Захист дитини під час катання на самокаті - дуже відповідальний момент. І для цього захист колін і ліктів повинна бути високотехнічним і безпечним.
Виробник - швейцарська компанія Micro Mobility Systems AG, всесвітньо відома у виробництві біговелів і самокатів для дітей і дорослих. Компанія заснована в 1996 році. На сьогоднішній день продукція компанії поставляється в 80 країн світу. Всі деталі зроблені з нетоксичних матеріалів, що підтверджується наявністю протоколів випробувань на відповідність європейським стандартам якості. Крім цього, кожен аксесуар або самокат проходить величезну кількість випробувань на надійність і безпеку, щоб споживач міг отримати якісний і довговічний товар. Саме тому мільйони сімей в світі вибирають саме Micro.
Комплект захисту ліктів і колін для дітей у віці від 6 до 10 років і масою до 50 кг.
Обсяг регулюється липучками.
Обхват ліктів - 17-21 см, обхват колін - 25-31 см.
My four-year-old daughter asked for a pair of pink rollerblades and Ricardo Lino recently opened his Wheel Addict shop, which happened to stock a pink Micro Discovery skates, so I bought a set. A newly established small business gets a sale and my daughter gets what she wants - win/win!
We have new long sleeve T-shirts available at our online shop -
Instagram: wheelscene Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Micro Mini Deluxe Scooter Unboxing | by Micro Kickboard
In this unboxing video, we show off the award-winning Micro Mini Deluxe scooter for children ages 2-5. The new Mini Deluxe scooter has all the features that made the Mini Original a best-rated scooter for kids. This scooter comes in 8 fun colors, has a higher rider weight capacity, and a new adjustable T-bar that easily adjusts as your child grows.
As we unbox the Micro Mini, we cover the basics for getting it set up so kids can ride immediately. We also cover how-to make T-bar height adjustments and register the scooter for its warranty. The Mini Deluxe is ready for use in minutes, as we demonstrate, and offers years of use.
This Micro Mini Deluxe scooter offers the smoothest, quietest ride available. This Mini Deluxe also offers kids a fun and unique lean-to-steer design, allowing a child’s weight to lean left or right to steer. Kids love the ride, and you will love the years of fun exercise it gives, making it one of the best values you can buy your child.
Swiss designed and engineered, we know you’ll love the Micro Mini Deluxe! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Micro Scooter Comparison: Maxi or Mini? Should you get the Kickboard Micro Mini or Maxi Scooter for your 2 to 5 year olds? We have three girls ages 3 and 4. We love the Kickboard scooters, but there are a lot of scooters to choose from. The Micro Mini version is marketed for children ages 2 to 5 while the Micro Maxi version is marketed for ages 5 to 12. But we wanted to get the Maxi version so it could grow up with our children longer. Also, we didn't know whether we should go with the Micro Maxi and the Maxi Deluxe. We went ahead with the Maxi Deluxe and are so glad we did. The Maxi Deluxe works great for little kids ages two, three, four, and five years old. We also love the build quality of the Maxi Deluxe. Here is our product unboxing, setup, and review video explaining our decision. Thanks for watching! #microkickboard #maxideluxe
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Maxi Deluxe Kickboard Scooter (Version Reviewed in this Video):
Micro Kickboard - Maxi Deluxe (Foldable -- Pretty Cool): (They came out with this foldable version after we made this video. It would be super convenient to have the foldable version). Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Micro Mini DELUXE Best 3 Wheel Scooter to Buy for Kids Ages 2 to 5 plus
Micro Mini Best 3 Wheel Scooter to Buy for Kids Ages 2 to 5 plus
Micro Mini Boys and Girls Scooter for Kids Ages 2 to 5 +
In this video we give you an overview of one of the best quality Micro kids scooters you can buy, making this kids scooter the perfect holiday gift for kids. The Micro Mini scooter is a quality 3 wheel scooter for kids and children ages 24 months to 5 years. This Micro Mini Scooter is a great fit for a 2-year-old, as their scooter will grow with them. If you are deciding on which Micro kids scooter to buy your child as a gift, look no further than this Micro Mini quality 3 wheel scooter. Micro kids scooters offer the best three wheel scooters for the Holiday's and have won countless awards for their quality. In this video, we will show you why the Micro Mini 3 wheel kids scooter makes the perfect gift!
The Mini Deluxe scooter for boys and girls is an iconic ride of Micro. It is the perfect gift for any child, during the Holiday's or for a birthday present! Your child will love riding this award-winning Micro scooter, and you will love the years of fun and exercise it provides your child. The smooth-gliding wheels, low-to-the-ground deck, and stable steering all make the Micro Mini scooter perfect for preschoolers and kindergartners. Non-marking wheels allow children to learn to scoot in the safety of your home.
The 3-wheel scooters lean-to-steer, Swiss-design is easy to learn and fun to master! Children can curve and carve while enhancing fine motor skills as they learn to maneuver this sleek scooter. Lightweight and easy to transport, the Mini Deluxe Scooter grows with your child with the extendable kickboard t-bar from ages 2-5, or when they reach 75 lbs.
The Micro Mini scooter has the smoothest, quietest ride available thanks to high-quality wheels and a flexible fiberglass reinforced deck, which together absorb bumps in the sidewalk. This scooter is also Safety Certified by the CPSC.
The Micro Mini Deluxe boys and girls scooter offers all of the same features as the Mini scooter original, adding the adjustable three-wheel scooter t-bar, an anodized stem to prevent corrosion, and extra grip on the scooter deck for support as they cruise through the neighborhood on their new Micro Mini Scooter.
The Micro Mini scooter is for kids ages 2-5+ and is available in 8 colors including blue, red, pink, purple and many more fun looks. This scooter includes a great warranty, customer support, and replaceable parts.
Shop the Micro Mini here, Starting at $: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Globber и Micro: Обзор лучших трехколесных самокатов для детей | samokat.ua
В этом видео вы увидите обзор и сравнение моделей трёхколесных самокатов от лидеров рынка – Globber и Micro.
И дети, и взрослые без ума от этих самокатов! На них удобно кататься, на них приятно смотреть!
В этом видео вы узнаете: для какого возраста подойдет та или иная модель, чем отличаются представленные модели, а также мы озвучим свои рекомендации по каждой модели.
Узнать актуальную стоимость и наличие вы всегда можете на нашем сайте:
Globber Primo Plus -
Globber Primo Starlight -
Globber Fold Up -
Globber Fold Up Lights Elite -
Mini Micro Deluxe -
Maxi Micro Deluxe -
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Детский самокат Mini Micro Deluxe Pink | Распаковка | Обзор | Unboxing | Review
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Детский цифровой фотоаппарат Микки Маус - это новинка 2020 года, продолжение популярной серии детских игрушечных фотоаппаратов, так полюбившимся детям и взрослым в нашей стране. Яркий детский фотоаппарат выполнен в виде персонажа популярного Диснеевского (Disney) мультфильма мышонка Микки (Mickey Mouse) имеет 4 цветовых варианта (красный, желтый, синий и розовый) и обладает прекрасными техническими характеристиками!
Детские фотоаппараты Микки со съемным чехлом в виде известного всем Микки Мауса подарят положительные эмоции и простор для творчества. Фотоаппараты отличает креативный дизайн корпуса, селфи-камера, съемка по таймеру, стикеры и фильтры для обработки фото, проигрывание музыки и встроенные игры. У этих фотокамер увеличенный размер дисплея - 2,4 дюйма, поэтому просматривать фотографии еще удобнее. 4 ярких дизайна - синий, красный, розовый, желтый - подойдут и мальчикам, и девочкам.
При покупке фотоаппарата Micro-SD карточка 32 Гб в подарок
Технические характеристики детского фотоаппарата Микки:
Размер съемки (в пикселях) - до 28 Мп
Селфи камера - есть
Разрешение фото - 6528px X4896px
Разрешение видео - Full HD (1920x1080), 1080P, 720P, WVGA, VGA
Формат файлов фото / видео - JPEG / MOV
Цифровой зум - от до
Дисплей - 2,4 дюйма, IPS, цветной
Язык меню - мультиязычный
Специальные возможности - стабилизация изображения, 26 креативов (16 рамочек, 6 оптических иллюзий, 4 фильтра), циклическая запись (1, 3, 5 мин), штамп даты на фото, серийная съемка, автоотключение (1, 3 мин), заставка (30 сек, 1, 2 мин), 3 встроенные игры, воспроизведение музыки с карты памяти
Емкость аккумулятора - Lithium Battery 800 мАч
Работа от аккумулятора - до 3 часов
Время зарядки - 2-3 часа
Режимы съемки по таймеру - да (3, 6, 9 сек)
Поддержка флеш-карт (формат и ГБ макс.) - Micro-SD до 32Гб
Материал корпуса - ABS
Материал чехла - силикон
Вес - 285г
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Micro Maxi Deluxe Scooter Unboxing | by Micro Kickboard
Micro Maxi Deluxe Scooter Unboxing | by Micro Kickboard
In this unboxing video, we show off the new Micro Maxi Deluxe scooter for children ages 5-12. The new Maxi Deluxe scooter comes in 8 new colors, has an anodized t-bar stem, and a new better gripping scooter deck.
As we unbox the Micro Maxi, we cover the basics for getting it set up so kids can ride immediately. We also cover how-to make T-bar height adjustments and register the scooter for its warranty. The Maxi Deluxe is ready for use in minutes, as we demonstrate, and offers years of use.
This Micro Maxi Deluxe scooter offers the smoothest, quietest ride available. This Maxi Deluxe also offers kids a fun and unique lean-to-steer design, allowing a child’s weight to lean left or right to steer. Kids love the ride, and you will love the years of fun exercise it gives, making it one of the best values you can buy your child.
Swiss designed and engineered, we know you’ll love the Micro Maxi Deluxe! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mini Micro & Maxi Micro Deluxe LED - Shine bright like a star!
Stand out and be se seen with our new Mini and Maxi Micro Deluxe LED edition. The new scooter comes with LED Wheels to brighten up your Journey.
Details Mini Micro Deluxe LED
Age Range: 1-5 years
Weight: kg
Max Load: 35 kg
Removable & Adjustable Bar
8 different Colors
More about the product:
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Bekijk de review video van deze Maxi Micro Scooter en oordeel zelf of dit iets is voor jou? In deze kid talks van Kidtalks Lili vertelt ze op haar eigen manier wat ze van de step vindt. Deze Micro Scooter is ideaal voor kinderen en super stevig, in hoogte verstelbaar en je kunt er erg veel kunstjes op doen. Ze heeft de step voor haar verjaardag gekregen. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Micro Mini 3 in 1 DELUXE Best 3 Wheel Ride-On Scooter for Toddlers age 1+
Micro Mini 3in1 Deluxe Best Boys and Girls 3 Wheel Ride-On Scooter for Toddlers age 1+
In this video, we give an overview of one of the best Micro kids scooters for boys and girls. The Micro 3in1 Deluxe is a quality ride-on scooter for toddlers and children 12 months old on up. This Micro 3in1 Scooter is the best first ride-on for a baby 12 months old or older. All of this being said, this Micro scooter is the best 3 wheel scooters for toddlers. If you are deciding on which Micro kids scooter to buy your child, look no further than this Micro Mini ride on. Micro Scooters offer the best three wheel scooters for the Holidays or as gifts. In this video, we will show why the Micro 3in1 scooter makes the perfect gift!
If you're looking for a kids scooter that lasts longer than the typical year or two, check out the Mini 3in1 Deluxe scooter for boys and girls! This scooter is designed for our youngest Micro scooter riders - starting at age one and growing to age five! Stage one offers a seated ride-on scooter, then grows to a stand-on scooter with an adjustable handlebar.
Deciding which scooter to buy as a gift for your toddler? The Micro Mini 3in1 scooter is the award-winning ride-on 3 wheel toy and scooter that grows with children from age 1 to age 5. This Deluxe 3in1 scooter for boys and girls now features an anodized, adjustable T-bar. It's the quality gift that young children are guaranteed to love, and the best value present you will ever buy because your child will use it day after day, year after year. This scooter can even be ridden indoors with it's non-marking wheels!
3 Scooter variations for 3 ages all in one box:
At age 1: Start the scooter with the ride-on seat using one of two seat heights.
At age 2: Remove the seat for a stand-on scooter with short O-bar.
At age 3: Replace the scooters' O-bar with the T-bar to convert to the Micro Mini Original Scooter for ages 2 to 5.
Designed with young children in mind, the Micro Mini 3in1 Deluxe scooter features soft edges, a stable upright design, and quiet, smooth-gliding, non-marking wheels that can be used indoors and out.
The Mini 3in1 Scooter is available in pink, blue, and red, this stylish ride-on scooter is sure to be a favorite! With it's intuitive lean-to-steer design, you'll be amazed at how quickly your child learns to cruise on their new scooter.
SAFETY - For best protection, we recommend that children wear helmets and knee pads when riding. Non-marking wheels allow children to learn to scoot in the safety of your home.
AWARDS for Mini 3in1 - Best of Show Award at Nuremberg Toy Fair 2012, ABC EXPO Parent's Pick JPMA Award Winner 2013, Parent's Choice Recommended Award 2012.
All of Micro's children's products, including the Micro Mini 3in1, have passed Child Safety Testing, as stipulated by the US Consumer Products Safety Commission.
Micro offers a handful of options for your preschoolers! These stylish rides are the top-rated, must-have gifts for the holidays. Check out the different models and features below. Micro scooters are built to last and are made with high-quality construction so you can rest-assured that your kiddo is riding the safest scooter as they master balance and coordination.
Customer service, warranty, and replaceable parts are included with this Micro Mini 3in1 scooter.
Shop the Micro Mini 3in1 here, $: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Micro Mini 3 in 1 Original Scooter for Toddlers Children and Kids
In this kids scooter video, we show off one of our favorite, award-winning 3-in-1 scooters for children ages 1-5. The Original Micro Mini 3-in-1 scooter is the perfect choice when it comes to a fun and quality scooter that will grow with your child.
• The quality ride-on and scooter that grows with children from age 1 to age 5.
• Winner of several awards for its quality and innovative design.
• A long-lasting gift that offers 3 rides for 3 ages, all in one scooter box.
• New & Improved Deluxe scooter edition, now with adjustable scooter T-bar.
The Micro Mini 3in1 Original is the award-winning ride-on toy and scooter that "grows” with children from age 1 to age 5. The Deluxe 3-in-1 scooter now features an anodized, adjustable scooter T-bar. It's the quality gift that young children are guaranteed to love, and the best value present you will ever buy because your child will use it day after day, year after year.
3 scooter rides for 3 ages all in one box:
At age 1: Start with the ride-on scooter seat using one of two seat heights.
At age 2: Remove the scooter seat for a stand-on scooter with short O-bar.
At age 3: Replace the scooters O-bar with a T-bar to convert to the Micro Mini Original scooter for ages 2 to 5.
Designed with young children in mind, the Micro Mini 3in1 Original scooter features soft edges, a stable upright design, and quiet, smooth-gliding, non-marking wheels that can be used indoors and out.
SAFETY: For best protection, we recommend that children wear helmets and knee pads when riding scooters. Non-marking wheels allow children to learn to ride this scooter in the safety of your home.
SCOOTER AWARDS for Mini 3in1 Scooter: Best of Show Award at Nuremberg Toy Fair 2012, ABC EXPO Parent's Pick JPMA Award Winner 2013, Parent's Choice Recommended Award 2012.
All of Micro's children's products, including the Micro Mini 3in1 Scooter, have passed Child Safety Testing, as stipulated by the US Consumer Products Safety Commission.
Shop the Micro Mini 3-in-1 here, $: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Детский самокат Mini Micro Deluxe Red | Распаковка | Обзор | Unboxing | Review
Micro Maxi Original Kids Scooter
In this kids scooter video, we show off one of our favorite, award-winning 3-wheel scooters for children ages 5-12. The Maxi Original scooter is the perfect choice when it comes to a fun and quality scooter.
• Highest rated scooter for 5-12-year-olds.
• Kids love curving and carving using weight transfer and handlebar to steer the scooter.
• Smoothest, quietest scooter ride available.
The Maxi Original Kickboard scooter is the highest rated scooter for ages 5 to 12. Kids love the ride of the scooter, and you will love the years of fun and exercise it gives, making it one of the best value presents you can buy your child. The smooth gliding Maxi scooter has a curving and carving action that allows kids to surf the sidewalk like a skateboard, with the handlebar providing greater control and maneuverability.
Kids use their body weight and handlebar to lean into a turn, resulting in smooth, safe scooter turns. The Micro Maxi Original scooter has the smoothest, quietest ride available thanks to high-quality polyurethane wheels and a flexible fiberglass reinforced deck, which together absorb bumps in the sidewalk.
Safety certified by the CPSC, the Micro Maxi scooter is recommended for kids up to 110 lbs. It's exceptionally strong construction is flexible and lightweight, making it a great cruising scooter for urban and suburban neighborhoods alike. Many kids use their Micro Maxi to ride the sidewalk to school.
MAXI SCOOTER AWARDS: Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Award Seal and Platinum Seal (2009), Parents Choice Approved (2010), Universal Design Award and Universal Design Consumer Favorite (2009), Red Dot Design Award (2009).
Shop the Micro Maxi Scooter here, $: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Riding the Mini Micro Scooter /Great time/Have Fun
Riding the Mini Micro Scooter /Great time/Have Fun
#RidingTheScooter #MiniMicroScooter #GreatTime Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The iconic scooter, but deluxe: the Mini Micro Deluxe adds exciting new details and features to create the ultimate 3-wheeled scooter.
The Mini Micro Deluxe scooter features a lightweight frame designed with kids in mind. This scooter is light enough to steer and carry with ease, while the adjustable handlebar lets kids start scooting as early as 2 years old, adapting to suit their height as they grow.
The lean-to-steer design is easy for kids to master, helping little explorers develop their balance, coordination and confidence. The deluxe version of the Mini Micro scooter is protected from chips and scratches by an anodised stem, so your scooter can keep on looking sharp, no matter how many journeys it makes. The anti-slip silicone footplate and superior rear brake combine to keep your little one safe as they scoot.
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Mini Micro Scooter
The lean to steer started here. Your child will love “surfing the sidewalk” on the number 1 kid’s choice scooter. The Micro Mini scooter model is exceptionally stable, strong and flexible for safety and longevity. This award winner is manufactured for ages 2-5 and will provide years of fun and exercise. Children steer using their body weight to lean left and right, intuitively learning to lean into a turn. Safety certified by the CPSC, the Micro Mini is recommended for children up to 44lbs.
Shop the Mini Micro here, Starting at $: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
MUST SEE Product Reviews !! VTech Kidizoom Camera Pix, Pink
👍🏼 Like Our Video. 👌 Subscribe to Our Channel 😍 - VTech Kidizoom Camera Pix, Pink
Take real digital photographs with the durable Kidizoom Camera Pix by VTech; real 2.0 mega pixels camera with 4x digital zoom The kid-friendly Kidizoom Camera Pix includes all the tools that budding photographers want in a digital camera; durable design protects from drops and tumbles Selfie mode detects your face and automatically takes the perfect picture; four built-in games add to the fun; includes a video recorder and voice recorder for more creative ways to play Fun photo collage templates in addition to static and animated photo effects enhance your pictures; more than 35 fun photo effects and 4 creative apps; connect to your computer to download all of your creations (Micro USB cable sold separately) Built-in memory and micro memory card slot for memory expansion (micro memory card sold separately); requires 4 AA batteries (not included); intended for ages 3 to 8 years
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Review of Sephix portable Bluetooth karaoke Microphone for kids singing .
Saanvi and Maitreyee is unboxing and giving review of Sephix portable bluetooth karaoke Microphone for kids singing . It is ordered from Amazon .
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Комплект для плавання з захистом UPF 50+ для хлопчика від MARKS & SPENCER KIDS
Замовити комплект для плавання з захистом UPF 50+ для хлопчика від MARKS & SPENCER KIDS ви можете в інтернет-магазині брендового дитячого одягу
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My kids scooting Mini Micro Deluxe and Maxi Micro Deluxe Micro Scooter
We are trying out our new Mini Micro Deluxe and Maxi Micro Deluxe scooters from @MicroscootersUK So what can I say… Max and Alex will definitely be spending more time scooting now.
Get yours here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
All about the Mini Micro Deluxe Scooter | Micro Scooters
What makes the Mini Micro Deluxe scooter for kids so special? This video explains why the Swiss designed and engineered three wheel scooter is a hit for millions of children and their families in the UK.
See our exclusive range of Mini Micro colours and secure the lowest price at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Эта модель имеет металлических штатив, стеклянную оптику и богатую комплектацию, в комплекте даже простенький микротом есть. Кейс не позволит юному учёному раскидать по дому и потерять элементы набора.
Не стоит ждать от недорогого детского микроскопа лабораторных возможностей, но простые опыты ему по силам.
Доверяйте только проверенным брендам! Даже выбирая из аппарат из самых доступных микроскопов, не стоит брать что попало. От Вашего выбора зависит будущее Ваших умных и талантливых детей!
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Микроскоп – отличный подарок для детей любого возраста, а если отбросить стеснение, то и взрослые с большим удовольствием изучают окружающий мир в окуляре этого оптического прибора, со времён Левенгука многое изменилось, но интерес к микромиру у любознательных людей ни капли не угас. Главное не ошибиться с выбором и не купить низкокачественную поделку. Доверяйте только проверенным брендам.
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Комплект з комбінезоном для дитини від MARKS&SPENCER KIDS
Замовити комплект з комбінезоном для дитини від MARKS&SPENCER KIDS ви можете в інтернет-магазині брендового дитячого одягу
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Be the envy of yours friends scooting around on this EVO Cruiser scooter with light up wheels! This three-wheeled scooter is designed to help children to develop balance and coordination. In addition, the two light up 120mm wheels at the front of the scooter provide a sturdy and safe experience.
This scooter has many features including anti slip footplate, rear brake, ABEC 7 bearings for a smooth ride and an adjustable handle height of 74- 84cms which is great as the scooter can grow with the child. The aluminium handle bar and easy grip handle makes the scooter lightweight and easy to use. This scooter folds for easy and convenient transport and storage. Maximum weight is 50kgs, suitable for ages 5 years and over.
Suitable for Ages 5+
Maximum weight 50kgs
Adjustable handle height 74-84cm
Learn more or purchase from Wowow Toys here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Comparing a Mini Micro Classic and Mini Micro Deluxe Scooter | Micro Scooters
Micro Scooters are the home of scooters for kids, toddler scooters, scooters for adults, electric scooters for kids and electric scooters for adults.
Whats the difference between a mini classic and mini deluxe scooter? Maureen will talk through the age, height and weight differences between our two best selling 3 wheeled kids scooters. Find out more at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Так выглядит самокат Micro Mini Deluxe
Его можно купить в нашем магазине "Самокат СПб":
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Micro Mini DELUXE Scooters for Kids | Ian Powell Films
Micro Mini Deluxe Scooters for Kids
The new Deluxe Mini has all the features that made the original Mini the best-rated scooter for children ages 2-5. The Deluxe range has 8 Mini colors, with a weight capacity up to 75 lbs and an adjustable T-bar to accommodate little ones as they grow. (T-bar adjusts from 17" up to 25" from the deck - this is 1" higher than the Mini Original's stationary T-bar)
Your child will love "surfing the sidewalk" and you will love the years of fun and exercise it provides. The smooth gliding wheels, low-to-the-ground deck, and safe steering all contribute to stability that makes the Deluxe Mini perfect for preschoolers and kindergartners.
What makes the Deluxe Mini unique and fun is the adjustable T-bar and lean-to-steer design; children steer by using their body weight to lean right and left, intuitively learning to lean into a turn, while developing balance and coordination used in many sports. The Deluxe Mini has the smoothest, quietest ride available thanks to high-quality wheels and a flexible fiberglass reinforced deck, which together absorb bumps in the sidewalk. Safety certified by the CPSC, the Deluxe Mini is recommended for children up to 75 lbs.
Shop the Micro Mini Deluxe here, $: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Замовити комплект для дівчинки “Mickey Mouse” від George ви можете в інтернет-магазині брендового дитячого одягу
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The Micro Mini three-wheeled scooter features a lean-to-steer design to help beginner scooter riders learn to ride and steer a scooter. For full review and shopping info►
Product Info:
As children ride, they steer by leaning their body weight right or left, depending on where they want the scooter to turn. To stop, kids simply press down on the rear step-on brake. This scooter has high-quality, non-marking polyurethane wheels for outdoor or indoor riding. The Micro Mini is available in blue, aqua, green, orange, pink, purple, red, and yellow. Each is sold separately.
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Review of the Micro Scooter Kick Mini and Kick Maxi Scooter
Momtrends reviews the Kick Mini and Kick Maxi Scooter--a great 3-wheeled scooter for kids.
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mom trends, mom bloggers, kickboard usa, micro scooter, scooters for kids, active toys for kids Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Micro Maxi Scooter
The award-winning Maxi Kickboard, or Maxi Scooter from Micro, is a high quality, 3-wheel scooter for ages 6-11, with a rider load of up to 120 lbs. The Maxi Kick Scooter is a lightweight (5 lbs) scooter that will grow with your child; the steering bar extends from 24 inches above the deck to 36 inches. The unique lean-and-steer design allows your child to 'surf the sidewalks'. The double rear wheels and rear brake add stability and control, making the maxi scooter a smoother, cooler, tougher scooter.
Shop the Micro Maxi here, Starting at $: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
New Box - Micro Puzzles - puzzle subscription box that is great for kids & grandparents
De Maxi Micro step is ontwikkeld voor kinderen van 5-12 jaar. Deze stoere hightech kinderstep heeft het unieke "lean-and-steer" stuurmechanisme waarmee je door de bochten surft. De balgreep van de joystick maakt het eenvoudig om de Maxi Micro step te besturen en heeft een hoge fun factor. Het Zwitsers ontwerp is veilig en stabiel door zijn dubbele voorwielen, lage fiberglass bord en stalen rem.
Geschikt voor 5-12 jaar
Lean-and-steer mechanisme
Veilig en stabiel
Metalen rem op achterwielen
Stuurstang in hoogte verstelbaar
Lichtgewicht: 2,5kg
Oppenheimer Toy Portfolio BEST TOY 2009
Universal Design Award 2009
RedDot Design Award 2009
The Maxi Micro is the new high-performance 3-wheel scooter from Micro®.
Swiss-designed with a unique lean-and-steer mechanism, the Maxi Micro gives kids the feeling of surfing the sidewalks.
Its high-quality design and construction is easy for kids to recognize and appreciate.
Amazingly light weight, yet durable enough to be used every day, the Maxi Micro really curves and carves.
With unique pilot steering, the Maxi Micro is the hottest new scooter of the season.
The Maxi Scooter has recently won a Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award 2009 , the well-regarded and renowned (NBC Today Show appearances) toy reviewers since 1989.
Available in purple or black with t-bar or joystick steering. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mini Micro Deluxe Lavender je dětská koloběžka se třemi kolečky v růžovo-fialové barvě. Je určená pro děti od 2 let. Má speciální mechanismus zatáčení, který rozvíjí rovnováhu a koordinaci pohybů u dětí.
Více informací naleznete na našem webu:
Oficiální distributor značky Micro pro ČR a SR: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Childrens micro push scooter, ideal gift for any child. Two and three wheel scooters. Mini Micro range inc: Micro Bullet, Flex, Pink, Sprite and Monster. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Have you just purchased a brand new Micro Sprite scooter and wondering how to get started? If not, visit to learn more. In this tutorial, you will learn the ins and outs of adjusting the Micro Sprite to prepare you for the first ride. The Micro Sprite is our highest rated 2-wheel scooter for ages 8 and up. From middle school students to moms and commuters, the Sprite is everyone’s favorite scooter.
How to:
1) Remove scooter and contents from display box
2) Unfold using QR Level and chrome folding block button
3) Raise the scooter handlebar
4) Use kickstand
For more information on the Micro Sprite visit
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Die neuen DELUXE Modelle überzeugen durch knallige Farben und gewohnter micro Qualität. Der Schriftzug auf dem Trittbrett wirkt ausserdem wie ein Griptape und macht das Fahren noch sicherer.
Zu gross geworden fürs mini micro aber noch zu klein für die micro Kickboards? Na dann, herzlich willkommen bei den maxi micro Kids! Damit ihre Kinder nicht auf ihre gewohnte Mobilität verzichten müssen, haben wir das maxi micro entwickelt. Genau wie das mini micro vermittelt es, dank spezieller Gewichtslenkung, ein unverwechselbares Fahrgefühl und ist ideal für den Schulweg oder einen Stadtbummel. Das maxi micro kommt in verschiedenen Trendfarben daher und der T-Lenker kann bei Bedarf durch einen Stick mit Knauf ersetzt werden. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Micro Sprite makes the move from a 3-wheeled scooters to a 2- wheeled scooter easy with a robust yet light weight aluminium frame making it easy for children to manage. It has an adjustable handlebar height to grow with your child. The Micro Sprite is foldable, making it easy to carry home, store under the stairs or in the boot of the car.
Helmet and potection set all sold seperately.
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Connie gets her hands on (and unboxes) one of our favourites in the Micro range: the Sprite.
Want to pick one up for yourself? You can here:
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Kick Scooters in Central Park, New York - Micro Kickboard
Micro Kids Scooters
The kids of New York show off their kick scooter skills, riding mini and maxi kick scooters from micro. These kids are certainly proud of their various micro scooters, kick scooters and children's scooters as they scoot and kickboard through Central Park on several different styles of kick scooters by micro Switzerland. Check out these award-winning scooters and kickboards exclusively from Kickboard USA!
Shop Micro Kids Scooters here, Starting at $: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
3in1 Mini Micro Deluxe scooter explained | Micro Scooters
A ride-on, toddler and deluxe Mini Micro scooter all in one. The cleverly adaptable and exquisitely designed 3in1 Mini Micro will be the only ride on toy you will need, as the scooter will adapt and grow with your child.
Suitable for ages 12 months +. The scooter will last until your child's 5th birthday.
Find out more here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The best toy ever made? See the mini micro being used by young children. Develop core muscles while learning to use body weight to steer with unique tilt and steer mechanism. Buy online at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This little retro kids bike is called the Schwinn Sprite. It's super cute design, steel frame, integrated LED speedometer, chain guard and fenders are a sure selling point!!
For full information on this bike, visit our website: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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