У польових умовах або під час змагань зі зброєю може статися що завгодно. Якщо Ви використовуєте гвинтівку, пістолет або рушницю, то 37 інструментів, які є в Gun Tool Max, дозволять виправити будь-які неполадки зі зброєю відразу ж на місці. Gun Tool Max, призначений для заміни чоків, внесення поправок в оптиці, розбирання УСМ для чищення зброї і безлічі інших функцій. Для зручного транспортування мультитул комплектується нейлоновим чохлом на кріпленні MOLLE.
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Real Avid
Gun Tool Max
Не є холодною зброєю і не є предметом забороненим до продажу на території України
Мультиинструмент Real Avid Gun Tool Max Код: 17590021. Все товары Real Avid
Артикул: AVGTMAX
Производитель: Real Avid
Модель: Gun Tool Max
Количество инструментов: 37
Страна происхождения: США
Марка стали: 440
Комплектация: Бита (5), Чехол (1), Инструкция (1)
В полевых условиях или во время соревнований с оружием может произойти что угодно. Если Вы используете винтовку, пистолет либо ружье, то 37 инструментов, которые имеются в Gun Tool Max, позволят исправить любые неполадки с оружием сразу же на месте. Gun Tool Max, предназначен для замены чоков, внесения поправок в оптике, разборки УСМ для чистки оружия и множества других функций. Для удобной транспортировки мультитул комплектуется нейлоновым чехлом на креплении MOLLE. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Gun Tool Max provides you with pretty much everything you need to adjust your pistol, rifle or shotgun in the field or at the range. Everything on it worked well, so I have no complaints about it. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Мультитулы для ухода за гладкоствольным оружием: Real Avid "Gun tool max", Beretta "Shotgun"
Real Avid Gun Tool Pro Если вы видите ссылку на Амазон то и покупаете что то с ней - то мне возможно придет процент (1-2%) от продажи через программу Amazon Associates . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Best Multitool for Guns | Real Avid Gun Tool Max Multitool Review
After two years of abuse it's time to review the Real Avid Gun Tool Max. This gun multitool review goes over my likes, dislikes and overall opinion of the Guntool Max. This is a pistol multitool, a rifle multitool, gun multitool and a well balanced multitool for anyone who likes to be prepared. It comes with a hammer, screwdriver, pin punch, cleaning rod attachments, windage adjuster, wrench, pliers and, of course, a knife. It will make a great outdoorsman Christmas present, a great survival tool or ar15 tool for anyone who needs it. I am not endorsed or sponsored by Real Avid in any way. This is an independent review of the Gun Tool Max which I purchased after doing my own research.
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Waffeninstandhaltung, Pflege und Reinigung sind Themen, die gerne mal vergessen werden im täglichen Umgang damit. Wir haben für Euch einige Produkte von Real Avid getestet, die sich genau auf diese Themen spezialisiert haben. Teil 1 unserer Serie zeigt Euch die Multitools AR15 Tool und das Gun Tool Max.
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Welcome to a new breed of firearm multitools. Whether you own a .22 caliber rifle for plinking, a 12 gauge shotgun for hunting, a 9MM for protection, or anything in-between- this multitool is for you. Packed with precision-made, mission-specific tools for hunters and shooters, this highly versatile tool repairs, customizes, and makes disassembly and reassembly fast and easy. The Gun Tool Max functions as impressively on the gun cleaning mat as it does in the range, at deer camp or in the duck blind. It’s built to kick Murphy’s Law in the teeth, face uncertainty, and prepare you for whatever is around the corner. It is the next generation of multitools and it belongs at your side. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Best Multi Tool Ever? Real Avid Gun Tool Max Review
Today we take a look at what could be the best multi tool ever, the Real Avid Gun Tool Max. Don't let the name fool you. Packed with at least 37 tools in one, this tool could come in handy for the vehicle, around the house or in multiple situations.
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TOP 10 BEST Military tactical MULTI TOOLS for Every Possible Situation
1. Real Avid Gun Tool Max
2. Real Avid Gun Tool Pro
3. Real Avid Pistol Tool
4. Real Avid Ar-15 Scrapper
5. Real Avid Ruger 10/22 Micro Tool
6. Real Avid Gun tool AMP AR15
7. Real Avid Gun tool AMP 1911
8. Real Avid Gun tool AMP Pistol
9. Real Avid 4 In 1 Tool For Glock
10. Real Avid Smart Drive
#tactical #gear
Whether you’re a handyman, beat cop, fisherman, hunter, mechanic, or a sergeant in the marines a multi-tool is an important piece of equipment to have on hand. You never know when something might go wrong and you might have to use some ingenuity to come up with a quick fix to keep things moving. In these situations, there is no greater asset than a multitool you can rely on.
There are a lot of different multi-tools out there and what each person needs from their multi-tool can be quite specific to their job. The needs of a handyman may be quite different from a marine or a hunter but there will naturally be some common overlaps in the tools each finds useful.
If you’re seeking the best military multi-tool to buy for 2022, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve scoured the market, investigating multiple alternatives before buying and testing out the six that we’re going to cover here today.
Not all multi-tools are created equally. This guide will introduce you to the top six best military multi-tools on the market, and we’ll also cover the top qualities on what to look for in a multi-tool as well.
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1. CRKT Ruger 1911 Multitool
2. Real Avid Gun Tool Max
3. Real Avid Gun Multi Tool CORE
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This is a short (sort of) review of the Real Avid AR15 Tool. It is a pretty good Multi Tool designed for the AR platform. Not too expensive and worth the money for a tool to through into your range bag. Worth the money in my opinion.
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Here are some of the tools mentioned in the video -
Real Avid AR15 Tool -
Real Avid Gun Tool Pro AR15 -
Real Avid Pistol Tool - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Please thank Big Tex Outdoors for bringing us today’s video of Gear Review: Real Avid Gun Tool Pro! They have holsters, accessories, optics and other parts that you need as a self defender. I am one of his customers and I recommend him highly. Thank you to Big Tex Outdoors for being the sponsor of Active Self Protection Extra Gear Reviews.
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(music in the outro courtesy of Bensound at ) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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When it comes to the gun care tools that you carry in the field or to the range, the ease of being able to have everything you need in a compact and practical form becomes a difficult task.
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My Top 3 Multi tools used for assembling or disassembling my AR pattern rifles and what I like or dislike. They’re not bad tools overall, but they may not be the best for which they were marketed for. I go over the Leatherman Mut, Gerber Center Drive and Real Avid. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Steve puts the Real Avid Pistol Tool through it's paces, and compares how many tools you'd need to match its functionality. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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00:06 Guppie Multitool:-
01:00 Gear Dime:-
01:43 Phantom S802 multitool:-
02:31 ST11 Multi-Tool:-
04:07 MP600 Multi-tool:-
04:56 ST1N 21 Function Multi-Tool:-
06:42 - Wave Multitool:-
08:08 Suspension-NXT:-
09:35 Avid Gun Tool Max:-
11:20 talon Mini Multitool:-
my Laptop:-
my all in one camera accessories:-
my Best tripod:-
my microphone:-
my Audio Interface:-
my Webcam:-
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Top 10 Military Multi-Tools for Every Possible Situation
Top 10 Military Multi-Tools for Every Possible Situation
Are you looking for the best military multi tools of 2021? These are some of the coolest tactical military multi tools we found so far:
✅1. Real Avid AR15 Tool
✅2. Gerber MP1-AR Weapons Maintenance Tool
✅3. Ruger 1911 Tool
✅4. Leatherman OHT
✅5. Ruger AR Tool
✅6. Real Avid Gun Tool Max
✅7. Real Avid Gun Multi Tool CORE
✅8. LEATHERMAN, MUT Multitool
✅9. Wheeler Delta Series Compact Multi-Tool
✅10. Gerber MP600 Multi-Plier
Whether you’re a handyman, beat cop, fisherman, hunter, mechanic, or a sergeant in the marines a multi-tool is an important piece of equipment to have on hand. You never know when something might go wrong and you might have to use some ingenuity to come up with a quick fix to keep things moving. In these situations, there is no greater asset than a multitool you can rely on.
There are a lot of different multi-tools out there and what each person needs from their multi-tool can be quite specific to their job. The needs of a handyman may be quite different from a marine or a hunter but there will naturally be some common overlaps in the tools each finds useful.
If you’re seeking the best military multi-tool to buy for 2021, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve scoured the market, investigating multiple alternatives before buying and testing out the six that we’re going to cover here today.
Not all multi-tools are created equally. This guide will introduce you to the top six best military multi-tools on the market, and we’ll also cover the top qualities on what to look for in a multi-tool as well.
If you found this video valuable, give it a like. If you know someone who needs to see it, share it. Leave a comment below with your thoughts.
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Итак презентую вам первую часть видео обзора продукции Real Avid. Да обзорчик скребка зашел немножко дальше чем я ожидал. Ну а в общем мы постарались максимально сжато рассказать об основных продуктах которые мы отобрали, скажу сразу что это было сложно не выйти за рамки 20-ти минутного видео. Спасибо ребятам с Купола которые без особых вопросов дали нам все отснять. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Black oxide coated and packed with precision-made, mission-specific features, the AR15 Tool is the ultimate tool for black guns.
The AR15 Tool removes carbon with ease from 12 critical bolt carrier group surfaces, helps make repairs, reduces malfunctions, helps customize and makes reassembly fast and easy.
The tactical sheath is MOLLE compatible and is designed to carry additional bits and the Front Site Adjuster for even greater capability whenever and wherever you need it. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Real Avid Pistol Tool - Portable Tool Kit For Any Pistol
When it comes to mission-specific tools the new Pistol Tool is packed with functionality. Eighteen highly-capable titanium coated tools in a tactical, rugged frame work with ease and precision to keep handguns firing reliably and accurately.
From tear-down and cleaning, to maintenance and reassembly, The Pistol Tool is the partner to have in the field, at the range or workbench. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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00:07 Schrade ST11 Multi-Tool:-
01:43 Gerber Suspension-NXT:-
03:09 Real Avid Gun Tool Max:-
04:55 Tactica talon Mini Multitool:-
06:36 CRKT Guppie Multitool:-
#Top5Tech Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Мультитул TYPE 3 М-ТАС здесь:
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We made The Gun Tool because hunters and shooters have specific needs and general-purpose multi-tools just didn't hit the mark. Today, all of the products in our line fill real needs in specific ways - on the bench, at the range and in the field.
In 2012, the National Rifle Association's American Hunter magazine awarded The Gun Tool their Golden Bullseye award in the "Gear of the Year" category. The Gun Tool has also been awarded an outstanding 100% approval rating and a full endorsement by the North American Hunting Club. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Мультитул TYPE 4 М-ТАС здесь:
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Multi-tool Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Брелок Мультитул EDT от 5.11 или Стальной мультитул с футляром и карабином! 10 инструментов вроде...
Мультитул тут -
📍 Компактный брелок-мультитул от
В нём есть:
1. Довольно важная штука - открывалка для бутылок.
2. Немного важная - съемник изоляции
3. Гаечный ключ 6мм, 8мм и 10мм. Предположу, что это для владельцев АвтоВАЗа.
4. Отвертка, шлицевая. Да, бывает нужна.
5. Стальная линейка, в сантиметрах и дюймах. Очень короткая, но кого природа обидела, может и пригодится)).
6. И небольшой гвоздодер - не припомню, когда мне нужен был гвоздедер в последний раз… Точнее не помню, когда я хотел вскрыть окно на чужой даче)))
Изготовлен он (надеюсь из закаленной) нержавеющей стали, и совмещает 10 инструментов. По крайней мере так написано. Но я насчитал 8...
В комплект входит чехол и карабин. К сожалению не тот который стреляет, а тот, на который вешают всякое :).
В целом штука прикольная и возможно удачный подарок, которых можно накупить десяток впрок, для не самых любимых друзей и коллег. Дарить что-то нужно, вот почему бы и не это.
Габариты: 72мм x 20мм
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Real Avid Gun Tool Pro AR15: AR15 multi-tool for Cleaning And Maintenance
The real avid pistol tool is a multi and a designated pistol tool that will hepl you do basics when a multi tool is needed but has added features for working on your favorite striker fired pistol. Real Avid has a great many tool offerings from pistol to rifle specialty tools.
Get It here
Real Avid Pistol Tool
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We keep Tactical Considerations going in part with viewer support in the way of paid links/affiliate links. Some of the above links maybe affiliate links, which may generate me a sales commission. For example, Camera Gear I Use listed above is in association with the Amazon affiliate program and I’m an amazon associate.. "
These videos are for entertainment purposes only and free to watch. All actions performed in these videos are under the supervision of a trained/licensed professional. Tactical Considerations nor any of the companies are responsible for any injuries or damages caused to you or your firearm that may result from attempting to recreate the actions made is these videos. Do not try this at home.
Fair Use: In the rare instance I include someone else’s footage it is covered in Fair Use for Documentary and Educational purposes with intention of driving commentary and allowing freedom of speech. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is the Real Avid AR15 Tool. It features two-dozen different tools to keep your AR functioning flawlessly. Carbon is the enemy of tactical rifles. The AR15 Tool removes carbon from the 12 surfaces of the bolt carrier group with Real Avid's AR15 Scraper. The quarter inch driver includes 12 bits that will handle any screw you'll encounter on your AR ... or any gun. The AR15 Tool also has a carbide glass breaker, a three and a quarter-inch 440C stainless serrated Tonto blade, a bolt override tool, needle nose pliers, carbide cutter, and tap hammer. This tool also has a pin punch and pick that are interchangeable to fit 8-32 male and female adapters for cleaning brushes and rods. The ballistic nylon sheath is fully adaptable to your . system pack or belt and also has a pocket for the included 4 or 5 pin front sight adjuster. The Real Avid AR 15 Tool, you need one.
MSRP : $ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Multitool AMP pro pistole Real Avid® To jediné do střelecké brašny? TA
Multitool od Real Avid AMP především pro pistole. Co od něj čekat?? Pojďte se podívat na naše video, kde tento produkt představujeme. Jedná se o velmi povedený nástroj, který dokáže pomoci s nejrůznějšími situacemi na střelnici.
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Real Avid AMP 3-in-One Unboxing/Review: Are AR-15 Multi-tools Useful?
Top 10 Best Tactical & Military Multi Tools 2021
Are you looking for the best tactical multi-tools and military multi tools for EDC and survival of 2021? These are some of the coolest tactical multi tools we found so far:
✅1. Gerber MP1 MRO
✅2. Real Avid Gun Tool Max - 37 Tools in One
✅3. Schrade MOE Multi-Purpose Demolition Tool - SCHPB2BK
✅4. Gerber eFECT II Weapons Maintenance Multi-tool
✅5. Real Avid Pistol Tool - Portable Tool Kit For Any Pistol
✅6. Leatherman OHT
✅7. Gerber Short Stack
✅8. LEATHERMAN, MUT Multitool
✅9. Wheeler Delta Series Compact Multi-Tool
✅10. Gerber MP600 Multi-Plier
When it comes to multi-tools, we offer the best from trusted brands, including Gerber, Benchmade and Leatherman. Each tool is precision crafted to deliver unparalleled strength and functionality, making every job a bit easier. The majority of our multi-tools feature pliers and knives. Certain models are designed specifically for EMT use, so they also include seatbelt cutters, carbide glass breakers and oxygen tank wrenches. Multi-tools are very useful in survival scenarios, as well as in the field, and are a welcome addition to any tool kit. From the most basic to the highly advanced, we have a multi-tool for every job. However, if you buy the wrong one, it can leave you stranded. A tactical multi-tool is only as fabulous as your willingness and ability to carry it. Just make sure that you choose the one that correlates with your needs the most and it is small enough for you to carry around without you even noticing it is there. ********************************************************************
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A unboxing, table top review and a demonstration of the AR15 specific Gun Tool Pro made by Real Avid. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Real Avid Gun Tool Plus : Compact Shooters Tool Kit
The Gun Tool Plus comes with all the tools of the original Gun Tool and a lot of plusses: a ballistic nylon belt sheath that carries five extra hex bits, an adapter that fits any standard 1/4" bit and the Magnetic Bore Light that lets you keep both hands on your firearm while examining the bore and action. Be ready for anything and everything. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A great (if a bit overpriced) all around gun range tool for your long arms and handguns. It's best with long arms but decent enough to keep around for your handguns Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Představení malého pomocníka od Real Avid. Jedná se o Microtool, který využijete ať už na střelnici, nebo doma, při čištění. Podívejte se k nám na stránky a nezapomeňte nás odebírat.
Odkaz na produkt:
#46812 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The number of tasks The Pistol Tool can handle is astounding: mounting accessories, field disassembly, adjusting laser sights, and changing grips are only a few things this tool can do. The titanium-coated implements are easily accessible with one hand and include every tool a shooter could want to service and adjust the handgun of their choosing. Each tool locks open and is carefully calibrated to popular pistol platforms- from a polymer striker fired pistol to the faithful 1911. The Pistol Tool is an essential addition to every handgunner’s range bag or workbench. The compact design also fits conveniently into most standard pistol mag pouches.
RANGE OR IN THE FIELD: with the 19-in-1 Pistol Tool:
ALLEN WRENCHES FOR ADJUSTING LASER SIGHTS ARE STORED ON THE TOOL: the 1/16”, .05”, .035”, .028” Allen wrenches
QUALITY GUN SMITHING BITS LOCK INTO THE TOOL: 6 Hex Bits with Ball Detents: 3/16” Flat, 1/8” Flat, #2 Phillips, #1 Phillips, 3/32” Hex, T15 Torx The ball detents are square cut hollow ground to prevent stripping
BREAKDOWN AND CLEAN YOUR PISTOLS: 1911 Government & Officer Bushing Wrench; 3/32" pin punch interchangeable with 8-32 threaded cleaning tools; Non-Hardened Stainless Steel Pick/Scraper
3" 420 Stainless Steel Tanto Knife, 2.5" Long Bit Driver,
Fine-Tooth Metal File & Tap Hammer Surface
Head over to Brownells or to pick yours up today,
Always Move Forward
TIG Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Продолжение обзора немецких мультитулов от компании Richartz (рихартс). Теперь речь идёт о более дорогой модели Pura tool. Сравнение Его с предыдущим и выводы относительно объективности цены-качества.
Ссылка на первый, grip tool:
Мультитул Richartz Grip tool. Обзор и мнение
Ссылка на канал компании, которая предоставила их на обзор:
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Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Мультитул Real Avid Gun Tool Max (AVGTMAX). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17