Велосипед – один з кращих способів приємно провести час і при цьому поправити своє здоров'я. При їзді на велосипеді задіяні відразу кілька груп м'язів. Вчені давно довели, що їзда на цьому транспортному засобі покращує не тільки фізичний стан людини, але і його настрій, розумові здібності. При цьому найбільш сприятливими, звичайно ж, будуть поїздки на свіжому повітрі.
За багато років компанія Felt засвоїла, як створити велосипед унікального дизайну і стилю, який би привертав увагу.
Міський фітнес велосипед Felt Fixed Brougham Matte дуже зручний для переміщень по міських вулицях і велопрогулянок в парках.
Сталь завжди славилася своєю міцністю і експлуатаційними перевагами. Тому велосипед Brougham від Felt зібраний на хром-молібденовій рамі.
Заднє колесо оснащене двосторонньою втулкою з можливістю використання фривила або фіксованого передачі.
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FIXED BROUGHAM Matte Metallic Charcoal 54cm
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Felt single speed custom butted 4130 TIG-welded Cr-Mo tubes
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Триспорт — это канал первого в России магазина товаров для триатлона.
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Велосипеды: Wilier, Felt, Colnago, Ridley, Scott.
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Гидрокостюмы и стартовые костюмы: Orca, Tyr, 2XU, Sailfish, Compressport
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ТОП велосипедов НОЯБРЬ 2023: Felt, Superior, Author / ТОП ВЕЛОСИПЕДОВ
Услуги подбора Спорт Рупор:
Сегодня у нас 1 ноября, а это значит, что пришло время очередного ТОПа велосипедов за прошедший месяц. И надо сказать, что текущий ТОП крайне сильно отличается от всех предыдущих, потому что у нас НЕ будет ни одного велосипеда от таких брендов как OUTLEAP, TITAN RACING и PARDUS. Безусловно, эти бренды всегда имеют повышенное внимание от нашего проекта, но сегодняшние участники ТОПа сюда попали не просто так…
#1 FELT – Verza Speed 50 Women
Первым велосипедом сегодняшнего топа является бренд, который частенько появляется в наших топах, но категория, которую он представляет сегодня крайне необычная. Речь пойдет про городские скоростные женские велосипеды, на которые есть определенный спрос, но предложение абсолютно незначительное. А красивых городских женских велосипедов, как FELT – Verza Speed 50 Women вообще можно сказать, что нет на рынке.
Стоимость: 25 000 руб
#2 SUPERIOR – X-Road Team Elite SE
Давненько у нас не было представителей Эндуранс-шоссе в России, ведь внимание к этой категории все больше и больше. А, если к интересу к категории добавить еще интерес к чешскому бренду SUPERIOR, то вообще получается бурная смесь. Надо сказать, что все велосипеды Superior, даже самые бюджетные выглядят просто потрясающие, но сегодня мы рассматриваем полноценный средний сегмент, а именно модель SUPERIOR – X-Road Team Elite SE, которая вот-вот появилась на полках магазина Double Sports
Стоимость: 233 415 руб
#3 AUTHOR – Ronin
Заключительным велосипедом сегодняшнего топа является чуть ли не самый универсальный гравийный велосипед для России. Вы думаете, что у вас дежа вю, но не тут то было, ведь одним JAMIS – Renegade S3 горазды, и велосипед от чешского бренда AUTHOR может легко потолкаться с именитым соперником. Тем более, если учесть тот факт, что у них комплектующие примерно одного же уровня, а именно SHIMANO GRX400, так и вообще картина становится интересней.
Стоимость: 139 340 руб
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00:00 – Необычный ТОП
00:39 – #1 FELT
07:46 - #2 SUPERIOR
12:26 - #3 AUTHOR
16:09 – Подбор велосипеда Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор велосипеда FELT COMPULSION 1 (2009) от магазина «ВЕЛОСАЙТ».
На нашем сайте вы всегда можете ознакомиться с подробными характеристиками данной модели, сравнить ее с другими или же подобрать велосипед по своим параметрам. Катайся!
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Карбоновый велосипед для триатлона Felt IA10 | Аэро рама и электронная трансмиссия Ultegra Di2
▶️ Велосипед FELT IA10 – высокотехнологичный болид для триатлона
✅ Аэродинамический рама и электронная система переключения ShimanoUltegra Di2
👉 Велосипед для триатлона Felt IA 10 профессионального уровня с рамой и интегрированной вилкой из углеродного волокна UHC Performance / Advanced. Спроектирован для скоростного прохождения велосипедного этапа. Предназначен для гонок и тренировок профессиональных спортсменов и любителей триатлона.
👉 В основе велосипеда рама из легкого и прочного карбона UHC Performance и карбоновая вилка монококовой конструкции из UHC Advanced. Фреймсет Felt Integrated Aero Tri с низким аэродинамическим коэффициентом включает интегрированную аэровилку.
Форма труб Aero разработана специально для условий триатлона. Рулевая группа и узел подседельного штыря настраиваются под индивидуальные предпочтения.
Велосипед оснащен электронной трансмиссией с компонентами Shimano Dura Ace R9160 Di2 и Shimano Ultegra R8050 Di2. Алюминиевые колеса Devox 35A с покрышками Felt Aero TTR2 700 x 23c предназначены для оптимальной эффективности и надежности.
◾ Вес велосипеда 9,1 - 9,4 кг в зависимость от размера рамы
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Ультимативный велосипед для триатлона Felt B12 DuraAce | Карбоновый байк для соревнований
Обзор велосипеда FELT NINE TRAIL (2012) от магазина «ВЕЛОСАЙТ».
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The Felt Tote'M is a light-duty electric cargo bike that can carry a single child seat on the long rear rack, available in three frame sizes, nimble handling, optional front rack. Not as heavy as other cargo e-bikes in part because of the Shimano drive system, it's less powerful but also quieter than some competing motors. Excellent utility and safety thanks to fenders, a rack system that can be expanded through accessories, quality integrated lights, and a pair of matching pannier bags. The Shimano STePs motor used here isn't as powerful as the Bosch motor (seen on the BRÜHAUL) but it doesn't cost as much, Removable display and battery.
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Disclaimer: Due to factors beyond the control of EBR, I cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. EBR assumes no liability for money loss, property damage, or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. My goal is to report in a transparent and objective way since 2012. Use this information at your own risk. EBR recommends safe practices when working on bicycles, riding bicycles, and using accessories seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of EBR, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not EBR. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Felt NINEe is an ultra light-weight hardtail electric cross-country / mountain bike with efficient 29er wheels and premium components. Capable off-road or as a rugged commuter, seat stay bosses for adding a rear rack, remote lockout for front suspension fork to reduce bobbing, 15 mm front and 10 mm rear thru axles for increased stiffness. Efficient centerdrive motor system from Bosch is capable for climbing and makes wheel maintenance easy.
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Disclaimer: Due to factors beyond the control of EBR, I cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. EBR assumes no liability for money loss, property damage, or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. My goal is to report in a transparent and objective way since 2012. Use this information at your own risk. EBR recommends safe practices when working on bicycles, riding bicycles, and using accessories seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of EBR, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not EBR. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Presentazione della nuova bici Felt Broam 60 del nostro grande amico Leo Zago!
Bici che non ha bisogno di presentazione ma bensi un video che faccia vedere ogni suo particolare Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор велосипеда FELT COMPULSION 4 (2010) от магазина «ВЕЛОСАЙТ».
На нашем сайте вы всегда можете ознакомиться с подробными характеристиками данной модели, сравнить ее с другими или же подобрать велосипед по своим параметрам. Катайся!
Twitter: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
With cutting-edge frame technology and superior ride quality that has won over Felt's professional cross-country racers, Felt's Nine Series blends the surefooted handling characteristics of 29" wheels with race-bred performance. The Nine is our ultimate racing lightweight.
Since first introducing the Nine hardtails over six years ago, Felt has earned the reputation for "getting it right" among the most elite mountain bike riders. Getting the characteristics of a 29" hardtail exactly right in rider cockpit, weight distribution and center of gravity is difficult with bigger wheels and on smaller frames. This is where the Nine excels. Felt Nine provides no-compromise fit and performance, no matter which Nine model you are on.
Our Nine design criteria has remained clear: from geometry, to tube shapes, to rear triangle design, the Nine emerges in 2014 faster and more efficient than ever. Available in five sizes, the Nine is now a bike that fits one of the widest ranges of riders.
Top Nine models use Felt's proprietary Modular Monocoque Construction (MMC) carbon fiber for world-class ride quality and performance. These models provide the perfect blend of lightweight liveliness and durability. Our aluminum models have the same quick handling and compliant ride. They are built to climb and handle just like their carbon fiber counterparts.
So whether a World Cup XC pro or XTERRA devotee, a Marathon specialist or a recreational rider, there is a 2014 Felt Nine that is just right for you.
New for 2014 is Felt's 7 Series. Using Felt's tried-and-true hardtail design expertise including what it takes to deliver spot-on geometry no matter the circumstance, these new 27.5" wheel bikes are destined to make each mountain bike ride your best ever.
The family of Felt 7's begins with our precision TIG welded, 6061 heat-treated aluminum frame with 3D forged dropouts, double water bottle braze-ons and cold forged aluminum replaceable rear dropout. Each Felt 7 also includes our ControlTaper " headtube and BB30 bottom bracket. These lightweight 7-specific frames carry all the performance of Felt MTB's including generous tire clearance, dialed-in geometry and the handling that comes with just the right balance in stiffness and compliance. No matter the price points, every Felt 7 is outfitted with the best available components including 100mm travel suspension forks, reliable disc brakes, wide gear-ranges and precise-shifting drive trains.
All the unique features of the Felt 7 add up to a bike that is equally at home on the steepest of climbs, fastest of fire roads and quickest of singletrack. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор на топовый FELT IA FRD ULTIMATE Dura-Ace Di2 переходим на новый уровень,звук теперь на высоте и велосипеды топовые.
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Built with UHC Performance carbon fibre and World Cup proven geometry, the Nine 5 brings an elite pedigree to a new affordable price point.
Featuring a Shimano drivetrain, RockShox fork, and race ready wheels, the Nine 5 is the perfect introduction to a truly capable high performance cross country bike. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Asmr video of the 2021 Felt FR advanced bike build at the local bikeshop. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A local bikeshop story ... 2021 Felt FR Advanced #felt
For this installment of Shop Stop-In, I decided to get away from the drop bar adventure bikes and look at a far prettier and updated version of the Cross Country bike that I race: the 2016 Felt Nine 6. A budget carbon xc bike that handles the demands of racing without issue. It has low enough quality drivetrain that you wouldn't even question eventually swapping out to a nicer one. Like I did. Cause that's what I do.
Shop Stop-In videos are an opportunity to have a closer look at bikes I like, and hopefully someday to fulfill requests for you! They are short and to the point just to showcase the bike and what it comes spec'd with. Nothing more, nothing less. Future videos may include reviews of the bikes or products shown here upon popular demand.
Check out the shop I race bikes for at:
More information at the Felt Website:
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The Felt Z75 Disc sits at the perfect pricepoint and is great value for money too. Sitting at £999 brings it under the cycle2work limit by £1, truly giving you the most bang for your buck. The Z family of bikes sits under Felt’s endurance category and the bike does offer true comfort, but does maintain a true sporting edge that you would expect from a brand with Felt’s racing heritage.
The Z75 offers a great package for full year riding, with a well-engineered aluminium frame with tapered steerer tube married to a carbon fork. A tapered fork offers increased stiffness which is felt most when cornering, with the front wheel of the bike tracking more positively. The benefit also complements the disc brakes specced, as the increased forces on the fork demand a well- engineered fork and frame. The TRP Spyre offered here really offers phenomenal performance for a cable brake, and it’s one of the only cable brakes on the market to actuate both pads, in a similar way to a hydraulic system.
The 11-speed 105 gears offer incredible performance and reliability and the well specced compact chainset and 11-32 cassette offers a wide range of gears to give you the best chance of conquering every mountain that has troubled you previously.
Felt specs a smart finishing kit to the bike, offering a tubeless ready Felt branded wheelset, dressed in 25C Schwalbe Durano tyres. The increased width of a 25C allows you to run a slightly lower pressure while reducing the rolling resistance and increasing comfrt and grip. 25C is fast becoming the standard for road bikes and it’s great to see Felt offering this.
I am always drawn to a sharp looking bike and it doesn't get much sharper than the z75d. Couple this to the fantastic ride quality that is synonymous with the Felt brand and the value for money that is hard to rival. I’m confident, there is no better option at this pricepoint. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
For information and prices, please visit our website and go to the link below.
At Je James we want to offer our customers the best, and FELT go above and beyond to push their bike technology and design to enhance your riding and racing. Here is the Felt FR 5 Road Bike 2018. An entry level racing bike with anything but entry level qualities. The FR5’s tuned chassis provides the optimal balance of stiffness and suppleness. A precision instrument for both short, intense efforts and long days in the saddle. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Felt FR5 is sub-$2000 entry that utilizes Felt's all new FR platform. Built with an 11-speed Shimano 105 drivetrain for exceptional functionality, along with a selection of ergonomic cockpit components, the FR5 is a precision instrument for both short, intense efforts and long days in the saddle.
For more information, visit Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Z5 features the Endurance road UHC Performance MMC carbon fibre frame and fork for sharp handling and all day comfort, with 22 speed Shimano 105 drivetrain it means the shifting will always be crisp and precise.
Whether your plan is to ride on your own, participate in centuries or do your first race, this is one bike with the versatility to shine everywhere you go.
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The Felt F75 with a hydroformed SuperLite aluminium frame and carbon fibre forks and Shimano 105 shifters and derailleurs
A classic modern aluminium road bike
Shimano 105 drivetrain is class-leading
Carbon fork and seatpost damp the road vibrations
One of the best looking aluminium bikes we’ve ever seen
Available now from Merlin Cycles:
More road bikes available from Merlin Cycles: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Felt Electric empowers riders to go beyond, to explore more, and to enjoy the freedom electric bikes have to offer. All seven of our electric-assist models are equipped with the industry-leading Bosch eDrive System, designed to make any commute, road or trail ride easier.
Feel empowered. Change the way you see the world with Felt Electric. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
With cutting-edge frame technology and a superior ride quality that has won over many of Felt's professional cross-country racers, Felt's Nine Series bike blends the surefooted handling characteristics of 29" wheels with the type of razor-sharp, race-bred performance that characterizes every bike that bears the Felt name.
Design criteria for the Nine has always been strict and focused, and for 2013, Felt updated just about everything on the Nine platform. From the geometry, to tube shapes, to rear triangle design, the Nine emerges in 2013 faster and more efficient than ever before. In addition, the Nine is now offered in 5 sizes, giving an improved ride quality to cyclists of all sizes. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Eddie McDonald of Felt Bicycles shows us some highlights of the all new Compulsion LT3 and Nine FRD for 2013. The Compulsion LT3 is their mid-level all mountain carbon mountain bike with 150-160mm or rear travel. The Nine FRD is their 29er carbon hardtail frameset. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Interbike: Felt Bicycles - Compulsion LT3 and Nine FRD
This is the flagship model of Felt's Endurance line of road bikes, and is perfect on multi surfaces, all season. The Textreme carbon frame has clearance for a 32C tyre, and comes equipped with disc brakes and neat, hidden, fender mounts with a bespoke mudguard set. There's some amazing top-of-the-line components, including Shaimano electronic shifters, that are as precise, and responsive, as it gets. These have been highly rated in the press, and reduce the amount of general maintenance, so you can focus on your ride. The famous Kysrium wheelset is a complete reinvention and offers performance, low weight, and modern internal width for wider tyres. Finally, there's the 3T,ProLogo saddle and bar tape, which finish this bike off perfectly. Whether you want to commute, race, or explore, this bike let's you do it all.
View here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Long term review of Felt's Bruhaul Bosch Powered Cargo eBike from Citrus Cycles. For more details on this bike including an in-depth video review, pricing and to order visit Located in Ladysmith, BC on Vancouver Island, Citrus Cycles specializes in eBikes. We offer pedal assist electric bike tours, rentals and sales and offer expert advice and service to help you choose the best eBike for your needs. Call or e-mail us today to try one of our eBikes here on Vancouver Island. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Felt Bruhaul Cargo eBike Long Term Review by Citrus Cycles
Equally capable of tackling a sanctioned gravity event or an all-day, all-mountain epic, Compulsion is Felt's do-it-all trail machine. With patented Equilink™ suspension and 6" (Adjustable 150mm or 160mm) of fully active travel, the Compulsion is the pinnacle of all-mountain performance. Get up the hill faster and devour the most technical descents with greater ease.
The Compulsion series is all new for 2013, featuring a full carbon fiber frame that yields a bike that is lighter, stronger, and stiffer than ever before. The weight of every model was reduced for more agile performance on the trail, and the new models feature head angles that are now slacker (67.5 degrees) for improved handling in aggressive, technical terrain. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
For information and prices, please visit our website and go to the link below.
At Je James we want to offer our customers the best, and FELT go above and beyond to push their bike technology and design to enhance your riding and racing. Here is the Felt FR 40 Road Bike 2018.
If performance is paramount and confidence is crucial, the FR40 is the perfect machine to attack with during any race, any climb or any descent you seek out. But should you wish to get out for fitness and fun, this bike is an ideal choice for long weekend rides, short criteriums and challenging routes the world over. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
With the F5x Felt bring carbon fibre performance to new levels of affordability.
Using Felt’s UHC Performance MMC carbon fibre to produce a disc-equipped carbon fibre frame lighter and stiffer than anything comparable.
Like its more expensive stable mates, it features our flattened, shoulder-friendly top tube.
The UHC Performance monocoque fork delivers superior strength and low weight.
This is carbon fibre performance at an aluminium price.
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Enduro-MTBs stehen nach wie vor hoch im Kurs. Felt Bicycles präsentiert den Nachfolger des erfolgreichen Complusion – mit Vollcarbon-Rahmen, Equilink-Hinterbau und 170-mm-Gabel. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Love shredding trail? Watch this video of Felt Enduro Athletes Casey Coffman and Mason Bond ripping it up in Santa Cruz on their 2012 Virtue LTS. The Virtue series offers 130mm of travel; perfect for all your trail shredding needs! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Felt OUTFITTER is a stylish fat tire electric bike with unique camouflage paint job, stylish Old Man Mountain cargo racks and integrated Motion Stella 300 headlight. Offers 11 speeds with a quality SRAM X1 drivetrain, second generation electronic systems by Bosch. Large 180 mm SRAM Guide hydraulic disc brakes with 4-piston caliper for managing heavy loads, 12 mm Maxle thru-axle dropouts for strong responsive handling.
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Disclaimer: Due to factors beyond the control of EBR, I cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. EBR assumes no liability for money loss, property damage, or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. My goal is to report in a transparent and objective way since 2012. Use this information at your own risk. EBR recommends safe practices when working on bicycles, riding bicycles, and using accessories seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of EBR, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not EBR. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The V range is built for adventure. Ready to take on the urban cityscape or dive off the beaten track and explore new territory. It’s part of the new breed of bikes that is designed to free your ride, break down barriers and become your one bike for all occasions.
The frame design focuses around a relaxed geometry that will ensure comfort is always maintained and confidence kept high for those new to with riding a drop bar. The tall front end is the embodiment of this, ensuring that you’re never too low on the bike and this is complemented by the comfort saddle. The V85 rolls with a 700x33C tyre, giving it great versatility over rough terrain or city potholes and complements the frame design perfectly.
The smart choice of Shimano 105 groupset with a wide range cassette and compact chainset, will guarantee that you’re able to climb your steepest nemesis, with the dual action TRP Spyre brakes really offering phenomenal performance for a cable brake, it’s one of the only cable brakes on the market to actuate both pads, in a similar way to a hydraulic system.
Few bikes manage to find the balance between leisure and readiness, but the V85 does so with the greatest of ease, ready to take you on your next commute, tour or personal adventure. As Felt will tell you, The V85 doesn’t stop where the road does, and neither will you! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Felt's Virtue Series is designed to combine the agility and performance of a cross-country bike with the stability and control of an aggressive trail bike. The Virtue offers riders a unique blend of versatility and performance unparalleled in the industry. Whether you are looking for an off-road race machine, or an all-purpose trail bike, the Virtue has it covered.
The 130mm travel Virtue is built around Felt's award-winning Equilink system, which offers as much pedaling efficiency uphill as it offers trail taming suspension downhill. This makes for a bike as equally adept at winning enduro races as it does tearing up your local trails. You'll benefit by beating your friends to the top and the bottom of any of your local trails. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
¿Quieres iniciarte en carretera? Esta Felt F3 es una muy buena opción para comenzar 🙌🤩
Lleva cuadro, tija, manillar y bielas de carbono 🪶😆 que consiguen un peso por debajo de los 7 Kg en esta Felt.
Además, aprovecha el descuento de la FELT WEEK 📢
Introduciendo el código FELTWEEK obtendrás 100€ extra de descuento en tu compra.
#felt #feltbikes #feltf3 #tuvalum Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Felt QX80-EQ Hybrid Bike - 2016
The 2016 Felt QX-EQ 80 is an ideal commuter and family adventure bike. The QX-EQ 80 is a real multi-purpose bike. Fitted as standard with mudguards, a kickstand and a dynamo, it's ready to ride.
Combining the advantages of a mountain and road bike, the QX-Equipped 80 is a dream for trekking or commuting. With a bump-dampening suspension fork, rack, and powerful hydraulic disc brakes, the QX-Equipped 80 has all of the refinements that a trekking bike should. Add a precision Shimano drivetrain and Schwalbe touring tyres, and your next ride will be easier and more fun than ever before!
SR Suntour Suspension Forks
A pair of forks can make your ride so much more comfortable. The SR Suntour suspension forks take out vibration from the road and cushion those uneven roads and tracks making every journey enjoyable. You also have the option to lock out the suspension if you prefer a rigid, faster ride.
Frame – Felt QX suspension fork specific, 6061 aluminium
Fork - SR Suntour SF13-NEX P
Steerer – Tapered
Number of gears – 27
Cable Routing – External
Bottle Cage Mounts – Double
Front Derailleur Mount – Band on
Dropouts – Replaceable rear derailleur hanger
Wheel size – 700c
Wheelset – Shimano Dynamo front hub, forged alloy rear hub on Alex MD17 rims
Groupset – Shimano
Shifters – Shimano Altus
Front Derailleur – Shimano Alivio
Rear Derailleur – Shimano Deore
Brake Type – Hydraulic Disc Brakes
Brake Callipers – Shimano BR-M355 hydraulic: SM-RT20 160mm front & rear Centerlock rotors
Chainset – Shimano Alivio 9-speed crankset, 48x36x26T with chainguard. 44 - 52cm = 170mm cranks 55 - 58cm = 175mm cranks.
Chain – Sunrace
Cassette – Sunrace CS-M96 9-speed cassette, 11-32T
Handlebars – Felt QX 6061 butted aluminum riser: Ø, 25mm rise x 9° sweep. 44 - 49cm = 620mm width. 52 - 58cm = 640mm width.
Stem – Felt SL design 3D-forged aluminum
Seatpost – Felt twin clamp micro-adjust 6061 aluminum, Ø x 300mm
Saddle – Felt QX low profile: w/ comfort fit top & foam base, satin steel rails
Tyres – Schwalbe SILENTO KevlarGuard, reflective sidewall, 37-622 with presta valve tubes Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Felt women’s range grows considerably this year, now with a full representation across aluminium and carbon, rim brakes and disc brakes, riders are more than catered for than ever before. Today we’re taking a look over the ZW4 Disc, which sits in the carbon with disc brakes carbon.
With the ZW family sitting within Felt’s endurance category, Felt have designed the frame specifically for women to offer all day comfort, with a real focus on performance and transfer of power too. The bike is stiff through the pedal stroke and when cornering, but absorbs all of the road vibration through perfect carbon layup, a supple fork and well specced 27mm tyres.
Braking is taken care of by the TRP HY/RD (High Road) brake, which combines the performance of a hydraulic system with the adjustability of a cable mechanism. The HY/RD offers incredible performance in both dry and wet conditions, which is the major benefit of disc brakes and the primary reason for their growing popularity. Another benefit of disc brakes is that you’re able to make use of a disc specific wheelset, which offers increased strength with a lighter weight, the Fulcrum Racing Sports are a great addition to the bike.
The ZW4 Disc offers phenomenal performance at the cutting edge of the tech race, with a complete 105 groupset and disc brakes, the ZW4D is ready to take you further more quickly in superior comfort, so embrace the future and come ride! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Felt have always considered the female riders when designing their range of bikes and the latest range is one of their best yet. The ZW range from Felt offers a true endurance geometry that is available in both aluminium and carbon platforms, with both caliper and disc brake options offered.
What makes a women’s bike? Felt put some major development time in to ensuring that the ride of the ZW is identical to unisex frame, with perfectly tuned geometry and adjusted tube thicknesses to guarantee that comfort is maintained across all frame sizes. The addition of a carbon fork on the front, really does help to absorb road vibrations and keep the bike tracking on line. A narrower bar and women’s specific saddle complete the women’s specific features.
The ZW95 is offered with a Shimano Sora groupset, with options being available from Claris all the way through to Ultegra. The Sora groupset offers great performance and offers the first time cyclist a credible option from which to develop their skills, but will also feel at home with an experienced hand. The rest of the equipment is all Felt branded, which offers an incredible performance and enables the price to be kept down. The highlight of the spec has to be Felt’s own brand wheelset, which comes tubeless ready, for complete future proofing.
It’s through a well-developed understanding of women’s needs that Felt has designed a truly spectacular bike, perfect for the first time rider or those more experienced, the Felt ZW range will guarantee that your riding experience is a wholly positive one. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
After four years of development, the Compulsion is back, and it’s a whole new beast. Massive tire clearance, Flip Chip-adjustable geometry, Boost, 1x, all that jazz. And, of course, it features Felt’s iconic Equilink suspension for the best small-bump sensitivity and a bottomless feel on big hits. Oh yeah, it’s also full-carbon, including the links. Bottom line: It ascends like an angel and descends like a demon. This is the most advanced mountain bike Felt has ever produced. Is it the best bike in the world? That’s not for us to say. But, yes, it is. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Felt Compulsion | The Ultimate 27.5 Enduro Mountain Bike
The Felt SPORTe is a light, stiff and fast with efficient frame, wheel and tire design that strike a balance between city and road performance. Plenty of bosses for adding your own fenders or a rear carry rack, Felt offers their own matching hardware and lights as add-on options. Excellent frame balance, powerful and efficient motor system, removable battery pack.
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Disclaimer: Due to factors beyond the control of EBR, I cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. EBR assumes no liability for money loss, property damage, or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. My goal is to report in a transparent and objective way since 2012. Use this information at your own risk. EBR recommends safe practices when working on bicycles, riding bicycles, and using accessories seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of EBR, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not EBR. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This week I have a closer look at the 2016 Felt V85. The bike in Felt's line up that takes on the task as their Adventure model. It could really be a Gravel Bike, and All Road Bike, Adventure Bike, Light Touring Bike or a comfortable beginners road bike for someone just starting out. I am a big fan of Felt, and especially all black bikes, they are just awesome looking. Be sure to like this video, and leave a comment on what you think!
Shop Stop-In videos are an opportunity to have a closer look at bikes I like, and hopefully someday to fulfill requests for you! They are short and to the point just to showcase the bike and what it comes spec'd with. Nothing more, nothing less. Future videos may include reviews of the bikes or products shown here upon popular demand.
Check out the V85 at Ideal Bikes:
Or the Felt Website:
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Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Велосипед Felt FIXED BROUGHAM Matte Metallic Charcoal 54cm (8069 06507). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17