Гачки Select Turn-down завдяки миттєвому розвороту в роті коропа забезпечують ідеальне підсікання. Добре працюють як з поп-апами, так і з тонучими приманками, а також «сніговиками». Але вимагають обережного виважування.
Привіт друзі.
В цьому відео ми поговоримо на теми:
крючок для ловлі карпа
Як правильно вибрати гачки для рибалки?
Топ 5 крючків для карпової рибалки
Поговоримо про уловисті гачки для карпа
Розповімо як вибрати крючок для карпа?
Як перевірити гостроту карпового гачка?
Розповімо про лайфхаки при виборі крючків
На ці та інші питання ми постараємось дати вичерпнуну відповідь
Надіємось відео буде для вас корисне та цікаве
Приємного перегляду
Підписуйтесь на наш канал, ставте лайк, пишіть коментарі
Якими гачками для карпової рибалки користуєтесь ви ?
Який номери гачків ви використовуєте?
Наш магазин для карпової рибалки:
Ми в соцмережах:
Фейсбук: ribalka007
Інстаграм: @carp_drive
До нових зустрічей на каналі Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор карповых рыболовных катушек Select Carp.
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Select Carp 5000 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
В жару вся рыба клюёт на это. Самая хитрая приманка, выловит всю рыбу
Хитрые рыбаки создали эту новую приманку чтобы рыба клевала на каждом забросе. Этот активатор клева хранили в тайне и секрет создания этого активатора клёва долго не могли узнать другие рыбаки пока рецепт не утёк в сеть,в интернете можно найти этот рецепт самодельного активатора клёва,он представляет собой супер аттрактант который чаще всего применяют для ловли карпа и крупного карася,активатор клева дает бешеный клев на рыбалке,проверенно работает и ловит всю рыбу но как и любая добавка в прикормку косит всю рыбу но не везде
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Обзор карповых удилищ: SONIK DOMINATOR-X RS Carp Rod.
Карповые удилища SONIK DOMINATOR-X RS Carp Rod идеально подходят для любых ситуаций на водоеме. Будь то дальний заброс с ПВА, или борьба с крупным карпом на близком расстоянии. DOMINATOR-X RS от Sonik является топовым решением из всех представленных карповых удилищ. В линейке DOMINATOR-X RS так же есть и спод-маркерные удилища сочетающие в себе лучшие характеристики и качества маркерных и сподовых удилищ.
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c разрешения Sonik Sports Limited, авторские права принадлежат:
Любое копирование или размещение материала только с разрешения ООО"Карпстор" () Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Wels catfish Stop Motion ASMR - Magnetic Balls & Magnet Cooking carp fish Mud WARTER Oddly Cuckoo
The crew have to act quickly to set up and catch this moment on Wels catfish Stop Motion ASMR - Magnetic Balls & Le'ts see Koi Colors Under Mud Magnet Cooking carp fish Mud WARTER Oddly Cuckoo
👉 Warning: This is not real, don't eat it!
► ► Mukbang BBQ Chicken From Monster Bugs 70m views:
► ► Stop Motion ASMR - Yummy Snakes:
► ► Catch Snakehead, Catfish Fish:
SUBSCRIBE for more Videos: ► Cuckoo
All episode is made under the use of stop motion animation technique and owned by BeeStudio CO., LTD., Do not Re-up. Word ideas, Many thanks @Catch Em All Fishing
#eatingsounds #StopMotionCooking #Cooking #Mukbang #Asmr #Cuckoo Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Таблетка для рыбалки которая заставляет всю рыбу клевать. 1 Таблетка на всю рыбу
Лучше этой таблетки для рыбалки ещё не придумали, за две минуты на каждом забросе клюёт крупный карась,карп, лещ, уже показывал вам видео рыбалка как ловлю с помощью такой таблетки много рыбы, не рыбалка а бешеный клёв какой то крупняк клюет на каждом забросе это видео можно посмотреть на рыболовном канале авторская прикормка
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Убийца карася в прошлом. Вот новая супер рыболовная насадка.
Рыболовная насадка которая поможет Вам поймать карпа и карася. Уверен эта насадка для рыбалки будет работать по всей рыбе. На такую привлекательную насадку отлично реагирует карась и другая мирная рыба.
Рыбалка на супер насадку всегда приносит огромный улов,чтобы был бешеный клёв рыбы на рыбалке всегда делаю такой активатор клёва своими руками,вся рыба клюет на него на рыбалке,клёв рыбы всегда стоит на рыбалке как в сказке клюет рыба одна за другой на каждом забросе,не успеваю рыбу с крючка снимать,клюёт сразу на две удочки и обрывает поводки огромный карп и сазан а так же трофейный огромный карась,лещ и плотва.Прикормка для рыбалки даже не нужна с таким аттрактантом для рыбалки но по сути это самодельный активатор клёва который лучше любой прикормки для рыбалки ведь он легко собирает много рыбы в одном месте и ей легко можно поймать на удочку или закидушку.рыбалка, зимняя рыбалка, рыбалка зимой, жерлицы, карась, рыбалка на поплавок, рыбалка 2023, рыбалка с ночёвкой, рыбалка на щуку, плотва, рыбалка зимой в палатке, рыбалка на карася, рыбалка 2022, карась на поплавок, путешествие, природа, рыбалка видео, окунь, отдых, трофейная рыбалка, удочка, рыбалка с ночевкой, зимняя рыбалка 2022, рыбалка с комфортом, ловля огромных сазанов, рыбалка на паук, рыбалка на крупного карася, щука, ловля леща, удачная рыбалка, ловля леща зимой, рыбалка в палатке, ночная рыбалка, самая уловистая снасть 2022, рыбалка на фатку, рыбалка на бредень и невод, ловля карася, поплавок, рыбалка на морду и мордушку, рыбалка на подъёмник, рыба кишит, судак, рыбалка 2022 зима, снасть, рыба, рыбалка на карпа, повезло на рыбалке, ловля плотвы, такой рыбалки вы еще не видели, рыба кипит, туризм, закидушки, тайга, рыбалка в здвинском районе, зимняя удочка, рыбалка на реке чулым и каргат, ловля щуки, рыбалка в новосибирской области, жор рыбы, замор рыбы, мор рыбы, сазаны и карпы монстры на соски, лодка болотоход новинка 2022, на рыбалке, приколы на рыбалке
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✅ Каждый рыболов хочет найти для себя монтаж на карпа с минимальным количеством сходов. В этом видео трехкратный чемпион России по карпфишингу Эдуард Смирнов наглядно покажет как связать поводок для ловли карпа, который имеет очень хорошую засечку! Вы наглядно увидите какие используются крючки, поводковые материалы и все инструменты для вязания данного поводка.
✴️ BLOWBACK RIG - это универсальный карповый монтаж, который можно использовать как с тонущими, так и с плавающими бойлами. Он отлично подойдет для ловли как на реках, так на озерах и больших прудах. В оснастке применяется колечко, при помощи которого крепится волос, что дает вашему крючку очень быстро разворачиваться во рту карпа.
⬇️⬇️⬇️ Полезные ссылки: ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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Top 10 Blue Shark Hunting Eels Vs Koi Fish Primitive Fish In Mud Survival Stop Motion ASMR CoCo
Top 10 Blue Shark Hunting Eels Vs Koi Fish Primitive Fish In Mud Survival Stop Motion ASMR CoCo
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How to Pick Koi Fish. Selecting Japanese Koi at Koi.com
I spent the day with Zak, owner of . I asked him for some tips on picking young koi fish. specializes in Japanese koi and I came home with some for myself, no surprise there!
0:00 - Intro to the video
0:30 - How to pick koi fish
10:04 - Size differences in koi fish
17:01 - Packing my koi
#Koifish #Fishpond #Koi Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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25 Types of Koi Carp Fish
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Aquatic Pet Store
IMPORTED KOI ONLY 🇯🇵 | Est. 2000 | Bandung 🇮🇩
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Track: Morocco — Amine Maxwell [Audio Library Release]
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Stop Motion Top Video Golden Koi Carp Swallowing Eel To Save Fish & Primitive Cooking Asmr Lego Coco
Stop Motion Top Video Golden Koi Carp Swallowing Eel To Save Fish & Primitive Cooking Asmr Lego Coco
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➞ Stop Motion Cooking:
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#asmr, #stopmotioncooking, #cocoasmr, #asmr, #fishing, #hand_fishing, #primitive_technology, #unique_fishing, #catfish
#eatingsounds #Cooking #Mukbang #Coco Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Learn how to select beautiful Kohaku through the skilled eyes of one of the most well respected people in the koi and water garden industry today; Shawn McHenry. We will teach you what to look for when selecting a high quality Koi for your pond using mature two year olds. Everyone wants Shawn to select a beautiful fish, but we felt it would be so much more powerful to interview him and learn what to look for and how to actually select them for our own pond with his experience and knowledge.
So It is our pleasure to bring to you this wonderful new koi discussions video series. As they say, it starts with Kohaku and ends with kohaku so let us begin.
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Mystic Koi
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Koi Fish Tutorial | How to Select Japanese Koi:
Koi Collecting Stories from Niigata Japan:
Our tutorial video series is designed to Educate, Inspire, and showcase the beauty, art, and history of Japanese koi.
World Renowned Koi Expert Shawn McHenry offers us a very special insight to the discussions including behind the scenes stories from his trips to Japan to acquire rare and unusual fish for his clients.
We gain the most incredible insight from his experience, his warm personality, and his ever changing collection of beautiful fish he brings in for sale.
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our channel for on going information on koi, goldfish, water turtles, ponds, water features and How To Build a Pond Tutorials. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Butterfly Koi vs Regular Koi, What's the Difference?
Hey Aquamigos! Here is an in depth video on the differences between Butterfly Koi and Regular Koi. I also talk about if butterfly koi are even considered koi fish at all. Feel free to let me know what you think and if you have any ideas for future video topics, feel free to let me know in the comments below!
usgs site:
Vertigo one-one-seven:
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Shirt With My Face:.......
Aquamigos T-Shirt:........
Aquamigos T-Shirt UK:..
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Here is some of the fish gear I use:
Pool Pond:..........................
Pond Pump:........................
Waterfall Filter:...................
Jebao UV Clarifier:.............
Aquarium Filter:..................
Gravel Vacuum:...................
Aquarium Silicone:..............
Aquarium Substrate/Soil:....
Pre Filter:..............................
Breeder Net:.........................
Water Hyacinth:...................
API Quickstart:.....................
Solar Powered Aerator:........
Algae Cleaning Magnet:.......
1/2" Vinyl Pond Tubing:........
20-50 Gal Aqua Clear Filter:..
API Master Test Kit:...............
API 5 in 1 Test Strips:............
Aquarium Air Pump:..............
Pond Plants:..........................
Sponge Filter:........................
Aquarium Air Pump:.............
Seiryu Rock:..........................
Check out my cover of Sooner Or Later by Aaron Carter:
SnapChat:...... hiimtobias
Song credits: Futuristic Cliche by Curtis Cole
Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.
#butterflykoi #koi #koifish Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Amazing Koi Fish Tank Ideas Goldfish, Koi Carp Fish cute videos 56
#koifishtypes #satyajitpetsvlog #japanesekoihey hey guys today I will tell you how many types of koi fish are sold in india and their types, best food, tankmates everything all details you need also in the end some bonus point don’t get cheated by the sellers. I hope you guys will like this video so please subscribe and share this channel with your friends and family peace 😊
Welcome to Satyajit Pets Vlog if you’re new here, hit like, subscribe and click the bell icon, because you don’t want to miss the craziness that happens here! Or any other animal facility we go together ❤ I appreciate everyone who watches the channel! Follow me in Instagram and Facebook peace 😊
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Learn all about carp pox in koi. Presented by Certified Aquatic Veterinarian, Dr. Jessie Sanders, we will cover:
- What is carp pox?
- How does carp pox affect koi?
- What can be done to treat carp pox?
- How to prevent carp pox in you system
Recorded from live presentation on June 18, 2021.
Interested in attending a live session? See our upcoming webinar listing here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video, will explain you on introducing Japanese koi carp to our fish pond of 2500 L. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Koi fish selection in Japan | How baby Koi are selected [KOI SELECTION GUIDE]
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We are going to select 4 week old Sanke at the Marudo koi Farm. In this video you will learn how young baby koi are selected and in which way the Japanese Koi breeders decide to select or not select certain Koi.
The Sanke successfully growed to around 3 to 4 cm in size in the last 4 weeks. This is the moment where the first senbetsu can be performed. Senbetsu is the name used in Japan for the selection process of Koi.
Why actually is a breeder selecting his Koi?
The answer is really simple. The breeder doesn’t have enough space to let all Koi develop under the best circumstances. For that reason he needs to select his Koi. Only the ones that have potential in his of her eyes will be selected. Less Koi in the mud pond means better development, better growth and less risk for diseases. And why would the breeder spend time and feed koi that he never will be able to sell to clients? So it makes sense a breeder is only selecting his best Koi.
For these really small Koi, body posture is not the most important factor to select the Koi on. While for larger Koi the body counts for at least 50% during the selection process. For now, since the baby Koi are only 3 to 4 cm in size, body is just a rough indicator. Even the breeder doesn’t exactly know how this will develop in the next upcoming weeks or months.
Selecting baby koi is not something that is extremely difficult
Everyone is able to learn the aspects where you have to select the Koi on. The difficult is that each variety of Koi has their own selection process. Kohaku for example, white Koi with a red pattern are selected differently than Showa which are black koi with a white and red pattern on it.
There is only one good way to learn and understand how to select baby koi properly, and that is sharing time together with the breeders. Not just for a single day, but for periods of time, selecting different varieties, asking questions to the breeders, and trying it by yourself.
Sanke selection
For Sanke selection, Koi with a white skin and a red and black pattern. Every potential small baby koi that does have some kind of pattern is selected. In the first round it doesn’t really matter at all, as long as a pattern is visible and the Koi is complete and healthy. With complete I mean having two eyes, a pectoral fins, a tail, and so on.
Kohaku selection
Also for Kohaku selection, pattern is the most important thing to take into account. It is all about the technical aspects of the pattern. Some basic technical aspects are for example that the red pattern does not cover the entire head, and at at the time the head should not be entirely white. The nose should be white, and there should be white visible around the head. Preferable the red pattern lays between the eyes. The last part of the body, just before the tail, should be white as well. Fins should not be covered in red colour, including the tail and dorsal fin.
That doesn’t mean if one of the baby koi does not match these criteria that they won’t be selected. For the first rounds it is ok if not everything is not 100% matching the technical aspects
Hopefully you enjoyed and liked the video. Please comment or like and consider to subscribe to our Youtube channel. See you in the next episode!
Thank you for viewing!
AboutKoi is your source if you want to know everything about Koi. On our Youtube channel we share the most beautiful moments from Japan, high quality Koi, knowledge and information about Koi and anything else you would like to know about Koi. Follow us and join us.
Join us and follow us through the most fascinating moments of Koi and Koi keeping.
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Koi fish are gentle, friendly and get really big! But are they a good pet? We visit an amazing koi pond to find out. Subscribe to our channel for more koi carp videos coming soon.
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My fishing videos are supported by Korda and Guru Tackle and aquatic content by Oase UK. I'd also like to thank my top Patreon supporters Morne Hamlyn, Andrew Clark, Ben Currie, Valanafishing, Luke Livingstone, John Stamas and Aron Ruszin! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video, I have an exercise on how to select quality young Kohaku.
#koi #howtojudgekoi #koiponds
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chương trình trái cây và làm thế nào để phát triển cây vả. cây sung Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is a great video detailing exactly how to spawn your own koi fish at your home. I have successfully had really good results with this method and its helped me enjoy the hobby even more. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In our latest video, Chris Wall from Koi Talk magazine and Ricky Stoddart from Koi Wholesale discuss the changing attitudes to Sanke, and how some Koi can be overlooked because of the style of their sumi.
Chris questions if Sanke is evolving, and with a selection of five variations of Sanke, Chris and Ricky discuss the different attributes, and what to look out for when choosing Sanke for future potential.
What are your thoughts on Sanke? Leave your comments and any questions below!
About Koi Talk: Koi Talk Magazine is the UK's only monthly, printed magazine, dedicated to Koi keeping.
Email: contact@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
koi carp fry growth rate and sorting big fry out
also filter talk through Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
My Koi Breeding Project - Part 17 - 3rd selection of 1st spawning
In this video we take another look at the fry from the 1st spawning and carry out selection, primarily removing ones which are deformed.
We also take a look at the fry from the 3rd spawning which are now around 24 days old. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Чехол Carp Pro Diamond для 4-х карповых катушек! Обзор полужесткого чехла для карповых катушек!
#CarpPro #Diamond #ЧехолДляКатушки
📌 Чехол Carp Pro Diamond для 4-х карповых катушек -
Полужесткий чехол для катушек Carp Pro Diamond. В нем могут поместиться четыре самые большие карповые катушки типа Big Pit. Чехол выполнен из влагостойкой ткани и закрывается на молнию. Оборудован тремя съемными перегородками, которые крепятся к чехлу липучками, образовывая четыре изолированных отделения под каждую из катушек. Стенки имеют вставки из полужесткого пористого материала, благодаря чему чехол надежно предохраняет катушки от нагрузок и повреждений при транспортировке. Для переноски предусмотрена ручка. Более детально о катушках в сюжете Максима Леца. Не забывайте ставить 👍 и оформлять подписку на Flagman Shop и Flagman TV! Приятного просмотра!
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Товари з добірки:
Спінінг фідерний Sams Fish Crocodil evolution
Спінінг телескоп "Navigator" Hoz MMS-2105
Спінінг Lineaeffe Vigor Spin
Котушка Shizuka SK7 FD 2000
Котушка Cobra 4000 4ВВ металева шпуля MMS-CB440-M
Котушка Sams Fish задній фрикціон 3bb 5000 з ліскою, графітова шпуля MMS-SF24003-5
Волосiнь нейлон Sams fish Culebra
Волосiнь Shockleader Sam's Fish
Шнур рибальський SAM'S FISH MMS-SF24151-20
Рід під для удищ SAMS FISH MMS-SF23870
Підставка для вудок Sams Fish
Підставка під сигналізатор 1,8м MMS-WSI51007-1
Підсак човновий Sam's Fish 66,7х39,5см MMS-SF24050
Підсак 1.3м чорний колір MMS-WSI51103-1
Голова підсаки Brain Rubber Net 65
Садок Sams Fish 4 кільця з кілочком коло в чохлі
Садок залізний MMS-WSI51127
Садок спортивний Energo Team квадратний
Гачки Metsui KEIRYU
Набір гачків рибальських Seaman Карповий
Грузило Drop-Shot Ball SunFish
Вантаж короповий
Грузило свинцеве для риболовлі
Годівниця FeederPRO Sport
Годівниця пластик Куля
Снасть Fishing Trade
Поплавець Brain fishing BF11
Набір поплавців відвантажених бальза Sam's Fish
Поплавець бомбарда тонуча Sam's Fish
Застібка Fastlock Mikado з вертлюжком бочонком
Long Q-Shaped Swing Snap
Титановий поводок LJ X-Jerk
Повідець з гачком і ледаркою Carp Pro LS
поводок сталевий з вертлюжком і застібкою
Вертлюг Select SF0019
Вертлюг Select SF0021
Вертлюг потрійний Sam's fish Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Painting a Koi Carp in Watercolor - REALTIME with full explanations - please select HD in settings
Painting a Koi Carp in Watercolor - REALTIME with full explanations - please select HD in settings
I will take you through every step very slowly.
Hi artist! - purchase your instant download printable for this livestream - click here -
- it's just £!
Your instant PDF download/printable lesson will give you:-
1 the image outline
2 the colour reference image
3 step by step written instructions with photos at each stage to support your learning when you watch the recording of this livestream (usually available on Youitube immediately after it ends:)!
4 a link to get on a FREE micro watercolour course on my academy!
Contact me - Alison - - thepotteringartist@
Website -
To get a free micro watercolour course on painting spheres simply click here and follow the sign-up/enrolment instructions - I'll see you in class! It won't cost you a PENNY!
Get professional hand holding and one to one critiques here and more!
FANCY MY UNIQUE ARTIST MAGAZINE? It's a read like no other for your inner artist - indie and ad-free!
-watercolour tips
-how to wet the paper
- how to mix correct consistencies & dilutions
- when to put the paint on the paper - TIMING IS EVERYTHING! I show you how
- how to mix colours
- good (100% cotton) watercolour paper - any surface type is fine and any weight is fine
- Watercolour paints - I use tubes but you can use pans too. Try to buy the professional ranges not the student ones. DO NOT EVEN bother with hobby sets - they are no good at all!
- a range of watercolour brushes - a good set is a few synthetic round brushes in different sizes and a few FLAT profile brushes - again in a mix of sizes
- a board on which to place your paper
- water jugs to have plenty of fresh water
- tissues and a terry towelling cloth
If you've got some rich art input from this video how about trying another?
Each time to try a small study you will improve! How about this one?
It's a lush green mountain landscape - perfect for beginners...
Let me know how you get on ok:) Alison
Thanks to Jason Shaw for his music from
PAPER - cold pressed (also known as NOT) 140lb paper - 100% cotton rag. Any texture or any weight paper is fine as long as it is watercolour paper and preferably 100% cotton.
You will simply get slightly different finished effects that's all.
PAINTS - Winsor & Newton Professional tube watercolours in the following:-
Cerulean Blue,
Winsor blue green shade,
french ultramarine blue,
permanent sap green,
cadmium scarlet,
cadmium red deep,
raw umber,
burnt umber.
BRUSHES - all are synthetics
ROUNDS sizes 0, 3, 6, 8,
FLATS sizes quarter inch and 1 inch -
You can paint this image for your own educational purposes but the painting cannot then be sold as your own or put anywhere on the internet or in a public gallery.
You can gift it to someone as long as it stays on their walls in their home and is not reproduced in any way. I hope you understand that I license my images to companies in the UK and USA and so you must not use them in the ways above to avoid copyright issues.
You could paint a different shaped/positioned image with different background elements etc which would change it more than 20% then you are safe to do what you like with it! If you need more clarity - please ask:) Thank you - Alison
Copyright Alison Fennell 2020 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Breeding High Quality Koi With Common Carp - Generation2
Follow Award Winning Koi Breeder Brady Brandwood as he crosses very high quality Show Koi traits with common American Carp. He shares the results of this first cross, and his reasons for why,... AND in this 2nd video shows the results of the 2nd Generation outcross. Pretty fascinating stuff if you are into Koi! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#koi #aquarium #budgetpondkeeping
hello guys and gals in this video I will be taking a look at the aquarium koi before and after Christmas
Also I give the koi a nice treat of live blood work and add some primary settlement to my sun sun 302 filter.
thanks for watching
please don't forget to hit the subscribe button
pond dimensions 11f x 12ft 4ft deep
filters Diy wrighty style 4x barrel system
surface skimmer filtered through a sieve bag (will go to a diy sieve bakki shower at some point)
barrel 1 potting grit and gravel with a diy air flush
barrel 2 brushes mats filter foam and filter floss
barrel 3 k1 and other random plastic media moving bed
barrel 4 static alfagrog and white pumice
please follow me on other social media
twitter Budget Pond Keeping (@BudgetPond)
facebook Budget pond keeping
instagram @leonrohrer Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hello everyone, thank you for watching the video. Hope everyone can leave comments for the next part to be produced and don't forget to subscribe to the channel to see more interesting videos.
#babymonkey #animalht #animalhome #monkeybaby Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video🐟
💢Japanese Koi Carp💢
💖 Koi fish tank filter setup👇
1. How to make tank for koi carp.
2. Japanese koi carp unboxing.
3. Koi carp feed.
🎉Watsapp link of Vengara Fish Farm 👇
🐟Vengara Fish Farm facebook page👇
💥Vengara Fish Farm address👇
Mr. Riyas
Vengara fish farm
💥All kerala courier available/ കേരളത്തിൽ എവിടേക്കും വേങ്ങര fish farm courier അയച്ചു തരുന്നതാണ് ✌️.
#koicarp #japanesekoi #koicarppond
pond with big fish👇
fish sleeping disease treatment video👇
Koi ചത്തുപോകാതെ നോക്കാൻ
പുതുതായി koi വാങ്ങുന്നവർക്ക് ഉപകാരപ്രദമാകും
3. Filter ഉണ്ടാക്കാം 👇
4.ചെമ്മീൻ ചാകര 👇
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Crocodile Hunting Koi fish carp catfish competing for the golden eggs | Fish stop motion ASMR
Simple country life, is the best channel will ... Stop moving ASMR - Catching Koi Betta carp primitive cooking with mud refuses to understand 4k MaME . Cute animals Reality show video "Lego in real life" Series: hate this kitchen, don't like to survive indoors Dig Deep Mud Holes Find Fish Meet Catfish With Unique Fishing Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Testing ongoing as fish keep turning up dead in Coconut Grove
There is a great deal of mystery surrounding what may be killing koi fish and other wildlife in Coconut Grove. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This Friday sees one of Jamie's favourite interviews from the Carp Cast with Fish Expert Simon Scott
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Author Adam Bushnell shows how to create an oil pastel and water colour painting for primary school children. This can be a mindful activity to promote mental health ands wellbeing in children. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
premium koi fish vs selected quality koi selection guide
premium koi fish This is the difference between a premium quality vs a selected koi quality guide . This video will help you understand what are their difference. Why selected koi fish price is higher than premium quality. If you are interested to purchase these koi Shop it now here koi fish for sale philippines Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Selecting 40 Tosai Kohaku Koi Fish [KOI SELECTION]
Learn what aspects you have to look for if you want to select kohaku. We take the best picks out of 40 Tosai Kohaku of the Izumiya Koi Farm.
In this (super long!) video we select the Kohaku one by one, and try to explain you most of the aspects we take into account. These characteristics and aspects you can use by yourself when you want to find the best kohaku in a Koi Store.
If you have any questions regarding selection of Kohaku, you can ask it in the comments. We will do our best to help you out with any questions!
Consider to subscribe if you enjoyed this video. And stay up to date of new video’s coming up! Thank you for watching and see you in the next episode!
At the end of the video, we will show you the best picks. Which one is your favorite Kohaku? Leave a comment!
AboutKoi is your source if you want to know everything about Koi. On our Youtube channel we share the most beautiful moments from Japan, high quality Koi, knowledge and information about Koi and anything else you would like to know about Koi.
Join us and follow us through the most fascinating moments of Koi and Koi keeping.
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Award winning Koi breeder Brady Brandwood offers tips and techniques on Koi breeding, and a close look at the culling of a Snake spawn. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
1 year old koi carp fry update natural koi pond look with useing a liner
last years koi carp fry update how high quality you can get breeding your own koi and look at main pond natural look useing a liner Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A detailed guide on how to select kohaku for your pond, so you make better decisions and improve the quality of your collection. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Shusui vs Doitsu Kujaku Differences - Peacock Koi Carp 4/5
In this episode, we compare the Shusui Koi variety against the Doitsu Kujaku carp with International koi judge Shawn McHenry explaining the distinguishing differences to help you understand how to identify them on your own. This tutorial will dive into the history and development of this amazing fish, dating back a hundred years, as we introduce the two varieties. The Doitsu Kujaku is easily misidentified for Shusui, even by experienced koi collectors. As we bowl and display the two fish side by side, you will learn simple tips to help you distinguish the differences in these fish.
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Koi Fish Tutorial | How to Select Japanese Koi:
Koi Collecting Stories from Niigata Japan:
Our tutorial video series is designed to Educate, Inspire, and showcase the beauty, art, and history of Japanese koi (錦鯉).
World Renowned Koi Expert Shawn McHenry offers us a very special insight to the discussions including behind the scenes stories from his trips to Japan to acquire rare and unusual fish for his clients.
We gain the most incredible insight from Shawn's experience, his warm personality, and his ever changing collection of beautiful fish he brings in for sale.
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our channel for on going information on koi, goldfish, water turtles, ponds, water features, How To Build a Pond Tutorials and our weekly show that uploads every Friday called Ask The Pond Digger where we answer questions from our pond community. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Published on Oct 15, 2021 • 25,535,828 views
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How to care Japanese koi carp in Kerala, Malayalam
How to care Japanese koi fish in the Kerala climate. For a better understanding of this, we need to know how Japanese koi farmers care about koi fish in Japan. A champion Japanese koi fish is a combined output of the selection process, mud pond preparation, water temperature and fish food selection. The biggest challenge in keeping Japanese koi fish in Kerala is the water temperature. Koi fish's optimum water temperature is always 23 to 28 degrees celsius. Since Kerala is in a tropical climatic region water temperature can easily go above 33 degrees Celcius in almost all seasons. once the temperature is above 33 koi fish's metabolic rate can go up rapidly and can cause the fish to grow out of proportion. In higher temperatures, koi fish will grow more lengthwise and won't develop the width. since koi carp is a pond fish, and we cant see the pattern on the body, then that fish is of little to no attraction to watch. So it's not just about keeping koi, it's all about keeping koi at the right temperature The second thing is mud pond preparation. Japanese koi grow well in mud ponds,.so if possible we need to set up mud ponds for koi fish and keep the fish for a few months in the mud pond. Mudponds help to condition the fish a lot better.
As we all believe Japanese koi fish keeping started in Yamakoshi, japan, Yamakoshi is a mountain in Ojiya Niigata. Initially, Japanese farmers were keeping koi fish in the same rice field, once they notice koi fish starts to show colours they start the selective breeding of koi fish, that selective breeding of koi fish gradually results in the fish that we see today. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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