Провідні пилососи громіздкі і важкі, тому для їх зберігання потрібно багато місця. Вони не володіють достатньою маневреністю і їх важко піднімати. Шнур живлення ускладнює рух, прив'язуючи вас до розетки. Пилосос Dyson Cyclone V10 ™ знімає ці обмеження в прибиранні. Потужність всмоктування повнорозмірного пилесоса¹, без зайвого клопоту.
Бережна прибирання твердих підлогових покриттів. Ефективний збір сміття Електрощітки з приводом покрита шаром м'якого нейлону для збору крупного сміття та забезпечена щетинками з антистатичного вуглецевого волокна для видалення дрібного пилу.
Збільшений до 40% обсяг контейнера.² Для повноцінної прибирання Завдяки збільшеному до 40% обсягу контейнера в порівнянні з модельним рядом Dyson V8 ™ очищення контейнера потрібно проводити рідше. А значить, ви можете зробити прибирання вдома або в автомобілі за один раз.
Нова покращена система гігієнічного очищення контейнера В подовженому вузькому контейнері використовується вдосконалена система очищення. Пил і бруд виштовхується з контейнера одним рухом - не доводиться контактувати зі сміттям. Прибирання поверхонь від підлоги до стелі Двигун пилососа Dyson Cyclone V10 ™ розміщений над рукояткою, тому центр ваги знаходиться близько до руки, що полегшує прибирання високо розташованих поверхонь і важкодоступних місць.
Легко трансформується в портативний Швидко трансформується в портативний пилосос і назад, всього одним натисненням. Для швидкого видалення розсипаного сміття або повноцінної прибирання всього будинку.
Видаляє шерсть домашніх тварин і глибоко бруд Міні-електрощітки ефективно збирає шерсть домашніх тварин з меблів і видаляє бруд з килимів. Будинки і в салоні автомобіля.
Ефективне прибирання Тривала робота від всього одного заряду акумулятора для ретельного прибирання салону автомобіля. Прибирання важкодоступних місць в будинку.
Затримує 99,97% часток розміром до 0,3 мікрона³ Герметична система фільтрації вловлює 99,97% часток розміром 0,3 мікрона³, що робить його випускає пристроєм повітря чистіше.
Потрібна потужність в потрібний момент Три режими потужності для вирішення різних завдань на будь-яких типах підлогових покриттів.
Зручне зберігання. Готовий до наступної прибирання Просто вставте пилосос Dyson Cyclone V10 ™ в настінну док-станцію для зберігання і одночасної зарядки. Щоб почати прибирання, просто зніміть його. Док-станція також призначена для зберігання щілинної і комбінованої насадок, тому вони завжди під рукою.
Наш Владимир Боровой побывал в Нью-Йорке, на презентации нового беспроводного пылесоса Dyson Cyclone V10. И успел даже его протестировать. Все подробности об этой ожидаемой новинке - в нашем видео.
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Dyson Cyclone V10 Absolute один из лучших портативных пылесос, полноценно заменяющий проводной пылесос в условиях домашней эксплуатации для ежедневной и генеральной уборки. Улучшенная конструкция, повышенная мощность всасывания и увеличенный по объему контейнер под мусор. Тестируемый нами вариант будет оптимальным по количеству стартовых насадок для уборки разных типов поверхностей. К его сильным сторонам отнесем технологичный внешний вид, удобный способ очистки контейнера, хорошие показатели автономной работы, наличие удобной док-станции, три мощности всасывания, постмоторный фильтр тонкой очистки, низкий уровень шума. Задуматься о целесообразности покупки может только стоимость, она выше, чем у проводных пылесосов, но и уровень удобства и свободы движений тоже выше.
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Пылесос DYSON CYCLONE V10. Обзор, тест и мнение владельца!
Уникальный карантинный выпуск! Долгожданный обзор вертикального беспроводного пылесоса от DYSON CYCLONE V10! Расскажу как выбирали именно эту модель и почему предпочли Дайсон остальным аналогам.
Пробежимся по характеристикам и комплектации нашей модели. Рассмотрим все щетки и насадки. А также опробуем наш пылесос в деле.
В конце поделюсь с вами своим впечатлением от полугодового использования и раскрою все плюсы и минусы нашего любимца.
Держатель для насадок, по ПРОМОКОДУ Evtota - 10 % СКИДКА:
0:18 Обзор пылесоса DYSON CYCLONE V10
0:44 Критерии выбора беспроводного вертикального пылесоса
1:39 Между какими какими пылесосами выбирал
5:28 Тестируем пылесос Дайсон
11:43 Минусы пылесоса DYSON CYCLONE V10
14:20 Плюсы беспроводного пылесоса Дайсон В10
17:18 Подвожу итог
Видео "Пылесос DYSON CYCLONE V10. Обзор, тест и мнение владельца!"
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СКИДКА 10% при заказе от 1000₽ в Яндекс Маркете ► Промокод: PV10-AF
✔ Обзор пылесоса Dyson Cyclone V10 Absolute. Подборка лучших цен:
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Обзор линейки вертикальных пылесосов Dyson
Совершенствование технологий компании Dyson получает дальнейшее развитие, благодаря линейке беспроводных пылесосов, созданных для ежедневных уборок помещений. Беспроводные вертикальные модели Dyson способны удалять столько же пыли, сколько и напольные пылесосы. В этом видео мы рассмотрим линейку вертикальных пылесосов Dyson, их основные характеристики и параметры, а также некоторую информацию о бренде.
История компании Dyson: 0:30
Dyson V11 Absolute Pro: 2:10
Dyson V7 Parquet Extra: 3:12
Dyson Cyclone V10 Motorhead: 4:11
Dyson V10 Animal: 4:52
Dyson V7 Cord Free: 5:28
Dyson V8 Total Clean: 6:05
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Какой пылесос купить в квартиру? Чтобы ответить на этот вопрос, сделали тест двух крутых новинок 2018 года: Dyson V10 Absolute и Samsung PowerStick PRO. Устроили настоящую битву этим беспроводным пылесосам: убирали мусор с разных поверхностей, проверили фильтры. Подробности — в нашем видео.
Пылесос Dyson Cyclone V10 Absolute:
Пылесос Samsung PowerStick PRO VS80N8076KC/EV:
Видео по теме. Тест пылесосов для владельцев домашних животных:
Все выпуски и новые обзоры: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dyson V10 Absolute on Amazon -
Dyson V10 Animal on Amazon -
Dyson V10 Motorhead on Amazon -
In this video we compare the Dyson V10 Absolute to the V10 Animal. We also compare both the V10 Absolute and V10 Animal to the V10 Motorhead.
The latest updated list of cordless vacuums we recommend:
Note: some of the links used in the description will direct you to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Got this new vacuum from dyson and tried it out. it's quite nice and convenient, especially with the lack of wires. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Dyson V10 Motorhead on Amazon -
The Dyson V10 Absolute on Amazon -
Current list of top rated cordless vacuums overall:
1. Tineco A11 - the best cordless vacuum for most people
A11 Hero
Cheapest version with no extra battery or soft roller cleaner head
This is the least expensive cordless vacuum we recommend
See price on Amazon -
A11 Master+
More expensive but comes with extra battery and soft roller cleaner head
See price on Amazon -
2. Dyson V11 - the best cordless vacuum outside of price and value
V11 Torque Drive
The standard model
See price on Amazon -
V11 Animal
Identical to torque drive outside of inferior back display
See price on Amazon -
V11 Outsize
Version with oversized bin and cleaner head
See price on Amazon -
In this video we review the Dyson V10 Motorhead. We cover its raw performance (CFM, suction, filtration and sealing), carpet performance (general and deep cleaning), hard floor performance, battery life and performance and ease of use in the review.
We also compare it to the V10 Absolute, V10 Animal and V8 Absolute in the review.
Note: some of the links used in the description will direct you to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to set up and use your Dyson Cyclone V10™ cordless vacuum
How to set up, charge, use and empty your new Dyson Cyclone V10 cord-free vacuum. This video applies to machines sold in the US and Canada only.
Please note, the colourway of your particular machine may vary from the one shown in the video, but the process for using it will be the same.
The selection of tools included with your Dyson Cyclone V10 will vary depending on the model you own.
Your box contents will include the machine, the wand, the Crevice tool, the Combination tool, and the Motorhead.
Depending on your model the following tools may also be included: the Soft roller cleaner head, the Wide nozzle tool, the Up-top adaptor, the Soft dusting brush, and the Mini motorhead.
Step 1. Note your serial number on the manual or on the machine. Activate your guarantee.
Step 2. Attach the wand to the Bin assembly, and attach the Cleaner head.
Step 3. Your machine will also be supplied with a Charger and Docking station.
Step 4. Fully charge the machine prior to first use plugging directly into the Main body or by using the Docking station.
Step 5. Install the Docking station using appropriate fixings.
Step 6. Firmly push the Jack cover down to secure the Jack plug.
Step 7. Locate the Front casing into the Backplate, and push firmly to secure.
Step 8. A full charge from completely flat will take 3.5 hours. Three solid lights represent a high level of charge and will turn off once fully charged.
Step 9. Empty as soon as the dirt reaches the level of the MAX mark - do not overfill.
Step 10. Remove the wand from the Bin assembly.
Step 11. Hold the machine with the bin in a downwards position, and firmly push the bin release lever.
IMPORTANT: do not pull the power trigger when emptying the bin.
Step 12. Close the clear bin by pushing the bin base upwards ensuring the clear bin and bin base click into place.
Dyson experts are on hand to help, so leave us a comment if you'd like some advice.
You can also see more maintenance tips and troubleshooting by subscribing to the Dyson V10 playlist:
Buy genuine replacement parts direct from Dyson:
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#Dyson #DysonV10 #DysonV10#DysonVacuum #VacuumCleaner #Vacuum #CleanWithMe Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to set up your Dyson Cyclone V10™ cordless vacuum's docking station
How to set up your Dyson Cyclone V10 cord-free vacuum's docking station. The docking station allows you to conveniently store and recharge your machine between uses. It also provides storage for two tools.
Step 1. Drill two holes at the minimum recommended height. Secure the backplate using appropriate fixings.
Step 2. Locate the jack plug into the front casing.
Step 3. Ensure the charger cable is secured neatly within the rear of the front casing.
Step 4. Firmly push the jack cover down to secure the jack plug.
Step 5. Locate the front casing into the backplate and push firmly to secure.
Step 6. The number of LEDs displayed indicates the current level of charge.
Step 7. When the battery is fully charged, all LEDs will turn off.
Our experts are on hand to help, so leave us a comment if you'd like some further advice. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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For recording
Nov 2021 and on Canon C100 Mark II
Dec 2020 and on Samsung S20 Plus
Dec 2019 and on Note 10 Plus
May 2018 and on S9+
Pre May 2018 Canon PowerShot SX540 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dismantled my Dyson V10 to replace its power trigger switch. This shorts showing the dismantled parts and reassembled V10. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Results from vacuuming my mattress with my new Dyson Cyclone V10 Animal
Apparently vacuuming your mattress is a “thing”. A thing I’ve never tried before. Bare in mind that this mattress is about 5 years old, but is in great condition, no stains or anything. I was blown away by my @Dyson V10 Animal. My husband recently lovingly splurged and bought me my dream vacuum cleaner and I am beyond thrilled to clean with it. 👈🏻 #ilovedyson #dyson #dysonv10 #dysonv10animal #dysonvacuum #mattress #vacuummattress #vacuumyourmattress #dysonvacuumcleaner #deadskin #dustmites #dysoncyclonev10 #dysoncyclonev10animal #macbookpro
#macbookair2020 #macbookpro13 #tealmacbook Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
One of the best invest investments we've made this year was purchasing a Dyson V10 vacuum. But we didn't expect the magnets in it to make this funny bouncing sound. 😅
According to Dyson: When the trigger is released, the motor brakes the rotor to a stop almost instantly and the magnets bounce between the stator positions.
Like a ping-pong ball bouncing on a table, they move a smaller distance each time, creating a sound which our engineers call the ‘boing’.
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#dysonvacuum #shorts #boing
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Pets like to explore. But their pawprints, hair and dead skin can leave mess and allergens behind. Allergens including pet dander, along with dust and pollen can be carried by pet hair.
The Dyson Cyclone V10™ cordless vacuum gives you the power to pick up pet hair around the home. And with no cord, it is always on hand to clear up mess and spills. Quickly.
The position of the motor above the handle makes the vacuum more balanced, so it’s easily manoeuvrable and perfect for reaching high-up places.
The Mini motorised tool lifts and removes hair from upholstery and the soft roller cleaner head captures large debris on hard floors, while anti-static carbon fibre filaments remove fine dust.
Learn more: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to reset your Dyson Cyclone V10™ cordless vacuum's cleaner head
How to reset your Dyson Cyclone V10 cord-free vacuum's cleaner head, and how to maintain the motorised brush bar.
The brush bar in the cleaner head is engineered to shut off for protection if something jams it.
If this happens, just follow the steps shown in our video guide to remove the brush bar and clear debris from around it. This is quick and easy to do as the end cap unlocks with a coin, and allows you full access to the brush bar.
Any tangled threads or hair can be unwound or carefully cut away with scissors - take care to avoid damaging the bristles.
Ensure the machine is disconnected from the charger before removing the brush bar. Be careful not to pull the 'ON' trigger.
Step 1. Using a coin, undo the end cap by rotating anti-clockwise and remove the Brush bar.
Step 2. Ensure the spindle is free of debris.
Step 3. Remove all debris from the Brush bar.
Step 4. Remove the End cap from the Brush bar, and remove any debris.
Step 5. Refit the End cap.
Step 6. Replace the Brush bar and secure the End cap with the coin.
Our experts are on hand to help, so leave us a comment if you'd like some further advice.
You can also see more maintenance tips and troubleshooting by subscribing to the Dyson V10 playlist
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Product details
Decide if you want to buy it!
The most powerful suction of any cord-free vacuum. Tested to ASTM F558, against cord-free stick market. Up to 60 minutes' run time when using a non-motorized tool. Lightweight and versatile, to clean right through the home. Instant-release trigger means battery power is only used while it’s cleaning. Requires charging for 3.5 hours minimum before first use. Up to 40 minutes of fade-free power with the Soft roller cleaner head (in Suction mode I). Engineered to pick up both large debris and fine dust. Torque drive cleaner head – our most powerful yet. Up to 20 minutes of fade-free power (in Suction mode II). Drives stiff nylon bristles into carpets to capture deep-down dirt. Powered by the Dyson digital motor V10 and engineered to pick up ground-in dirt and fine dust from hard floors and carpets. Quickly transforms to a handheld vacuum, to clean all around your home and car. Hygienic 'point and shoot' bin emptying. Bin volume 0.2 gallons. 2-year warranty on parts & labor. Designed to deep clean homes with pets. The fully-sealed filtration system traps % of particles as small as 0.3 microns – expelling cleaner air.
In the box: V10 Absolute, Motorbar Cleaner Head, Soft Roller Cleaner Head, Hair Screw Tool, Crevice Tool, Combination Tool, Mini Soft Dusting Brush, Docking Station.
Automatically de-tangles hair
Hair screw tool
Picks up long hair and pet hair. Fast. For upholstery and tight spaces with an anti-tangle conical brush bar.
Easily reaches up high
Quickly transforms to a handheld
Three power modes
'Point and shoot' hygienic bin emptying
Drop-in docking
Up to 60 minutes of fade-free power* Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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For recording
Nov 2021 and on Canon C100 Mark II
Dec 2020 and on Samsung S20 Plus
Dec 2019 and on Note 10 Plus
May 2018 and on S9+
Pre May 2018 Canon PowerShot SX540 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to clean your Dyson Cyclone V10™ cordless vacuum's filter
How to wash your Dyson Cyclone V0 cord-free vacuum's filter unit.
In normal use, the filter unit should be washed at least once a month. Failure to wash it regularly could cause the LED filter indicator to illuminate.
Wash the filter unit using cold water without detergent. Wash the inside of the filter unit first; hold it upright under the cold water tap and agitate using a rotating motion. Next, wash the outside of the filter unit; fill the unit with cold water, place your hand over the open end and shake gently. Repeat washing the inside and outside of the filter unit until the water runs clear.
After washing, allow the filter unit to dry completely for at least 24 hours before replacing it.
Step 1. Remove the filter unit by twisting anticlockwise to the open position and gently pull away.
Step 2. Remove any excess debris from the filter unit prior to washing.
Step 3. Wash the inside of the filter unit first; hold it upright under the cold tap and agitate using a rotating motion.
Step 4. Wash the outside of the filter unit; fill the unit with cold water, place your hand over the open end and shake gently.
Step 5. Repeat both processes until the water runs clear.
Step 6. Gently tap the filter unit to remove any excess water.
Step 7. Leave the filter unit to dry with the open end facing up for a minimum of 24 hours.
Step 8. Ensure the filter unit is completely dry prior to refitting.
Step 9. To refit, return the filter unit to the open position and twist clockwise until it clicks into place.
Our experts are on hand to help, so leave us a comment if you'd like some further advice.
You can also see more maintenance tips and troubleshooting by subscribing to the Dyson V10 playlist:
Buy genuine vacuum filters for your Dyson Cyclone V10™ vacuum direct from Dyson:
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We test the battery life of the Dyson V10 Motorhead. Also, see what we love about the V10 Motorhead:
We investigate the three different power modes (Low/Medium/Maximum) and the two types of tools (Motorized/Non-Motorized). This results in 6 potential different cleaning configurations.
We start by highlighting the run time figures provided by the manufacturer for each cleaning configuration, then we test each configuration. More specifically we look at:
Low Power with Non-Motorized Tool (crevice tool)
Low Power with Motorized Tool (direct drive cleaner head)
Medium Power with Non-Motorized Tool (crevice tool)
Medium Power with Motorized Tool (direct drive cleaner head)
Maximum Power with Non-Motorized Tool (crevice tool)
Maximum Power with Motorized Tool (direct drive cleaner head)
For the most part the tested run times are as good or better than manufacturer reported run times, however there was one instance in which this was not the case - Lower Power with Motorized Tool (direct drive cleaner head). We then swapped out the direct drive cleaner head with a torque drive cleaner head from our Dyson V10 Absolute and redid the test. The tested run time then surpassed the manufacturer's reported run time. This led us to believe that the direct drive cleaner head is the main reason for the lower run time.
We also noticed that while in Maximum Power the run time with a Motorized Tool was longer than the run time with a Non-Motorized Tool. This seemed a little anomalous, however repeated tests did not result in any different results. We concluded that indeed the vacuum has a longer run time in Max Power mode with a Motorized Tool attached.
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I would also like to point out that I make every effort to be unbiased in my videos. If there is something about a product I do not like - I will let you know! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
👉🏻 Dyson most powerful vacuum cleaner in Indian market
👉🏻 Top model has 2 cleaner heads and 7 accessories
👉🏻 The Direct Drive cleaner head deep cleans carpets
👉🏻 The Soft Roller cleaner head is engineered for hard floors. It simultaneously picks up fine dust and large debris
👉🏻 Up to 60 minutes' run time
👉🏻 Up to 130 AW of fade-free, powerful suction
👉🏻 Whole-machine filtration. Captures % of microscopic dust particles as small as 0.3 microns
👉🏻 “Point and shoot’’ hygienic bin emptying
#dyson #vaccumcleaner #cordlessvaccum #smartvaccumcleaner #dysonindia #review Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Such a big difference between these button designs.
#dyson #dysonv11 #dysonv10 #dysonv15 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Installing some @stealthmounts MTA M18 battery mounts to power this modified Dyson V10.
Hey guys I hoped you enjoyed the video! This will be the last video of 2020, what a crazy year it was, but hopefully 2021 will be better. Also a few things to mention if your planning on buying a Dyson like mine, it is a Black Friday exclusive so I believe that you can only buy it on the Dyson website during Black Friday, which probably means you can't buy it anymore! I want to mention that my editing skills are better now, wow just in 2 months. Thanks for all the support this year and see you next year (haha)
About Me!
My name is Sean and I've been a youtuber for about 3 years now. I had a passion for technology since I was 5 years old. Since I was basically the only tech kid in my class, I had a special nickname, iTechSean. I have no idea how I got my name but I really like it.
Equipment I use!
camera - Canon EOS M3 =sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=canon+eos+m3&qid=1609560169&sr=8-3
microphone - Blue Yeti
gaming recorder - Elgato HD60 =sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=Elgato&qid=1609560690&sr=8-2
Business email - fansitechsean@
Hit the subscriber button, watch my videos, and wait months for a new video! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Video showing how the dirt and dust exits from the attachment hole of the dyson v10 so after emptying the canister there is always dust on the bottom of the canister lid. So much for their marketing that you never need to touch the dirt... Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
класичний, суха, контейнер, на корпусі, від мережі, 850 Вт, Super Clean Air, пилозбірник - 1.3 л, шнур - 6 м, 77 дБ, 408 х 265 х 239 мм, 4 кг, Колір - синій, жо..
класичний, суха, контейнер, на рукоятці, від мережі, 900 Вт, НЕРА, пилозбірник - 1.5 л, шнур - 6 м, 76 дБ, 410 х 281 х 247 мм, 4.5 кг, Колір - блакитний....
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