Велосипедне крісло Yepp Nexxt Mini Momentum від шведського виробника Thule - неймовірно функціональне, продумане і стильне дитяче велосипедне сидіння. Дитяче велосипедне сидіння призначене для самих маленьких пасажирів. Спеціальне ергономічне пристосування дасть можливість дитині повноцінно відпочивати під час прогулянок. М'яке сидіння пом'якшує поштовхи і зменшує вібрацію, а п'ятиточковий ремінь безпеки в комплекті з технологічною магнітною пряжкою і з виступаючими плечовими ременями забезпечує надійну фіксацію і зручну посадку дитини в кріслі. Як тільки Ви посадили свою дитину, магнітна пряжка замикається на місці і Ви вже готові до старту. В конструкції передбачена зручна ручка і регульовані опори для ніг. Матеріал з відмінними водовідштовхувальними властивостями не вимагає особливого догляду. Аксесуар розрахований на дітей віком від 9 місяців до 3 років і витримує навантаження до 15 кг.
If you’re nervous about trying a child bike seat for the first time, the Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini is an excellent choice and the seat we used with our own baby!
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In this video we're highlighting four reasons we love (and we know you'll love!) the Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini:
#1: Highly durable, incredibly safe
#2: Quick mount and unmount
#3: Compact and lightweight
#4: Quality time with your little one
This Thule bike seat for a baby or toddler is a great pick for any mom or dad!
0:21 Highly durable, incredibly safe
1:17 Quick mount and unmount
1:46 Compact and lightweight
3:01 Quality time with your little one
Reviewer: Carrie Wren
Videography & Production: Fressia Eames
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To read the full Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini review, check it out here:
Child (Baby) Bike Seat Buying Guide:
Thule Yepp Maxi:
Bellelli Pepe:
Thule RideAlong:
Burley Dash:
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#Thule #ThuleYeppNexxtMini #BabyBikeSeat #BabyBikeSeatReview Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini Baby Bike Seat Demonstration
Thule's newest Yepp kid's bike seats are a winner with their easy and flexible fitment options, modern design and versatilty in terms of the age range of kids they can accommodate.
You can buy this product here -
Our website is
Our phone number is (02) 9666 4844 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
It's not quite so simple to install the Thule on a proper mountain bike with modern geometry. With a headtube angle less than 70 degrees you’ll quickly run into issues. Fair enough the product is meant for regular good old city bikes rather than modern mountain bikes.
Can be done and results can be very good. Here’s a video on how I got it to fit. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
We wanted to take Johannes riding. After a fair bit of research we found the Thule Yepp Nexxt mini - and we're very glad we did!
It's light, attaches to modern mtb's and is easy to install and remove.
You can use it on rough terrain due to it's design.
Having the kid in between the axels gives a good center of gravity and plenty of control. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Детское велокресло Yepp Nexxt Mini Obsidian Black от Thule
Het nieuwe fietszitje van Thule, de Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini is een fietszitje voor voorop je fiets. Sharon vertelt haar ervaring met dit fietszitje van Thule, de Yepp nexxt Mini. Sharon let bij een fietszitje op de veiligheid, makkelijk te monteren en of haar kind er comfortabel inzit. Met deze test voldoet de Thule Yepp Nexxt mini aan al deze eisen van Sharon. Bekijk snel dit fietsstoeltje review van Sharon en oordeel zelf of dit fietsstoeltje iets voor jou om te kopen. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thule Yepp Mini Bike Seat Review: Why It's One Of The Best!
The Thule Yepp Mini is one of our favorite front mounted bike seats. It's comfortable, easy to clean, and stays cool even on hot days. Learn more in this video review.
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Buy Now: (affiliate link)
More Front Seat Bike Options: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Check out Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini, a lightweight and stylish front-mounted child bike seat with smart design for rides around town.
- Maximum child comfort and a safe, custom fit thanks to the adjustable padded 5-point harness
- Provides a smooth ride for your child in the soft and shock-absorbing seat
- Lightweight yet sturdy seat combining a hard outer shell with soft padding for premium child comfort
- Very quick, easy, and convenient securing of your child with the magnetic childproof safety buckle
- Ensures a perfect fit as your child grows thanks to adjustable foot rests and foot straps
- Your child can place their hands on the comfortable handle bar during the ride
- Seat can be mounted/dismounted from bike in seconds with the universal quick-release bracket, fitting both normal and ahead stems
- Easy to clean and to keep dry due to the seat’s water-repellent materials
- Designed and tested for children from 9 months* to 6 years old, up to 48.5 lbs/22 kg.*Consult a pediatrician for children under 1 year old.
Learn more at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Full video from recent ride gonna need a 2nd seat soon! #thule #gopro #specialized Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Wil je de Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini kopen? Kijk dan eerst naar de test en review van Jessler van deze Thule Yepp nexxt Mini fietszitje voor voorop de fiets. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Test siége vélo avant Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini avec Magic Maman
In this video, Eli reviews Thule bike products! As the weather gets nicer and we get into the full swing of summer, you may be more interested in going on bike rides with your children. Bike products like the Thule Yepp, Nexxt, and Ridealong make that easier than ever. But which one is right for your family? Eli will help narrow down your options and demonstrate the unique features of each one.
Order the Thule Yepp with Free Shipping:
Order the Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi with Free Shipping:
Order the Thule Ridealong with Free Shipping:
Any questions? Comment below or reach out to our experts! We'll match you with the perfect baby gear for your family and lifestyle. Give us a ring at 617-383-8259, email us at questions@, submit your questions to , or book a virtual consultation at
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Thule presents Yepp Nexxt. The world's lightest child seat for bicycles. From Eurobike 2019. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini
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New Born Riders donde enseñamos (de una manera especial) productos que tenemos en nuestra tienda :)
Asiento infantil para bicicleta de montaje delantero, ligero y estiloso, con diseño inteligente para desplazamientos urbanos.
Máxima comodidad para el niño y un ajuste seguro y personalizado gracias al arnés acolchado ajustable de 5 puntos de sujeción
Ofrece un desplazamiento suave a tu hijo en un asiento blando que absorbe los golpes
Asiento ligero a la vez que resistente que combina un exterior duro con un acolchado blando para la máxima comodidad del pequeño
Sujeta de forma rápida y segura al niño con la hebilla de seguridad magnética a prueba de niños.
Asegura una adaptación perfecta a medida que el niño crece gracias a los reposapiés y las correas para los pies ajustables
El niño puede colocar las manos en la cómoda barra del manillar durante el paseo.
El asiento se monta y desmonta de la bicicleta en segundos con la abrazadera de apertura rápida universal, adecuada para ejes normales y hacia delante
Fácil de limpiar y de mantener seco gracias a los materiales repelentes al agua
Diseñado y probado para niños de 9 meses* a 3 años de edad, hasta 15 kg/33 libras. *Consulta a un pediatra en el caso de niños de menos de 1 año de edad.
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Cube Stereo Hybrid HPC 160 SL Thule Yepp Next Mini
Nochmals ein kleiner einblick ins Bike, diesmal kleine Umbauten und Thule Kindersitz Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bekijk het Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini voorzitje online & bestel direct via
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Heb je een vraag of een opmerking? Laat een comment achter onder één van onze video's of neem contact op met onze Afdeling Klantenservice via vragen@ of 0488 - 48 88 88. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is a review of the Thule yepp Nexxt mini front bike seat for kids, done the review because I had one and it’s a great way for me to give my baby some entertainment, searched around for ages to find a front bike seat (as I think these are the best types) and come across the thule one. Hope you like our review, its an honest review so think about getting one or try find one on gumtree second hand. See ya
If you would like to buy one, try these links
Australia amazon
Amazon America
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1 Year Old Daughter - MTB with the Thule Yepp Mini
Backlog videos upload. Uploading some videos that hadn't been uploaded. First video of my daughter riding the Thule Yepp Mini. From December 2018. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ben jij op zoek naar een goed fietsstoeltje voor je kind? Misschien is het fietszitje Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini iets voor jou. Dit fietsstoeltje is gemaakt van hetzelfde materiaal als fietshelmen, en daardoor dus erg licht en een heel veilig fietszitje. Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini is mooi en hip om te zien, en makkelijk te monteren op de fiets. Je kind zit lekker comfortabel in dit fietsstoeltje, en ook over hobbeltjes zit je kindje fijn in dit fietszitje. Het kussentje wat in de Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini fietsstoeltje zit is erg handig en daardoor zit je kindje lekker zacht. je kan dit kussentje altijd in je fietsstoeltje laten zitten, maar als je het er met regen uit wilt halen kan je dat makkelijk doen. Jessler vindt de Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini heel fijn en makkelijk in gebruik. De sluiting is makkelijk met een hand open te krijgen, maar weer te moeilijk voor je kindje. Bekijk nu de review van Jessler over het fietsstoeltje Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini, en bekijk of dit ook iets is voor jou. Zij wenst jullie in ieder geval veel fiets plezier met jullie kleintjes toe!
Meer informatie kun je vinden op Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini - Child Bike Seat
Check out Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini, a lightweight and stylish
front-mounted child bike seat with smart design for rides around town.
- Maximum child comfort and a safe, custom fit thanks to the adjustable padded 5-point harness
- Provides a smooth ride for your child in the soft and shock-absorbing seat
- Lightweight yet sturdy seat combining a hard outer shell with soft padding for premium child comfort
- Very quick, easy, and convenient securing of your child with the magnetic childproof safety buckle
- Ensures a perfect fit as your child grows thanks to adjustable footrests and foot straps
- Your child can place their hands on the comfortable handlebar during the ride
- Seat can be mounted/dismounted from the bike in seconds with the universal quick-release bracket, fitting both normal and ahead stems
- Easy to clean and to keep dry due to the seat’s water-repellent materials
- Designed and tested for children from 9 months* to 6 years old, up to 48.5 lbs/22 kg.*Consult a pediatrician for children under 1-year-old. 💪💪 If you're looking for an effective way to lose weight and keep it off, you're in luck! EXIPURE is a weight loss program that combines diet, exercise, and supplements to help you reach your goals.
💪💪 Tea burns are a common side effect of drinking tea. In some cases, the tea can cause a chemical reaction in the stomach that leads to a burning sensation. Tea burns can also occur if the tea is too hot, if the user is not used to drinking tea, or has a sensitive stomach.
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Wil je een goed fietszitje kopen? Kijk dan eerst even naar de Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini review van Stieneke. Dit Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini fietszitje is van zeer mooie materialen gemaakt, volgens Stieneke. Verder heeft het een vijf punt gordel net een magnetische sluiting. Deze is zeer veilig en niet door het kindje open te maken. Maar wel met 1 hand door de ouder. Het Thule Yepp nexxt Mini fietszitje is bedoelt voor de allerkleinste, al moet je wel rechtop kunnen zitten als baby. Door het lichte materiaal waar de Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini van is gemaakt weegt het fietszitje nog geen 2 kilo. Bekijk hier snel de Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini test video van Stieneke en oordeel zelf of je de Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini wil kopen voor je kindje. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dětská cyklosedačka Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini #predstavovacka
Sportovat můžete i s těmi nejmenšími dětmi. Dětská cyklosedačka Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini je určená pro děti od 9 měsíců do 3 let. Cyklosedačku jednoduše upevníte do přední části kola a budete mít přehled o tom, jak báječnou zábavu vašemu dítěti právě obstaráváte.
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Review Thule RideAlong Mini fietsstoeltje door Mommytalks
Dankzij het intuïtieve ontwerp van het Thule RideAlong Mini fietszitje is een veilige en makkelijke fietstocht gegarandeerd. Het fietsstoeltje is binnen een paar seconden te plaatsen en te verwijderen en de voetriemen en voetsteunen zijn met één hand te verstellen. Kijk hier naar Eef haar ervaringen met de Thule RideAlong Mini.
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Check out the brand new 2018 Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi & Yepp Nexxt Mini. Designed to the highest safety standards, the Yepp child seats are not only easy to install, comfortable but they are safe.
Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini (front seat):
Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi (rear seat):
With Thule's unique 5 point harness system that securely keeps the child in place, you can ride easy knowing your precious cargo is securely supported in place.
Installtion is quick and easy thanks to the easy clamp system and each of the Thule Yepp Next seats locks securely in place to prevent theft.
Available in 3 colors there is a seat that will match your bike perfectly.
** Come Chat With Us
For more information about the Thule Yepp bicycle child seats, contact one of our experts today and we will be pleased to chat with you.
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Der Front-Kindersitz von Thule macht richtig Laune, mit ein paar Abstrichen.
Zum Review gehts hier entlang:
Wenn ihr Fragen zur Montage habt dann hier weiterlesen:
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My son's first time ever on a bicycle, with me and mom on the tandem.
This review is you watching how good of a time he had, on his first ever bicycle ride, that lasted 2.5 hours! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thule's Yepp Nexxt Mini kid's bike seats for 9 month to 3yr olds have all the great features of their other bike seats, now with a cutting edge modern design.
You can buy this product here -
Browse our full range of roof racks, bike carriers and accessories at
Call anytime during business hours on (02) 9666 4844 to consult with one of our roof rack and vehicle accessory specialists. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thule Yepp Mini is a soft and sturdy child bike seat, giving your child a safe and comfortable ride on the front of your bike.
- Easy mounting of the child bike seat on your bike; compatible with most bike models
- Your child sits comfortably in the soft and shock-absorbing seat
- Maximum child comfort and a safe, custom fit thanks to the adjustable padded 5-point harness
- Your child is quickly and easily secured with the childproof safety buckle
- Your child can place their hands on the comfortable handle bar during the ride
- Ensures a perfect fit as your child grows thanks to adjustable foot rests and foot strap
- Easy to clean and to keep dry due to the seat’s water-repellent materials
- Designed and tested for children from 9 months* to 3 years old, up to 33 lbs/15 kg.*Consult a pediatrician for children under 1 year old.
Learn more at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I few months ago I installed this baby seat on my bike.. here is the video of it Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best child bike seat? - Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi Real Life Review
The day I finally got to pick up my daughter from childcare on my bicycle. I got to try out the Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi rack mount child seat with my Specialized Creo, on a 10 mile loop. Watch to see what features I like about it and how it performed on our maiden commute back home! Please let me know if you like this kind or reviews and would like to see more :) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi is one of our favorite child bike seats, and an excellent choice for little ones 18 months to about 4 years old.
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Like every Thule child bike seat, this rear child bike seat is comfortable, easy-to-use, and crafted and designed to the highest standard.
To help support us, use this affiliate link for purchase!
And to read the full Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi review, check it out here:
Here are 4 reasons why we love the Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi, and why you will too!
0:21 1. The Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi is durable and high-quality
1:14 2. The Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi has great ventilation
1:34 3. The Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi has foot straps that actually work
2:14 4. Easy to Mount and Unmount
2:46 Quick note about sizing
A Quick Note About Size
The Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi is safety rated for babies as young as 9 months. HOWEVER, after testing the seat ourselves, we believe it’s a better fit for toddlers at least 18 months old. There are only two shoulder strap height placements on this seat and the lowest setting is a bit high for most average 12 – 18-month-olds. The Thule RideAlong Lite has a third lower position that allows the shoulder straps to be adjusted more securely for a 12 month old. Just our opinion, and something to consider if you’re thinking about buying the seat for a younger toddler.
Note: The Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi rear mount and the Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi frame mounted are the same as the Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi Rack Mount, except for their mounting systems.
For more rear child bike seat reviews, including buying options, visit Two Wheeling Tots at
Child (Baby) Bike Seat Buying Guide:
Thule Yepp Maxi:
Bellelli Pepe:
Thule RideAlong:
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#Thule #ThuleYeppNexxt #ChildBikeSeat #ChildBikeSeatReview Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
First ride in the Thule Yepp Mini. One year old child.
Bicycle: Giant Cypress DX - Medium Size
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Petit ride dans le coin avec mon fils Léni et surtout l'occasion de tester le nouveau siège vélo enfant, le Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini.
Il adore car au premier post pour voir tout ce qu'il se passe ;-) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Child Bike Seat Roundup!
We take an in-depth look at 6 different seat options including a homemade option.
These are the best seats for off road mountain biking. Never has there been a better time to be a Bike Mom or Bike Dad with all these awesome products to help you bring the kids along for singletrack adventures.
Mac Ride
Full Review
Where to buy: ?aff=bike-dads
Kids Ride Shotgun
Full Review
Where to buy
Do Little
Where to buy
Tyke Toter
Where to buy =as_li_qf_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=thbida06-20&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B0055PJUL0&linkId=aae2be21e42274fee4a4e631c69a05bb
Feva Star
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Arianny has never had a bike in her now. Also Briella got a badass Thule seat to ride the gnar with mom and dad. We had to put both to the test at PAE Parque Aventura Escobero in Medellin Colombia. Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini Child bike seat. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to install your Yepp Mini Child Seat from Chubby's Cruisers, your one-stop cruiser shop. Be sure to check out for more information, accessories, and bike products. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Most (front) bike seats go up to 3 year olds (35 lbs) so we quickly made the purchase. In the blink of an eye, the little guy is almost 3 and we're late on the "bike train"! Adventure time!
Get it here:
Thule Yepp Mini Child Bike Seat
Thule Yepp Mini Threadless (ahead) Handlebar Adapter
From the website:
Easy mounting of the child bike seat on your bike; compatible with most bike models
Ensures a perfect fit as your child grows thanks to adjustable foot rests and foot strap
Easy to clean and to keep dry due to the seat’s water-repellent materials
Maximum child comfort and a safe, custom fit thanks to the adjustable padded 5-point harness
Your child can place their hands on the comfortable handle bar during the ride
Designed and tested for children from 9 months* to 3 years old, up to 33 lbs/15 kg. *Consult a pediatrician for children under 1 year old. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This video is about Attaching a Yepp Mini using an A-Head Adaptor - learn how to attach this adaptor. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
We've tested just about every child bike seat out there with our own babies, toddlers, and kids. Here are the 10 best child bike seats, broken down by FRONT mounted and REAR mounted.
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Be aware you always need to check for compatibility with your own bike before you purchase any child or baby bike seat.
0:29 Rear Mounted Seats
0:39 Bellelli Pepe - Best on a Budget
1:24 Burley Dash - Unique Harness and a Storage Pocket!
2:10 Topeak BabySeat II - Comes with a rack! (Rack mount only)
2:46 Thule Yepp Maxi - Fantastic Ventilation!
3:28Hamax Caress - Great Fit for the Youngest Riders
4:15 Thule RideAlong - Best Shoulder Straps and Overall Easiest to Use (Frame mount only)
5:20 Front Mounted Seats
5:34 Peg Perego Orion - Best on a Budget AND Most Likely to Fit Your Bike
6:12 Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini - Most Lightweight and Easy to Use
7:04 Mac Ride and Kids Ride ShotGun
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(1) Bellelli Pepe
With tons of ventilation, high sideboards for better containment, and a sliding footrest height adjustment, the Pepe is both comfy and safe.
The Pepe is unique because it has shoulder straps that can be moved low enough to securely accommodate a 12-month old. Additionally, with three shoulder strap height adjustments, there’s plenty of room for growth.
(2) Burley Dash
Durable and well-designed for a very fair price point, the Dash bike seats have two unique features that set them apart from the competition. 1) Rear Storage Pocket 2) The 5 point harness system adjusts to allow you to place the buckle lower or higher on your child’s chest according to your preference.
(3) Topeak BabySeat II (Rack mount only)
If you know that your bike doesn’t work with a frame mounted seat and you need a rack mounted seat, the Topeak BabySeat II is the ONLY seat we know of that actually comes with a rack.
(4) Thule Yepp Maxi
Made from Crocs-like seat material with 56 ventilation holes in the back of the seat!
The foam material of the shoulder pads is slightly grippy and helps keep them in place.
(5) Hamax Caress
Our favorite feature is the shoulder straps which can be set by sliding the entire back of the seat up and down. If you have a 12 month old or a petite toddler, the Hamax is a great choice if you prefer a rear mounted seat.
One thing to note about the Hamax is that the shoulder straps are set more narrowly than every other seat we’ve tested, which makes it less comfortable for kids 4 and older.
(6) Thule RideAlong (Frame mount only)
The Thule RideAlong is their most high-end, cream-of-the-crop seat. The harness is the standout feature for the RideAlong. The wide, sturdy back-pack style straps stay in place better than any other straps we’ve tested, and are insanely easy to adjust.
The blue color coding system of the Thule RideAlong makes this seat pretty fool proof. Anything on the seat that can be adjusted is blue.
The RideAlong Mini is the front-mounted version of this seat, and it’s just as awesome.
(7) Peg Perego Orion
While not as high-quality as the other seats we recommend, we really appreciate its unique mounting system that works for bikes with little or no room on the headset for a mounting bracket.
(8) Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini
Weather resistant foam core and a soft, dense foam seat cushion, the Mini is expertly crafted and also the lightest seat we’ve tested!
We love the Mini’s unique two-handed, child-proof magnetic safety buckle. It’s completely impossible for a toddler to undo on their own and clicks in place heartily.
(9) Mac Ride and Kids Ride ShotGun
Consisting of just a saddle and a footrest, these seats take up very little space on the bike. One of the major advantages of these seats is that you can ride with your child in front of you until they are 4 or 5, while standard front mounted seats max out around 3 years old.
If you’re still wondering which seat is best for you, check out our Child Bike Seat Buying Guide video where we’ll walk you through the differences between front and rear seats.
Reviewer: Carrie Wren
Videography & Production: Fressia Eames
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