Meteor Evo є однією з найуспішніших серій в лінійці BSA.
Пневматична гвинтівка BSA Meteor Evo GRT базується на моделі Meteor Evo, але має ряд удосконалень, які переводять цю гвинтівку на якісно новий рівень. Замість пружинно-поршневої системи вона використовує в якості джерела енергії газовий поршень GRT (Gas Ram Technology). Переваги очевидні:
- По-перше, при пострілі стрілок відчуває меншу віддачу.
- По-друге, газовий поршень м'якше і легше рухається по циліндру, забезпечуючи постріл з меншими вібраціями в стовбурі.
- По-третє, газовий поршень має набагато більший експлуатаційний термін.
Обзор пневматической винтовки BSA Meteor EVO, калибра 4.5 мм, рассказ о винтовке, стрельба из нее, устройство данного оружия. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
BSA Comet Evo GRT. Пневматическая винтовка 4.5 мм. Обзор и полевой тест.
На обзоре в этот раз - доступная, относительно недорогая и внезапно очень крутая пневматическая винтовка от английского бренда БСА. Комет Эво - классическая винтовка магнум класса, которая с завода комплектуется отличной газовой пружиной. Несмотря на свою стоимость (около 200 долларов), винтовка показывает высокие характеристики и результаты. Скажу больше - на сегодняшний день это одна из лучших винтовок в своей ценовой категории. И чем именно она хороша - как всегда расскажу и покажу в своем ролике) Если после просмотра остались вопросы - задавайте их в комментарии, я всегда стараюсь отвечать.
P.S. Я знаю что оговорился по поводу мощности выстрела пулькой . Там 15 Дж, а не 17. Сорри)
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BSA Meteor Evo Air Rifle Review & Accuracy Test - "The Legend Lives On"
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We take a look at the BSA Meteor Evo air rifle.
Presented by Richard Saunders from Alpha Militaria - an air rifle review and information site. Richard, has been shooting air rifles for nearly forty years. Today he hunts and carries out pest control on more than a thousand acres spread across different locations in the south of England. He is a regular contributor to Airgun Shooter magazine, writing mainly hunting features and product reviews, as well The Airgun Show on YouTube.
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#Luftgewehr #BSA Meteor EVO - Review Chronytest Schusstest
BSA Meteor EVO Luftgewehr - Ein Luftgewehr mit einer Gasdruck Feder. Das britische Gewehr überzeugt beim Schusstest sowie auch beim Chronytest. In weniger als 6 Minuten bekommt ihr alle wichtigen Fakten über das günstige aber qualitativ hochwertige Luftgewehr.
Hier könnt ihr euch meine eigene Diabolo-Serie einmal genauer Anschauen!
Die AirGhandi´s Finest:
Die AirGhandi´s Training Master:
Ihr werdet begeistert sein!
Kann man auf dem Luftgewehr ein Zielfernrohr befestigen?
Ist der Abzug einstellbar?
Wie lang und schwer ist das Luftgewehr?
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Vielen Dank! :-)
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BSA Meteor Evo review. BSA Meteor Evo Silentium .22. BSA Meteor Evo air rifle.
Subscribe to Gun Mart TV for more!
Mark Camoccio checks out this new air rifle from BSA. The The new BSA Meteor Evo SILENTIUM.
Subscribe to Gun Mart TV for more!
Graham Allen has a look at a new ultra light bipod to hit the UK market.
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I shot my evo for the first time and surprisingly I hit the target Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Привет друзья! Сегодня для Вас ТОП 10 лучших пневматических винтовок. Приятного просмотра!
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BSA Meteor Air Rifle: History & Comparison | Air Armoury
Air Armoury - Episode 61 - BSA Meteor Air Rifle: History & Comparison
This month the Air Armoury's JRH looks at the history of the classic BSA Meteor air rifle, and compares some of the different Mks.
*At 11:04 I meant to say 18" was the standard length for Mks 1-3, not 1-4.
Air Armoury 'BSA Meteor / Super Meteor (Mk 4) Air Rifle' Video.
Years/Serial Numbers.
T - Meteor Mk.1 – .22 – 1959-1962
N - Meteor Mk.1 – .177 – 1959-1962
TA - Meteor Mk.2 – .22 – 1962-1966
TB - Meteor Mk.2 – .22 – 1966-1968
NA - Meteor Mk.2 – .177 – 1962-1966
NB - Meteor Mk.2 – .177 – 1966-1968
TD - Meteor & Super Meteor Mk.3 – .22 – 1967-1969
TE - Meteor & Super Meteor Mk.3 – .22 – 1969-1973
ND - Meteor & Super Meteor Mk.3 – .177 – 1967-1969
NE - Meteor & Super Meteor Mk.3 – .177 – 1969-1973
TG - Meteor & Super Meteor Mk.4 – .22 – 1974-1978
NG - Meteor & Super Meteor Mk.4 – .177 – 1973-1979
TH - Meteor & Super Meteor Mk.5 – .22 – 1979-1994
NH - Meteor & Super Meteor Mk.5 – .177 – 1979-1994
ZE/WE Meteor & Carbine Mk.6 – .177/.22 – 1993-2007
QF Meteor Mk.7 – .177/.22 – 2010-present
Meteor Evo
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BSA Meteor. Air gun, accurasy, Targeting, Hunting. BSA. air gun, petethewrist
Years ago We used to spend most weekends over the farm at Chrickhowel in Wales. We used to keep our caravans over there all the time. Kevin the farmer used to let us and two local lad shoot on the grounds. We had some good times over there, may again soon, now I am back into hang gliding. but these day we only shoot shot guns on a farm near Bristol air port. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bsa meteor evo بندقيه صيد ضغط هواء بي اس ايه ميتيور الانجليزيه نمره ٢
Bsa meteor evo
رقم ٢ عيار ٥.٥ (.22)
دبشك من الخشب القوي بمقامض ضد الانزلاق حتي في الطقس الممطر
الطول بالكامل ١١٢ سم
من انتاجات شركة bsa الانجليزية المتميزة فائقة الدقة
هاي باور بسرعة ٢٧٠ متر في الثانية
فون او واتس
٠١٠٠٢٧٧٧١٨٢ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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REVIEW: BSA Lightning Air Rifle - 30m Spring Air Gun Eggsplosion
** Update from BSA - The rifle in the video is the older version, we have been informed - the even newer version has even better performance**
REVIEW - BSA Lightning SE Air Rifle - Spring Powered Air Gun. Giles gets to test the pocket rocket from BSA on the range and out in the open. This air rifle can give you 30 metre accuracy for the price of a mid-range springer.
This video contains a review of a pellet / BB rifle. Its powered entirely by spring actioned compressed air and uses no gunpowder and must not be confused with any form of tactical firearm. My Targets are paper and tins.
Always shoot safely and show consideration to others around you, this review is designed entirely as an independent review.
I am a hobby job video maker, and film the latest products that I can get my hands on. NOTHING I SHOW IS FOR SALE FROM ME, these are pure reviews which are all my own work. If you wish to find out more please do a Google search on the item I am reviewing. I am not instructing you to purchase or take part in any thing you see in my video. It is for pure family entertainment purposes only. Should you wish to know more I am happy to suggest Airguns of Arizona and Braces of Bristol they have helped me over the years but a Google search may find you what your looking for.
Find me on Facebook - The Airgun Gear Show, also Instagram - airgungear and Twitter - airgungear.
Please enjoy the video’s I make.
Giles ( The Host ) Has his own channel.
DISCLAIMER: This video is meant for educational, documentary and research purposes only. Any work on airguns and airgun accessories should be carried out by a proficient licensed professional. Neither “The Airgun Gear Show” it’s host or anyone connected to the show, You Tube, Google or parent company can will be held liable for any injury or damage resulting from attempting to duplicate anything shown in this video. This video is for pure review purposes only. We do not sell airguns, airgun parts, or airgun equipment. By viewing this video, you are acknowledging the contents of this disclaimer. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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le test complet est ici:
Pour acheter nos carabines BSA:
Ce pack BSA Comet Evo Speck est vraiment bien placé en prix et surtout la précision de la carabine est redoutable! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
James Marchington is going back to his roots - Using a BSA meteor he heads off into the woods to see if he can get close enough to shoot a squirrel.
This item first appeared in AirHeads
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Risk warning: investments of this nature carry risks to your capital as well as potential rewards. Approved as a financial promotion by Envestors Limited. Which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (No. 07236828.)
Why shoot grey squirrels?
Grey squirrels are invasive pests, not native to the UK. They impact on our native wildlife, raiding nests to prey on eggs and fledglings, and they are responsible for the decline in native red squirrel numbers, likely because they carry but are immune to the parapox virus, which is fatal to red squirrels. The Wildlife Trusts estimate there are only around 140,000 native red squirrels left in the UK, compared to 2.5 million grey squirrels.
Grey squirrels cause damage to trees such as beech, oak, sycamore and chestnut. They strip bark at the base of trees which causes them to weaken and eventually to die. The UK Forestry Commission estimates grey squirrels causes £6-10 million damage to British forestry per year.
Grey squirrels have been known to damage houses and buildings by chewing on woodwork, insulation and electrical wires. They can also contaminate cold water tanks with urine and droppings. It has been illegal to keep grey squirrels (without a licence) since 1937, and it is illegal to release them into the wild.
Grey squirrels’ predators include stoats, goshawks and foxes, leaving gamekeepers, foresters and airgunners to do the main job of eradicating them. A coalition of airgunners across Anglesey successfully removed grey squirrels from the island. Other groups in Cumbria and Cornwall aim to do the same, with support from the government and private enterprise. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video I replace the main spring, the air seal, the breech seal, the shock absorber, the spring guide, the rear sight, and give the internal mechanism a thorough greasing.
The service was done using the BSA Meteor Mk1-3 full service kit, which is readily available online from various firearms shops, and includes the various seals, a Titan XS main spring, and Bisley gun grease. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Air Armoury - Episode 9 - BSA Meteor / Super Meteor (Mk 4) Air Rifle Review
The Air Armoury's JRH shooting his late Grandpa's BSA Super Meteor Mk.4.
***At 06:57 I meant to say 'painted' steel, not 'blued'.
***Despite what I say at around 07:08, the trigger is in fact adjustable for sear engagement by way of a small grub screw above the trigger blade that can only be accessed when the stock is removed. The adjustment however is limited and very hard to get right.
Air Armoury 'B2 (SMK/Westlake) Air Rifle' Video.
Air Armoury 'Wasp No 2 (Eley & Bisley) Airgun Pellets: Review & Comparison' Video.
Serial Number Letter Pefixes.
T Meteor Mk.1 – .22 – 1959-1962
N Meteor Mk.1 – .177 – 1959-1962
TA Meteor Mk.2 – .22 – 1962-1966
TB Meteor Mk.2 – .22 – 1966-1968
NA Meteor Mk.2 – .177 – 1962-1966
NB Meteor Mk.2 – .177 – 1966-1968
TD Meteor & Super Meteor Mk.3 – .22 – 1967-1969
TE Meteor & Super Meteor Mk.3 – .22 – 1969-1973
ND Meteor & Super Meteor Mk.3 – .177 – 1967-1969
NE Meteor & Super Meteor Mk.3 – .177 – 1969-1973
TG Meteor & Super Meteor Mk.4 – .22 – 1974-1978
NG Meteor & Super Meteor Mk.4 – .177 – 1973-1979
TH Meteor & Super Meteor Mk.5 – .22 – 1979-1994
NH Meteor & Super Meteor Mk.5 – .177 – 1979-1994
ZE & WE Meteor & Carbine Mk.6 – .177/.22 – 1993-2007
QF Meteor Mk.7 – .177/.22 – 2010-present
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BSA Lightning XL SE Quickfire Review
Scott from Optics warehouse takes a brief look at BSA Lightning XL SE air rifle.
For more information or to get your hands on any of the gear featured in this video visit Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Cheap Air Gunning - BSA Tactical Lightening XL [review]
In this video I give my long term review on my first ever air rifle, the BSA Tactical Lighting XL with a tactical stock. A cheap and fun little garden springer and great for any beginner to the sport
Some pellets used in the video - My Amazon Affiliate links
AA Diabolo Field Sport .22 -
JSB Jumbo Exacts .22 -
RWS Superdomes .22 -
Sovereign .22 -
BSA Tactical Lightening XL .22 air rifle. Cheap intro rifle to air gunning
To donate and support the channel click 100% of donations go into the channel Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Giles gets to unbox the cracking spring air gun the BSA Lightning SE.
For more technical details if you cannot wait for the review please click on the link below
This video contains a review of a pellet / BB rifle. Its powered entirely by spring actioned compressed air and uses no gunpowder and must not be confused with any form of tactical firearm. My Targets are paper and tins.
Always shoot safely and show consideration to others around you, this review is designed entirely as an independent review.
I am a hobby job video maker, and film the latest products that I can get my hands on. NOTHING I SHOW IS FOR SALE FROM ME, these are pure reviews which are all my own work. If you wish to find out more please do a Google search on the item I am reviewing. I am not instructing you to purchase or take part in any thing you see in my video. It is for pure family entertainment purposes only. Should you wish to know more I am happy to suggest Airguns of Arizona and Braces of Bristol they have helped me over the years but a Google search may find you what your looking for.
Find me on Facebook - The Airgun Gear Show, also Instagram - airgungear and Twitter - airgungear.
Please enjoy the video’s I make.
Giles ( The Host ) Has his own channel.
DISCLAIMER: This video is meant for educational, documentary and research purposes only. Any work on airguns and airgun accessories should be carried out by a proficient licensed professional. Neither “The Airgun Gear Show” it’s host or anyone connected to the show, You Tube, Google or parent company can will be held liable for any injury or damage resulting from attempting to duplicate anything shown in this video. This video is for pure review purposes only. We do not sell airguns, airgun parts, or airgun equipment. By viewing this video, you are acknowledging the contents of this disclaimer. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#Luftgewehr #BSA #Supersport SE - Review Chronytest Schusstest
Das Luftgewehr BSA Supersport SE in der Nahaufnahme, beim Schusstest und beim Chronytest. Schaut euch meinen Test über das britische Luftgewehr an. In knapp 6 Minuten erfahrt ihr alles Wichtige was ihr vor einem Kauf wissen müsst.
Ist das Luftgewehr sein Geld wert?
Lässt sich ein Zielfernrohr auf dem Luftgewehr anbringen?
Wie stark ist der Prellschlag?
Wie präzise ist das englische Luftgewehr?
Hier könnt ihr euch meine eigene Diabolo-Serie einmal genauer Anschauen!
Die AirGhandi´s Finest:
Die AirGhandi´s Training Master:
Ihr werdet begeistert sein!
Ich freue mich riesig über eure Unterstützung:
Vielen Dank! :-)
Und schau mal hier:
Bitte beachtet die gesetzlichen Vorgaben und Regelungen eures Landes.
HINWEIS: Beim Dreh dieses Videos wurden die Regelungen des Waffenschutzgesetzes, insbesondere §27 WaffG zum Schutz von Minderjährigen eingehalten. Solltest du noch nicht 18 Jahre alt sein und am Luftgewehr-/Luftpistolenschießsport interessiert sein, wende dich bitte an deinen zur Aufsichtsführung berechtigten Sorgeberechtigten oder verantwortlichen oder zur Kinder- und Jugendarbeit für das Schießen geeignete Aufsichtspersonen (§27 WaffG). Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
DISASSEMBLY OF THE BSA METEOR. To replace the piston seal and buffer washer. Available from
Quality air rifle seals springs and tuning parts for Weihrauch BSA Diana Hatsan and Gamo.
The BSA Meteor is a Break Barrel spring powered Air Rifle made in Birmingham UK by Birmingham Small Arms Company (BSA) and first produced in 1959. It was the first air rifle to have the ability to fit a telescopic sight,[1] and remains one of the worlds best selling air powered weapons with over 2 million sold worldwide. Marketed as an introductory air rifle for plinking, hunting and firearm training. it is available in .177 (4.5 mm) and .22 (5.5 mm) calibers with a choice of either standard or carbine length barrels.
Differing Meteors Mk's may be identified by the serial number prefix on the underside of the breech.
Mk1 = N & T 1959/62
Mk2 = NA & TA 1962/68
Mk3 = NB & TB - NG & TG 1966/73
Mk4 = NB & TB - NG & TG 1974/79
Mk5 = NH & TH 1979/93
Mk6 = ZE & WE 1993/2012
Mk7 = QF 2012 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is just very quick video to show off my boys skills!!...Very accurate wee full-power teaching platform..
God Bless Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#Luftgewehr #BSA #Buccaneer SE - Review und Schusstest
Das Luftgewehr Buccaneer SE des englischen Herstellers BSA in der Nahaufnahme. Ihr bekommt die wichtigsten Fakten, eine Nahansicht und einen Schusstest. Hat das BSA Buccaneer SE das Zeug die Pressluft Luftgewehre anderer Hersteller angreifen zu können? Wie präzise lässt sich das Gewehr schießen?
Lässt sich ein Schalldämpfer montieren? Für welche Luftgewehr Schützen ist das BSA Buccaneer geeignet?
Hier könnt ihr euch meine eigene Diabolo-Serie einmal genauer Anschauen!
Die AirGhandi´s Finest:
Die AirGhandi´s Training Master:
Ihr werdet begeistert sein!
Ich freue mich riesig über eure Unterstützung:
Vielen Dank! :-)
Und schau mal hier:
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The Supersport SE may be an entry level spring rifle from BSA, but there is nothing entry level about its performance. The Supersport is a full powered air rifle and its clean, simple lines are a favourite with plinkers, hunters and target shooters. The long barrel makes this break barrel rifle a pleasure to cock and fire, the trigger is 2 stage adjustable and the open sights are simple and efficient. There is, of course a scope rail if you wish to mount a telescopic sight.
The stock is made from beech and is fully ambidextrous, it comes with a rubber butt pad to help tame recoil and it is a perfect rifle for those who are new to air gunning and those who want a classic rifle with no frills.
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First, Stuart Wilson's out and about in the farmyard with his Daystate Huntsman Regal. Amassing a bag of winged pests, he then moves on to stalking for rabbits around the farm. He says it's to keep the farmer happy but we suspect he just fancies a rabbit pie...
And Stuart's back in action in the second half of the show, testing the BSA GRT Lightning XL SE. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The latest version of this phenomenally successful rifle raises the sporting performance bar still further, the Lightning XL SE provides all the power and accuracy required, using BSA's world renowned Cold Hammer Forged barrel, which is Made in Birmingham, England.
The Lightning XL SE has all the new and improved features that its spring-powered sister has. A new two-stage trigger gives a crisp release with minimal pressure. It's new beautiful Beech wooden stock has been designed with attractive chequering at the key touch points of fore-end and pistol grip, giving you enhanced grip in all weather conditions. The ventilated butt pad ensures maximum recoil absorption, whilst added to the appearance of these classic Sporter lines. A slim-line silencer encases the barrel and reduces the sound of muzzle blast, whilst a ventilated butt pad ensures comfortable contact with the shooter’s shoulder. The carbine barrel is totally sleeved by a slim line silencer and the enhanced adjustable trigger provides perfect control of every shot.
An addition to all these features the gas ram provides further benefits that enhance the shooter’s experience. The gas ram does not vibrate when discharged resulting in less gun movement when the trigger is pulled; the pellet exits the barrel at a faster speed resulting in better accuracy; the gas ram has a greater life expectancy than a spring with less likelihood of performance deterioration through metal fatigue whilst the cocking action is smoother and more even. This is the rifle for the sporting shooter that demands top performance and style.
**Please note: scope and mounts not included.**
• Recoil absorbing butt pad
• Spring powered
• Cold hammer forged barrel
• Full barrel silencer
•.177 (1000 fps Lead / 1200 fps PBA)
.22 (800 fps Lead / 1000 fps PBA)
• Barrel Thread - Fixed silencer
• Stock - Ambidextrous beech wood
• Overall Length - 95 cm / 37.5"
• Barrel Length - 37 cm / 14.5"
• Weight - 3 kg / 6.6 lb
• Sights - Adjustable fibre optic
• Safety - Manual safety
• Trigger - Two stage
Check it out here:
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Outdoor test (10 yards & 15 Metres targets) & short review of my Umarex Tornado BB revolver, plus some video showing tin can bashing at 11.5 Metres. For the money I would say it is very good, and more accurate than me.
Please Umarex. Putting a good rifled barrel and some alloy pellet magazines, would make it really excellent. It would be more accurate, improve the indexing and would allow its use on airgun ranges, where BB's are generally prohibited. Even with these changes, and a small price increase, it would still make this air pistol great value for money. Hope you enjoy the video. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Restoration and breakdown of a 1970's BSA Super Meteor .22
Made with Film Maker
Track: Disfigure - Blank [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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Norica Black Eagle Spring Air Rifle Review & Test - "A rival to HW and BSA springers?"
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We take a look at the Black Eagle spring air rifle - with a full run-through of the rifle.
Presented by Richard Saunders from Alpha Militaria - an air rifle review and information site. Richard, has been shooting air rifles for nearly forty years. Today he hunts and carries out pest control on more than a thousand acres spread across different locations in the south of England. He is a regular contributor to Airgun Shooter magazine, writing mainly hunting features and product reviews, as well The Airgun Show on YouTube.
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We go behind the scenes of the BSA factory in Birmingham, UK, this week. We watch the process of making both PCP and springer airguns, including BSA's superb, high-tech barrel making and testing, the assembly, right through to the finished product. We see rifles they have made, from the Martini-Henrys used at Rorke's Drift, the Great War Rifle, Second World War naval artillery, the Meteor, the new Buccaneer and we watch the unveiling of the PCP beauty that's destined for the HFT circuit. We get access that few have had to one of the titans of airgun manufacturing.
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Top 10 Most Accurate Spring Air Rifle - Best Air Rifle for Hunting
Top 10 Most Accurate Spring Air Rifle - Best Air Rifle for Hunting.
For the beginning hunter, spring piston air rifles can handle tough weather conditions. If you are looking like them, then this video is going to be helpful for you. The following are our recommendations for the best spring air rifles based on comparisons of a number of different "springer" models.
These are the links to the Best Springer Air Rifle mentioned in the video.
10. Crosman Optimus Air Rifle
09. Gamo Varmint Air Rifle
08. Hatsan Mod 95 Air Rifle
07. Diana RWS Model 34
06. Walther LGU Air Rifle
05. Weihrauch HW77 kt
04. Air Arms TX200 Air Rifle
03. Weihrauch HW97 kt Air Rifle
02. Diana 54 Air King
01. Air Arms Pro Sport Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Lightning is probably BSA’s bestselling spring rifle. It boasts all the things that make a truly great gun; a fully adjustable trigger, quality, ambidextrous beech stock, great accuracy and build quality. Then, when you couple all of these things with the legendary cold hammer forged barrels that BSA are famous for, you get a superior spring rifle.
The Lightning XL SE has taken BSA into a new level of refinement and comfort, the fully sleeved and silenced barrel coupled with the ventilated butt pad makes the Lightning XLSE one of the quietest and most comfortable rifles on the market today.
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Präzision, Nahaufnahmen, technische Daten und weitere Informationen über das Luftgewehr bekommt ihr hier komprimmiert und sachlich erklärt. Die Luftgewehr Modell 52 ist ein Seitenspanner des renomierten deutschen Herstellers Diana.
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Welche Diabolos funktionieren am Besten?
Welchen Streukreis kann man mit dem Diana 52 schießen?
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Remington Express XP. "Good looking, great shooting affordable rifle"
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We take a look at the Remington Express XP air rifle.
Presented by Richard Saunders from Alpha Militaria - an air rifle review and information site. Richard, has been shooting air rifles for nearly forty years. Today he hunts and carries out pest control on more than a thousand acres spread across different locations in the south of England. He is a regular contributor to Airgun Shooter magazine, writing mainly hunting features and product reviews, as well The Airgun Show on YouTube.
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This a 75-80 yrd shot using my BSA Lightning air rifle. Its a .177 pellet air rifle and im using a 3x9x40 Mil-Dot scope. ammo RWS SUPER-H-POINT 6.9 grains.
Made a mistake counting my paces, Its about 80-85 yards, watch and count my paces.
Also this rifle shoots at 1000 fps not 850 as i said in the vid , sorry. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mark Camoccio reviews the HW57 a much overlooked rifle from the Weihrauch stable, that rationalises the famous HW77 design.
Comment, or
Contact: Hull Cartridge Co; hull Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Andy is the Host and a hobby Air gunner and video maker and produces the AAR channels during his spare time. The Production team consists of Andy, Mrs AAR, Karl and Luke. No remuneration is received for the production of these videos. We hope you enjoy the Videos and channels, please always
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I filmed this just after Halloween last year and to be honest if i hadn't off messed up on the last magpie i would have kept the film for another DVD as there was some very nice footage from two points of view, but that's hunting and filming for you.
Rifle Weihrauch HW97 .177cal
Scope MTC mamba lite 3 12x44 scb
Pellet .177cal H&N FTT
Hide (The Bush) chair hide. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
What makes the biggest hole: .177, .20, .22, or .25?
It's our airgun pellet ballistics test with Airgun World and Airgunner magazine technical editor Phill Price - and the answer may surprise you. He shows how to make a cheap ballistic gel for airgun pellets and test which one does the most damage to rabbits.
This item is part of AirHeads, episode 14. To watch the whole show go to
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Risk warning: investments of this nature carry risks to your capital as well as potential rewards. Approved as a financial promotion by Envestors Limited. Which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (No. 07236828.) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
.177 is a great caliber for hunting rabbits, birds, and other small game, and it is even better when you use the best hunting pellets available. What are they? Watch 's Top 5 to find out!
#5 Crosman Destroyer .177 Cal, 7.4 gr:
#4 JSB Ultra Shock Heavy .177 Cal, 10.3 gr:
#3 H&N Terminator .177 Cal, gr:
#2 JSB Exact Heavy .177 Cal, gr:
#1 Predator Polymag .177 Cal, 8.0 gr: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
in this video me and a friend hunt pigeon and plink shotgun cartridges, dan is a new shooter and is a bit camera shy but he got some good eating, Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This video contains Paid links that gives me a 6% commission if you click and buy any product on that website . Check out my web site Check out my store front
Support this channel on Patreon Check out my store front bottle valve Check out my store front in this video i review the wealther scope and find it is junk, but after all this is not a target rifle it is not made to shoot 500 pellets a week. Springer air rifle accuracy issues are caused by the parts inside the scope moving DISCLAIMER: In this video description contains affiliate links, which means
that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission.
This help support my channel and allows me to continue to make videos.
Thank you for the support! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Початкова швидкість кулі - 180 м/с, Калібр - 4.5 мм, Джерело енергії - PCP і компресійна пневматика, кульки і свинцеві кулі, Ємність магазина - 1 куля....
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