Компактне точило Smith's Compact Electric Sharpener (50073) об'єднало в ергономічному корпусі можливість ґрунтовного електро-заточування за допомогою синтетичних абразивних дисків і м'якого ручного доведення. Вибір матеріалу для обертових абразивних дисків аргументований рядом переваг. По-перше, такі диски мають тривалий життєвий цикл з високою зносостійкістю. До того ж диски не нагріваються при тривалому заточуванні і, отже, не нагрівають заточуваний клинок.
Отвір для ручного заточування оснащено двома пересічними керамічними каменями, завдяки яким за допомогою всього кількох рухів можна здійснити остаточне доведення і навіть полірування ріжучої кромки. Особливості точила: загострювання кожного боку кромки окремо; оптимальний фіксований кут заточування; корпус оснащений прогумованою поверхнею для зручного і безпечного поводження з приладом; гумові ніжки перешкоджають ковзанню точила по поверхні.
Welcome to RidgeLife. In this video, we unbox and review two different Smith knife sharpeners. We look at the Pocket Pal and Adjustable Angle Knife Sharpener. The links are below.
Smith's 50264 Adjustable Manual Knife Sharpener-
Smith's PP1 Pocket Pal Multifunction Sharpener, Grey
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We have a lot of knives that need to be sharpened. So we chose a Smith's electric knife sharpener for this project. Smith's Since 1886
I posted this video on Jan 10, 2023 at 6:15 AM. Do you like to watch videos at 6:15 AM?
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All of the items used in this video were purchased with our own money.
We are a review site that receives compensation from the companies whose products we review. We are independently owned and the opinions expressed here are our own.
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.
Smith's 50097 Essentials Compact Electric Knife Sharpener White
Smith's 50005 Edge Pro Compact Electric Knife Sharpener, Yellow
This is a simaler knife sharpener from the Smith's Store on Amazon
KitchenIQ Edge Gourmet Compact Electric and Manual Knife Sharpener
Check out the Smith's store on Amazon
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We have a lot of knives that need to be sharpened. So we chose a Smith's electric knife sharpener for this project. Smith's Since 1886
I posted this video on Jan 12, 2023 at 2:45 PM. Do you like to watch videos at 2:45 PM in the afternoon?
Check out the full video for more details.
This is not a sponsored video.
All of the items used in this video were purchased with our own money.
We are a review site that receives compensation from the companies whose products we review. We are independently owned and the opinions expressed here are our own.
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.
Smith's 50097 Essentials Compact Electric Knife Sharpener White
Smith's 50005 Edge Pro Compact Electric Knife Sharpener, Yellow
This is a simaler knife sharpener from the Smith's Store on Amazon
KitchenIQ Edge Gourmet Compact Electric and Manual Knife Sharpener
Check out the Smith's store on Amazon
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Review on the new Tool and knife sharpener from Smith's.
Check out Ali carol channel.
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Electric Knife Sharpener, Multifunctional Kitchen Knives Sharpening System
ABS+ electronic element + grinding stone
●Household kitchen scissors knives sharpener, Suitable for chef knives, carving knives, bread knives, steak knives, paring knives, filet knives, cheese knives, choppers, cleavers, scissors, precision tools and more!
●Small Electric Knife Sharpener:Pocket knife sharpener electric for easy storage.
Quick simple easy to use, cordless and battery operated, you only need to press the power button, insert the blade in the guide, slide and your favourite knife is restored.
●Professional grade, high-speed rotating sapphire stone shapes and hones the blade.
●Percision Power Sharpening:Quick, simple and safe - Sharpen knives like a pro in the comfort of your home.
●Easy To Use: Simply position the dull blade on the sharpening slot and enjoy razor-sharpness in just seconds. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ножеточка электрическая electric knife sharpener ▶▶
Почти каждый понимает, что ножики всегда затупляются и требуют повторной заточки. Обычные ножеточки не гарантируют длительный конечный результат. С точилкой ножей Chef's Choice ножики останутся острыми как бритва на долго.
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С Сhef's Сhoice вы навсегда позабудете об изнурительном процессе затачивания ножей стародавними методами, порезах, изодранных ломтях продуктов при нарезке и испорченном настроении при сервировке стола.
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- Высочайшая скорость заточки: Вам не придется тратить время, затем чтобы заострить все ножи квартире. Прибор помогает острить лезвия лишь всего одним движением. Как точить ножи вручную.
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Вывод специалиста:
С электроточилкой Сhef's Сhoice экономия времени громадная. Заточка кинжала. В настоящее время заточка ножей доставляет эстетичное наслаждение. Набор для заточки ножей купить в екатеринбурге. На то, что случалось просаживать около одного часа (8-10 ножей), в настоящее время составляет десять минут, без шума и пыли. Gipfel заточка ножей. Результат волшебный. Ножеточка алмазная электрическая. Алмазные абразивные sдиски изнашиваются необыкновенно медленным темпом, даже при активном употреблении точилки их ресурс исчисляется годами работы. Точилка жук цена. Отдельно желаю высоко оценить устройство электроточилки – она надежно защищает от порезов и при мощности электродвигателя 75 Вт заточит какое угодно лезвие, опробовано на насыщенной практике употребления. Станок для заточки ножей своими руками.
Ножеточка электрическая electric knife sharpener #Ножеточка #электрическая #electric #knife #sharpener . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Knife sharpeners tested: ACCU Sharp, Presto Professional Eversharp, Sunrise Pro, Work Sharp by Drill Doctor, Bavarian Edge, and Kitchellence using BESS certified sharpness tester. High carbon stainless steel knifes were dulled and then sharpened with each sharpener. Sharpened blade edge observed under microscope for blade edge characteristics.
Products Tested In This Video (in no particular order):
Work Sharp:
Bavarian Edge:
Sunrise Pro:
ACCU Sharp:
Videography Equipment:
Sony DSC-RX10 III Cyber-shot Digital Still Camera:
Canon 70D Camera:
Azden Microphone:
Go Pro Bundle:
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This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Project Farm LLC Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Smith’s Electric Belt Knife Sharpener: Easy To Use!
Electric Knife Sharpener Unboxing and Preview 4K.
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ПРОМОКОД Другаякухня скидка 10% на все электрические точилки KitchenIQ! Компания ШЕФ лидер на рынке точилок для ножей и кухонных аксессуаров! Предоставила замечательную электрическую точилку KitchenIQ , я в полном восторге! Как все было смотрите в ролике, а выбрать себе помощника на кухню можно здесь
Спасибо ШЕФ!
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Suitable for all kinds of household knives and scissors
✔️Simple operation
The human body streamline engineering is combined with a variety of special tool relief grinding technologies, which is simple to operate and more convenient to use
✔️Safe Use
Protective cover design, effectively preventing metal chips from splashing and hurting people during sharpening
✔️Fast and sharp
card slot design, rapid sharpening and sharpening, easy to sharpen the knife in 1 to 2 minutes, to solve the traditional time-consuming and laborious hazard of sharpening
✔️Advanced material
The shell is an environmentally friendly material with enhanced treatment, good gloss and high hardness
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#JVJH #ElectricKnifeSharpener #Review Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Knives in need of sharpening? Drill Bits dull? Scissors not sharp enough? Can't chisel out a masterpiece? Well don't worry anymore, the Wolf Multi Function Sharpener does it all, buy directly from us:
The Wolf Multi Function Sharpener is the perfect portable multi sharpener that no toolbox, workshop or garage should be without. Featuring 4 sharpening modes the Wolf Multi Function Portable Sharpener is ideal for sharpening drill bits, knives, scissors, chisels and more. It’s a perfect addition to any toolbox or workshop to keep your tools performing at their best.
Technical Specification:
- 4 separate sharpening modes
- Compact Design
- 65 watt 230v motor
- No load speed: 6700rpm
- Wheel Diameter: Ø48mm
- Protective Shield
- Chisel Guide incorporating magnets
- V Guide for accurate drill sharpening
- Drill Clamp
- Knife Sharpening Slot
- Scissors Sharpening Slot
- Adjustable angle grinding: 20° - 40° degrees
- Drill sharpening diameter: 3mm - 10mm
- Chisel and plane blade sharpener up to 50mm
- Weight:
- Dimensions: W 150mm x L 230mm x H 160mm (approx.) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TOP 5 Best Electric Knife Sharpeners Review 2021
100 Best Electric Knife Sharpener Collection Aliexpress:
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2. Eleture multifunctional electric fast knife sharpener wheel diamond automatic household electric knife sharpener
3. Saim Fast Sharpener Household Electric Kitchen Knife Scissors Sharpening Stone Multi-function Automatic Sharpener hz-382
4. GRINDER Household kitchen two-stage Professional Electric Knife sharpener Sharpening Stone Tool Motorized Rotating Diamond
5. Saim Quick Sharpener Kitchen Electric Knife Grinder Automatic Knives Sharpener Household Knife Scissors Fast Whetstone Sharpenin
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#Electric_Knife_Sharpener Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Smith's 2-Step Knife Sharpener is the perfect tool to ensure a razor-sharp edge on all your knives. The tungsten carbide blades quickly restore very dull blades, while the crossed ceramic rods provide a smooth, polished finish on already sharp knives. With pre-set sharpening angles, non-slip rubber feet, and a lanyard hole for portability, this sharpener is ideal for all types of knives, including filet knives. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Electric Knife Sharpener Adjustable For Kitchen Knives Tool Knife Scissor Sharpening White medium
a short review of Smith's CCKS (Ceramic Carbide Knife Sharpener) 2 step knife sharpener, with a short test with a dull swiss army knife.
small, light, easy to use! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Smith’s Pocket Pal Knife Sharpener
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Link to this knife sharpener:
Smith’s 2-Step Knife Sharpener features two tungsten carbide blades and two ceramic rods with preset sharpening angles for the perfect edge every time. Three or four strokes through the carbide sharpening slots will restore the edge on a very dull knife in seconds. The two crossed ceramic rods are preset at the correct finishing angle after setting the edge and are also good for a quick touchup of already sharp knives.
This easy to use, pull-through knife sharpener is lightweight, compact, portable, and comes with non-slip rubber feet for added safety. It is excellent for use on all types of standard edge knives, especially fillet knives.
Crossed Carbide Blades for Quick Edge Setting
Crossed Ceramic Rods for a Razor Sharp finish
Preset Sharpening Angles Provide Guaranteed Results
Non-slip Rubber Feet
Lanyard Hole
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#budgetknifesharpner Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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The best knife sharpener when it comes to electric sharpeners for knives is the Razor Sharp Edge Making System! There's a lot of different ways to sharpen knives but some are definitely better and do it faster than others. When it comes to electric sharpeners for knives you can't beat a mechanical buffer or grinder wheel setup that uses paper wheels. The best way to sharpen a knife is by using the Razor Sharp Edge Making System on a grinder or buffer. Once you go to this system you will never look back!
Our Amazon Store: Knives & Sharpening:
The total cost of an electric knife sharpening system like this will cost around $135. You can find a cheap grinder for around $50 on Amazon or Harbor Freight. The Razor Sharp Edge Making System is available on Amazon for $85-$100 depending on availability. The price tends to fluctuate so be sure to check pricing often for the best deal.
The learning curve with this electric sharpener for knives is very short. Once you get used to running the blade at a consistent angle across the grit and polish wheel's you can sharpen a knife in seconds. In this video I give you some shortcuts to eliminating any wobble in the paper wheels after installation. This is one of the biggest complaints of paper wheels but it is very easy to fix. I'll also share some techniques on sharpening longer style knives.
I will give you plenty of tips and tricks to getting up to speed quickly using the Razor Sharp Edge Making System. It's easy because all you have to deal with is a grit wheel and a polish wheel. The grit wheel gets a little wax and the polish wheel gets a little rouge. Now all you need are some safety glasses and a little practice to get the sharpest knives you've ever seen!
The best knife sharpener is one that gets your knives razor sharp in seconds and the Razor Sharp Edge Making System mounted on an electric grinder/buffer will do the trick. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Инновационная точилка ZWILLING V-Edge быстро, легко и без усилий затачивает европейские и японские ножи до уровня остроты, сравнимого с профессиональным или с заточкой на камне. Точило сочетает преимущества обычных точил и камней: простоту использования и прекрасные результаты заточки. V-образное расположенные точильные модули обеспечивают равномерную заточку всей длине лезвия без риска повреждения резущей кромки.
Артикул: 32605-000
Цена: 8 RUB
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Come see the Smith's knife sharpener. While some are complicated, this model is very easy to use. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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* Vertical Electric Pencil Sharpener Heavy Duty with Auto Stop Plus 12 Pack Teaching Mart Pencils =
* School Smart 6-Hole Sharpener =
* LINKYO Electric Pencil Sharpener Pro =
* X-ACTO Pencil Sharpener | School Pro Electric Pencil Sharpener =
* Presto 08800 EverSharp Electric Knife Sharpener, 2 stage =
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Sharpening Kitchen Knives with Electric Work Sharp Sharpener
Having a high quality set of kitchen knives is very important. I think you only need a few. Sharpening your kitchen knives is the next important thing to keep good knives working at their best. I wanted to show you how you can use an electric knife sharpener for your home knives. You don't have to be a purest and use a wet stone and spend hours--who has that much time anyway! Paying someone else means you probably won't resharpen your knives regularly because who wants the cost of that inconvenience. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Best Way To Sharpen Knives | The best electric sharpener for kitchen knives.
The Best Way To Sharpen Knives | The best electric sharpener for kitchen knives. Chef's choice knife sharpener - TAIDEA TG2102. For your attention, one of the best electric sharpeners for kitchen knives, which allows you to sharpen kitchen knives to perfect sharpness very quickly, very simply and very qualitatively. Chefs choice electric knife sharpener TAIDEA TG2102.
#TAIDEA, #TG2102, #sharpen, #sharpener, #sharp, #electricknifesharpener
💛 ► Electric Knife Sharpener
💛 ► TAIDEA Knife Sharpener
💛 ► Sytools Beast - BEST Knife Sharpening System
💛 XITUO Kitchen Knives
💛 ► Neoteck goniometer electronic:
📌 Aliexpress
💖 ► TAIDEA TG2102 Professional Electric Knife Sharpener
💖 ► XITUO 8" Kitchen Knives
💖 ► xituo Official Store:
💖 ► My Best Pro DIAMOND whetstones + Leather
💖 ► My Best DIAMOND SHARPENING STONE (4-th year in operation)
+ Bar with leather / Pasta Goi / Polishing stone "Ruby"
💖 ► Diamond whetstones for sharpening 150*30
💖 ► My Best WHETSTONE on aluminum base
💖 ► Neoteck goniometer electronic:
💖 ► Sytools Beast - BEST Knife Sharpening System
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Thank you for your support! Peace, Goodness and Love to You!
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Link to the product:
Grinding machine for drills, knives, scissors DZT 65W - multi-purpose grinding machine: drill sharpening unit, knife sharpening unit, scissors sharpening unit, chisel sharpening unit, chisels, blades.
The electric sharpener is designed for sharpening drills, knives, scissors, planer blades, chisels made of HSS steel.
It features a super compact design. Aluminum motor housing ensures reliability and long tool life.
The high grit (180) of the grinding wheel guarantees perfect sharpening of the tool.
The sharpening module is suitable for various types of knives and scissors;
The angle and width of sharpening are adjustable for sharpening planer and chisel knives;
The diamond disk allows to make high-quality sharpening;
Adjustable drill holder from 3 to 13 mm;
Multipurpose sharpening machine DZT 65W;
Drill sharpening unit;
Block sharpening knives and scissors;
Block sharpening chisels, chisels and blades;
Main characteristics:
Voltage, 220V
Power 65 W
Sharpening diameter of drills 3-13 mm
Sharpening width 6-51 mm
Disc size, mm Ø51 x Ø10 x 7.5
Speed 6700 rpm
Network cable length, 1.9 m
Packing - Cardboard box
Package dimensions 22x200x175 mm
Net weight, 1.6 kg
We send by New mail cash on delivery or prepaid - as you prefer)
Other equipment is also available - see the full range here:
Better call:
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✅ Top 5:🔪🔪 Best Electric Knives Sharpener [ Best Cheap Electric Knife Sharpener ] {Review}
The easy, automatic way to sharpen most kitchen and sporting knives to a razor sharp edge. Professional two-stage system precision grinds a perfect sharpening angle then fine hones and polishes the edge.
Uses Sapphirite™ sharpening wheels, the same ultra-hard material used in professional sharpening shops. No-guess blade guides automatically hold knife at the ideal sharpening angle every time.
Stock No. 08800. 120 volts AC.
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Sharpening Knives with a Electric Sharpener Mercer Triple Diamond
This is a quick start guide to show you how to use the Smart Sharp kitchen knife sharpener by Lantana. The video shows you techniques on how to get the best results on a variety of different sized knives. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Electric Twist Drill Sharpening Machine Mini Grinding tools Multi function Knife Sharpener
✅ Shop here →
Upgrade your tool sharpening game with this Electric Twist Drill Sharpening Machine from AliExpress.
This compact and versatile mini grinding tool is a must-have for every DIY enthusiast and professional alike.
Its multi-functionality allows you to sharpen various cutting tools, including twist drills and knives, all in one convenient device.
With its efficient motor and adjustable grinding angles, you can achieve precise and sharp edges with ease.
The compact design makes it portable and suitable for any workspace.
Say goodbye to dull and inefficient tools and elevate your craftsmanship with the Electric Twist Drill Sharpening Machine, your ultimate multi-function knife sharpener.
✅ Shop here →
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Russ Cowen, Marketing Manager at Smith's, gives a brief description of the product features and benefits for Smith's fixed angle, handheld knife and scissors sharpeners and shows you just how easy it is to use them. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
230-240V 96W Electric Multifunction Knife Sharpener Grinding Drill Tool
230-240V 96W Electric Multifunction Knife Sharpener Grinding Drill Tool Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Sharpen Knives: LINKYO Electric Knife Sharpener with Automatic Blade Positioning Guides
Sharpening knives is easy with LINKYO's new 2-Stage Electric Knife Sharpener! Automatic blade positioning guides hold the knife in the ideal position for perfect sharpening every time. This quick video shows you how to get the best results.
Song Credit: Marcus Neely Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This device brings you the optimal sharpness on chef's knives, scissors, pocket knives,
Steak knives and household knives! Even slotted screwdrivers can be used with the Genius Ideas®
Bring the universal sharpener back into optimal shape. The one driven by the 20-watt motor
The hardness of the grinding wheel is comparable to that of a diamond. Dull
Steak knives are history!
This electric sharpener allows to sharpen knives and screwdrivers
The hardness of its integrated grindstone is close to a diamond
Power: 20W
Item dimensions: 15 x 6 x 8.5 cm.
Cable length: approx. 120 cm. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Electric Knife Sharpener in 2023 - Top 5 Electric Knife Sharpener Review
Links to the best electric knife sharpener listed in this review video:
► 1. Presto 08800 EverSharp Electric Sharpener [
► 2. LINKYO Electric Sharpener [
► 3. Chef’s Choice 250 Diamond Hone Hybrid Knife Sharpener [
► 4. Chef’s Choice 15 Trizor XV EdgeSelect Electric Sharpener [
► 5. Presto 08810 Professional Electric Knife Sharpener [
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0:32 - Introduction
0:41 - Presto 08800 EverSharp Electric Sharpener
1:27 - LINKYO Electric Sharpener
2:06 - Chef’s Choice 250 Diamond Hone Hybrid Knife Sharpener
2:50 - Chef’s Choice 15 Trizor XV EdgeSelect Electric Sharpener
3:38 - Presto 08810 Professional Electric Knife Sharpener
★What Is an electric knife sharpener?
An expert instrument for uncommon honing results – much over the long haul. The Electric Knife Sharpener flaunts three phases for the sharpening, honing, and fine cleaning of edges, supplanting coarse honing prepares, fine whetstones, and getting done with cowhide and clean; working it is basic and adaptable.
❂ What is the best electric knife sharpener to buy?
If you are looking for the top electric knife sharpener available in the market, then you are in the right place. Please watch the full video before buying the product. The Tool Junkie team strives to collect as much information as possible, read lots of user-based reviews, and rank them by many different factors such as product features, price, performance, and more. Make sure to check the product links in the description for more information.
pole saws-
electric smoker-
toolbox -
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#best_Knife_Sharpener,#LINKYO_Knife_Sharpener,#Presto_Knife_Sharpener Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Demonstration of how this compact sharpener can quickly revive the life of your old HSS drills, tools, knives & scissors.
Bench Mounting Multipurpose Sharpener (SMS2004)
Visit our website for more information. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ditch the electric sharpener and sharpen your knives with the Tumbler Rolling Sharpener
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