/medical advice.
💰 Some links are affiliate links which we earn a commission from.
📝 Full disclosure - https://. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Jon explains the differences between Oral-B electric toothbrush heads along with recommendations for you.
Simply put, despite the variety, for the majority, there is no one best brush head for your Oral-B toothbrush. It is more important to focus on your brushing time, frequency and technique than the style of head.
You can learn the correct brushing technique by watching the following video:
Potentially particular heads will benefit in some circumstances, for example, a 3D White brush head may achieve better results for those wanting to remove surface stains.
Jon covers the CrossAction, FlossAction, Sensi UltraThin, 3D White and many more in this video.
This video was originally recorded & published in 2020, but is still relevant in 2023.
🛒 Buy Oral-B brush heads - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
📌 Written Article
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#toothbrushheads #oralb #electrictoothbrush #toothbrush #electricteeth
0:00 Introduction
0:25 Brushing time, frequency & technique
1:03 Different brushing techniques
1:18 Are different styles a marketing gimmick?
1:52 Recommended/best brush heads
2:44 Differences explained
2:48 CrossAction
3:12 FlossAction
3:42 Sensi UltraThin/Pro GumCare
4:00 Sensitive
4:23 3D White
4:40 Precision Clean
4:59 TriZone/Deep Sweep
5:36 Ortho Care
5:58 Interspace/PowerTip
6:13 Kids
6:58 OxyJet Nozzle
7:39 Indicator bristles
8:46 Interchangeable heads
8:56 Names & availability vary
9:41 Recycle brush heads
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❓ Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent organisation focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
📝 About us -
🔎 Ethics - #ethics
👩⚖️ Disclaimer:
🤝 The contents of this video is information, NOT dental/medical advice.
💰 Some links are affiliate links which we earn a commission from.
📝 Full disclosure - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The differences between the Oral-B iO Series 9 and 10 explained by Jon.
🛒 Buy Oral-B iO9 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
🛒 Buy Oral-B iO10 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
📌 Written Comparison
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#io9 #io10 #oralb #oralbio #electrictoothbrush #electricteeth
0:00 - Introduction
0:30 - Charging stand
1:38 - Pacer
1:55 - Handle colours
2:07 - Sound
2:12 - Power adapter
2:30 - Price
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🌲 Eco-Friendly Dental Care -
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❓ Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent company focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
📝 About us -
🔎 Ethics - #ethics
👩⚖️ Disclaimer:
🤝 The contents of this video is information, NOT dental/medical advice.
💰 Some links are affiliate links which we earn a commission from.
📝 Full disclosure - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Jon gives his verdict on which of these 2 models he would pick.
He then runs through the key differences between both.
🛒 Buy Sonicare Prestige - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
🛒 Buy Oral-B iO - (commissions earned)*
📌 Written Comparison
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🇬🇧 -
🇨🇦 -
#9900prestige #oralbio #electrictoothbrush #toothbrush #electricteeth
0:00 - Introduction
0:45 - Verdict
2:00 - Cleaning action
2:33 - Cleaning modes
2:57 - Handle design & colours
4:17 - Cleaning modes
4:53 - Intensity settings
5:04 - Timer & pacer
5:39 - Brush heads
6:17 - Pressure sensor
7:18 - Battery
8:18 - Bluetooth
10:03 - BrushSync
10:40 - Scrubbing sensor
11:06 - Adaptive intensity
12:43 - Travel case
13:19 - Box contents
14:00 - Charging stand
15:05 - Warranty
15:17 - Price
🦷 Dental Care Tips -
🌲 Eco-Friendly Dental Care -
🤟 Subscribe -
🔗 Let's Connect:
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❓ Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent company focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
📝 About us -
🔎 Ethics - #ethics
👩⚖️ Disclaimer:
🤝 The contents of this video is information, NOT dental/medical advice.
💰 Some links are affiliate links which we earn a commission from.
📝 Full disclosure - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Oral-b Braun iO Серія 9 — щітка революційною магнітною технологією іО, з легендарною круглою насадкою з м'якими мікровібраціями, інтелектуальним датчиком тиску, інтерактивним Oled-дисплеєм, 7 інтелектуальними режимами та штучним інтелектом.
• Ціна тут:
#Braun #Oral-b #WatchUA Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Oral-b Braun iO Серія 9 — найінноваційніша електрична зубна щітка для якісного догляду за зубами
Мой инстаграм:
Электрическая зубная щетка в 2020:
Для сотрудничества @
Небольшое видео по выбору электрической зубной щетки. Какую выбрать роторную, звуковую или ультразвуковую и не ошибиться в огромном ассортименте зубных щеток.
Большинство людей до сих пор пользуются мануальными (ручными) зубными щетками. Я же как стоматолог, хочу посоветовать все же переходить на электрические зубные щетки, если вы хотите добиться лучше гигиены полости рта! А вот какую выбрать: роторную, звуковую или ультразвуковую я постарался рассказать в видео Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Какую электрическую зубную щетку выбрать? Роторная, звуковая или ультразвуковая
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Електрична зубна щітка Oral-B iO Series 6 iOM6.1A6.1K 3753 White. Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17