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Підтримуйте ваш одяг в ідеальному стані з машинкою-тримерами Xiaomi SOTHING Lint Remover Clothes Fuzz. Портативний девайс віртуозно видаляє з тканини катишки і ворсинки, повертаючи їй гарний вигляд. Крім того, вбудований акумулятор робить пристрій повністю автономним, а компактні габарити дозволяють брати його з собою у відрядження і подорожі.
Як це працює?
Машинка-тример оснащена блоком гострих лез, прихованих під 52-міліметрової сіткою з отворами різного розміру. Обертаючись на великій швидкості, ножі швидко і ретельно зрізають скачані волокна з тканини, не пошкоджуючи при цьому сам матеріал. Таким чином ви зможете привести свої улюблені наряди в порядок при мінімальних витратах часу і сил.
Повна автономність
Ще одна перевага Xiaomi SOTHING - пристрій не вимагає підключення до розетки або заміни батарей. Вбудований акумулятор ємністю 500 мАг забезпечує тримеру 90 хвилин автономної роботи, а порт USB Type-C дає можливість поповнювати запаси енергії від мережевого адаптера для смартфона, комп'ютера або портативного акумулятора.
Зручне транспортування
Якщо ви відправляєтеся на відпочинок або в ділову поїздку, машинку-тример також можна прихопити з собою, щоб і далеко від дому виглядати чарівно. Компактний пристрій вагою в 150 грам можна переносити навіть в сумочці, а в дорожній валізі або рюкзаку виріб і зовсім не буде помітним серед інших речей.
У цілковитій безпеці
На відміну від видалення катишків за допомогою лез, ножиць та інших підручних засобів, машинка-тример є найбільш безпечним варіантом. За рахунок того, що гострий ножовий блок прихований під сіткою, ви ніколи не поранити під час використання Xiaomi SOTHING. А якщо користувач зніме сітку з увімкнено, воно моментально припинить роботу.
Top 10: Best Fabric Shavers of 2021 / Lint Remover for Clothes and Furniture / Fuzz Pills Remover
06:12 Mugensa Fabric Shaver Lint Remover Clothes and Furniture:
05:28 MOSPRO Sweater Fabric Shaver Lint Remove:
04:35 POPCHOSE Fabric Shaver, Rechargeable Lint Remover with 6-Blades:
03:57 Bymore Fabric Shaver, Sweater Shaver for Clothes:
03:24 2-Speed Lint Remover, Fabric Shaver for Clothing:
02:39 Tohsssik Fabric Shaver Fuzz Remover, Lint Remover:
02:05 Ronxs Fabric Shaver, Rechargeable Lint Remover:
01:22 iRUNTEK Rechargeable Fabric Shaver:
00:33 BEAUTURAL Sweater Fabric Shaver Home-Edition:
00:03 SOTHING Fabric Shaver, Rechargeable Lint Remover:
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All videos we publish are either for educational purposes or a news related to the new and latest technology. "Technologic Hero" was created to educate and spread awareness about inventions, latest technology and top homemade inventions. The videos used are under fair use which is for educational or news purpose. Email us for a copyright infringement or product recommendation. technologichero10(a)
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Philips Fabric Shaver GC026 - Best Lint Remover From Clothes - Fuzz Ball Remover
Philips Fabric Shaver GC026/80 - Best Lint Remover From Clothes - Fuzz Ball Remover
The Philips fabric shaver allows you to easily and quickly remove fabric pills from all types of garments. All your garments, from jumpers to blankets, will look like new again!
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Сегодня на обзоре новая машинка для удаления катышков и ворса от компании Mijia дочерняя компания Xiaomi
Полное название модели Xiaomi Mijia Lint Remover MQXJQ01KL
Обладает мощным мотором с режущей головкой с пятью лезвиями. Питается от перезаряжаемого аккумулятора на 1300 mAh. И способна проработать от одного заряда до полутора часов.
Позволяет произвести чистку кашемира, шелка и другой поверхности от катышков.
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Top 10: Best Fabric Shavers of 2022 / Lint Remover, Fuzz Remover for Pet Hair, Clothes, Furniture
Top 10: Best Fabric Shavers of 2022 / Lint Remover, Fuzz Remover for Pet Hair, Clothes, Furniture
00:00 HOMEASY Fabric Shaver Fuzz Remover
00:37 Lint Remover and Fabric Shaver
01:06 Bymore Fabric Shaver
01:37 iRUNTEK Fabric Lint Shaver
02:15 POPCHOSE Fabric Shaver
03:05 VASSON Fabric Shaver
03:37 Etekcity Fabric Sweater Shaver
04:17 Mugensa Fabric Shaver Lint Remover
04:55 DesertWest Electric Fabric Shaver
05:29 TORRAS Fabric Shaver
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All videos we publish are either for educational purposes or a news related to the new and latest technology. En On was created to educate and spread awareness about inventions, latest technology and top homemade inventions. The videos used are under fair use which is for educational or news purpose.
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Минусы машинки для удаления катышков Xiaomi Deerma Lint Remover
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Для тех, кто все же решился купить, оставлю ссылку на AliExpress, где есть куча положительных отзывов и продавец кладет дополнительно 6 валиков:
Набор нож + липучки + крышка:
Ссылка на проводную машинку: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор машинки для удаления катышек с одежды Xiaomi Mijia Rechargeable Lint Remover MQXJQ01KL. Купить на Яндекс.Маркет:
Запасные лезвия:
0:00 Машинка Xiaomi
1:03 Лезвия и контейнер
1:42 Защита от травм
2:08 Зарядка и время работы
2:35 Как удалить катешки
Подписывайтесь на Умный дом Xiaomi в соцсетях:
#Катышки #Xiaomi #LintRemover Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Xiaomi Lint Remover vs Philips Fabric Shaver Quick Review and Test / EASY WAY TO REMOVE CLOTHES LINT
This item is very useful, when you have cotton clothes full of lints. Its very easy to use and really removes clothes lint easily.
You can check these items HERE :
- Xiaomi Mijia Lint Remover ►
- Philips GC026 Fabric Shaver ►
- Panasonic Eneloop Pro ►
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Philips Wireless Headphones TAH5205 ►
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Top 10: Best Fabric Shavers of 2022 / Electric Lint Remover Clothes and Furniture, Removes Fuzz
Top 10: Best Fabric Shavers of 2022 / Electric Lint Remover Clothes and Furniture, Removes Fuzz
00:00 HOMEASY Fabric Shaver Fuzz Remover Clothes
00:34 Lint Remover and Fabric Shaver
01:03 Bymore Fabric Shaver
01:34 POPCHOSE Fabric Shaver
02:17 iRUNTEK Fabric Lint Shaver
02:54 Etekcity Fabric Shaver Remover
03:38 VASSON Fabric Shaver
04:10 Mugensa Fabric Shaver
04:48 DesertWest Electric Fabric Shaver
05:22 TORRAS Fabric Shaver
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All videos we publish are either for educational purposes or a news related to the new and latest technology. "Technologic Hero" was created to educate and spread awareness about inventions, latest technology and top homemade inventions. The videos used are under fair use which is for educational or news purpose. Email us for a copyright infringement or product recommendation. technologichero10(a)
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Видеообзор машинки для удаления катышков Lint Remover электрической
Машинка для стрижки и удаления катышков Lint Remover электрическая - самая популярная модель по соотношению цена/качество.
Машинка для удаления катышек имеет пластиковый корпус с удобной ручкой и небольшой головкой, оснащённой металлической сеточкой. Отличием данной модели от аналогов является работа от электрической сети.
При прикосновении головки прибора с тканью, имеющиеся на ткани сбившиеся волокна попадают в отверстия сеточки и срезаются находящимися за ней острыми лезвиями. Лезвия вращаются по кругу по принципу вентилятора. При таком вращении создаётся поток воздуха, который втягивает срезанные волокна внутрь устройства. В результате, они попадают в специальный контейнер, находящийся на корпусе прибора. Контейнер сделан из прозрачного пластика, поэтому вы всегда будете видеть, насколько он наполнен отходами. Если контейнер заполнен на 80%, машинка от катышков подлежит чистке. Для этого контейнер нужно снять и высыпать его содержимое.
Машинка для стрижки катышков может использоваться для изделий из любых видов ткани: хлопка, трикотажа, синтетики, шерсти, кружева,
С её помощью вы сможете реабилитировать свою любимую одежду, а также освежить вид дивана, кресел, штор, пледов и ковров. Во время использования необходимо аккуратно чистить ткань вокруг молний, швов, пуговиц и приклеенных на одежду элементов.
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Для деликатных тканей защитную крышечку не снимать!
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unboxing video of fuzz removing ur cloth's
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Maybe you're very mad that your beautiful blanket is covered with lint balls after using for some time. Maybe now you feel quite sad and angry when you want to wear a lovely sweater or dress for an important dating, but you find it covered with fuzz. Maybe you just want a good and clean looking when you start a meeting. Then I think it's time to bring our product to your life. It is electric lint remover. Why choose Our product? for multi materials: sweater, couch, Blanket, curtain, socks, Legging, wool, cashmere and so on. and efficient: stainless steel rotary blade with large Shaving head reduces the working time and makes Shaving faster & easier. protection: Unique design gives you safe experience while working. It will Protect your hand From hurt. Also it could protect your clothing from injury. to carry: size is small. Suitable for taking away. Just clean your clothes everywhere at any time. look & scientific design: Easy to hold by hand. Keep you working in good mood and give you best experience. What you will receive: lint remover x 1 cleaning brush x 1 protective cap x 1 instruction manual x 1 Note: Please kindly clean The fuzz container when it is 70% full. Do not forget to clean around the stainless steel blade.
Feeke Lint Remover, Electric Clothes Sweater Fabric Shaver, Portable, Quickly and Effectively for Couch, Blanket, Curtain, Socks, Legging, Wool, Cashmere, Battery Operated, Sky Blue Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Portable Lint Remover Clothes Fuzz Shaver restores your clothes and fabrics to a fresh new look!
Get here
Save Your Old Clothes!
To give your old fabrics new life by giving them a quick shave without damaging the fabric keeps them clean, soft and looking like new. Remove pilling and lint from sweaters, curtains, carpet, upholstery and more
EASY TO CARRY: Wood sweater combs are very lightweight. It's small in size. It's very suitable to put in a handbag when you go out and use it at any time. It can be carried around, ready to use, easy to carry and use when traveling.
NO BATTERY REQUIRED: No more batteries wasted unlike battery operated cloth shavers which fail to continuously bring strong power, this Portable Lint Remover brings stable and constant strong power to remove lint and balls.
KEEP ELEGANT- Restores your clothes and fabrics to a fresh new look excellent for removing fuzz balls on clothes even on the sofa. Buy yourself some new clothes with the money saved by this fuzz buster and keep your moments simple.
MATERIAL & MULTI-FUNCTION: Manual Clothes Fuzz Shaver is made of pure copper, to ensure a long service time. Easily removes pet hair, crumbs, lint and more without leaving a sticky residue behind. Great for cleaning your clothing, bedding, furniture, and car upholstery.
Portable Lint Remover
Material: Wood Handle+Pure copper blade
Size: 17cm*13cm
Lint removers with clothes: Manual Epilator Clothes Shaver
Use: Cardigan,Double-sided cashmere,Suede,Woven Fabric,etc.
Weight: About 82g
1 X Portable Lint Remover.
Portable Lint Remover uses tiny grooves on a metal bar. It’s smooth to the touch and won’t damage fabrics, but can grab lint, pills, and fuzz like a magnet, leaving your favorite knits good as new. If your cozy blanket leaves you covered in lint, Lint Fix is your solution. It takes lint left behind right off in just seconds.
Lint Remover is perfect for furniture too. It lifts pet hair right off, grabbing the hair and lifting them away. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Electric Lint Remover Clothing Lint Pills Removers Fuzz Blender Shaver Fluff Pellets Cut Machine for
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5 Best Fabric (Lint Remover) Shavers for Clothes/Furniture @Amazon
Garstor Fabric Shaver(White)
Fabric Shaver Lint Remover, Sweater
Pudding Fabric Shaver Fuzz Remover
HOMEASY Fabric Shaver Fuzz Remover
Conair Fabric Defuzzer - Shaver; Battery Operated; Blue
Some of the footage within this video was developed for promotional/education purposes. Parts of stock footage of items were collected from manufacturers, fellow creators, and various other sources. If you are the creator or own the footage which may have reservations, please notify me via email and I will accommodate you for sure.
This video contains affiliate links(meaning that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll obtain a small commission). This allows us to support the channel and allow us to make more videos such as this video. Thank you for your support. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Leave your garments looking like new thanks to this cordless lint remover from Beldray, ideal for clothing, bedding and upholstery. With an XL head for more coverage, this rechargeable bobble remover has up to 45 minutes operating time and is complete with an easy to empty container. The perfect addition to your laundry, this defuzzer is suitable for all fabrics including delicates and ideal for versatile cleaning around your home to remove fluff, fuzz, bobbles, pilling, and lint from furniture.
Revitalise and leave your garments looking like new in an instant thanks to this cordless lint and fluff remover from Beldray..
Easily rechargeable, this cordless defuzzer revitalises clothing and furniture and is handy for versatile cleaning around the home.
Complete with an XL head, the electric lint remover offers up to 45 minutes operating time, the perfect addition to your laundry.
The perfect addition to your laundry routine, remove bobbles, fuzz and pilling from all fabric types, including delicates, and bedding.
Measuring just 8 x 8 x , this lightweight and easy to use handy tool is the best kept laundry secret and is easy to store away.
See more; Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Electric Fabric Shaver For Couch Sweater Clothes With Fluff Brush
This fabric shaver features three depth settings to shave fuzz, pilling and lint from sweaters, clothing, furniture and upholstery. Fully adjustable for a variety of fabric types, this battery-powered fabric shaver with a comfortable grip safely removes unwanted broken and matted fibers from your favorite sweaters, catching them in the detachable lint catcher for disposal. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Designed to remove fluff, fuzz, bobble and lint from fabric, presenting decent and elegant way of life.
Fast and efficient
Precise and safe 3-blade net in superior stainless steel works in strong power to finish the fabric shaving more quickly and easily.
Secure Design
The metal blade guard allows threads and fuzzes to pass through for removal while protecting clothes and fabrics, protecting garments from being cut or snagged, as well as hands from accidentally touching the shaver foil.
USB rechargeable
One button design for instant operation, large battery capacity of 1200mAh and USB rechargeable for more portable and convenient using anywhere.
Widely Applicable
It perfectly removes fabric fluff, fuzz, bobble and lint from all types of clothes and fabric, including sweater, couch, blanket, curtain, socks, legging, wool, cashmere and so on. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Amazon USA:
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Introducing the NEW Wonder Lint Rechargeable fabric shaver.
We’ve taken the best-selling, Amazon No.1 rated Wonder Lint and given it a makeover for 2021.
Now fully rechargeable, with a more powerful 8W motor and 6 stainless steel precision blades, it guarantees a fast, smooth and effective shaving experience, removing bobbles, fuzz, pulls and lint from household fabrics in an instant, to leave them looking brand new again.
Plus, it comes with 3 sets of replacement blades giving you an extra $45 in value all for FREE.
The Wonder Lint rechargeable fabric shaver promises fabric shaving like never before. Experience the wonder for yourself today!
GAME-CHANGING RECHARGE FUNCTION & RUN TIME – save time, money, and the planet by never having to buy disposable batteries again! The Wonder Lint rechargeable fabric shaver has a super quick charge and run time, shaving continuously for 2+ hours on high mode (blue light) and 4+ hours on normal mode (green light). It can also be used plugged into the mains, meaning you get the best of both worlds. We promise you’ll run out of items to shave before the Wonder Lint rechargeable fabric shaver runs out of gas!
SUPERIOR BUILD QUALITY & PERFORMANCE – we only use high-quality materials and components to build the Wonder Lint rechargeable fabric shaver. It comes with 6 stainless steel precision steel blades, not the 3 most other models offer, delivering faster and more effective lint removal. You also receive 3 sets of replacement blades worth $45+ for no extra charge, helping to prolong the life of your shaver and save you money down the line.
INCREDIBLY FAST & POWERFUL – not only does the Wonder Lint rechargeable fabric shaver have a larger shaving surface than other fabric shavers, but it also has a bigger 8W motor than the standard 5W you get in most other fabric shavers. The result is the quickest, closest shave money can buy!
SUPER LIGHT & CONVENIENT – we’ve fitted the Wonder Lint rechargeable fabric shaver with a comfort grip handle and premium matt finish, making it more pleasant to hold, even for smaller hands, and easy to keep pressed against your fabrics for a smoother, superior shave. It also comes with a brush for quick and easy cleaning and a plush drawstring bag for carrying and storage.
REJUVENATES FABRICS IN SECONDS – the Wonder Lint rechargeable fabric shaver safely removes bobbles, pulls, fuzz and lint from wool, cotton, lycra, nylon, furniture, bedding and more, to leave your tired fabrics looking fresh and brand new again. No snagging. No mess. No regrets. And with an extra-large lint collector that requires less emptying, the wonder of the Wonder Lint rechargeable fabric really needs to be seen to be believed! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
copper head, ensures a long service time.
for cleaning your clothing, bedding, furniture, and car upholstery.
removes pet hair, crumbs, lint and more without leaving a sticky residue behind.
4. Keep elegant, restores your clothes and fabrics to a fresh new look excellent for removing fuzz balls on clothes even on the sofa.
5. Battery free, no more batteries wasted unlike battery operated cloth shavers which fail to continuously bring strong power. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Lint remover from clothes, Electric lint remover, fabric shaver , remove lint from clothes👗🛒 #shorts
*Nova Lint/Fabric Shaver for Cloths, Lint Remover for Woolen Sweaters, Blankets, Jackets/Burr Remover Pill Remover from Carpets, Pack of 1*
Real picture added 😍
Quick and efficient Switch to turn it on and gently run the shaving head over the surface of the clothes.
Corded The lint remover runs on an inbuilt battery and has a corded wire. Battery operated lint removers run out of power after a few times of use but you save hundreds on batteries with this corded lint remover.
Dual protection The adjustable height spacer protects your garments from being cut or snagged or caught. It also protects and reinforces your hands from accidentally touching the shaver foil. A cleaning brush is included in the pack to help you easily clean your appliance after use.
Smart design With large shaving head, detachable lint catcher and comfort grip handle. Slide downward to release the lint catcher gently to remove and clean the collected lint. The comfort grip handle allows the lint remover to fit comfortably in your hand, giving you a good and control as you de-fuzz your garments
Easily remove fabric fluff, fuzz, bobbles, pills, burr or roye from all types of garments and fabrics Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Как и чем удалить катышки с одежды. Машинка против катышек xiaomi mijia #shorts
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How to remove lint from clothes丨Xiaomi Mijia Fuzz Trimme - Banggood New Tech
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Xiaomi Mijia Mini USB Lint Remover Micro Arc Shaving Mesh Fuzz Trimmer 1300mAh Electric Clothes Sweater Fabric Shaver
thickened micro-arc steel mesh
Reasonably optimized mesh design, avoid pressing deformation, fit the clothes without damage.
5 blades cyclone floating head
Accurately grinding, improve shear effect, high efficiency shear.
Strong suction, avoid shaving dirty
Negative pressure centrifugal fan blades design, so that the wool easily inhaled. P-shaped backflow proof wind duct design to prevent the reflow of fluff.
1300mAh lithium battery design
Quick charging in 2 hours can use for 90 minutes. Equipped with USB charging interface, compatible with the market mainstream adapter, charging treasure, computer for charging.
Double protection, safe & convenient
Disassemble the trimmer head cover or open the fuzz bin, the machine will immediately power off, stop working, to avoid accidental injury.
Hidden indicator light
Electric quantity indicator lamp adopts hidden design, indicating machine working and electric quantity status, simple and beautiful.
Fuzz bin visible window design
Easy to check whether the fuzz in the bin needs to be cleaned, reduce the repeated opening to check.
Cleaning brush
Cleaning small brush uses long handle design, clean the small position such as trimming head, fuzz bin more convenient.
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Electric Lint Remover Clothes Fuzz Pills Pellets Trimmer For Clothing Portable Charge Fabric Shaver Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mini Portable Lint Remover Fuzz Fabric Shaver For Carpet Woolen Coat Clothes Fluff Fabric Shaver Brush Tool Fur Remover
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Electric Lint Remover Rechargeable ( YAARLO ONLINE STORE )
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Sick of stubborn lint, fuzz, and pet hair ruining your clothes, furniture, and home ?
You need a fast and effective fuzzy ball cleaner to save your clothes, give them a fresh look and extend their life.
Our Fabric Fuzzy Ball Cleaner is the best choice for you !
Compared with the three-blade lint remover, the upgraded six-blade is more efficient in removing fuzzy balls. Suitable for all kinds of clothing and household articles, and can be used for any pilling fabric.
Clothes Saver
It can quickly and efficiently remove fuzzy balls from your clothes and give them a fresh look. No more embarrassing hairballs, extending the life of your clothes.
Fast and Effective
Compared with the three-blade lint remover, the upgraded six-blade is more efficient in removing fuzzy balls. Refined stainless steel knife mesh, combined with mesh holes of different sizes, thoroughly clean hair balls. And will not damage the clothes.
Widely Used
Suitable for all kinds of clothing and household articles, such as sweater, coat, thermal underwear, scarf, underwear, socks, gloves, sofa, cushion, bed sheet, quilt cover, blanket, pillow, car seat, plush toyand so on. Any fabric with pilling can be used.
Plug and Play
Say goodbye to power outage or battery drain. Suitable for a variety of power sources, such as power bank, laptop, desktop computer, car charging, household socket, etc. No need to wait, it can be used while charging.
Simple and Safe to Use
One button start, intelligent protection. When the mesh cover is loose or detritus storage box is removed, it will automatically power off, effectively preventing accidental injury to your baby and your hand.
Specification :
Material: ABS + Stainless Steel
Rated Voltage: 5V
Power: 3W
Quick Charging: 1.5 Hours
Product Size: 75x210mm
Color: White, Green
Package Includes: 1x Fabric Fuzzy Ball Cleaner Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
🔥Product Name:
Lint Remover For Clothing Rechargeable Hair Ball Trimmer Fuzz Pellets Clothes Sweater Fabric Shaver Electric Fluff Lint Removers
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Машинка Для Катышков XINGCHAO
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Tool Fur Remover Mini Portable Lint Remover Fuzz Fabric
Tool Fur Remover Mini Portable Lint Remover Fuzz Fabric Shaver For Sweater Woolen Coat Clothes Fluff Fabric Shaver Brush
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ZHIBAI Electric Lint Remover for Clothing Universal USB Clothes Fuzz Pellet 5-Speed Adjustment Charge Fabric Shaver Removes
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Electric Lint Remover, Fabric Shaver, Fuzz Remover, Quickly and Effectively Remove Pilling.
- This lint remover can quickly and efficiently remove pilling of fabric clothes, sweaters, couch, bed sheets, blankets, curtains, socks, wool and cashmere, but not for removing pet hairs
- High efficiency motor:8500 rpm powerful motor, allows you to clean up the pilling on the fabric more quickly during use, saving your time.
- Durable blade: High-quality stainless steel blades can provide long-term work, and 4 extra blades can be easily used to replace the unsharp blades
- Honeycomb shape net cover: Have a larger contact surface, pilling can be captured more easily and safely
- Large dust box: Removable dust box is sufficient for large amounts of fabric cleaning and can be easily emptied.
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