Robens Pathfinder Lite - надлегкий і міцний компактний стілець з сучасним дизайном і продуманими деталями, такими як сітчасті вставки і обтічна форма спинки. Саме вони роблять дану модель зручною і комфортною під час відпочинку на природі. Надлегкий алюмінієвий каркас добре збалансований, завдяки чому досить стійкий і здатний витримувати навантаження до 120 кг. Стілець компактно складається в чохол для зберігання і перенесення.
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Hi Everyone, Thanks for watching again!
Whilst out on the trails on a beautiful October morning, I stopped for a few moments to review the Robens Pathfinder Lite chair. I highly recommend the chair and take it with me on longer hikes as it's light weight, small and extremely comfortable to sit in. I would recommend this chair for longer treks.
I hope you like the review, please give us a like and subscribe for more.
We sell the chair in our store as well as a lot of other really good gear for your adventures.
See you down the trail.
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Robens Hiker Granite - Nem stol at have med i skoven
Peter fra er taget i skoven for at teste noget af det udstyr, som de sælger i butikken.
Her tester han Robens Hiker stol, som ser yderst komfortabel ud, og det er også en Peter selv har valgt at investere i.
Læs mere her:
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук. : Présentation du siège de camping Robens Pathfinder
Siège de camping pliable en alu, très solide, compact et confortable.
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
[Expand for giveaway details]
The best video about chairs you'll watch all day. We take a look at 6 of the most popular camping chairs from different categories and review our favorites according to price and features.
NEW GIVEAWAY! - HOW TO WIN: Subscribe to this channel, like this video, and leave a comment (all 3) to be entered to win the Sitpack Campster (a $130 value) and immediately upgrade your camp chair game! We'll announce the winner once we hit 1000 subscribers. You must live in the continental US to qualify to win.
Chairs featured:
I've shopped around for the cheapest prices online, and you'll find those below. (Some of these links are Amazon affiliate links that cost nothing to you, but Amazon will give us a small percentage of your purchase to help support the channel.)
BTR Stool (both 14" and 17") -
Helinox Chair One -
Sitpack Campster - #/
Cliq Chair -
Nemo Stargaze Camp Chair -
Nemo Stargaze Recliner Luxury -
More about these chairs and where to purchase:
More reviews:
0:00 Introduction
1:09 The Chairs We're Looking At
1:40 BTR Stool Overview
2:08 Helinox Overview
2:35 Campster Overview
3:06 Cliq Chair Overview
3:36 Nemo Stargaze Overview
4:34 Which Chair Is Right for You?
4:49 The Most Comfortable Chair
5:39 The Best Everyday Chair
6:17 The Best Lightweight Chair
7:07 Wrap Up
Music: Almost August - Dan Lebowitz
Support by RFM - NCM:
Music: Wishful Thinking - Dan Lebowitz
Support by RFM - NCM:
:::::::::::::::::::: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Is this camping chair worth the money? - Helinox Chair Zero
Helinox Chair Zero
Trekology Yizi Go
Cheaper version of Yizi
DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
neue Alu(Steck)Stühle im Test für den Kastenwagen 🏕️ #G8N
⬇️ unsere Ausrüstung findet ihr weiter unten ⬇️
Wir wollten unsere alten sperrigen Stühle los werden. Leider war es nicht so einfach ein paar neue Stühle zu finden. Sitzkomfort, Packmaß, Qualität, Gewicht waren unsere Kriterien für die Auswahl. Enttäuschend war die Bequemlichkeit einiger Modelle. Hier wollen wir euch an unseren Erfahrungen teilhaben lassen.
Die Links zu den getesteten Stühlen:
5. Sxinga
4. Naturehike
3. Der Alte ...da haben wir leider keinen Link ;-)
2. der Stuhl von Lidl
Der Link zur Haltelasche: :3808045
Wer die Halterung anpassen möchte hier das Original:
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Das Video enthält Werbung, wir haben aber von keinem der Herstelle irgend welche Vergünstigungen erhalten.
Unser Ausrüstung:
Wenn Ihr einen der Links bei eueren Einkäufen benutzt erhalten wir eine kleine Provision (auch wenn Ihr etwas anderes kauft).DANKE
Das wichtigste für Leute mit Auto oder WOMO auf Reisen:
Baustellenschlüssel für 🚰 und 🔌
Wasserdieb klein und groß
Lichtbogen Feuerzeug mit USB aufladbar
Taschenlampen klein, günstig, aufladbar und hell
Omnia Backofen
Gaskoscher mit Aufsätzen
Rund ums Auto:
Abschleppseil Kinetisch unglaublich was das kann
Schneeketten Pewag benda-c 4x4 Die Robusten!
Kompressor Luft für große Reifen.
Reifen prima für Off- und OnRoad
Dämmung Armaflex AF nicht das XG oder ACE nehmen
Lightbar billig aber bis jetzt gibt es nix zu beanstanden.
LED Leuchten Seite / Hinten damit man bei der Stellplatzsuche auch was sieht
Airlineschienen Dach
Sog WC ohne Geruch und Chemie!
Ersatzkassette für WC das hat einen extrem hohen WAF (women acceptance factor) 😉
Outdoor kochen und Grillen:
Feuerschale zum stecken Fennek - super klein verpackt 🔥
Passendes Grillrost 🥩🥓 für Feuerschale - Essen vom Feuer Prima!
Rauchfreier Lotus Grill für Campingplatz - für den Campingplatz
BBQ-Toro Dutch Oven Premium - das Brot wird genial
Campingausrüstung, Wandern etc. :
Kopflampe von Mrs@G8N - 💡
Kopflampe von Mr@G8N - ordentlich Licht auch auf 🖐️
Camping Stühle - schön bequem
von Amy🐕:
Leuchthalsband - damit auch die kleinen nicht übersehen werden.
Foto und Video Ausrüstung:
Sony 6600 📷 macht einfach tolle Bilder und Videos
Objektiv Sigma Lichtstarke Festbrennweite
Zusatz Mikrofon ordentlicher Ton ist wichtig
DJI Pocket wackelfrei Aufnahmen
DJI Action für besondere Blickwinkel
Stativ um sich selbst zu Filmen
Drohne DJI Mavic Air
Mit besten Grüßen
Mrs@G8n und Mr@G8N
#Campingstuhl #Faltstuhl #Test Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
You won't believe how small this chair packs down to
When I first saw the Pioneer chair from Robens, I just had to ask them if they could provide one for us to film.
Robens typically do adventure camping items, but I thought this chair would be ideal for a great many of us family campers too.
Why? Well, unlike most family camping items, this chair is actually designed to pack down extremely small. And it's lightweight too.
A nice refreshing change from the usual family camping gear.
Interested? You can find where you can get it from here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video, we have a quick look at the Robens Pilgrim and Robens Navigator camping chairs. Both are lightweight and small to transport.
♫Music By♫
●Elektronomia – Summersong 2017
●Song/Free Download –
●Follow Elektronomia –
Many thanks for Robens who supplied the chairs for this review. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
What is the best chair for backpacking? Do you even carry a chair for backpacking?
There are a lot of styles of chairs out there and not all are created equal. Some are cheap and some are crazy expensive! But do you find a chair to be a necessary piece of backpacking gear?
Chair Options:
- Helinox Chair Zero:
- Thermarest Z Seat:
- Alite Butterfly Chair:
- Big Agnes Skyline UL Chair:
- ALPS Trileg Stool:
- PEAK REFUEL (Save 15% Code: BCE15)
TOP QUILT: (Save 10% BCE10)
CHAIR: (BCE10 Save 10%)
- Waymark Gear Co:
- :
- UGQ Outdoor: (Code BCE10 save 10%)
- Campsaver: (Code BCE10 save 10%)
- :
- Kuiu:
- Amazon:
As an Affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A quick video of a few simple, cheap hacks that will make your camp chair better!
Thank you for supporting the channel. Have a great weekend!
Helinox Chair zero,
You can reach me by email at, Itsgoodinthewood@
#Itsgoodinthewoods #Helinoxchairzero #SavemoneyDIY #Helinoxhack, Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Robens Geographic stool vs Regatta Ternio | Which is best?
Hi today I’ll be reviewing both stools and deciding which one I prefer. Hope you enjoy! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Is this the best BUDGET CAMPING CHAIR? Testing out the TREKOLOGY YIZO GO camping chair in the rain
Is this the best BUDGET CAMPING CHAIR? Testing out the TREKOLOGY YIZO GO camping chair in the rain
Hi everyone! In this video I look at a new wild camping chair, the Trekology Yizo Go Portable Camping Chair and also some alternatives by Helinox. If you enjoy the video do hit the like button and subscribe if you are new, it would really help me out! Take care everyone, Simon x
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○ My Winter Kit For WILD CAMPING I The BEST VALUE RAB sleeping bag on the market? -
○ WILD CAMPING on a hill in the rain I Testing out my Winter Kit for Wild Camping -
○ Solo Wild Camp I Search for Mermaid's Pool -
○ Wild Camping in a Storm -
○ TENT 1 -
○ TENT 2 -
○ STOVE 1 -
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Top 10: Best Folding Camping Cots of 2021 / Portable Sleeping Camp Tent Bed for Travel, Outdoor
Top 10: Best Folding Camping Cots of 2021 / Portable Sleeping Camp Tent Bed for Travel, Outdoor
07:02 TETON Sports Universal Camp Cot:
06:07 FUNDANGO Heavy Duty Lightweight Folding Camping Cot Bed:
05:34 BYER OF MAINE Camp Cots for Adults:
04:46 EVER ADVANCED Oversized XXL Folding Camping Cot:
04:00 KingCamp Camping Sleeping Cot Folding Bed:
03:18 HOMFUL Folding Camping Cot:
02:29 Alpcour Folding Camping Cot:
01:17 ATEPA Ultralight Folding Camping Cot for Adult:
00:38 OSAGE RIVER Camping Cot:
00:03 Nice C Folding Camping Cot:
Remember to subscribe to new product advices:
All videos we publish are either for educational purposes or a news related to the new and latest technology. "Technologic Hero" was created to educate and spread awareness about inventions, latest technology and top homemade inventions. The videos used are under fair use which is for educational or news purpose. Email us for a copyright infringement or product recommendation. technologichero10(a)
#folding #camping #cot Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Top 10: Best Camping Chairs of 2021 / Folding Outdoor Chair for Camping, Backpacking, Hiking, Beach
Top 10: Best Camping Chairs of 2021 / Folding Outdoor Chair for Camping, Backpacking, Hiking, Beach
06:12 KingCamp Camping Folding Director Chair:
05:17 ONIVA Portable Folding Chair:
04:37 G4Free Camping Chair:
04:08 Cliq Camping Chair - Most Funded Portable Chair:
03:32 PELLIOT Portable Camping Chair:
02:59 ALPS Mountaineering Camping Chair:
02:12 Sportneer Camping Backpacking Chair:
01:20 HITORHIKE Camping Chair:
00:46 NiceC Ultralight High Back Folding Camping Chair:
00:06 Cascade Mountain Tech Camping Chair:
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Hello there. This video was made after reviewing hundreds of products. Selected products are determined by user reviews and votes. We make comparisons for you on many different review and test sites. And as a result, we determine the top 10 products you want to buy. We work for a detailed buying guide site. To help you further and give you product recommendations.
All videos we publish are either for educational purposes or a news related to the new and latest technology. En On was created to educate and spread awareness about inventions, latest technology and top homemade inventions. The videos used are under fair use which is for educational or news purpose.
#camping #chair #folding Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Sleeping on the cold ground is not the most pleasant experience even if you own a high quality sleeping bag. But if you still have some room in the backpack or the trunk of your overlander, how about adding a camping cot to your gear assortment. In today’s episode of #MustSeETech we will be taking a look at the best models that are sold on the market across various price and weight ranges, as well as exploring some unique designs that go beyond just adding a couple of inches between you and the floor of the tent.
Subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already, smash that notification bell and lets roll!
0:41 #1 Teton Sports Cots:
Store Link: (Universal)
Teton products are delivered to you from the foot of the Wasatch Mountains in Cedar Hills, Utah where the company has operated since 2005 focusing on the idea that each product should be bringing the outdoors closer to you. As of today, the brand offers six cots with X or patented S leg assembly.
1:45 #2 Therm-a-Rest UltraLite Cot:
Store Link:
With the packed weight of just three and a half pounds this cot is disputing the title of the lightest one on the market. Therm-a-Rest suggests the company uses reflective ThermaCapture™ material helps retain your body's radiant heat.
2:47 #3 Disc-O-Bed:
Store Link: (Large)
Disc-O-Bed is a Georgia-based, family business that has been working in the ready-to-go sleeping systems segment since 1988. The adult Disc-O-Beds are offered in three sizes, Large, XL, and 2XL, all of which have modular design and can be used separately, as a bunk, or even a bench.
3:58 #4 Helinox Cots: / /
Store Link: (Lite)
Sold in three configurations, the Helinox cots are designed to satisfy even the most experienced campers. The models are extremely portable, packing to a size of a small duffle bag, and at the same time - durable.
5:03 #5 Coleman Camping Cots:
Store Link:
Coleman is easily the go to brand for the majority of weekend campers, mostly due to its immediate availability at major retailers and a combination of affordable pricing with decent quality.
6:11 #6 KingCamp Deluxe:
KingCamp Deluxe offers the comforts of the brand’s inflating sleeping pads and stability of conventional cots. Thanks to its aerial aluminum alloy rods, triangle feet, and 16 support points, the Deluxe can be used on uneven terrain, without ever shifting position.
7:18 #7 Go Kot:
On the market for over 40 years, the Go Kot is advertised as the finest camping cot in America. Indeed, this product is handmade in the US and is backed by a 3-year manufacturer’s warranty against materials and craftsmanship defects.
8:22 #8 Kamprite Tent Cot:
Store Link:
Tent Cots by the California-based Kamp-Rite remain the main category pushing the company further. The Original Tent Cot is a full-size outdoor sleeping bed characterized by versatility and unique hinge design.
9:26 #9 Redcamp:
Store Link:
Simple design, heavy-duty construction and attractive pricing make the REDCAMP Camping Cot a perfect choice for those who have limited budget but do not want to sacrifice comfortable sleep when camping.
10:26 #10 Alps Mountaneering Cots:
Store Link: (Lightweight)
(Camp Cot)
(Ready Light)
As usual Alps Mountaneering products are ready to exceed your expectations. They sell three beds away from home priced at 55, 100 and 190 dollars.
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Best Backpacking Chairs that are super comfortable and lightweight yet compact enough to go anywhere your backpacking trips take you! Well, we have come up with the Best Backpacking Chairs and discussed them in this video.
Best Backpacking Chairs List: (Affiliated)
1. Big Agnes Skyline UL 08:29
2. Kelty Camp Chair 06:54
3. TravelChair Joey 04:55
4. Helinox Chair Zero 02:56
5. Therm-a-Rest Uno 00:58
Checkout these video:
*Best Lightweight Backpacks:
*Best Sleeping Bags for Backpacking:
*Best Portable Backpacking Water Filters:
*Best Backpacking Wood Burning Stove:
*Camping Gear Inventions:
*Lightweight Stoves for Backpacking:
*Portable Solar Generator:
*Best Ultralight Backpacking Tents:
*Outdoor Gear & Gadget Inventions:
*Must Have Backpacking Gears:
*Solar Powered Gadgets for Camping:
*Camping Cooking Gadgets & Equipment:
***Intro, Outro, & Animation Credit: (Boring Motion)
***Music Source & Credit (YouTube Audio Library)
***Video Credit:
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Disclaimer: We have used video footage and images to maximize the clarity of the content, not specifically to promote anything that goes against the community. This content only intends to share information for educational purposes.
***Footage, music, image, and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners and we or this channel does not claim any right over them. This video has been produced following Fair Usage Policy “Under Section 107” of the “Copyright Act 1976”. If you have any copyright issues, please contact us by email.
***Some of our contents may contain affiliate links, from which we earn some commission, that supports us to run this channel.
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Campingstühle im Vergleich | Testbericht | VW T6 California | #BüssliTV
Top 10: Best Portable Camping Beds of 2020 / Best Beds, Air Mattresses for Travel, Hiking, Camping
07:23 Ivation EZ-Bed (Queen) Air Mattress with Frame & Rolling Case, Self Inflatable, Blow Up Bed Auto Shut-Off:
06:50 Better Habitat Sleep Ready Memory Foam Floor & Camping Mattress. [Twin, Single, Kids]. 100% Memory Foam. Roll Out, Portable Sleeping pad:
05:38 TETON Sports Outfitter XXL Camping Cot; Camping Cots for Adults; Folding Cot Bed; Easy Set Up; Storage Bag Included:
05:04 SpaceMaster iBED Cot Size Hideaway Folding Cot Camping Bed with 2 Inch Foam Folding Mattress:
04:00 Tough Outdoors Camping Cot - Folding Military/Army Camp Bed for Adults - Portable & Heavy-Duty Sleeping Cots for Camping:
02:57 Therm-a-Rest LuxuryMap Self-Inflating Foam Camping Mattress, Regular - 20 x 72 Inches:
02:20 Etekcity Upgraded Camping Air Mattress, Queen Twin Airbed Height 9", Inflatable Bed Blow Up Mattress Raised Airbed:
01:58 ibigbean Portable Sleeping Pad Memory Foam Camping Mattress for Camping Sleeping Pad:
01:14 KingCamp Camping Cot for Adults, Lightweight Camping Bed, Sturdy Aluminum Folding Bed with Carry Bag:
00:06 FE Active - Compact Folding Cot Built with Full Aluminum Designed as Ultralight Portable Camping Bed for Camping:
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Hello there. This video was made after reviewing hundreds of products. Selected products are determined by user reviews and votes. We make comparisons for you on many different review and test sites. And as a result, we determine the top 10 products you want to buy. We work for a detailed buying guide site. To help you further and give you product recommendations.
All videos we publish are either for educational purposes or a news related to the new and latest technology. En On was created to educate and spread awareness about inventions, latest technology and top homemade inventions. The videos used are under fair use which is for educational or news purpose.
#portable #bed #camping Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
складаний, Матеріал каркаса - алюміній, алюміній, Максимальне навантаження - 40 кг, розміри - 70 х 70 х 68 см, вага - 2.6 кг, Колір - сріблястий, чорний....
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Крісло складане Robens Pathfinder Lite Granite Grey (928493). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17