Бренд Amare Knives - це поєднання преміальних матеріалів, сучасного дизайну, утилітарних форм і витонченого стилю.
Дизайнером даного ножа став Таші Бхаруча - французький найфмейкер, відомий своїм стильним сучасним і неординарним підходом до ножа.
Незвичайним є вже один тільки профіль Folding Creator, адже це справжній складаний сантоку. Так, це не легкий костюмник, але, повірте, цей ніж куди більш широкий в плані застосування. Та й в профіль він також буде побільше. Це ніж не тільки для будинку, але і для прогулянки або відпустки, ніж, який можна використовувати для приготування їжі, так і в польових умовах.
З механізмом A-Joint, розробленим Amare Knives, Folding Creator являє собою універсальний в світовому масштабі складаний ніж, адже ви можете носити його з собою майже в будь-якій країні світу і, тим більше, ЄС, адже відкривається ніж двома руками (без шпеньків, фліпперів і т.д.).
Folding Creator - як спосіб виділитися серед компанії ножеманів.
Механізм «A-Joint», розроблений Amare Knives, має кілька явних переваг у порівнянні з традиційними ковзаючими сполуками. Механізм A-Joint включає в себе двоногу пружину (у формі крила бабки). Верхній важіль пружини, який утримує лезо на місці, коли він відкритий, товще і сильніше, ніж нижній важіль, що означає, що ви можете легко і дуже швидко відкрити ніж. Оскільки пружина розташована на стороні рукоятки, а не на корені, ніж може вмістити лезо більшого розміру, ніж традиційне ковзне з'єднання. А-подібний шарнір також надзвичайно безпечний у використанні: пружинний натяг надійно утримує лезо у відкритому і закритому положенні, але при закритті леза ефект гільйотини відсутній.
Тобто, швидше не завжди означає краще і безпечніше. Folding Creator тому підтвердження.
Клинок з японської стали VG-10. VG-10 (скорочення від V-Gold №10) - легована кобальтом і молібденом високовуглецева корозійностійка сталь. VG-10 була спеціально розроблена компанією Takefu Special Steel Co., Ltd. (Японія) для потреб ножової промисловості і є однією з кращих сталей для ножів. За своїм складом займає проміжне положення між ATS-34 і ATS-55 (ці марки вважаються деякими найфмейкерами кращими ножовими сталями). В'язкість цієї сталі достатня для того, щоб зберігати ріжучу кромку навіть при загартуванні до твердості 60-62 HRC, разом з тим сталь не є крихкою. Відмінною особливістю VG-10 є використання кобальту в сплаві - ця дорога і рідкісна в сталях легирующая присадка робить сталь більш твердою і в'язкою.
Детальні характеристики:
Amare Knives
Folding Creator
Не є холодною зброєю і не є предметом забороненим до продажу на території України
Die hier gezeigten Produkte wurden mir für ein ergebnisoffenes
Video kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt.
hier könnt ihr bei Interesse das Amare Knives Folding Creator
Music Credits:
Watching Seabirds Soar (Harmony) by DoKashiteru (c) copyright 2010 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Snowflake
Bleibt :-) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
December 30, 2020, An unboxing and a quick look at the Amare Folding Creator, a slipjoint made by Real Steel Knives. #AmareFoldingCreator, #RealSteelKnives, #TheLastRanger, #SlipJoint, #QuickLook, #KnifeUnboxing,
Purchase the Paracord I use or anything on Amazon, it helps out the channel.
Channel Stickers?
My Other Channel:
Contact me here, LastRanger1965@
The Last Ranger's Instagram:
TLR Channel URL to share: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
You can get the AMARE Creator from a variety of stores. This "folding santoku knife" was designed by Tachi Bharucha
You can watch a review of another folding camp cooking knife that I did a few years ago: reviewed can
Here are some stores where you can find the AMARE Creator:
- -$
- $116
- Amare mfr page - - €
- - £ 122,95
- - $ CAD
- - $
Support CCE via PATREON:
CHECK OUT our spreadsheet where we list how well the factory sharpened the knife and compare with other brands:
I have AMAZON Influencer pages for 3 countries ., Canada, and the United Kingdom. I would be honoured if you check them out. If you make any purchases from those pages it will help to fund CCE so I can keep making videos.
U.K. -
Thank-you for using my Referral and Influencer links, it helps fund my channel.
Coupon Codes
1) - "CCE" = 10% off your entire order
2) - "CCE" = 10% off your entire order
3) - "cce" = 5% off but ONLY for Ganzo knives and each customer can only use it once.
PLEASE do not use the MESSENGER part of Facebook. E-mail is the best way to contact me with a private message: CanadianCuttingEdge AT
(I don't update this regularly enough but I do have some good pictures here.)
UGETube page - a Backup of my YouTube site in case my channel ever gets pulled
@CanadianCuttingEdge Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Link to the Amare Creator on Drop:
10% Discount Code on WMK is: LTK
Link to White Mountain Knives Website:
LuvThemKnives strops are available $48 (includes USA shipping) contact me at LuvThemKnives@
Knife sharpening service
Kevin Lewis JR
Email: bevelknifesharpening@
Bevel Knife Sharpening Facebook:
My email address : luvthemknives@
My instagram
Spreadsheet of knife testing results to date:
Knife Cutting Performance Test Results:
Use discount code: LTK 5% off any knife
Tuyaknife Instagram:
20% off Bastion Gear: use discount code LTK (one time use per customer)
Bastion Referral link:
Referral link to Massdrop: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Eine kurze Übersicht über den 6.F; Sechsten Finger #6f #sechsterfinger #amareknives #outdoorknife #bushcrafting #outdoor #knives Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Das hier gezeigte Produkt wurde mir für ein ergebnisoffenes Video
leihweise zur Verfügung gestellt.
bei Interesse könnt ihr das Amare Knives Track hier beziehen:
Music Credits:
Between Worlds (Instrumental) by Aussens@iter (c) copyright 2017 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: (Smiling Cynic)
Bleibt :-) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here we have an unboxing video of the Amare Creator I got from OCD-4-EDC the other day with a nice discount due to Molly sticking up for me!! This is supposed to be a kitchen folder….with a glow in the dark back spacer for some reason. Regardless, look at that blade! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
March 19, 2021, I wanted take apart the Creator and dye the scales for my future Hobo Stew challenge. #amareknives, #creator, #thelastranger,
See Luv Them Knives for his disassembly and review:
See new member of the Under 1k Wall, video of the Top 3 Fun Fidget Knives.
Purchase Bored Paracord, I use it exclusively! It's my favorite cordage and its comes in a wide variety of colors. If you use this link it helps me make a few pennies on Amazon! LOL
Channel Stickers, Window Vinyl removable sticker or a Magnet? They're FREE!
Check out some of the Under 1k Knife Channels below, please give them look:
Damn Right I Got Knives:
Stuff We Do.:
JM Knives:
The Shredder Knife Reviews:
Jersey Knife Guy:
Dave Likes Knives:
My Other Channel:
Contact me here, LastRanger1965@
The Last Ranger's Instagram:
TLR Channel URL to share: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Creator by Amare Knives with a Blended Dye Job - My Kitchen Folder
10% Discount Code on WMK is: LTK
Link to Amare knives on White Mountain Knives Website:
Amare Website:
Amare Instagram: @amareknives
Join my Patreon & get in on the early bird knife sales & monthly drawings:
My email address : luvthemknives@
My instagram
Spreadsheet of knife testing results to date:
Knife Cutting Performance Test Results: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Amare knives of note ! Designs by Tashi Bharucha & Uli Hennicke !
This episode of AK Blade is all about the newest folders from Amare, Ruike & CRKT. Watch a Cee & Jul focus on knife specs., while also giving viewers some quick tidbits about how each knife handles. Also, you can’t miss when Cee cuts a $100 BILL in HALF with the Ruike P875-SZ! Showing all our fellow AK’ers that even money isn’t safe around these sleek knives.
Catch the fun here every week on Atlantic Knife’s YouTube Channel! @Atlantic Knife
Share, Like, Subscribe, and Comment in order to enter our next GIVEAWAY for a Bestech Texel in yellow. Also don’t forget to answer the Atlantic Knife Blog Trivia Question to enter to win the Steel Will Roamer!
Make sure to watch our show every Friday to see if you’ve won!
All knives are available at Atlantic (See links below).
Don’t Forget to Like, Subscribe, and Comment!
Find us on our social media pages and our website through the links below, so you can contact us directly should you guys have any questions about a giveaway, a product or if you just want to chat.
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Links for This Weeks Knives
Amare Creator Slip Joint:
RUIKE P875-SZ Framelock:
CRKT Full Throttle:
CRKT Chehalem:
CRKT Linchpin:
Steel Will Roamer:
Bestech Texel: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
New CRKT Amare and Ruike Folding Knives | AK BLADE S 2 EP 5 The Fancy Knife and Giveaway
The PARAGON with the newly developed Amare Knives "A-Joint" mechanism is a special folding knife, two-handed to operate and therefore everywhere to lead and use, where you can use a pocket knife!
The development of the "A-Joint" mechanism has several advantages. On the one hand, the slip joint mechanism is connected to the joint with only one double-legged spring (dragonfly wing shape). Here, the upper leg, which holds the blade open, due to its material strength over more pressure than the lower leg, thereby allowing easier and extremely fast opening. On the other hand, the blade length is greater than in conventional slip joint systems. In the area of safety, the A-Joint system also has the positive property that the blade is safely in the grip area when it is closed.
The blade is finished in a stonewashed look. The blade length is " with a blade thickness of ". Opened, it has a total length of ". With a weight of oz, it is stable and sustainable in the hand even under heavy use and allows safe driving.
The high-grade N690 steel from Böhler, which is also known under the material or VG10 or 440MOD steel, is a stainless, high-alloy steel, which was developed especially for the food industry and is used for corrosion-resistant knife types with demanding cutting tasks , For stainless steel, the N690 contains a relatively high carbon content, namely 1%. That's why the N690 is harder than most stainless steels on the market. It has very good cutting properties and can therefore be sharpened extremely sharp. Due to the combination of very good edge retention and the easy-care properties, the N690 steel is also often used for surgical instruments.
Milled handle shell is made of G10 high-pressure fiberglass laminate. It is created by several layers of glass fabric in conjunction with epoxy resin and compressed under heat. Because of its very high strength, low moisture absorption, excellent electrical insulating properties and chemical resistance, these properties are retained even under humid conditions.
protected A-joint mechanics
A-Joint spring replaceable
open, easy-to-clean construction
extremely sharp
compact, modern design
excellent sharpening
Rockwell hardness 60 HRC
deep carry, reversible pocket clip
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The PARAGON with the newly developed Amare Knives "A-Joint" mechanism is a special folding knife, two-handed to operate and therefore everywhere to lead and use, where you can use a pocket knife!
The development of the "A-Joint" mechanism has several advantages. On the one hand, the slip joint mechanism is connected to the joint with only one double-legged spring (dragonfly wing shape). Here, the upper leg, which holds the blade open, due to its material strength over more pressure than the lower leg, thereby allowing easier and extremely fast opening. On the other hand, the blade length is greater than in conventional slip joint systems. In the area of safety, the A-Joint system also has the positive property that the blade is safely in the grip area when it is closed.
The blade is finished in a satined look. The blade length is " with a blade thickness of ". Opened, it has a total length of ". With a weight of oz, it is stable and sustainable in the hand even under heavy use and allows safe driving.
The high-grade N690 steel from Böhler, which is also known under the material or VG10 or 440MOD steel, is a stainless, high-alloy steel, which was developed especially for the food industry and is used for corrosion-resistant knife types with demanding cutting tasks , For stainless steel, the N690 contains a relatively high carbon content, namely 1%. That's why the N690 is harder than most stainless steels on the market. It has very good cutting properties and can therefore be sharpened extremely sharp. Due to the combination of very good edge retention and the easy-care properties, the N690 steel is also often used for surgical instruments.
Milled handle shell is made of black carbon fiber reinforced plastic. It lends the knife a noble appearance and is very light and at the same time extremely resistant and therefore perfectly suitable for all demanding loads.
protected A-joint mechanics
A-Joint spring replaceable
open, easy-to-clean construction
extremely sharp
compact, modern design
excellent sharpening
Rockwell hardness= 60 HRC
deep carry, reversible pocket clip
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Please expand this section to see all the links and details.
On a computer click on "SHOW MORE", on a mobile device click the little black triangle below the video, to the right side.
First knife seen:
TwoSun TS187 Fanghorn - used for unboxing - Review:
UNBOXED (with links for purchasing):
1. AMARE _ Field Bro
USA & Canada
- (They do not have it listed on day of posting this video but should have it soon.)
_Use coupon code CCE to save 10% at White Mountain Knives_
Europe: - € Price incl. VAT
2. Real Steel Knives - CVX-80
Not yet at White Mountain Knives, but here is the link to their Real Steel list, it may be there when you check:
(save 10% at White Mountain Knives with coupon code: CCE)
- mfr page:
- AMAZON Canada -
- AMAZON USA - (low stock on July 8th 2020)
3. Kubey Knife - KU230
mfr page:
Amazon USA -
Amazon CANADA -
Support CCE via PATREON:
CHECK OUT our spreadsheet where we list how well the factory sharpened the knife and compare with other brands:
I have AMAZON Influencer pages for 3 countries ., Canada, and the United Kingdom. I would be honoured if you check them out. If you make any purchases from those pages it will help to fund CCE so I can keep making videos.
U.K. -
Thank you for using my Referral and Influencer links, it helps fund my channel.
Coupon Codes
1) - "CCE" = 10% off your entire order
2) - "CCE" = 10% off your entire order
3) - "cce" = 5% off but ONLY for Ganzo knives and each customer can only use it once.
PLEASE do not use the MESSENGER part of Facebook. E-mail is the best way to contact me with a private message: CanadianCuttingEdge AT
BACKUP of CCE is hosted by LBRY
You can watch LBRY via your browser or get the APP
See CCE here: @canadiancuttingedge Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Cee reviews the Amare Coloso. We know how he loves BIG KNIVES. Check it out. You don't want to miss this review.
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Amare Coloso Folding Knife Review | 1 LARGE folding Knife
Listed here are links for all 7 knives and some of the variables of those knives as well. Links to Amazon are referral links. The others do not earn a commission for me but if you use the coupon code "CCE" (and save 10%) at and if you let the other vendors know that Jake from Canadian Cutting Edge sent you, I would appreciate it very much.
I will try to follow the order that the knives were seen in the video:
1. AMARE Knives "The Creator"
I got mine at DROP - no longer sold there, but you can become a member of (formerly ) so you can have access to other great deals when they come up.
Links for people who are not yet members of DROP - use any of these links and then sign up and you will get $10USD off your first purchase. Click this link and then join DROP and you will get $10 toward your first purchase:
(that is for a new CJRB knife)
AMARE Creator is NEW and so it is not readily available:
- this is a listing for all the AMARE knives they have - the Creator is not listed there at the time this video went live.
Chicago Knife Works $119USD -
You can get it directly from AMARE -
2. Sanrenmu 9008
WhiteMountainKnives - save 10% with coupon code: CCE (good shipping to Canada) Listing for all 3 versions of the 9008 -
3. TwoSun TS124 (G10 liner-lock $ or Titanium frame-lock $) WhiteMountainKnives - save 10% with coupon code: CCE (good shipping to Canada)
(click on the NOTIFY ME and they will email you when they are in stock - best prices are at WMK)
4. Real Steel Knives TERRA - $ at WhiteMountainKnives - save 10% with coupon code: CCE (good shipping to Canada - both knives are low in stock, click on NOTIFY ME to get an email when they are back in stock)
(carbon fiber handle)
(light brown G10 - satin blade)
(black G10 - satin blade)
(green G10 - coated blade)
5. TwoSun TS130 $ $ at WhiteMountainKnives - save 10% with coupon code: CCE (good shipping to Canada - both knives are low in stock, click on NOTIFY ME to get an email when they are back in stock)
$ - (vendor has poor rating, and I think they ship from China)
- auctions -
6. Kubey Knife KU233
Directly from the manufacturer: $ -
- $ to $ -
7. TwoSun TS81-G10 (also as a titanium frame lock)
WhiteMountainKnives has this knife listed, G10 and Titanium
(Click on NOTIFY ME link and you will be emailed when they are in stock)
has two titanium variants: and
eBay has LOTS of them, both as auction or BuyNow: (just don't bid higher than the retail price)
Support CCE via PATREON:
CHECK OUT our spreadsheet where we list how well the factory sharpened the knife and compare with other brands:
I have AMAZON Influencer pages for 3 countries ., Canada, and the United Kingdom. I would be honoured if you check them out. If you make any purchases from those pages it will help to fund CCE so I can keep making videos.
U.K. -
Thank-you for using my Referral and Influencer links, it helps fund my channel.
PLEASE do not use the MESSENGER part of Facebook. E-mail is the best way to contact me with a private message: CanadianCuttingEdge AT
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Special features des 6.F 6.F; Sechsten Finger #6f #sechsterfinger #amareknives #outdoorknife #bushcrafting #outdoor #knives Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
hier könnt ihr die Messer von Amare Knives beziehen:
Hier kommt ihr zur Vorstellung des Pocket Peak Klappmessers:
Music Credits:
New York City (Instrumental) by spinningmerkaba (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
Dieses Produkt wurde mir für ein ergebnisoffenes Video
kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt.
Bleibt :-) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here we have the Creator, a VG10 double detent slipjoint that is billed as being a kitchen knife….what do you think? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
One Minute Knife Video: the Amare Creator, a double detent slip joint for the kitchen?
Speechless review.
Swedish 14C28N steel from Sandvik
G10 handle scales
incl. colour-coordinated Kydex sheath and TEK-LOK
Extremely hard cutting
Design by Ulrich Hennicke
Excellent resharpening
Rockwell hardness 62 HRC
CZ recenze na Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Amare/Real Steel Creator Slip Joint Review
Kyles channel:
Want to help out the channel??
1. Watch, subscribe, like, comment and share this video
2. Email me if you’ve got a piece you might want to loan in for review to dirk@
Thanks a lot. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dieses Produkt wurde mir für ein ergebnisoffenes Video
kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt.
hier könnt ihr das Paragon bei Interesse beziehen:
Hier findet ihr weitere Infos zu Amare Knives & dem Paragon.
Music Credits:
Quiet The Mind Instrumental by Mr. Pepino (c) copyright 2017 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
Bleibt :-) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Das hier gezeigte Produkt wurde mir für ein
ergebnisoffenes Video kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt.
hier könnt ihr das Amara Knives Der beziehen:
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zum :
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eMail: @
Music Credits:
GROWING by BOCrew (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Mykleanthony / ThedeepR
Bleibt :-) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Opinion-based review of Amare Knives’ A-Max fixed blade knife in 14C28N Sandvik steel available in stone-washed or PVD coated finishes. Designed by Uli Hennicke, CEO of Messerunicum designs, and produced by Real Steel Knives. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Das hier gezeigte Produkt wurde mir für ein ergebnisoffenes
Video kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt.
hier könnt ihr das Amare Coloso beziehen:
Hier kommt ihr zur Coloso Vorstellung von Denis:
Music Credits:
New World Flowers by Metallic Fish Paint (c) copyright 2005 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license.
Bleibt :-) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Amare Pocket Peak Uli Hennicke design
Link to Outpost 76 YouTube video of 12C27 Sandvik Steel testing on TwoSun knife:
Amare is a collaboration between Real Steel Knives and German knife company Messerunicum
Link to Messerunicum:
Link to Knife News article on Amare:
10% Discount Code on WMK is: LTK
Link to White Mountain Knives Website:
Knife sharpening service
Kevin Lewis JR
Email: bevelknifesharpening@
Bevel Knife Sharpening Facebook:
My email address : luvthemknives@
My instagram
Spreadsheet of knife testing results to date:
Use coupon code: LTK 5% off any knife
Tuyaknife Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
AMARE【アマレ】■ トラック ブルー【CPM-S35VN】【フリッパー】【カーボンファイバー】Track Blue フォルダー
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10% Discount Code on WMK is: LTK
Link to Almere Track on White Mountain Knives Website:
Knife sharpening service
Kevin Lewis JR
Email: bevelknifesharpening@
Bevel Knife Sharpening Facebook:
My email address : luvthemknives@
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Spreadsheet of knife testing results to date:
Knife Cutting Performance Test Results:
Use discount code: LTK 5% off any knife
Tuyaknife Instagram:
20% off Bastion Gear: use discount code LTK
Bastion Referral link:
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AMARE【アマレ】■ トラック ブルー【CPM-S35VN】【フリッパー】【カーボンファイバー】Track Blue フォルダー
All the promised links and MORE are listed in this section, you need to EXPAND it to see them all.
NEW until AUGUST 5: has it on sale for $50USD. If you are not yet a member of DROP (It's FREE) then use this link and get $10USD off your first purchase (disclaimer - I get $10 after your first item is delivered too) -
Links to BUY a Field Bro:
- AMARE webpage for the Field Bro (direct sales to Europe - € Prices incl. VAT) -
- White Mountain Knives (my favourite knife store has AMARE products but does not have a listing for the Field Bro at the time this video went live) - Get 10% OFF everything at WNK with our coupon code: CCE
- AMAZON does not have the Field Bro yet either (please email me if you see the Field Bro on Amazon - CanadianCuttingEdge AT
- One American store I found in USA that has the Field Bro
$ -
- CANADIAN store: Warriors and Wonders has it for $ -
- Link to REQUEST that get it in again:
More stores will carry it soon.
Support CCE via PATREON:
CHECK OUT our spreadsheet where we list how well the factory sharpened the knife and compare with other brands:
I have AMAZON Influencer pages for 3 countries ., Canada, and the United Kingdom. I would be honoured if you check them out. If you make any purchases from those pages it will help to fund CCE so I can keep making videos.
U.K. -
Thank you for using my Referral and Influencer links, it helps fund my channel.
Coupon Codes
1) - "CCE" = 10% off your entire order
2) - "CCE" = 10% off your entire order
3) - "cce" = 5% off but ONLY for Ganzo knives and each customer can only use it once.
PLEASE do not use the MESSENGER part of Facebook. E-mail is the best way to contact me with a private message: CanadianCuttingEdge AT
BACKUP of CCE is hosted by LBRY
You can watch LBRY via your browser or get the APP
See CCE here: @canadiancuttingedge Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Cee reviews the Amare Pocket Peak folding and fixed blade knives. Cee goes over the NEW Amare Pocket Peaks and shows their cutting ability.
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Review: AMARE Field Bro - made by Real Steel Knives for AMARE
у меня в наличии первый красавец от AMARE
и всего три новинки от CIVIVI
- очень рекомендую прицениться - они крутые
сумка-самобранка вот -
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pocket Knives Folding Army Knife Survival Tactical Outdoor Bearing Titanium EDC Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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