Велокрісло Yepp Maxi Easy Fit від шведського виробника Thule - функціональне, продумане і стильне дитяче велосипедне сидіння призначене для прогулянок з дитиною на велосипеді. Кріпиться до заднього багажника з вікном EasyFit або до багажнику, оснащеному перехідником Thule Yepp Maxi EasyFit (продається окремо). Сидіння пом'якшує поштовхи і вібрацію і забезпечує плавну їзду. Швидко, легко і зручно фіксувати дитинуз допомогою захисної пряжки на магніті, оснащеної захистом від дітей. Адаптується до параметрів дитини в міру його росту і забезпечує ідеальну посадку завдяки регульованими опорами для ніг і фіксуючим ременів. Додаткова видимість на відстані досягається завдяки вбудованому рефлектору і точці кріплення світлового індикатора. Розроблено та протестовано для діток віком від 9-ти місяців і до 6-ти років, вагою до 22 кг. Сучасний дизайн і неперевершений комфорт для вашої дитини.
The Thule Yepp Maxi’s bright colors and well-ventilated design have made it a best-selling child bike seat for years. But with so many other seats on the market, this Thule Yepp Maxi Review will tell you what you need to know before you click that buy button.
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You can read our full written review on our site:
0:23 durability & quality
1:27 2. The Thule Yepp Maxi has great ventilation
1:42 3. Sizing
2:34 4. Frame or Rack Mount?
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We'll specifically cover the Thule Yepp Maxi EasyFit Adapter, and show you how it works.
Two things to note about it.
(1) You have to buy the EasyFit adapter, so that’s an additional cost.
(2) The easy fit adapter raises the center of gravity of the child bike seat. The seat is higher in relation to your bike because it’s not sitting directly on the rack, which does have an effect on your balance.
If either of these concern you but your bike is not compatible with the FRAME mounted Yepp Maxi, a great rack-mounted alternative is the Yepp Nexxt Maxi which does not require an EasyFit Adapter.
Child (Baby) Bike Seat Buying Guide:
Bellelli Pepe:
Thule RideAlong:
Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi:
For full reviews on other great child bike seats be sure to visit Two Wheeling Tots at
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Check out Thule's smart and functional frame-mounted child bike seat with a personality, designed for everyday rides. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Part 2 of getting a baby bike seat! Based on Mr Long Black's recommendation we went for the Thule Yepp Maxi Baby Bike Seat Installation! Naturally, it completely changes the look and feel of one's beloved bike but overall I'm very happy with it. Tune in to see how little Mike takes to it.
A big thank you to Treknology for your all your help in getting the seat.
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Baby Bike Seat Pt 1:
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Thule Yepp Maxi Kindersitz Praxistest - leichter, moderner Sitz aber geringe Anpassungsmöglichkeiten
Ich bin einige Wochen mit dem Thule Yepp Maxi auf dem Gepäckträger durch die Gegend gefahren und habe ein paar Erfahrungen gesammelt.
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Montage Yepp Maxi Easyfit met Easyfit drager Mounting Yepp Maxi with Easyfit carrier
There are few bike seats that gain the loyalty and adoration of parents like the Thule Yepp Maxi has. The seat is popular with nearly every serious biking family I know, including our own. When asked what rear bike seat to buy, I always respond with "The Yepp Maxi."
Our family has been testing the Yepp Maxi for a while now, and here is what we love about the seat (and what we don't). I'll also help explain the different options (Standard Yepp vs the Easyfit), so you make sure to buy the best version for your family.
Read our detailed review:
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Der Yepp Nexxt Maxi von #Thule ist leicht, sieht gut aus und ist auch für E-Bikes geeignet. Ich zeige Euch, wie man den #Kindersitz montiert und teste ihn.
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This is a comparison video of the two flagship seats offered by Thule. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
de review van de Yepp Maxi easyfit helpt je met het maken van deze keuze voor het kopen van een fietszitje. Margreet vertelt hier voor Mommytalks wat zij van het Yepp fietszitje vindt. Bekijk de review video en oordeel zelf.
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Full transcript:
Evangeline: Hi, it's Evangeline from , and today we are looking at Thule's Yepp Maxi, child bike seat here at etrailer. Now, this bike seat is designed to sit behind, on the rear of your bikes so that you can bring your child along on your biking adventures. This seat is designed to accommodate children from nine months to six years old. So there's different adjustment points for the different ages and height of your , this is also made of EPA material, which means it's soft, but very sturdy. Like when I press it here, it's cushiony, which means it will cushion that shock, which is great, especially on bumpy rides. And it also comes in different colors.
This is orange, and there's also black, ocean and material is water resistant, and it also is designed with these holes in the back just to make it easy for rain, water, and other liquid messes to just drain through. It's also very easy to , for safety, this has a five point harness, and you can just buckle your child in. To release, you just press the sides and the top, then you can release on each side. And to buckle it in, just pop them back in like that. There we go.
Then tighten it down and you can adjust the straps as well, for it grows with your child. When your child gets taller, you can adjust it to have more space, or less seat is attached to the bike by this steel frame. And I'm actually a big fan of this frame. If you notice how it has this flat, yet very sturdy design. I have installed other rear bike seats that have maybe a thinner and round tube that I was not as confident of its sturdiness as this is.
It looks, and it feels very strong. It is attached to the bike by this mount over here. And if you tighten it down properly and install it properly, this grips to the back. They have rubber grips to protect your frame. And it prevents side to side motion, as well as it clamps it have adjustable foot rest for your child, as well as these shields to protect your bike seat, as well as your child's feet from your bike.
And these can adjust up and down. So you might start off with the foot rest up here on top, and then as your child grows, then bring it down. So it grows with the child.A lot of the sturdiness comes from this metal frame that runs around the seat and really keeps it sturdy and durable. There's also adjustment points here in the back, and it's super easy to adjust because you can just turn it, push it through, put it back on the top and release. This also has these nice plastic reflectors at three points. So that's really good because it helps protect you as you drive and keep you I'm going down here to the foot rest. These adjusts, and they also have some numbers maybe to help you out, where if your child is one, two, three, four, five. You can have them at different points, slide them up and down and just snap it into , the seat should sit right over your rear axle, but if you do need some extra space, you can adjust it back and forth by loosening the bottom screws and just pulling and pushing on it. And when you're ready to go on a solo adventure, it's really easy to take it out. To release it you just press the red button and pull this lever. Then the entire seat can come out, leaving this here. If you just want to have that ease of installing and uninstalling the the seat itself is not a burden. It's about 10 pounds, the weight of the seat itself. So it's really easy to take out and store and to install into place again. So to install, just get it into position. Then you engage this lever at the back and it clicks into place. From there, you can then lock the seat into place and protect it from now that we've showed you how we put the seat in and out of this quick release mount, let's show you how we installed the entire we're going to start our installation with the base. So if you have a top tube that goes down, you would need to take off the seat first. But if you have it in this style with the top tube attached to your seat like that, then you don't need to take off the seat because you would just start off with placing it into position like that. And find a good spot up Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Cykelmekaniker Jens fra viser dig her, hvordan du monterer og indstiller en Yepp Maxi barnestol. Barnestolen fra Yepp er en testvinder, og er det rigtige valg hvis sikkerhed, komfort og brugervenlighed er i højsædet. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Discover Thule's smart and functional rack-mounted child bike seat with a personality, designed for everyday rides. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In deze video laat mijn man jullie zien hoe je het fietszitje van Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxxi bevestigd op je fiets. Meer info over dit gave fietszitje van Thule vind je vanaf 27-6-2017 op
Veel kijkplezier en vergeet je niet te abonneren op mijn kanaal voor meer video's
Liefs xoxo Cassandra
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Wie ist der THULE YEPP Maxi Kinder-Fahrradsitz zu montieren? Wir zeigen es Schritt-für-Schritt. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thule Yepp Maxi Rear-Mounted Child Bike Seat Review
My Review Of The Thule Yepp Maxi Child Bike Seat
I wanted to go cycling with my toddler, so I chose the Thule Yepp Maxi child bike seat.
See why, plus my tips before you start family cycling adventures together.
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Hoe ziet de Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi eruit en hoe werkt de sluiting? En wat is het verschil met de Yepp Maxi? Bekijk het in dit filmpje. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Julia von mamiblock zeigt euch den Thule Yepp Maxi im Einsatz. Der Fahrradkindersitz von Thule bietet den ultimativen Komfort für die täglichen Fahrten mit deinem Kind.
Entdecke den Thule Yepp Maxi in Schwarz sowie den Thule RideAlong Lite Dark Grey und andere Kinderfahrradsitze in unseren BabyOne Fachmärkten und im Onlineshop. In unseren Fachmärkten in Deutschland und Österreich kannst du dir vor Ort den Thule Yepp Maxi anschauen und von unseren geschulten Mitarbeitern erklären lassen.
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Thule Yepp Maxi Install & Review (With Rad Power Bikes Ebike)
In this video I demonstrate how to install the Thule Yepp Maxi on my Rad Power Bike (RadWagon).
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Thule Yepp Maxi Child Bike Seat Installation RadMini Step-Thru 2 eBike Video (Rack Mounted)
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Here I install a Thule Yepp Maxi Easyfit Child Bike Seat to a RadMini Step-Thru 2 ebike for my child. The installation is fairly simple and straight forward and would be the same for any other bike using the rack mounted option. If you like to purchase this you can go to my link below along with all the other bike accessories you see.
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Here are some links to the products I currently have on the RadMini Step-Thru 2
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Thule Yepp Maxi Rack Mount Child Bike Seat
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Thule presents Yepp Nexxt. The world's lightest child seat for bicycles. From Eurobike 2019. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi Frame Mounted Kid's Bike Seat Demonstration
Thule's newest Yepp kid's bike seats are a winner with their easy and flexible fitment options, modern design and versatilty in terms of the age range of kids they can accommodate.
You can buy this product here -
Our website is
Our phone number is (02) 9666 4844 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Does my child enjoy being in a bike seat? - Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi Review
I have had this bike seat for 5 months now and I have used it everywhere. I like it but it is not perfect.
What I really wanted to see in this view what what my toddler Isla thought of the bike seat so I got a unique view by putting a camera on her helmet so see what she was looking at. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thule Yepp Maxi EasyFit Adapter - Child bike seat accessory
Allows Thule Yepp Maxi to be quickly installed on any bike with a rear rack with a load capacity of 25 kg/55 lbs. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Child bike seat accessory - Thule Yepp Maxi EasyFit Adapter
Thule Yepp Maxi EasyFit Adapter allows Thule Yepp Maxi to be quickly installed on any bike with a rear rack with a load capacity of 25 kg/55 lbs. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Rad Runner vs Rad Runner Plus, and Thule Yepp Maxx easy fit seat
Edit: seems this video has helped some people. Great! If it has helped you, Rad is offering a referral deal where you get $100 off and I get $100 in credit (through 12/31/21). Use this link if you would like.
A quick video showing some of the differences between the rad runner and the rad runner plus ebikes. Also a demo of the thule yepp Maxx easy fit rear seat getting attached to the bike (starts at 3:50)
Seat post:
Saddle: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Check out Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi, a lightweight and safe rear-rack-mounted child bike seat with a contemporary design, providing premium comfort for your child.
- Maximum child comfort and a safe, custom fit thanks to the adjustable padded 5-point harness
- Provides a smooth ride for your child in the soft and shock-absorbing seat
- Lightweight yet sturdy seat combining a hard outer shell with soft padding for premium child comfort
- Very quick, easy, and convenient securing of your child with the magnetic childproof safety buckle
- Ensures a perfect fit as your child grows thanks to adjustable foot rests and foot straps
- Quick and easy mounting of the child bike seat on your bike’s rear rack
- Added visibility thanks to built-in reflector, which can be replaced by a rear light (sold separately)
- Easy to clean and to keep dry due to the seat’s water-repellent materials
- Designed and tested for children from 9 months* to 6 years old, up to 48.5 lbs/22 kg.
*Consult a pediatrician for children under 1 year old.
Learn more at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Check: om te reageren op deze video en kijk naar honderden andere video reviews van moeders.
Wil je een fietszitje online kopen? Bekijk dan deze fietszitje test voor Mommytalks door Margreet. Ze vertelt over het Yepp Fietszitje die achterop je fiets zit. In haar test review vertelt ze hoe veilig het fietszitje is en hoe ze het fietszitje moet gebruiken. Bekijk haar fietszitje review hier en oordeel zelf of je deze Yepp Maxi wil kopen?
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The Yepp EasyFit™ window designed into the Gazelle rear rack means you get a safe, secure fit without the need for adapters. Thule Yepp seats are available in several colors and styles: and
Lightweight rear-rack-mounted child bike seat with a contemporary design and premium child comfort
Adjustable, padded 5-point harness ensures child safety and the perfect fit
Soft, shock-absorbing seat provides a smooth ride
Hard outer shell and soft seat padding for child comfort
Magnetic childproof safety buckle to quickly and easily secure child
Quick and easy install; mounts directly onto your bike's rear rack
Adjustable footrests and straps ensure the perfect fit for a growing child
Built-in reflector for increased visibility
Water-repellent material is easy to clean
Weight capacity: 40 lbs (Designed and tested for children 9 months - 6 years old) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to install your Yepp Maxi Child Seat from Chubby's Cruisers, your one-stop cruiser shop. Be sure to check out for more information, accessories, and bike products. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thule Yepp Maxi (Frame) Child Bike Seat Demonstration
You can buy this product here -
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The Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi is one of our favorite child bike seats, and an excellent choice for little ones 18 months to about 4 years old.
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Like every Thule child bike seat, this rear child bike seat is comfortable, easy-to-use, and crafted and designed to the highest standard.
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And to read the full Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi review, check it out here:
Here are 4 reasons why we love the Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi, and why you will too!
0:21 1. The Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi is durable and high-quality
1:14 2. The Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi has great ventilation
1:34 3. The Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi has foot straps that actually work
2:14 4. Easy to Mount and Unmount
2:46 Quick note about sizing
A Quick Note About Size
The Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi is safety rated for babies as young as 9 months. HOWEVER, after testing the seat ourselves, we believe it’s a better fit for toddlers at least 18 months old. There are only two shoulder strap height placements on this seat and the lowest setting is a bit high for most average 12 – 18-month-olds. The Thule RideAlong Lite has a third lower position that allows the shoulder straps to be adjusted more securely for a 12 month old. Just our opinion, and something to consider if you’re thinking about buying the seat for a younger toddler.
Note: The Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi rear mount and the Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi frame mounted are the same as the Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi Rack Mount, except for their mounting systems.
For more rear child bike seat reviews, including buying options, visit Two Wheeling Tots at
Child (Baby) Bike Seat Buying Guide:
Thule Yepp Maxi:
Bellelli Pepe:
Thule RideAlong:
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#Thule #ThuleYeppNexxt #ChildBikeSeat #ChildBikeSeatReview Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Wil je het nieuwe fietszitje van Thule, de Yepp Nexxt Maxi fietszitje kopen? Bekijk dan eerst de test van Laura, haar Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi fietszitje voor achterop review. De bevestigt de Thule Yepp Maxi achterop je bagagedrager door aan een knop te draaien. Dit Thule Yepp fietszitje is zeer licht, en daardoor erg eenvoudig te bevestigen. Het Thule fietsstoeltje kan ook op slot en dus niet gestole nworden. In deze fietszitje van Thule Yepp test vertelt Laura ook dat het fietszitje veilig is. Waarom is het fietsstoeltje veilig? Omdat de voeten niet in de spaken kunnen komen, er ee nreflector op zit, maar vooral om de Thule Yepp vijfpunts sluiting. De sluiting is met magneten, waardoor deze super eenvoudig is, maar niet door het kind los gemaakt kan worden. Het materiaal van de stoel is zo licht, dat deze eenvoudig op een andere fiets te monteren is. Wat is het beste fietszitje voor jou? Wil jij een Thule Yepp fietszitje online kopen? Bekijk dan eerst even deze thule Yepp review van Laura en wie weet is deze fietsstoel ook iets voor jou om te kopen? Disclaimer: Op deze Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi review video is de eigen mening van Laura te zien. Mommytalks heeft het product verschaft en geholpen met monteren van de video. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi fietszitje review door Carina
Wil je een Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi fietszitje online kopen? Wellicht handig om te kijken naar dit fietszitje test van de Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi van Carina. Carina vertelt haar ervaringen over dit lichte comfortabele veilige fietszitje, waar je tot 22 kilogram in kan zitten. De Thule Yepp Next Maxi heet een nieuwe 5 punts gordel sluiting met magneten. In het begin is dit nog een beetje lastig om te sluiten, daarna kun je de sluiting met 1 hand dicht doen. Het fietszitje is bovendien voorzien van verstelbare voetsteunen voor extra comfort en veiligheid. De Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi is super eenvoudig te installeren. Kijk bij de fabrikant op voor meer informatie over het kinder fietszitje. Dus wil je een Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi fietszitje kopen, bekijk dan eerst deze test van de Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi fietszitje van Carina, wellicht helpt het jou om te kiezen voor het beste fietszitje? Is dat de Thule? Mommytalks heeft geen invloed gehad op de mening van Carina. Carina heeft het product ontvangen en haar is gevraagd haar eerlijke mening over het product te geven, ook eventuele kritische of negatieve punten te noemen. Succes met de zoektocht naar uw ideale fietszitje. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Montage Yepp Maxi Easyfit op Easyfit window Mounting Yepp Maxi Easyfit on Easyfit Window 1080p
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Thule Yepp Maxi rack mount child seat
Smart and functional rear-mounted child bike seat designed for everyday rides
Fits rear bike racks with an EasyFit window or racks with Thule Yepp Maxi EasyFit Adapter (sold separately)
Soft and shock-absorbing seat for child comfort
Adjustable 5-point harness ensures child safety and the perfect fit
Childproof safety buckle to quickly and easily secure child
Built-in reflectors and safety light attachment point for added visibility
Adjustable foot rests and straps grow with your child
Show more
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review Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini fietsstoeltje door Sharon
Het nieuwe fietszitje van Thule, de Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini is een fietszitje voor voorop je fiets. Sharon vertelt haar ervaring met dit fietszitje van Thule, de Yepp nexxt Mini. Sharon let bij een fietszitje op de veiligheid, makkelijk te monteren en of haar kind er comfortabel inzit. Met deze test voldoet de Thule Yepp Nexxt mini aan al deze eisen van Sharon. Bekijk snel dit fietsstoeltje review van Sharon en oordeel zelf of dit fietsstoeltje iets voor jou om te kopen. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thule Yepp Maxi Rack Mounted Child Bike Seat Demonstration
A quick rundown of the Thule Yepp Maxi kids bike seat.
Browse our full range of roof racks, bike carriers and accessories at
Call anytime during business hours on (02) 9666 4844 to consult with one of our roof rack and vehicle accessory specialists. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi fietsstoeltje reviewvideo door Mariska
Het Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi fietszitje is een robuust en degelijk fietszitje voor achter op de fiets. Mariska test dit fietszitje van Thule, genaamd de Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini. Zij gebruikt deze ook achterop haar bakfiets. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thule Yepp Maxi Child Bike Seat
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Thule Yepp Maxi Child Bike Seat - i wanted to go cycling with my toddler so i chose the thule yepp maxi child bike seat... my review of the thule yepp maxi child bike seat...
yepp maxi child bike seat review.
based on mr long black's recommendation we went for the thule yepp maxi baby bike seat installation!
the ridealong is one of few child bike seats that can recline and is definitely easier to recline than most other seats. the thule ridealong child bike seat is thule's most high-end cream-of-the-crop seat...
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i wanted to go cycling with my toddler so i chose the thule yepp maxi child bike seat...
Yepp Maxi Child Bike Seat - yepp maxi child bike seat review.
yepp maxi easyfit child bike seat unboxing. i wanted to go cycling with my toddler so i chose the thule yepp maxi child bike seat...
we have had great rides using the yepp maxi child seat and my son enjoys it a lot...
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Disclaimer: This video and description contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission without any extra cost to you. This help supports the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for your support! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thule's newest kid's bike seat is a winner with its universal bike rack fitment, modern design and flexibility in terms of the age range of kids it can accommodate.
You can buy this product here -
Our website is
Our phone number is (02) 9666 4844 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini Baby Bike Seat Demonstration
Thule's newest Yepp kid's bike seats are a winner with their easy and flexible fitment options, modern design and versatilty in terms of the age range of kids they can accommodate.
You can buy this product here -
Our website is
Our phone number is (02) 9666 4844 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Click here for the best price:
Smart and functional rear-mounted child bike seat designed for everyday rides
Easily mount the child bike seat to the frame of your bike
Soft and shock-absorbing seat for child comfort
Adjustable 5-point harness ensures child safety and the perfect fit
Childproof safety buckle to quickly and easily secure child
Built-in reflector and safety light attachment point for added visibility
Adjustable foot rests and straps grow with your child
over review
This presentation contains images that were used under a Creative Commons License. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thule Yepp Mini is a soft and sturdy child bike seat, giving your child a safe and comfortable ride on the front of your bike.
- Easy mounting of the child bike seat on your bike; compatible with most bike models
- Your child sits comfortably in the soft and shock-absorbing seat
- Maximum child comfort and a safe, custom fit thanks to the adjustable padded 5-point harness
- Your child is quickly and easily secured with the childproof safety buckle
- Your child can place their hands on the comfortable handle bar during the ride
- Ensures a perfect fit as your child grows thanks to adjustable foot rests and foot strap
- Easy to clean and to keep dry due to the seat’s water-repellent materials
- Designed and tested for children from 9 months* to 3 years old, up to 33 lbs/15 kg.*Consult a pediatrician for children under 1 year old.
Learn more at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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