Ергономічна синтетична ложа гвинтівки Diana AM03 повністю симетрична, буде зручна в процесі використання, як лівші, так і правші. Рельєфні нековзні вставки з еластомеру на цівку і пістолетної рукояті забезпечать надійний хват і зручність в процесі використання. Регульована по висоті щока приклада дозволяє адаптувати гвинтівку під анатомічні особливості стрілка.
Для установки оптичного прицілу на ствольній коробці передбачений профіль кріплення «ластівчиний хвіст 11 мм».
В данном видеообзоре мы рассматриваем продукцию компании Diana RWS, лидера по производству пневматических винтовок, а именно модель Mauser AM03.
Diana AM03 N-TEC – пневматическая реплика охотничьего карабина «Mauser M03 Extreme», оснащенная инновационной газовой пружиной N-TEC, автоматическим предохранителем и регулируемым двухпозиционным спуском T06.
Эргономичная синтетическая ложа винтовки Diana AM03 полностью симметричная, будет удобна в процессе использования, как левше, так и правше. Рельефные нескользящие вставки из эластомера на цевье и пистолетной рукояти обеспечат надёжный хват и удобство в процессе использования. Регулируемая по высоте щека приклада позволяет адаптировать винтовку под анатомические особенности стрелка.
Diana Mauser AM03 доступна в 2-х вариантах исполнения:
- с открытыми прицельными приспособлениями;
- с установленным саундмодератором, без открытых прицельных приспособлений.
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Пневматическая винтовка Diana K98 Mauser (4.5 мм) видео обзор
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Легендарний Mauser K98 у форматі PCP гвинтівки від компанії Diana | Пневматика | Ібіс
Карабін Mauser 98k можна назвати одним з найбільш відомих та впізнаваних зразків зброї у світі. Така знаменита гвинтівка звичайно ж не могла не знайти своє відображення в різноманітних пневматичних версіях, і мабуть одна з найбільш цікавих створена німецькою компанією Diana. Нова пневматична гвинтівка Diana Mauser k98 відноситься до PCP-гвинтівок та обов'язково знайде своїх прихильників серед поціновувачів зброї.
00:00 - Вступ
00:55 - PCP-версія від Diana
02:09 - Особливості конструкції
02:58 - Стрілковий тест
04:23 - Висновок
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Diana Mauser AM03 N-TEC Air Rifle By Airsoft Gun India
Diana Mauser AM03 N-TEC Air Rifle By Airsoft Gun India
order here -
what's app-9892438737 ( Monday to Saturday 10 am to 6 pm )
Diana Mauser AM03 N-TEC Air Rifle by Airsoft gun India
The DIANA AM03 is based on the original M03 Mauser hunting rifle and is driven with innovative gas spring technology. The contrast sights give you speedy and safe target acquisition. The ergonomic hunting stock can be used with both hands and is fitted with high-quality anti-slip.
Use only .177 Caliber Pellets Basic Diabolo
Power Plant Spring
Energy less than 20 Joules
Technology German N TEC gas piston tech.
Loudness 3-Medium
Action Break Barrel
Overall Length 118 cm
Product Weight 3.6 Kg
Barrel Length 49.5 cm
Shot Capacity 1
Rear Sight Adjustable for windage and elevation
Scoopable 11 mm dovetail
Trigger Adjustable T06 precision trigger
Safety Automatic
Function Single-shot
Fps 919 fps
Safety Automatic
Stock Ambidextrous, Ergonomic stock Synthetic
#dianamauseram03 #dianamauser #Diana #airgun #airrifle Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ein Replica der bekannten Mauser M03 - Die Mauser AM03. Dieses präzise Luftgewehr wird von Diana hergestellt. Bei dem Gewehr handelt es sich um ein Druckluft Gewehr betrieben mit NTEC Gasdruckfeder. Ein sehr präzises Luftgewehr Made in Germany. Ich zeige das Unboxing, Chronytest, Schusstest und ziehe dann mein Fazit.
Wie präzise ist das Luftgewehr?
Wie stark ist das Luftgewehr?
Kann ich das Luftgewehr empfehlen?
Viel Spaß!
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Diana NTEC: пневматика с газовой пружиной (ТВ-программа)
Сегодня мы рассматриваем новинки в линейке старейшей и очень уважаемой европейской компании Diana, специализирующейся на выпуске пневматического оружия. В этой программе мы сравниваем винтовку Diana 340 с газовой пружиной N-TEC со старой моделью, и разбираемся с креплением для оптики с компенсатором отдачи ZR Mount Bullseye.
Пневматические винтовки:
Diana 340 N-TEC Classic Compact:
Diana 34 Classic Pro Compact T06:
Оптический прицел Diana 4-16х42:
Крепление Diana Bullseye ZR Mount:
Набор пневматических пуль H&N Field Target Sampler:
Упор для стрельбы:
Allen Shot Saver:
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Винтовка Mauser K98 появилась на свет в 1935 году и стала легендой второй мировой войны за счет своей точности и надежности. Фирма Diana решила сделать пневматическую копию данной винтовки. Что из этого вышло, смотрите в видео. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This video is a review, setup, and maintenance guide for the Diana AM03 Stealth N-TEC .22 airgun.
AEAC's 2nd YouTube Channel, "AEAC Vlog"
DISCLAIMER: This video is meant for educational & documentary purposes only. All work on airguns and airgun accessories should be carried out by a proficient licensed professional. Airgun Exploration & Advancement Channel nor YouTube will be held liable for any injury or damage resulting from attempting to duplicate anything shown in this video. Airgun Exploration & Advancement Channel is not an airgun store. We do NOT sell airguns, airgun parts, or airgun related equipment. Airgun Exploration & Advancement Channel is compensated by YouTube for its content creation. By viewing this video, you are acknowledging the contents of this disclaimer. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Diana Mauser AM03 N-TEC Air Rifle By Airsoft Gun India
Diana Mauser AM03 N-TEC Air Rifle By Airsoft Gun India
order here -
what's app-9892438737 ( Monday to Saturday 10 am to 6 pm )
Diana Mauser AM03 N-TEC Air Rifle by Airsoft gun India
The DIANA AM03 is based on the original M03 Mauser hunting rifle and is driven with innovative gas spring technology. The contrast sights give you speedy and safe target acquisition. The ergonomic hunting stock can be used with both hands and is fitted with high-quality anti-slip.
Use only .177 Caliber Pellets Basic Diabolo
Power Plant Spring
Energy less than 20 Joules
Technology German N TEC gas piston tech.
Loudness 3-Medium
Action Break Barrel
Overall Length 118 cm
Product Weight 3.6 Kg
Barrel Length 49.5 cm
Shot Capacity 1
Rear Sight Adjustable for windage and elevation
Scoopable 11 mm dovetail
Trigger Adjustable T06 precision trigger
Safety Automatic
Function Single-shot
Fps 919 fps
Safety Automatic
Stock Ambidextrous, Ergonomic stock Synthetic
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Thank you all for watching my video on this beautiful air rifle, I hope you all enjoyed. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Actionvideo #Luftgewehr #Mauser #AM03 made by #Diana - #MegaBoom Explosion
Eine Minute volle Action! MegaBoom mit dem Luftgewehr Mauser AM03 made by Diana. Präzises schiessen auf verschiedene Distanzen, und am Ende mit einem rießigen Knall.
Viel Spaß und vergesst euren Kommentar unter dem Video nicht!
Hier könnt ihr euch meine eigene Diabolo-Serie einmal genauer Anschauen!
Die AirGhandi´s Finest:
Die AirGhandi´s Training Master:
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Ich freue mich riesig über eure Unterstützung:
Vielen Dank! :-)
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Винтовка пневматическая Diana 350 magnum classic 4,5mm
Привет друзья! В этом видео я собрал для Вас семь самых достойных моделей пневматических винтовок бюджетного сегмента. Цена любой из представленных моделей на рынке Украины,который брался за основу данного видео,не превышает 200 долларов США. Список моделей я оставляю,но места продажи в зависимости от Вашего места проживания ищите самостоятельно.
7. Hatsan MOD 125
6. Beeman Longhorn с прицелом 4х32
5. Norica Dragon GRS
4. Crosman Vantage NP
3. Hatsan AirTact
2. Beeman Black Bear
1. Hatsan Striker Edge
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hola amigos, espero que disfruten este video asi como les sea util para conocer la carabina. Gracias por ver este video.
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Diana Mauser K98 Air Rifle **FULL REVIEW** by RACKNLOAD
Like the channel? Help support it here- A Racknload review of the Mauser K98 air rifle from Diana. NOTE- This is a GasRam rifle not a springer like I said in the video, apologies! It honestly sounds like a springer!
Diana the legendary German manufacturer pays homage to this iconic military weapon with a special version of its underlever cocking air rifle. This new high performance rifle combines the distinctive military look with state-of-the-art technology. It has a high quality Diana 460mm fixed barrel, slide cylinder locking system, rifled pellet seating and a genuine two-stage match type trigger. The premium Beech stock boasts barrel bands on the fore-stock and also a sling recess in the butt, just like the real thing. It's fitted with adjustable, military style, open sights but it also has a scope mounting rail. This will be a highly sort after rifle & one for the collector. Available in .177 & .22.
Available here-
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Rossi Morreale gets into character to command and control this famed historic replica for Pyramyd Outsyder!
Diana Mauser K98 Air Rifle
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Привет друзья! Сегодня для Вас ТОП 10 лучших пневматических винтовок. Приятного просмотра!
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Diana Mauser K98 Air Rifle Review
AAR channels bring you the latest News and Reviews of products in the world of airguns, air rifles, air pistols, accessories and all things Airgun related.
Below are all the links I can recommend for finding out more about the items shown in the video.
Andy is the Host and a hobby Air gunner and video maker and produces the AAR channels during his spare time. The Production team consists of Andy, Mrs AAR, Karl and Luke. No remuneration is received for the production of these videos. We hope you enjoy the Videos and channels, please always shoot safely and within the Laws relating to your country, and please ensure you are respectful of the Law and others at all times.
Theme Music and all Music used in the AAR videos are produced by AAR using non-copyright music loops from Apple Garage Band and are supplied by Apple on a royalty free basis for all to use
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Had my Diana Mauser K98 .22 Cal springer out for a bit of a target shoot. 36 yards, just over 32.5 Metres which is my home range limit, and with a very basic reticle, holdover was a guess, probably a little too much. Apart from the shot I pulled, shot no.4 the other 4 were under 20mm, 3 under 13mm. Bit of fun with the paintballs, 2 hits, 1 golf tee destroyed and one credited to Mister Ric O'Chet😂 Looks wise the 2-7x28 Atom scope suits the Mauser K98, and as just a target and plinking rifle (for me anyway) I'll be leaving the scope on. Great looking springer rifle, more accurate than me, and the iron sights are class, if you can focus on them. Highly recommended. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Diana AR8 N-TEC and Bullseye Mount Airgun Review - High powered N-TEC .22 with Hawke 6-24 Airmax 30
Dina has come out with an ultra magnum gas ram powered break barrel called the AR8 N-TEC. Now these guns are notorious as scope destroyers so how do you mount a great optic to a gun like this? Well, we're also going to take a look at the new Diana Bullseye ZR mount that's designed to absorb recoil and maintain zero. How does this all work? Well we're pushing things to the limit by mounting the Hawke Airmax 30 Side focus 6-24 scope. This is a big heavy scope, normally reserved for PCP and firearms. Will this hold up to the punishment of the AR8? You'll have to watch to find out!
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Hawke Optics -
Diana AR8 N-TEC .22
Hawke Airmax 30 2-24 Side Focus with AMX Reticle
Diana Bullseye ZR mount 30mm ring, dovetail
Crosman Premier Hollow Points
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AAR channels bring you the latest News and Reviews of products in the world of airguns, air rifles, air pistols, accessories and all things Airgun related.
Below are all the links I can recommend for finding out more about the items shown in the video.
Andy is the Host and a hobby Air gunner and video maker and produces the AAR channels during his spare time. The Production team consists of Andy, Mrs AAR, Karl and Luke. No remuneration is received for the production of these videos. We hope you enjoy the Videos and channels, please always
shoot safely and within the Laws relating to your country, and please ensure you are respectful of the Law and others at all times.
Theme Music and all Music used in the AAR videos are produced by AAR using non-copyright music loops from Apple Garage Band and are supplied by Apple on a royalty free basis for all to use
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Diana Mauser K98 PCP-luftgevær i det legendariske Mauser-design, og en genskabelse af den repetérriffel, som det tyske militær brugte fra omkring 1935. Denne udgave er dog lavet med Dianas eget PCP-system og fyldt med moderne luftgeværfunktioner, som gør den til at rigtig sjovt våben at skyde med.
Dette gør tilsammen Diana Muser K98 PCP-luftgeværet både anderledes, sjov og selvfølgelig utrolig interessant. Derfor har vi også givet John den med på skydebanen, så vi lige kan få testet hvor god den egenlig er. Se med i videoen, hvor John både gennemgår Diana Mauser K98 PCP-luftgeværet og tester den på skydebanen.
Se den her:
Vi ses på ;-) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Diana Mauser K98: The Authentic WWII Mauser Replica
In this weeks episode of under pressure:
Cameron gets his hands on the Diana Mauser K98. This beauty is modeled after the famous WWII German made rifle of the same name. With all the key features you'd expect from a high quality Diana rifle, the K98 will make a great addition to any gun collection.
Order your Diana Mauser K98 here:
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В данном видеообзоре мы рассматриваем продукцию компании Diana RWS, лидера по производству пневматических винтовок, а именно модели P1000 и P1000S TH.
Diana P1000 и P1000S TH обладают высокой мощностью (350 м/с), бескомпромиссной точностью и полным отсутствием отдачи.
#Diana #P1000 #P1000S #airsoft Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Diana Mauser K98 4,5 mm Schusstest & VideoImpressionen by WPU
Стрелковый тест пневматической винтовки Diana Mod 52 T06 Superior
Купить винтовку Diana Mod 52 T06 Superior в СО2 магазине Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Keith Warren reviews the Diana AR8 air gun and shows how he uses it for hunting rabbits and squirrels.
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Every successful person has a mentor, a coach, someone they can trust and turn to for guidance. Keith Warren is that person for both aspiring and avid outdoorsmen alike. Keith has hunted everything from deer, bear, and hogs with air guns, pistols, rifles, and thermal gear.
Tag along with Keith as he hunts across America and around the world, providing tips, how to’s, and incredible hunting action with one goal: to help make YOU a better outdoorsman.
Be sure to check our videos, subscribe to our channel and join us on The High Road Team! Don’t forget to visit our website where you can register to win great outdoor gear and hunting trips.
Keith currently hosts The High Road with Keith Warren and Keith Warren's Deer & Wildlife Stories, nationally broadcast on the Pursuit Channel. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mauser K98 Replica Air Rifle 22 Caliber by Diana of Germany
Hard wood Stock, blued finish and made to look like the legendary K98 rifle used by the German Army throughout WWII.
Big thanks to Pyramyd Air for making this review possible
Diana/ Mauser K98 Rifle
Mantis 3-9X40 Scope
UTG Mount
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Music is from Jingle Punks Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I headed out to the mountains to have some fun with the 340 NTEC Classic from Diana. This gas piston rifle is fun to shoot and the exploding target were amazing!
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Mark Camoccio takes a look at interesting airgun from Diana. It is based on the K98 Mauser.
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Graham Allen has a look at a new ultra light bipod to hit the UK market.
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Carabina ad aria compressa Diana mod. Mauser 98k in cal. 4.5 ( .177)
*Eine Kleine Nachtmusik , Mozart
*Brandenburg Concerto No4-1 BWV1049 - Classical Whimsical di Kevin MacLeod è un brano autorizzato da Creative Commons Attribution ()
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The Diana Mauser K98 air rifle: full independent review
Thanks again to Lloyd and Sean of Blackpool Air Rifles, for the kind loan of this rather awesome rifle, which proved to be unexpectedly / amazingly consistent across the chrono! If this was fitted with a scope to further reduce the downrange group sizes it could even be a hunting rifle!
This video accompanies my written review in the January 2022 edition of Airgun World magazine.
Flickr album with more review photos: @N07/albums/72157720137634042
00:00 introduction.
00:30 Chris owns a K98 springer, so tries the K98 PCP.
04:07 More features.
07:31 Me using the K98.
08:56 More features.
11:00 Full chrono session.
14:36 rounding off the features.
17:42 coming soon.
#dianamauserk98, #k98replicaairrifle, #Dianamauserk98airrifle, #multishotK98airrifle, #replicaairrifle, #replicaforpestcontrol, #blackpoolairrifles, #HonestReviews, #impartialreviews, #TechnicalReview, #RussDouglas222, #DisabledReviews, #UKNVforum, #thermalhuntingforum #Airgunforum Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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This video contains a review of a pellet / BB rifle. Its powered entirely by spring actioned compressed air and uses no gunpowder and must not be confused with any form of tactical firearm. My Targets are paper and tins.
Always shoot safely and show consideration to others around you, this review is designed entirely as an independent review.
I am a hobby job video maker, and film the latest products that I can get my hands on. NOTHING I SHOW IS FOR SALE FROM ME, these are pure reviews which are all my own work. If you wish to find out more please do a Google search on the item I am reviewing. I am not instructing you to purchase or take part in any thing you see in my video. It is for pure family entertainment purposes only. Should you wish to know more I am happy to suggest Airguns of Arizona and Braces of Bristol they have helped me over the years but a Google search may find you what your looking for.
Find me on Facebook - The Airgun Gear Show, also Instagram - airgungear and Twitter - airgungear.
Please enjoy the video’s I make.
Giles ( The Host ) Has his own channel.
DISCLAIMER: This video is meant for educational, documentary and research purposes only. Any work on airguns and airgun accessories should be carried out by a proficient licensed professional. Neither “The Airgun Gear Show” it’s host or anyone connected to the show, You Tube, Google or parent company can will be held liable for any injury or damage resulting from attempting to duplicate anything shown in this video. This video is for pure review purposes only. We do not sell airguns, airgun parts, or airgun equipment. By viewing this video, you are acknowledging the contents of this disclaimer. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
.177 PCP yes PCP not CO2 real pre charged proper air rifle. Stunning quality so realistic I have been waiting for these to come in for ages well you South Wales air gunners the Glamorgangunroom leads the way again.
I am serious here I want this myself it is so much fun looks feels just so right hats off to Diana air rifles top job you made me a fan.
Available now @glamorgangunroom#highlandoutdoors#dianaairguns#prechargrdairrifles#replicaguns#airgunhunting Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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By now, many viewers have seen my review of Diana Mauser K98 PCP. There's a lot of talk and discussion about the air rifle in the community. In the past year, I was often asked if I could make another video about K98 PCP and shoot it at a longer distance.
Therefore, I borrowed the rifle once again from to make a few more shots with it for you. I packed up all my equipment and went with Dirk to the shooting range.
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Old first review (June 2017) on my Diana Mauser K98 in .22 Cal. Really nice under lever rifle, excellent T06 trigger and shoots very well. Found the video from last year, after fitting a 2x20 Long Eye Relief Scope and shot her out to 25 metres. Quite a challenge with such low magnification, and happy with the results. Pellets were the JSB Exact Jumbo Express grain, with the head. The smaller scope looks better on this smashing rifle. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор, осмотр, отстрел из снайперского карабина Маузера 98 К 1939 года выпуска. ВНИМАНИЕ ДАННОЕ ОРУЖИЕ СНИМАЛОСЬ В ЕС И НЕ ЯВЛЯЕТСЯ ТОВАРОМ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
British Shooting Show 2020, Mauser K98 replica air rifle
Terence of Highland Outdoors kindly talks us through the Diana-made 'Mauser K98' replica. This bolt-action PCP air rifle is fairly realistic-looking, with a wooden stock, bolt-action and open sights (100CC internal reservoir).
Thanks to Terence and the team from Highland Outdoors for their time today. 👍🏻
UPDATE: 13th November 2021, my FULL REVIEW of this K98 is here:
#BritishShootingShow, #RussDouglas222, #HighlandOutdoors, #DianaAirRifles, #MauserK98replicaPCP, #AirgunWorld, #ShootingSports, #GunMart, #DisabledReviews, #CompactAirRifles, #ShootingShowExclusives Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Top 10 Best RWS Air Rifles 2020
1. Umarex Diana RWS Model 54 Air King Floating Action Hardwood Stock Pellet Gun
2. Diana Mauser K98 Air Rifle air Rifle
3. Diana RWS Model 34 Break Barrel Hardwood Stock Pellet Gun Air Rifle
4. Umarex Diana RWS Model 460 Magnum Hardwood Stock Pellet Gun Air Rifle
5. RWS Model 350 .177 Caliber Air Rifle
Top 7 Best Benjamin Air Rifles 2020
Top 10 Best Hatsan PCP Air Rifles 2020
Top 10 Best Umarex Air Pistol 2020
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Airgun World editor, Terry Doe, reveals the new PCP pellet K98 Mauser air rifle from Diana at The British Shooting Show 2020. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mauser K98 Luftgewehr made by Diana - Review und Schusstest
Mauser K98 Luftgewehr. Ein Replica des in den ersten beiden Weltkriegen verwendeten Mauser K98. In diesem Review geht es um das Replica Luftgewehr der Mauser K98 die im Jahr 1898 gebaut wurde. Dieses Luftgewehr ist ein Unterhebelspanner mit Starrlauf und wird mit 4,5 mm Diabolos geschossen. Es handelt sich hier um ein äußert präzises und hochwertig verarbeitetes Luftgewehr das von Diana im Jahr 2016 vorgestellt wurde. Das originale Gewehr kam sowohl im ersten Weltkrieg als auch nach einer Überarbeitung und Umbau zu einem Karabiner im zweiten Weltkrieg zum Einsatz. Dieses Luftgewehr ist ein Modell für Nostalgiker oder einfach für Begeistere Schützen die auf hochwertige Gewehre stehen.
Die 11mm Prismenschiene bietet die Möglichkeit ein Zielfernrohr zu montieren. Ein klassisches Gewehr das von der Leistung, sowie von der Verarbeitung absolut überzeugen kann.
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Chrony a Diana mauser k98 con tres tipos de diabolos diferentes y tiros a 25 metros con diabolo RWS Super Point Extra Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Actionvideo #Luftgewehr #Mauser #K98 made by Diana
Action Action Action! Die Mauser K98 made by #Diana in Aktion! Schaut euch das Video über ein absolut tolles Luftgewehr an! Das Video ist natürlich nicht ganz so ernst zu nehmen, ich wollte einfach nur Spaß haben :-)
Ich möchte noch einmal darauf hinweisen dass in diesem Video die alle gültigen deutschen Gesetze eingehalten wurden. Die Aufnahmen wurden auf einem Privatgrundstück gemacht und stellen den Beschuss nur nach.
Hier könnt ihr euch meine eigene Diabolo-Serie einmal genauer Anschauen!
Die AirGhandi´s Finest:
Die AirGhandi´s Training Master:
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Ich freue mich riesig über eure Unterstützung:
Vielen Dank! :-)
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en mi ultima visita a AIRGUNS OF ARIZONA tuve la oportunidad de probar lo mas nuevo de la marca alemana DIANA, el STEALTH gas ram dejándome inmensamente impresionado, el rifle viene en un kit que incluye mira y estuche y desarrolla 15fp de energía con una precision como pocos rifles de resorte me ha tocado ver. De esta visita a AOA tome un video para compartir espero les guste Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Початкова швидкість кулі - 180 м/с, Калібр - 4.5 мм, Джерело енергії - PCP і компресійна пневматика, кульки і свинцеві кулі, Ємність магазина - 1 куля....
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