Ваш X-ніж є найміцнішим, найгострішим і найбезпечнішим ножем з нержавіючої сталі у виробництві. Якщо ваше життя в небезпеці, ви завжди можете покластися на свій X-ніж. Він спроектований так, щоб витримувати всі навантаження, що надаються рукою людини, що означає, що він практично не піддається руйнуванню. Це передбачає, проте, що ви обережні з ножем і що він використовується за призначенням, а саме як гострий точний інструмент.
Основа міцності X-ножа полягає в ламінованій кобальтовій сталі, а також в добре продуманій конструкції, в якій усунуті зони руйнування. Разом з опуклим лезом у формі руки, X-ніж - це концепція, яка перевершує все інше в світі з точки зору безпеки та комфорту.
Fallkniven F1 являє собою абсолютно нову філософію щодо ножів для виживання. У той же час він поєднує в собі багаторічний досвід з виробництва ножів з сучасними технологіями.
Ніж поставляється з литими під тиском Zytel піхвами.
Варіація CoS особлива, тому що її клинок виготовлений зі сталі марки Lam.CoS. Lam.CoS - одна з недавніх розробок компанії. Сталь CoS є серцевиною клинка, виконаного за відомою японською методикою San Mai III, при якій преміальна сталь великої твердості ламінується з обох сторін м'якшою сталлю, в даному випадку - сталлю 420J2. 420J2 - японська низьковуглецева нержавіюча сталь; вдосконалена японськими металургами м'яка нержавіюча сталь марки 420. Сталь CoS - це надзвичайно міцна вуглецева сталь, яка від початку була задумана НЕ ножовою, а інструментальною. Така сталь має трохи вищу твердість (60 HRC) в порівнянні з попередником в особі Lam. VG-10 (59 HRC) і відрізняється підвищеним вмістом кобальту, що відповідає за жароміцність і поліпшені механічні властивості: із сплавів із застосуванням кобальту створюють оброблювальні інструменти (свердла, різці, і. т. п.). Ще одним цікавим легуючим елементом сталі марки CoS є вольфрам. Вміст в сталі вольфраму надає їй значну твердість і помітно підвищує температуру плавлення. Застосовується вона для ресор, снарядів, сейфів, для ріжучих інструментів, а з присадкою молібдену таку сталь називають «самогартівною» (self hardening steel).
Свої розміром F1 може посперечатися з будь-яким середньорозмірним складаним ножем. Вага F1 так само не вибивається зі звичної EDC-норми. Однак, при середніх розмірах F1 має повнорозмірну рукоять, майже десятисантиметровий клинок з добротною товщиною обуха. І головне - масивний хвостовик ножа проходить через всю рукоять. У торці рукояті кожного ножа - отвір під темляк, діаметром 5 мм, що дозволяє протягувати навіть досить товстий шнур. У версії з руків'ям з резинопластика Thermorun хвостовик ще й виступає з рукоятки на кілька міліметрів, що дозволяє наносити удари по торцю ножа без страху пошкодити резинопластикове покриття. Сам резинопластик марки Thermorun, за інформацією від виробника, був спеціально створений для використання в складних умовах півночі і витримує великі перепади температур. З чого випливає, що F1 можна сміливо експлуатувати в будь-яких кліматичних та природних умовах.
Детальні характеристики:
Pilot Survival CoS Zytel Sheath
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This is the unboxing and review of the famous Fallkniven F1x Swedish Pilot survival knife.
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Let me know in the comments which other knife you would like me to review. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fallkniven NEW! F1 NEZ Sheath view and comparison by . See them here.....
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This is is literally a dream come true for us! Fallkniven brought back a bunch of nostalgia with their new knife. The old skool F1 but... this time in our favourite stainless steel! Bloody CoS! And we are one of the first to test this magical bastard! Let's go!
Fallkniven Knives!
Fallkniven F1 CoS
Cru-wear edge retention
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РЕАЛЬНАЯ ИСТОРИЯ ножа выживания Шведских летчиков Fallkniven F1. Или как сделать нож. [Knife Story]
Про нож Fallkniven F1 сказано уже многое, но я приготовил для вас эксклюзив! Fallkniven F1 - это не просто нож. Это - легенда!
Подборка ножей F1:
Другие ножи Fallkniven:
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Swedish Airforce Fallkniven F1 Knife Destruction | Was Survival Lilly Right!?
Knives and tools fixed the blade for us!
Survival Lilly made a video about her Fallkniven Failing on her. Even though we think she didn't treat the knife like you're supposed to (just like we allways do), we thought we'd try it out for you all like a super deluxe knife channel should of course!
We still like the F1. Not a big fan of VG10 though.
*on 3:34 we made a mistake by saying lilly used a S1 Pro while of course it was the regular S1*
Show some respect to Lilly people.
Knives And Tools, We want to see everything ''sold out'' people.
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Some brand recommendations around the same price:
Bark River:
Andrew applepie:
Please watch: "Battle of the Ultimate Chopping Knives! Which is the Best!??"
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Fallkniven A1 Survival Knife Review Black Blade with Zytel Sheath
Just a quick look at the amazing Fallkniven A1 Survival Knife Black Blade with Zytel Sheath! I love this knife, and I dont think anyone looking for this size knife would regret buying it! Please don't forget to subscribe for more reviews! Thanks for watching!! =)
To purchase this knife click the link below
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This video is about the Fallkniven F1z silver with xytel sheath and it is a nice and small knife for my wife and it fit really well in her hand and she can handle the knife better because it is not so heavy. It is a full tang and it has a thermorun handle wich gives you a good grip if your hands are wet . This knife is 210 mm overall length and it weighs 153 g and the blade length are 97 mm and the blade thickness are 4,5 mm.
Amazon link where you can find the knife.
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The Truth About Pilot Survival Knives (Gerber LMF II vs. Fallkniven F1)
Both of these knives are claiming to be the best pilot survival knives, but do there capabilities match their claims or is it all just a facade? Which knife will reign supreme as the king of pilot survival knives?
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Fallkniven F1 Field Test & Review (Ultimate Pilot Survival Knife?)
Is this the ultimate pilot survival knife? Let's see!
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Fällkniven S1 - The most overrated knife out there?
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"The Fallkniven F1 is the official survival knife Swedish Air Force pilots since 1995. A new world standard was set with the F1 through attention to important details including technical design, ergonomics and economy. The Fallkniven F1 surpasses international standards for strength, personal security capabilities, and value for money.
The Fallkniven F1 represents a new philosophy with respect to knives for survival use. The F1 successfully combines the experience of generations of knife manufacturing with the most modern technology and forging.
The well thought-out design and incredibly tough laminated steel are only two of the many details making the handy-sized Fallkniven F1 a knife you can always you can rely on even with your life. The F1 is well proportioned and tremendously versatile. The safe, comfortable grip along with its hard and tough laminated steel blade makes the F1 knife incredibly useful for all types of daily work and demanding tasks."
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Pro User Opinion On Fallkniven F1 Xb Air-force Survival Knife
- The Official Survival Knife Of The Swedish Air Force Is The Fallkniven F1. Here Is The Tungsten Carbide Coated, CoS Steel Fallkniven F1Xb. Link To Russian Channel
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Welcome To Survival-Russia. One of the very best Outdoors and Survival related communities on YouTube, and yes, It's a pretty good Channel too.
My name is Lars. I'm From Denmark but I live in Rural Russia now. I live at a Homestead in wild nature surrounded by a huge forest.
On The Survival-Russia channel we do all things related to the Outdoors Lifestyle. I share my thoughts and experiences on Survival Techniques for the woodlands of the Northern Hemisphere. the Reality of Survival. I share Techniques and ways of the Siberian Tribesmen and the Russian Longhunters of the older days. Things not shown outside of Russia very much.
On this Channel we also do Off-Road driving, Vehicle builds, Metal Detecting, all things Outdoors basically. Enjoy! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fallkniven F1 Sheath Mod - Zytel Sheath Firesteel Holder
Quick tutorial how to add a firesteel to the Fällkniven F1 zytel sheath.
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This is our Fallkniven Overview video. This video is part of our ongoing series, showcasing all the knifemakers and brands who participated in the making of our book, Knife Bible, History & Modern Knowledge.
Thank you @fallkniven for all the support!
Stay Sharp, Stay Tuned...
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Le TOP des couteaux de SURVIE : Fällkniven F1X, A1 Pro, S1X
#couteau #survie #Fallkniven #survivalknife #survival #outdoor #bushcraft #bushcraftknives
Je vous propose de découvrir les couteaux Fällkniven parmi les meilleurs du monde en matière de couteaux de survie avec lame en acier inox.
La marque suédoise propose de nombreux modèles, conçus pour la chasse et la survie, mais ce sont ceux de la gamme outdoor/survie que seront passés en revue.
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0:00 intro
3:02 F1X Elmax
8:18 A1 Pro
12:43 S1X Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fallkniven F1 zytel sheath rattle fix. This is a great sheath and for only a few dollars you can eliminate the rattle and make it ready for the zombie apocalypse. Let me know your thoughts and comments below.
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Обзор и мнение по ножу Fallkniven F1 со сталью VG10. Сравнение с другими ножами, стоит ли купить китайскую версию, про покрытие клинка, сталь и многое другое.
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Falkniven F1 Zytel Sheath Mod + New Handmade Leather Sheath
How I have improved my original Falkniven F1 Zytel sheath and quick review of my new handmade leather sheath made by A. Wright &Sons. Sweet! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
An adhesive backed bit of the soft side of velcro adhered inside the sheath will fix the rattling. It will stick better if you clean the surface inside the sheath with isopropyl alcohol first. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fällkniven F1 PSK - first thoughts, specs and overview:
In this episode, we run you through our first thoughts about and specifications of Fallkniven F1. It is also called F1 PSK (Pilot Survival Knife) and happens to be standard issue knife for Swedish Air Force pilots.
How does Fallkniven F1 fare as a survival knife? Click here to know more -
Knife used in this review was supplied by Fällkniven AB (Sweden)
Specifications of Fällkniven F1 PSK
Total length: 210 mm (8.3")
Blade length: 97 mm (3.8")
Blade thickness: 4.5 mm (")
Grind: Convex grind
Tang: Full tang
Weight (knife): 150 g
Steel: Laminated VG10 + 420J2
Blade hardness: 59 HRC
Handle: Thermorun
Sheath: Zytel
Fällkniven website:
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Savaj Outdoors is India's first and only channel for outdoors, bushcraft, survival and air rifles.
#SavajOutdoors #outdoors #bushcraft #survival #gear #gearreview #camping #Fallkniven Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fällkniven Pilot Survival Knife Mod F1z | Outnorth Demo
A demonstration by Outnorth, showcasing the design and functionality of the Fällkniven Pilot Survival Knife Mod F1z.
More about Pilot Survival Knife from Fällkniven
Pilot Survival Knife Mod F1z from Fällkniven represents an entirely new philosophy with respect to knives for survival use, while it combines generations of experience with modern technology. The handy format, the thoughtful design, the incredibly tough laminated steel are only some of the details that makes you really trust this knife. The new injection molded zytel sheath offers a neat safe and strong combination of features that should be very attractive to all users.
Specifications for Pilot Survival Knife Mod F1z Fällkniven:
Total length: 210 mm
Blade length: 97 mm
Blade thickness: 4.5 mm, tapered
Tang: Full, protruding
Weight (knife): 150 g
Hardness: 59 HRC
Handle: Thermorun
Sheath: Zytel Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fällkniven F1 Pilot Survival Knife Clone Vs Original
Bought this knife to show you the differences between the original F1 and its clone.
I hope this video will be helpful to you Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ep-13: Fällkniven F1 | Pilot Survival Knife | Field Test and Review | India
In this episode, we put Fällkniven F1 through its paces. It is also called F1 PSK (Pilot Survival Knife) and happens to be standard issue knife for Swedish Air Force pilots.
How does Fallkniven F1 fare as a survival knife? You'll get your answers after watching this video.
Savaj Outdoors had taken you through specifications and overview of F1 in earlier episode. Here's a link to it -
Do you want to know how to make a firestarter that burns for more than 10 minutes? Click here -
Knife used in this review was supplied by Fällkniven AB (Sweden)
Specifications of Fällkniven F1 PSK
Total length: 210 mm (8.3")
Blade length: 97 mm (3.8")
Blade thickness: 4.5 mm (")
Grind: Convex grind
Tang: Full tang
Weight (knife): 150 g
Steel: Laminated VG10 + 420J2
Blade hardness: 59 HRC
Handle: Thermorun
Sheath: Zytel
Fällkniven website:
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Savaj Outdoors is India's first and only channel for outdoors, bushcraft, survival and air rifles. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Comparison of my experiences using both these super reputable, super high quality blades. Because they both fall into that category of bushcraft and survival, I thought it would make sense to put them head to head.
YouTube: @thewimpycamper7692
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Fallkniven F1 Swedish Pilot Survival Knife: Full Review
Fallkniven F1 Swedish Pilot Survival Knife: Full Review - Fallkniven knives from Sweden began manufacturing knives back in 1984. As fishermen and hunters for decades, they have used their knowledge to produce some of the most prized and beloved outdoor survival knives in the world. The F1 knife has proven to be an incredibly popular design, one that you only fully appreciated once you've experienced its superior design and craftsmanship.
This Fallkniven F1 knife is a limited edition model with a premium 3G laminated powder steel blade. The blade is convex ground and satin finished. The diamond textured Thermorun handle provides an ideal platform for safe and comfortable use, whether wet or dry. The tang protrudes at base slightly (less than 1/16"). This Fallkniven F1 comes with a tough double-safety, one hand operated zytel sheath with belt loop.
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Welcome to my channel Gav Nolan Outdoors
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Bought off
I contacted Peter Hjortberger, owner / founder of Fallkniven AB via email to ask about the history of the F1 knife.
In this video I will read out Peter's reply which I also have permission from Peter to do so. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fallkniven A1XB knife Military , survival, bushraft.
Fallkniven A1X - A1XB
Coltello in acciaio satinato CoSLam con lama di ,1 manico in Thermorun e fodero in Zytel.
Se vi fa' piacere iscrivetevi al canale.
Il tuo X-knife è il più forte, affilato e sicuro coltello in acciaio inossidabile in produzione. Se la tua vita è in pericolo puoi sempre contare sul tuo X-knife . E’ progettato per resistere a tutte le sollecitazioni applicate dalla mano umana, il che significa che è praticamente indistruttibile. Tuttavia si presume che siate attenti con il coltello e che sia usato come previsto, cioè come uno strumento di precisione affilato.
Un tale coltello naturalmente non è un coltello da lancio, ne è da usare per spaccare la legna quotidianamente, per queste funzioni si usa un’ascia, è migliore allo scopo e più economica.
La base di forza del X-knife stà nell’acciaio al cobalto laminato, e nella costruzione ben studiata in cui le zone di rottura sono state eliminate. Insieme al bordo convesso ergonomico, X-knife è un concetto che supera tutto il resto del mondo in termini di sicurezza e comfort.
Qualche parola sulla versione dell’A1XB acciaio scurito, questa versione di trattamento è la più dura che abbiamo trovato, abbiamo provato a consumare lo strato superficiale nero con la betulla riccia più dura e secca che abbiamo trovato, non siamo mai riusciti ad intaccare questa superficie estremamente dura e resistente. Tuttavia non possiamo garantire che rimarrà per il tempo e l’eternità dopo tutto, la lama può essere molata, lavorata e scalfitta da materiali quali la ceramica e il diamante. La durezza di questo trattamento di scurimento è 2400HV (Vickers) o circa 83 HRC.
Nel solito nostro modo abbiamo messo un sacco di energia nella progettazione di un fodero sicuro del coltello, che è in realtà dove il coltello passerà la maggiore parte del suo tempo. Il design del fodero determina l’accesso al coltello, e qui abbiamo davvero messo tutti i nostri sforzi nel fare un fodero sicuro che permette un facile accesso al coltello. Il fodero ha un blocco di trasporto (il supporto a leva con un cinghietto) è un dettaglio di sicurezza funzionale che permette al coltello di rimanere nel fodero fino a che non si decide di usarlo. Un di più alla sicurezza, un coltello perso non và bene. Questa sicura permetterà di tenere il coltello in qualsiasi posizione senza alcun rischio.
Acciaio acciaio INOX laminato CoSLam
Durezza 60 HRC
Rivestimento brunitura tungsten carbide 83 HRC
Forma convessa
Manico Thermorum
Fodero Zytel
Lama full tang
Lunghezza lama ,1
Spessore lama mm. 7
Lunghezza totale cm. 28,4
Produzione acciaio Giappone
Punta coltello drop point
Peso gm. 400
Bilanciatura avanzata a 5 mm dal ramo di guardia inferiore
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Fallkniven's NEW F1 VGWOLF view by www.bushcraftcanada.com
" () overall. " () satin finish laminate VG-10W steel drop point blade. Black checkered thermorun handle. Full tang. Lanyard hole. Carried by the Swedish National Defense. Black Zytel belt sheath
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Fallkniven F1 - The sheath you've probably never heard of.
Built By Doug over at Yellow Hawk Customs Outdoors- Combat/Wilderness Grade Kydex Sheath Systems .
Yellow Hawk makes Military/Wilderness Grade Custom kydex Knife sheaths & Carry systems
This system here goes for $130 and that price will change Depending on what you choose and want out of your sheath.
This is known as a basket weave design W/ A Raptor Dangler allowing me to easily take off the sheath and carry it in the scout carry position or It can be unscrewed and canted to adjust to how i want to grab it
Thank you for your time and you can find Doug Using the links below.
Joe Beaudrow
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Fallkniven F1 Pro CoS unboxing and first impressions
Unboxing the Fallkniven A1 Pro:
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The new variation on the most popular series of Fallkniven is here: the Pro series featuring CoS (Carbon-Special) steel for higher performance and edge retention. My first impressions are very good. I like the new design and factory edge. I will soon start testing this knife in the field and see how it handles water stone sharpening
This is what fallkniven has to say about there new take on the old series:
There are survival knives, and there are survival knives for the professional survival. Our models F1, S1 and A1 have provided exceptional service for more than twenty years and due to their outstanding quality and durability will continue to do so for many years to come. Nevertheless our desire to strive for continual improvement has led us to develop the new Pro Series which takes the concept of the survival knife to unimaginable heights of quality. We began developing these impressive new knives in 2010 and five years later, we’re able to offer three survival knives which set the benchmark for survival knife manufacture the world over – the Pro series. To put it simply a knife is a blade and a handle. But if this vital tool is to remain strong and stay sharp you have to add fairly decent materials. If you then claim to call a knife “professional” you take on a responsibility to the user to raise the bar above what is normal. So it is with the Pro series.
New and improved Pro series specification
Pro series of F1, S1 and A1 differs from its predecessors in the following important details:
1. The laminated VG10 steel is replaced with a laminate cobalt steel (lam. CoS) which, amongst other things, ensures a durable edge and improved edge retention.
2. The blades are consistently thicker causing an increased torsional rigidity - they will withstand even greater external forces than before.
3. The tapered tang is wider and thicker and thus significantly stronger.
4. The crossguard is made of stainless steel and permanently mounted to the tang.
5. The convex edge has been refined to improve the cutting properties.
6. The zytel sheaths are redesigned meaning they are more durable and are better suited to the Molle attachment system.
7. The knives are supplied with our most valued combination whetstone, the DC4. It offers both a diamond whetstone and a ceramic stone for field sharpening.
8. The knives are packed in shock-resistant, waterproof boxes that can be used for storage of smart phones, GPS, documents, survival gear and much more.
Understandably these knives fall into a higher price category. However, considering the unparalleled quality they are by no means over priced. A professional survival knife should be able to be relied upon in the all-weather and we really mean all weather. It should also be pleasant, safe and comfortable to handle whether it’s fine or rough work, summer heat or winter cold. We have considered everything in the design of this quite superb knife and we, therefore, offer a lifetime warranty on materials and workmanship.
Total length (mm) 217
Blade length (mm) 100
Blade thickness (mm) 5
Blade profile Convex
Tang Broad, protruding
Weight (knife) 182g
Hardness (HRC) 60
Handle material Thermorun
Sheath Zytel
Please watch: "Battle of the Ultimate Chopping Knives! Which is the Best!??"
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Fallkniven F1 Review & Demonstration- LONG TERM USE
Come join BlackWater Bushcraft as he shares his thoughts and opinions on one of his favourite bushcraft knives. The Fällkniven F1 survival knife. After 5 years of hard use this knife has stood the test of time. 9/10 Bushcraft, survival, camp knife. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
F1 Pilot Survival Knife
Great all around knife with a real nice custom sheath.
With this knife a new world standard is being set! Important factors such as technical design, ergonomy and economy are brought together within the model F1, and represent the foremost concept available today. The knife meets and surpasses by far established international standards for strength, personal security and value for money.
Mod. F1 is the official survival knife for pilots within the Swedish Air Force since 1995.
Mod. F1 represents an entirely new philosophy with respect to knives for survival use. At the same time it combines the experience of generations of knife manufacturing with modern technology. The handy size, the well thought-out design, the incredibly tough laminated steel are only a few of many details making this knife something you can rely on.
Mod. F1 is a handy knife and is tremendously versatile. The safe, pleasant grip together with a very hard yet tough laminated steel, makes the knife very useful for all kind of daily work but also demanding tasks. You can choose from two kinds of sheaths - an all-covering pouch type, which safely houses the entire knife or an extremely tough double-safety, one hand operated zytel sheath.
Blade length: 3 4/5"
Overall length: 8 1/3"
Steel: Laminated VG10
Handle material: Thermorum
Weight: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I wasn´t pleased with the tension on the safety lock on the sheath for the Fällkniven S1 Pro. So I improved it with a little bit of plastic and some self vulcanizing tape.
I did try this on the sheath to my A1 as well but the tension got a little to hard because it don't have a problem with the tension.
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Music by Max Dahlby
West Coast Bushcrafters
We putted our collection of Fällkiven to a test. Amazing quality, very limited maintenance and perfect to take out when going on adventure. See for yourself how they perform during different bushcraft tasks.
Check our Instagram out:
Used in this episode:
#Fällkniven S1Pro
#Fällkniven F1X
#Fällkniven F1
#Fällkniven A1
#Fällkniven A2
#Fällkniven U4
#Fällkniven #Bushcraft #Sweden #Stromstad #Westcoast #outdoors t #Fjallraven #forest #survival #prepper #camping #Sverige #Beaverknife l #outdoor #COS #VG10 #Batoning #Firesteel Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fallkniven S1 Forest Knife Review: Better Than The F1
#survivalknife #bushcraftgear #bushcraftknife
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Fallkniven S1 Knife Review. Beating on the Classic Outdoor Survival Knife.
The Fallkniven S1 may be the ultimate survival knife if maybe it was the knife you had on you while you needed to survive in the bush or forest. This series of knives has been designed in Sweden and made in Japan for abuse, hard use, field tests, cleaning game, batoning, tactical purposes, and other words that help my SEO. Also in this series are the A1, and the F1- but I can't afford all three. Maybe one day if I get as popular as Nutnfancy. Buy from the links below to support the channel.
S1 Pro:
Blade HQ's full line of Fallkniven Fixed Blades:
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To Buy:
It took eight years to develop the Fallkniven F1 Survival Knife, which today is in service as a survival knife with the Swedish armed forces. The model F1 is a useful size that will fit in any hand, and as an all round knife it is without equal. The safe, comfortable suregrip Thermorun handle, together with an extremely hard and resilient special steel, means that the knife can be used for all kinds of normal - but also demanding - work. For its size, it has yet to be bettered!
The Fallkniven F1 Survival knife is available in an all-black design, with the blade coated in Teflon. In addition to reducing the risk of unwanted reflections, the Teflon coating gives further protection against corrosion. If the knife is to be used in salt water environments, we recommend the Teflon coating.
You may choose between two types of sheath - either a fully enclosed leather sheath which securely accommodates the knife on the belt, or a tough reinforced Zytel sheath. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fixing the Fallkniven F1 Tip, Broken by Dutch Bushcraft Knives
The girls at Dutch Bushcraft Knives recently wrecked their Fallkniven F1. The tip broke off, turning the knife into quite an effective screwdriver. Our Chris took some time to fix the knife, thin it out and restore the original profile. Now it is ready for another round of abuse by Muscled Hammer Guy.
Check out the wrecking video:
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