Taiga – чудові сучасні мисливські універсальні ножі для вимогливого користувача.
Ніж TF1 "Taiga Forester" виконаний вручну спадковими майстрами-виробниками ножів, династія яких славиться своєю майстерністю із середніх віків. Клинки ножів Fallkniven виготовляються на заводі в Японії, що належить сім'ї Хатторі (Hattori) – зброярам та ковалям, династія яких завоювала Світове визнання. Клинок TF1 "Taiga Forester" виготовлений із сталі Lam.Cos, це надзвичайно міцний сплав, який спочатку замислювався для виготовлення інструментів, свердлів, різців тощо. Сталь має підвищену жорсткість, на рівні 60 HRC.
Детальні характеристики:
Taiga Forester Ironwood
Не є холодною зброєю і не є предметом забороненим до продажу на території України
From the far North a new knife series rises... the Fallkniven Taiga series in bloody CoS! The Taiga Hunter and Taiga Forest in both thermorun and desert ironwood!
And we wouldn't be DBK if we didn't test them out of course! So plant your ass on that chair and start watching because YOU WILL enjoy this! Even if it's forced...
Fallkniven Taiga Series:
TRC Apocalypse DBK Edition!:
hand made Grill we used:
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#Fallkniven #Taiga #Fixedblade Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
El cuchillo Fällkniven Taiga Forester es especial para caza, muy versátil, ideal para el usuario exigente, Con una fuerte y robusta hoja fabricada en acero cobalto laminado.
Este cuchillo está realizado a mano con una empuñadura en la exclusiva madera Desert Ironwood o madera de hierro del desierto, como casi todos los materiales naturales, puede haber variación respecto al color y estructura, lo que hace de cada cuchillo una pieza única.
Cuenta con una funda muy segura con sistema de bloqueo especialmente diseñado para este cuchillo y garantiza que quede perfectamente bloqueado cuando está enfundado.
- Fabricante: Fällkniven
- Modelo: TF1z
- Acero: Lam. CoS
- Dureza: 60 (HRC)
- Borde: Convexo
- Longitud hoja: 120mm
- Espesor hoja: 5mm
- Longitud total: 235gr
- Material mango: Desert Ironwood
- Peso: 230gr
- Funda: Zytel
- Presentación: Caja
@cuchillerianebot_valencia Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fallkniven TF2 NEW! Taiga Forester 2 View by www bushcraftcanada com
FALLKNIVEN【ファルクニーベン】■ 「タイガ」フォレスター TF2z 【】【サーモラン】Taiga Forester
ナイフショップ グローイング
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FALLKNIVEN【ファルクニーベン】■ 「タイガ」フォレスター TF1z 【】【アイアンウッド】Taiga Hunter
ナイフショップ グローイング
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S1x from Fallkniven with Ironwood Scales @thetopicala
Since the winter I had had troubles with my band saw machine until JG fixed it. Thank you Joonas! My first job was to finish Fallkniven S1x model with new scales.
Model x is genuine fulltang. I only wanted to shape finger guard a bit. And of course original scales are far too thin and that problem was solved too.
Hope you like it!
iMovie Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Fällkniven F1 and Fällkniven S1 are two of the most popular outdoor knives on the market today. But which do you choose? We made an overview of the similarities and differences to make sure you can make the best choice.
You can find our full article here:
All Fällkniven F1 knives:
All Fällkniven S1 knives:
All our Versus videos:
00:00 Intro
00:29 The similarities
00:43 Size differences
01:12 Blade grind differences
01:37 Conclusions
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A quick video of me demoing a Fällkniven Gentleman's linerlock with ironwood handle.
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Top 5 channel is back! Today we talk about the top 5 knives you can buy right now! No customs, these are all knives you can buy straight away.
The sharpest? The best for survival? Best for Bushcrafting? Best for EDC? The Most beautiful? We cover it all!
Knives we discussed! (affiliate)
Bark river bushcrafter 3v:
Casstrom Lars Falt k720:
Fallkniven F1 3G limited:
Spyderco Manix 2 Maxamet:
Fallkniven Jarl 3G:
Fallkniven NL5 VG-10:
Fallkniven Embla CoS:
Fallkniven A1 pro CoS:
Fallkniven Taiga Forester CoS:
Benchmade Bugout Carbon fiber S90V:
LionSteel Best man 2 M390:
Boker AK-1 Daily RWL-34:
Terävä Jääkäripuukko 110 80CrV2:
Check out Armadillo Merino
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Определить насколько нож подходит для охоты в качестве разделочного, можно с помощью простого теста "trychicken". На примере ножа fallkniven f1
#тестножей #бушкрафт #fallknivenf1 #охотничьиножи
Trystick Морса Кохански
Что полезно знать?
Видео на этом канале посвящены, в основном, бушкрафту (bushcraft) и жизни в дикой природе. Бушкрафт это системный набор техник, умений, ремесел, а также философия подобной жизни.
Это не обязательно выживание и экстрим, хотя такой раздел тут тоже есть. Эти знания могут быть полезны, отдыхающим на природе, туристам, охотникам, рыболовам, всем кто волей или неволей попал в дикие места. То есть бушкрафт это не сама деятельность типа туризма, а лишь умения для нее.
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Fällkniven S1 - The most overrated knife out there?
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РЕАЛЬНАЯ ИСТОРИЯ ножа выживания Шведских летчиков Fallkniven F1. Или как сделать нож. [Knife Story]
Про нож Fallkniven F1 сказано уже многое, но я приготовил для вас эксклюзив! Fallkniven F1 - это не просто нож. Это - легенда!
Подборка ножей F1:
Другие ножи Fallkniven:
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"The Fallkniven F1 is the official survival knife Swedish Air Force pilots since 1995. A new world standard was set with the F1 through attention to important details including technical design, ergonomics and economy. The Fallkniven F1 surpasses international standards for strength, personal security capabilities, and value for money.
The Fallkniven F1 represents a new philosophy with respect to knives for survival use. The F1 successfully combines the experience of generations of knife manufacturing with the most modern technology and forging.
The well thought-out design and incredibly tough laminated steel are only two of the many details making the handy-sized Fallkniven F1 a knife you can always you can rely on even with your life. The F1 is well proportioned and tremendously versatile. The safe, comfortable grip along with its hard and tough laminated steel blade makes the F1 knife incredibly useful for all types of daily work and demanding tasks."
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Fallkniven Comparison TK3 and GP view by www bushcraftcanada com
Fallkniven Comparison TK3 and GP view by www bushcraftcanada com. See them here...
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The Truth About Pilot Survival Knives (Gerber LMF II vs. Fallkniven F1)
Both of these knives are claiming to be the best pilot survival knives, but do there capabilities match their claims or is it all just a facade? Which knife will reign supreme as the king of pilot survival knives?
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#Alaska #Fairbanks #Survival Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Always a pleasure to grap Fallkniven knife into hands and have a permission to break it and change outlooks of it. The blade is very beautiful for profile.
First time ever removed the coating away of the blade.
iPhone / iMovie
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A quick video of me talking about my first impressions of the Gentleman's Linerlock with Ironwood handle by Fällkniven
See more of this blade:
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Fallkniven NEW! F1 NEZ Sheath view and comparison by www.bushcraftcanada.com
Fallkniven NEW! F1 NEZ Sheath view and comparison by . See them here.....
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Fallkniven Taiga Hunter, il cacciatore che si fa buschcrafter.
Sicuramente un coltello da prendere in considerazione, per usarlo sempre,un utility knife di qualità, nato per la caccia va molto bene per il buschcraft, provare per credere.
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Fallkniven A1: My Favorite Stainless Steel Survival Knife?
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➜ Fallkniven TK3 Desert Ironwood review
➜ Falkkniven knife - Fallkniven knives
🔪🔪🔪 Cuchillería Gómez web:
🇨🇭 Mi canal principal sobre navajas Victorinox VicSpain:
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Hola! Soy Marcos, bienvenidos a mi canal de cuchillería llamado KnifeSpain. Aunque muchos de vosotros ya me conocéis de mi canal principal, VicSpain (Victorinox) en el mundillo de la cuchillería en general soy un poco novato. En este nuevo canal aprenderé junto a vosotros a conocer más a fondo el fantástico mundo de los filos. En KnifeSpain podréis encontrar reviews de navajas y cuchillos de todo tipo. Novedades, ediciones limitadas y modelos llamativos o difíciles de conseguir, será la temática del canal. Además de todo eso, buscaremos la navaja perfecta como EDC. De esta manera podréis ver reviews de navajas y cuchillos Muela, Fallkniven, Roselli, Marttiini, Viper, MoraKnives, Extrema Ratio, Ontario…… Mi intención es ofreceros reviews en español, que prácticamente sólo podréis ver en este canal. Sentaros, poneros cómodos y disfrutad con KnifeSpain! Ah! y no olvidéis darle al botón de like y suscribiros!! #fallkniven #tk3 #knifereview Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
*СКИДКА по коду + бесплатный Victorinox*
►Fallkniven PXLx :
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Всем привет. Сегодня поговорим о edc (everyday carry) ноже от шведского ножевого бренда Fallkniven, а конкретно про складной нож PXL. Всем приятного просмотра.
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Good gravy its bricky on things
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Fallkniven GPBM Gentleman’s Folder Knife Review
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Björn from Sweden needed to have change for his Fällkniven F1 Pro knife and sent it to me asking me to leave it hidden tang type and some dark handle material with bronze fittings. Block of eben wood took hours of work and I was pleased.
At 11:40 finished knife.
Music by Reaktor Productions Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thanks for stopping in. My name is Johnny and I am an Artist/Musician who likes sharp tools. I like taking them "Into The Woods" and sharing my thoughts. All of the music here is by me. Please check out my playlists and don't forget to "LIKE, "SHARE" and "SUBSCRIBE". Have a Super Fantastic Day!
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Into The Woods - Fallkniven R2 Scout 2021!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fallkniven GP Gentleman's Pocket Knife and Fallkniven DC3 sharpening stone
CAMERA GEAR ( Photo & Video )
-Sony A7c
-Ojective: Sony FE 24mm 2.8 G
-Objective: Sony FE 50mm 2.5 G
-2 Battery: Sony NP-FZ100
-Charger: Hama USB Travel Charger for Sony NP-FZ100
-Gopro Hero 7 black
-Gopro Hero 9 black, Media Mod and Max lens mod
-SSD Disk: Sandisk 1TB Extreme Portable SSD
-Sound: Rode VideoMicro microphone
-Gopro hero 7 black
-Tripod: Sirui UltraLight T-025SK Carbon Tripod + B-00K Black
-Caruba macro ring
-Lenspen Elite lens cleaning kit
-ND filter: B+W 52mm 102 (ND 0,6) Grau
-ND filter: B+W 49mm F-PRO MRC 106 nd 1.8 classic +6'
-Polarisation filter: B+W 52mm Zirkular
-Polarisation filter: B+W 52mm Linear
-Gradient ring: 49mm-52mm
-Camera bag: Billingham 555 KHAKI/TAN
-Camera bag: Billingham Hadley Small Pro Sage/Chocolate FibreNyte
-Tent: 2 person Hilleberg Staika
-Tent: 1 Person Hilleberg Akto
Cooking gear:
-Trangia 25-8 UL / HA Stormcooker
-Fallkniven gp gentleman's pocket knife
-Bicycle: Koga worldtraveller with rohloff hub 14 speed
-Tilley hat TWC7 Outback
Song: Deepblue Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fallkniven GP Gentleman's Pocket Knife and Fallkniven DC3 sharpening stone
Good gravy its bricky on things
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#gid=1607644856 - Full steel testing list for my cut test videos, free to all.
- support me on patreon if you like, helps me do the expensive stuff! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Good gravy its bricky on things
Subscribe and hit the bell! Hit like and all that good stuff.
#gid=1607644856 - Full steel testing list for my cut test videos, free to all.
- support me on patreon if you like, helps me do the expensive stuff! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Episode one of "Me tryin' stuff". Bushcraft fire starting. If you've started a fire using a ferro rod before sitting in your house with dry newspaper you should never carry a fire stick. Using it in sub prime conditions is much harder. This video shows what I think is the best tip or trick for beginners to get a fire going in tough conditions.
That knife I have in the video:
Ferro Rods:
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Linked ABOVE is a detailed list of lights I like in multiple categories. Below is the "short list", of a few top contenders. If you are shopping at Neals Gadgets, the coupon codes on the right specifically for that light, are typically the highest value. For all other purchases at NG use code: Lumencraft15 for 15% off your shopping cart.
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Everyday Carry
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Fireflies E07 Coupon: Lumencraft15
FW21 Pro Coupon: ASFW3A
Best Throwers (Non Laser)
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(Budget) Convoy C8+ .
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(Small) Weltool W3 Pro Coupon: ND25F
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Pop Can Lights
Acebeam X80 GT .
Mateminco MT18S Coupon: Lumencraft15
Astrolux MF01 Coupon: BGAM1X2
Fireflies R0T66 Coupon: Lumencraft15
Best Tactical
Acebeam L16
(Budget) Wowtac A2 (my most used)
(Brigthest) Lumintop HL3A Coupon: ASFW3A Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video we discuss why we love Fallkniven knives so much!
Fallkniven is one of our most favourite brands.
Buy your own Fallkniven
Knives shown:
Fallkniven F1 VG-10
Fallkniven F1D CoS
Fallkniven F1Pro CoS
Fallkniven S1Pro Cos
Fallkniven A1 VG-10
Fallkniven A1 Pro CoS
The Swedish Fällkniven brand stands for extremely strong and high quality knives. The ultimate hunting knife, the Fällkniven Hunting 1, (Fällkniven H1) and the Fällkniven F1 are probably the best known knives of the brand. The family company behind Fällkniven from Norrbotten has been making indestructible knives for 25 years. Inspired by the army, hunters and anglers Fällkniven has become one of the most valued specialists in outdoor knives. Since 1995 all the Swedish fighter pilots are equipped with a F1 and since 2000 the F1 and the S1 have been approved by the US Marine corps and the US Navy. The design of the knives is sleek and gives the steel a rock-hard and robust look.
Please watch: "Battle of the Ultimate Chopping Knives! Which is the Best!??"
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Today we are looking at one of my favorite survival blades. The Fallkniven A1
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#Alaska #Fairbanks #Knives Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
En snabb jämförelse mellan Fällknivens olika modeller, storleksmässigt. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video I talk about the Fällkniven A1 knife, which is an amazing knife! I also give some sheath options for it. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Come join BlackWater Bushcraft as he shares his thoughts and opinions on one of his favourite bushcraft knives. The Fällkniven F1 survival knife. After 5 years of hard use this knife has stood the test of time. 9/10 Bushcraft, survival, camp knife. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fallkniven F1 Review & Demonstration- LONG TERM USE
Iniziamo con questo video a confrontare coltelli di pari livello o pari categoria. Oggi vediamo Lionsteel M4 Versus Fallkniven F1.
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In this video I talk about Fällkniven Knives. I show the A1, the S1, and the F1.
They are soooooooo cool! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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