Клинок ножа Cold Steel Tai Pan FGX (92FTP) зроблений не з металу, як звичайний ніж, а з високоміцного армованого скловолокном пластика Grivory, тому не магнітиться і його не можна виявити металодетектором.
Ніж стійкий до сильних навантажень, ударів і вигинів, не боїться води, і звичайно ж не іржавіє. Завдяки конструкції ножа і формі рукоятки, його дуже зручно утримувати в руці під час використання. Ніж має високу проникаючу силу і здатний пробити безліч міцних матеріалів і предметів, наприклад фанерний лист, стопку листів картону і т.д.
Детальні характеристики:
Cold Steel
Tai Pan FGX
Не є холодною зброєю і не є предметом забороненим до продажу на території України
Вес ножа от 101 до 105 гр. В моем случае 104 гр.
Из за материалов и формы баланс смещен за гарду в сторону рукояти.
Длина клинка 190 мм.
Ширина клинка 33 мм.
Стоимость на момент публикации от 1000 до 1200 рублей.
К сведению: у ножей специально предназначенных для тренировок в названии присутствует слово TRENCH! Например COLD STEEL TRENCH KNIFE DOUBLE EDGE.
Создать ножны в принципе не проблема, в основном стоимость упрется в количество и качество кожи. В моем случае 1500 рублей, думаю не дорого: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Представлен обзор знаменитого кинжала компании Cold Steel-Tai Pan в версии со сталью VG-10 и ножнами Secure-EX. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Cold Steel Tai Pan Dagger -анбоксинг и первые впечатления.
Ещё одна новая реинкарнация знаменитого ножа-Cold Steel Tai Pan.Нож порадовал качеством исполнения и своей универсальностью.Ну очень крутой даггер,вероятно один из лучших. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Жаль что немного "звенит".
А вообще можно для большинства аналогичной продукции создать подобные ножны, даже есть возможность поиграть с цветом.
Обзор ножа:
Дружище если было полезно не забудь поставить палец вверх!!! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Light, but big. Easy to use and surprisingly good at doing damage.
Blade Length: 7 1/2"
Overall Length: 13"
Steel: Grivory
Weight: 3.7 oz Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ruthless knife that can be used in any Combat situation. It is absolutely deadly.
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Tai Pan : Cold Steel Fixed Blade Dagger Knife.
*Meats utilized in this video was carefully preserved and donated to the Ventura County Rescue Mission.
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Like its serpent namesake, the Tai Pan is aggressively fast and deadly. Designed by Lynn C. Thompson in his distinctive "Cold Steel Tanto" style, the Tai Pan embodies all the best features of a classic double edged dagger while minimizing their inherent shortcomings.
Most daggers are notorious for having thin, fragile points that are easily broken. In contrast, the Tai Pan features a sturdy spear point which is wide and thick enough to resist breaking without compromising its ability to offer deep, effortless penetration.
The razor sharp twin edges offer twice the potential cuts and slashes, and locks of a single edge knife, and with the Tai Pans balance point residing just behind the guard, it has a subtle "handle heavy" feel making it ideal for insertions while remaining amazingly "lively" in the hand.
The Tai Pan features a tapered black Kray-Ex™ handle with a unique flattened oval cross section. This material and handle shape has proven ideal for preventing the knife from shifting or turning in the hand even under the worst circumstances.
The Tai Pan may well be the finest double edged dagger in the world. A must have piece for any true knife collector or blade enthusiast.
Blade Length: 7 1/2"
Overall Length: 13"
Steel: VG-1 San Mai III®
Weight: 10.8 oz
Blade Thickness: 3/16"
Handle: 5 1/2" Long Kray-Ex™
Sheath: Black Leather Sheath
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Deadliest Non-Metal Weapons - Cold Steel Nightshade FGX Series Demo
Cold Steel Nightshade series are all made with Grivory, which is their own brew of fiberglass reinforced plastic. It's ultra-tough, and even have a slight edge for cutting too. Here I will do a cutting and stabbing demonstration with all the Cold Steel FGX Nightshade series blade to show you their performance and ability to cut, poke and stab. You can see how sharp and strong the tip and edge are, and how they can withstand serious impact! These are serious self defense weapons!
We tested the:
Cold Steel FGX Boot Blade I
Cold Steel FGX Boot Blade II
Cold Steel FGX Battle Ring
Cold Steel FGX Jungle Dart
Cold Steel FGX Delta Dart
Cold Steel FGX Cruciform Dagger
Cold Steel FGX Cat Tanto
Cold Steel FGX Tai Pan
and more...
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Запредельный тест ножей скрытного ношения от Cold Steel
Мы протестировали ножи Boot Blade II, Push Blade I и Honey Comb от Cold Steel по прямому назначению. Эти ножи позиционируются как ножи скрытного ношения для самообороны, вот и посмотрим на что они способны!
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Short video of the Cold Steel Tai Pan Dagger Fixed Blade! Featuring a VG10 Core, Wide Duel Edge Blade, Strong wide tip, Stainless Steel cladding, Krax-Ex Handle scale, Secure-Ex Sheath, Polished Pommel/Crusher, And Made in Taiwan. $ MAP But Available cheaper online.
Amazon Cold Steel San Mai Tai Pan, 7 1/2" =cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_g_7E59WB6P07HZYFV4SR19
Blade HQ
Knife Center
Camp Saver
Cold Steel Tai Pan 3V
Cold Steel Tai Pan Video
Tai Pan Video Showing Rear Tang
#coldsteel #taipan #fixedblade #dagger #sanmai #tacticalknife #knifecollection #dagger #selfdefense #knife #edcgear #edc
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Cold Steel Tai Pan San Mai
* Dagger, double edged fixed blade knife, full tang, Kray-ex over moulded, stainless steel guard and pommel cap
* san mai (VG-10/420J laminate[?]), hollow grind on both sides
OAL 13" 33cm
Blade 7 1/2" 18cm edge/19cm to guard
Blade thickness 3/16" ,
Handle 5 1/2"
Weight ,
Made in Taiwan
*Bought from Cleavers (Brisbane gun shop) AUD$
*comes with a quality Secure-Ex sheath (though has poor retention)
*came shaving sharp (both edges) from factory
Pro's classic 'fighting' dagger, fit and finish
Con's poor sheath retention
where I bought it from
I post all of my videos on Australian Blade Forums
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My old man has an original Cold Steel Tai Pan san maiIII and I had the chance today to have my new san mai Tai Pan in a side by side comparison. It was an interesting exercise and to be honest the two knives are very close in quality, fit and finish and overall feel.
The Cold Steel Tai Pan san maiIII is made in Japan is VG-1/420J laminate and comes with a leather sheath. My old man has had a kydex sheath made for his Tai pan as well.
The new Cold Steel Tai Pan san mai is made in Taiwan and is VG-1/420J(?) laminate and comes with a Secure-Ex sheath.
I post all of my videos at Australian Blade Forums
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Cold Steel Tai Pan Dagger Knife Review | OsoGrandeKnives
Click here to buy this knife:
Cold Steel 13D Tai Pan. Like its serpent namesake, the Tai Pan® is aggressively fast and deadly. Designed by Lynn C. Thompson in the distinctive "Tanto" style, the Tai Pan® embodies all the best features of a classic dagger while minimizing its shortcomings.
Most daggers are notorious for having thin, fragile points that are easily broken. In contrast, the Tai Pan® features a sturdy spear point which is wide and thick enough to resist breaking without compromising its ability to offer deep, effortless penetration.
The razor sharp twin edges offer twice the potential cuts, slashes, and locks of a single edge knife. When used with skill, the Tai Pan® can cut a 180° arc up or down or from side to side with devastating effect. With a balance point just behind the guard, the Tai Pan® has subtle "handle heavy" feel making it ideal for insertions yet remaining "lively" in the hand.
As with the Tanto, the Tai Pan® features a tapered black Kraton® handle with a unique flattened oval cross section. Over time, this material and handle shape have proven ideal for preventing the knife from shifting or turning in the hand even under the worst circumstances.
Meticulously fashioned from 300 series stainless steel, the traditional style tsuba and bolster offer both added safety and beauty. The Tai Pan's® butt terminates in a tapered, semi-pointed pommel to maximize the effect of even the slightest blow.
Item Number: 13D
Name: Tai Pan
Blade Length: 7 1/2"
Overall Length: 13"
Steel: VG-1 San Mai III®
Weight: 10.8 oz.
Blade Thickness: 3/16"
Handle: 5 1/2" Long Kray-Ex™
Sheath: Black Leather Sheath
View all Cold Steel Knives...
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The coolest cold steel!!! Самое крутое холодное оружие!
CS35AA Cold Steel Tai Pan San Mai Nože Nůž Knife Knives Cuchillo Messer Coltello Couteau Mes Cultrum Nóż Faca Kniv (cesky, czech lang.) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
For day to day covert backup weapons, folding tactical knives fit nicely into the continuum of force: compact, relatively fast, deadly with training, and easy to conceal. However if engaged in OVERT combat operations (and you have forewarning of conflict), like in the military, our options open up a lot. Maybe then we would prefer the longer reach, speed, and versatility of a fixed tactical blade... if you can take the added weight and bulk. Here's two fixed blade tacticals I think real highly of. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This channel is a Memorial and Archive For Fans of Apophysis7. Kirk passed away on September 16th, 2017 and is deeply missed by all who love him. I am putting this channel together to honor him. I want to give his friends, family, and fans who have missed his presence in their lives, in the knife community, and on YouTube, a place to enjoy the videos he created. Please visit this channel when you wish to hear his voice, feel his presence, and to see his beautiful smile. He was and will always be, one of a kind. His spirit shines so bright and it makes me smile to share his light. Love, Abigail Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The morale of the story is. If u were a victim of a random act of violence an had the FGX Tai Pan. Stab don't slash. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
12.5" overall. 7.5" VG-10 San Mai stainless spear point blade. Black Kray-Ex handle. stainless guard. Lanyard hole. Black Secure-Ex belt sheath. Made in Taiwan.
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Cold Steel plastic less-than-lethal weapons pretty much rule. Covered here is the Koga SD1 and Shark Pen. Then give impact options for self-defense that won’t kill the guy if used correctly. Much information abounds about their training and use. These plastic strike and submission tools are tough and cost effective (see links below). While we are at it let’s look at Cold Steel FGX nylon knives and Delta Dart as well. Don’t kid yourself, these plastic blades, though light, could be deadly. Favorite versions for me are the Tanto and amazing, still, Taipan dagger. They serve in the Nutnfancy household and have for years. Other versions shown. Be careful where you take these; in secured areas you will be considered in possession of a weapon. Neverlheless, in many high moisture or weight critical applications they are cost effective ass kickers.
Cold Steel Tai Pan (the best!):
ASP Sentry 21” BATON with Tactical Scabbard (this version is tougher steel):
Cold Steel FGX Boot Blade I with Kraton Handle:
Cold Steel FGX Cat Tanto with Kraton Grip:
Cold Steel Delta Darts (Set of 2):
Cold Steel Delta Dart Neck Sheath:
Cold Steel FGX Push Dagger:
Cold Steel FGX Nightshade Karambit (nasty!), only $12: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Один из представителей ножей сделанный из сверхпрочного пластика. И этот нож стоит копейки но стоит его взять в руки то сразу понимаешь что это не игрушка. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Don't believe the bad reviews of these pieces. Both would inflict serious wounds in a self defense situation. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Why I Own Plastic Knives & What I do With Them...It Involves The Toilette :)
Made from Grivory™— the latest in fiberglass reinforced plastic, and stronger than even the super tough Zytel® we have used in earlier models— they are UV and heat stabilized, making them impervious to the elements.
Share and discuss Cold Steel at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Like its serpent namesake, the Tai Pan® is aggressively fast and deadly. Designed by Lynn C. Thompson in the distinctive "Tanto" style, the Tai Pan® embodies all the best features of a classic dagger while minimizing its shortcomings.
Most daggers are notorious for having thin, fragile points that are easily broken. In contrast, the Tai Pan® features a sturdy spear point which is wide and thick enough to resist breaking without compromising its ability to offer deep, effortless penetration.
The razor sharp twin edges offer twice the potential cuts, slashes, and locks of a single edge knife. When used with skill, the Tai Pan® can cut a 180° arc up or down or from side to side with devastating effect. With a balance point just behind the guard, the Tai Pan® has subtle "handle heavy" feel making it ideal for insertions yet remaining "lively" in the hand.
As with the Tanto, the Tai Pan® features a tapered black Kraton® handle with a unique flattened oval cross section. Over time, this material and handle shape have proven ideal for preventing the knife from shifting or turning in the hand even under the worst circumstances.
Meticulously fashioned from 300 series stainless steel, the traditional style tsuba and bolster offer both added safety and beauty. The Tai Pan's® butt terminates in a tapered, semi-pointed pommel to maximize the effect of even the slightest blow.
The Cold Steel Tai Pan Knife is a classic dagger, it features a 7.5" X .19" double-edge VG-1 San Mai III stainless steel blade. Overall length: 13 inches. Weight: 10.8 oz., 5.5" textured Kraton handle with stainless steel guard, bolster and pommel. The Cold Steel Tai Pan comes complete with a high quality black leather sheath.
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Cold steel outdoorsman/taipan sheath adjustment video
One of the famous Cold Steel combat daggers that's world renowned and designed for all out business in Martial Affairs 🗡️🗡️🗡️🗡️🗡️⚔️🎱
Part 1
4 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Leatherneck («кожаная шея» в буквальном переводе с англ.) на сленговом американском языке означает «морпех». Такое прозвище американские военные получили в 1776-ом году, когда конгресс США обязал их носить высокие кожаные воротники, которые защищали от ударов саблей или кинжалом. Спустя два столетия в дань уважения американским военным серия высокоэффективных тактических ножей получила название «Leatherneck». Эти ножи обладают впечатляющим внешним видом и не менее впечатляющими рабочими характеристиками. Конструкция ножа изготовлена из цельной заготовки на всю длину ножа. При выборе стали авторы остановились на высококлассной нержавеющей стали марки 4116 немецкого производства. Каждая кромка заточена вручную. На поверхность клинка нанесено специальное антикоррозийное матовое покрытие. Безопасность в обращении обеспечивает элегантная стальная гарда, а надежность и комфорт в удержании – рельефная рукоятка, идеально лежащая в ладони. Увенчивает хватовую часть ножа массивное стальное навершие, которое при необходимости может использоваться в роли ударного инструмента. Исполнение Leatherneck Tanto оснащено клинком в стиле «tanto» с вогнутыми спусками.
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CS13Q Cold Steel 3V Tai Pan Nože Nůž Knife Knives Cuchillo Messer Coltello Couteau Mes Cultrum Nóż Faca Kniv (cesky, czech lang.) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Cold Steel : Tai Pan Japanese Styled Blade.
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