Виріб має в своєму складі сталь марки D2. Це високоякісний сплав металів, з хорошою стійкістю до зносу, міцний. Твердість примірника сягає 59-61 одиниць за шкалою Роквелла. Модель не схильна до іржі. Такий ніж буде довго зберігати заточування, його не доведеться часто правити. Ручка ножа виконана із застосуванням матеріалу G10. G10 являє собою склотекстоліт, стійкий до впливів вологи, температури. Міцний матеріал, без проблем піддається фарбуванню.
Є металева кліпса для зручності фіксації моделі. Виріб можна закріпити на кишені, на поясі, ремені. А також можна зафіксувати на рюкзаку або сумці.
Детальні характеристики:
Bestech Knife
Muskie Green
Не є холодною зброєю і не є предметом забороненим до продажу на території України
North Americans, get your MUSKIE here:
Use coupon code "CCE" to save 10% at WMK
They do ship to Canada with a very high success of delivery.
Canada - Blades Canada has it for $ CAD - already in the country
I could not find the Muskie on Amazon USA or Canada
If you live outside of north america then go to google in your country and search for "Bestech Muskie BG20 sale" and you should find the closest stores to you that have it.
Support CCE via PATREON:
CHECK OUT our spreadsheet where we list how well the factory sharpened the knife and compare with other brands:
I have AMAZON Influencer pages for 3 countries ., Canada, and the United Kingdom. I would be honoured if you check them out. If you make any purchases from those pages it will help to fund CCE so I can keep making videos.
U.K. -
Thank-you for using my Referral and Influencer links, it helps fund my channel.
Coupon Codes
1) - "CCE" = 10% off your entire order
2) - "CCE" = 10% off your entire order
3) - "cce" = 5% off but ONLY for Ganzo knives and each customer can only use it once.
PLEASE do not use the MESSENGER part of Facebook. E-mail is the best way to contact me with a private message: CanadianCuttingEdge AT
(I don't update this regularly enough but I do have some good pictures here.)
UGETube page - a Backup of my YouTube site in case my channel ever gets pulled
@CanadianCuttingEdge Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Brand New Bestech Knife #youtubeshorts #shorts #knife #edc
❎Bestech- Slyther Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
*СКИДКА по коду + бесплатный Victorinox*
►Bestech Slasher:
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*Карта Сбера: 4276 3801 4234 2943*
*Карта Альфа: 4584 4328 3518 5910*
🎧 PayPal: 521454yeti@
Всем привет. Сегодня поговорим о edc (everyday carry) ноже от китайского ножевого бренда Bestech складной нож Slasher (Bestech Slasher) . Всем приятного просмотра.
Так же вы можете меня найти на следующих платформах:
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✉ По вопросам сотрудничества: yeti521454@
#bestech #slasher #bestechslasher
* Meta Platfoms - организация, признанная экстремистской на территории Российской Федерации Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
bestech knives is Launching a New BESTECHMAN Lineup Starting with This Beauty called DunDee.
The Dundee comes in 11 Total Variants A - K all just a little different and unique.
All models will have D2 Steel with your choice of G-10 or Micarta Handles.
Name: DunDee
Model: BMK01H
Steel: D2
Finish: Titanized + Satin
OAL: 8.7” or 205mm
Blade: ” or 85mm
Blade Thickness: ”
Handle: Orange G-10
Weight: oz
This knife is a Beautiful Folder and the Orange G-10 goes great with the Blade.
This is not Spring assisted but so smooth and fast you would think it was.
Bestech Knives comes with a Lifetime Warrantee That means
Bestech Knives will be free from defects in both materials and workmanship.
Bestech’s commitment to quality and customer service means they will repair or replace the knife without charge if they are found to have manufacturing defects.
Thank you for stopping by and more can be seen using the links below
Bestech knives
FaceBook Group:
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Check out this Big Carbon Fiber Folding Knife Bestech Keen II
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bestech Swordfish pocketknife, KC exclusive in tuxedo G10 and s35vn blade steel.
Сегодня у нас на обзоре складной EDC нож производства компании Bestech Knives модель Skrimish BG44B с довольно не обычной формой клинка и плюс ко всему необычной расцветки! Его клинок имеет форму cleaver и отлично справится с нарезкой или шинковкой, по сути это некий кухонник он же тяпка, который отлично подойдёт как для повседневного ношения так и для кухни!
🔥Нож можно посмотреть здесь!🔥
► D-PO(Russia Dealer):
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► BladeHQ(US Dealer):
► WhiteMoutainKnives(US Dealer):
► Lamnia(Finland Dealer):
► Blades Canada:
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Email: beardrum88@
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#edc #нож #складнойнож Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Is it worth to try this BIG knife? Absolutely yes! Check the Bestech Keen II!
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bestech Shodan in the Rain🔥! #youtubeshorts #shorts #youtubeshort #short
The Nyxie by Bestech and designed by Todd Knife and Tool is a fantastic knife.
Use Code BEDC10 for 10% off at WMK's.
Bestech Nyxie
Urban EDC Supply Affiliate
Amazon Affiliate
White Mountain Knives 10% Off Code: BEDC10
Blue Creek Knives 10% Off Code: BladeandEDC
Olight Store 10% OFF Code : BEDC10
Recommended For Knife Maintenance
Silicone Work Mat With Magnets
Pro Shot Products Zero Friction Knife Lubrication
KPL Heavy
Cotton Swabs AKA Doo Dads
Sabitoru Rust Remover
Bitster Organizer- Flexible Bit and Fastener Organizer With Magnetic Tray by Boltster
Wiha Bits
Wiha Driver
DMT Diamond Stropping Compound
Work Sharp Guided Field Sharpener
#EDC #Knives #KnifeCommunity #bestedc2022 #edccommunity #edccarry #edccommunity
#knifelife #edclifestyle #knifenut #knifeforlife #edcgearporn #knifeporn
#edcgear #pocketknives #pocketknife #pocketdump #everydaycarry #knife Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
If you would like to donate to the channel you can do so by messaging me on one of the platforms listed below! Also there is a link to Patreon if you're interested! All donations will be used 100% for knives for content!
Facebook: Nick Edward
Also make sure you check out DNK knives for your knife purchasing needs! link below!
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
English below
UA: У цьому короткому відео ми показуємо тактичний ніж СКРАМАСАКС. Ви можете побачити, як він виглядає, а також як він лежить у руці та чохлі.
Сучасна версія Scramaseax – "ножа для поранень", розроблений компанією BB Knives на основі оригінального германського ножа. Ніж має пряму ріжучу кромку і лезо, яке різко звужується до вістря, що дозволяє робити точні розрізи і добре проникати при нанесенні ударів. Цей універсальний і ефективний тактичний ніж підходить для активного відпочинку на природі, кемпінгу, риболовлі та полювання, а також для самозахисту. Ніж пройшов випробування в бойових умовах в Україні і довів свою високу ефективність.
Випробувано у бойових діях.
Отримати більше інформації та купити тактичний ніж СКРАМАСАКС від BB Knives можна тут:
EN: In this short video, we present the tactical knife SCRAMASEAX. You will see its external features, as well as how it looks in hand and in its sheath.
The modern version of the Scramaseax – a "knife for injuries" designed by BB Knives based on an original Germanic knife. The knife has a straight cutting edge and a spine that tapers sharply towards the tip, allowing for precise cuts and good penetration when thrusting. This versatile and effective tactical knife is suitable for outdoor activities like camping, fishing, and hunting, as well as for self-defense. The knife has been tested in combat conditions in Ukraine and has been proven to be highly effective.
Battle proved.
For more information and to purchase the tactical knife SCRAMASEAX, visit:
Більше ножів на сайті / See more knives:
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#tacticallknives #militaryknife #bladebrothersknives #ukrainiantacticalknife #тактичніножі #тактичнийніж #тактичнийбойовийніж #ножіблейдбразерс #військовіножі #ножіручноїроботи #seaxknife #fixedbladeknife #knivesforfighting #tactics #tacticalcombatknife #ножовийбій #ножідляножовогобою #ukrainianarmyknife Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Цікаві досліди про те, який ніж кращий для динамічного порізу - товстий (4,66 мм) чи тонкий (2,5 мм). Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Bestech Knives Exploit is a front flipper knife with a tight lock up and excellent Sci-Fi appearance. The drop point blade comes to a well-defined point for easy slicing, stabbing, and other cuts. The blade steel is made of CPM-S35VN and has exaggerated jimping on the spine for maximum control and handling. The tiger stripe titanium handle is tough yet kind to the hand thanks to its natural curvature. This knife comes with a zip-up nylon pouch for storing.
Sharp drop point blade made of CPM-S35VN stainless steel in a satin finish excels in corrosion resistance and edge retention.
Spine jimping on the blade for added security when using the blade.
Titanium tiger stripe frame lock handle with a titanium tip-up pocket clip for quality carrying and blade lock up.
Bestech knives
TKT knives
flipper knife Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Damasteel Blade Timascus Clip with Titanium Scale Bestech Knives NYXIE
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Would You Like This Jade G10 Scale With 14C28N Blade Bestech Slyther Pocket Knife?
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Bestech Knives Team would like to thank ALL of our fans for your interest and amazing support.
Bestech Knives is a Team of professional machinists, artists, and designers from around the WORLD! Bestech Knives has provided HIGH QUALITY OEM manufacturing services for a Global Market for the past decade.
The Bestech Knives model lineup is growing RAPIDLY. We are proud to announce that all of the Bestech Knives models are patented, as we aim to provide highly designed and manufactured knives for our customers. The Bestech Knives collection consists of designs from an in-house design team as well as highly acclaimed Professional Designers from countries around the world! We carefully select the highest possible quality materials to build our knives in a way that keeps them affordable for our customers.
In order to support these highest standards, Bestech Knives utilizes the skills of highly trained expert machinists and technicians in a continuous design and well controlled manufacturing process. Our team meticulously operate and maintain state of the art CNC grinding machines, CNC carving machines, stamping machines, wire cutting machines, laser cutting machines, anodizing coating machines, and sandbelt machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Model no: BG43D
OAL: 18 cm / 7.1''
Blade Lenght: 8 cm / 3.1''
Blade Width: 2.5 cm / 1''
Blade Thickness: 3 mm / ''
Handle Lenght: 10.5 cm / 4.1''
Handle Thickness: 1.4 cm / 0.5''
Blade Steel: D2 Sattin Finish Sheepsfoot profile
Handle: Natural Brown Canvas Micarta
Pivot Assembly: Caged ball bearing washers
Opening: Thubstuds
Weight: 98.7 g / 3.5 oz
Made in China
Price: 79$ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A Transforming Push Dagger? 🗡 | WE Knives Typhoeus #shorts
An innovative in-house design from WE Knives, the Typhoeus is an adjustable folding push dagger that provides the utility of an EDC fixed blade with the defensive potential of a classic push knife. Simply shift the single-edge Tanto blade on the pivot to the configuration you need at the moment and secure it in your grip.
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#shorts, #EDC, #gpknives Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Ніж Bestech Knife Muskie Green (BG20B-1). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17