Зубна щітка Evorei Sonic Travel доглядає за вашими зубами. Після натискання кнопки живлення пристрій працює протягом 2 хвилин - час, рекомендований стоматологами для чищення зубів.
НЕЗАЛЕЖНИЙ В ПОДОРОЖІ Evorei Sonic Travel - звукова зубна щітка на батарейках. Її можна брати з собою в поїздку, в похід, всюди, де немає електрики.
Звукова зубна щітка Evorei Sonic Travel має водонепроникність IPX7, тому не боїться бризок і миття під проточною водою.
ПОТУЖНІСТЬ 120 днів при чищенні двічі на день.
Зубна щітка Evorei Sonic Travel важить всього 21 грам, тому ви можете легко упакувати її в рюкзак для тривалої подорожі, не турбуючись про зайвий тягар.
Описание электрической зубной щетки
• Практично. Щетка имеет продолговатую удобную форму хорошо лежит в руке во время использования. Одной зарядки щетки хватит до 30 дней ежедневного использования и до 60 дней если использовать щетку один раз в день. Зарядный кабель имеет USB разъем, что позволяет заряжать щетку от любого устройства с разъемом USB, присутствует индикатор заряда на корпусе зубной щетки.
• Видимый эффект от использования. Принцип работы основан на колебаниях с большой частотой, что позволяет максимально эффективно очищать межзубное пространство и укреплять десны. Зубная щетка имеет 6 режимов работы со звуковыми колебаниями до 40 000 в минуту что позволяет максимально качественно очистить зубы. Ультратонкие щетинки нейлона, обработанные по специальной технологии, эффективно очищают ваши зубы в самых труднодоступных местах, при этом не повреждает эмаль и десны.
• Быстрее. Благодаря большей площади головки и возможности выбирать режимы чистки, зубная щетка быстрее очищает зубы и экономит время. Теперь можно тратить на чистку минимум времени, при этом иметь максимум эффективности в сравнении с обычной зубной щеткой. Щетка имеет 2х минутный режим чистки, в соответствии с рекомендациями стоматологов. Вы будете точно чистить столько, сколько это нужно по правилам.
• Надежнее. Корпус щетки сделан из прочного пластика и имеет максимальную степень защиты от влаги IPX7. Для большей безопасности на конце щетки установлен силиконовый чехол.
6 режимов:
• Ультрaмягкий – 28000 имп./мин. – для новичков и для людей с чувствительными зубами и деснами.
• Мягкий – 30000 имп./мин. – мягкая ультразвуковая обработка – подходящий режим для второго прохода.
• Антибaктериальный режим – 33000 имп./мин. – режим ультразвуковой антибактериальной обработки полости рта.
• Отбеливающий режим – 36000 имп./мин. – ультразвуковая резонансная чистка против пятен на эмали, зубного камня и других отложений.
• Полировкa – 42000 имп./мин. – сделает Ваши зубы яркими и гладкими.
• Массаж – 28000 – 36000 имп./мин. – режим массажа десен.
• Вы можете компановать режимы во время чистки для вашего удобства, конкретных ограничений для использования режимов зубной щетки нет!
Эксплуатационные характеристики:
• Ультразвуковые акустические волны, передающиеся от генератора по вибровалу к насадке щетки.
• Частота вибрационных импульсов от 28000 – до 44 000 импульсов в минуту.
• 6 режимов работы.
• Сеансовый таймер на 2 минуты.
• Интервальный таймер на 30 секунд.
• Сменные насaдки DuPont
• Встроенный аккумулятор: до 120 двухминутных циклов (до 60 дней по 2 цикла каждый день) на одной полной зарядке.
• Индикация необходимости зарядки аккумулятора: мигающий индикатор.
• Зарядка от любогo USB аутлета 5В ~ 2A.
• Водонепроницаемoсть IPX7.
• Амплитуда колебаний: 6 мм.
• Толщина вoрсинки щетки: 0,152 мм.
• Групп ворсинок щетки внутренних – 12.
• Групп ворсинок щетки внешних – 18. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор Muttus Sonic electric toothbrush – электрическая зубная щетка
Береги зубы смолоду, так можно перефразировать известную поговорку. А чтобы их беречь, нужно их минимум два раза в день чистить. И тут на помощь в чистке и отбеливании приходит звуковая зубная щетка от компании MUTTUS. Звуковая зубная щетка снабжена пятью различными режимами работы, чистка, отбеливание, массаж, полировка и режим для чувствительных зубов. Кроме этого, каждый режим можно понастроить под себя, выбрав 3 варианта мощности. Большим плюсом зубной щетки MUTTUS является наличие кейса для хранения или транспортировки. Дополнительно отмечу5 запасных насадок, так, что их хватит на долгое время. А докупить можно всегда, так как насадки от Xiaomi и других щёток подходят. Аккумулятор можно заряжать практически 1 раз в месяц.
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КРАТКО об электрической зубной щетке Dr.Bei Sonic Electric Toothbrush GY1
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Sonic Toothbrush
Features & Benefits: FREE UK Shipping
FREE UK Shipping
40,000 Sonic pulses - for a deeper clean
4 bespoke brushing modes - Clean, White, Massage and Sensitive
4+ weeks Li-ion battery
Smart 2-minute timer with quad-pacer
60-day money-back guarantee
Designed & approved by dentists
Suitable for use with braces and other dental work
Waterproof design - IPX7
High-quality, individually rounded bristles for optimum performance
Unique & stylish design - available in 3 colours
Improves gum health & removes surface stains
Induction charger with USB connection
Box includes
Ordo Sonic Toothbrush
Ordo Sonic+ Brush Head
Hygienic Travel Cap
Ordo Sonic+ Charging Base - USB connection
Introducing Ordo's latest colour in the sonic toothbrush range featuring a pearl violet iridescent colour. Our Sonic toothbrush is designed for those looking for a high quality, stylish electric toothbrush at an affordable price. Our Sonic+ Toothbrush is engineered to give you a deeper more bespoke clean. Designed, approved, voted and recommended electric toothbrush by dentists, the Ordo's best selling sonic toothbrush is here to revolutionise your oral care routine for an effective and easy brushing experience. Our stylish electric toothbrush comes in 3 colours and will brighten up both your bathroom and your smile.
Sonic Pulse Technology Ordo's sonic pulse technology uses fluid dynamics to send pulses of toothpaste between the teeth, cleaning not only the surfaces of the teeth, but also deep between them. With 40,000 sonic pulses per minute, the Sonic+ breaks up plaque giving you that hygienist clean feeling.
Bespoke Oral Care Expertly engineered to remove more plaque than a manual toothbrush, helping to keep your teeth whiter, stronger and healthier. We understand that everybody's oral care needs are different. That’s why our toothbrush allows you to customise your brushing experience with a choice of 4 brushing modes: Clean, White, Massage, and Sensitive. It also has a smart 2-minute timer with a quad-pacer built-in, to help you know when to switch to the next quadrant of your mouth ensuring you don’t miss any spots!
Satisfaction Guaranteed If you don't love your brush within 60 days, we'll give you a full refund. Visit for more information.
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Ультразвуковая зубная щетка нового поколения Sonic TOOTHBRUSH X-3
С ультразвуковой зубной щеткой нового поколения Sonic TOOTHBRUSH X-3 блеск белоснежной улыбки вам обеспечен!
Щетка выполнена в минималистичном стиле, сделана из качественного пластика.
Щетка является очень легкой и удобно располагается в руке.
Таймер на 2 минуты.
Каждые 30 секунд щетка на мгновение останавливается.
Это значит, что пора переходить к следующей зоне чистки.
В комплекте 4 сменных головки, поэтому набора вам хватит на долгое время.
Sonic TOOTHBRUSH X-3 имеет 6 режимов работы:
1. Ультрамягкий:
28000 имп/мин. Режим для новичков или людей с чувствительными дёснами или зубами.
2. Мягкий:
30000 имп/мин. Мягкая ультразвуковая обработка.
Подходящий режим для второго прохода.
3. Антибактериальный:
33000 имп/мин. Режим ультразвуковой антибактериальной обработки полости рта.
4. Отбеливающий:
36000 имп/мин. Ультразвуковая отбеливающая резонансная чистка против пятен на эмали, зубного камня, и других отложений.
5. Полировка:
42000 имп/мин. Режим полировки. Сделает ваши зубы яркими и гладкими.
6. Массаж:
28000 - 36000 имп/мин. Режим массажа дёсен.
Вы не столкнетесь с повышенной чувствительностью эмали, так как щетка нежно чистит и полирует зубы. Изделие удаляет свежий налет и постепенно удаляет застарелый. Белые зубы вы увидите уже на 3 день использования щетки. Вас ждет не искусственная белизна, как после стоматологических процедур, а именно здоровая красота зубов без налета.
Технические характеристики:
Ультразвуковая технология чистки;
Количество режимов чистки: 6;
Количество сменных головок в комплекте: 4 штуки;
Таймер: на 2 минуты;
Питание: USB шнур в комплекте.
✅ Для заказа Ультразвуковая зубная щетка Sonic TOOTHBRUSH X-3 просто напишите Ваш контактный номер телефона.
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Groom your pearly whites with our Sonic Electric Toothbrushes. It cleans, whitens, polishes, and refreshes your smile in just 2 minutes.
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Электрическая зубная щетка, которая обеспечит особо тщательный уход за полостью рта. В основе работы устройства технология звуковых колебаний, передающихся на щетинки. Частота вибраций щетинок зубной щетки очень высокая – она может достигать 42 000 раз в минуту.
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Waterpik Sonic Fusion 2 0 Professional Flossing Toothbrush Review, Toothbrush & floss in one, leaves
Discover the power of color with the Ordo Sonic+ Toothbrush, now available in 5 stunning shades! This toothbrush not only looks amazing, but it also delivers superior cleaning with its advanced sonic technology, delivering 40,000 strokes per minute to effectively remove plaque and leave you with a sparkling smile. The long-lasting battery life ensures that you can enjoy the benefits of this toothbrush for weeks, without the hassle of having to constantly recharge. Choose from Pearl Violet, Rose Gold, White, Charcoal Grey, and Mint Green, and elevate your oral hygiene routine with a touch of color. Get ready to experience the beauty and power of the Ordo Sonic+ Toothbrush, the best sonic toothbrush for a long-lasting, healthy smile. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Find out if the Ordo Sonic+ toothbrush is any good. A detailed hands-on and opinion video, that comes after several weeks of testing.
📌 Review -
#ordo #ordosonic #electrictoothbrush #toothbrush #electricteeth
0:35 Verdict
1:34 Pros
4:06 Cons
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Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent organisation focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
📝 About us -
🔎 Ethics - #ethics
🤝 The contents of this video is information, NOT dental/medical advice.
* - Some links in this description are affiliate links which we earn from.
📝 Full disclosure - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Keep your dental health in check with an oral care routine that is effortless, efficient, and easy to use.
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Experience a deeper, more thorough clean on the go with the brand new ZenyumSonic Go! Watch ZenyumSonic Go in action versus a manual toothbrush.
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Oclean Air 2 - The World's Quietest Sonic Electric Toothbrush
World Health Organisation research shows that environmental noise pollution affects mental and physical health and is now second only to air pollution as the world’s largest killer pollutant.
Oclean focuses on health and well-being and we've developed the World's quietest electric toothbrush, Oclean Air 2 for you.
Get Oclean Air 2 and take care of your health!
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Why Choose BEUTEESER H3 Sonic Electric Toothbrush?
Cleaning Modes: Clean, White, Polish, Gum Care 4 modes in total to suit different conditions of teeth and gums.
Pulse Cleaning : Highest 410,00 vibration per minute and 6.0 mm brush swing to effectively make the plaque off and not damage gums, oral cleaning to achieve zero dead.
Timer Reminder: 2 minutes smart timer with 30 seconds alerting to remind you to brush four areas of mouth.
Stereoscopic Bristle: Induction 3D brush head, New high-density flocking technology, using DuPont Tynex Classic soft bristles to protect your gums.
Wireless Charging : Suppose brush 2 times each day with 2minutes each time, full charge could last 20-30 days.
Class Waterproof: Toothbrush handle and charger base could be washed, Top IPX7 waterproof Class for safety using.
Guarantee: 180 days' no hassle return and 2 YEARS of warranty period.
Product Parameters:
Product Model: BEUTEESER H3
Working Pattern: Cleaning/whiten/polish/gum care
Working Voltage:
Rated power: 3W
Switch Way: Tact Switch
Display: LED light
Charge Time:2 hours
Charging Current: 50mA
Battery Parameter: li-ion battery 800mAh
Electricity Reminding: low electricity indicator
Waterproof Class Standard: I P X7
Packing Includes :
1 * Brushing Handle
2 *Replacement Brush Heads
1 *Wireless Charging Base
1 *User Manual
1 x Service card
Order Now , link : =sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1534769722&sr=8-1&keywords=B07DVHJYX3 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Oclean Flow Sonic Electric Toothbrush обзор. Недорогая электрическая зубная щетка с 5 режимами
зеркало на Яндекс.Дзен -
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Oclean Flow Sonic – недорогая электрическая щетка с пятью режимами работы, простым способом зарядки, длительным временем автономной работы, 30 секундными отсечками и 2 минутным автоматическим отключением, аккуратным внешним видом.
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Sonicare App 3D moving | Philips | Sonic electric toothbrush
Philips Sonicare Flexcare Platinum App- Helping patients to get the best results from there daily tooth brushing regime.
Provides a post-brushing analysis of patients' coverage, pressure and scrubbing results, helping them improve their technique overtime.
To find more about Philips Sonicare FlexCare visit #filters=FLEXCARE_PLATINUM_CONNECTED_SU%2CFLEXCARE_PLATINUM_SU%2CFLEXCARE_PLUS_SU&sliders=&support=&price=&priceBoxes=&page=&layout=
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7am2m Sonic Electric Toothbrush with 6 Brush Heads for Kids, Wireless Fast Charge, One Charge for 60 Days,5 Modes with 2 Minutes Built in Smart Timer, Electric Toothbrushes(Rose Pink)
【POWERFUL SONIC CLEANING】- 2021 New Upgraded Electric Toothbrush with the latest sonic technology to drive fluid deep between your teeth and along the gum line for exceptional cleaning and removing up 100% plaques, whitening your teeth and improving your oral health in two weeks better than a manual toothbrush. We promise: 1 year warranty, if you have any problems, please contact us, we will give you a satisfactory customer service.
【5 HIGH-PERFORMANCE BRUSHING MODES】- Clean(gentle) and White(strong) to suit different conditions of teeth of gums, long press to switch mode, so you can choose different modes according to your preferences and dentist's recommendations.
【6 Replacement brush heads, "W" shape design】- Comes with 6 replacement brush heads to avoid order new replacement brush heads frequently. The bristles are made with DUPONT nylon, "W" shape design to suit teeth topography for thorough cleaning of gums and hard to reach areas.
【Smart Vibrating Notification Timer】- Built in smart timer control, 30 seconds interval reminding you to move to the next quadrant of your mouth, and totally in 2 minutes(4 quadrants), which is highly recommended by professional dentists, as a correct brushing way.
【60 days battery life, Wireless Charge, IPX7 Waterproof】- One 5 hours full charge last 60 days of normal usage (2 times per day), the largest battery capacity on the market with low battery reminding and automatically cuts off power after full charge. Ultra fast USB charging. Also, IPX7 waterproof to be used at bath and shower.
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How to brush with Sonicare DiamondClean | Philips | Sonic electric toothbrush | HX9332
Ever wondered how you can achieve the best brushing results with a sonic toothbrush from Philips Sonicare? This video gives you a step-by-step instruction on how to bursh your teeth using a sonic toothbrush from Philips Sonicare.
To learn more about Philips Sonicare electric toothbrushes visit
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After lots of hands-on testing, Jon gives his opinion on the Sonic-Fusion 2.0 flossing toothbrush
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#sonicfusion2 #sonicfusion #waterpik #electrictoothbrush #toothbrush #dentalcare #electricteeth
0:00 - Introduction
0:52 - What is the Sonic-Fusion 2.0
1:49 - Using it as toothbrush
2:30 - Speed settings
2:40 - Handle design
2:52 - Battery life
3:20 - Brush heads
4:10 - Travel case
4:18 - Water pressure
4:39 - A regular water flosser is better
6:04 - Price
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❓ Who are we?
Electric Teeth are an independent company focused on helping you to take better care of your teeth and oral health.
We assist you in selecting the right toothbrush or toothpaste.
We help you to understand common dental health issues such as decay or gum disease.
We explain all the things you would like to know about routine dental treatments such as what they involve, and what they cost.
We demonstrate how good oral care does not need to be complicated or expensive.
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Looking for a better toothbrush? Experience a deeper clean that you can see and feel with the new Waterpik Sensonic™ rechargeable sonic electric toothbrush.
Learn more at:
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Бажаєте чистити зуби вдесятеро ефективніше? Електрична зубна щітка PECHAM Travel справляється з очищенням ротової порожнини ефективніше. Принцип дії заснований на звуковій технології до 40 000 коливальних рухів за хвилину.
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Sonic toothbrush showdown: Quip vs Sonicare vs cheap electric toothbrushes
I've been curious about the Quip toothbrush, so I bought one and compared it to the Sonicare that I've been using for years. I also bought a cheap battery powered toothbrush plus the cheapest knockoff I could find on Amazon.
I don't want to spoil the video too much, but I will say that I was pretty disappointed by the Quip. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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ATMOKO Electric Toothbrush, Sonic Power Whitening Toothbrush with 40,000 VPM Motor - 5 Modes - Wireless Charging - 6 Indicator Dupont Brush Heads with Travel Case
COLOR REMINDER BRISTLES & 3D DESIGN DUPONT TOOTHBRUSH HEAD!! Indicator bristles fade in color to let you know when it's time to replace the brush head, it usually takes 3 months. Every Electric sonic travel Toothbrush comes with 6 brush heads engineered by world famous DuPont; a world leader in quality & materials science. Bristles cutting process adopts the innovative 3D cutting, Super powerful to remove debris and prevent gingivitis two times better than a regular toothbrush.
5 EFFECTIVE MODES ATMOKO removes 3x more debris than legacy outdated electric toothbrushes. 5 High-Performance Brushing Modes to suit different conditions of teeth and gums: Clean,Soft, Whiten, Massage & Polish. Polish mode helps brignten teeth by using inverted frequencies to remove surface stains. Massage mode goes beyond teeth to improve gum health by delivering soothing micro-bursts into tissue to improve circulation .
40,000 VPM HIGH VIBRATION TO REMOVE 99.9% DEBRIS The electric travel toothbrush sonic is a world class modern ultrasonic toothbrush packed with the latest technology. It features an ultra powerful and industry leading motor producing 40,000 vibration per minute . 40,000 VPM high vibration makes the performs far 99.9% than the manual toothbrush.
UPDATE TECHNOLOGY WIRELESS CHARGING Sonic-Power Series brings toothbrushes into modern times with its built in enhanced features. Fast wireless charging (forget low USB charging), a smart vibrating notification timer(30seconds reminding+2minutes auto shut off) are some of the enhanced features built in to the ergonomic handle.
FASHION CUSTOM TRAVEL CASE Travel Electric toothbrush case included is a convenient custom hard shell travel case with space for two brush heads. ATMOKO electric toothbrush sonic can last 3 full weeks (2 min/2x a day) on a full charge so its perfect for on the go travel. INCLUDED: 1 sonic toothbrushes, 6 Toothbrush Head, 1 wireless charger, 1 hard shell travel case.
Q:what sonic travel toothbrush is best for sensitive teeth?
A:You need a sonic black toothbrush have a sensitive mode . Some tooth soreness is related to the dirt covered by the tooth surface. These dirt can make the teeth unhealthy and prone to soreness. So after starting to use the electric toothbrush gum care, the toothbrush can clear the dirt on the surface, making the teeth healthier. Then relieve the symptoms of sore teeth. ATMOKO sonic electric toothbrush rechargeable has 5 modes.
ATMOKO toothbrush include: 1 sonic electric toothbrush, 6 Toothbrush Head, 1 charger, 1 hard shell travel case.
electric toothbrush
40000VPM sonic vibration
The toothrbush are cut to fit the teeth and it is easy to remove the stains on the edges of the teeth 50% than normal design.
Rechargeable long-lasting life
Electric toothbrush travel charge 15H and you can use 3 weeks, it enghout for a small Electric toothbrush ipx7 it also can use in shower.
2 Min timer
Electric toothbrushes for adults interval pause every 30 seconds reminding changing brushing area. 2 minutes auto shut off as the brush time recommend by dentist.2 minute timers also suitable for adult,sonic electric toothbrush brush.
electric toothbrush Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Электрическая зубная щетка со встроенным аккумулятором для гигиены полости рта и ухода за деснами. До 37 000 колебаний в минуту, сменные насадки, 6 режимов чистки и 3 режима скорости. Представлена в 3-х цветах: белый, зеленый и розовый.
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Get the Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Smart Toothbrush here:
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This is my unboxing and review of the Spotlight sonic tooth brush
I have been very impressed with not only the Spotlight Sonic toothbrush, but the after sales from the team. The brush is very simple but has a high quality finish. For the price and the way that my teeth feel after using this product I think it is well worth it and compared to some of the similar brushes on the market I think its a great sonic toothbrush. If you are not used to using a sonic toothbrush the Spotlight will take a little while to get used to, but overall this is a small inconvenience.
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Oclean Air 2 Sonic Electric Toothbrush - Official Ad(Cut)
Oclean focuses on health and well-being and we've developed the World's quietest electric toothbrush, Oclean Air 2 for you.
World Health Organisation research shows that environmental noise pollution affects mental and physical health and is now second only to air pollution as the world’s largest killer pollutant.
Get Oclean Air 2 and take care of your health!
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Sleek, compact, lightweight, Sonic electric toothbrush with six color coded toothbrushes and travel case. We'll fit in a purse or a backpack. Efficiently removes food and plaque from around teeth and gums. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Electric Toothbrush / Rechargeable sonic vibration toothbrush
Electric Toothbrush / Rechargeable sonic vibration toothbrush
In this video i will show you electric toothbrush / toothbrush / rechargeable toothbrush / brush
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Обзор зубной щетки Oclean One Sonic Electric Toothbrush
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Powered by 38,000 sonic vibrations that clean deep between the teeth and leave your mouth feeling cleaner than ever before.
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Atmoko Sonic Electric Toothbrush Review & Demo 2022!
In this Atmoko sonic electric toothbrush review we will see if the Atmoko sonic electric toothbrush can beat out the Sonicare daily clean 2100 toothbrush? In this episode of Hobart's reviews we will do a full review and demo of the Atmoko Sonic Toothbrush and see how it compares to the Sonicare Daily Clean 2100.... for more than double the price!
The #Atmoko Sonic Electric toothbrush can achieve 40,000 VPM (vibrations per minute) while the #Sonicare sonic toothbrush only achieves 31,000 VPM. This is the sonic technology that makes the toothbrush work so well. The Atmoko sonic toothbrush comes with 10 dupont brush heads while the Sonicare daily clean 2100 only comes with one. The Atmoko toothbrush has a battery that lasts 35 days while the Sonicare toothbrush only lasts 10 days. Both the Atmoko and Sonicare toothbrushes have a 2 minute timer that pauses every 30 seconds to indicate its time to move to another quadrant of your mouth.
If you are like me an brush your teeth in the shower you will be happy to know the Atmoko sonic #toothbrush is IPX7 waterproof. This means you can take it with you in the shower while the Sonicare Daily Clean 2100 is not waterproof from what I see on their website. And last but not least the Atmokos has 3 cleaning modes while the Sonicare toothbrush only has 1. So as you can see the Atmoko sonic electric toothbrush out performs the Sonicare daily clean 2100 in almost every category but costs over twice as much. At the end of the day there is no reason to pay $50-$250 for a sonic toothbrush when you can get one with better specs for under $20.
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Электрическая зубная щётка Xiaomi Soocas Sonic Electric Toothbrush X3U Van Gogh Edition Blue
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7am2m Sonic Electric Toothbrush with 6 Brush Heads #unboxing #electronic #toothbrush #trending
7am2m Sonic Electric Toothbrush with 6 Brush Heads #unboxing #electronic #toothbrush #trending
7AM2M Sonic Electric Toothbrush with 6 Brush Heads for Adults and Kids, One Charge for 90 Days, IPX7 Waterproof, 5 Modes with 2 Minutes Built in Smart Timer, Electric Toothbrushes(Pink)
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MySmile Electric Toothbrush for Adults, Rechargeable Sonic Electronic Toothbrush with 6 Brush Heads
In this video, we will show MySmile Electric Toothbrush for Adults, Rechargeable Sonic Electronic Toothbrush with 6 Brush Heads.
►► MySmile Electric Toothbrush for Adults, Deep Cleaning:
48,000 VPM Smart toothbrush with innovative sonic technology can help to remove up to % plaque, whiten your teeth, and make your smile without any damage.
►► 2 Min Smart Timer Electric Toothbrush, Travel Case Included:
Building 2 minutes timer helps ensure dental professional recommended brushing time and a consistent cleaning throughout your mouth, Hard shell travel electric toothbrush case with space for 1 electric toothbrush handle and 2 toothbrush heads.
►► 5 Personalized Electronic Toothbrush Modes:
MySmile electric toothbrush offers 5 different modes of automatic memory function - Clean, White, Polish, Massage, and Sensitive. MySmile Sonic electric toothbrush can solve different oral problems and fresh oral breath.
►► 60 Days Long Lasting Toothbrushes, Wireless Charge, IPX7 Waterproof:
The electric toothbrush will last 60 days on a full charge, 800mAh battery it has an incredible battery life. IPX7 waterproof to be used for bath or shower.
►► 6 Dupont Sonic Toothbrush Heads With Reminder Bristles:
MySmile series toothbrushes come with 6 replacement toothbrush heads which are made with DUPONT Nylon, "W" shape will attach your teeth better and protect your gum. The fade bristle will remind you to replace your brush head. Each brush head lasts 3 months, and 6 heads will last over 18 months!
We love our customers, and we mean it. If any of our whitening kits fail to do their job, we will replace or refund you immediately.
MySmile Electric Toothbrush for Adults, 60 Days Long Lasting Travel Toothbrush.
Order from here:
✅ 1 x Toothbrush
✅ 6 x Replacement Heads
✅ 1 x Toothbrush Head Cover
✅1 x Charger Cable
✅ 1 x Travel Storage Bag
✅ 1 x User Manual
1 - Year Warranty and 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE.
We believe in our products so much that if you are not 100% satisfied for any reason, a refund will be issued immediately, you got nothing to worry about and WE GOT YOUR BACK!
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Умная электрическая зубная щетка Xiaomi Mijia Sonic Electric Toothbrush Blue (T700)
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