Велокрісло RideAlong Lite від виробника Thule - функціональне і стильне дитяче велосипедне сидіння для прогулянок з дитиною на велосипеді. Сидіння встановлюється і знімається швидко завдяки універсальній швидкоз'ємній опорі, сумісній з більшістю велосипедних рам. Система кріплення на ремені DualBeam пом'якшує поштовхи і вібрацію із-за нерівностей дороги і забезпечує комфорт дитини під час поїздки. Пряжка з кнопками оснащена захистом від дітей і дозволяє швидко і легко зафіксувати дитину. Створюється додаткова видимість на відстані завдяки вбудованому рефлектору і точці кріплення світлового індикатора. Адаптується до параметрів дитини в міру його росту і забезпечує ідеальну посадку завдяки фіксуючим ременям і опорам для ніг. Для діток віком від 9-ти місяців і до 6-ти років, вагою до 22 кг.
Check out Thule RideAlong Lite, a robust and reliable rear-mounted child bike seat designed for daily commutes and adventures around town.
- Your child rides safely with the adjustable 3-point harness
- Smooth, comfortable ride for your child due to the DualBeam suspension system that absorbs road shock
- Your child is quickly and easily secured with a childproof safety buckle with a large button
- Integrated protection wings safeguard your child’s hands when the bike is leaned against a wall
- Ensures a perfect fit as your child grows thanks to the single-hand adjustable foot rests and foot straps
- Seat can be mounted/dismounted from bike in seconds with the universal quick-release bracket, fitting most bike frames ( mm diameter round frames and maximum 40 x 55 mm oval frames)
- Added visibility thanks to built-in reflector and safety light attachment point
- Water-repellent padding is easy to keep clean
- Designed and tested for children from 9 months* to 6 years old, up to 48.5 lbs/22 kg.
*Consult a pediatrician for children under 1 year old.
Learn more at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Full transcript:
Evangeline: Hi, it's Evangeline from , and today we are looking at our Thule RideAlong Lite Rear Bike Seat here at . Now, this bike seat is great for children nine months to six years old, so if you have a little one you want to bring with you on your adventures, this is a great way to do it. You want to make sure your child is safe while you are riding around, so to do so, you can use these adjustable buckles and they just strap in right there, and you can use the button as well to release them. At the bottom, they also have some feet rests there for your kid. And these can be adjusted. They can go down if your child has longer legs, or up if they don't need that much space.
And this, as well, keeps them in this bike seat can accommodate children from nine months to six years old. You can adjust the straps here. If they are taller, you may bring them up here. If they need less space, you can bring them down here. This bike seat also has reflectors at the bottom just to keep you extra safe while you're riding around.
The way this is attached to our bike is over here by the base. And it has these bars here that come up and past your seat. So the way they work is that they come up and over, so that way you aren't tangled up with the wires in the back, and you have clearance as well with your rear wheel. Now the ideal place to position your seat is the place where you have the most support and right above your rear axle. If you can't do that though, you have a little bit of space here just to find the best fit for you and your bike.
Now to remove the bike seat from the mount, you can do so by unlocking it. Just place the keys inside, then turn it so it's vertical. Then you can then lift up this lever and that will allow you to take the seat , one thing I did notice about this bike seat that I really like is how you don't have to uninstall the whole thing completely. You can actually just leave this space in. So you just unlock it and take the seat out if you want to go on your own adventure.
And when you come back and if you want to bring your little sister or your kid with you, you just pop the seat back in, lock it in place, and then you're good to the way this is designed is for the comfort and safety of your child. So like right here, we have this waterproof seat liner because children, some way, somehow, always make a mess and this will make it a lot easier to clean the seat. On this side, we also have these molded wings here for their arms, just to prevent hand pinching and to make this ride so much more comfortable for seat here is made of hard plastic, which is good because that means it's light enough so it won't cause too much of a burden on your bike and your ride, but is also sturdy enough to withstand the elements. If you're out in the rain and the sun, it will hold up to that. And it's also nice because look as how I'm trying to shake this bike seat, and it goes along with the movement of the bike, which will help you making your ride a lot more manageable. So while this bike seat can accommodate children from nine months to six years old, this does have a weight capacity of 48 and a half pounds. So just keep that in mind for your child to make sure that they don't overburden the seat and that you have the safest bike ride you one tip when using this bike seat is I do recommend that you ride along with the bike seat empty first, just to get a hang of how it changes your balance before you put your child on there. I have seen some people that have a little difficulty with balancing it. So it's really good to just get a hang of it before you take the next steps. But other than that, I really like this seat because of how light it is. It's built in a way to really support the aerodynamicness of your ride so that your child can enjoy your ride with you. And that's the whole purpose of for our installation today, we're going to start with the base of our bike seat and just get that into place first. So you have to find a spot on your seat tube here where you can install it. And I like to go as low onto the tube as I can, but still have space for the tire in the back. So right here in the middle is a great spot. I already did the top bracket. And note that there are two different types of screws, according to the size of your frame. So we have here a medium size frame, so you only needed to use these smaller bolts here. So to do Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Porównanie: Thule RideAlong vs Thule RideAlong Lite
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Детское Кресло Для Велосипеда Установка Обзор Какое Лучше Купить #ВЕЛОН
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Как установить кресло так, чтобы все было максимально безопасно? Чем они отличаются и чем схожи?
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Детское велокресло из магазина russia bike Store
Хороший вариант для велопрогулок с малышом. Из описания продавца, велокресло подходит для детишек от 8 месяцев до 4 лет. Нашему сынишке почти 3 года, и, по моему мнению, для малышей подобной комплекции, это предел для данного кресла. Сын весит 16,5кг.
У кресла достаточно мягкая удобная сидушка, складные педальки, отстегивающаяся защитная дуга с мягким покрытием, противоскользящие ручки.
Кресло быстросъемное. Нужно просто установить специальное крепление на раму велосипеда (под седло). Именно к нему быстро крепятся дуги, на которых держится само седло.
Кресло приходит в разобранном виде, в картонной коробке. Все необходимые для сборки аксессуары в наборе: комплект метизов, небольшая универсальная отвертка и гаечный ключ на 8-10.
Сидушку можно установит ближе или дальше от руля, также педали с ручками можно поставить повыше или пониже, в зависимости от комплекции ребенка.
Кресло выполнено из плотного качественного пластика, все соединительные элементы (дуги, стойки) металлические.
Дуга безопасности отстегивается нажатием специальной кнопки, которая достаточно тугая, ребенок сам не отстегнет.
Педали складные, наличие педалей – это неоспоримо большой плюс – ножки у малыша не болтаются и не попадут в колесо велосипеда. Также на мой взгляд плюс в том, что кресло крепится спереди велосипеда – ребенок находится в объятиях родителя)))) и постоянно на виду.
На выбор данный товар представлен в 2 цветах (красный, зеленый) и 2 типах крепежа кресла к раме велосипеда.
В целом кресло понравилось, компактное, удобно и «водителю» велосипеда и ребенку)))
Магазин: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thule RideAlong Child Bike Seat har smarta, innovativa designfinesser som gör cykelbarnstolen intuitiv, säker och lättanvänd, och gör vardagen eller familjens cykeläventyr ännu mer bekvämt. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Данное кресло пример неподходящей конструкции, если вы хотите чуть больше, чем доехать до парка или пляжа.
Спонсор выпуска: хорошие кресла тут тоже есть!
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Wil je de Thule RideAlong bestellen? Ga naar:
Thule RideAlong Child Bike Seat
Met de Thule RideAlong Child Bike Seat wordt iedere fietsrit een groot feest voor jou en je kind. Want hoe wild de tocht ook is, je kleine zit altijd veilig in deze fietsstoel. Het driepuntharnas zorgt ervoor dat je kind stevig in de stoel vastzit. En doormiddel van de hendel aan de achterkant van de stoel kun je met gemak de stoel in een relaxstand trekken. Zo kan hij tijdens de rit ook nog even uitrusten. De fietsstoel is geschikt voor kinderen van 9 maanden tot 6 jaar. Schuif gewoon de voetsteun naar beneden en de stoel groeit ieder jaar met je kindje mee. De reflecterende strip aan de achterkant geeft extra zichtbaarheid als het donker is. De Thule RideAlong Child Bike Seat is goedgekeurd volgens de Europese norm DIN EN 14344. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Детское велокресло Bellelli. Купить, как выбрать. Обзор детского велокресла Bellelli.
В нашем видео вы увидете как выбрать детское велокресло, все тонкости покупки. Благодаря этому чудо техники кататься на велосипеде можно даже с годовалым ребенком. Смотрите наше видео, надеюсь оно станет для вас полезным. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Детские кресла для велосипеда
Кресло на велосипед для ребенка — тема сегодняшнего обзора. Показываем велосипедное кресло hamax и thule, модели, которые очень хорошо защищают ребенка даже при падении и перевороте велосипеда.
Фирма Thule производит кресла для перевозки детей, модели отличаются способом крепления и максимальным весом ребенка. Остановимся на паре моделей — покажем детское кресло на велосипед на раму спереди и с креплением сзади, не на багажник, а при помощи установки на раму специального замка. Детское кресло для велосипеда может выдерживать ребенка весом до 22-25 кг, реже — жуть больше.
Покажем в деталях, как крепится седло, и докажем, что велокресло для ребенка — это отличная вещь для современных родителей.
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Unboxing and enjoying the Thule Chariot Lite 1
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Thule RideAlong Child Bike Seat Review (Why It's the Best Child Bike Seat on the Market!)
The Thule RideAlong child bike seat is Thule's most high-end, cream-of-the-crop seat.
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So what makes the RideAlong stand out from all the other child bikes seats on the market? Here are 6 things we'll cover in our Thule RideAlong Review.
0:20 1. Backpack style harness
2. Sooo easy to use!
3. It reclines!
4. Adjustable foot straps
5. Washable padding
6. Mounting and unmounting - we'll show you how it's done, and it's easy!
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Backpack style harness
This harness is the standout feature for the RideaAlong, and hands down the best and easiest to use harness of any child bike seat on the market. The wide, sturdy back-pack style straps stay in place better than any other straps we’ve tested.
Pull the harness over your child’s head, and then to tighten, simply pull down on the excess strap. To loosen, push the blue button and pull up. Seriously the EASIEST TO USE EVER.
To set the straps at the appropriate height for your rider, the entire harness slides up and down the back of the seat so you can set it at exactly the right height, and easily adjust as your child grows. The RideAlong is one of only two seats to have a continuously adjustable harness like this.
The buckle snaps securely in place and can easily be undone with one hand by an adult, but requires too much force for a child to manage to unbuckle themselves.
Sooo easy to use
The blue color-coding system of the Thule RideAlong makes this seat pretty foolproof. Anything on the seat that can be adjusted is blue. From shoulder strap height and shoulder strap tightening and loosening to the buckle, recline, and footrest… the adjustment mechanisms are all blue! Almost all adjustments can be done using just one hand, leaving your other hand free to hold up your bike! It’s the little details like this that make every Thule product so easy to use, making it just that much easier to get your little ones out for a ride.
The RideAlong is one of few child bike seats that can recline and is definitely easier to recline than most other seats. The reclining mechanism simply requires pulling up one lever beneath the seat, which allows the other hand to hold the bike in place. This can be done on the fly if you come to a stop in the middle of your ride! There are 5 different recline positions.
Adjustable footrests
By sliding the footrest up or down, you can quickly adjust these foot platforms to be at a perfectly comfortable height for your child. The foot straps snap in place on the side. The tightness of the footstraps is a bit trickier to adjust than most other footsteps, and we’ve found that determined kids can pretty easily remove their feet. The foot straps are about the only thing we wish they’d improve on this otherwise excellent seat.
The sturdy, water-repellent padding is thin, but dense, offering enough cushioning without being bulky. It can easily be removed for washing, and is also reversible for you to choose your color preference! As you can see, there are no ventilation holes for airflow during hot weather. Whether or not that will be an issue for you depends on your climate and the season you’ll be riding in.
Mounting/Unmounting is a breeze!
The Thule RideAlong is only available as a rear frame-mounted seat. In order to mount the RideAlong on your bike, you need about 6” clear of wires on your bike’s frame to install the mounting bracket.
Once the mounting bracket is installed on your bike and the mounting bars are installed on the seat, you simply push the bars into the mounting bracket until an audible click is heard. To take it off, pull on the blue button on the mounting bracket’s face and pull the mounting bars out!
One helpful feature of the RideAlong’s mounting system is the optional low saddle (seat adapter). If you ride with your saddle within an inch or so of its lowest position, it can be difficult to mount a rear-frame seat because of clearance issues. The low-saddle adapter helps solve this issue!
So what’s the bottom line?
Effortlessly adjustable, incredibly durable, and also reclinable, the Thule RideAlong is one of the best seat money can buy and is truly worth the slightly higher investment.
Read the review and see more information about this Thule Bike Seat on our website:
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В этом выпуске специалист "Велостраны" Николай Маячкин расскажет о детских креслах для велосипедов.
Thule RideAlong Mini 100103 -
1:23 - Thule RideAlong Mini 100103
Велоаксессуары - рубрика нашего канала, в каждом выпуске которой Вас ждет интересный обзор аксессуаров для велосипедов, представленных в наших магазинах.
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Baby Bicycle Chair Cyklosedačka Thule Ridealong DIY Jak vozit dítě na kole
A cyklo sezóna může začít.
Bezpečná sedačka na kolo pro vaše nejmenší od kvalitního švédského výrobce Thule
Model Ridealong
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Let your child see the world in a whole new way! This front child bike seat has an intuitive design for a safe, easy, and enjoyable ride.
★ Thule RideAlong Mini -
Thule RideAlong Mini
• Give your child maximum comfort and a safe, custom fit thanks to the adjustable padded 5-point harness.
• Single-hand, adjustable foot straps and footrests are easy to use and adjust as a child grows.
• Mount/dismount the seat from your bike in seconds with the universal quick release bracket, fitting both normal and ahead stems.
• Be sure of correct mounting of the seat thanks to the safety indicator integrated in the quick release bracket.
• Quickly secure your child with the childproof safety buckle with large buttons.
• Your child can place their hands on the soft handle bar during the ride.
• Two color options with reversible, detachable, water-repellent, and machine-washable padding.
• Lock the seat to the bike with the Thule One-Key System (lock included).
• Designed and tested for children from 9 months to 3 years old, up to 33 lbs/15 kg. Please note: Consult a pediatrician for children under 1 year old.
• Meets stringent safety standards (DIN EN 14344). TÜV-approved.
Accessories include the Thule RideAlong Mini Windscreen:
Made from clear, sturdy and completely transparent material, the Thule RideAlong Mini Windscreen shelters your child from wind and insects.
Learn more at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Посмотреть детские велокресла на нашем сайте:
В этом видео мы покажем как поставить два вида детских велокресел: на задний багажник и на подседельную трубу рамы велосипеда. Существуют еще крепления детского велокресла спереди на раму, но в данном видео эти велокресла мы рассматривать не будем. Если хотите узнать всё об установке задних велокресел, смотрите это видео до конца
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Купили детский велоприцеп Thule Chariot Cross (2021)
Теперь можем кататься все вместе, не нарушая дневной сон нашего младшего! Очень удобная штука, мы очень довольны!
Thule Chariot Cross 2021 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Découvrez le Siège vélo enfant Thule RideAlong chez Babylux. Ultra pratique, facile à monter et démonter et compatible avec la plupart des cadres de vélos! Utilisable de 9 mois à 6 ans environ, découvrez-le ici: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thule RideAlong Mini Kid's Bike Seat Demonstration
Thule delivers another great kid's bike seat with the RideAlong Mini, perfect for bringing your own "mini me" with you on bike rides.
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Thule RideAlong delivers on smart design innovations resulting in an intuitive, safe and easy-to-use rear child bike seat, taking your daily commutes or family bike adventures to the next level.
★ Thule RideAlong (for Europe and Asia) -
★ Thule RideAlong (for North and South America) -
Thule RideAlong rear child bike seat
• Adjustable padded harness to provide maximum child comfort and a safe, custom fit.
• DualBeam™ suspension system absorbs road shock to ensure a smooth, comfortable ride for the child.
• One-hand tilt function of up to 20 degrees, allows for five different reclining options.
• Single-hand adjustable foot straps and foot rests allow for convenience and flexibility as a child grows.
• Universal quick release bracket allows seat to mount/dismount from bike in seconds and is compatible with most bike frames ( diameter round frames and maximum 40x55mm oval frames).
• Childproof safety buckle with large buttons quickly secures child
• Detachable, water-repellent padding is machine washable and reversible, offering two color options.
• Built-in reflector and safety light attachment point provides added visibility.
• Lockable with Thule One-Key System (lock included).
• Designed and tested for children from 9 months* to 6 years old, up to 48.5 lbs/22 kg.
• Meets international safety standards.
*Consult a pediatrician for children under 1 year old.
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Детские кресла были специально разработаны для перевозки на велосипедах маленьких пассажиров с максимальным для них комфортом и безопасностью. Безопасность достигается тем, что с одной стороны ребёнок ремнями удерживается в кресле, ножки устанавливаются и пристегиваются на подставки, которые регулируются в зависимости от роста ребенка, а потому не сможет из него случайно выпасть на ходу. При этом само кресло надёжно закрепляется на велосипеде и при правильной установке не может от него самопроизвольно отсоединиться. Еще одой немаловажной деталью является конструкция ремней безопасности. В данных моделях используются трёхточечные ремни, которые удерживают ребёнка за плечи и между ног. На данный момент это один из самых надёжных способов перевозки детей на велосипеде. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Présentation et fonctionnalités de la remorque pour enfant Chariot Lite 1 de Thule. Un plaisir pour parents et enfants à vélo comme à pieds. Avec la remorque pour enfant Chariot Lite 1 de Thule, vous pourrez transporter votre enfant à vélo ou à pied en mode poussette, en mode course à pied aussi et en mode ski ! Comment transporter confortablement un enfant dans une remorque tractée par vélo ?
🚲 Acheter la remorque vélo Chariot Lite 1 Thule :
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🚲 Découvrir toutes les remorques Thule :
Chapitres :
00:00 01:24 Présentation de la remorque
01:25 01:56 Démontage
01:57 02:42 Montage pour transporter son enfant à vélo
02:43 04:01 Montage pour transporter son enfant en courant
04:02 05:06 Montage pour transporter son enfant en skiant
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Daddy bought a Thule RideAlong Child Bike Seat for his bike and we are installing the seat on the bike in the garden and ready to go cycling together. And the first ride that was so fun and lots of giggles. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
👆🏻Mais uma dica pra vc curtir um pedal em família.
Cadeirinha para crianças da Thule. RideAlong.
📸Nosso Insta: @debikenamontanha
⚡Strava: Bruno Canella
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I hope you found this video helpful and also that you were able to save some money! If you would like to show your appreciation you can use this paypal donation link. Any money donated will be put into my two sons Education Savings Fund.
This is a comparison video of the two flagship seats offered by Thule. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Deciding between the Thule Chariot Lite vs Cross?
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The Thule Chariot Lite multisport trailer & stroller is nearly identical to the Cross. This Thule Chariot Lite review will cover the main differences between the two.
0:56 1. The Lite doesn't have reclining seats.
1:48 2. The Lite has suspension, but it's not adjustable.
2:43 3. The Lite's seat back is not padded.
3:03 4. The Lite's seat bottom is not removable.
3:43 5. The Lite doesn't have a top viewing window.
4:12 6. The Lite has different rear storage than the Cross.
4:53 7. The Lite is a few pounds lighter than the Cross.
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Thule Chariot Lite:
Thule Chariot Cross:
While most trailers sit a child relatively upright, the angle of the Lite’s seat back is set in a pretty reclined position. The cross reclines even farther.
The standard sitting position in the Cross and the Lite is leaned back enough to be very relaxing and comfortable for most situations.
If you’ll be using the Lite or Cross in stroller mode with an infant, you’ll need the Thule Chariot Infant Sling. In both trailers the sling sits above the seat in a perfectly reclined position for sleeping babies. Because it sits ABOVE the seat, whether or not your trailer reclines does not affect the angle of the sling.
Suspension absolutely smooths out big bumps in the road, whether paved or mild singletrack… or just uneven sidewalk! We’d deem it pretty necessary for families who will regularly be adventuring over dirt or gravel, or on bumpy streets like cobblestones.
The Thule Chariot Lite features suspension, but it cannot be adjusted for heavier or lighter loads like the more expensive Cross. Does this matter?
The Cross was able to absorb more of the jostling, although the Lite still did a good job. Should this be a determining factor for most families? Probably not, but completely dependent on how you will be using your Thule Chariot
Most high-end bike trailers have pads to provide cushioning to the child’s back. The Thule Chariot Lite does not have padding on the back of the seat. The Cross’ back padding is incorporated into the seat back.
While our little testers never complained about this, it IS a difference, so we wanted to point it out
The Thule Chariot Lite’s seat bottom is thickly padded. The padding is integrated into the trailer, and cannot be removed like the Cross’ seat bottom padding.
From a child comfort standpoint, there’s really no difference between the two. But from a keeping-your-trailer-clean difference, this could be a pretty important point.
Spills are going to happen. When using the Cross, I’ve been able to remove the bottom seat and put it in the washer. This wouldn’t be an option with the Lite. If you see this potentially happening to you in the future, the Cross might be a better bet. Alternatively, you get Thule’s removable pads upgrade which are removable for washing.
The top panel of the Thule Chariot Lite is solid fabric, while the Cross has a mesh ventilation and viewing window. If you’re primarily going to be using the Lite as a trailer or ski stroller, this won’t matter.
But, if you’ll be using the Lite as a stroller or jogger frequently, a solid top is a disadvantage. When pushing the trailer/stroller from behind, you can’t see your child inside unless you stop and tip the stroller waaaaay back, or walk around to the side or front.
Storage is another feature that will completely depend on how you plan on using your trailer/stroller.
The entire rear portion of the Lite is covered by a large storage pocket. Because the pocket is directly attached to the back of the trailer, it’s usually better to store softer or less bulky items that won’t end up jabbing your child in the back.
The Cross’ storage consists of a smaller pocket that extends only half-way down the back of the trailer. This makes the pocket much more shallow, and great for small items like phones or snacks.
It also has a detached rear storage trunk for storing larger items. Because the trunk isn’t connected to the back of the trailer, anything you put in there won’t poke your child in the back.
The Lite is a few pounds lighter than the Cross, but I didn’t really feel the difference.
Reviewer: Carrie Wren
Videography & Production: Fressia Eames
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Burley Encore X:
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Tylny fotelik rowerowy Thule RideAlong - montaż i prezentacja
Tylny fotelik rowerowy Thule RideAlong to nowoczesny fotelik rowerowy z uniwersalnym montażem. Każdy fotelik posiada dwustronną wyściółkę w kolorze szarym i różowym.
➤ Regulowane, wyściełane pasy zapewniają dziecku maksymalne bezpieczeństwo i wygodę dzięki możliwości dopasowania.
➤ System zawieszenia DualBeam™ amortyzuje wstrząsy, zapewniając dziecku płynną i wygodną jazdę.
➤ Funkcja odchylania o nawet 20° obsługiwana jedną ręką umożliwia ustawienie oparcia w pięciu pozycjach półleżących.
➤ Łatwo regulowane zapięcia stóp i podnóżki zapewniają wygodną obsługę i możliwość regulacji, w miarę jak dziecko rośnie.
➤ Uniwersalny uchwyt z mechanizmem szybkiego montażu umożliwia błyskawiczne założenie fotelika lub zdjęcie go z roweru. Uchwyt ten pasuje do większości ram rowerowych (okrągłych o średnicy 27,2–40 mm i owalnych o wymiarach 40 x 55 mm).
➤ Klamra z dużymi przyciskami, zabezpieczona przed samodzielnym otwarciem przez dziecko, ułatwia szybkie i bezpieczne przypięcie małego pasażera.
➤ Zdejmowana, wodoodporna wyściółka, którą można prać w pralce jest dwustronna, dając możliwość wyboru jednego z dwóch kolorów.
➤ Wbudowany element odblaskowy i mocowanie do lampki bezpieczeństwa zapewniają dodatkową widoczność.
➤ Zabezpieczony zamkiem THULE One-Key System (w zestawie).
➤ Przeznaczony dla dzieci w wieku od 9 miesięcy* do 6 lat, o wadze do 22 kg.
➤ Spełnia międzynarodowe normy bezpieczeństwa.
➤ Nośność 22 kg
➤ Masa 5 kg
➤ Gwarancja 5 lat
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Велокресло-замечательный аксессуар, который позволяет взять с собой ребенка на велопрогулку.
Большинство велосипедных кресел рассчитаны на вес до 22 кг
Велокресла бывают двух типов с креплением на багажник и с креплением на подседельную трубу.
Еще есть подвид кресел, которые располагаются не сзади байкера, а между рулем и сиденьем. Эти кресла меньше размером и ограничение по весу для них составляет 14 кг.
Надо отметить, что за все время тестирования кресел существенных недостатков мы так и не обнаружили .
Единственное пожалуй, при расположении кресла за байкером несколько ухудшается управляемость велосипедом, но к этому довольно легко можно привыкнуть.
Не откладывайте на потом, берите своих детей на велопрогулки, отличное настроение и положительные эмоции будут вам обеспечены !
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When looking for a bike seat we had a few things in mind, we wanted a seat with a good price, lightweight, easy installation and obviously one that our 15 month old son would love. I looked long and hard on Amazon and found the Thule RideAlong Child Bike Seat and boy am I glad we bought it. It's lightweight and fits great on our specialized road bikes. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thule Chariot Lite przyczepka rowerowa + hamaczek dla niemowląt | review
Tym razem recenzja przyczepki rowerowej Thule Chariot Lite, która może być również terenowym wózkiem.
Pokazuję przyczepkę z opcją hamaczka dla niemowląt.
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Zniżka w sklepie to 5% z kodem domowatv więc można fajnie zaoszczędzić.
Aktualizacja. przyczepkę mamy już długo, przejechała z nami mnóstwo kilometrów i cały rok i nadal uważam że jest fantastyczna. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mike unboxes and takes a Thule's RideAlong
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Przyczepka rowerowa dla dziecka THULE Chariot Lite 1
Przyczepka rowerowa dla dziecka THULE Chariot Lite 1
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Thule Chariot Lite | Review + Walkthrough | LIVFORLU
Hi! Today I will be sharing my review and a detailed walkthrough of the features in the Thule Chariot Lite.
Hope you find this video helpful if so please like & comment down below!!
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My name is Lucia but my close friends call me Lu and I’m a proud momma of one little lovely-energetic-sassy gal named Liv.
Liv for Lu is a journey based on the new life brought by the arrival of our daughter Olivia Elle. My channel is intended to capture the different aspects of modern motherhood, postpartum as well as helpful and honest product reviews.
Hope to talk to you guys soon!
The description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you !! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Rodzicewbiegu.pl - przyczepka rowerowa Thule Chariot Lite 1 Agave Black model 2021
przedstawiają Wam przyczepkę rowerową THULE Chariot Lite 1 w kolorze Agave Black w kolorystyce z 2021 roku.
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Akcesoria do przyczepki:
Thule Chariot Lite to sportowa, bezpieczna, lekka i amortyzowana przyczepka rowerowa dla jednego dziecka. Jest doskonałym rozwiązaniem dla aktywnych rodzin. Thule Chariot Lite 1 łączy w sobie dwie cechy to łatwy w obsłudze wózek do codziennego użytku, a także sportowa przyczepka, która pozwala na wykonywanie razem z dzieckiem wielu zajęć. Zawiera pakiet Standard.
Pakiet Standard (w zestawie) — zestaw do roweru i na spacer, otwory wentylacyjne i lekka, regulowana rączka oraz proste, kompaktowe składanie.
Cechy charakterystyczne THULE Chariot Lite 1:
- 4 aktywności — przyczepka dostosowana do jazdy na rowerze, biegania (koło do joggingu należy dokupić oddzielnie), spacerowania i biegów narciarskich
- łatwe składanie — ułatwia transport i przechowywanie THULE Chariot Lite 2
- System Thule VersaWing — umożliwia szybką i bardzo prostą adaptację przyczepki do różnych aktywności niezależnie od użytego zestawu
- Amortyzowane zawieszenie — zapewnia komfortową jazdę rodzicowi i dziecku
- W zestawie tylne światło zapewniające dodatkową widoczność i bezpieczeństwo
- Regulowane otwory wentylacyjne optymalizują przepływ powietrza i kontrolę temperatury, a wyjmowane zaciski zwiększają wentylację przy zamontowanej osłonie przeciwdeszczowej.
- Funkcja Click n’ Store — wygodne przechowywanie w wózku zapasowych zestawów do biegania, spacerowania i jazdy rowerem
- Regulowana kierownica – ergonomiczny, regulowany uchwyt zapewnia rodzicom maksymalną wygodę
Dane techniczne:
Nośność 34 kg
Wymiary po złożeniu 87 x 65 x 37.5 cm
Masa 11.7 kg
Na szerokość ramion 36.5 cm
Wysokość siedzenia 68 cm
Min. szerokość drzwi do przejścia 65 cm
Pięciopunktowe pasy bezpieczeństwa
Spełnia wymagania standardów bezpieczeństwa
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Тест 7 велофар в темном лесу. Fenix, Lezyne, Green Cycle, Lumen.
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Велофара fenix bc30 v2.0
Lumen 303X
Фара Green Cycle GLT-433
нонейм Китай велофары 3 штуки
Тест Велофара fenix bc30 v2.0 отдельно тут:
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Вітаю Вас на каналі Witalij Wynnycki .
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Єдиним доказом того, що я знімаю ці всі відео не тільки для себе можуть бути ВАШІ ЛАЙКИ ТА ПІДПИСКИ!!! Буду вам за них дуже вдячний! А ще, хотів би попросити вас коментувати відео (пишіть, що вам подобається, а що ні) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thule Chariot Sport Multifunctional Child Carrier Demonstration Video
The Thule Chariot Sport is the ultimate bike trailer, jogger, and stroller which combines great performance, comfort, and style for athletes and their kids. The Thule Chariot Sport features a hand-activated disc brake, climate control cockpit, reclining seats, and adjustable suspension. The Thule Chariot Sport includes a bicycle trailer kit and strolling kit but with the purchase of additional accessories can also be used as a jogger or cross-country ski trailer.
The Thule Chariot Sport is available in 1 child or 2 child models. Click on the links below to see more details.
Thule Chariot Sport 2:
Thule Chariot Sport 1:
Includes bike and stroll kits
The Thule Chariot Sport includes both the Bicycle Trailer Kit and Stroll Kit so you can enjoy your new child carrier as a stroller or bike trailer right out of the box. Additional kits are available to convert your stroller into a jogger or cross-country ski trailer.
Ergonomic, adjustable handlebar
To ensure you are comfortable while pushing the Chariot Sport, the stroller is equipped with an ergonomic handlebar which is adjustable in height using intuitive blue push buttons located on both sides of the handlebar. The Thule Chariot Sport also includes a hand-activated disc brake for increased control on steeper terrain and while running.
Smooth comfortable ride
The included adjustable suspension system on the frame of the Thule Chariot Sport maintains a smooth and comfortable ride for both the child and parent. The suspension can be easily adjusted based on the weight of the children in the carrier for the smoothest ride possible.
Climate Control Cockpit
To ensure your child is as comfortable as possible while riding in their Chariot Sport, the Sport is equipped with removable windows and a multi-position sunshade.
Built in reclining seat
The Thule Chariot Cross 2 is equipped with two reclining seats which can be reclined independently and with only one hand. This allows for a more comfortable position while your child naps or for younger children still learning to sit upright.
Folds compactly
Need to take your Chariot Sport with you? The Chariot Sport folds compactly to allow for easier transport in the rear of your car or in your Thule cargo box.
Quick and easy kit attachment
The Chariot Cross features a re-designed Thule VersaWing system which enables quick and easy conversion between activities regardless of the kit being used. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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The safest and easiest way to travel with your mountain bike, with an integrated work stand for proper assembly and maintenance along the way.
- Safely transports almost all mountain bikes, fitting wheelbases up to 130cm and tires up to 29 x 3.0"
- Included work stand makes bike maintenance, assembly and disassembly easier while traveling or at home
- Easily fasten the bike to the workstand inside the case for safe and secure transport
- Padded interior packing panels are tailored to protect all parts of bike during transport
- Rigid side panels are reinforced with 5mm corrugate polypropylene and a molded HDPE bottom tub provide superior protection
- Folding sidewalls collapse and secure tightly for compact storage (just 144 x 38 x 24cm) at travel destination or at home
- Swiveling front wheel makes for effortless maneuvering through airports and can be stored conveniently inside case at baggage check to ensure stability of case when loading or in storage
- Brake rotor pockets are located in the optimal packing position and protect rotors from bending stress while traveling
- Drivetrain wrap protects rear derailleur, chain and bike frame from damage while traveling
- Work stand fork mount fits all front axle sizes, including 15x110 boost, 15x100, 20x110, 12x100, 9mm quick release
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We've tested just about every child bike seat out there with our own babies, toddlers, and kids. Here are the 10 best child bike seats, broken down by FRONT mounted and REAR mounted.
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Be aware you always need to check for compatibility with your own bike before you purchase any child or baby bike seat.
0:29 Rear Mounted Seats
0:39 Bellelli Pepe - Best on a Budget
1:24 Burley Dash - Unique Harness and a Storage Pocket!
2:10 Topeak BabySeat II - Comes with a rack! (Rack mount only)
2:46 Thule Yepp Maxi - Fantastic Ventilation!
3:28Hamax Caress - Great Fit for the Youngest Riders
4:15 Thule RideAlong - Best Shoulder Straps and Overall Easiest to Use (Frame mount only)
5:20 Front Mounted Seats
5:34 Peg Perego Orion - Best on a Budget AND Most Likely to Fit Your Bike
6:12 Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini - Most Lightweight and Easy to Use
7:04 Mac Ride and Kids Ride ShotGun
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(1) Bellelli Pepe
With tons of ventilation, high sideboards for better containment, and a sliding footrest height adjustment, the Pepe is both comfy and safe.
The Pepe is unique because it has shoulder straps that can be moved low enough to securely accommodate a 12-month old. Additionally, with three shoulder strap height adjustments, there’s plenty of room for growth.
(2) Burley Dash
Durable and well-designed for a very fair price point, the Dash bike seats have two unique features that set them apart from the competition. 1) Rear Storage Pocket 2) The 5 point harness system adjusts to allow you to place the buckle lower or higher on your child’s chest according to your preference.
(3) Topeak BabySeat II (Rack mount only)
If you know that your bike doesn’t work with a frame mounted seat and you need a rack mounted seat, the Topeak BabySeat II is the ONLY seat we know of that actually comes with a rack.
(4) Thule Yepp Maxi
Made from Crocs-like seat material with 56 ventilation holes in the back of the seat!
The foam material of the shoulder pads is slightly grippy and helps keep them in place.
(5) Hamax Caress
Our favorite feature is the shoulder straps which can be set by sliding the entire back of the seat up and down. If you have a 12 month old or a petite toddler, the Hamax is a great choice if you prefer a rear mounted seat.
One thing to note about the Hamax is that the shoulder straps are set more narrowly than every other seat we’ve tested, which makes it less comfortable for kids 4 and older.
(6) Thule RideAlong (Frame mount only)
The Thule RideAlong is their most high-end, cream-of-the-crop seat. The harness is the standout feature for the RideAlong. The wide, sturdy back-pack style straps stay in place better than any other straps we’ve tested, and are insanely easy to adjust.
The blue color coding system of the Thule RideAlong makes this seat pretty fool proof. Anything on the seat that can be adjusted is blue.
The RideAlong Mini is the front-mounted version of this seat, and it’s just as awesome.
(7) Peg Perego Orion
While not as high-quality as the other seats we recommend, we really appreciate its unique mounting system that works for bikes with little or no room on the headset for a mounting bracket.
(8) Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini
Weather resistant foam core and a soft, dense foam seat cushion, the Mini is expertly crafted and also the lightest seat we’ve tested!
We love the Mini’s unique two-handed, child-proof magnetic safety buckle. It’s completely impossible for a toddler to undo on their own and clicks in place heartily.
(9) Mac Ride and Kids Ride ShotGun
Consisting of just a saddle and a footrest, these seats take up very little space on the bike. One of the major advantages of these seats is that you can ride with your child in front of you until they are 4 or 5, while standard front mounted seats max out around 3 years old.
If you’re still wondering which seat is best for you, check out our Child Bike Seat Buying Guide video where we’ll walk you through the differences between front and rear seats.
Reviewer: Carrie Wren
Videography & Production: Fressia Eames
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