Комфортні комплекти захисту для роликів мають анатомічну форму колін, ліктів і зап'ясть. Виготовлені вони з міцних дихаючих матеріалів, основна складова яких – щільна піна, вологовивідні елементи і міцний пластик, на який припадають падіння. Зроблений з легкого сітчастого матеріалу захист на зап'ястя володіє пластинами з якісного пластику, які знаходяться під долонею і над нею і оберігають руку від ударів, подряпин і переломів.
Комплект захисту Powerslide Standard Men Tri-Pack 2018 - якісний і надійний захист для ролерів від фірми Powerslide. Набір призначений для чоловіків і підлітків, він включає в себе наколінники, налокітники і захист на зап'ястя. Всі елементи захисту виконані згідно норм анатомічної форми.
Комплект захисту чудово підійде і тим, хто тільки вчиться кататися, і тим, хто вже відмінно освоїв цей вид спорту. Радимо не економити на захисті, так як катання на роликах, як активний вид спорту, несе в собі небезпеку травмуватися.
Наколінники і налокітники Powerslide standard оснащені еластичною панчохою. Міцність компонентів забезпечують потужна пластикова пластина, надійний 600D нейлон, пінний наповнювач з EVA поліетилену, який пом'якшує удари, подвійні ремені, а також світловідбиваючі елементи по всьому периметру, що дозволяють відчувати себе в безпеці в темний час доби. Вентиляцію гарантує бавовняна панчоха, яка відмінно пропускає повітря, дозволяючи шкірі дихати.
Захист для зап'ясть Powerslide standard виконаний в більшій мірі з сітчастого матеріалу, який свою чергу добре вентилюється. Гарячі точки покриті пластиковими пластинами фіксуючими кисть, які в свою чергу знімаються. Захист фіксується на 3 ремінця (липучки).
Kolečkové brusle Powerslide Standard Men, Women 2018
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Powerslide Standard protection set - Speaking Specs
Powerslide Standard protection set - Powerslide Speaking Specs - - 903243 903239 - Powerslide PS-Standard Men set - when safety matters. Safety first! The Powerslide “PS-Standard” men protection set for beginners and advanced skaters features a nicely designed big, flat cap and high quality shock absorbing materials, which guarantee the best protection during your skating activities. The anatomically pre-shaped pads are backed up with a very comfortable to wear textile lining. The cotton sock sleeve and elastic Velcro straps tighten the protector well and keep them perfectly in place. The combination of a hard and rigid cap and high density foam materials provides best protection. The Standard men series comes in a classic black color. The Powerslide PS-Standard set is a safe buy and must have for all skaters.
Speaking Specs - a new series of detailed information tutorials by Powerslide´s very own product development department with Matthias Knoll, Scott Arlidge & Jürgen Pfitzner. Tune in for endless tech infos on literally all new Powerslide products.
Have a look at the Speaking Specs playlist at:
Powerslide - we love to skate!
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#powerslide #safety #protectivegear Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Powerslide Standard protection set - Speaking Specs
Powerslide Standard protection set - Powerslide Speaking Specs 901326 - Powerslide PS-Standard set - when safety matters.
Safety first! The Powerslide “PS-Standard” protection set for beginners and advanced skaters features a nicely designed big, flat cap and high quality shock absorbing materials, which guarantee the best protection during your skating activities. The anatomically pre-shaped pads are backed up with a very comfortable to wear textile lining. The cotton sock sleeve and elastic Velcro straps tighten the protector well and keep them perfectly in place. The combination of a hard and rigid cap and high density foam materials provides best protection. The Standard men series comes in a classic black color. The Powerslide PS-Standard set is a safe buy and must have for all skaters.
Speaking Specs - a new series of detailed information tutorials by Powerslide´s very own product development department with Matthias Knoll, Scott Arlidge & Jürgen Pfitzner. Tune in for endless tech infos on literally all new Powerslide products.
Have a look at the Speaking Specs playlist at:
Powerslide - we love to skate!
Subscribe for more inline skating videos right here fro FREE:
#powerslide #protectionset #protection Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Відео огляд кевларових шоломів Arch, TOR-D, Sestan-Busch. Клас захисту NIJ ІІІА
Сьогодні ми розповідаємо про шоломи які виготовлені в Данії, Україні та Хорватії. Сьогодні ми розповідаємо про кевларові круті шоломи.
Давайте одразу, по самому цікавому, вартість:
Arch (виробник Данія) — 22900 грн.
TOR-D (найкрутіший Український шолом) — 16800 грн.
Sestan-Busch (Хорватія, такі ж як Опскор) — 19800 грн.
*звичайно у нас також є FAST, їх вартість 10900 грн.
Всі вони мають клас захисту NIJ ІІІА з відповідним стандартом протиуламкового захисту STANAG 2920 на рівні 670 м/с , але якщо простими словами то вони захистить вас від уламків, шрапнелі, вибухові хвилі та навіть від куль легкої стрілецької зброї
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щоб ще більше дізнатися про шолом, телефонуйте нашому менеджеру Миколі по номеру:
+38 073 32 33 449
ну або шукайте у нашому крутецькому інстаграмі:
Бережіть себе та обирайте лише якісне військове спорядження!
*від ukrarmor
0:00 - Вступ від Миколи ( звичайний )
0:21 - Шолом TOR-D [Український виробик]
2:41 - Шолом Sestan-Busch BK-ACH-HC
4:43 - Шолом ARCH
7:09 - Якщо залишились питання
#ukrarmor #військовеспорядження #спорядження #армійськішоломи #шоломи #каска #балістичнийзахист #протиуламковийзахист Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Powerslide Pro protective pants - Powerslide Speaking Specs
Powerslide Pro protective pants - Powerslide Speaking Specs - 903113 - - The Powerslide Pro protective short offers advanced customized fit The Powerslide “Pro” protective short protective short is made for active people who like the adrenaline rush, but still want to be well protected. The PE-protectors are moldable and can be customized to your body shape in order to optimize the fitting. Anatomically well shaped and placed EVA foams provide a 360° protection. The breathable and light weight protective short can be used for all kinds of action sports like inline skating, skateboarding, snowboarding or BMX riding.
Speaking Specs - a new series of detailed information tutorials by Powerslide´s very own product development department with Matthias Knoll, Scott Arlidge & Jürgen Pfitzner. Tune in for endless tech infos on literally all new Powerslide products. Have a look at the Speaking Specs playlist at: Powerslide - we love to skate!
Subscribe for more inline skating videos right here fro FREE:
#powerslide #protection #actionsports Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Powerslide presents the Infusion Trinity racing inline skate, featuring Powerslide Matter Racing team member Livio Wenger taking his Infusion Triskate for a quick test ride next to Arena Geisingen. Wenger is out & about to go fast!
Carbon composite Trinity shell.
The shell of the Infusion skates is made using compression molding technology. It is made out of a mix of Carbon Fiber & Glas Fiber. The shell is designed to be stiff and supportive for maximum power transfer and performance.
Trinity mounting - the next level:
Powerslide´s Trinity mounting system is the new inline skating standard. It is lower to the ground, increasing stability at higher speeds. Thanks to the 3 contact points, Trinity enables a more effective power transfer & decreases vibration when skating on rougher surfaces. Find out more about Trinity Mounting:
Triskate setup - be free with three:
Triskates are the most major revolution for inline skating in a decade. 3 wheel skates are faster rolling because of an increase in wheel size, but with a wheel under the middle of the foot it also enhances control. More Triskating benefits at:
Powerknit upper - high performance textile:
The Powerknit upper is ultra light and breathable. It is designed to wrap around the foot very tightly and securely. It is perfect for people with narrow feet, as it adapts to the shape of the foot.
Trinity XXX frame - unmatched performance:
The Powerslide XXX 12,8” frame is the frame of choice for our Racing team and many other champions around the world. It is very rigid in the toe to maximize power transfer. Strategically placed reinforcement bars enhance the stiffness even further. More about the Trinity XXX frame at:
Infinity wheels - 125mm 85a:
Powerslide’s Infinity 125mm 85A wheels are exceptionally high performance wheels, perfectly designed for road skating and marathon events. Our Race Performance (RP) PU is fast and long lasting with very low rolling resistance. More about Powerslide´s race wheels at:
ABEC 9 Freespin Wicked bearings:
Once again, we have teamed up with our hardware partner, WICKED. The ABEC 9 freespin bearings come with 7 chrome steel balls. These bearings are fast, durable and offer a low rolling resistance for fast rolling wheels! More about Wicked at:
The Powerslide Infusion skate is out now worldwide!
Find out more about all of Powerslide´s racing inline skates at:
German Autobahn style, we at Powerslide Race love skating as fast as possible. Therefor, we develop the best speed inline skating hardware available: heat moldable carbon boots, specialized women, men and kids racing products, comfy PainFree shell designs, stiff triple x-truded Triskate frames, next level Trinity Mounting features, record breaking 125mm wheels to uber-precise Wicked bearings. Our new collection is our best ever, packed with innovation, development and passion.
Powerslide INFUSION TRINITY Racing inline skate - 904468
Skater: Livio Wenger
Location: Arena Geisingen
Video: Mark Heuss
Subscribe for more inline skating videos right here fro FREE:
#powerslide #racingskates #inlineskates Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Накладка на задній бампер bmw 5 G30/G31 M5 CS диффузор
Накладка на задній бампер bmw 5 G30/G31 M5 CS диффузор
підходить до бампера M-Pakiet
для моделей 2017-2019
матеріал - абс пластик
фарбування не потрібно, колір чорний глянсовий.
Комплект: накладка бампера, відбивачі
Встановлення у штатні місця, без доопрацювань.
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Powerslide Pro protection set - Powerslide Speaking Specs - 903196 903255 - The Powerslide PRO set for beginners and advanced skaters features tough protection and shock absorption layers. The pre-shaped pads have a hard outer cap for sliding in order to distribute impacts equally. A mix of EVA foams with different densities provides great protection and comfort. The aero mesh body is both lightweight and breathable. The inside lining is made of CoolMax™ to keep the body fresh. A snug and tight fit is guaranteed with the cotton sock sleeve and the elastic Velcro straps. The slim construction of the pads will not hinder your movement while crossing or turning. The men´s edition comes in a black color. The Powerslide Pro series is the perfect choice if you are looking for lightweight but still strong and hard-core protection.
Speaking Specs - a new series of detailed information tutorials by Powerslide´s very own product development department with Matthias Knoll, Scott Arlidge & Jürgen Pfitzner. Tune in for endless tech infos on literally all new Powerslide products.
Have a look at the Speaking Specs playlist at:
Powerslide - we love to skate!
Subscribe for more inline skating videos right here fro FREE:
#powerslide #protection #protectionset Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The universal bag concept (UBC) is a unique concept for skaters, athletes and action sports stars to travel around the globe on their next mission or conquest. The base bags and trolleys are designed to attach multiple accessory components, which are purpose built for all the gear you need, skates, helmets, protective, tools and toys, shoes, wheels and more. Unique strong and resistant materials, state of the art designs, outstanding quality and look, customizable options and the added on functionality are making this line the talk of the town or better World Wide Web.
Designed for and by skaters, but having other sport functions like running, cycling, triathlon in mind too, so will fit for any active sports people.
Subscribe for more inline skating videos right here for FREE:
#powerslide #ubc #backpack Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Powerslide Pro protection set - Powerslide Speaking Specs - 903196, 903255 - - The Powerslide Pro set protects you with style. The Powerslide PRO set for beginners and advanced skaters features tough protection and shock absorption layers. The pre-shaped pads have a hard outer cap for sliding in order to distribute impacts equally. A mix of EVA foams with different densities provides great protection and comfort. The aero mesh body is both light weight and breathable. The inside lining is made of CoolMax™ to keep the body fresh. A snug and tight fit is guaranteed with the cotton sock sleeve and the elastic Velcro straps. The slim construction of the pads will not hinder your movement while crossing or turning. The men´s edition comes in a black color. The Powerslide Pro series is the perfect choice if you are looking for light weight but still strong and hard-core protection.
Speaking Specs - a new series of detailed information tutorials by Powerslide´s very own product development department with Matthias Knoll, Scott Arlidge & Jürgen Pfitzner. Tune in for endless tech infos on literally all new Powerslide products. Have a look at the Speaking Specs playlist at: Powerslide - we love to skate!
Subscribe for more inline skating videos right here fro FREE:
#powerslide #protectionset #proair Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SureGrip International - now @ Powerslide warehouse. The new SureGrip International line, now exclusively distributed in europe by Powerslide. Featuring Dirty Deborah Harry (& Schilli, the warehouse victim).
#rollerskates #quads #rollerderby Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Шина Kleber Krisalp HP3: оптимальний вибір для зимового сезону
У цьому відео розбираємося в характеристиках зимових шин Kleber Krisalp HP3.
Вибрати і купити зимові шини Kleber Krisalp HP3
Вибрати і купити зимові шини іншого бренду Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Powerslide Nordic hip bag - Powerslide Speaking Specs - 907038 -The Powerslide Hip Bag is perfect for every skating adventure. It has a large middle compartment for carry spare parts, food, or a phone, and then two drink bottle holders to allow you to go longer and further. A wide waist belt ensures a comfortable fit.
Speaking Specs - a new series of detailed information tutorials by Powerslide´s very own product development department with Matthias Knoll, Scott Arlidge & Jürgen Pfitzner. Tune in for endless tech infos on literally all new Powerslide products. Have a look at the Speaking Specs playlist at: Powerslide - we love to skate!
Subscribe for more inline skating videos right here fro FREE:
#powerslide #hipbag #nordicskates Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
- Transit Trolley bag - Perfect size to travel with or without your sporting goods, stores in every airplane overhead locker. Using the best materials from nylon and PU this bag offers a big main compartment to store clothing and gear. Separate compartments with mesh and zippers provide extra storage. Unique and fashionable look and design paired with UBS functions on side and front panels will make you stand out from the crowd. Great quality that will last and roll you anywhere with the solid pull up trolley function.
Powerslide UBC Transit Trolley bag - 907053
The universal bag concept (UBC) is a unique concept for skaters, athletes and action sports stars to travel around the globe on their next mission or conquest. The base bags and trolleys are designed to attach multiple accessory components, which are purpose built for all the gear you need, skates, helmets, protective, tools and toys, shoes, wheels and more. Unique strong and resistant materials, state of the art designs, outstanding quality and look, customizable options and the added on functionality are making this line the talk of the town or better World Wide Web.
Designed for and by skaters, but having other sport functions like running, cycling, triathlon in mind too, so will fit for any active sports people.
Powerslide UBC Road Runner backpack - 907051
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#powerslide #ubc #backpack Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Featuring a handmade lasted boot, the Powerslide Infusion Trinity Speed Skates are a terrific option for serious speed and race skaters that want a high performance skate that is ready to win right out of the box! This boot fits like a glove from the start thanks to Powerslide's pain-free carbon fiber shell that uses strategically placed cutouts to combat hot spots. The Powerknit wrap is soft and supple while remaining supportive, allowing it to conform to a wide variety of foot shapes. A carbon/glass fiber base is complemented by Trinity mounting, a 3-point mount that offers superb power transfer and control while minimizing fatigue. The CNC 3x125mm machined XXX Frames are built to perfection using aircraft aluminum to cut weight while maintaining rigidity. Pre-contoured padding is made of Poron, a medical-grade slow recovery foam that forms to the skater's foot to ensure a sock like fit for the life of the skate. For closures, the boot is outfitted with waxed laces and the “Icon” micro adjustable ratchet buckle, which comes with a full lace cover to improve durability and reduce arch pressure. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Powerslide UBC Transit Trolley Bag - Speaking Specs
- Transit Trolley bag - 907053
Perfect size to travel with or without your sporting goods, stores in every airplane overhead locker. Using the best materials from nylon and PU this bag offers a big main compartment to store clothing and gear. Separate compartments with mesh and zippers provide extra storage. Unique and fashionable look and design paired with UBS functions on side and front panels will make you stand out from the crowd. Great quality that will last and roll you anywhere with the solid pull up trolley function.
The Powerslide UBS Transit trolly bag has the perfect size to travel with or without your sporting goods. The bag can be stored in every airplane overhead locker. Using the best materials from nylon and PU this bag offers a big main compartment to store clothing and gear. Separate compartments with mesh and zippers provide extra storage. Unique and fashionable look and design paired with UBS functions on the side as well as stylish front panels will make you stand out from the crowd. Great quality that will last and roll you anywhere with the solid pull up trolley function.
Designed for and by skaters, but having other sport functions like running, cycling, triathlon in mind too, so will fit for any active sports people.
Subscribe for more inline skating videos right here for FREE:
#powerslide #ubc #backpack Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Powerslide Phuzion Zeta Men Fitness Inline Triskates 2016. The Phuzion Zeta triskate is among the lightest skates available. Skating Phuzion Zeta softboot skates feels like skating barefoot because of its low weight. Besides being light, the Zeta is also very comfortable and high performance. The 3x 100mm wheel setup looks cool and allows you to skate faster with less effort. The perfect choice for ambitious fitness skaters that are ready to improve their skating experience.
#powerslide #inlineskates #fitnessskates Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Powerslide transporter bag - Powerslide Speaking Specs - 907019
The Powerslide Transporter backpack fits it all! Designed to fit skates right up until size 48, the Transporter bag also features a mesh top section to allow unwanted odors to be expelled. It also features a single component shoulder straps for a comfortable fit on the go. It also has space to fit your pads and helmet.
Speaking Specs - a new series of detailed information tutorials by Powerslide´s very own product development department with Matthias Knoll, Scott Arlidge & Jürgen Pfitzner. Tune in for endless tech infos on literally all new Powerslide products.
Have a look at the Speaking Specs playlist at:
Powerslide - we love to skate!
Subscribe for more inline skating videos right here fro FREE:
#powerslide #backpack #transporterbag Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Лезо під порог M-tech BMW 3 F30/F31 Performance Карбон (комплект)
Лезо під порог M-tech BMW 3 F30/F31 Performance Карбон (комплект)
у комплекті:
-накладка порога ліва
-накладка порога ліва
Матеріал: abs-пластик
Колір - під карбон (аквапринт)
Установчі болті в комплекті. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Powerslide Pro Backpack is made for the skater on the go, providing extreme capability and compartmentalization. It features 2 removal bags via zipper attachment; 1 on the bottom that is ventilated and is great for storing your pads or workout clothes, and another messenger bag on the front for keeping your valuables such as ID, phone, and personal electronic devices or books. Thick, ventilated material is both durable and comfortable, and the shoulder straps are elastic and load-bearing with added padding for support in the upper back and shoulders. Skate holders on the side help keep your hands free, and a padded interior sleeve is great for laptop storage. Also includes a rain cover that completely covers the backpack to aid against unknown weather circumstances.
Shop Now - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Powerslide Pro backpack - Powerslide Speaking Specs - 907020 - - Powerslide provides the best possible storage and security for your precious skates. It is important when choosing a backpack for your skates that it meets all the needs of a skater. Powerslide bags have been specifically designed for skates to hold them securely but to also consider things such as ventilation. Made from tear resistant Nylon this bag includes additional storage for accessories like your helmet and protection. Additionally, it provides a rain cover, stretchable carrying straps and both the front and bottom part can be zipped off. On top of all this, it also offers a compartment for your laptop or tablet.
Speaking Specs - a new series of detailed information tutorials by Powerslide´s very own product development department with Matthias Knoll, Scott Arlidge & Jürgen Pfitzner. Tune in for endless tech infos on literally all new Powerslide products. Have a look at the Speaking Specs playlist at: Powerslide - we love to skate!
Subscribe for more inline skating videos right here fro FREE:
#powerslide #backpack #inlineskates Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Powerslide Triskates - Werbeski on Pleasure Tool frames
Powerslide Triskates - Dustin Werbeski & his Pleasure Tools. Barcelonadian Dustin Werbeski exploring new possibilities with his Powerslide Pleasure tool 3 wheel frames on 3x110mm wheels.
#powerslide #inlineskates #freeskate Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Powerslide standard protective pants - Speaking Specs
Powerslide standard protective pants - Powerslide Speaking Specs - 903267 - Powerslide Standard protective short The Powerslide “Standard” protective short is made for active people who like the adrenaline rush, but still want to be well protected. High density EVA foams protect your body with the lowest possible profile. The breathable and light protective short can be used for all kinds of action sports like inline skating, skateboarding, snowboarding or BMX riding.
Speaking Specs - a new series of detailed information tutorials by Powerslide´s very own product development department with Matthias Knoll, Scott Arlidge & Jürgen Pfitzner. Tune in for endless tech infos on literally all new Powerslide products. Have a look at the Speaking Specs playlist at: Powerslide - we love to skate!
Subscribe for more inline skating videos right here fro FREE:
#powerslide #protection #protectivepants Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Powerslide Off-Road SUV 125mm frame set - Speaking Specs
Powerslide SUV 125mm off road frame set - Powerslide Speaking Specs - 908241 - - Powerslide SUV 125 frame – feel home on and off road. You want to try off road skating? Switching to the SUV 125 frame set is easy. Just check if your skate fits the 165mm mounting standard and off you go! The SUV 125 frame is approved since years. You can find this frame on a range of Powerslide SUV skates like the Vi, Metropolis or Imperial. This super sturdy frame is made of 6061 aircraft aluminum is very reactive and easy to handle. SUV frames also offers the well known X-slot mounting system which allows you to customize your boot-frame position by shifting the frame from both side to side plus forwards and backwards. It´s perfectly suited for BMX trails and big air sessions in the dirt park. But also fitness enthusiasts can enjoy this great setup by some exhausting full body skating workout sessions to add variety to your training routine.
Speaking Specs - a new series of detailed information tutorials by Powerslide´s very own product development department with Matthias Knoll, Scott Arlidge & Jürgen Pfitzner. Tune in for endless tech infos on literally all new Powerslide products. Have a look at the Speaking Specs playlist at: Powerslide - we love to skate!
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Фріскейт ролики Powerslide: ►►►
Максимальний драйв, відчуття свободи та комфорту – ось що вам дарують фріскейт ролики від Powerslide! Ви відчуєте це з першого ж кроку і захочете кататись якомога довше, аби отримати максимум задоволення. Колеса Inferside 125 мм Powerslide в парі з підшипниками Wicked ABEC 9 дозволяють просто літати над асфальтом. Міцна алюмінієва екструдована і оброблена з ЧПУ рама дуже реактивна і проста у використанні. Next Renegade поставляється з унікальним лайнером MYFIT Recall. Внутрішній черевик виготовлений з комбінації піноматеріалів, в тому числі піни з ефектом пам'яті, аби максимально поліпшити комфорт. Внутрішник підходить на два розміри. Renegade відмінно почувають себе як на бездоріжжі, так і на трасі - вам забезпечено відмінне катання, де б ви не знаходилися.
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Powerslide Nordic hip bag - Powerslide Speaking Specs
The Powerslide Hip Bag is perfect for every skating adventure. It has a large middle compartment for carry spare parts, food, or a phone, and then two drink bottle holders to allow you to go longer and further. A wide waist belt ensures a comfortable fit.
Speaking Specs - a new series of detailed information tutorials by Powerslide´s very own product development department with Matthias Knoll, Scott Arlidge & Jürgen Pfitzner. Tune in for endless tech infos on literally all new Powerslide products.
Have a look at the Speaking Specs playlist at:
Powerslide - we love to skate!
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Powerslide Gym bag - Speaking specs - 200627
The Powerslide gym bag offers one big compartment for fast and easy access storage. The drawstrings open and closes the bag in just seconds. The durable and water resistant ripstop nylon material protects its contents perfectly. The bag has a wide range of use: it can serve as a traditional backpack, gym bag, little travel bag, school bag, or is perfect for supermarket trips or home storage. Your helmet fits perfectly inside which protects it against the elements or it is perfect for carrying your wheels (approximately 5 sets in 110mm).
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Martsenyuk brothers cruising Kiev - Powerslide Triskates. Watch the Martsenyuk brothers enjoying the Ukrainian summer in their brand new pairs of Powerslide Triskates:
- Powerslide Tau urban skates with Trinity Pro-R 3x110 frames, 110mm 88A Wildlife Undercover wheels and Wicked Bearings
- Powerslide Hardcore Evo 2.0 skates with 3x125 Megacruiser Frame/wheel setup.
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Powerslide Swell Black 100 3D Adapt - Product Video
Powerslide Swell Black 100 3D Adapt - Product Video
Product reference 510052
The POWERSLIDE Swell Black 100 is a high-performance fitness skate that will boost your training sessions and let you discover what you’re really capable of on inline skates. Delivering outstanding performance and unmatched comfort, the Swell Black 100 is based on the renowned Swell collection of inline fitness skates, with a boot that incorporates MYFIT’s patented 3DAP technology from MYFIT that’s constructed from casted polyurethane (PU) that molds perfectly around your foot to deliver a level of control and comfort never experienced before on inline skates. The Swell Black 100 includes the famous TRINITY 3-point mounting system from POWERSLIDE. The TRINITY system provides a low center of gravity that gives you excellent stability and improved power transfer to the Elite AL cast frames. Riding on high-performance PS 100mm wheels and WICKED freespin ABEC 7 bearings, you get a fast, smooth ride every time. And, complete with a HABS brake, this is a fast, high-performance, and safety-focused fitness skate that’s ready for intense workouts.
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Powerslide Phuzion Omicron Fitness Inline Skates - Triskating. The Phuzion Omicron triskate is among the lightest skates available. Skating Phuzion Omicron softboot skates feels like skating barefoot because of its low weight. Besides being light, the Omicron is also very comfortable and high performance. The 3x 110mm wheel setup looks cool and allows you to skate faster with less effort. The perfect choice for ambitioned fitness skaters that are to improve their skating experience.
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- UBC Go bag - Perfect helper for sweaty, dirty and loose gear. Attach this bag to the outside of your bag and store it away or use it just as a backpack. Takes anything from shoes, protective gear, clothing, wheels and parts. An additional zipper closed pocket on the inside of the bag allows secure storage and easy access to small things just as keys or money. Form follows function. - UBC Pod - Nicely shaped for shoes or helmet, this pouch will look great on any UBC bag. Made from the best materials only and using breathable mesh for the backside, the UBC pod will keep everything safe and clean.
Powerslide UBC Pod & UBC Go bag - 907062 907061
The universal bag concept (UBC) is a unique concept for skaters, athletes and action sports stars to travel around the globe on their next mission or conquest. The base bags and trolleys are designed to attach multiple accessory components, which are purpose built for all the gear you need, skates, helmets, protective, tools and toys, shoes, wheels and more. Unique strong and resistant materials, state of the art designs, outstanding quality and look, customizable options and the added on functionality are making this line the talk of the town or better World Wide Web.
Designed for and by skaters, but having other sport functions like running, cycling, triathlon in mind too, so will fit for any active sports people.
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Powerslide Trinity Frames - Rámy na brusle
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Новые размеры Lakesea: Mudster М/Т 31-32, Extreme M/T 33
Шины для внедорожников Lakesea -
В нашем ассортименте появились долгожданные шины от Lakesea. Модель Mudster МТ пополнилась новыми размерами 31-32”, а Extreme MUD получила востребованный размер 33x10,5R16.
Mudster МТ
Теперь доступны три новых размера:
Эти размеры идеально подходят для УАЗов, Нив и других автомобилей с минимальной подготовкой. Размеры 31-32 дюйма не требуют серьёзных доработок по подвеске или резке кузова. Шины соответствуют заявленным размерам, но чуть меньше (на 1-1,5 см), что исправляется при установке на диск и накачивании. Шины немного шире, чем заявлено, поэтому важно проверить, чтобы они свободно помещались в арки.
Глубина протектора Mudster МТ по центральной дорожке составляет 14 мм, что делает её стандартным решением для грязевых дорог.
Эти шины созданы для автомобилей, которые требуют минимальной подготовки для бездорожья.
Extreme MUD
Модель Extreme MUD теперь доступна в размере 33x10,5R16. Ранее крупные и широкие размеры этой модели подходили только для больших внедорожников, но новый размер станет оптимальным решением для лифтованных УАЗов, подготовленных под бездорожье.
Extreme MUD отличается радиальной конструкцией с тремя центральными блоками и сильно разряженным протектором. Это наиболее агрессивная шина из радиальных. Глубина протектора составляет 18 мм, что является выдающимся показателем для радиальных шин. Вес шины меньше обычного, что позволяет ей эффективно работать на лёгких автомобилях, правильно плющиться и обеспечивать сцепление.
Эта шина подходит для соревнований на не сильно грязевых участках, таких как ралли-спринт или трофи-спринт. В таких условиях она может превзойти диагональные шины благодаря радиальному строению, хотя на болотах диагональные шины останутся предпочтительнее.
Если вы ищете надежные шины для вашего внедорожника, обращайтесь в 4x4Sport - наши специалисты всегда готовы помочь!
Шины для внедорожников Lakesea - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Powerslide Megacruiser 125 frame set - Triskating 3 wheel skates. Pimp your skates and fall in love with 3 wheel skates! Faster, lighter and more agile!
10" / 255mm
MDSHR 125mm | 86A
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RP0480-1051 Kickstand Foot Side Stand Extension Pad Support Plate for BMW R18 2020-2023
В этом видео делюсь своими мыслями о весе и классах защиты, точнее о том сколько вам нужно будет таскать с собой в той или иной ситуации. Многие гонятся за 5-6 классом по ДСТУ - вот он держит и тд. После двух месяцев в броне 4 класса с металлическими плитами решил перейти на керамику. Муки выбора привели меня к "Українська броня", чему и я рад!
Керамическая плита 4 кл защити
Керамическая плита 5 кл защити
Протоколы испытаний закреплены под названиями продукта на офф сайте! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Powerslide Metropolis Supercruiser 110 Urban Inline skates - 3 wheel Freeride Metro Triskate 908183. One of our all time favorites just upgraded to a 3 wheeled TRISKATING version:
The Powerslide METROPOLIS Supercruiser 110mm inline skates!
The Metropolis is a super comfy and rigid freeskate, one of the best value skate packages you can get for your money. The skate scores with a rigid and lightweight 255mm length one piece UNITY frame, fast and grippy 110mm 85A Infinity wheels and long lasting Wicked Freespin ABEC 7 bearings.
It´s wider fit ensures pure comfort, also thanks to the comfortably padded Fat Boy liner.
The Metro´s fresh 90´s retro color scheme will be an eye catcher on the streets.
Best part: All benefits of TRISKATES are now also available with the Metro, fast and agile skating experience, perfect pivot point maneuvers, low center of gravity.
Safety was not forgotten: the Metro SC comes stock with Powerslide´s famous height adjustable braking system, the HABS.
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Pleasure Tool Triskating 3 wheel frames - Powerslide FSK. The name says it all - this frame is a real plesure tool! It was developed in close collaboration with top speed slalom skaters. This short frame is fast, agile and very reactive. It´s more than just a speed slalom frame – its pure fun to ride this frame!
The frame is very well balanced and super stiff. One unique feature of the frame is the variable space between the wheels. The second wheel was shifted a bit more backwards towards the third wheel as this frame was especially designed for speed slalom in order to give the frame more power and stability, because the skaters put more weight on the back of the frame in speedslalom. Sure this frame can also be used for regular skating. The Pleasure Tool frame is 243mm long fitting max. 3x 110mm wheels. The frame got his extraordinary look from the CNC milled edges including the perfect laser prints. A special detail are the scales along the side of the mounting slots, but also placed on front and rear to help the skater to adjust his frame-boot set up. The Pleasure Tool frame features the 165mm mounting standard. It comes with standard single axles with torx head featuring nice laser prints. The torx head has the advantage that the axles do not get round too easy compared with regular hex axles. The combination of the across slot in the frame and the along slot in our boots is called the X-Slot Mounting. This system enables the skater to adjust the boot-frame setup without any dead spot according to his skating style and preferences.
Find out more about this frame at:
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Powerslide skate bags - Powerslide Speaking Specs - 907039 - The Powerslide Skate Bag is designed to store your skates safely and securely. Made from tear resistant nylon and featuring vent holes. The Skate Bag is perfect for weekend trips to rink, the park, or the track.
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Powerslide Nordic two-piece aluminum rims - Powerslide Speaking Specs - 908249 - Two-piece aluminum rim fitting 200mm off road tires. Flat tires are always a nightmare especially when tires get smaller. The two-piece aluminum rim makes the job much easier. It´s made of 6061 extruded and CNC machined aluminum. The star-shaped rim not only looks great, it’s also very light weight, strong and durable. The rim fits all common 200mm x 50mm tires.
Speaking Specs - a new series of detailed information tutorials by Powerslide´s very own product development department with Matthias Knoll, Scott Arlidge & Jürgen Pfitzner. Tune in for endless tech infos on literally all new Powerslide products. Have a look at the Speaking Specs playlist at: Powerslide - we love to skate!
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Kids Pro Set - Speaking Specs
For active young boys who love inline skating and action sports, the POWERSLIDE Kids Pro Boys 3-pack offers superb protection and comfort in a fun, stylish package your kids will love. This comprehensive set of protective gear includes reliable knee and elbow pads that are specifically designed for kids. Shock-absorbing materials keep your child safe from injuries, while the hard shell distributes the force of impacts and protects kids from scrapes and abrasions. Kids will love to skate or enjoy their favorite action sport all day long while they are wearing the POWERSLIDE Kids Pro Boys 3-pack set of protective gear. These stylish, comfortable pads are lightweight and breathable. To ensure the pads stay in place and offer maximum protection, the knee and elbow pads have elastic Velcro straps and a cotton sock sleeve. For beginners, forward falls are common. The protective gear features a lightweight and breathable wristguard for complete protection. Kids love to skate around the neighborhood with their friends and to ensure your kids are visible in low light conditions, the set includes protective materials to enhance safety. From inline skating to skateboarding and other action sports, the POWERSLIDE Kids Pro Boys 3 Pack set is great for all kinds of action sports. This protection set meets the EN 14120 European safety standard.
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Powerslide Swell Metallic Black 110 Trinity Skate. The magnesium frames are lighter than aluminum, reducing fatigue and making the Swell Metallic Black 110 great for longer workouts. Height-Adjustable Brake System (HABS) allows customized adjustment to prolong pad life or set to engage at preference. Glass-fiber reinforced plastic surrounds the entire base of the boot (abrasion protected toe), allowing the Power Knit uppers to fasten securely all around the foot. Together this creates a snug, comfortable, responsive fit that limits boot stretch for better power transfer. Pressure points in the shell can be heat molded away (175F), but with added flex cuts in the ankle area (new to 2nd generation Swell models) it unlikely you'll need to.
Trinity mounting has two winged mounts under the ball of the feet, and creates a channel for the wheels to recess under the boots. The lower center of gravity, added stability and increased power at pushoff is changing the landscape for inline skates.
Magnesium Frames ; 110mm 86A Wheels ; ABEC9 Bearings
HABS Brake S/M
Type: Cross-Training
Skill Level: Intermediate and Better
Fit Guidelines: Sim to average width. Little to no break-in required. Unisex model. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Powerslide Swell Metallic Black 110 Unisex Skates 2019
Powerslide One basic protection set adults - Powerslide Speaking Specs - 903258
Powerslide One Basic set – low price, great protection. The Powerslide One Basic set for adults is an entry level protective set. Despite the price the gear is made with high quality materials and is in conformity with the EU safety regulations for personal protective gear. The slim design of the protector gives you total freedom of movement which helps you learn to skate faster. The hard cap and foam materials provide optimal protection. The protectors are well ventilated to keep you feeling fresh. The gear is comfortable to wear thanks to the light weight materials and the pre-shaped construction.
Speaking Specs - a new series of detailed information tutorials by Powerslide´s very own product development department with Matthias Knoll, Scott Arlidge & Jürgen Pfitzner. Tune in for endless tech infos on literally all new Powerslide products. Have a look at the Speaking Specs playlist at: Powerslide - we love to skate!
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Powerslide One basic protection set adults - Speaking Specs
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