Кулі Hades від компанії JSB відрізняються оригінальним дизайном. Головна частина кулі відлита у формі трьох зведених разом пелюсток. Таким чином, перед вами експансивна куля для пневматичних гвинтівок. Розкриття може бути корисним, наприклад, при стрільбі по мішенях і відчутно знижувати рикошет.
В іншому ж - це класична куля Diabolo з усіма властивими їй перевагами.
Всем привет. Сегодня отстреливаем экспансивки в калибре 5,5 в баллистический гель, который я сварил сам. Стреляем как обычно из тайпана мутанта стандарта. Дистанция 50 метров. Пули на тесте JSB Hades, JSB Predator, JSB Express. Смотрите что из этого получилось.
отстрел на кучность
варим баллистический гель
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Сравнение экспансивных пуль JSB Hades и Predator Polymag
Сегодня мы сравним 2 вида популярных экспансивных пуль в калибре от компании JSB. Поможет нам в этом винтовка Ataman ML15
Predator Polymag Охотничья свинцовая пуля () калибра с пластмассовым сердечником, который поднимает перо серой птицы.
Предназначены для охоты на садовых вредителей и пернатую дичь.
Запатентованная в Америке система пуль состоящих из двух частей: свинцового тела и вставленного в него острого наконечника.
Высота пульки 10 мм.
Калибр: мм
Вес: гр
Упаковка: 150 шт.
Год выпуска: 2019
Охотничьи пули Hades для пневматики. Новинка 2019 года.
В головной части три углубления, по которым пуля раскрывается при попадании по цели.
Средние по весу свинцовые пули калибра мм.
Калибр: мм
Вес: гр
Цифровой код на дне банки:
Упаковка: 300 шт.
Год выпуска: 2019
Подписчикам скидка на расходники!
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| Работаем с 10:00 до 21:00 |
| Самара, Московское шоссе, 57 |
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#пневматика #пневматическийвинтовка #оптическийприцел #винтовкаатаман #купитьатаман #винтовка #JSB #пуляпневматика #пулякупить Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Testing JSB Hades vs JSB Jumbo Heavy in Kral puncher maxi S pcp at 40 meters Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Экспансивные пули JSB Hades Diabolo грамм / cal. 177
Краткий обзор пуль для пневматических винтовок Hades грамм 4.5 мм от компании JSB Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
EDgun Leshi 2 пули HADES .25 Cal 50 м и более .(мысли в слух)
Grouping test of jsb Hades vs jsb Exact heavy diabolo gr at 30 mtrs Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
JSB Hades 22 Diabolo Pellets
JSB Hades .22 Caliber Pellets
.22 Caliber
Grain Weight
250 Count
Ammo gr
Pellet ShapeHollowpoint
Pellet Quantity500
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Johnny Muston from R&K Stockcraft is shooting terracotta ‘ballistic’ wax. He is comparing a standard 16gr JSB Exact and a JSB Hades Diablo. Find out which shoots better and does the most damage.
Fore the fulll review, go to
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The BEST Airgun HUNTING Pellet? JSB Hades DAMAGEThese pellets already have a head start on mushrooming by design, giving the pellet a huge competitive advantage in takedown ability for game.
JSB Match Diabolo Hades .22 Cal, Grain, Hollowpoint
.22 Caliber
Grain Weight
250/500 Count
Get them now! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Comparing the jsb exact .22 16g v 18g v hades for hunting using fx impact
Testing the jsb exact , jsb exact heavy and jsb hades for hunting using my fx impact Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hades or Heavy?
I was considering switching to JSB Hades from #JSB Heavy's some time ago and last week, I managed to get my hands on some Hades. This video shows the tests I did to compare the #Hades and the Heavy's - which made up my mind.
These new pellets from JSB are superb. They hit really hard, dump a load of energy and are as accurate as the JSB Heavy's - in my rifle anyway! :)
I test these against fruit, wood, metal, ballistic gel and water; and they're absolutely brilliant.
This is a 43-minute video - probably one of the longer one's I've done but I've covered a lot in it.
I'd like to say a huge thank you to my sponsors OnTarget.
OnTarget opened in March 2015 and incorporates a fully stocked Air Weapons store, a 25 yard indoor Air Weapons range and a Cafe.
Their mission is to provide the Midlands with a unique leisure destination for all air rifle shooting enthusiasts, whether you are a seasoned shooter or just want to try out the sport for the first time.
Check out their website and jump to their YouTube channel to learn more!
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Why do animals jump/kick after a head shot:
Kills, misses and bad shots:
The Brown Rat:
Video Resources:
#arpc #airriflepestcontrol #arpcvideo
Date: May 2020
Ref: 2020 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Squirrel Hunting with the .25 cal JSB Hades (oofda!)
I got a tin of the new’ish JSB Hades in .25 to test with a little backyard hunting for Squirrels with the EDgun Leshiy.
All footage is shot through the ATN X Sight 4K or ATN Thor 4 Thermal scope and Tactacam 5.0 cameras downrange.
Looking for some behind the scenes action? Come follow EDgun Leshiy on Instagram:
#EDgunLeshiy #PestControl #Hunting #SquirrelHunting #AirgunHunting
***** Club Leshiy *****
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If you’re enjoying the content, and want to support the channel to help offset the time and expense, checkout:
For the complete rundown of my kit, you can go here:
Quick access to products I use in this video:
EDgun West:
ATN Corp: *
Mystery Ranch: *
Air Tanks For Sale:
Cabela’s: *
Hades Pellet:
If you’re looking for an all-in-one scope with night vision, normal day, and a sweet digital camera, ATN is having some amazing sales to make them even more affordable.
ATN 4K Refurbished 3-14x *:
ATN 4K Refurbished 5-20x *:
ATN Thor4 LT 4-8x Refurbished *:
ATN New Rebate on all products (up to $500 off) *:
If you have a product or company you’d like me to highlight within a video, I’ve opened up opportunities to do so. For full details, please go to:
(*) affilate links
**** Disclaimer / Warning ****
This video contains footage of pest control. Squirrels are humanely killed in accordance with all laws. Graphic sections have been removed so you don’t get butt hurt. I do not do this to glorify the death of animals. While I certainly toe the line between entertainment and hunting, I do so by showing educational footage on how to humanely dispatch a pest. The fact is this is 1000x more humane than the traps and poison sold at every hardware and grocery store.
If you have an issue with this… please don’t watch. For some insane reason, you still will… but don’t say you weren’t warned. One suggestion… go buy a home, and then let me know how you feel when these critters try and destroy it. You’ll either go one of 2 routes… 1) poison, because you’re not man enough to do it yourself, or 2) you have a change of heart, and realize pest control is 100% needed, and an airgun makes it so that the animal doesn’t suffer.
**** “use a real gun”, “these animals suffered”, etc etc ****
I understand you may feel the need to tell me to use a “real” gun. May I suggest you checkout sites like and to see how modern airguns are not what we had as kids. These airguns are fully capable of humanely taking down mid to large game. In fact, for small game and pests, I tune them way down. Finally, firearms are NOT legal, or safe to shoot in urban backyards. The laws are different from state to state and city to city, but airguns, in some capacity are legal and a humane way of dispatching pests.
Thanks for reading! Make sure to subscribe and click the notification bell so you never miss an upcoming video! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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JSB Hades .177 Pellet Review PART 1/2
Is JSB Hades PELLET in .177 cal the best hunting pellet of 2022?
Find out in this two part series....
Crosman Break Barrel .177 with 15 FPE Power at the muzzle
Thanks for watching! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
H&N and JSB, I have a look at their accuracy at 60m, I know they expand at these speeds: previous video: . How will the fare at 60m?
Latest tests:
High Power pellet test .22 60m
Light weight slug .22
Pest Control: Hunting pellet or normal pellet
.22 Hunting pellets optimal speed
.22 Ultimate speed for accuracy
JSB and AA test and conclusion 50m
H&N 50m accuracy tests sub
Battle of the 10gr pellets sub 12
JSB Head size accuracy
Head size and accuracy
Ultimate H&N Hunter Pellet Test
Ultimate H&N Competition Pellet Test
Can an iPad stop a bullet?
220 yards 30gr javelin shot
50m pellet comparison in WIND Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Сравнение "прилета" пуль JSB EXACT Diabolo 0.547гр. разных партий
Сравнение "прилета" пуль JSB EXACT Diabolo гр. разных партий выпуска.
Вывод: с диаметром юбки 4,53 плотнее входит в ствол и летит правее, выше и кучнее. У 4,51 иногда присутствуют небольшие отрывы и чувствуется как пули по разному входят в ствол при заряжании.
Дистанция 25 метров, тир, WH 97K, HAWKE Airmax 6-24x50 на кратности х24, упор - мешок для стрельбы. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Testing the .30 Hades and here to show and tell you what Ive found so far. Stay tuned for more farmyard carnage!
Impact MK2 .30 425mm
JSB .30 Hades- 890 fps
Element Optics Helix 6-24x50 SFP
Eaglevision Scope Rings
Donnyfl Tanto
Saber Tactical Buttpad
Sideshot Gopro 7/Eaglevision lens
Red Wing Blackbird info:
Disclaimer: Video contains graphic pest control clips, please do not watch if likely offended. The pest birds taken in this video are invasive to our ecosystem and cost farmers millions of dollars in damage to equipment and buildings and feed loss every year, not to mention the disease they spread and are especially susceptible to contracting due to their consumption of waste/scavenger like tendencies. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This video includes pellet expansion in water as well as accuracy testing of the .25 caliber Hades pellet by JSB. The pellet is compared to the 25 grain and 33 grain JSB diabolo pellets for accuracy at 50 yards and expansion in water.
CAUTION: THIS VIDEO ALSO CONTAINS PEST ANIMAL SHOOTING FOOTAGE. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
.22 cal, JSB Hades Pellets, accuracy results. 1st outing with them. Shooting at 960 fps due to CURRENT tune on 22 Target Custom Air Rifle. ." CtC groups at 60 yrds with TOO FAST speeds. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
JSB Hades .177 Compared to JSB Heavy Pellets Wildcat mk2 part 2
JSB Hades .177 Pellets Wildcat mk2 part 2,
A bit more pellet testing and comparing to the JSB heavy pellets which are the same weight of grain. Accuracy compared anyway not impact on quarry. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
JSB Hades .30 | Ballistics Gel Testing | shooter1721
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GoPro 8
DJI Ronin-SC Pro Combo - Camera Stabilizer 3-Axis Gimbal
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I made this video just to see how it does with where I have my settings set for the king heavy pellets. I am thinking about harmonic tuning it (Adjusting the hammer spring tensioner screw and putting it at either 140 bar or 150) to get it to 910 to 920 FPS. I believe that it'll be a lot more accurate even at further distances. Please let me know if you don't like something in my video. I am trying to make it really good. I love making these videos for y'all. Let me know what you want to see. It does not even need to have to do with airguns. I do just about anything sportsman and a lot of handyman things. What do y'all want to see? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
pellet test - .177 jsb hades vs mako slugs - sub 12 - accuracy
In today's video there will be a pellet test from the jsb hades vs the mako slugs, i have always used a pellet to hunt and i am happy to be running this test, the slug scene is new to me i have seen a few reviews and they all say there only good in FAC, since i had some of the makos to test i have to disagree. Thank you very much for taking your time to read this and i hope you all enjoy the video keep safe all the best
#jsb #testofpellet #bestpelletever #mostaccuratepellet
#fximpact #accuracytest impacttest
pellet test - .177 jsb hades vs mako slugs - sub 12 - accuracy Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
UPDATE: I am aware that the BC’s of the two very different projectiles are highly different. The slugs definitely have a lot better BC than the pellets. I miss spoke when I said BC. Please forgive my verbal vomit. I usually edit absolute wrong information out, but this one slipped past me. Thanks
You typically would not compare these two projectiles. That's just the thing; when the FX factory says, "these are hybrid slugs, meant to bridge the gap between slugs and pellets”, then that would leave one to think that one should perform like the other. They said specifically that you would not need the slug liner. That is a huge selling point if it is true. I set out on a quest to determine if it is truth or a lie. I have concluded that they were telling the truth. No slug liner is necessary to run these slugs. The only difference is that you will need to adjust your regulator pressure to accommodate the added weight of the Hybrid slug vs a grain Hades. My PCP is running at 120 BAR and power level max. Harmonic tuning has put me at 13 turns from max. My PCP is running 920 FPS with Hades pellets and 720 with the FX Hybrid Slugs. Both are accurate, but the slugs do not expand at that speed. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hi everybody! This video is our Baker Airguns FULL REVIEW of the JSB Hades 25 caliber pellet. Does the bigger 25 live up to the high standards of the 22 caliber Hades? You'll have to watch to find out. Below is a link to the 25 caliber Hades on , as well as a link to the written review of these pellets.
Link to .25 Hades for purchase:
Link to Baker Airguns 25 Hades Blog/Written Report:
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So here we have my views on the JSB Hades Pellet.... i'm sure i'm going to get flamed for this but my results are what the are. this is at least the third time i've filmed these tests with similar results found on all occasions.
Yes i will be revisiting these pellets in an attempt to see if the results can be improved.
as always if you have any comments or questions feel free to post them below!
we can also be be found on Facebook & Instagram.
enjoy! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Examining the effectiveness of the JSB Hades pellets on pigeons during some Industrial area culling Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hi everyone! This video is a FULL REVIEW of the new JSB Hades .22 caliber frangible hunting pellets. This is the best, and most realistic, testing of the Hades that you will find. For more on the Hades pellets, please visit our blog here:
Link to Hades Pellets:
Link to Pelletgage:
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Hades Pellets
AAR channels bring you the latest News and Reviews of products in the world of airguns, air rifles, air pistols, accessories and all things Airgun related.
Below are all the links I can recommend for finding out more about the items shown in the video.
Andy is the Host and a hobby Air gunner and video maker and produces the AAR channels during his spare time. The Production team consists of Andy, Mrs AAR, Karl and Luke. No remuneration is received for the production of these videos. We hope you enjoy the Videos and channels, please always
shoot safely and within the Laws relating to your country, and please ensure you are respectful of the Law and others at all times.
Theme Music and all Music used in the AAR videos are produced by AAR using non-copyright music loops from Apple Garage Band and are supplied by Apple on a royalty free basis for all to use
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Тестуємо 8 пістолетів на ПОТУЖНІСТЬ. Яку пневматику обрати?
Сьогодні ми взяли 8 пневматичних пістолетів - моноблоків з асортименту торгової мережі ZBROIA, щоб перевірити швидкість, точність і дати оцінку за параметром ЦІНА vs ЯКІСТЬ:
0:00 - що і як тестуємо
1:10 - огляд і відстріл Umarex UX MCP
2:21 - пістолет Borner PM49
3:35 - пістолет KWC РМ
4:42 - пістолет Voltran Ekol ES P66 C
6:11 - пістолет SAS Taurus 24/7
7:21 - пістолет ИЖМЕХ МР-654
8:51 - пістолет Voltran Ekol ES 66 C
10:17 - пістолет SAS Pro 2022
11:23 - найпотужніший пневматичний пістолет
11:58 - найточніший пнеатичний пістолет
12:31 - найдешеший пневматичний пістолет
12:55 - найкращий пневмат ЦІНА/ЯКІСТЬ
Увесь асортимент мневматиячної зброї без ліцензії тут Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
JSB Hades 15.9gr...as good as 18.1gr Diabolo?!? Accuracy Test @ 50 Yards
My first test of what appears to be a VERY VERY accurate hunting pellet; new from JSB.
Pellet: JSB
Gun: FX Dream Lite
ScopeCam: Side-Shot Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Diana 52, выбор пули(H&N baracuda match или JSB Heavy Diabolo) Часть 1
В данном ролике проведем стравнительный тест пуль H&N baracuda match 0,69г. и JSB Heavy Diabolo 0,67г. из пневматической винтовки Diana 52 и определим, какие пули больше Дианка любит! Надеюсь это видео будет полезно!!!
PS: в данном ролике будет стрельба на 15м с упора. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thanks to my buddy MONKEYDAD1969 (Joe) over at Predator International, I've got my hands on a tin of the newly introduced JSB Hades .30 cal pellets. Instead of a traditional open cavity HP, JSB took a different approach and designed the HP to look something like the Radioactive symbol. JSB is the leading pellet manufacturer for Air gun Ammunition and has been for a very long time and their innovation and success carries on into the HADES pellets. The Hades line of pellets has hit the Airgunning world like a storm and has had much success in the other caliber. Lets see if the .30 cal version can live up to the hype! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Right, this one has taken a while to make, so much to learn and test.
This is my results, every rifle is different - but after 6 weeks this is the science I have.
For all you nuclear scientists out their, I did not go to Cambridge or Bolton University - but…..I can tell you -
Sub 12, yep they are accurate for hunting, they hit harder than an pellet, no they don’t fragment in water - unless you are shooting high power and then they split apart like an orange. Am sure someone will post hunting footage of these in the future.
I would however in High Power still use the Hades .22 or the .25 version - why wouldn’t you if you had the choice.
UK - Yep - you now have a new choice of hunting pellet for .177
UK - Just be aware depending on your rifles valving will depend on how well they push that extra weight.
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DISCLAIMER: This video is meant for educational, documentary and research purposes only. Any work on airguns and airgun accessories should be carried out by a proficient licensed professional. Neither “The Airgun Gear Show” it’s host or anyone connected to the show, You Tube, Google or parent company can will be held liable for any injury or damage resulting from attempting to duplicate anything shown in this video. This video is for pure review purposes only. We do not sell airguns, airgun parts, or airgun equipment. By viewing this video, you are acknowledging the contents of this disclaimer. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Comparing the JSB Hades .177 to a standard diabolo pellet at 20 yards
In this video I test the latest JSB Hades in .177 for accuracy and ballistic performance at 20 yards. A future video will see how well it does out to longer ranges. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I managed to #test the #JSB #Hades in #.177 - Here is the results and my initial thoughts on the JSB Hades.
This test was done with the old faithful #Artemis #CP2/#Diana #Chaser
Something to keep in mind is that in .177 and in the lower power bracket (sub 12ft/lb) the pellet deformation is not such a big factor as in higher power Air rifles.
If you want to Improve your accuracy remember to visit the below playlist
If you love your CP2 as much as I do remember to check out this playlist
Happy Shooting! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Field test of the .25 cal JSB Hades pellet in the Brocock Bantam Sniper HR
This video is part one of a multi-part series
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30 calibre pellet test JSB EXACT,JSB HADES, VORTEX STRIKE.
.25 Cal PELLET TEST - JSB Hades vs NSA Slugs vs Dome Pellet
Rossi is out on the range running a .25 cal pellet test to see what the damage looks like from JSB dome pellets, JSB Hades diabolo pellet, and several Nielsen's specialty ammo slugs varying in grains. He is testing with the .25 caliber Air Arms Galahad! This test should reveal what you might want to use in hunting Hades vs. NSA Slugs?
What are your thoughts on these pellets?
JSB Hades:
NSA Pellets:
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.22 cal Pellet Ballistics Gel Test Hades, Polymags, and more!
In this video I will be testing a few different pellets using Ballistics Gel and the Ataman BP17. The results are very surprising! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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