Абсолютно новий оптичний приціл Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25 × 56 FFP це нове слово в стрільбі на далекі дистанції. Почніть з відмінною чіткості від краю до краю і додайте першу фокальній площині (FFP) з підсвічуванням сітки для швидкого зчитування при будь-якому збільшенні і освітленні. Додайте нову систему RevStop Zero для жорсткого повернення до нуля і блокування барабанів. Побудуйте його навколо 34-міліметрової труби, яка вміщує велику кількість переміщень по висоті і вітрі, а також важіль зміни кратності в коробці для швидкого зміни збільшення, і у вас є ударна машина на далекі відстані, яка змусить вас задуматися, як ви коли-небудь стріляли без неї.
Особливості прицілу Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25 × 56 FFP:
Цілісна труба діаметром 34 мм, виготовлена зі спеціального алюмінієвого сплаву 6061-Т6, використовуваного в авіабудуванні, забезпечує підвищену міцність конструкції і більш широкий діапазон введення поправок в порівнянні з прицілами, що мають трубу 30 мм; Скло з екстра-низькою дисперсією (XD) збільшує точність відтворення дозволу і кольору. Всі лінзи повністю з мультіпокритіем. Сітка в першій фокальній площині FFP- шкала прицільної сітки залишається пропорційною масштабованість зображенню. Вимірювання по сітці дійсні при будь-яких збільшеннях. Чітка прицільна сітка витравлена між 2 шарами скла для оптимальних стійкості і надійності; Підсвічування сітки. Система RevStop ™ Zero- запатентована модернізована конструкція пропонує легку установку зеро-стопа, швидке повернення до нуля після регулювань башточки. Абсолютна водонепроникність і антізапотеваніе (приціли заповнені аргоном); Тришарове анодируване анти-покриття, що відбиває корпусу забезпечує високу стійкість до подряпин і запобігає відблиски світла від корпусу прицілу
Технічні характеристики прицілу:
кратність 5-25
Обмеження за калібром: немає
Підсвічування прицільної сітки є
Спосіб кріплення кільця 34 мм
Діаметр лінзи об'єктива: 56 мм
Оптичні характеристики прицілу Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25 × 56:
Поле зору на 91 м: 1.58-7 м
Вихідна зіниця 24-4 мм
Відстань від окуляра до ока 94 мм
Налаштування параллакса від 14 м до нескінченності
Розташування прицільної сітки: перша фокальна площина FFP
Тип прицільної сітки EBR-7C (балістика)
Механізм введення поправок:
Тип барабанів тактичні відкриті
Клікі- MOA
Діапазон регулювань по вертикалі (МОА) - 110
Діапазон регулювань по горизонталі (МОА) - 78
Ціна 1-го клацання механізму введення поправок (МОА) - 1/4
Vortex Strike Eagle 5 25x56 FFP - новинка от Vortex Optics, предлагающая характеристики премиум-сегмента за гораздо меньшую стоимость.
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Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP Review,
Vortex Strike Eagle Review
In this video, we review the Vortex Strike eagle 5-25x56 FFP with the EBR7C reticle (Moa)
A quality optic made and designed for Precision rifle series competition style shooting , an long range target shooting.
We tested the new Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 on the Tikka T3X Varmint in .223 and .308 the Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 is likely Vortex`s currently one of the most popular model for a few reasons (shown in the video) the optic that MSRP’s at 799 USD (although can be commonly found at 700 USD).
This optic isn’t a budget scope, this Optic packs all of the desirable features that most optics in the 1200 price range provide.
the most important notable features being: ED glass (Extra-low dispersion (XD) glass increases resolution and color fidelity, resulting in crisp, sharp images) , 56mm mm objective, longer eye relief,34 mm tube that holds 110 moa`s worth of adjustment, (47 moa with the zero stop) Glass etched reticle (EBR7C moa/mil) really audible and positive turrets, and a hard stop zero stop (revstop) we show a how to install the zero stop in this video.
Ensure you shop around for the best price, SKU SE-52503
Amazon .com
optics planet:
or Palmeto State Armouri
All turrets in my videos are tested using Targets from Box to bench precision if you are interested check them out:
if You enjoyed this video you will likely enjoy:
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 vs Vortex Viper HST 6-24x50
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Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 vs Vector Continental 4-24x56
Vortex Crossfire II 3-9x40
Vortex Diamondback hp 4-16x42
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Info from Vortex:
When you're ready to step up your long-distance game, the Strike Eagle gives you more of the tools you need for less than you'd expect. Start with excellent edge-to-edge sharpness, and add a first focal plane (FFP) illuminated reticle for fast reads at any magnification and lighting situation. Add in our RevStop Zero System for a hard return to zero, and locking turrets for fast, stay-put adjustments. Build it around a 34mm tube that accommodates massive amounts of elevation and windage travel, and a throw lever for rapid magnification changes, and you've got a long-distance impact machine that'll have you wondering how you ever shot without it.
Magnification 5-25x
Objective Lens Diameter 56 mm
Eye Relief 3.7 inches
Field of View 24.0 - 5.2 ft @100 yds
Tube Size 34 mm
Elevation Turret Style Locking/Zero Stop
Windage Turret Style Locking
Adjustment Graduation 1/4 MOA
Travel Per Rotation 25 MOA
Max Elevation Adjustment 110 MOA
Max Windage Adjustment 78 MOA
Parallax Setting 15 yards to infinity
Length 14.6 inches
Weight 30.4 oz
This optic was purchased by myself and this is not a sponsored video
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For more information on the Vortex Strike Eagle, watch my review here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 | Best all around scope? ELR, PRS, F-Class
A full look at this scope down range at 1 mile+ and 1,000 scope offers features that are better than the PST at a price that's less.
What I'm using:
*Tactacam FTS 5.0 (Film Through Scope) Rifle:*
*Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 MOA FFP: *
Use code "EagleEye" on checkout to save 5%
*F3RMACHINE 34mm Scope Base:*
Remington 700 Blueprinted
Modified BDL stock
Magpul bottom metal adapter
Harris Bipod
Douglas Premium XX heavy contoured 30 inch remage barrel custom reamed 280 Remington in chromoloy steel
Preferred barrels Remage nut
Harolds Precision muzzle brake blended with barrel
Want a custom rifle like this?
Contact me at and let us build you a precision tac driving rifle Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex eagle strike kutu açılımı ve ilk İZLENİMLERİM sizlerle paylaşıyorum Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 Zielfernrohr // Unboxing und Montage
Unboxing und kurze Montage des nagelneuen Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP MRAD Zielfernrohrs von Vortex Optics.
Vielen Dank an für die Bereitstellung und Unterstützung!
Absehen: MRAD EBR-7C (erste Bildebene / FFP)
Montage: ERATAC Blockmontage 0 MOA
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Today Jason reviews the new Vortex strike eagle 5-25X56 scope. Seems like the perfect thing for 22LR competitions or small game hunting. Subscribe and share please.
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Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25×56 FFP Review and Range Time.
Unboxing and rangetime with the Brand New Vortex Strike Eagle.. Superb optical quality and build to withstand everything you throw at it.. plusnthe obvious benefits of the amazing Vortex warranty..
Mounted on the Remington 700 Magpul Hunter
All available from
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Endlich! Das deutsche Review zum neuen Strike Eagle 5-25x56 Zielfernrohr mit MRAD Absehen der Firma Vortex.
Bauhöhe der Blockmontage: 17,5 mm
Lieferumfang: 1:44 Minuten
Technische Daten: 3:44 Minuten
Bedienung: 6:54 Minuten
Vielen Dank an für die Bereitstellung und Unterstützung!
***kann Spuren von Werbung und guter Laune enthalten*** Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video we take a deep dive into and complete a review of the new Strike Eagle 5-25x56 rifle scope from Vortex Optics, a highly anticipated mid-priced optic, offering generous internal elevation adjustment making it ideal for long and extended long range shooting with centerfire and rimfire 22s. The scope is backed by Vortex's Lifetime Warranty.
Visit the Slav Guns storefront on Amazon to get Idea Lists and videos on the gear I use.
Scope is mounted in a Primary Arms GLx 34mm Cantilever Mount (20 MOA) -
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Find More Info on the Strike Eagle Scope here...
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Sportsman's Warehouse -
Sportsman's Guide - (MOA) (MRAD)
Natchez - (MOA) (MRAD)
EuroOptic - (MOA) (MRAD)
Disclosure: Scope was provided on loan by Vortex Optics for testing & evaluation. Vortex did not see this video prior to publication.
Read the complete article at &
Strike Eagle EBR-7C Reticle Manual -
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Visor Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 - Prueba y tutorial de uso
#Vortex #StrikeEagle #Prueba
Probamos el magnífico visor de Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 en Primer Plano Focal. En éste video podrás ver las principales características de éste gran visor junto con una prueba de tiro. El Vortex Strike Eagle es un visor polivalente: válito tanto para la caza como para competición y tiro.
También lo hemos sometido a pruebas de caza y precisión. Sin duda, una gran opción respecto calidad/precio. También mostramos el resto de la familia Strike Eagle.
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In this video we take a look at the popular Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 with EBR-7C reticle.
A lot of it is a discussion of how the scope stacks up against the competition. I have it bracketed by similarly configured scopes that are a little less expensive (SwampFox Kentucky Long) and a little more expensive (Meopta Optika6) with the significantly more expensive Delta Stryker rounding out the group.
After a general introduction, the video goes over the features, specifications, mechanical quality and optical quality.
Overall, for the money, the Strike Eagle has a lot to offer and it easily lands on my list of recommendations.
I have a separate video that gives you a "through the scope" look at the reticle and sight picture (link coming soon).
Link to scope on Eurooptic:
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Vortex Strike Eagle | Best Budget Long Range Scope?
"This video is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All guns displayed off the range are safety checked and only displayed pointing in safe directions. All footage at the range is private range and the gun is handled by a Range Officer certified by the National Range Officer Institute. This video is not promoting or attempting to sell guns. Sale of guns is heavily regulated and I am not associated with any federally licensed firearms dealer. The actions of all firearms displayed are unmodified and presented as commonly available from original equipment manufacturers. This video is not instructional on building or modifying firearms. Nothing has been done to increase the rate of fire or lethality of the firearms displayed nor would I advocate making such modification as it presents a huge liability and potential risk of harm or death."
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In this video we take a look at the Vortex Strike Eagle, compare it to the Vortex Venom, and try to decide which is the best value.
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How to Index a new Vortex Strike Eagle rifle scope + battery fitting
How to Index a new Vortex Strike Eagle rifle scope + battery fitting.
This video demonstrates how to index your elevation and windage turrets on your new rifle scope after you have zeroed at the range. It also shows you how to replace the battery for the illuminated reticule.
Always ensure your firearm is safe before use:
1. Safety Catch applied.
2. Magazine removed / Integral magazine emptied.
3. Chamber, bolt face and action (magazine well) clear of rounds and empty cases.
4. Working parts/bolt fully open and locked.
Indexing the Elevation Turret
After your riflescope is sighted in, the zero stop ring should be installed. Once in place, the zero stop ring will only allow the turret to dial down MOA past the sight-in zero to accommodate shots that are closer than the sight-in zero.
1. Loosen and remove the Elevation Turret cap using the included turret tool. Gently pull the turret dial straight up and off the turret post, being careful not to rotate the post.
2. Place the zero stop ring over turret post.3. Push the ring down until seated, then rotate the ring clockwise until it stops.
4. Reinstall the turret dial, lining up the “0” mark with indexing line on the scope body.
5. Replace and tighten the Elevation Turret cap.
NOTE: Although installing the zero stop ring is highly recommended, it is not required to operate the scope. The Elevation Turret can still be indexed to zero after sight-in even if the zero stop ring is not installed.
Indexing The Windage Turret
Strike Eagle® riflescopes feature a Windage Turret that allows you to reindex the zero indicator after sight-in without disturbing your zero setting. Though not a required process, reindexing the Windage Turret allows you to quickly return to your original zero setting if temporary windage corrections are dialled in the field. To reset the Windage Turret:
1. After completing the final sight-in, remove the Windage Turret cap and pull the turret dial straight off the turret post.
2. Reposition the turret dial with the “0” mark on the cap aligned with the zero-reference line on the scope housing and push the dial straight down. Avoid rotating while pushing down.
3. Be sure the turret dial is fully seated and replace the Windage Turret cap
Replacing the Battery:
1. Unscrew the outer cap cover.
2. Remove the battery.
3. Replace with a new CR2032 battery, text on the battery facing outwards.
4. Reinstall outer cap and tighten firmly.
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DLO Reviews: "Through the Scope" Look at the EBR-7C reticle in Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56
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In this "Through The Scope" we go into some detail on the EBR-7C reticle, its features, strengths and weaknesses.
It is a very successful design for Vortex, but since there is no limit to perfection, I spend some time analyzing how it could be improved for my purposes.
The general Strike Eagle overview video is here:
Link to scope on Eurooptic:
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My first two shots with the TriggerCam 2.1 and my Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25 X 56 FFP Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP - Overview and Range Report
The new Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 is a very impressive scope with tons of features considering its price point. The scope has a premium feel to it, with great turrets and optical clarity. The tracking of the turrets appear to be very reliable in my initial testing. Thanks for watching, I hope the content of this video is informative. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP Unbox & Features
If you are looking for a longrange riflescope with excellent features, at an affordable price, then you should consider the Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 Riflescope.
In this video, I will go through unboxing so you can see what comes in the box from the factory. I will also explain some of the features of this FFP riflescope.
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When you're ready to step up your long-distance game, the Strike Eagle gives you more of the tools you need for less than you'd expect. Start with excellent edge-to-edge sharpness, and add a first focal plane (FFP) illuminated reticle for fast reads at any magnification and lighting situation. Add in our RevStop Zero System for a hard return to zero, and locking turrets for fast, stay-put adjustments. Build it around a 34mm tube that accommodates massive amounts of elevation and windage travel, and a throw lever for rapid magnification changes, and you've got a long-distance impact machine that'll have you wondering how you ever shot without it.
Connect with Vortex Optics:
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Full Review to come, short video showing the Vortex Strike Eagle being zeroed on the .338lm Savage 110 FCP Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
NEW Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP Scopes - Unboxing
See what's in the box with the NEW Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP scopes from Vortex Optics! Featuring exposed locking turrets, RevStop Zero System, and the popular EBR-7C reticles (MRAD and MOA), the new Strike Eagle 5-25 is a fully featured optic at a great price!
Shop Now: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Introducing the Strike Eagle® 5-25x56 FFP. Featuring the RevStop™ Zero System for easy return to zero, exposed locking turrets and illuminated first focal plane reticle, the Strike Eagle 5-25x56 gives tactically-minded shooters all the tools they need to dominate the long range game.
Check it out here:
Connect with Vortex Optics:
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Vortex Venom 5-25x56 FFP EBR 7C Riflescope | First Look
The Venom 5-25x56mm Riflescope by Vortex was designed for beginners in the long-range precision shooting field, but comes packed with next level features. The Venom 5-25x56mm comes equipped with the advanced EBR-7C reticle in the first focal plane. This reticle features a precise center dot with a “Christmas Tree” pyramid of ultra-fine sub-tensions and holdover dots to compensate for bullet drop and wind drift. The Venom 5-25x56mm also features Vortex’s RevStop zero-stop system, allowing the shooter to return to their original zeroing after making finely tuned adjustments in the field.
Features of the Vortex Venom 5-25x56mm Riflescope:
Vortex exclusive RevStop zero stop system
First Focal Plane EBR-7C reticle
XD optical system
Exposed turrets
5x – 25x magnification range
Available in MOA and MRAD
Vortex Venom Riflescopes:
Remington M24:
Vortex Strike Eagle:
EuroOptic Gear:
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Vortex Venom VS Strike Eagle; the new VS the newer
Vortex Venom VS Strike Eagle; the new VS the newer
Vortex Venom VS Strike Eagle; the new VS the newer
In this video, we do a comparison from the vortex Venom 5-25x56 and the Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 same magnification specs but there's some differences between these two optics that will help you choose one over the other, I own both none of these optics were provided by any company, you in fact by enduring the adds on Youtube made this video possible!
Both optics are perfectly well suited for the long range shooter id say out to max 800-1000 with ED glass, 85 moa/110 moa of internal adjustment provides more that enough on either to complete the task, we have individual reviews completed on both of these optics see below
if you are looking to pick one up
Vortex Strike Eagle:
Optics planet:
Euro optic:
Vortex Venom:
Optics planet:
Euro Optic:
All turrets in my videos are tested using Targets from Box to bench precision if you are interested check them out:
All glass quality is represented with the Tacticam
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Vortex Venom Review
Vortex Strike eagle Vs Viper PST GenII
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Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 vs Vector Continental
more info for Vortex venom
Take the first step into long-range shooting with an optic that helps you go the distance with a ton of shooter-friendly features. Featuring a 5x mag range built into a 34mm tube for a massive amount of turret travel, the Venom® also includes our RevStop™ Zero System for a fast, easy, reliable return to zero. The EBR-7C, First Focal Plane reticle gives you accurate holds at any magnification, and an included throw lever allows for fast transitions between magnifications. It’s the quickest way to get your rifle out to 1,000 yards and beyond at a price that lets you go deep for less
Magnification 5-25x
Objective Lens Diameter 56 mm
Eye Relief 3.6 inches
Field of View ft @100 yds
Tube Size 34 mm
Turret Style Exposed Tactical
Adjustment Graduation 1/4 MOA
Travel Per Rotation 25 MOA
Max Elevation Adjustment 85 MOA
Max Windage Adjustment 85 MOA
Parallax Setting 15 yards to infinity
Length 15.3 inches
Weight 35 oz.
Info from Vortex: (strike eagle
When you're ready to step up your long-distance game, the Strike Eagle gives you more of the tools you need for less than you'd expect. Start with excellent edge-to-edge sharpness, and add a first focal plane (FFP) illuminated reticle for fast reads at any magnification and lighting situation. Add in our RevStop Zero System for a hard return to zero, and locking turrets for fast, stay-put adjustments. Build it around a 34mm tube that accommodates massive amounts of elevation and windage travel, and a throw lever for rapid magnification changes, and you've got a long-distance impact machine that'll have you wondering how you ever shot without it.
Magnification 5-25x
Objective Lens Diameter 56 mm
Eye Relief 3.7 inches
Field of View 24.0 - 5.2 ft @100 yds
Tube Size 34 mm
Elevation Turret Style Locking/Zero Stop
Windage Turret Style Locking
Adjustment Graduation 1/4 MOA
Travel Per Rotation 25 MOA
Max Elevation Adjustment 110 MOA
Max Windage Adjustment 78 MOA
Parallax Setting 15 yards to infinity
Length 14.6 inches
Weight 30.4 oz
This optic was purchased by myself with revenue generated by the channel (youtube Adds), you made this possible. thank you!
If you own one of these models, leave your experience (what you think of them in the comments below.)
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Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 upadate along with a channel update on what’s going on with some of the Gun channels here on YouTube . Guys I can’t thank you enough for sharing my channel along with so many other guys channels . It’s the only way we grow here on YouTube . Oh , and Vortex fans please don’t let this video get under your skin . But if you truly appreciate honest opinions and reviews then you have to realize sometimes a favorite brand may come up short .
Guys here are some links that will help my channel if you choose
Here is a link to my channel .
ARKEN OPTICS link . Use my code CYCLOPS at checkout to be automatically entered in a monthly give away . It is also an affiliate link which helps support my channel .
BLACKHOUND OPTICS link , shop and use my CYCLOPS code at checkout will guarantee free shipping and save you 5% . I have recently become an affiliate for Blackhound so using my code also helps support my channel .
Here is a link to my paypal account so you can help support my channel directly if you choose . You guys cannot know how much your help goes towards keeping honest reviews coming .
Every video you see here is sponsor free . I accept no money or other compensation upfront for any review or video . Many times the item reviewed is donated to my channel , that’s how I can have so many giveaways to my viewership. Enjoy my channel , and share with your friends . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 VS the Viper PST GENII 5-25x50 FULL COMPARISON
vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 VS the Viper PST GENII 5-25x50 FULL COMPARISON
vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 VS the Viper PST GEN2 5-25x50 FULL COMPARISON
In this video, we compare the Vortex Strike eagle 5-25x56 FFP with the Vortex Viper PST GENII 5-25x50 FFP
both quality optic made and designed for Precision rifle series competition style shooting , an long range target shooting.
We tested the new Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 on the Tikka T3X Varmint in .223 and .308 (in a separate review) as we did with the Viper PST Gen 2. if you are looking for the results of the turret tracking you will need to see the original reviews (in short both track phenomenally well) the Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 is likely Vortex`s currently one of the most popular model for a few reasons (shown in the video) the optic that MSRP’s at 799 USD (although can be commonly found at 700 USD).
This optic isn’t a budget scope, this Optic packs all of the desirable features that most optics in the 1200 price range provide.
the most important notable features being: ED glass (Extra-low dispersion (XD) glass increases resolution and color fidelity, resulting in crisp, sharp images) , 56mm mm objective, longer eye relief,34 mm tube that holds 110 moa`s worth of adjustment, (47 moa with the zero stop) Glass etched reticle (EBR7C moa/mil) really audible and positive turrets, and a hard stop zero stop (revstop) we show a how to install the zero stop in this video.
If you are in Canada check out
Vortex Strike Eagle:
Optics planet:
Euro optic:
viper PST Gen II
optics planet:
Euro Optic:
All turrets in my videos are tested using Targets from Box to bench precision if you are interested check them out:
for the complete review on them individually check out:
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 Review
Vortex Viper PST GenII 5-25x50 FFP Review
and here are some other videos you might enjoy:
Vortex Diamondback Tactical 6-24x50 Review
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 vs Vector Continental 4-24x56
Vortex Crossfire II 3-9x40
Info from Vortex:
When you're ready to step up your long-distance game, the Strike Eagle gives you more of the tools you need for less than you'd expect. Start with excellent edge-to-edge sharpness, and add a first focal plane (FFP) illuminated reticle for fast reads at any magnification and lighting situation. Add in our RevStop Zero System for a hard return to zero, and locking turrets for fast, stay-put adjustments. Build it around a 34mm tube that accommodates massive amounts of elevation and windage travel, and a throw lever for rapid magnification changes, and you've got a long-distance impact machine that'll have you wondering how you ever shot without it.
Magnification 5-25x
Objective Lens Diameter 56 mm
Eye Relief 3.7 inches
Field of View 24.0 - 5.2 ft @100 yds
Tube Size 34 mm
Elevation Turret Style Locking/Zero Stop
Windage Turret Style Locking
Adjustment Graduation 1/4 MOA
Travel Per Rotation 25 MOA
Max Elevation Adjustment 110 MOA
Max Windage Adjustment 78 MOA
Parallax Setting 15 yards to infinity
Length 14.6 inches
Weight 30.4 oz
The Viper PST Gen II hands an unfair advantage to shooters who seek to keep the upper hand in every situation from close quarters to long-range shots. The illumination dial is cleanly integrated into the side focus adjustment knob for easy access and streamlined performance.
Magnification 5-25x
Objective Lens Diameter 50 mm
Eye Relief 3.4 inches
Field of View ft/100 yds
Tube Size 30 mm
Turret Style Tactical
Adjustment Graduation 1/4 MOA
Travel Per Rotation 25 MOA
Max Elevation Adjustment 70 MOA
Max Windage Adjustment 35 MOA
Parallax Setting 25 yards to infinity
Length inches
Weight 31.2 oz
These optics was purchased by myself, Although we did get a discount on the PST GEN2
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#vortexstrikeeagle #vortexoptics #vortexnation #vortexscopes #riflescope #Affordableoptics Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thanks for checking out the video. This video goes over the details of the new Vortex Optics Strike Eagle 5x25x56 rifle scope. Some of the topics covered are the unboxing and packaging, the Rev Stop System, Glass caparison, and video of sending some rounds down range.
So what are my initial thoughts... I really like this scope. 10 Mil turrets, the Rev Zero Stop, locking windage and elevation, the new EBR-7C reticle, positive clicks for both windage and elevation. Below is a link to read up on all the information about the new scope.
I mounted this on a CZ 455 in a PDC customs chassis that I use for NRL22 competitions. I this this scope is a great fit for someone looking at getting into NRL22 or NRL22X while staying under the $1000 MSRP price point for glass.
If I had to spend the money again would I buy this optic? Yes, I feel this is a good fit for my application of NRL22 style shooting. Does that mean this is a 22lr scope? By all means no, I could just as easily put this on an AR platform and been just as impressed. In fact, when I complete my 6.5 CM build I plan to run this scope during the break in process just to try it on a larger caliber.
I have seen many people in the comment sections of social media posts asking about the glass. Well, I think it is pretty nice. In the video I compared it the a Diamondback Tactical and a Viper PST Gen II and all three preformed well. The 275 yard target I used was in the shade and all three scope seems to have some issue with clarity in the video but that could just be the use of a Phone Skope and phone rather than the bare eye looking though it. Over all my eye isn't good enough to tell major difference's in glass, even though Vortex states that the glass is a Viper PST Gen II is better quality than the Strike Eagle. I just can't tell. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 vs Vector Continental 4-24x56
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 vs Vector Continental 4-24x56
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 vs Vector Continental 4-24x56
in this video we compare two beasts of optics, the Vortex strike eagle 5-25x56 FFP and the Vector Continenal 4-24x56 FFP, both of these optics have all of the essential features:
wide magnification range, tons of internal adjustment, a zero stop, Christmas tree style reticles and top shelf glass! but there has to be a victor between the two wich one will it be? the Vector continental 4-24x56 FFP or the Vortex strike eagle 5-25x56 FFP? in this video we find out!
how if you are interested in picking either of these up here is the link:
for the Vector Continental 4-24x56 ffp:
for the Vortex Strike eagle 5-25x56 ffp
Amazon .com
or Palmeto State Armouri
if You enjoyed this video you will likely enjoy:
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 vs Vortex Viper HST 6-24x50
Vector Continental 4-24x56 FFP
Vortex Diamondback Tactical 6-24x50 Review
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 vs Vector Continental 4-24x56
Vortex Crossfire II 3-9x40
Vortex Diamondback hp 4-16x42
Rudolph T1 6-24x50 review
All turrets in my videos are tested using Targets from Box to bench precision if you are interested check them out:
Info from Vortex:
When you're ready to step up your long-distance game, the Strike Eagle gives you more of the tools you need for less than you'd expect. Start with excellent edge-to-edge sharpness, and add a first focal plane (FFP) illuminated reticle for fast reads at any magnification and lighting situation. Add in our RevStop Zero System for a hard return to zero, and locking turrets for fast, stay-put adjustments. Build it around a 34mm tube that accommodates massive amounts of elevation and windage travel, and a throw lever for rapid magnification changes, and you've got a long-distance impact machine that'll have you wondering how you ever shot without it.
Magnification 5-25x
Objective Lens Diameter 56 mm
Eye Relief 3.7 inches
Field of View 24.0 - 5.2 ft @100 yds
Tube Size 34 mm
Elevation Turret Style Locking/Zero Stop
Windage Turret Style Locking
Adjustment Graduation 1/4 MOA
Travel Per Rotation 25 MOA
Max Elevation Adjustment 110 MOA
Max Windage Adjustment 78 MOA
Parallax Setting 15 yards to infinity
Length 14.6 inches
Weight 30.4 oz
info from Vector
info From Vector:
Serial number: SCFF-29
Magnification: 4-24x
Objective Lens Dia.: 56mm
Ocular Lens Dia.: 42mm / 1.7 inch
Ocular Lens Length: 54mm / 2.1 inch
Exit Pupil:
Optics Coating: Fully-multi coat diamond clear
Field of View: feet @100 yards
Field of View: °
Eye Relief: 100mm / 4.0 inch
Length: 362mm / 14.3 inch
Weight: 780g / 27.5 ounce
Tube Dia.: 34mm Monotube
Click Value: 1/10 MIL
Elevation Range: 34MIL
Windage Range: 20MIL
Parallax Setting: 100 yards
Side Focus: 10 Yds to infinite
Reticle: Etched glass VCT-34FFP
Illumination: 6 gear red
Battery type: CR2032
Length of middle turret part: 48mm (1.9 inch)
Shock tested to 1000g, water proof at 1 meter for 30 min
Fully nitrogen purged to eliminate any fogging of the lenses internally
100 clicks per round, turret lock and zero stop feature
High quality 6061 T6 aircraft grade aluminum
Focus mark: 10,15, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500 and infinite
Diopter compensation from fast-focus eyepiece (+2 to -3)
Including items: 34mm picatinny high rings (default) or weaver or dovetail rings, sunshade, instruction, lens caps and cleaning cloth
Vector Optics Top Premium Line That Can Compete Most Worldwide Famous Brand Optics
34mm Monotube Made of 6061 T6, First Focal Plane Scope with German Schott ED HD Glass
German Optics System by Using LaREE Lens & VePRO FMC, 90% Light Transmission
Very Little Distortion, Extra-Low Dispersion, Excellent for Dawn, Dusk Even at Night Shooting
True 6x Zoom Factor, Constant 4" Eye Relief without Inside Dark Ring Around Image
6 Levels Red Illumination, Side Focus Parallax Min Starts from 10 Yards to Infinite
Adjustment System Made of 7075 T6 That Never Snag on Anything and Never Get Turned
1/10MIL Adjustment Zero-Stop & Turret Lock, 100 Clicks per Round, 34MIL Elevation Range
Etched Glass VCT-34FFP Tactical MIL Reticle, Center Dot Illuminated with Digital Lines & Dots
Take Lapua Magnum 338 Recoil and All Fields of Application for Hunting, Sporting & Competition
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Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP Riflescope
Optics Warehouse Director, Shaun Ellis takes a look at the IOR Crusader 2.0 riflescope.
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP EBR-7C MRAD Rifle Scope:
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP EBR-7C MOA Riflescope:
Leave a comment below. We'd love to know your thoughts!
And remember to hit Subscribe for more Videos from Optics Warehouse.
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#1 UK Shooting Optics Shop | 70yrs+ Expert Knowledge | Worldwide Shipping | 60 Day Scope-Out Guarantee | Best Prices & Biggest Brands!
At Optics Warehouse, you’ll find the widest selection of quality Rifle Scopes and Mounting Systems available anywhere in the UK. We also offer a huge selection of Red Dots, Thermal and Night Vision gear, Spotting Scopes and Binoculars. In addition, we stock an expansive range of shooting accessories including everything you'll need to get out in the field. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25 vs PST Gen 2 5-25 (what is with these turrets?)
We take a look at the established Vortex PST Gen 2 and compare it to the relative new Strike Eagle 5-25. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x RevStop Zero Stop Travel Explained
Quick video showing why the zero stop limits the amount of available elevation adjustment. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Find Here:
Vortex Strike Eagle Riflescope Review
In this video we go over the fit, finish and feel of the Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 scope. We go over the features, glass quality and durability. Hope you enjoy this review of the Vortex Strike Eagle.
Disclaimer: Do not attempt any stunts seen on this channel. Actors are trained firearms professionals. Always follow manufacturer’s instructions. Minors should not handle firearms without parental supervision. This video or description may contain affiliate links. Bullets4Bucks is a participant in affiliate advertising programs designed to provide income.
Disclosure: Some products are provided by companies as samples or by friends for testing and evaluation.
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Bullets4Bucks is a product of Pure Wyoming Productions LLC, an Wyoming Limited Liability Company. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to mount your new rifle scope - Vortex Strike Eagle
In this video, I show you how to mount the new Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56, FFP, EBR-7C (MOA) Reticule rifle scope.
Always ensure your firearm is safe before use:
1. Safety Catch applied.
2. Magazine removed / Integral magazine emptied.
3. Chamber, bolt face and action (magazine well) clear of rounds and empty cases.
4. Working parts/bolt fully open and locked.
00:00 Intro
00:14 Attach bottom half of the scope rings to the rail (pushing them as far forward in the Picatinny rail as they will go).
00:19 Set the scope into the rings.
00:25 Lay behind the rifle in a comfortable position
00:33 Move the scope back and forth to determine the correct eye relief.
00:57 Mount the rifle a few times to check it is correct.
01:06 Place the top rings on without disturbing the scope position.
01:12 Insert the bolts.
01:42 Screw the bolts so that the top rings remain loose.
01:50 Use a bubble to level the scope without disturbing the eye relief (Scope position). Note: Before this stage, ensure you have levelled the rifle too by using a level bubble on the Picatinny rail and propping up the bipod so its 100% level.
02:00 Nice and level :)
02:03 Tighten the bolts without disturbing the level bubble. Work bolts in diagonals across from each other to ensure they are tightened evenly.
02:14 Fit the throw lever so the throw handle is on the middle magnification (12).
02:26 Ensure its still level.
02:30 Scope now mounted :)
02:36 Nice and low scope height.
Thank you for watching, please like and subscribe.
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NEW Vortex Venom 5-25x56 FFP (not the Vortex Strike Eagle)
Vortex venom the newest vortex
What rifle should it go on 338 lapua magnum, 7mm rem mag, 270 win, or 6.5 Creedmoor Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here is how to mount and adjust the scope and my test of it. Because of the length of the video I was not able (too lazy, too busy) to add the subtitles. Sorry, Czech language only this time... Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How To Zero The Vortex Strike Eagle
John Farbrother - 2018 BFTA & WFTC Springer champion - demonstrates how to zero the Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56.
You can the Strike Eagle at:
Leave a comment below. We'd love to know your thoughts!
And remember to hit Subscribe for more Videos from Optics Warehouse.
SHOP Optics Warehouse:
#1 UK Shooting Optics Shop | 70yrs+ Expert Knowledge | Worldwide Shipping | 60 Day Scope-Out Guarantee | Best Prices & Biggest Brands!
At Optics Warehouse, you’ll find the widest selection of quality Rifle Scopes and Mounting Systems available anywhere in the UK. We also offer a huge selection of Red Dots, Thermal and Night Vision gear, Spotting Scopes and Binoculars. In addition, we stock an expansive range of shooting accessories including everything you'll need to get out in the field. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Element Titan vs Vortex Strike Eagle
Element Titan vs Vortex Strike Eagle
In this video, we compare the Element Titan 5-25x56 with the Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 two beast of an an optical instruments. both optic have lots of internal adjustment zero stops long eye relief, wide magnification and great ED glass! Additional they are both considered on the higher end of the affordable spectrum, Today we take a look at both of them side by side to help you make the choice of witch one is right for you, both of these optic have their individual reviews completed on them all the tracking has been done to ensure they both meet that as an expectation coming into the comparison
if you are looking to pick ne up here are some links!
Strike Eagle:
Optics planet:
Element Optics Titan
Optics planet:
also for long range this tool can greatly help you
Kestrel 5600 elite with applied ballistics you want this one:
All turrets in my videos are tested using Targets from Box to bench precision if you are interested check them out:
All glass quality is represented with the Tacticam
if You enjoyed this video you will likely enjoy:
Arken SH-4 Gen2 6-24x50
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 review
Athlon Argos BTR GEN II 6-24x50
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 vs Vortex Viper HST 6-24x50 comparison
Vortex Viper PST Gen 2 5-25x50 review
Vortex Crossfire II 3-9x40
Info from Element
EXIT PUPIL 11.2–2.1
FIELD OF VIEW @100yds: (4.6°°)
CLICK VALUE 1/4 MOA (25 MOA / REV) 1/10 MRAD (10 MRAD / REV)
LENGTH Inches 385mm
WEIGHT 39oz 1105gr
The Element Titan was provided for review by Element Optics, the Vortex Strike Egle was purchased by the channel. no financial compensation is permitted for reviews and the review was not reviewed by Element or Vortex prior to its publication.
If you own one of these models, leave your experience (what you think of them in the comments below.)
If you would like to join the discussion join our Facebook group:
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Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 vs Viper HST 6-24x50 : the OLD vs the NEW and improved
, In this video, we compare the ever popular the Vortex Strike eagle 5-25x56 FFP with Viper HST 6-24x50, both quality optics in the Vortex optics lineup.
neither optic are considered budget and both carry a reasonable price tag for the features they come with, obviously one more than the other. the most important feature either of these optics have is the ED glass (Extra-low dispersion (XD) glass increases resolution and color fidelity, resulting in crisp, sharp images) and both have a zero stop.
find out witch one is the best long range riflescope
Ensure you shop around for the best price, SKU SE-52503
Amazon .com
(for the Strike Eagle)
(for the Viper HST)
Amazon Canada:
(for Viper HST)
Or Palmetto State Armory
(for the Strike Eagle)
(for the Viper HST)
All turrets in my videos are tested using Targets from Box to bench precision if you are interested check them out:
if You enjoyed this video you will likely enjoy:
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 ffp review
Vortex Diamondback Tactical 6-24x50 Review
Vortex Crossfire II 3-9x40
Vortex Diamondback hp 4-16x42
Rudolph T1 6-24x50 review
Info from Vortex:
When you're ready to step up your long-distance game, the Strike Eagle gives you more of the tools you need for less than you'd expect. Start with excellent edge-to-edge sharpness, and add a first focal plane (FFP) illuminated reticle for fast reads at any magnification and lighting situation. Add in our RevStop Zero System for a hard return to zero, and locking turrets for fast, stay-put adjustments. Build it around a 34mm tube that accommodates massive amounts of elevation and windage travel, and a throw lever for rapid magnification changes, and you've got a long-distance impact machine that'll have you wondering how you ever shot without it.
-NEW Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP
Magnification 5-25x
Objective Lens Diameter 56 mm
Eye Relief 3.7 inches
Field of View 24.0 - 5.2 ft @100 yds
Tube Size 34 mm
Elevation Turret Style Locking/Zero Stop
Windage Turret Style Locking
Adjustment Graduation 1/4 MOA
Travel Per Rotation 25 MOA
Max Elevation Adjustment 110 MOA
Max Windage Adjustment 78 MOA
Parallax Setting 15 yards to infinity
Length 14.6 inches
Weight 30.4 oz
-Vortex Viper HST 6-24x50 second focal plane VMR-1 reticle (moa or mrad)
SKU VHS-4325
Magnification 6-24x
Objective Lens Diameter 50 mm
Eye Relief 4.0 inches
Field of View ft/100 yds
Tube Size 30 mm
Turret Style Tactical
Adjustment Graduation 1/4 MOA
Travel Per Rotation 12 MOA
Max Elevation Adjustment 65 MOA
Max Windage Adjustment 65 MOA
Parallax Setting 50 yards to infinity
Length inches
Weight 22.6 oz
These optics were purchased by myself and this is not a sponsored video
If you own one of these models, leave your experience (what you think of them in the comments below.) If you would like to join the discussion join our Facebook group:
or you can follow our facebook page:
Consider supporting me on Patreon : Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is my review video, take it for what its worth. I'm sorry it's so long but I wanted to do a good job and show everything I wanted to see in a video.
If you liked it, please like and subscribe.
Pros: Excellent glass, large tube, good eye relief, clear reticle with/without illumination, easy to work with, comes with throw lever/battery, wallet friendly price.
Cons: Tight parallax adjustment, loose windage/elevation turrets, no off between illumination numbers, comes with rubber bra instead of flip caps, "heavy duty" cap tool strips easily. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Optic Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25-56 | NEW 2020 Optic First Impressions
Buy the StrikeEagle 5-25-56 MOA here:
Buy the StrikeEagle 5-25-56 MRAD here:
For ammo deals check out True Shot Gun Club:
For firearms insurance check out Right To Bear: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to set the Strike Eagle® 5-25x56 FFP. 5-25x56 FFP RevStop™ Zero System
Unlock it, remove it, set it, and send it - the four simple steps to setting the Rev Stop Zero System on the brand-new Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP riflescope. Watch it in action right here.
Connect with Vortex Optics:
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Shooting Long Distance with Vortex Strike Eagle: 5-25X56 at 600 yards
Shooting at 600 yard steel targets with my 300 Win Mag
Remington 300 Winchester Magnum
Hornady ELD-X 178 grain
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 (MOA)
Boyd’s Varmit Thumbhole stock Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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