Компактний, але дуже зручний швейцарський ніж VICTORINOX Swiss Army Explorer (1.6705.3) з легкістю поміститься в кишені брюк або піджака, а в потрібний момент перетвориться на багатофункціональний інструмент, який здатний швидко і якісно виконати будь-яку роботу. У невеликому корпусі чорного кольору помістився необхідний максимум інструментів, здатних на 16 функцій. На відміну від більшості подібних йому офіцерських ножів, Victorinox Explorer оснащений лінзою з 8-кратним збільшенням.
Детальні характеристики:
Swiss Army Explorer
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Victorinox Explorer EDC НОЖ
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Городской исследователь Victorinox Explorer, в отличии от Victorinox Huntsman, Deluxe Tinker, Handyman, не хочет пилить, точить, сжимать; Victorinox Explorer - истинно EDC НОЖ. Вторая крестовая отвертка нырнет в мир техники, электроники, точно и грамотно справиться с большинством бытовых задач.
Victorinox Explorer меньше в два раза Victorinox Swiss Champ, но как не странно, не смотря на малый размер в городе его набор инструментов справляется со всем.
Данное видео, включая звуковую дорожку, является интеллектуальной собственностью автора. Любое копирование, полностью или частично и трансляция на других ресурсах или сми под любым предлогом запрещено автором. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор швейцарского ножа 91 мм Victorinox Explorer Deluxe 16 функций
Обзор швейцарского ножа Victorinox Explorer Deluxe 16 функций 91 мм (парт )
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Link za poručivanje
Victorinox AG garantuje da su svi noževi i alati napravljeni od prve klase nerđajućeg čelika. Explore alat se satoji od: velikog noža, malog noža, otvarača za konzerve sa malim šrafcigerom, vadičepa, sila-razvrtača, krstaskog odvijača, priveska za ključeve, turpije, pincete, višenamenske kuke, otvarača za flaše sa sekačem za žicu, makaza, i uveličavajuće lupe.
#militaryshop #victorinox #explorer #noz
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Складной коллекционный нож Victorinox Explorer Swiss Spirit Special Edition 2020 (1.6705.7L20)
Официальная видео-презентация от Victorinox!
Заказать в интернет-магазине легендарных швейцарских брендов :
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Из Victorinox Explorer (1.6703)-в Victorinox Explorer(1.6705) замена накладок
Пришла посылка,в ней мелочевка для виксов,а главное плашки для Victorinox Explorer с возможностью установки в нее шариковой ручки)))
выбрал для установки зеленый цвет...он офигенен)))плашки поменял возможно варварским способом,но у меня нет тисков,струбцин,и прочего..но все стало четко)))зазоров и даже микро щелей нет.Линза из оправы может вылететь(при открытой лупе)если нож упадет.Будь-те аккуратнее...так собственно произошло и у меня.Вставил ее обратно,если не прилагать усилий(не стараться выдавить ее)она сидит в оправе не плохо.Вроде все норм,но не приятный осадок остался..)) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Victorinox Explorer лучший городской швейцарский нож
Нож Victorinox Explorer
Multi tool Xiaomi
Обзор швейцарского ножа Victorinox Explorer Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Нож Victorinox Explorer
Набор функций – 16 :
* большой клинок
* малый клинок
* штопор
* шило,кернер
* многофункциональный крючок
* нож для открывания консервов
* малая отвертка
* открывалка для бутылок
* плоская отвертка
* инструмент для снятия изоляции
* кольцо для подвеса
* пинцет
* зубочистка
* ножницы
* крестовая отвертка
* лупа 8x
Размер: 91×275×22 мм
Вес: 111 г Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Knife Briceag Victorinox Explorer Plus 1.6705.3
Briceag Victorinox Explorer Plus
Descopera teritorii necunoscute alaturi de briceagul “Officer’s Knife pentru aventurieri” sau priveste lucrurile in detaliu cu acest Victorinox Explorer.
Date tehnice:
Lama Cutit Mare
Unealta Desfacator de capace
Desfacator de conserve
Surubelnita Mica
Surubelnita Mare
Surubelnita Phillips
Perforator cu ochi de cusut Da
Foarfeca Da
Lupa Da
Tirbuson Da
Carlig Multifunctional Da
Inel Chei Da
Scobitoare Da
Pasta Pix Da
Bold Da
Mini Surubelnita Da
Penseta Da
Dimensiune 91 x 27 x 22 mm
Greutate 104g Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Victorinox Explorer - the best urban carry Victorinox knife
This is a review of the Victorinox Explorer and explains why it is the best Urban Carry Victorinox Knife you can buy. The Victorinox Explorer is great for everyday carry - EDC - and is perfectly suited to the office, home office, or workplace. A great addition to a work bag load out this Victorinox Explorer has a super practical magnifying glass as part of its unique toolset. A great combination of size and weight and fantastic functionality for an urban environment.
My name is Jonathan, I have a passion for all things 'gadget, travel and EDC' which has filled both my personal and work life for many years. This includes sourcing, reviewing and product development and the creation of two UK national retail chains. Find out more here:
This channel is here to help you find great travel and carry gear on the back of solid and detailed reviews along with years of experience. I also hope to give you ideas and inspiration when it comes to everyday carry gear, travel gear and gadgets, which make life a little bit easier and perhaps more fun.
I welcome any feedback on my videos or the channel in general. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
🐦 You can find me on twitter at:
Product Web Links:
Swiss Qlip pocket clip
Amazon Links:
Victorinox Explorer
Victorinox Compact
Victorinox Huntsman
Victorinox Mini Champ Alox
Keysmart Nano
Contents of this video to help you navigate:
00:00 Intro
02:12 The basic tool set
04:04 The scissors
05:00 Size and weight
05:43 In-line Philips screwdriver
07:28 The magnifying glass
11:55 Guest appearance of Champ Super Timer
12:17 Comparison with fresnel lens
13:15 Other tools
14:18 Awl and hook
16:05 Scale Tools
17:54 The Swiss Qlip
21:22 Outro
Product Sourcing:
When it comes to sourcing a product for review, I will usually either purchase an item personally or reach out to a supplier requesting a sample for review. Most suppliers, after seeing the channel, are supportive if they are confident in their product, appreciating the value of greater exposure.
I am sometimes asked to review a product by a supplier which I will only agree to if the product fits the channel and I believe will be of interest to you, my audience. Also the product needs to be worthy of a review. It is not in my interest to review inferior or poor quality products and therefore as you might expect many requests are politely declined.
Any sponsored videos (paid for reviews) are clearly stated as such so there can be no misunderstanding. Even with sponsored reviews I will only agree to a sponsorship on products and services which I believe will be of genuine interest to viewers.
I will always make reference in the video to products which have been provided for review by a supplier and I always make it clear to the supplier that they cannot influence or be involved in the review in any way if they choose to supply a product.
Sometimes a supplier will provide a link to the product or the supplier which I am happy to include in the description. Sometimes I will be provided with an affiliate link so I can earn a commission on sales and this helps to support channel costs but never at the expense of an honest review.
If a product I have reviewed is available from Amazon I will often include an Amazon link in the description. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you.
I really appreciate the feedback in the comments - I find it a source of knowledge and inspiration - so thank you to all of you who take the time to contribute. I have recently found that if I continue to respond to all the comments as the number of videos builds, it takes time away from being able to produce new content which would be very counter productive! - so my aim is to read everything I can and reply when I can, after each video goes live, until the next video goes live a week later. I'll see how that works out 😊
Thank you for supporting the channel so I can continue to provide you with regular reviews, thoughts and ideas and (hopefully) inspiration! Please consider subscribing to keep up to date with new video releases, and if you want to be notified when a new video is released, don’t forget to hit the notification bell. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Victorinox Explorer black 1.6705.03 или любимый едс нож и мнение о городских ножах в целом.
Поговорим о любимом городском ноже и о городских ножах в целом.
Продавец Victorinox Ксения в ВК с отличными ценами основная страница:
Резервная страница Ксении: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Victorinox Explorer - Explorer Plus - Swiss Army Knife Review
Ref: /
Precio: 30€ aprox.
PayPal: Muchas gracias! 🤝
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Color Rojo.
Longitud 91 mm.
Anchura 27 mm.
Altura 22 mm.
Peso neto 105 gr
Hoja grande.
Hoja pequeña.
Abrelatas con:
- Destornillador pequeño.
Destapador con:
- Destornillador.
- Desaislador pelacables.
Anillo inoxidable.
Palillo de dientes.
Gancho multiusos.
Philips screwdriver.
Lupa 5x. Magnifying Glass
10% de descuento en productos Victorinox :
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Victorinox Explorer Swiss Spirit Special Edition 2020 Swiss Army Knife Vic. P/N
Swiss Knife (@ChKnife) - Vintage and Rare Victorinox & Wenger Knives
(Photo in the Outro: Valais Blackneck & Matterhorn Switzerland)
Misic: That Kid in Fourth Grade Who Really Liked the Denver Broncos von Chris Zabriskie ist unter der Lizenz "Creative Commons Attribution" () lizenziert.
#victorinox #swissarmyknife #pocketknife #swissknife #wenger #sak #taschenmesser #switzerland #swissness #swissmade #canon #canonphoto Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Click here to buy this knife:
The 3 1/2" Victorinox Swiss Army Explorer knife boasts 16 implements made for the explorer in all of us! Including tools such as a large blade, scissors and a magnifying lens, the Explorer is the ultimate tool for the outdoor enthusiast. Like all Swiss Army Knives, this tool carriers a lifetime warranty, stainless steel implements and Swiss-made quality and durability. Available in Red and Black.
Large blade
Small blade
Cap lifter
Wire stripper
Reamer with sewing eye
Key ring inox
Magnifying lens 5x
Philips screwdriver
Multi-purpose hook (parcel carrier)
Color: Vx Red
Blade Type: Multi tool
Length Closed: 3.6" / 91 mm
Width: 1"
Height: 0.9"
Weight: 3.7 oz.
Handle Material: Cellidor polished
Made in Switzerland
View all Victorinox Knives...
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Полный Обзор, Мнение, Рассуждения, Варианты... Victorinox Explorer 1.6703
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Victorinox Explorer EDC НОЖ
Городской исследователь Victorinox Explorer, в отличии от Victorinox Huntsman, Deluxe Tinker, Handyman, не хочет пилить, точить, сжимать; Victorinox Explorer - истинно EDC НОЖ. Вторая крестовая отвертка нырнет в мир техники, электроники, точно и грамотно справиться с большинством бытовых задач.
Victorinox Explorer меньше в два раза Victorinox Swiss Champ, но как не странно, не смотря на малый размер в городе его набор инструментов справляется со всем.
Данное видео, включая звуковую дорожку, является интеллектуальной собственностью автора. Любое копирование, полностью или частично и трансляция на других ресурсах или сми под любым предлогом запрещено автором. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Victorinox EXPLORER 1.6705 и чехол для ножа Victorinox 4.0520.3
Affiliated Product link:
Check out my other product unboxing and reviews:
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Victorinox Explorer идеальный и для города и для командировок👍🔥#victorinox
Curious about that mysterious hook on your Victorinox Explorer? From carrying parcels to pulling wires, this little tool is a game-changer. Watch now to discover all the surprising ways you can use the parcel hook in your everyday adventures. Stay best prepared for anything life throws your way—hit play and unlock the full potential of your Swiss Army Knife.
Discover the Explorer here:
Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more awesome tips and tricks! #MyVictorinox #Explorer #Tips #SwissArmyKnife Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Victorinox Explorer Camping Multi-tool Pocket Knife ...Just Look at it!! :]
Victorinox ✵ Explorer ✵ 𝙈𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙞-𝙩𝙤𝙤𝙡 ✵ Pocket Knife
Another Pocket Knife from my Collection
Closer Look at this Knife is here:
You can get one on Amazon here's the link:
KNIFE DIMENSIONS. Length: 3.6” (91mm), Height: 1.3”, Weight: 6.5 oz.
Thanks for Watching Dirt and Rust @dirtandrust. Vintage / Antique Tools, Old Pocket Knives & Misc Videos are shared. Also Flea-market and Garage sale Tool Hauls. Hope you Enjoy👍
I have hundreds of Vintage tools for sale at my Ebay store "Dirt and Rust Tool Co" so check it out if ya
My Amazon store:
Dirt and Rust Merch :]
Pocket Knife Books for research are here:
Traditional folding pocket knives:
Vintage Tool Books
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Today's carry Ganzo Firebird & Victorinox Explorer
In my opinion, these three Victorinox models contain only the necessary tools and nothing more Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Victorinox Explorer isn’t just a knife; it’s a compact toolbox for modern life!
This was one of my favourite gifts from Santa this year! The explore has a great array of tools that make it one of the perfect urban everyday carries. This will help you through a lot of the everyday minor emergencies in an urban environment. The toolset includes scissors, two blades, Two flathead screwdrivers, an excellent phillips screwdriver, Magnifying glass, Awl, corkscrew, parcel hook and of course the Tweezers and toothpick!
Let me know if you like the Victorinox Explorer - what is your favourite four layer SAK - If not the Explorer is it the Huntsman? Are you a victorinox fan?
If you liked this video - why not SUBSCRIBE 🔔 to see my other videos and the ones in this series when they are available.
If you liked some of the items mentioned - you can find them here following these affiliate links:
- Victorinox Explorer:
- Victorinox Huntsman:
- Victorinox Store:
The affiliate links do not cost you any more $ or £ and help support this channel
Key Moments in the video:
00:20 - Scale tools - tweezers and toothpick
01:27 - Hole for the pin
02:15 - Main and small blade
03:45 - Scissors
04:04 - Magnifying Glass
04:28 - Phillips Screwdriver
05:50 - Summary
The Channels that inspire me:
#edc #everydaycarry #victorinox Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Welcome to the world of the Officer's knife. This is where the legend of the Swiss Army Knife began. And it continues today with the Explorer pocket knife. This pocket knife was built to help you figure things out. Its 16 functions include the tools you need to take just about anything apart and put it back together; and a magnifying glass so you can get a closer look in between.
Large blade, Small blade, Can opener, Screwdriver 3 mm, Bottle opener, Wire stripper, Screwdriver 5 mm, Reamer/Punch and sewing awl, Corkscrew, Scissors, Magnifying glass, Phillips screwdriver 1 / 2, Multi purpose hook, Toothpick, Tweezers, Key ring.
Stainless Steel
ABS / Cellidor Handle Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Felix's amazing mod guide
Plus Scale
Have a Multitool or EDC Question? Leave a comment and I may make a video on it!
Amazon Shop:
Email: @ (no links plz, wont click them)
MMaxlvledc is a channel dedicated to exploring the #tools we carry every day. I will be discussing bags, #flashlights, #knives, #multitools, #pens, #wallets, key organizers, pry tools, functional clothing, #watches, electronics, and much more. Because I also love to modify these items, there will be videos on tools such as #screwdrivers, #pliers, #scissor, #wrenches, and #power-tools .
I try to read every comment so pls feel free to ask any questions below! Thanks for stopping in!
I will use affiliate links whenever possible. Using these links allows me to continue to make content for this channel. Thanks so much for your help!
#everydaycarry #edc #maxlvledc Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Workchamp XL beside a Swiss Champ. Swiss army knife size comparison.
Total Length: 3.5 inches
Weight: 3.7 ounces
Made In: Switzerland
Price: $50
Large Blade
Small Blade
Can Opener/Flathead Screwdriver
Bottle Opener/Flathead Screwdriver/Wire Stripper
Phillips Screwdriver
Magnifying Glass
Corkscrew/Micro Screwdriver
Parcel Carrying Hook
The Explorer Plus has the same tool set as the Explorer, plus the Micro Screwdriver and Pen.
Victorinox Amazon Links For Your Convenience:
Midnite Manager:
Midnite MiniChamp:
Serrated Spartan:
Spartan Lite:
Evolution S16:
Super Tinker:
Deluxe Tinker:
Evolution S557:
Explorer Plus:
WorkChamp: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Victorinox Explorer Swiss Spirit Special Edition 2020
Victorinox Explorer Swiss Spirit Special Edition 2020
Medium Pocket Knife with Magnifying Glass
A testament to Switzerland, the Explorer Swiss Spirit pays illustrative tribute to all things Swiss. Decked out in a hand-sketched design, it celebrates the nation’s most renowned national symbols. From the Alps to cheese, chocolate, watches and, of course, the Swiss Army Knife, all are intricately detailed in this unique commemorative design. Discover Switzerland like a true explorer.
Key features:
- Special edition dedicated to the Swiss spirit
- Swiss made pocket knife with magnifying glass and 18 additional functions
- The perfect gift for a little bit of Switzerland in your pocket
Height: 22 mm
Length: 91 mm
Weight: 102 g
Collection: Limited Edition
large blade
small blade
can opener
screwdriver 3 mm
bottle opener
screwdriver 6 mm
wire stripper
reamer, punch and sewing awl
mini screwdriver
magnifying glass
Phillips screwdriver 1/2
multipurpose hook
pressurized ballpoint pen
key ring
pin, stainless steel
Height 22 mm
Net weight 102 g
scale material ABS / Cellidor
Blade lockable No
One hand blade No
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#victorinox #victorinoxexplorer #knajflover Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canivete. Canivete suíço. Canivete Victorinox Explorer. Canivete victorinox modelo Explorer. O melhor victorinox para o campo e para a cidade. Explorer.
#canivetemodeloexplorer Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SMKW Get to the Point: Victorinox Explorer Swiss Spirit 2020
SMKW Get to the Point: Victorinox Explorer Swiss Spirit 2020
Item Number: V16705 - $ - Special Edition. Features stainless steel blades and 17 tools, including corkscrew, can opener, small screwdriver, bottle opener, screwdriver, wire stripper, reamer/punch, key ring, tweezers, toothpick, scissors, multipurpose hook, Phillips screwdriver, magnifying glass, pressurized ballpoint pen, stainless steel straight pin, and mini screwdriver. The handles are white composition that depicts all things Swiss. It's 3.5" closed.
*Prices may have changed since the publication of this video. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Get an Explorer here:
Product Description
The Victorinox Explorer Swiss Army Knife was designed for the recreational explorer. You shun the ordinary and charted parts of life. You're seeking new paths, roads, and avenues that lead to possible, new destinies. This pocket knife has 16 amazing tools that help you conquer the obstacles to new discovery; including a cap lifter, screwdriver, wire stripper, reamer, punch, key ring, tweezers, toothpick, scissors, multi-purpose hook (parcel carrier), Phillips screwdriver, magnifying glass, and of course the always reliable blade. All this in a small 3-1/2 inch body! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Victorinox Swiss Army Explorer Boy Scout ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ After 9 years of usage
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Ніж Victorinox Swiss Army Explorer (1.6705.3). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17