Електрична зубна щітка Oral-B Smart 6000N допоможе провести максимально ефективну процедуру очищення ротової порожнини. Вона усуває до 100% зубного нальоту, з чим не зможе впоратися традиційна зубна щітка. Невелика головка щітки охоплює кожен зуб окремо, ретельне очищуючи.
Через Bluetooth ви можете синхронізувати зубну щітку зі смартфоном і встановити застосунок Oral-B App, який допоможе вам якісно очистити всі зони порожнини рота, вкаже, коли необхідно переходити до наступної зони, а також покаже ті зони, де було недостатньо ретельне очищення. Датчик тиску автоматично вимкне пульсації та зменшить частоту обертань чистильної головки, якщо на зуби буде наданий надлишковий тиск. 2-хвилинний таймер привчить вас правильно розподіляти час очищення.
Завдяки Oral-B Smart 6000N ви дістанете якісний догляд за вашими зубами та порожниною рота в домашніх умовах.
In this video, I unbox and review the Oral B Smart 6 6000N Electric Toothbrush. This video will help you decide if this brush is the right one for you.
Oral B on Amazon:
Oral B Smart 6 on Amazon (UK): Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
It has the Oral-B Genius design, the Smart series features and a reasonable box contents, the Smart 6 6000 is a very capable electric toothbrush that comes in a lovely white and silver/blue colour combination.
5 cleaning modes, a pressure sensor, over 2 weeks battery life and Bluetooth connectivity, there is a lot to this model.
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Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent organisation focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
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Oral B 6000n Toothbrush Overview and Phone App 2021
Upgraded to the Oral-B Smart 6 6000n electric toothbrush, an overview of the features & a look at the phone app. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Электрическая зубная щетка Oral-B Smart 6 чистит зубы именно так, как рекомендуют стоматологи. Она удаляет до 100% больше зубного налета, чем мануальные зубные щетки, и улучшает здоровье десен.
Купить электрическую зубную щетку Oral-B Smart 6 6000 можно по ссылке Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Oral-B Smart 6 6000N Cross Action Electric Toothbrush Review
Oral-B Smart 6 6000N Cross Action Electric Toothbrush Review
This arrived in a flashy top opening Oral-B branded box, inside everything is packed into bespoke moulded polystyrene all well secured and protected, you get the connection handle, three toothbrush heads, the travel case along with the fairly thick manual covering a multitude of languages, English takes up around eight pages of well written and easy to follow instructions that cover most everything you need to know.
First impressions this looks and feels very good quality as you would expect and the handle has a section of rubber grip on the back making it feel really secure in your hand along with making it easy to manipulate, the charging stand is fairly standard but does have a removable addition to the base which allows you to stand two additional brush heads on it I found quite handy, the “premium travel case” is fairly basic clip release branded plastic but perfectly adequate for the job.
After unpacking everything I put the toothbrush on charge, had a read through the manual and then installed the Oral-B app to my phone, once the toothbrush had fully charged I connected the Bluetooth and app to it, the app I found to be very good fun to use with a lot of different functions and challenges along with guiding you through to improve the brushing process, I have been using it now since it arrived and I am impressed, I find I use the Oral-B app each time and as stubborn as I can be I do follow its recommendations which I feel are improving the way i brush.
Overall I really like this toothbrush, I found it cleans really well and when linked to the app it certainly gives a good incentive to improve the brushing technique, the travel case is fairly basic but does the intended job perfectly well.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask them in the comments and I will do my best to answer. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Как ПРАВИЛЬНО выбрать электрическую зубную щетку? ✅ Советы | COMFY
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У нас в гостях бывают знаменитые блогеры:) Например, недавно Ольга Матвей поделилась своим рецептом бисквитного рулета.
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#Comfy, #ComfyПолезноиLifeStyle, #Зубныещетки,
Разница электрозубной щетки и обыкновенной ощутима даже после первого использования. Электрическая в разы круче! Чем? Разберемся в этом видео. Также мы расскажем, чем отличаются современные модели, какие насадки бывают и что интересного из смарт штучек:
0:00 - Дизайн, конструкция
0:58 - Щетки с вращательно-возвратными движениями щетин
1:15 - Звуковые электрические щетки
1:39 - Ультразвуковые электрические щетки
2:12 - Насадки
2:42 - Время автономной работы
3:00 - Таймер очистки
3:08 - Таймер секторов
3:12 - Датчик чрезмерного давления
3:23 - Взаимодействие со смартфоном
3:50 - Итоги
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✅ СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА: из чего состоит и как работает? How it works (COMFY)
✅ КРЕПАТУРА: как убрать боль в мышцах? ЗОЖ с Денисом Мининым (COMFY)
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Как выбрать электрическую зубную щётку? Есть ли эффект и в чём разница с обычными? Как правильно пользоваться электрической зубной щёткой? Сделали большое и подробное видео по теме. Вместе с экспертом говорим о том, какие бывают электрические зубные щётки (их, оказывается, три типа) и обсуждаем все самое главное и интересное о них. Пожалуй, у нас получилось самое информативное видео об электрических зубных щётках в российском YouTube.
Эксперт видео: Глеб Асеев — врач-стоматолог, аккредитованный лектор Швейцарской стоматологической академии (SDA).
Электрические зубные щётки из видео:
Осцеллическая: Oral-B Genius X 20000N Black —
Звуковая: Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Smart HX9954 —
Ультразвуковая: Emmi-dent 6 Platinum —
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Как не угробить стиральную машину:
Как не испортить пылесос:
Стоит ли покупать LED-маску? Проверка на себе:
Битва блендеров + розыгрыш блендера:
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Oral-B Smart 6 6000 electric toothbrush from the brand that created the world’s first electric toothbrush with Bluetooth. Bluetooth communication allows the brush to connect with your smartphone to give you real-time feedback. Learn more about it here:
The professionally inspired design of the electric toothbrush head of Oral-B Smart 6 6000 electric toothbrush surrounds each tooth and the dynamic movement of 3D cleaning action adapts to your teeth as it oscillates, rotates, and pulsates to break up and remove up to 100% more plaque than a regular manual toothbrush.. Oral-B Smart 6 6000 electric toothbrush also has Bluetooth 4.0 connectivity that connects to the Oral-B App and provides real-time brushing guidance that can be adjusted by your dental professional.
Oral-B offers a variety of replacement toothbrush heads to fit your personal oral health needs. Oral-B Smart 6 6000 electric toothbrush is compatible with a wide range of Oral-B electric toothbrush heads so you can get the clean you need, every time.
If you want to learn more about electric toothbrushes and oral care, visit our official website:
You can find the full range of Oral-B electric toothbrushes here:
What are the benefits of brushing your teeth with an electric toothbrush? Follow this link to find out:
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Jon gives his opinion of the Pro 6000 from Oral-B.
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Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent organisation focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
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Oral-B Smart 6000 est la première brosse à dents électrique au monde à être dotée de la technologie Bluetooth.
La brosse à dents électrique Oral-B Smart 6 6000N est compatible avec un large éventail de brossettes Oral-B, pour vous offrir le brossage dont vous avez besoin, à chaque utilisation :
N’oubliez pas de renouveler votre brossette tous les trois à quatre mois, ou lorsque ses poils sont décolorés ou usés. Les dentistes le recommandent afin de conserver un nettoyage optimal. La brosse à dents électrique Oral-B Smart 6 6000N offre un soin spécifique et vous guide pour vos soins dentaires. Téléchargez l’application Oral-B sur votre smartphone et connectez-vous avec votre brosse pour obtenir des informations en temps réel.
Plus d'informations sur Oral-B :
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Trouve brosse à dent électrique Oral-B qui te convient le mieux :
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Подробный обзор. Разбираемся, чем электрические щетки лучше обычных и так ли это. Рассказываем, чем отличаются друг от друга разные модели, что купить ребенку, и другие важные подробности для тех, кто выбирает свою первую электрощетку: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ТОП-7.🦷 Лучшие электрические зубные щётки 2019 года. Рейтинг! 👄
Oral-B Vitality 3D White
Яндекс Маркет
Плеер.ру (для Москвы и обл.)
Oral-B Pro 500 CrossAction
Яндекс Маркет
Плеер.ру (для Москвы и обл.)
Oral-B Pro 570 CrossAction
Яндекс Маркет
Philips Sonicare 2 Series gum health HX6232/41
Яндекс Маркет
Oral-B Professional Care 5000 D34
Яндекс Маркет
Philips Sonicare 2 Series plaque control HX6212
Яндекс Маркет
Плеер.ру (для Москвы и обл.)
Philips Sonicare DiamondClean HX9368/35
Яндекс Маркет
Плеер.ру (для Москвы и обл.)
21vek(Беларусь) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A premium mid range range electric toothbrush, the Smart 5 series, despite some annoying niggles is very good in terms of both features and design.
🛒 Buy Smart 5 5000 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
📌 Written Review
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❓ Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent organisation focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
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Топ 5 ЛУЧШИХ электрических зубных ЗВУКОВЫХ щёток от XIAOMI !
РОЗЫГРЫШ! MI BAND 6 --- 5 штук👍
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Мы все любим смотреть топ товаров. При этом нам всегда интересно кто на первом месте? Кто лучший? И что взять выгоднее? С зубными звуковыми щётками от сяоми не всё так просто. Они все хороши. И пользуюсь некоторыми из них я уже не один год. А расположу в топе их я по полезности для себя. Салам всегда лучшие учитывая цену в связке с качеством.
Тьюб 379
Всем привет вы на канале польза нет и здесь только быстрые и ёмкие обзоры. А ещё ультра долгие стримы и море конкурсов, условия на которые в описании к видео. И не забывайте дай и подписку. Ну а теперь начнём.
На пятом месте я поставлю щётку супруги о клин air. И конечно она великолепно упакована. У неё малые габариты. И если чувство стиля и чувство прекрасного вам знакомо, можете сразу переходить по ссылке на её обзор на моём канале. Она маленькая, аккуратная, элегантная и её всегда можно выгодно купить, так как моделька уже не новая. По габаритам она рассчитана на среднюю или маленькую руку. Головку как и у всего у сяоми нужно менять раз в три месяца, щётка работает с программой о клин. Зарядка от юсби, индукционная. Провод длинный. Цвет белый. Защита от воды как у щетки так и у док станции ай пи икс 7. Управление одной кнопкой на корпусе и через программу, четыре режима можно переключать просто длительным нажатием. Толщина корпуса в самом широком месте всего 2 сантиметра. 92 грамма вес щетки. Вокруг кнопки есть индикаторное кольцо, и диод в зарядке. Через программу режимов работы можно загрузить до сотни. Одной Зарядки на месяц использования хватает. В минуту выдаёт 40 тысяч колебаний. Но через пол года использования кнопка управления начала барахлить как и в следующей щётке в моём топе. Но пока работает.
На четвёртом месте зубная щётка сяоми миджа т100. И пусть вас не смущает что суббренды разные, концерн сяоми один. Первая особенность конечно в том что стоит она меньше 9 долларов если брать на распродажах. Сменные головки от других щёток бренда под неё не подходят. Выглядит она максимально просто, но для знакомства с брендом или использования в командировках самое то. Чистит хорошо, просто немного дольше чем топовые щётки. Способ тот жет- Звуковой. Колебаний у неё ну очень скромно, по меркам звуковых щёток – всего 16500. Защита от воды ipx7, заряд держит 30 суток. 2 режима работы. Один заход – в 2 минуты, потом щётка отключается. Каждые 30 секунд напоминает про смену зон. Продаётся в двух расцветках – белом и розовом. Зарядка – довольно эпично, через заглушку с микро юсби, и по меркам щёток очень быстро – всего за 4 часа. Весит 46 грамм – и ощущается как игрушечная. Мне понравилась, использую в поездках. Но это прямо ультра эконом.
Третье место – щётка сукаас икс 5. Она была последней на обзоре на моём канале. И мне она безумно понравилась. Чтобы не слишком тратить ваше время, а на канале все топы товаров быстрые от того что повторяю – на каждый товар есть свой обзор по ссылке. Как и ссылки на их покупки. К щётке – ультразвуковая, продаётся в подарочной упаковке. Две расцветки – синий и кораловый. В комплекте – стаканчик, щётка, три сменные головки, магнитный блок зарядки. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
В России только 5 % людей пользуются электрическими зубными щетками, тогда как в Германии 40%. Есть разные причины таких различий, это и стоимость щетки и боязнь её использовать, недоверие некоторых стоматологов к ним. Но множество исследований не врут, есть много плюсов. А подходят тебе такие щетки или нет, узнай в этом видео!
0:00 - Начало
0:40 - Как правильно чистить зубы электрической зубной щеткой
1:21 - Виды зубных щеток
1:40 - Электрическая зубная щетка с вращающейся головкой
3:27 - Кому можно пользоваться такой щеткой, а кому нет
4:20 - Звуковые зубные щетки
4:54 - Ультразвуковые зубные щетки
5:15 - Кому можно использовать такие щетки
5:55 - Нельзя использовать ультразвуковые щетки
6:32 - Плюсы
6:54 - Минусы
Консультируйтесь со стоматологом! Лучше знать, чем сомневаться! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Детальный обзор ультразвуковой зубной щетки SEAGO SG-507.
Распаковка новой и обзор после 6 месяцев использования.
Крутая зубная щетка по приятной цене.
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Today I am unboxing, reviewing and showing you how to set up the Oral- B Electric Smart 4 4500 Black edition Bluetooth Toothbrush which I have bought off the AMAZON (affiliate link here- meaning if you click on the link and purchase the products, I might get a small commission at no extra cost to you!):
I have managed to set it up on my iPhone within 2-3 minutes which was super nice and easy.
After you connect your brush to the phone via Bluetooth, each time you brush your teeth, the app will record your progress which will guide you through healthy oral care.
I have been using Oral B electric toothbrush for years and the previous one has just stopped working so this is the replacement.
There is no comparison in my opinion when it comes to using the electric toothbrush over the manual one. It removes 100% more plaque than a manual toothbrush and leaves your teeth nice and clean.
I hope you enjoyed this little unboxing and review and if so please give me a like and don't forget to comment and subscribe to my channel 🤗
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+iMovie for a video edits (free app from Apple app store
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+Small ring light tripod
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If we haven't met before: I'm Agnes, the mummy behind the Mum Can Do It Blog I am the UK based full time working professional, a blogger, a YouTuber (recent thing) and I have many interests which I talk about here on my Channel.
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The above videos is a full review of the Oral-B Pro 6000, one of the most comprehensive electric toothbrushes available on the market.
With various cleaning modes, travel case, smart wireless guide and Bluetooth technology, the Pro 6000 is for those who want options and a brush that is very capable.
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Best Value Electric Toothbrush:
Best Electirc Toothbrush Money Can Buy:
Best Oral-B Electric Toothbrush:
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Best Electric Toothbrush for braces:
Electric Toothbrush Reviews
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Electric Toothbrush Comparisons
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About Electric Teeth
Launched in 2015, this channel accompanies which has been founded on the principle of giving genuine, honest feedback on products that exist within the dental and oral health industry.
We are not dentists or medical professionals, we are just passionate individuals that want to give readers the information and answers to questions that they may not have found elsewhere.
Purchasing an electric toothbrush (powerbrush) or dental care product may seem simple on the face of it, but is it really; in fact this is how the whole site came about.
Back in 2014, Jon was unable to really make any clear sense of what each brush did and how each one differed from the other.
In an attempt to ensure others do not suffer the same pain Electric Teeth aims to do away with the myths and fluffy marketing and cut to the core, telling you our thoughts on products. Are they any good, how much do they cost to own and ultimately are they right for you.
Detailed written content to hands-on videos and images, delivered in what we believe to be an informative and useful layout, our ultimate aim is to give you what you want.
You can expect us to cover brands including but not limited to Braun Oral-B, Philips Sonicare, Colgate, Panasonic Dentacare, Arm & Hammer, Crest, Waterpik, Wisdom and many more.
Please enjoy the content we have on offer.
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Discover Oral-B Smart 5 5000 electric toothbrush from the brand that created the world’s first electric toothbrush with Bluetooth connectivity. Oral-B Smart 5 5000 electric toothbrush can help you improve your brushing habits! Learn more here:
The professionally-inspired round design of the toothbrush head of Oral-B Smart 5 5000 electric toothbrush surrounds and adapts to each tooth as it oscillates, rotates, and pulsates to break up and remove up to 100% more plaque than a regular manual toothbrush. Oral-B Smart 5 5000 electric toothbrush provides focused care and guidance along your dental care journey. Simply download the Oral-B App on your smartphone and connect with your brush for real-time feedback.
If you want to learn more about electric toothbrushes and oral care, visit our official website:
You can find the full range of Oral-B electric toothbrushes here:
What are the benefits of brushing your teeth with an electric toothbrush? Follow this link to find out:
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Jon explains what the iO Series 6 is and how it fits into the Oral-B range, despite launching a year after the Series 7, 8 and 9.
📌 Oral-B iO Written Review
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📌 Oral-B iO Series 7 vs 8 vs 9
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📌 Written Article on iO Series 6
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#io6 #oralb #electrictoothbrush #toothbrush #dentalcare #electricteeth
0:00 - Introduction
2:15 - Charging port/stand
3:18 - Box contents
3:30 - Battery on screen
4:28 - Price
6:47 - Handle colours
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Electric Teeth are an independent company focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
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Elektryczna szczoteczka do zębów Oral-B Smart 6 6000N od marki, która stworzyła pierwszą na świecie elektryczną szczoteczkę do zębów z Bluetooth. Bezproblemowo łączy się z aplikacją Oral-B w telefonie i poprawia Twój sposób szczotkowania, podając informacje zwrotne w czasie rzeczywistym. Dowiedz się więcej:
Szczoteczka elektryczna Oral-B Smart 6 6000N usuwa do 100% więcej płytki nazębnej niż zwykła szczoteczka manualna, poprawiając stan dziąseł oraz sprawia, że Twój uśmiech zaczyna stawać się bielszy już od pierwszego dnia szczotkowania dzięki usuwaniu przebarwień powierzchniowych. Co więcej, szczoteczka pomaga chronić delikatne dziąsła dzięki unikalnej technologii kontrolującej siłę nacisku, która zmniejsza prędkość szczotkowania oraz ostrzega, gdy szczotkujesz zbyt mocno.
Elektryczna szczoteczka do zębów Oral-B Smart 6 6000N jest kompatybilna z szeroką gamą końcówek do szczoteczek Oral-B:
Jeśli chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej na temat produktów Oral-B i Blend-a-med oraz pielęgnacji jamy ustnej, odwiedź naszą oficjalną stronę internetową:
Znajdziesz tam pełny asortyment elektrycznych szczoteczek do zębów Oral-B:
Chcesz kupić szczoteczkę elektryczną Oral-B Smart 6 6000N, kliknij tutaj:
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В этом видео я расскажу обо всех аспектах тестирования зубной щетки, а также сравнение результата с обычной четкой Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video Jon explains the Oral-B wireless smartguide, what it is, how it works & how you can use it with your Oral-B electric toothbrush. As well as explaining how it no longer comes in the box with new electric toothbrushes.
However, it does still work with a large number of them.
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Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent organisation focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
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(Алиэкспресс) НАСАДКИ для щётки "Oral - B" - СРАВНЕНИЕ с ОРИГИНАЛОМ
Сейчас я покажу в чём разница между китайскими насадками для электрической зубной щётки Орал - Би и оригинальными родными насадками из коробки. Тест на щётке! Решайте сами, я уже...
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Бесплатное мобильное приложение Oral-B App поможет сделать процесс чистки зубов еще более тщательным и безопасным. Посмотрите наше видео и убедитесь в этом!
Oral-B - марка зубных щеток, используемая большинством стоматологов мира
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Unboxing the Oral-B iO starting at $199 at Target. The brush is available in Black Anthracite, Violet Ametrine, Rose Quartz and White Alabaster colors
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Thanks to Oral-B for sponsoring this video!
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КИТАЙ TECHNOREVIEW КИТАЙ! В этом обзоре будет умная зубная щётка с дисплеем Xiaomi Oclean X. Xiaomi Oclean X - это звуковая зубная щётка. Обзор Xiaomi Oclean X будет состоять из распаковки, функций приложения и самой зубной щётки, а также опыта эксплуатации. Также будет сравнение Xiaomi Oclean X и Xiaomi Oclean Air. Какую умную зубную щётку выбрать? Обзор этого устройства уже производили каналы: @Яблочный Маньяк @Китай Г. @Китай в SHOPe и другие. Кстати, не забывайте подписаться именно на мой YouTube канал. Здесь много всего интересного! УМНАЯ ЗУБНАЯ ЩЁТКА С ДИСПЛЕЕМ XIAOMI OCLEAN X - ПОЛНЫЙ ОБЗОР И СРАВНЕНИЕ #зубнаящёткасдисплеемXiaomi #XiaomiOcleanX #XiaomiOcleanXобзор
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Which brand of toothbrush should you pick? Which is better Oral-B or Sonicare?
In this video Jon presents his views on which brand of electric toothbrush is better in this comparison that looks at 12 different areas and compares them.
🇺🇸🛒 Buy Oral-B Smart 1500 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
🇬🇧 🛒 Buy Oral-B Pro 3 3500 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
🇬🇧 🛒 Buy Sonicare ProtectiveClean 4300 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
🇺🇸 & 🇨🇦🛒 Buy Sonicare 4100 Series - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
🇨🇦🛒 Buy Oral-B Smart 2000 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
📌 Written Article
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🇬🇧 -
🇨🇦 -
🇦🇺 -
#sonicare #oralb #electrictoothbrush #toothbrush #electricteeth
0:00 Introduction
0:33 Verdict
3:50 Best Cleaning Technology
4:50 Best Design
5:40 Most Features
6:15 Quietest
6:54 Most Accessories
7:35 Battery Life
8:02 Most Innovative
8:49 Best Quality
9:22 Cheapest
10:04 Best For Families
10:49 Best For Travellers
11:50 Warranty
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❓ Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent organisation focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
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Jon gives his opinion on the Oral-B Smart 4 4000 after several weeks of testing.
🛒 Buy Smart 4 4000 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
📌 Written Review
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#smart44000 #oralb #electrictoothbrush #toothbrush #electricteeth
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❓ Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent organisation focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
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🔎 Ethics - #ethics
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🤝 The contents of this video is information, NOT dental/medical advice.
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How much thought do you give to your toothbrush? If you’re like most of us, not a lot. But if your dentist has told you you are an aggressive brusher, you have gum disease, recession or cavities, you might have been told to check out a better toothbrush than the old manual option. I’m here to tell you there’s lots of choice in the electric/ultrasonic/smart toothbrush category and I’ve reviewed many of them. The latest to cross my sink is the all new Oral B iO smart electric toothbrush. In this review, I’ll look at what it’s like to use, how well I think it cleans and what kinds of special features it has.
What is Oral B iO?
Oral B iO is a rechargeable electric toothbrush, with an Interactive Display that guides you as you brush. The brush also has a unique L-shaped head with a circular brush that’s a bit different from the standard horizontally-oriented brush. More on that in a sec. Paired with the Oral B app, it can help you slow down, stop brushing so hard, and to brush for long enough to be truly effective. Important for a toothbrush is should be effective and Oral B says the iO is validated by Canadian Dental Association to remove plaque, and reduce and prevent gingivitis.
What’s in the Box?
In the package there’s the brush handle, two?? Toothbrush heads, a magnetic base for charging and a travel case.
Set up and prep
There’s not too much to do to get ready to brush with the Oral B iO: plug in the charger and ensure it’s full of juice to start. Download the Oral B app to your phone. Pair?? That’s it
Linear Magnetic Drive
In what sounds like the flux capacitor of the toothbrush world, Oral B touts something called Linear Magnetic Drive. Linear magnetic drive is supposed to “direct the cleaning energy to the point of every individual bristle and integrates Oral-B's iconic round brush with gentle micro-vibrations for better plaque removal* and an amazing brushing experience.” While that sounds like a lofty promise I think it translates to ‘the brush head vibrates around your mouth’. I wouldn’t say I felt cleaning energy at the end of every bristly but I appreciate a good sales pitch.
Round Brush Head
The brush head is “Dentist-inspired” and is circular. It’s supposed to “expertly clean with micro-vibrations and oscillating action.”. Oral B doesn;t say on its website what a round brush is supposed to do better than a rectangular one
Smart Pressure Sensor
What’s it like using Oral B iO?
This toothbrush has been an experience. I’m going to try to describe the experience without ending up being overdubbed j. for an adult video.
For starters, the round brush and L-shaped head take some getting used to. The configuration of the brush head really means you need to open up our mouth more and it can be a bit awkward to manoeuvre it into your cheeks. Because of its taller L-shape if feels really big and like it’s getting in the way of my teeth. I have to be really deliberate about brushing because it feels more like your operating a tool than just mindlessly brushing easily. But I guess that’s partly the point.
Brushing with this device does require your attention: you need to work to get it around your mouth. You need to apply the smaller circular brush head to every tooth. And of course you’re supposed to brush for the full two minutes or risk frowny face,.
The truth is, for me personally, I didn’t like the round L-shaped brush head; it was too big and awkward. I did appreciate how it made me slow down and brush more deliberately though.
Battery Life:
I got about 10-14 days
Overall I liked a lot of things about this brush and some things I didn’t. The round L-shaped brush head is a bit like using something shaped like a rake in your face. I jest, it’s not that bad, but it is like using a whole new tool. I didn’t care for it. The round brush head is okay; the brush itself is a lot smaller than I’m used to so it forces me to brush more deliberately, aiming to hit every tooth.
I like the colour screen, but I don;’t love the battery life. Compared to another toothbrush I have that lasts months, this one feels like I should be keeping it plugged in. I found a lot of the brushing modes to be too much for me personally. But at the same time, I really did feel like it cleaned really well. Selling for about $279 CAD, it’s also much more of an investment than some other options.
This is a tough one for me: I like the clean it delivers but the tool just isn’t my fave because I honestly prefer mindlessly brushing my teeth so I don’t think I’ll keep using with this one and will revert back to my other brush, whcih happens to be the Philips Sonicare Diamond Clean. That review by the way is also here on the channel.
The Oral-B iO is available in 4 different colours – Black Onyx, White Alabaster, Violet Ametrine and Rose Quartz, sold at local retail stores from $. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Are you confused by the different brushing modes available on an Oral-B electric toothbrush?
Not sure what each mode means and how gum care differs to pro clean?
Do you even need these different modes?
You are not alone. Many others have this same issue.
Jon explains the cleaning modes available on Oral-B electric toothbrushes.
📌 Written Article
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#cleaningmodes #oralb #electrictoothbrush #toothbrush #electricteeth
0:00 Introduction
2:05 Daily Clean
3:01 Gum Care
3:48 Sensitive
4:40 Whitening
5:25 Pro Clean
6:15 Tongue Clean
6:50 Toothbrush Power
7:20 Changing the cleaning mode
7:53 Conclusion
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❓ Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent organisation focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
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Can a Bluetooth toothbrush take the blues out of brushing? WSJ Personal Tech Columnist Joanna Stern tries out Oral-B's new wireless model. Photo/Video: Drew Evans for The Wall Street Journal
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Jon explains the differences between Oral-B electric toothbrush heads along with recommendations for you.
Simply put, despite the variety, for the majority, there is no one best brush head for your Oral-B toothbrush. It is more important to focus on your brushing time, frequency and technique than the style of head.
You can learn the correct brushing technique by watching the following video:
Potentially particular heads will benefit in some circumstances, for example, a 3D White brush head may achieve better results for those wanting to remove surface stains.
Jon covers the CrossAction, FlossAction, Sensi UltraThin, 3D White and many more in this video.
🛒 Buy Oral-B brush heads - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
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#toothbrushheads #oralb #electrictoothbrush #toothbrush #electricteeth
0:00 Introduction
0:25 Brushing time, frequency & technique
1:03 Different brushing techniques
1:18 Are different styles a marketing gimmick?
1:52 Recommended/best brush heads
2:44 Differences explained
2:48 CrossAction
3:12 FlossAction
3:42 Sensi UltraThin/Pro GumCare
4:00 Sensitive
4:23 3D White
4:40 Precision Clean
4:59 TriZone/Deep Sweep
5:36 Ortho Care
5:58 Interspace/PowerTip
6:13 Kids
6:58 OxyJet Nozzle
7:39 Indicator bristles
8:46 Interchangeable heads
8:56 Names & availability vary
9:41 Recycle brush heads
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❓ Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent organisation focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
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🔎 Ethics - #ethics
👩⚖️ Disclaimer:
🤝 The contents of this video is information, NOT dental/medical advice.
💰 Some links are affiliate links which we earn a commission from.
📝 Full disclosure - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Oral-B Genius 9000 Bluetoothlu diş fırçasıyla bir süre vakit geçirdim. İlk kullanımda biraz farklı geldi ama kullanmaya devam ettikçe alıştığımı hissettim.
Güçlü bir elektrikli diş fırçası olduğu için dişlerime zarar verebileceğini düşünmüştüm. Henüz kullanalı 2 gün oldu. Siz bu ürünü kullandınız mı? Deneyimleriniz nasıldı? Benimle yorum olarak paylaşırsanız sevinirim.
Bizi sosyal medya hesaplarımızdan takip etmeyi unutmayın!
Snapchat: pembeteknoloji Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Jon gives his verdict on the iO from Oral-B.
This toothbrush has a display built-into the handle, connects to your smartphone, and tracks how well you clean your teeth.
Is Oral-B’s new, flagship electric toothbrush really worth the price tag?
⚠ UPDATE - Battery Life ⚠
In the video I suggest a battery life of 6+ weeks for the iO. As part of our testing process, it is necessary to simulate battery use for consistency. We do this by charging the brush fully and running the toothbrush through brushing cycles until it discharges completely. The iO continues to offer a battery life of 6+ weeks in these tests. However, repeated in hand testing has shown the battery life to only be 2 weeks. This is a discrepancy we have never previously experienced. All other brushes have to date performed almost identically during in hand test to those simulated.
🛒 Buy Oral-B iO - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
📌 Written Review
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#oralbio #oralb #electrictoothbrush #toothbrush #electricteeth #hellotoio
0:00 - Introduction
0:47 - Verdict
2:15 - Pros
6:45 - Cons
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❓ Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent organisation focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
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🔎 Ethics - #ethics
👩⚖️ Disclaimer:
🤝 The contents of this video is information, NOT dental/medical advice.
💰 Some links are affiliate links which we earn a commission from.
📝 Full disclosure - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
● SOOCAS X3 сменные головки: |
● Oclean One
● Oclean X Pro
● Oclean Air 2
● Инструкция русс. для SOOCAS X3
Модель SOOCAS X3 не только звуковая зубная щетка, а умная зубная щетка благодаря мобильному приложению. В щетке установлен бесколлекторный электромагнитный двигатель у которого частота вибрации достигает до 37200 раз/мин, и колебании головки 5,5 мм.
Подпишись на канал, это бесплатно:
#обзор_зубной_щетки_SOOCAS_X3 #SOOCAS_X3 #мабильнае_приложение_SOOCAS #Oclean_One #SOOCAS_X3 #сменные_головки_SOOCAS_X3 #отзыв_SOOCAS_X3 #купить_SOOCAS_X3 #цена_SOOCAS_X3 #купон_SOOCAS_X3 #опыт_использования_SOOCAS_X3 #Китай_Е #Xiaomi_Soocare_X3 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Top 5 BEST Electric Toothbrush (2021)
➜ Links to the Best Electric Toothbrushes 2021 we listed in this video:
►US Links◄
➜ 5. Fairywill Electric Toothbrush -
➜ 4. Oral-B Pro 1000 -
➜ 3. Philips Sonicare Protective Clean 4100 -
➜ 2. Oral-B Genius Pro 8000 -
➜ 1. Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Smart 9300 -
►UK Links◄
➜ 5. Fairywill Electric Toothbrush -
➜ 4. Oral-B Pro 1000 -
➜ 3. Philips Sonicare Protective Clean 4100 -
➜ 2. Oral-B Genius Pro 8000 -
➜ 1. Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Smart 9300 -
►CA Links◄
➜ 5. Fairywill Electric Toothbrush -
➜ 4. Oral-B Pro 1000 -
➜ 3. Philips Sonicare Protective Clean 4100 -
➜ 2. Oral-B Genius Pro 8000 -
➜ 1. Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Smart 9300 -
We have just laid out the top 5 best electric toothbrushes 2021. In 5th place is the Fairywill Electric Toothbrush, our pick for the best budget electric toothbrush. In 4th place is the Oral-B Pro 1000, our pick for the best value electric toothbrush. In 3rd place is the Philips Sonicare Protective Clean 4100, our pick for the best mid-range electric toothbrush. In 2nd place is the Oral-B Genius Pro 8000, our pick for the best premium electric toothbrush. In 1st place is the Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Smart 9300, our pick for the best overall electric toothbrush.
DISCLOSURE: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Affiliate commissions help fund videos like this one. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
What are the differences between the Oral-B iO and Genius X electric toothbrush?
Jon explains the small and subtle differences between these 2 brushes, whilst giving his opinion on which brush you should opt for.
🛒 Buy Oral-B iO - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
🛒 Buy Oral-B Genius X - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
📌 Written Comparison
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#oralbio #geniusx #electrictoothbrush #toothbrush #electricteeth
0:00 - Introduction
0:30 - Verdict
1:02 - Key differences
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❓ Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent organisation focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
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🔎 Ethics - #ethics
👩⚖️ Disclaimer:
🤝 The contents of this video is information, NOT dental/medical advice.
💰 Some links are affiliate links which we earn a commission from.
📝 Full disclosure - https://. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
What are the differences between the Oral-B iO and the Genius 9000?
Jon explains the small and subtle differences between these 2 brushes.
The differences are not all that great, but it is helpful to know what those differences are and which brush you should opt for.
🛒 Buy Oral-B iO - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
🛒 Buy Genius 9000 - on Amazon (commissions earned)*
📌 Written Comparison
🇬🇧 -
au -
#oralbio #genius9000 #electrictoothbrush #toothbrush #electricteeth
0:00 - Introduction
0:32 - Verdict
0:56 - Key differences
🦷 Dental Care Tips -
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❓ Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent organisation focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
📝 About us -
🔎 Ethics - #ethics
👩⚖️ Disclaimer:
🤝 The contents of this video is information, NOT dental/medical advice.
💰 Some links are affiliate links which we earn a commission from.
📝 Full disclosure - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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