Пневматична гвинтівка з попереднім накачуванням Diana Stormrider - прекрасний вибір для початківців стрільців. Stormrider PCP має ретельно продуману конструкцію, відрізняється хорошою збалансованістю і легкою вагою. У модельному ряді Stormrider є дві варіації гвинтівки: в дерев'яному ложі, а також в синтетичному.
Гвинтівка має досить високу потужність. Максимальний тиск резервуара об'ємом 100 мл - до 200 бар. Спусковий гачок - одноступінчатий.
Інтегрований саундмодератор надає гвинтівці більш привабливий вигляд і значно знижує звук пострілу. Ергономічна ложа виконана з дерева, а потиличник виготовлений з міцної гуми.
Гвинтівка оснащена відкритими прицільними пристосуваннями - ціликом і мушкою, а також 11-міліметровою планкою «ластівчиний хвіст» на ствольній коробці для установки оптичного прицілу. Модель в дерев'яному ложі комплектується знімним 9-зарядним магазином, а в синтетичному - 7-ми зарядним.
Зазвичай пневматична зброя з попередньою закачкою повітря (PCP) коштує значно дорожче за своїх газобалонних та пружинно-поршньових побратимів. У цьому відео ми познайомимо Вас з однією з найкращих у своєму сегменті екземплярів - Diana Stormrider. Розкажемо, покажемо та протестуємо її можливості.
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Купить Diana Stormrider PCP, 4,5 мм:
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Andy is the Host and a hobby Air gunner and video maker and produces the AAR channels during his spare time. The Production team consists of Andy, Mrs AAR, Karl and Luke. No remuneration is received for the production of these videos. We hope you enjoy the Videos and channels, please always
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Diana Trailscout: Заявка на кращу бюджетну CO2 пневматику? | Пневматика | Ібіс
Пневматичні гвинтівки CO2, або ж "воздушки" - максимально простий тип пневматичної зброї. Для зведення таких гвинтівок потрібне незначне зусилля, а це означає, що можна набагато більше стріляти та отримати більше задоволення від неї.
Німецька компанія Diana не залишилась осторонь, та представила світу свій продукт під назвою Trailscout. Саме про неї і піде далі мова.
А з промокодом 245586044 ви отримаєте 10% знижку.
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Diana Stormrider .22 Cal and Starling Pest Control ( Epic Airguns shots)
This video was suppose to be uploaded back around July... but due to my 7 years old laptop finally died on me... I had to save up money for a new laptop... but luckily I found an app on my phone that allow me to edited my video.
Anyways, the story behind this video is that I had a three day break from work. On the first day I was doing some yard work and notice that a flock of starling were getting into my dog food... So after cleaning up the first day I decided to spent the rest of my break taking out some of this unwanted pest for good.
And Sadly I probably won't be uploading any rodent videos much due to the 9 cats that I have. Yup, when you have that many cats in your yard, no rat or mice will step one paw in it.
(The soundtrack is from Tremors films ... "I do not own it".... I am just using it to set in the mood for this video...) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This video is a review, setup, and maintenance guide for the Diana Stormrider .22 airgun.
AEAC's 2nd YouTube Channel, "AEAC Vlog"
DISCLAIMER: This video is meant for educational & documentary purposes only. All work on airguns and airgun accessories should be carried out by a proficient licensed professional. Airgun Exploration & Advancement Channel nor YouTube will be held liable for any injury or damage resulting from attempting to duplicate anything shown in this video. Airgun Exploration & Advancement Channel is not an airgun store. We do NOT sell airguns, airgun parts, or airgun related equipment. Airgun Exploration & Advancement Channel is compensated by YouTube for its content creation. By viewing this video, you are acknowledging the contents of this disclaimer. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Diana Stormrider PCP Air Rifle - Plinking At 100 Yards
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+ Diana Stormrider Multi-shot PCP Air Rifle
Up to 26 FPE in .22 / 20 FPE in .177 with lead pellets
Up to 900 fps in .22 / 1050 fps in .177 with lead pellets
Manual safety
Single-stage, non-adjustable trigger breaks at ~3 lbs
Checkered beech stock
Raised cheek piece for right handed shooters (stock still usable for left-handed shooters)
Fully adjustable rear sight
11mm dovetail
Integrated manometer (pressure gauge)
200 BAR/2900 psi fill pressure
9 shot magazine in .177 / 7 in .22
Includes fill probe with male quick disconnect fitting
Includes rotary magazine and single-shot tray
Lay down a shower of lead with the Diana Stormrider!
Since 1892, Diana has produced high-quality airguns that are as reliable as they are accurate. While the Stormrider may not be their first PCP, it’s certainly the most budget-friendly. With a straightforward, no-frills design, the Stormrider’s combination of repeating shots and great features make it a serious contender for one of the best entry-level PCPs.
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Diana Stormrider .177 Pcp Airgun | No Licence Required Weapon
Precihole nx200 vs px100 pcp vs Aarmr Hurricane DETAILED COMPARISON:
Precihole nx200 Athena Shooting Test🔥🔥 Best Airgun in India:
Action Bolt-action
Barrel Rifled
Body Type Rifle
Cylinder Size 100cc
Loudness 2-Low-Medium
Max Velocity 1050fps (Measured with grain ammo)
Muzzle Energy 20ft/lbs /
Powerplant Pre-Charged Pneumatic (PCP)
Scopable 11mm dovetail
Caliber ″ ()
Barrel Length 19.0″
Overall Length 40.5″
Shot Capacity 9
Front Sight Blade
Rear Sight Adjustable for windage & elevation
Precihole nx200 air riffle shooting
Precihole nx200 air riffle unboxing
Precihole nx200 athena
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Precisión, velocidad y desempeño del nuevo rifle PCP de la marca Diana Stormrider calibres 4.5 y 5.5 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Airgun Hunting: Diana Stormrider on pest control duty
Airgun Hunting on a Budget: Pest Control with the Stormrider
In this video I ask and answer the question, can you hunt effectively and efficiently with a budget priced PCP air rifle? I take the Diana Stormrider, a sub $ pcp air rifle on a pest control shoot, with the objective of reducing the feral pigeon population.
The rifle is small and compact, and will fit a young or smaller shooter well. But while being very lightweight and compact, it offers the power, accuracy, and ergonomics to put it on par with much more expensive rifles.
As you’ll see in this video, the rifle did a great job dispatching pigeons with quiet power and precision. The fact that you can buy this rifle and a relatively inexpensive hand pump or used scuba tank makes entry into airgun hunting less start up cost than a rimfire…….. but with all the advantages of an airgun!
To find out more or to order this gun, visit:
As always, if you find these videos useful please subscribe, like, and share!
Please watch: "Seneca Eagle Claw on the Prowl for Abert's Tree Squirrel"
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Airgun Hunt: Diana Stormrider Field Review.... Rabbit Hunting
In this video I take a look at how the Diana Stormrider handles under field conditions and we'll discuss rabbit hunting with this affordable PCP air rifle, the Diana Stormrider is a budget priced hunting air rifle that outperforms its price point.
I use this .22 caliber rifle to take both cottontail and jackrabbits, demonstrating the efficacy to ethically harvest game with an affordable shooting platform. Further I discuss and provide examples of the use of both head shots and body shots when hunting small game.
The Stormrider has a 100 cc air reservoir that fills to 2000 psi, which make it an ideal candidate for filling with a handpump. And even with this low fill pressure and small air reservoir, the rifle generates approximately 30 shots per fill at over 20 fpe.
Check with Air Venturi/Pyramyd Air for More info on this rifle:
Please watch: "Seneca Eagle Claw on the Prowl for Abert's Tree Squirrel"
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The Diana Stormrider is a popular PCP but it scores pretty low on my list and I think that there are better airguns in the same price range. In this video I go over the top 5 reasons why you should not buy the Diana Stormrider.
I dont think all Diana guns are bad just my opinion that the Stormrider is not worth it especially when there are other options for equal or less money that perform better.
Check out the video to find out my 5 reasons not to buy the Stormrider and let me know in the comments if you have a different opinion or if you agree with me. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Diana Stormrider GEN 2! Testing the CHEAPEST 1200 FPS PCP Airgun!!! Amazing results!
Welcome back friends! Today we look at the cheapest way to get into the REPEATING PCP GAME!
#cheappcp Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Diana Stormrider .22 G2 Regulado mejoras defectos español 1 era parte
If you’ve wanted your own PCP airgun but the price has held you back, the Stormrider gives you a budget-friendly PCP design that lives up to Diana’s name.
Diana Stormrider PCP Air Rifle
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Diana Stormrider Black Unboxing/Uitpakken met korte Chrono en Schiettest
De Diana Stormrider uitpakken en een kleine test.
Ik had een kleine fout gemaakt in de chrono een volledige chrono test met meerdere pellets komt er binnenkort aan :).
Tot nu toe een heerlijk instap pcp geweer (naar mijn mening) gewoon een leuk ding.
Veel schietplezier have fun Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Diana stromrider review:
precihole px100 :
Detailed comparison between precihole nx200 vs precihole px100 pcp vs Aarmr hurricane mode 20:
Diana stromrider vs Precihole px100 pcp air riffle COMPARISION VIDEO Precihole px100 pcp vs Diana stromrider air riffle COMPARISION VIDEO
Airgun diana stromrider vs Precihole px100 pcp air riffle COMPARISION VIDEO
DPrecihole aarmr air riffle shooting
Precihole px100 air riffle shooting
Precihole nx200 air riffle shooting
Precihole nx200 air riffle unboxing
Precihole nx200 athena
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Diana Stormrider F calibro 4,5 mm, la carabina PCP nella versione di libera vendita ai maggiorenni Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Diana Stormrider . 177 cal outdoor shooting @ 31mtrs
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Diana Stormrider Breaking the cost barrier into PCP Airgunning! - Airgun Review by AirgunWeb
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About this Video:
Do you love shooting airguns? Have you always wanted to try a PCP airgun but did not want to deal with the hassle of having to fill it all the time? Well Diana has created a product that may be just the ticket. Easy to fill with a hand pump or affordable pony bottle, the Diana get’s you into PCP airgunning for a lot less than you may think. Packed with features such as open sight, muti-shot capacity, and high accuracy and build quality, the Diana Stromrider is set to make a real impact into the entry level PCP airgun market.. What are you waiting for! Ditch the break barrel and get into PCP airgunning. You won’t be disappointed!
Man it’s a great time to be an airgunner!!!
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Diana Stormrider
AHawke Sport Optics Airmax 4-12x40 AO Rifle Scope, AMX Reticle, 1/4 MOA, 1" Tube ://
H&N Sniper Lights - ://
H&N Hornets - ://
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By viewing or flagging this video you are acknowledging and are in full acceptance of the following:
Our videos are strictly for documentary, educational, and entertainment purposes only. Imitation or the use of any acts depicted in these videos is solely AT YOUR OWN RISK. Treat Airguns as FIREARMS and observe all the same safety considerations as such. Any and all work on airguns should be carried out by a qualified and insured individual. We (including YouTube) will not be held liable for any injury to yourself or damage to your airguns resulting from attempting anything shown in any our videos. These videos are free to watch and if anyone attempts to charge for this video notify us immediately.
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Diana Stormrider in .22
Pump for the air rifle
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These are just random shots I took with the Diana Stormrider 22 cal with the Barska 3-9x32mm Scope.
And this clips were taken probably 5-6 months ago, didn't had the time to edited and post this due to my job.
But next video of the Diana Stormrider will be out soon.. Idk maybe... depending if I got nothing to do on my NEXT days off.
And believe me , on the next video I'm going up against unwanted visitors from the skies... Plus with a New scope.
Hope y'all enjoy this, and hope everyone is well.
(The soundtrack is from Tremors films... "I do not own it".... I am just using it to set in the mood for this video...) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Diana Stormrider . 177 cal || pe kon sa pellet sabse acha|grouping dega🤔🤔🤔
Diana Stormrider . 177 cal || pe kon sa pellet sabse acha|grouping dega🤔🤔🤔 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Diana Stormrider PCP-luftgevær er måske det PCP-luftvåben på markedet, hvor man får mest for sine penge. Stor luftcylinder, høj udgangshastighed og tysk Diana topkvalitet!
John har haft Diana Stromrider PCP-luftgeværet med på skydebanen, hvor han hurtigt gennemgår egenskaber og detaljer i luftgeværet, mens der selvfølgelig også lige bliver tid til at skyde lidt til sidste i videoen.
Diana Stomrider PCP-luftgeværet fås både med træ- og syntetisk skæfte.
Se Dinan Stromrider her:
Se Diana Stromrider Wood her:
Vi ses på ;-) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Diana Stormrider .22 Cal PCP Pellet Rifle Review $199.99 (Made in China)
If you want to help keep these video's coming, you can do so by making a PayPal Donation on my Web Site , or by watching or clicking on the ads that interest you. That's what pays for these Video's. Email comments or questions to info@ or visit Me on facebook. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Prova della Diana Stormrider depotenziata
probabilmente la pcp più economica in vendita nelle armerie italiane Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Diana Stormrider PCP Air Rifle .177 Caliber Paper Target Shooting Test
Diana Stormrider PCP Air Rifle .177 Caliber Paper Target Shooting Test
Distance 9 Feet Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Most Value for money Best PCP Air rifle in India | Diana Stormrider
Most Value for money Best PCP Air rifle in India
Diana Stormrider .177 Cal, PCP Air Rifle By Airsoft Gun India
Order here -
What’s app- 7738566380 ( Monday to Saturday 10 am to 6 Pm )
Diana Stormrider .177 Cal, PCP Air Rifle By Airsoft Gun India
DIANA PCP air rifle with excellent price-performance ratio. The rifle can be used in single-shot mode as well as with the 9 shot drum magazine supplied. Maximum filling pressure is at 200 bar.
Model DIANA stormrider®
System Pre-Charged Air Rifle (PCP)
The model has an 11mm prism rail, a silencer, an adjustable micrometric sight, a rubberized butt plate, and a manual safety. Diabolos up to can be fitted in the magazine supplied
The regulator is optionally available.
PCP technology
Single-shot & 9 round drum magazine
DIT - DIANA Improved Trigger
Adjustable micrometric sight
Rubberized butt plate
Tank volume: 100 ml
Quick: Fill nozzle
Model: DIANA Stormrider
System: Pre-Charged Air Rifle (PCP)
Barrel: Rifled Barrel
Caliber : 4,5 mm (.177) pellet
Magazine Capacity: 9 shots
Weight : g --- 5.1 lbs
Length : 1100 mm --- 39.8 inch
Barrel Length : 480 mm ---19 inch
Max. Velocity : 320 m/s --- 1050 FPS
#diana #dianaairrifle #dianasportsairrifle #pcpairrifle #pcpairrifleindia #powerfulairrifle Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Installation of Altaros airgun regulator for Diana Stormrider.
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YouTube Audio Library :
Echinoderm Regeneration by Jingle Punks from YouTube Audio
Library Pentagram by Audionautix () Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Diana Stormrider PCP Air Rifle .177 Caliber with HPA Pump Chrono test & Shooting test
Diana Stormrider PCP Air Rifle .177 Caliber
HPA Hand Pump
Chrono test & Shooting test
can penetration test
Shooting spinning Targets Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle BY Airsoft gun india
Diana Stormrider .177 Cal BY Airsoft gun India
To order -
What's App-9892393382
Call-9209200085 ( Monday to Saturday 10 am to 6 pm )
DIANA PCP air rifle with excellent price-performance ratio. The rifle can be used in single-shot mode as well as with the 9 shot drum magazine supplied. Maximum filling pressure is at 200 bar.
The model has an 11mm prism rail, a silencer, an adjustable micrometric sight, a rubberized butt plate, and a manual safety.
The regulator is optionally available.
PCP technology
Single-shot & 9 round drum magazine
DIT - DIANA Improved Trigger
Adjustable micrometric sight
Rubberized butt plate
Tank volume 100 ml
Quick-Fill nozzle
Model DIANA stormrider®
System Pre-Charged Air Rifle (PCP)
Barrel Rifled Barrel
Caliber 4,5 mm (.177) pellet
Magazine Capacity 9 shots
Weight g • 5.1 lbs
Length 1100 mm • 39,8“
Barrel Length 480 mm • 19“
Max. Velocity* 320 m/s • 1050 fps
Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Delhi, Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Bangalore, Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Hyderabad , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Ahmedabad , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Chennai , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Kolkata, Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Surat , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Pune , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Jaipur, Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Lucknow , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Kanpur , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Nagpur , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Indore, Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Thane, Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Bhopal , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Visakhapatnam, Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Pimpri & Chinchwad , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Patna , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Vadodara, Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Ghaziabad , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Ludhiana, Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Agra, Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Nashik , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Faridabad , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Meerut , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Rajkot, Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Kalyan & Dombivali , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Vasai , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Virar , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Varanasi , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Srinagar , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Aurangabad, Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Dhanbad , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Amritsar, Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Navi Mumbai, Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Allahabad , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Ranchi , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Haora , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Coimbatore , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Jabalpur , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Gwalior , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Vijayawada , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Jodhpur , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Madurai , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Raipur , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Kota, Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Guwahati , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Chandigarh, Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Solapur , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Hubli and Dharwad , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Bareilly , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Moradabad , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Mysore , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Gurgaon , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Aligarh , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Jalandhar, Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Tiruchirappalli , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Bhubaneswar , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Salem , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Mira and Bhayander , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Thiruvananthapuram, Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Bhiwandi , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Saharanpur, Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Gorakhpur, Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Guntur , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Bikaner , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Amravati , Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Noida, Diana Stormrider .177 Cal PCP Air Rifle in Jamshedpur
#dianaairrifle #airrifle #importedairrifleindia #dianastormrider Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Así quedó mi diana stormrider después de un arreglo!
Preguntas oh sugerencias dejenmela en los comentarios (ojo) no soy profecional en rifles pcp. Sólo lo hago en mis rifles #pcp #diana #DonnyFL
El silenciador y adaptador que tengo en el rifle aquí lo encuentras
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PCP PR 900w ou Diana Stormrider 4.5mm primeiros testes
An overview of the Diana Stormrider in .22, detuned down to 495 FPS max for the Canadian Marketplace. Thinking of buying this rifle? Is it your best budget backyard PCP, watch and find out.
Is it quiet enough for backyard use in Canada? I think so, and so do my neighbours.
If you're Canadian we all know where to find the best service and prices from AGS!!!
If you're from the USA and want to find any of the Air Powered Products we've discussed, click the following links.
- Benjamin Cayden
- Umarex Gauntlet
- Umarex Cowboy
- Umarex Peacemaker
- Crosman DMPS
- Gamo Swarm
- Diana Stormrider (full power USA)
- Umarex Glock Gen4
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PCP Powered
.22 calibre
495 ft/sec Max
Manual safety
New DIT (Diana Improved Trigger) 2-stage adjustable trigger
Checkered beech stock
Raised cheek piece for right-handed shooters (stock still usable for left-handed shooters)
Fully adjustable rear sight
11mm dovetail
Integrated manometer (pressure gauge)
200 BAR/2900 psi fill pressure
9 shot magazine in .177 / 7 in .22
Includes fill probe with male quick disconnect fitting
Includes rotary magazine and single-shot tray
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Diana Storm Rider / Air Max Varmint (Full Review) $199 PCP Air Rifle
The Diana Stormrider, also known later as an Air Max Varmint is a low cost PCP rifle that is easy to fill wiht an inexpensive PCP hand pump. At just $199, this 4.9 pound PCP rifle will provide hours of fun without killing your back and shoulders with 20+ good shots per fill. Good for plinking up to 50+ yards. Shoots a 7.4 grain pellets at nearly 1100 feet per second!
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Youtube's Airgun Channel offers quick and easy tips on Airgunning, Target Shooting and more. Informative videos on the latest PCP Rifles, Pellet Guns, Air Pistols, and BB Guns. Reviews of your favorite Air Guns and where to buy them at the best prices. We also like to shoot things in Slow Motion. Please subscribe to our Youtube Airgun Channel for fun, commercial free, videos each week.
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+ Diana Stormrider Multi-shot PCP Air Rifle
Up to 26 FPE in .22 / 20 FPE in .177 with lead pellets
Up to 900 fps in .22 / 1050 fps in .177 with lead pellets
Manual safety
Single-stage, non-adjustable trigger breaks at ~3 lbs
Checkered beech stock
Raised cheek piece for right handed shooters (stock still usable for left-handed shooters)
Fully adjustable rear sight
11mm dovetail
Integrated manometer (pressure gauge)
200 BAR/2900 psi fill pressure
9 shot magazine in .177 / 7 in .22
Includes fill probe with male quick disconnect fitting
Includes rotary magazine and single-shot tray
Lay down a shower of lead with the Diana Stormrider!
Since 1892, Diana has produced high-quality airguns that are as reliable as they are accurate. While the Stormrider may not be their first PCP, it’s certainly the most budget-friendly. With a straightforward, no-frills design, the Stormrider’s combination of repeating shots and great features make it a serious contender for one of the best entry-level PCPs.
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This is a general overview of the Diana Stormrider. This is a .22 precharged pneumatic airgun. The features, specs, function and capabilities of the gun are discussed to see if the Stormrider is the right airgun for you to journey into the world of PCPs for small game hunting, target-shooting or pest animal control applications.
For the sub $200 price point and the results you will get with this airgun, the Diana Stormrider is a hard deal to beat,
especially if you're just getting into the sport.
This is an educational video for education of airguns and NOT FIREARMS. I do not sell nor promote the sales of firearms or firearms parts/pieces. This is in an effort to comply with the YouTube firearms policy.
I do not own the rights to the song in this video. "Tetelestai" is written and owned by the band "Phinehas" who shreds harder than Metallica could have ever dreamed of doing. All rights reserved for the band. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Diana stormrider .177 and Benjamin marauder.25 shooting out to 150 yards! (accuracy test)
rifle: benjamin
diana stormrider. 177
ammo: premier ultra magnums 10.5 gr
JSB exact heavy gr Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Das Diana stormrider ist ein Pressluftgewehr mit PCP-Technik. Es ist in den Kalibern 4,5 mm und 5,5 mm verfügbar. Dazu jeweils in einer Version "Frei ab 18" mit einer Mündungsenergie von 7,5 Joule sowie in einer "WBK-Pflichtigen"-Version mit 27 Joule an der Mündung. Das all4shooters-Team hat die Freie Version in 4,5 mm dem Praxis-Test unterzogen. Was das Gewehr geleistet hat, seht ihr jetzt im Video.
Noch mehr Infos finden Sie hier bei uns auf :
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My review:
You can find more reviews about our shared hobby on my website:
My weapon care products:
How can it be that Diana offers such a inexpansive air rifle for 230 euros?
How is the quality of Diana Stormrider?
Has Diana managed to offer price-conscious air rifle shooters a real alternative?
I’ve been asking myself these questions and a few more since IWA 2019 when Diana presented the revised Stormrider and later on launched it for a bargain price of 230 euros. At that point, I knew immediately that I would test the air rifle.
I am gratefull for your support:
Thank you! :-)
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diana stormrider pcp 22 cal 100 yards accuracy test
Початкова швидкість кулі - 180 м/с, Калібр - 4.5 мм, Джерело енергії - PCP і компресійна пневматика, кульки і свинцеві кулі, Ємність магазина - 1 куля....
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Пневматична гвинтівка Diana Stormrider Black PCP, 4.5 мм (1900025). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17