Завдяки великій відстані від ока до окуляра, лінзи з багатошаровим покриттям, окуляра з швидкої регулюванням і барабанів введення поправок з можливістю скидання введених значень цей приціл становить сильну конкуренцію аналогічним і більш дорогим моделям інших виробників. Цілісний корпус з авіаційного анодизиваного алюмінію заповнений азотом і абсолютно герметичний, що робить його незапотівающим і водонепроникним.
Багатошарове покриття лінз: Збільшує світлопропускання, запобігає утворенню відблисків на лінзах окуляра і об'єктива. Прицільна марка в другій фокальній площині Масштаб прицільної марки залишається незмінним при зміні кратності збільшення зображення. Наведені нижче розміри прицільної марки можна використовувати для вимірювання дистанції до мети, а також вони допомагають враховувати поправки по висоті і на вітер при стрільбі на далекі дистанції.
Діаметр центральної трубки: 25,4 мм. цілісний корпус Забезпечує максимальну співвісність всієї конструкції прицілу для високої точності стрільби та отримання найбільш якісного зображення, а також забезпечує високу міцність і герметичність. авіаційний алюміній Конструкція з цільного блоку авіаційного алюмінію надає підвищену міцність і жорсткість конструкції. Герметичність Приціл запечатаний кільцями ущільнювачів, які перешкоджають попаданню вологи і пилу всередину корпусу. Незапотеваемость Приціл наповнений зсередини азотом, що не дозволяє лінзам пітніти ні за яких погодних умовах і температурах. ударопрочность Жорстка конструкція розрахована, щоб витримати будь-яку віддачу від пострілів і удари. анодизирован покриття Довговічне матове покриття корпусу прицілу не відкидали відблисків, що допомагає приховати позицію стрілка. Барабани введення поправок Захищені ковпачками. Також їх можна виставити на нуль після пристрілки прицілу.
Габарити прицілом
L1: 287 мм L2: 53 мм L3: 41 мм L4: 127 мм L5: 68 мм L6: 91 мм H1: 39 мм H2: 44 мм
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Crossfire II 2-7x32 Rimfire V-Plex (MOA) (CF2-3100
The Vortex Crossfire II in 2-7x32 is an excellent 22LR scope with that magnification. The eye relief on this scope is outstanding! And this can be mounted on rifles up to a 308!
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Оптический прицел Vortex Crossfire II 2-7x32 Dead-Hold BDC [Реклама]
Отличный прицел от вортекс - XD-стекло (стекло высокой плотности) повышает разрешение и контраст, а также общее качество картинки;
XR-покрытие всех элементов оптики - технология многослойного антибликового покрытия, запатентованная производителем, и позволяющая достичь максимального светопропускания и четкости картинки;
Цельная труба диаметром 25.4 мм, изготовленная из специального алюминиевого сплава 6061-Т6, используемого в авиастроение, обеспечивает повышенную прочность конструкции;
Внутренние механизмы защищены от попадания песка, пыли, грязи, влажности и других посторонних элементов внутрь механизмов;
Cетка располагается во второй фокальной плоскости (Second Focal Plane);
Абсолютная воднонепроницаемость и антизапотевание (прицелы заполнены аргоном);
Трехслойное анодированное анти-отражающее покрытие корпуса обеспечивает высокую устойчивость к царапинам и предотвращает отблески света от корпуса прицела.
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Vortex Crossfire II 2-7x32 Rimfire Photo slideshow
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Review Vortex Optics Crossfire II 2-7x32 Rimfire, Second Focal Plane, 1-inch Tube Riflescope -...
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Vortex Optics, Crossfire II 2-7x32 Scout, Second Focal Plane, 1-inch Tube Riflescope, V-Plex Reticle , Black
The 2-7x32 Crossfire II Scout Riflescope is perfect for Use on your Scout rifle, The V-Plex reticle is a popular all-purpose hunting reticle intended for a wide variety of hunting applications
With 9. 45" of eye relief and an ultra-forgiving eye box, you'll be able to quickly get a sight picture and acquire your target, The fast focus eyepiece allows quick and easy reticle focusing
Anti-reflective, fully multi-coated lenses provide bright and clear views for the user
Capped reset turrets are finger adjustable with MOA clicks that can be reset to zero after sighting in
A single piece tube constructed from aircraft grade aluminum ensures strength and shockproof performance, O-ring sealed and Nitrogen purged, the Crossfire II delivers waterproof and Fog proof performance 👍 👍🏿 Give us a thumbs up on the video.
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Vortex Optics Crossfire II 2-7x32 Rimfire, Second Focal Plane, 1-inch Tube review
Vortex Optics Crossfire II 2-7x32 Rimfire, Second Focal Plane, 1-inch Tube Riflescope - V-Plex Reticle
Main Features:
- The 2-7x32 Crossfire II Rim fire riflescope is one of many configurations in the Crossfire II line. The V-Plex reticle is a popular all-purpose hunting reticle intended for a variety of hunting applications.
- With long eye relief and an ultra-forgiving eye box, you'll be able to quickly get a sight picture and acquire your target. The fast focus eyepiece allows quick and easy reticle focusing.
- Anti-reflective, fully multi-coated lenses provide bright and clear views for the user.
- Capped reset turrets are finger adjustable with MOA clicks that can be reset to zero after sighting in.
- A single piece tube constructed from aircraft grade aluminum ensures strength and shockproof performance. O-ring sealed and nitrogen purged, the Crossfire II delivers waterproof and fog proof performance.
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Vortex Crossfire ii 2-7x32 Review: The Best Hunting Scope
Vortex Crossfire ii 2-7x32 Review
Vortex Crossfire ii 2-7x32 Review
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today we will be reviewing the vortex crossfire ii 2-7x32 dead-hold bdc.
A budget friendly scope for hunting or entry level rimfire, at a price you can afford. we will be going over, glass, reticle, turrets, eye relief, and more.
High performance meets economical. Clear, tough, and bright, our popular Crossfire II line is built to exceed the performance standards of similarly priced riflescopes. Long eye relief, a fast-focus eyepiece, fully multi-coated lenses, and resettable MOA turrets are hallmarks of the series.
Magnification 2-7x
Objective Lens Diameter 32 mm
Reticle Dead-Hold BDC (MOA)
Eye Relief 3.9 inches
Turret Style Capped
Tube Size 1 inch
Adjustment Graduation 1/4 MOA
Parallax Setting 100 yards
Max Windage Adjustment 60 MOA
Max Elevation Adjustment 60 MOA
Travel Per Rotation 15 MOA
Length inches
Weight 14.3 oz
Field of View 42-12.6 ft/100 yds
optics planet:
in canada
if you enjoyed this video check out these other ones too!!
Arken EP5 5-25x56
hi-lux PR5 5-25X56
vortex diamondback tactical 4-16X44
Vortex Diamondback Tactical 6-24x50 ffp scope
If you own one of these models, leave your experience (what you think of them in the comments below.) If you would like to join the discussion join our Facebook group:
00:00 Introduction
00:43 glass
03:09 recoil
03:33 accuracy
04:03 parallax
04:29 turrets
05:34 eye relief
06:05 reticle
06:34 warranty
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Vortex Optics Crossfire II 2-7x32 Rimfire, Second Focal Plane, 1-inch Tube review
Vortex Optics Crossfire II 2-7x32 Rimfire, Second Focal Plane, 1-inch Tube Riflescope - V-Plex Reticle
Main Features:
- The 2-7x32 Crossfire II Rim fire riflescope is one of many configurations in the Crossfire II line. The V-Plex reticle is a popular all-purpose hunting reticle intended for a variety of hunting applications.
- With long eye relief and an ultra-forgiving eye box, you'll be able to quickly get a sight picture and acquire your target. The fast focus eyepiece allows quick and easy reticle focusing.
- Anti-reflective, fully multi-coated lenses provide bright and clear views for the user.
- Capped reset turrets are finger adjustable with MOA clicks that can be reset to zero after sighting in.
- A single piece tube constructed from aircraft grade aluminum ensures strength and shockproof performance. O-ring sealed and nitrogen purged, the Crossfire II delivers waterproof and fog proof performance.
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Vortex Crossfire ii Scout Scope 2-7x32 arrived for my Ruger Marlin 1895 SBL 45-70 #shorts #short
Just received the Vortex Crossfire ii Scout Scope that is forward mounting for my Ruger made Marlin 1895 SBL 45-70. I'll be doing an unboxing video on the Vortex Crossfire ii Scout Scope this week as well as the Vortex Pro Riflescope Rings for mounting. This Vortex Scout Scope is 2-7x32.
Full Ruger made Marlin 1895 SBL review1st 150 shots:
Marlin 1895 SBL unboxing video:
45-70 Ballistic Test from Marlin 1895 SBL using multiple ammo types:
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#Vortex #Crossfire #ReticleSubtension
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Target Practice Savage Rascal Vortex Crossfire II 2-7x32 Rabbit Hunting
YouTube wants to kill this channel! Please consider supporting me through my Patreon - Vortex Crossfire II Review (Budget Rifle Scope)
Welcome to another review from Firearms of America. Today we are doing another Vortex scopes review. This time it is Vortex Optics Crossfire II. Here is the link:
Vortex Optics Crossfire II Second Focal Plane, 1-inch Tube Riflescopes -
Vortex Optics Hunter Riflescope Rings -
This particular model that is being reviewed here is 2-7x32 Crossfire II riflescope.
The first thing that I am really happy about whenever it comes to this Vortex Optics scope is the variety of models and configurations available! Currently, you can buy 11 different configurations on Amazon with different magnification, different reticles, etc.
Of course if you are familiar with Vortex, you probably already know that the built quality of their products is fantastic. I have two products from Vortex on my AR-15 and both have been performing perfectly.
Also, as you have noticed in the title of this video, this is a budget rifle scope. It might not be the best rifle scope out there, but in my opinion, this is the best rifle scope under 200! In fact it is way under 200. This particular model featured in this video is only $129.
So, what do you guys think? If you have found this video useful, please subscribe, this a new channel and every subscriber here counts! More gun accessory reviews coming this way!
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As it turns out, there is an Instagram page for this channel as well:
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Best Budget Scope for the Ruger 10/22 (Vortex Crossfire II 2-7x32 Rimfire)
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Great scope for 100 yards. I show what comes with the vortex crossfire2 2-7 x32mm scope.
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Ruger Marlin 1895 SBL 45-70 with Vortex Crossfire ii Scout Scope 2-7x32 #shorts #short #shooting
Just did a full unboxing and installation video of the Vortex Crossfire ii Scout Scope 2-7x32 that I put on my Ruger made Marlin 1895 SBL 45-70. I really so far like this Scout Scope by Vortex and will be taking it out to the shooting range later this week to see how it stands up to the 45-70. I have seen positive reviews of this scope on the Marlin 1895 SBL and Trapper models previously. When I get back from the shooting range, I'll do a follow-up video on my final thoughts.
full video link:
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I installed a new Vortex Crossfire II scope on my Ruger American .22 LR and trying it out in this video. Shooting ELEY Target ammo with a scope setting of 12X. It was a beautiful day! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
You know them, you love them, they make great hunting optics and entry-level rifle toppers. But while the Diamondback® may offer better optics overall, find out when it might be a smarter decision to shoot with a Crossfire® II.
Connect with Vortex Optics:
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Savage .308 Scout / Vortex Crossfire II 2-7x32 : Testing ✔️
Savage .308 Scout Rifle / Vortex Crossfire II 2-7x32 : Testing ✔️
At the Range, Seasoning the Barrel & Sighting in the new Vortex Scope for the Savage Scout Rifle!
Check out Wiley's Gun Shop!
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"Carry On!" Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Top 5 BEST 22LR Scope You can Buy Right Now [2024]
Top 5 BEST 22LR Scope You can Buy Right Now [2024]
► Links to the best 22LR scopes 2024 we listed in this video:
► 5. Simmons 3-9x32mm .22 -
► 4. Sig Sauer Romeo5 -
► 3. Burris Droptine Riflescope -
► 2. Vortex Optics Crossfire II 2-7x32 -
► 1. Vortex Optics Crossfire II V-Plex -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Table of Contents:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0:00 - Intro
0:54 - Simmons 3-9x32mm .22
2:11 - Sig Sauer Romeo5
2:36 - Burris Droptine Riflescope
3:42 - Vortex Optics Crossfire II
4:32 - Vortex Optics Crossfire II V-Plex
5:42 - Buying Guide
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We have just revealed top 5 22LR scopes 2024. At 5th place, we have Simmons 3-9x32mm .22, best long range 22LR scope. At 4th place we have Sig Sauer Romeo5, best 22LR rifle scope for hunting. At 3rd place, we have Burris Droptine Riflescope most accurate 22LR scope, At 2nd place, we have Vortex Optics Crossfire II, the best precision 22LR scope. At 1st palce, we have Vortex Optics Crossfire II V-Plex, best 22LR scope of 2024 that money can buy.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Hope you enjoyed my Best 22LR Scopes - Top 5 22LR Scopes 2024 Video.
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What's up, everybody! If you're looking for a scope to go on your .22lr, this optic will certainly complete your setup and offer you a Lifetime Warranty should you ever need it. Let's check it out.
Code: 32icon for 5% off your order!
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Olivia (32icon)
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This video is a tutorial showing how to effectively use the Vortex Optics Dead Hold BDC reticle in the field.
Make sure to pay careful attention to the caliber you are shooting and which category it fits into in the Dead-Hold BDC manual, since trajectories can perform very differently over distance. Also, make sure to validate the ballistics of the specific rounds you will be firing in order to be aware of any difference in trajectory between your rounds and the trajectory suggested by the BDC holdover points.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at info@ or give us a call at 800-426-0048. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Crossfire II 2-7x32mm 1in Tube Second Focal Plane Rifle Scope
Vortex Crossfire II 2-7x32mm 1in Tube Second Focal Plane Rifle Scope
Vortex Crossfire II 2-7x32mm Rifle Scope is a versatile but powerful Rifle Scope designed for close to medium range encounters. These efficient Rifle Scopes from Vortex Optics are an updated version of the original Vortex Crossfire, but they maintain the same stripped down, streamlined, and highly effective design of the original. Built with fully multi-coated optics and a glare-reducing sun shade, these scopes will deliver clear, bright images even in dim conditions like sunrise or sunset. The high durability of the Vortex Crossfire 2 Anodized Aluminum 2-7x Rifle Scope, with its capped turrets, single piece tube, aircraft-grade aluminum construction, and machine-locked lenses, allows you to take it on any hunt without fear of scratches or breakage. What's more, the Crossfire scope is waterproof, fog proof, and even shock proof, so you can mount it on your highest caliber firearm without worrying about the recoil. Windage and elevation turrets with a fast reset to zero function that will keep your scope sighted longer, and the fast focus eyepiece makes it easy to keep targets sighted and in focus, even while moving or changing ranges. For a highly efficient, no nonsense Rifle Scope that has the grit to get the job done, choose the Vortex Optics Crossfire II 2-7x32 Variable Zoom Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thanks for coming along and taking a look at this Vortex Crossfire II 2-7×32 scout scope!
if you have any prayer requests, or any mosin nagant questions, please don't hesitate to send me an email!
captainrex1995@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Crossfire ii scope review . Excellent Vortex rifle scope for the money scope is excellent beginners scope . Also great for Air rifles Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Crossfire II rimfire on Ruger 10/22 Takedown
Putting the new scope on my 10/22 takedown
Note: I did need to take the rear iron sight off in order to separate the barrel from the action. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#Vortex #Crossfire #Riflescope
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An unboxing and Install of the vortex crossfire 2 on my ruger 10/22. A picatinny rail and vortex scope rings are used in this process.
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Vortex Optics Crossfire II 2-7x32 Scout, Second Focal Plane, 1-inch Tube Riflescope review
Vortex Optics Crossfire II 2-7x32 Scout, Second Focal Plane, 1-inch Tube Riflescope - V-Plex Reticle , Black
Main Features:
- The 2-7x32 Crossfire II Scout Riflescope is perfect for Use on your Scout rifle, The V-Plex reticle is a popular all-purpose hunting reticle intended for a wide variety of hunting applications
- With 9. 45" of eye relief and an ultra-forgiving eye box, you'll be able to quickly get a sight picture and acquire your target, The fast focus eyepiece allows quick and easy reticle focusing
- Anti-reflective, fully multi-coated lenses provide bright and clear views for the user
- Capped reset turrets are finger adjustable with MOA clicks that can be reset to zero after sighting in
- A single piece tube constructed from aircraft grade aluminum ensures strength and shockproof performance, O-ring sealed and Nitrogen purged, the Crossfire II delivers waterproof and Fog proof performance
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In this midweek update, I'm taking a close-up look at the Vortex Crossfire II Scout scope. If you're in need of a new forward-mounted magnified optic, and you don't have a ton of money to spend, you might just want to check this one out! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Just a lil look, nothing special. Y'all take a look and thanks for watchn! Please like, comment, share and subscribe! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The link to all of the items you see in this video are listed below.......
Thank you Str8 Country Family for tuning in. Please check out my Vortex Crossfire II 2-7X32 unboxing & setup video and let me know what you think.
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Equipment Used in this Video:
Crossbow: Barnett Droptine STR......
Scope: Vortex Crossfire II 2-7X32 Scope Kit......
Bipod: CVLIFE 6-9" Bipod Picatinny Bipod w/ Adapter..... Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Budget scope for under $150, Vortex Crossfire II 2-7 x 32 Scope
Finished zeroing the scope on my Marlin 336 today. Nice little scope. I hope you enjoy the video! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Count your clicks and dial your scope! Watch my full video to learn how to sight in your rifle:
Who is Ron Spomer
For 44 years I’ve had the good fortune to photograph and write about my passion – the outdoor life. Wild creatures and wild places have always stirred me – from the first flushing pheasant that frightened me out of my socks in grandpa’s cornfield to the last whitetail that dismissed me with a wag of its tail. In my attempts to connect with this natural wonder, to become an integral part of our ecosystem and capture a bit of its mystery, I’ve photographed, hiked, hunted, birded, and fished across much of this planet. I've seen the beauty that everyone should see, survived adventures that everyone should experience. I may not have climbed the highest mountains, canoed the wildest rivers, caught the largest fish or shot the biggest bucks, but I’ve tried. Perhaps you have, too. And that’s the essential thing. Being out there, an active participant in our outdoor world.
Produced by: @red11media
Welcome to the RSO Podcast! In this episode, I read an article I wrote about an amazing pronghorn hunt I went on in Colorado.
Who is Ron Spomer
For 44 years I’ve had the good fortune to photograph and write about my passion – the outdoor life. Wild creatures and wild places have always stirred me – from the first flushing pheasant that frightened me out of my socks in grandpa’s cornfield to the last whitetail that dismissed me with a wag of its tail. In my attempts to connect with this natural wonder, to become an integral part of our ecosystem and capture a bit of its mystery, I’ve photographed, hiked, hunted, birded, and fished across much of this planet. I've seen the beauty that everyone should see, survived adventures that everyone should experience. I may not have climbed the highest mountains, canoed the wildest rivers, caught the largest fish or shot the biggest bucks, but I’ve tried. Perhaps you have, too. And that’s the essential thing. Being out there, an active participant in our outdoor world.
Produced by: @red11media
All loading, handloading, gunsmithing, shooting and associated activities and demonstrations depicted in our videos are conducted by trained, certified, professional gun handlers, instructors, and shooters for instructional and entertainment purposes only with emphasis on safety and responsible gun handling. Always check at least 3 industry handloading manuals for handloading data, 2 or 3 online ballistic calculators for ballistic data. Do not modify any cartridge or firearm beyond what the manufacturer recommends. Do not attempt to duplicate, mimic, or replicate anything you see in our videos. Firearms, ammunition, and constituent parts can be extremely dangerous if not used safely. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Matching your BDC reticle to a specific load is easier than you might think. Here's everything you need to know to stretch your effective distance further.
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Why I Don’t Hunt With 6.5 Creedmoor #scopecam #deerhunting #bigbuck #shorts #viral #gunops #reddot
Clearer. Tougher. Brighter. Our popular Crossfire riflescopes are completely redesigned and built to exceed the performance standards of similarly-priced riflescopes. Longer eye relief, a fast-focus eyepiece, fully multi-coated lenses and improved, resettable MOA turrets ensure optimal performance in the field. The hard anodized one-piece aircraft-grade aluminum tube is nitrogen purged and O-ring sealed for a lifetime of waterproof/fogproof performance. The Crossfires deliver — and then some.
V-Plex Reticle (MOA)
A popular all purpose hunting reticle, intended for a wide variety of hunting applications.
All Vortex Products are covered by the Australian Vortex VIP Warranty Our warranty is about you, not us. It's about taking care of you after the sale. The VIP stands for a Very Important Promise to you, our customers. We will repair or replace your Vortex product in the event it becomes damaged or defective—at no charge to you other then return post from you to us. It doesn't matter how it happened, whose fault it was, or where you purchased it. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Crossfire II riflescopes | Optics Trade Debates
Vortex Crossfire II riflescopes are the entry level of hunting rifle scopes, which come at an affordable price and nice build quality.
Products mentioned:
Vortex Crossfire II:
Vortex Crossfire II 2-7x32:
Vortex Crossfire II 2-7x32 Rimfire:
Vortex Crossfire II 3-9x40:
Vortex Crossfire II 2-7x32 Scout:
Vortex Crossfire II 1x24 Muzzleloader:
Vortex Crossfire II 4-12x44:
Vortex Crossfire II 4-12x50 AO:
Vortex Crossfire II 4-12x40 AO:
Vortex Crossfire II 3-9x50:
Vortex Crossfire II 1-4x24:
Vortex Crossfire II 6-18x44 AO:
Vortex Crossfire II 4-16x50 AO:
Vortex Crossfire II 6-24x50 AO:
Vortex Crossfire II 3-12x56 AO Hog Hunter:
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Vortex Optics Diamondback 2-7x35 Rimfire, Second Focal Plane Riflescope - V-Plex Reticle (MOA) , black
Main Features:
- The Diamondback 2-7x35 Rimfire riflescope is ideal for use at close range on 22 rimfire, shotguns, and muzzleloaders. The V-Plex reticle is a popular all-purpose hunting reticle intended for a wide variety of hunting applications.
- Lenses are fully multi-coated for crystal clear, bright images from dawn till dusk. The fast focus Eyepiece allows for quick and easy reticle focusing.
- Metal on metal Precision turrets offer the ability to zero reset after sight-in. A precision glide erector System ensures accurate tracking and repeatability.
- A solid one-piece tube with a hard anodized finish creates a shockproof and durable scope while helping camouflage The shooter's position.
- Argon purged and O-ring sealed the scope will deliver a lifetime of Fog proof and waterproof performance.
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Vortex CROSSFIRE II 1-4x24 First Person POV - C_Does
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The Crossfire II 1-4x24 by Vortex, It's a budget scope that performs as one would expect from a scope in the sub $200 price point. For me, its a keeper!
C_DOES is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Equipped with a factory-installed Vortex Crossfire II riflescope with the Dead-Hold BDC reticle mounted on one-piece Picatinny scope base.
Ruger Marksman Adjustable trigger offers a crisp release with a pull weight that is user adjustable between 3 and 5 pounds, allowing shooters to make that perfect shot.
Ergonomic, lightweight synthetic stock designed for quick, easy handling blends a classic look with modern forend contouring and grip serrations.
Soft rubber buttpad is crafted for maximum recoil reduction.
The one-piece, three-lug bolt with 70° throw provides ample scope clearance and utilizes a full diameter bolt body and dual cocking cams for smooth, easy cycling from the shoulder.
Patented Power Bedding, integral bedding block system positively locates the receiver and free-floats the barrel for outstanding accuracy.
Factory-installed, one-piece Picatinny scope base.
Outstanding accuracy helps make every hunt a success.
Heavier tapered, threaded barrel with factory-installed thread protector is cold hammer-forged, resulting in ultra-precise rifling that provides exceptional accuracy and longevity.
The visible, accessible and easy-to-actuate tang safety provides instant security.
Also includes: one magazine; sling swivel studs.
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Vortex Crossfire II 3-9x40 review
in this video we review the Vortex Crossfire 2 in 3-9x40
a decently priced scope on the entry level north american market
If you are looking to pick one up
Optics planet:
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if you enjoyed this video you will likely enjoy
Sig Sauer Whiskey 3 3-9x40
Vortex diamaondback tactical 6-24x50
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from Vortex:
High performance meets economical. Clear, tough, and bright, our popular Crossfire II line is built to exceed the performance standards of similarly priced riflescopes. Long eye relief, a fast-focus eyepiece, fully multi-coated lenses, and resettable MOA turrets are hallmarks of the series.
Magnification 3-9x
Objective Lens Diameter 40 mm
Eye Relief 3.8 inches
Field of View ft/100 yds
Tube Size 1 inch
Turret Style Capped
Adjustment Graduation 1/4 MOA
Travel Per Rotation 15 MOA
Max Elevation Adjustment 60 MOA
Max Windage Adjustment 60 MOA
Parallax Setting 100 yards
Length inches
Weight 15 oz
If you own one of these models, leave your experience (what you think of them in the comments below.)
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Do You Need a Rimfire Scope? ~ What's the Difference?
The important differences that set a quality rimfire scope apart from other scopes are widely misunderstood to be simply of lesser quality. That's far from the truth and has absolutely nothing to do with their unique engineering! Allow me to explain why you absolutely need a good, properly engineered, rimfire scope on your rimfire rifle. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Crossfire II Scout Scope 2-7x32 Product Review
Today we're reviewing the Vortex Crossfire II Scout Scope! Its quite possibly the best budget scout scope fit for a variety of tasks - don't pass this one up!
- The Dead-Hold BDC reticle is good for hunting/shooting at varying ranges where estimating holdover is a concern.
- Long eye relief and an ultra-forgiving eye box, lets you to quickly acquire your target.
- Fast focus eyepiece allows quick and easy reticle focusing with an Anti-reflective, fully multi-coated lenses provide bright and clear views for the user.
- Capped Reset Turrets are finger adjustable with 1/4" inch MOA clicks that can be reset to zero after sighting in.
- Constructed from aircraft grade aluminum for strength and shockproof performance. O-ring sealed and nitrogen purged, the Crossfire II delivers waterproof and fog proof performance.
Price: $
Link below: =ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s01?ie=UTF8&th=1&psc=1 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ruger 10/22 carbine & Vortex Crossfire 2 unboxing, review, accurate fast shooting n honest opinion.
It’s here! If you’ve been looking for the perfect crossbow optic to get you stacking bolts and filling tags, checkout this video for a look at the all-new Crossfire® II 2-7x32 Crossbow Scope.
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So like looking at that HSLR that Mark mentioned, that's a thousand dollar rifle scope. That's a lot of coin. That's that's the cost of the hunt. If you're driving from Wisconsin here, plus your tag, plus your food, plus your gas. So they see that and they're like, well, shoot, that's a I don't think I'm going to be able to sneak that one into the budget. So then they say, well, I still want six to 24, but I'm going to go down a few tiers in optics. And then I'll be OK, right, because they still have six to 24, but I'm going down a tier. And that's fine. But again, we need to now consider application. So let's say we jump down to we'll just we'll go to the extreme end. We go to the crossfire to six to 24 by 50 adjustable objective. Our entry level high magnification scope. We're still at six to 24. We're still at 50 to somebody not well versed in a rifle scope. They look at these two things on paper and they see same same numbers are the same. They could lower price. Man, I'm ripping them off. The only the only the only thing the only thing in common that these rifle scopes share is their color, their magnification range and the fact that they're vortex optics products. They couldn't be more different for use and an optical quality.
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