Захист голови дитини під час катання на самокаті - дуже відповідальний момент. І для цього шолом повинен бути високотехнічним і безпечним.
Виробник - швейцарська компанія Micro Mobility Systems AG, всесвітньо відома у виробництві біговелів і самокатів для дітей і дорослих. Компанія заснована в 1996 році. На сьогоднішній день продукція компанії поставляється в 80 країн світу.
Всі деталі зроблені з нетоксичних матеріалів, що підтверджується наявністю протоколів випробувань на відповідність європейським стандартам якості. Крім цього, кожен аксесуар або самокат проходить величезну кількість випробувань на надійність і безпеку, щоб споживач міг отримати якісний і довговічний товар.
Саме тому мільйони сімей в світі вибирають саме Micro.
Захисні шоломи компанії Micro мають прекрасний вид, легку вагу, прекрасну міцність, високий коефіцієнт безпеки і стильний дизайн.
Яскравий колір шолома не залишить байдужим жодного маленького гонщика.
У задній частині шолома встановлений LED-ліхтарик червоного кольору для додаткової безпеки, який має 3 режими роботи.
Технологія застібки Fidlock для відкривання і закривання без защемлення пальців.
Розмір шолома S: підходить для дітей з окружністю голови 48-53 см (від 1 року.)
Розмір шолома M: підходить для дітей з окружністю голови 52-56 см (від 4 років)
Ich will daheim ein paar LED leisten anbringen und hab mich auf die Suche nach einem LED-Controller gemacht. Man kann viel fertiges kaufen aber ich wollte es dann doch mit einem Raspberry Pi Pico selber machen.
Der Raspberry Pi Pico ist ein toller Controller welcher auf jeden Fall einen Blick wert ist.
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Подключаем светодиодные матрицы к Arduino Mega и Raspberry Pi. Железки Амперки
Cветодиодная RGB матрица 64×32:
Драйвер RGB матриц для Raspberry Pi:
Яркий светодиодный экран украсит окна уютного кафе, привлечёт хипстеров в барбершоп и придаст неповторимую атмосферу ночному клубу. Или выведет график курса валют, панель управления умной теплицей или прогноз предновогодних пробок.
2048 RGB светодиодов собраны в панель с диагональю 11 дюймов. Светодиоды панели светят с яркостью до 1200 кд/м² — сравните с 100 кд/м² обычного смартфона. Это позволяет в деталях разглядеть изображение на матрице даже при ярком освещении.
Матрицы объединяются в цепочки или гирлянды. Благодаря симметричному и равномерному размещению светодиодов по лицевой стороне из нескольких панелей легко собрать большой экран.
Для вывода изображения или видео понадобится Raspberry Pi. В паре с драйвером светодиодных матриц одноплатник может раскачать до 12 матриц, а это панель метровой диагонали из 24576 светодидов.
#железкиамперки #arduino #raspberry #LED Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm. Big Update including Wayland!
This will improve a lot with 5V 5A power supply for Overclocking and proper GPU support
Pi 5 Release coming October 2023
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases
Amazon US & other Countries Links
Kingston a2 64gb
Kioxia 32GB
Masstige Tcell 128GB
Pi 5 compatible case
Pi 5 compatible cluster case
Pi 5 compatible fan
Crucial SSD
Orico usb hub
Camera V2.1
Samsung Bar usb drive
My Pi 4 case
Raspberry Pi 4
Mini mouse keyboard
Mini remote
Sandisk pro sd card
Usb C to C power display cable 100W
Logik K400+ keyboard
My capture device Avermedia GC513
Wimaxit 14” Touchscreen
My Amazon UK store
Amazon UK Links
Kingston 64GB A2
Braveeagle 32GB
Pi 5 compatible cluster case
Pi 5 compatible case
Pi 5 compatible fan
Samsung Bar usb drive
Raspberry Pi 4
pi camera 2.1
Mini mouse keyboard
Mini remote
Usb C to C power display cable 100W
Sandisk pro sd card
Official Raspberry Pi power adapter black
Crucial 240GB SSD
YCCTEAM Xbox 360 Wireless controller
my pi 4 case
Logitech K400+ keyboard trackpad
My capture device Avermedia GC513
Wimaxit 14” Touchscreen
Great budget storage for Raspberry Pi. 17 SD cards speed test.
SUPERFAST storage NVME M.2. Raspberry Pi 4.
Kingston M.2 Speed Test. Raspberry Pi 4.
USB Stick Speed Tests. Raspberry Pi 4 / 400
240GB SSD Kingston Vs Crucial Speed Test. Raspberry Pi 4, Pi 400.
All Pi4 except 128 samsung EVO Pi5 test
braveeagle 32GB
Sequential write speed 21896 KB/sec (target 10000) - PASS
Random write speed 1123 IOPS (target 500) - PASS
Random read speed 3825 IOPS (target 1500) - PASS
alertseal 32GB
Sequential write speed 27970 KB/sec (target 10000) - PASS
Random write speed 1095 IOPS (target 500) - PASS
Random read speed 3796 IOPS (target 1500) - PASS
Adroitlark 32GB
Sequential write speed 36571 KB/sec (target 10000) - PASS
Random write speed 948 IOPS (target 500) - PASS
Random read speed 3656 IOPS (target 1500) - PASS
Kingston 64GB Canvas Go plus A2
Sequential write speed 32251 KB/sec (target 10000) - PASS
Random write speed 1521 IOPS (target 500) - PASS
Random read speed 3621 IOPS (target 1500) - PASS
Samsung EVO select 128GB Pi4
Sequential write speed 30159 KB/sec (target 10000) - PASS
Random write speed 731 IOPS (target 500) - PASS
Random read speed 3400 IOPS (target 1500) - PASS
Samsung EVO select 128GB Pi5
Sequential write speed 46315 KB/sec (target 10000) - PASS
Random write speed 818 IOPS (target 500) - PASS
Random read speed 4220 IOPS (target 1500) - PASS
Magix 32GB A1
Sequential write speed 14021 KB/sec (target 10000) - PASS
Random write speed 1188 IOPS (target 500) - PASS
Random read speed 3333 IOPS (target 1500) - PASS
Lexar 1066 64GB
Sequential write speed 33956 KB/sec (target 10000) - PASS
Random write speed 712 IOPS (target 500) - PASS
Random read speed 3278 IOPS (target 1500) - PASS
Sandisk 64GB Extreme A2 From GoPro
Sequential write speed 32204 KB/sec (target 10000) - PASS
Random write speed 894 IOPS (target 500) - PASS
Random read speed 2077 IOPS (target 1500) - PASS
tcell masstige 64gb
Sequential write speed 22938 KB/sec (target 10000) - PASS
Random write speed 510 IOPS (target 500) - PASS
Random read speed 1938 IOPS (target 1500) - PASS Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Add An M.2 SSD To The Raspberry Pi 4 - GeekPi X862 M.2 Adapter Review
In this video, we take a look at the GeekPi/GeekWorm Raspberry Pi 4 X862 M.2 NGFF SATA SSD adapter board.
This will allow you to easily add an m.2 SSD to your Raspberry Pi 4 This works with Berry Boot so you can run the whole raspberry pi 4 operating system from the SSD so you can achieve faster app loading, File transfer and boot times!
GeekWorm M.2 Adapter:
Silicon Power 256GB A55 M.2 SSD:
Download Berry Boot Here:
Get Berry Boot Ready Images Here:
How to Use Berry Boot:
Need A Raspberry Pi 4?
Pi4 4GB:
Micro Sd Card:
Power supply:
Micro HDMI:
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DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission at no extra cost to you!
This video and Channel and Video are for viewers 14 years older and up.
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12520 Capital Blvd Ste 401 #108
Wake Forest, NC 27587 US
#Pi4 #RaspberryPi #SBC #ETAPRIME DISCLAIMER: Under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research. No Games Or Applications Are Included Or Added On Or To Any Device In This Video Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Naprawa portu Micro USB w Raspberry Pi (mikrolutowanie)
Naprawa zniszczonego portu Micro USB w Raspberry Pi Zero po nieudanej wymianie, krok po kroku.
Stacja lutownicza QUICK 202D
Cyna Cynel SN60Pb40
Topnik AMTECH NC-559
Soldermaska UV Mechanic
Lampa UV do paznokci
Cleanser PCC15
Mikroskop 7-45x Zoom
Canon 250D
nightWalk by airtone (c) copyright 2017 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Radxa CM3 can be used instead of a Raspberry Pi CM4 or with carrier boards that support it. Radxa's compact board has a few advantages over the CM4 too, with greater eMMC bandwidth being one of them.
We stock both the Radxa CM3 and Radxa CM3 IO Board,
See here:
For CM3:
For IO Board : Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mini Raspberry Pi Server With Built In UPS & Stats Display
In this video, we're going to be putting together a mini Raspberry Pi server with a built-in UPS. A Raspberry Pi makes a great server for a NAS or for media streaming, home automation or even a home security hub for your cameras. All of these projects can benefit from having a built-in UPS to ensure that the Pi is kept running in the event of a power interruption.
Read my write up of the build and download the Python display script -
Pi Server Case Kit -
Download the 3D print and laser cutting files to make your own case -
Support my projects on Patreon -
It looks like a relatively simple board on the surface, but it has a number of great features, including power management circuits and I2C communication, enabling low voltage safe shutdown and automatic restarts.
Raspberry Pi 4B –
32GB Micro SD Card -
UPS Module -
2 x 18650 Lithium-Ion Cells -
Low Profile Ice Tower –
128x64 I2C OLED Display –
15cm Ribbon Cable –
4 x M3 Nuts -
12 x M3 x 8mm Button Hex Head Screws -
5V 3A Power Supply –
Portable Monitor –
3D Printer: Creality Ender 3 V2 –
Laser Cutter: K40 –
Screwdriver (similar alternative, mine is out of stock) -
Some of the above parts are affiliate links. By purchasing products through the above links, you’ll be supporting this channel, with no additional cost to you.
0:00 Intro
0:22 UPS Shield
2:38 Making Up The Case
3:46 Assembling The Case
6:47 Power Up & Programming
9:43 Conclusion
If you've got any ideas for Raspberry Pi, Arduino, or other Electronics projects or tutorials you'd like to see, let me know in the comments section. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Привет друзья!
Если для вашего проекта требуется Raspberry Pi, однако модель 3B+ слишком громоздкая, а Zero W не подходит по функционалу - на помощь придет Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+.
Микрокомпьютер Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+
Плата является компромиссом между полноразмерным собратом и компактной версией.
3A+ построена на чипе Broadcom BCM2837B0, включающем в себя 4-ядерный 64-битный процессор Cortex-A53 с частотой 1,4 ГГц и графический процессор VideoCore IV с частотой 400 МГц. На борту имеется 512МБ оперативной памяти.
Встроенный модуль беспроводной связи поддерживает двухдиапазонный Wi-Fi и Bluetooth 4.2 с BLE.
Для вывода изображения предусмотрен полноформатный порт HDMI . Максимальное выходное разрешение — 1920×1080 при 60 Гц.
Для подключения периферии есть один порт USB-2.0. Подключите фирменную клавиатуру с хабом - и у вас сразу появятся дополнительные порты.
Порт MIPI CSI предназначен для подключения камер к Raspberry Pi.
Порт MIPI DSI нужен для прямого подключения экранных модулей.
Комбинированный 4-контактный разъём 3,5 мм служит выходом для аналогового аудио и композитного видео.
Как и прежде, на плате присутствуют 40 GPIO-портов для подключения модулей и датчиков. Плата обладает полной совместимостью по подключению периферии, поэтому не будет проблем переноса проектов на более компактную версию.
Операционная система загружается с micro-SD флешки, которую нужно установить в соответствующий разъем. Для работы необходима карта объемом не менее 8 ГБ.
Можно воспользоваться готовым решением с предустановленной ОС.
Питается малинка через micro-USB-порт и требует ток не менее 2.5А - для этого хорошо подойдут наши пятивольтовые импульсные блоки питания.
Для индикации работы предусмотрено два светодиода.
Платы Raspberry Pi - это надежность, производительность, компактность и функциональность в одном флаконе.
Также вам может понадобиться:
Цветной сенсорный HDMI-дисплей для Raspberry Pi 480×320 / 3,5”
Troyka Cap
Официальная клавиатура Raspberry Pi
Официальная мышь Raspberry Pi
#ЖелезкиАмперки #RPI #RaspberryPi #DIY Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Сравнение микрокомпьютеров raspberry pi 3 и raspberry pi 4. Стоит ли переходить на новую модель?
Сравниваем Raspberry Pi 3 и Raspberry Pi 4: играем, запускаем видео 4K, тестируем производительность.
Другие видео о Raspberry:
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Raspberry Pi PICO | Starting With MicroPython + Examples | I2C OLED, ADC, PWM
High quality PCB prototypes:
🔥We have a new microcontroller on the market, the Raspberry Pi PICO. Here I show you how to start with this board, upload the MicroPython and start programming in Thonny. See all the examples.
Download MicroPython:
Download Thonny:
Prepare the PICO:
Blink Example:
Permanent code :
ADC example: h
SSD1306 library:
i2c OLED example:
PWM Example:
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00:00 Intro
01:51 Main Specs
03:41 Micropython
04:56 Install Micropython
05:50 Blink Example
07:22 Permanent
08:26 ADC example
09:46 i2c Example
13:23 PWM Example
15:15 Outro
Like share and subscribe to motivate me. Thank you
#micropython Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Бестеневая лампа от 4blanc c WB, МИНУСЫ и ПЛЮСЫ👍🏼 #мастерманикюра #укреплениеногтей #рабочееместо
Raspbian is a free and open source operating system for the Raspbery Pi. Its based on GNU Linux Debian.
The Raspbian Images can be downloaded here:
I recommanded using Etcher to write the image to the micro SD card.
Amazon link for the Raspberry Pi 4
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Raspberry Pi Pico - SSD1306 OLED Micro Python Library and Setup
How to install ssd1206/ssd1106 libraries on raspberry pi pico using thonny and coding text and images on to the oled display.
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How To Use Addressable RGB WS2812B LED Strips With a Raspberry Pi Single Board Computer
This video is sponsored by PCBWay. Only $5 for 10 PCBs and Only $ for 3D Printing + Express 24 hour service on This step by step tutorial demonstrates how to use Addressable RGB LED NeoPixels (WS2812B, WS2811, SK6812, etc) on a Raspberry Pi single board computer with Raspberry Pi OS Linux distribution and Python 3 script based on Adafruit CircuitPython libraries.
- Raspberry Pi with 40 pin header (Raspberry Pi 4, Raspberry Pi 3, Raspberry Pi Zero, etc.)
- microSD card with Raspberry Pi OS
- Olimex LED-ROPE-10 or addressable RGB LED strip or a printed circuit board with NeoPixels
- Power supply for Raspberry Pi
- 5V power supply with barrel jack for the LEDs
- ANAVI Miracle uHAT (or a breadboard with level shifter, power jack and in-line resistor between 220 and 470 Ω on the data line for protection)
Sound must be disabled on Raspberry Pi OS to use GPIO18. Edit /boot/ and change "dtparam=audio=on" to "dtparam=audio=off". After that reboot Raspberry Pi.
1. Install dependencies:
sudo pip3 install rpi_ws281x adafruit-circuitpython-neopixel
sudo python3 -m pip install --force-reinstall adafruit-blinka
2. Download the git repository with examples:
git clone
3. Run the Python3 script:
cd anavi-examples/anavi-miracle-uhat/neopixels/
sudo python3
The source code of the Python script is based on Adafruit CircuitPython and Blinka library as well as the following excellent tutorial:
0:00 Intro
1:02 Printed Circuit Board
2:28 Soldering
2:44 Wiring
3:48 Software
4:47 Demo
6:19 Python Script
6:55 Rainbow
8:05 Conclusions Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Use Addressable RGB LED NeoPixels (WS2812B, WS2811, SK6812, etc) on Raspberry Pi Computer
Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller introduction, including a comparison with the Raspberry Pi Zero, installing MicroPython, and a demonstration controlling LEDs.
There is a follow-up to this video that progresses to look at reading inputs from switches and potentiometers, and controlling servos:
More videos on computing and related topics can be found at:
You may also like my ExplainingTheFuture channel at:
00:00 Introduction
01:01 Pico & Zero
03:55 Specifications
06:28 MicroPython
10:25 Headers & Code
14:03 By Your Command
15:24 Possibilities Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Full-speed high-fidelity BBC Micro emulation on a (slightly) overclocked Raspberry Pi Pico
Check out for more great BBC Micro goodies
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In this video, we take a look at the all-new Argon One M.2 Raspberry Pi 4 case.
With support for an M.2 SSD, a built-in safe shutdown button, a Cooling fan plus Passive cooing using the aluminum case, 2 Full-Size HDMI ports, and an IR receiver This is my new favorite case for the Pi4 but is it the best raspberry pi 4 case?
Learn More Here:
M.2 SSD I use for my Raspberry Pi:
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Pi4 4GB:
Micro Sd Card:
Micro HDMI:
Power Supply:
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Music Credits:
Electric Dreams by Scott Buckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream:
Music promoted by Audio Library
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This video and Channel and Video are for viewers 14 years older and up.
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12520 Capital Blvd 401 Number 108
Wake Forest, NC 27587 US
#raspberrypi #argonone #pi4 #etaprime DISCLAIMER: Under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research. No Games Or Applications Are Included Or Added On Or To Any Device In This Video Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Is This The Best Raspberry Pi 4 Case? The New Argon One M.2 - Review
In this video, we take a look at and test out the all-new Official Raspberry Pi 4 Case Fan and Heatsink for the Raspberry Pi 4! Is it worth $5? Can it cool a Raspberry pi overclocked to ? Let's find out!
Works with Raspberry Pi 4 and the Raspberry Pi 4 Case. Designed for “overclockers” and other power users, it keeps your Raspberry Pi 4 at a lower operating temperature even under load
Learn More Here:
Pi 4 Flirc case:
Need A Raspberry Pi 4?
Pi4 4GB:
Micro Sd Card:
Micro HDMI:
Power Supply:
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Equipment I Use:
Screen Capture Device:
Tool Kit:
Soldering Station:
Raspberry Pi 4:
Flirc Case:
DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission at no extra cost to you!
This video and Channel and Video are for viewers 14 years older and up.
Want to send me something?
12520 Capital Blvd 401 Number 108
Wake Forest, NC 27587 US
#RaspberryPi #Pi4 #etaprime DISCLAIMER: Under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research. No Games Or Applications Are Included Or Added On Or To Any Device In This Video Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Official Raspberry Pi 4 Case Fan and Heatsink Review Is It Worth $5.00
In this video, we take a look at the all-new DeskPi Pro case / Set-Top Box For Raspberry Pi 4!
This new case supports a 2.5 SSD and it includes the all-new Low Profile Ice tower cooler.
This is turning out to be an amazing case for the Pi4 and in my option its one of the best cases on the market right now if you want to turn your raspberry pi 4 into a desktop / Set-Top Box!
Buy One Here:
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#raspberrypi #Pi4 #DeskPi #etaprime DISCLAIMER: Under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research. No Games Or Applications Are Included Or Added On Or To Any Device In This Video Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
DeskPi Pro Set-Top Box For Raspberry Pi 4 - SSD Support, Full Size HDMI, Ice Tower Cooler
The Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ (DFR0567) is the latest product in the Raspberry Pi 3 range, boasting a 64-bit quad core processor running at , dual-band and 5GHz wireless LAN, Bluetooth 4.2/BLE, faster Ethernet, and PoE capability via a separate PoE HAT.
The dual-band wireless LAN comes with modular compliance certification, allowing the board to be designed into end products with significantly reduced wireless LAN compliance testing, improving both cost and time to market. The Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ maintains the same mechanical footprint as both the Raspberry Pi 2 Model B and the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B.
Here we have a brand new pi 3 b plus from element14. Let's take a look at what's inside.
Processor: Broadcom BCM2837B0, Cortex-A53 (ARMv8) 64-bit SoC @
Power Supply: 5V/ DC power input (micro USB)
Wireless: and 5GHz IEEE wireless LAN, Bluetooth 4.2, BLE
Ethernet: Gigabit Ethernet over USB 2.0 (maximum throughput 300 Mbps)
GPIOs: Extended 40-pin GPIO header
Video Output: Full-size HDMI
Audio Output: 4-pole stereo output and composite video port
USB Port: 4 USB 2.0 ports
CSI camera port for connecting a Raspberry Pi camera
DSI display port for connecting a Raspberry Pi touchscreen display
Micro SD port for loading your operating system and storing data
Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) support (requires separate PoE HAT)
Operating Temperature: 0~50℃
Dimension: 120mm x 75mm x 34mm
Weight: 75g
More Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ Tutorials:
Raspberry Pi 3 Raspbian: Python Hello World with IDLE
Raspberry Pi 3 Raspbian: Running Python from the command line
Raspberry Pi 3 Raspbian: Running Python scripts on-IDLE
Raspberry Pi 3 Raspbian: Running a Flask server
7'' HDMI Display with Capacitive Touchscreen
3.5" TFT Touchscreen for Raspberry Pi
10.1" Diagonal - 1280x800 IPS HDMI/VGA/AV Display
Wireless Keyboard with Touchpad for Raspberry Pi and LattePanda
USB Power Supply Wall Adapter 5V@ (EU Standard)
Self-Adhesive Pure Copper Heatsink
High-Speed HDMI Cable (, Gold Plated)
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Here's how to control an RGB LED with your Raspberry Pi. This is part 3 of the Raspberry Pi GPIO tutorial series. See the timestamps below for everything you're going to learn.
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Raspberry Pi
Six 100 ohm resistors
Four male-female jumper wires
0:00 Intro
0:19 How does an RGB LED work?
1:24 Building the circuit
5:50 Writing the code
9:35 Making a script
12:40 Thank you Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Привет друзья! Сделать самому карманную консоль на Raspberry Pi теперь\ легко можно с помощью нового 3.5” HDMI-дисплея.
Ссылка на дисплей
Этот миниатюрный модуль имеет разрешение 480×320 точек, светодиодную подсветку и IPS-матрицу с широкими углами обзора и палитрой в 262144 цвета.
Кроме того, дисплей имеет резистивный тач-сенсор, контролируемый чипом XPT2046 с частотой сэмплирования 125кГц, передающим данные касаний непосредственно на GPIO “малинки”.
Поставляется дисплей в боксе со специальным жестким HDMI-переходником, стилусом и радиатором.
Эргономика позволяет установить дисплей на микрокомпьютер и подключить его буквально за несколько секунд.
Для настройки сенсора потребуется установить драйвера, инструкция есть на нашей вики.
Если вдруг сенсор работает не очень точно - поможет процедура калибровки.
Теперь вы можете работать и управлять Raspberry PI прямо с дисплея, не подключая при этом никаких дополнительных устройств. Для большей точности рекомендуется использовать стилус из комплекта.
Благодаря встроенному порту Jack 3.5 можно подключить колонки, что решает проблему качества звука на RPi.
Такой дисплей отлично подойдет для компактных систем, например, индикации показателей, управления умным домом, создания камеры для труднодоступных мест с выводом на экран в режиме реального времени и многих других задач.
Также вам может пригодится:
Микрокомпьютер Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+
MicroSD-карта с Raspberry Pi OS (16 ГБ, Класс 10)
#ЖелезкиАмперки #RPI #DIY Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Сенсорный HDMI-дисплей 3.5” 480×320 для Raspberry Pi. Железки Амперки
In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to use Wokwi Online Simulator to blink LED in Raspberry Pi Pico. Wokwi Simulator is an online hardware simulation platform that allows you to simulate different microcontroller boards, including the Raspberry Pi Pico, without the need for any physical hardware.
We will demonstrate how to use Wokwi Simulator to blink an LED connected to Raspberry Pi Pico. We will also cover the code required to blink the LED.
By the end of this tutorial, you will have a good understanding of how to use Wokwi Simulator to simulate Raspberry Pi Pico and how to blink an LED using the Raspberry Pi Pico with Micropython.
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How to use Wokwi Online Simulator to Blink LED in Raspberry Pi Pico using Micropython
Congratulations to Youtube User captain creative, who has won the Raspberry Pi 3 giveaway. Thanks so much for everyone watching and sharing your comments.
0:00 Intro
0:30 Desktop PC
1:36 Network Server / Storage
2:20 Turn none wireless device into a wireless device
3:20 Pirate Radio
3:40 Object Detection
4:30 Tablet
5:39 Pirate Box
6:25 ADS-B receiver
7:35 Hardware Wallet
8:25 Nintendo Emulator
9:50 Christmas Light controller
10:47 Competition / Outro
Pi 3 Kit
Pi 4
Pi Pico Kit
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The Raspberry Pi Foundation today introduced a new $4 microcontroller board, the Pico. It uses a brand new custom dual-core Arm M0+ processor, the RP2040.
What makes it tick, and how is it to use it? Why buy it instead of another microcontroller, or even a Raspberry Pi Zero that's only a dollar more? I'll answer all these questions in this comprehensive review of the Pico!
Check out the Raspberry Pi Pico:
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- My older Raspberry Pi Temperature Monitoring App on GitHub:
- Post on the Temperature Monitor:
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#RaspberryPi #Pico #Microcontroller
00:00 - tl;dw - The Pico
00:58 - A Pico Project
02:07 - Pico Specs and Comparisons
03:54 - Get started with Pico
04:41 - Pico vs Pi Zero?
05:47 - What do microcontrollers do?
06:25 - Baby Safe Temperature Monitor
07:38 - Build montage!
08:44 - Does it work?
09:37 - Minor gripes and verdict
10:41 - Thanks and Bloopers Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Raspberry Pi Pico Review - $4 ARM Microcontroller
Raspberry Pi Zero W (Amazon Affiliate link) -
Raspberry Pi Zero W kit 2 (AliExpress Affiliate link) -
We are going to DYI TV Ambient Lighting using #RaspberryPi, #Hyperion software and some #LED Strips. Meaning there will be colors behind you TV that will be in sync to the currently displayed image, bringing watching TV experience to whole another level.
In general you have three options to achieve TV ambient lighting: to buy a TV that have this feature by default, to buy a kit that could be both expensive and not good, or to do it yourself. I will guide you step-by-step to do it yourself and I will start with the list of what is needed for this project.
00:00 Intro
00:22 Options for TV Ambient Light?
00:43 What is needed to DIY TV Ambient Light?
02:13 Burn HyperBian (Hyperion) on microSD card
05:31 How to configure Hyperion?
07:14 How to connect the Raspberry Pi & LED to the power?
09:44 Attach everything & Test the TV Ambient Lighting
Smart Home Getting Started Smart Home Guide v2.0 -
Raspberry Pi Zero W kit 2 -
RECOMMENDED Raspberry Pi Zero W Official Starter Kit (Amazon Affiliate link) -
Power Supply Adapter DC5V 10A US/EU/UK/AU PLUG For LED strip -
LED Strip WS2812B WS2812 Individually Addressable Smart RGB (5m 30 IP30 recommended) -
4K 60Hz HDMI Video Capture Card TV Loop 1080P (Color: USB 2.0 Loop) -
10pcs Female DC connector 2.1* Power Jack Adapter for LEDstrip light -
3pin 10mm Width L Shape Solderless Connector WS2811 WS2812b Led Strip No Soldering -
CanaKit Raspberry Pi 4 8GB Starter Kit -
Ubiquiti UniFi Dream Machine (UDM) -
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ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
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TV Ambient Light with Raspberry Pi and Hyperion (HOW-TO)
Controlling Gikfun 1V-6V Type 130 Miniature DC Toy Motor with Pico
Button state is read with input pin (14); when pushed, pin (15) is brought high for 1 second, lighting the LED and driving the gate of an IRLZ34 MOSFET. The motor ground is attached to the drain, and power to +5V (note, using separate 5V supply rather than power from USB/pico). The transistor source is grounded, so when pin (15) goes high, the motor spins for 1 second. A diode is used to protect the transistor when it is shut off. (-, cathode) end at drain, (+, anode) lead at +5V.
Schematic and code:
See this and other fun projects at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Controlling a mini DC motor with the raspberry pi pico
Play games, watch movies, display a dashboard of data, and more on a big and beautiful LED display using a Raspberry Pi and RGB LED matrices.
See the full guide at:
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Insomma non gli è bastato chiudere il 2020 con Raspberry Pi 400, eh no!
Raspberry Pi Pico: l'azienda del lampone più famoso nel mondo maker ha deciso di entrare nel mondo delle schede a micro controllore all'inizio di questo 2021.
Ha deciso di offrire al mondo la scheda Pico: Pico è una scheda a micro controllore costruita con il chip RP2040 dalle dimensioni contenute e con tanti dettagli interessanti.
Vuoi saperne di più su Raspberry Pi Pico? Iscriviti al canale e attiva le notifiche per rimanere sempre aggiornato!
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Raspberry Pi Pico: la prima scheda a micro controllore con il lampone
Released on the 21st January 2021, the Raspberry Pi Pico is the 1st Microcontroller Development Board from Raspberry Pi Foundation.
What is Raspberry Pi Pico? A Microcontroller Development Board
What are the differences between the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B and this Raspberry Pi Pico? Well basically, Raspberry Pi 4 Model B is a motherboard or single-board computer where you can use it to play games, work, record data, browse the Internet, watch movies, like a media player, and many more. Raspberry Pi Pico is not designed to replace the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (or similar board), it is more for physical computing projects where it controls anything from small electronic components, LEDs, motors; reading information from sensors, or communicate with other microcontrollers.
⌨️Software :
Thonny Python IDE:
🔧Hardware :
Raspberry Pi Pico:
Raspberry Pi Pico - Pre-soldered Headers:
Get started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico-Color Printed:
Raspberry Pi Pico Basic Kit without Pico:
Raspberry Pi Pico Basic Kit with Pico:
Maker Pi Pico by Cytron (Pico's extension board):
Note: The original Pico comes without any header Pins and micro B USB cable.
Music: Allthat from Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Pico with MicroPython - Blinking LED
The Raspberry Pi foundation spent a lot of money to create a new chip on the Pi Pico board for makers and gives it away for cheap. If I believe all the fanboy’s videos, it is the most important invention after sliced bread. But how does it compare with the Espressif and STM32 chips? Let’s have a closer look!
I am a proud Patreon of @GreatScott! , @ElectroBOOM , @Electronoobs , @EEVblog , and others. No Docker, No Microsoft Teams, Zoom
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Where I ordered my Picos:
00:00 Intro
01:02: What we will compare
01:22 Competitors
01:33 The Ecosystem
03:12 The role of ARM (and RISC-V)
03:35 Start of comparison
03:46 The Cores / PIO / Memory
07:21 The Pins / ADC / DMA
08:34 USB / MicroPython / Thonny /Debugging
10:35 Wi-Fi and BLE
10:55 Power Consumption / Deep-Sleep / Powering Options
12:33 Price
13:17 My Verdict
15:38 Outro
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#370 Raspberry Pi Pico vs ESP32 (-S2) and STM32 Blackpill
In this video, we take a look at and test out the thermal performance of the upcoming COOLER MASTER PI Case 40!
The Case shown off in this video is not the final version but they are getting very close and even with this one here Cpu temps are amazing even with a Overclock on The PI4!
Full access to the SD Card GPI pins and a built-in Power reset button the Cooler Master Pi 40 case is going to be Amazing!
Back the Cooler Master Pi 40 case here:
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This video and Channel and Video are for viewers 14 years older and up.
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#CoolerMaster #PiCase40 #Pi4 #RaspberryPi DISCLAIMER: Under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research. No Games Or Applications Are Included Or Added On Or To Any Device In This Video Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Cooler Master Pi Case 40 Test - Awesome Raspberry Pi 4 Case!
Прийшов час поговорити про останні події світу технологій та інтернету!
00:00 - Вступ
00:24 - Snapdragon XR Gen 2 та AR 1
01:07 - Meta Quest 3
02:05 - Розумні окуляри Ray Ban X Meta
02:39 - Дивуючий Метавсесвіт
03:23 - Raspberry Pi 5
04:12 - Google закриває Podcast та HTML Gmail
04:56 - FineWoven з проблемами
06:05 - Маск продав Starshield
06:32 - Гендиректор X нічого не знає
07:59 - Твітер за дезінформацію
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Маск впливає на вибори, Meta робить розумні окуляри, анонс Raspberry Pi 5 | Маленькі Новини №30
Flirc has released this all-new Raspberry Pi Zero/ Raspberry Pi Zero W case and in this video, we take a quick look it,
With the same look as the Flirc Raspberry Pi 4 case in a bu=ig fan of this new one!
With full access to the GPIO and Camera connector plus the whole case acts as a passive cooler for the Raspberry Pi Zero.
Buy One Here:
Pi Zero W:
Pi 4 Flirc case:
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This video and Channel and Video are for viewers 14 years older and up.
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12520 Capital Blvd 401 Number 108
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#raspberrypi #Flirc #SBC #etaprime DISCLAIMER: Under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research. No Games Or Applications Are Included Or Added On Or To Any Device In This Video Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The All new Flirc Raspberry Pi Zero Case - Quick Look
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Raspberry Pi Pico, Vale La pena? Cosas Buenas y no tan Buenas. Prueba
I like having only one type of cable to power all my devices, so I'm slowly replacing most of micro-USBs with type C.
The same procedure can be used on Raspberry Pi Zero and Raspberry Pi Zero 2 w.
Parts needed (affiliate):
USB connector:
amz US:
Tools used (affiliate):
Atten Rework Station:
amz US:
amz CA:
T12 soldering station:
amz US:
amz CA:
PCB holder:
amz US:
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#14 Replacing micro-usb on Raspberry Pi Zero W with USB-C
Review of the SnowPi RGB. Raspberry Pi Christmas light kit with color RGB LEDs.
In this review I used my NeoPixel GUI application to control the multi-coloured LED lights to show different colour light sequences.
This is an upgraded version of the Snow Pi which I demonstrated in an earlier video.
*** New SnowPi RGB Game ***
I've now added a game based around the SnowPi RGB and a USB controller.
With more information on the project website
In this review I used the NeoPixel GUI which I created for use on Disco Lights. It was trivial to install and game me the ability to create colour sequences without any additional coding. This is shown on this video here:
You can download the NeoPixel GUI program code from:
This is from a successful Kickstarter project. For more details about the Snow Pi and how to buy one see the official website at:
In future I hope to create some games for the SnowPi RGB, so look for an update nearer Christmas. Please subscribe to get notified of new videos.
0:00 Introduction to SnowPi RGB
1:45 Comparision with SnowPi 1
2:27 Setting up the Raspberry Pi
5:33 Running the NeoPixel GUI
7:35 Demonstration light sequences Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Review of the Snow Pi RGB - Christmas Raspberry Pi Light up Snowman with colour LEDs
In this video, we take a look at the all-new Raspberry Pi 4 8GB version and try to decide if it’s worth the upgrade or not.
We also test it out with the new 64bit version of Raspberry Pi OS “previously known as Raspbian” and try to see if we can use all 8GB’s of Ram!
Micro Center:
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B - 8GB DDR4:
Micro Center Atari Pi Kit:
Micro Center Atari Pi Kit (Amazon):
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This video and Channel and Video are for viewers 14 years older and up.
#pi4 #raspberryPi #ETAPRIME DISCLAIMER: Under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research. No Games Or Applications Are Included Or Added On Or To Any Device In This Video Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Con un procesador de cuatro núcleos de 64 bits, red inalámbrica, doble salida micro HDMI, reproducción de video 4K y accesorios como fuente, cable de video, mouse, memoria micro sd y un libro de inicio, el Nuevo Kit Oficial Raspberry Pi 400 es lo que necesitas para armar tu computadora personal completa, sólo necesitas un monitor adicional y listo.
¿Dónde comprar?
Raspberry Pi 400 -
Kit Oficial Raspberry Pi 400 -
Revisa la nota completa en nuestro
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Inside the New Raspberry Pi 400 - 4GB RAM and 1.8GHz Processor
Every week we'll 3D print designs from the community and showcase slicer settings, use cases and of course, Time-lapses!
C Mount to EF Adapter
Joseph Waters
CR10S Pro
Black PLA
02hrs 18mins
X:181 Y:180 Z:30mm
.2mm layer / .4mm nozzle
10% Infill / 1mm retract
210C / 70C
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Raspberry Pi HQ Camera C Mount to EF Adapter #adafruit #3DPrinting #Timelapse
In this video, we'll use a Relay Module to control an LED.
Image credits:
The Engineering Mindset
How Relays Work - Basic working principle electronics engineering electrician amp
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Northpada Raspeberry Pi 3 Power supply at Amazon: Or Ebay:
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ Or Ebay:
iUniker Clear Case: Or Ebay:
3A Power Supply: Or Ebay:
Wired Keyboard/Mouse:
Logitech MK270 Wireless Keyboard/Mouse Or Ebay:
SANDISK Extreme microSDHC 32GB: Or Ebay:
Raspberry Pi Setting Up:
Getting Started With Raspberry Pi:
Saicoo USB Card Reader OTG: Or Ebay:
4 Port USB Hub Or Ebay:
5V 3A Power Supply plug: Or Ebay
The stress test I was running is called stress. You can install by going to the command line (terminal) and using this command sudo apt-get install stress
Then to run it you run this command
while true; do vcgencmd measure_clock arm; vcgencmd measure_temp; sleep 10; done& stress -c 4 -t 900s
Understand that this will cause the CPU to get hot so be careful using it. Here is a guide to using it I highly recommend you read it before you use the program.
STANLEY 94-248 65 Piece Homeowner's DIY Tool Kit At Amazon: Or eBay:
Amazon Prime Membership Sign Up:
Facing Cam: Or eBay:
Overhead Cam: Or eBay:
Handheld cam: Or eBay:
Video Software: Or eBay:
Desktop Capture: Or eBay:
Mic: Or eBay:
Mic Wind Filter: Or eBay:
Lens: Or eBay
Lens Filter: Or eBay:
Wind filter for handheld cam: Or eBay:
Selfiestick dslr: Or eBay:
Tool box: Or eBay:
Laptop stand: Or eBay:
Studio mic: Or eBay:
Tripod Neewer Professional 61 inches: Or eBay:
Neewer Lightweight Portable 66"/168cm Carbon Fiber Camera Tripod Monopod At Amazon: Or eBay:
Tripod Neewer Alluminum Alloy 62": Or eBay:
Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Power Supply By Northpada Full Review (Micro USB, 5V & Power Switch) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Power Supply By Northpada Full Review (Micro USB, 5V & Power Switch)
BBC Micro PiTubeDirect Raspberry Pi Coprocessor
Amazing! A platform this old can still handly modern day performance! Want a ridiculous fast beeb for under £20?
New followup and installation guide with Elite Running:
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Thanks you lovely people, and keep on tinkering! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This video shows a collection of light sequences recorded using a 32x32 RGB LED light panel running from a Raspberry Pi.
More technical information and details on the software I used can be found on my website :
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I heard you liked matrices, so how about you attached a matrix to your matrix to make a matrix squared!:
An all-in-one, Raspberry Pi Pico W powered controller for HUB75 LED matrix panels.
Interstate 75 W is a Pico W-based driver board for HUB75-style LED matrices. It's designed to plug neatly into the back of a LED panel, and provides a quick and easy way to whip up some scrolling signage or an eye-catching LED display for sensor outputs. Because it has a Raspberry Pi Pico W aboard you can also use it to display information from the internet! 🌎
I75 W is powered from the Pico W's micro-USB port, which should also be able to power a few connected panels happily, assuming you're not planning anything too eye-bleedingly bright. There's also two useful buttons, a reset button and an onboard RGB LED.
We've also popped a QW/ST connector on there, to make it super easy to plug in Qwiic or STEMMA QT breakouts.
Here are some things you could do!
🚌 Tap into an API and display bus times, plane tracking or traffic info.
📈 Generate a big bold graph showing air quality or other sensor readings.
💡 Create some ad hoc, easily adjustable signage for your classroom, maker stall or kebab shop.
💾 Scroll greetz to your crew, just like in the old days:
"`-._,-'"`-._,-' HACKED AND PACKED BY PIMORONI "`-._,-'"`-._,-'
- Features
- Raspberry Pi Pico W Aboard
- Powered by RP2040 (Dual Arm Cortex M0+ running at up to 133Mhz with 264kB of SRAM)
- 2MB of QSPI flash supporting XiP
- Powered and programmable by USB micro-B
- wireless
- Compatible with our 32x32, 32x64 and 64x64 LED matrices.
- Sturdy screw terminals for powering the LED panels.
- Qw/ST (Qwiic/STEMMA QT) connector
- Two user buttons
- Reset button
- Fully-assembled (no soldering required)
- Measurements: approx 64.3 x 40 x 18mm (L x W x H, including connectors)
- C++/MicroPython libraries Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Introducing Interstate 75W - RGB LED matrix driver with Pico W Aboard
Now available to purchase:
View products
- IoT LoRa Gateway HAT for Raspberry Pi (868MHz/915MHz):
- IoT LoRa Node pHAT for Raspberry Pi (868MHz/915MHz):
- IoT LoRa Node Shield for Arduino (868MHz/915MHz):
- IoT micro:bit LoRa Node (868MHz/915MHz):
Making LoRa cheaper, more accessible and hackable using your favourite single board computers - Raspberry Pi, Arduino and Micro:Bit!
LoRa is a revolutionary new method of sending small amounts of data over very long distances using long range radio and low power. It's designed for the Internet of Things (IoT) so it's perfect for communicating with sensors such as weather monitoring, air quality, smart homes etc.
There are two key parts to a LoRa network; a Gateway and a Node.
LoRa Gateway
This is the piece of hardware in a LoRaWAN Network which is setup to primarily receive packets from LoRa Nodes and bridge them to a LoRaWAN Network such as The Things Network. These are usually able to receive from hundreds of nodes at the same time and provide LoRaWAN coverage for both your devices and others within range of it. This is most similar to your Wi-Fi Router in a home network.
LoRa Node
This is the terminology for either a complete sensor or the transmitter add-on such as our IoT LoRa pHAT or Micro:bit LoRa Node. These transmit small packets of data and are designed to be picked up by a LoRa Gateway.
LoRaWAN is when you configure your devices to speak to a central network that acts as a bridge to the internet. Instead of communicating in a peer to peer method between two devices instead you can configure your device to connect to a LoRaWAN Network of which as long as the device is in coverage of a Gateway with the network selected the data can be picked up and forwarded to services such as Amazon AWS, Azure, IFTTT, Cayenne, Node Red and more.
We're a big fan of the The Things Network - a LoRaWAN Provider that is increasing coverage constantly throughout the UK, Europe and Worldwide. In fact, they are even a Kickstarter Alumni themselves!
The benefit of using a public network is devices that you build in one area of the UK will work in any area of the UK or even the EU as long as you're within Coverage (they would also work worldwide, but you would need to change from 868Mhz to 915 MHz frequency)! Not got coverage? You can setup your own gateway for you and others to use and increase the coverage at the same time.
Free & Open Network - Free to use once set up 15km Range
Very Low Power - Although very small amounts of data
Peer to Peer - Communicating from one Node to Another
Non Peer to Peer - Works via local Gateway
Completely Independent Devices / Nodes
Nodes are Low Power - some can lasts years!
The LoRa Gateway HAT can also be used to mine Helium HNT with a Nebra hotspot miner. We developed two spinoff products based on this board in order to do this:
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IoT LoRa Gateways & Nodes for Raspberry Pi, Arduino & BBC micro:bit | Unboxing & First Look
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