Компанія Sig Sauer анонсувала нову модель пневматичного пістолета P365 CO2, який ідеально підійде для відпрацювання навичок поводження зі зброєю, а також для розважальної стрільби. Модель максимально копіює габарити, дизайн і управління як в бойовому прототипі. Крім того, для більшої схожості з оригіналом, модель P365 CO2 має рухливу затворну раму з системою відкату Blowback, що максимально імітує бойову віддачу. Пістолет працює за рахунок стандартного балончика CO2 з вуглекислим газом, який розташований безпосередньо в самому магазині. Сам магазин вміщає в себе 12 кульок BB в калібрі 4,5 мм.
пневматические пистолеты:
сигнальные пистолеты:
арбалеты и луки:
... и многое другое
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Купить: (germaniya)/pnevmaticheskiy_pistolet_sig_sauer_p321_blk_45_mm P320 - пневматический пистолет высочайшего качества от немецкой компании Sig Sauer
Пистолет стал популярен благодаря схожести с боевым аналогом и высокому качеству сборки.
Каждый пистолет Sig Sauer P 320 проходит очень строгий контроль качества сборки. Благодаря чему, продукция компании пользуется большим спросом по всему миру.
Пистолет Sig Sauer P320 оснащен нарезным стволом, что позволяет использовать для стрельбы свинцовые пули. Пули для стрельбы нужно использовать в калибре 4,5 мм. Магазин вмещает в себя 30 свинцовых пуль.
Источником энергии являются баллоны СО2.
При длине в 243 мм масса пистолета составляет 1 кг.
Для установки дополнительных аксессуаров (фонарей, лазеров) предусмотрена планка Пикатинни. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Code 704TACTICAL for 15% Off
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SIG AIR BB Gun P365 Blowback | Did we just get a bad one?
Today we have the Sig P365 BB Gun pistol. this beast is blowback action, semi-auto, and shoots up to 300 FPS. that's crazy fast. the compact size of this pistol makes it the perfect sidearm for someone with smaller hands like Ryker.
If any of you guy have his bb gun, let us know how many magazines you can shoot with a new co2 cart.
As an Amazon Affiliate we earn a commission if items are purchased with our link
Amazon Affiliate (paid link) for Sig P365
Amazon Affiliate (paid link) for 40 ct of Co2
Amazon Affiliate (paid link) for Copperhead BB's
Amazon Affiliate (paid link) for Black Diamonds
You’ve seen them on channels like WAG Entertainment, Silo Entertainment, Evike, Airsoft GI, Kevin Deleon, Esai Givens, Sam’s Toys, c7viper, PhilTheThrill, Aman Studios, and the Airsoft list goes on…If it’s a blowback, AEG, Non-Blowback, Half-Blowback, AEP, Airgun, BB Gun, break barrel, Glock, Elite Force, Umarex, toy gun, nerf gun, co2, green gas, GBB, and so many more killer Airsoft, BB guns, and foam blaster we will do our best to find it and make a video about it. Don’t rage quit the video watch all the way to the end to get rewarded with that sweet treat. Also let us know if the video is 🔥 or not either way you guys are the best 💪🏽💪🏽
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Sig Sauer P365 4.5mm AIR Pistol | Full Review & Shooting Test
Here we have my take on the super compact Sig Sauer (sig air) co2 blowback pistol. its certainly a snappy little thing with reasonable accuracy for a pistol of this size. build construction is also really good with a polymer lower and a metal slide - much like the real deal! A welcome addition to the collection!
As always if you have any questions; feel free to post them below and i'll do my best to answer them.
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Sig Sauer P365 CO2
купить : (germaniya)/pnevmaticheskiy-pistolet-sig-sauer-p365-45-mm?utm_source=Youtube&utm_medium=Airgun_media&utm_campaign=pnevmaticheskie_pistoleti&utm_content=sigsauerp365
Пистолет модели P365 - НОВИНКА компании Sig Sauer, внешне копирующаяя одноименный боевой аналог. Пистолет относится к классу газобаллонной пневматики, используемой для развлекательной, спортивной и тренировочной стрельбы.
- металлический затвор;
- двусторонний предохранитель;
- 12-ти зарядный магазин;
- исполнение в черном цвете. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Modeled after its award-winning 9mm counterpart, the P365 Air Pistol is the perfect way to practice your concealed carry firearm.
- Full blowback metal slide
- CO2 loading 12 round magazine
- Green high visibility 3-dot fixed sights
- Ambidextrous Manual safety
- Similar weight and feel of the P365 9mm firearm
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This is the video portion of the P365 air pistol review for
P365 review
The MCX ASP and P226 ASP air gun review
Sig 1911 air pistol review
Gun Powder Gals
Virtual Shooting Range Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Sig 'Air' P365 in CO2 Review - Why I should have got a Glock instead.
Please consider supporting my channel through Patreon for more airgun and shooting videos!
A detailed look at the new Sig Air P365 from Sig Sauer - a fully licensed and (mostly) accurate copy of the real steel compact carry gun 4.5 mm bb CO2. And, importantly, why I swapped it for A Glock 17 Gen 4.
Unboxing and overview 00:00:18
Shooting 00:15:35
Things go wrong 00:22:17
Summary and Comments 00:24:36
Retailer mentioned in video
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A look at the Sig Air Sig Sauer P365 CO2 blowback pistol in steel BB.
Had to shoot the video at the bottom of the Garden due to a lot of road noise so I appologise for the not great in places result. As my teachers would have said "Could do better" I will work on it for next time! Hope you enjoy the video otherwise.
Thanks to Phil and Tracey at Leicestershire Airguns for loaning me the sig for test.
Without their help I wouldn't be able to do these videos. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Sig Sauer p 365 Airgun review co2 bb pistol / sig Sauer p320 Airgun review co2 bb pistol / AAA AirGuns / Air Stream Rifles / Sig Air Guns pistols Rifles / Sig Air p365 magazine / Sig p365 Air Gun Disassemble field strip / Sig Air M17 Review pellet pistol Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In todays video I unboxed the Sig Sauer P365 CO2 Blowback BB Gun! If you liked anything in this video please like, Subscribe with post notis, and share the video to a friend
Lit BB gun Playlist 😱:
Download some 🔥 games: @jayfrmct
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I Love this Little Sig Sauer p365
AAR channels bring you the latest News and Reviews of products in the world of airguns, air rifles, air pistols, accessories and all things Airgun related.
Below are all the links I can recommend for finding out more about the items shown in the video.
Andy is the Host and a hobby Air gunner and video maker and produces the AAR channels during his spare time. The Production team consists of Andy, Mrs AAR, Karl and Luke. No remuneration is received for the production of these videos. We hope you enjoy the Videos and channels, please always
shoot safely and within the Laws relating to your country, and please ensure you are respectful of the Law and others at all times.
Theme Music and all Music used in the AAR videos are produced by AAR using non-copyright music loops from Apple Garage Band and are supplied by Apple on a royalty free basis for all to use
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Alternative title - A Tale of Two Siggies
This year is a little slower as I had a hernia surgery in February and I have tendinitis in both upper and lower tendons on my right arm, so I'm kind of on the injured list. BUT, I'm still working on things as best as I can, and I've got some cool (I hope) things in the works, so stay tuned!
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Check out my second channel, Seven Star Off Topic:
#SevenStarTactical #Sig #P365 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Slip2000 10% of Coupon Code: "DELTAALPHABRAVO"
In this video, I briefly go over the P365 BB Air Pistol and compare it with the 9mm. There is also a short clip of shooting the P365 BB Air Pistol. I also had an issue initially with the leak of CO2 in the magazine, see timeline below.
0:00 Intro
0:30 What's in the box
2:23 Looking at Air Pistol vs. 9mm
5:30 Loading BB Gun Magazine
8:01 Shooting
8:20 Magazine Comparison for Size
9:24 Continue looking at the comparisons
10:00 CO2 Leak in Magazine
10:36 Wrap up Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Reviewing and shooting the very tiny, compact, but awesome Sig P365!
Sig Sauer P365 Review
1st half of the video is the review, and
the 2nd half is a video compilation of some firing and accuracy testing :)
How to Load Co2 at 00:10:37
How to load BBs at 00:07:53
Firing the P365 at 00:14:45
Accuracy test at 00:20:17
Any thoughts? Leave a comment or just email me @ co2gunreviews914@ and as always peace, and I love you guys! Stay cool everyone and thank you very much to my new subscribers! ✌
You can find this air gun, BB's and CO2 by using the following links:
Amazon - =ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Sig Sauer -
Pyramid Air -
Amazon - =pd_bxgy_img_3/138-3312567-5025449?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B083GCW1YC&pd_rd_r=cd0d82f5-53b6-44e8-accd-769accf53634&pd_rd_w=gUIyM&pd_rd_wg=HNgnK&pf_rd_p=f325d01c-4658-4593-be83-3e12ca663f0e&pf_rd_r=190KMB39F6FA2GNX85HB&psc=1&refRID=190KMB39F6FA2GNX85HB
Amazon -
Amazon - =sr_1_4?crid=2V8LU9RMFV7FH&dchild=1&keywords=12+gram+co2+cartridges&qid=1604531695&s=sporting-goods&sprefix=12+gram+co2+car%2Csporting%2C151&sr=1-4
Amazon - =sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=pellgun+oil&qid=1604531637&s=sporting-goods&sr=1-3
🎧 Intro music created by me @
If anyone needs intro beats just hit my Soundcloud up for free downloads or just hit me up for something custom.
Paul @ co2gunreviews914@
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Sig P365 Air Pistol 4.5MM/.177 (BB) - First Use and Comparison with 9MM
The Sig P365 is a great compact handgun. In 9mm it packs a solid little punch. But in this video we take a look at a very recognizable relative to the this time it's a air pistol. Utilizing 12g CO2 cartridges, this offers the ability to get some backyard training. From basic mechanics, to trigger pull, sight picture, and target acquisition, the Sig Airguns come close-ish to a somewhat realistic training tool without needing to head out to the range.
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Find OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram
OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM embodies the intellectual works of “Eric Outer”: host, owner, inventor, creator, designer, photographer, videographer, musician.
OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM includes, but is not limited to, multi-media works that are displayed on a multitude of online and social media platforms and is the property of “Eric Outer”. Content includes, but is not limited to, reviews and feature videos of gear, products, merchandise, outdoor activities, hiking, backpacking, camping, and related subjects.
OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM includes original music performed by the owner and affiliate musicians.
OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM produces products fabricated by numerous vendors and produced with the OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM name and logo. These products are the property of OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM and have been developed per the direction, specifications, and invention of “Eric Outer”.
OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM logos and images are property of “Eric Outer”. The OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM tribal tree and font is property of “Eric Outer”. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Link do produto:
Sig Sauer P365 Airgun: Uma réplica perfeita e licenciada de uma das pistolas compactas mais utilizadas para porte no mundo.
A Sig P365 airgun é uma réplica muito realista e bem feita no modelo de mesmo nome, fabricado pela empresa alemã Sig Sauer. Seu projeto não é só licenciado pela SigSauer, mas também participou do desenvolvimento dessa pistola, de forma em oferecer uma réplica que dispara esferas de aço 4,5mm para quem possui sua versão de fogo e queira treinar em estande de tiro de forma mais econômica.
Modelada com base em sua premiada contraparte de 9 mm, a P365 Air Pistol é a maneira perfeita de praticar sua arma de fogo de porte velado.
Apesar de pesar um pouco menos que sua versão de fogo (370g contra 510g), a pistola possui umas escala real, com blowback e travas funcionais.
#primeguns #sigsauer #sigp365 #airgun #pistolaco2 #p365 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Sig Sauer P365 CO2 Blowback Airgun Pistol (unboxing)
Sig Sauer P365 CO2 Blowback Airgun Pistol (CO2 NOT INCL.) =cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_035K0YWD40NGHHMZ1D86?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
*link to bb gun* Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Sig Sauer P365 Co2 .177 Blow-Back Pistol "Full Review" by Airgun Detectives
This is a full and complete review of the Sig Sauer P365 Compact, Co2 .177 steel BB, Blowback pistol. We will provide you an unbiased detailed review and will show you the performance. #staytunedforairgundetectives
Airgun Detectives
Firearm-Guard Promo code "airgun"
(As an Amazon Associate AGD earn a small commission from qualifying purchases which helps support the channel, Thank You!)
P365 Spare Magazine
Sig Sauer Co2
Splatterburst Targets
Lyman Trigger Gauge
Lyman Shooting Bags
Splatter Burst Targets
DISCLAIMER: This video is meant for educational & documentary purposes only. All work on airguns and airgun accessories should be carried out by a proficient licensed professional. Airgun Detectives Channel nor YouTube will be held liable for any injury or damage resulting from attempting to duplicate anything shown in this video. Airgun Detectives YouTube Channel is not a store. We do not sell airguns, airgun parts, or airgun equipment directly from this viewing channel. By viewing this video, you are acknowledging the contents of this disclaimer. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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I had this gun for almost 2 weeks and it's dead! I'm tight.... smh
Sig Sauer P365 Review:
Sig Sauer P365 unboxing:
Any thoughts? Leave a comment or just email me @ co2gunreviews914@ and as always peace, and I love you guys! Stay cool everyone and thank you very much to my new subscribers! ✌
You can find this air gun, BB's and CO2 by using the following links:
Amazon - =ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Sig Sauer -
Pyramid Air -
Amazon - =pd_bxgy_img_3/138-3312567-5025449?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B083GCW1YC&pd_rd_r=cd0d82f5-53b6-44e8-accd-769accf53634&pd_rd_w=gUIyM&pd_rd_wg=HNgnK&pf_rd_p=f325d01c-4658-4593-be83-3e12ca663f0e&pf_rd_r=190KMB39F6FA2GNX85HB&psc=1&refRID=190KMB39F6FA2GNX85HB
🎧 Intro music created by me @
If anyone needs intro beats just hit my Soundcloud up for free downloads or just hit me up for something custom.
Paul @ co2gunreviews914@
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SIG Air P365, Training Aid and Fun Plinker First Impressions.
This is the 2nd video of my new 'Quick n Sick' series where I'll just pick some unplanned subject and/or object and very unrehearsed put a video together more directed at entertainment and not so much a review sort of information. Obviously I'll be more awkward than usual at times being more spontaneous, and I'll try to limit the time as much as possible. Hopefully some of you will be entertained by these new ones.
I recently bought a Sig P365 Co2 .177 BB pistol, and today I am shooting it for the first time. No table top review, or in depth information on the pistol itself, but rather my just giving it a try at some shorter defensive range distances. One slight obstacle is the temperature where I'm shooting (in the unheated ) is 27-28F, as we got winter here a little early this year. The gun functioned very well for the colder temperature, and accuracy was better and more consistent than I expected. While there's no denying the "cool factor" in having this micro bb pistol, I actually got it to practice shooting 'trigger time' for the real Sig P365 I have. This bb pistol is a near exact replica in feel, basic function, and just a bit shy weight wise, but certainly a lot cheaper to practice with.
So the first part of the video will be some pics of the BB pistol, then my introduction and some shooting (yeah a lot of my blabbing as ). After that I'll have some comparison pics of both Co2 and firearm pistols, and if you can last till the end, I have some last footage of a 10' full mag (12 rds) ammo dump at the target with some pretty surprising accuracy considering it drops Co2 pressure fast while shooting. Anyway this is just a fun video with some entertaining moments, and maybe a bit of information you can also get out of it.
Hope you enjoy it! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
a long awaited look at this seriously unique pistol , i hope this video is informative and useful to you all . stay tuned for the shooting test in the next video cheers Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to video ;)
How to field strip the SIG P365 Co2, didn’t think it was possible until today👌
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NEW sig sauer P365 co2 blow back pistol #airsoft #hood #travel #trap
Sig Sauer P365 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol (AIR-PF-365)
Buy from authorized dealer in US
at *
Key Features:
Realistic blowback action
Semi-automatic action
12 round capacity magazine
Powered by 1x 12g CO2 cartridge
All-metal blowback slide
High visibility 3 dot fixed iron sights
Ambidextrous manual safety
Caliber: 6mm airsoft BBs
Overall Length:
Barrel Length: 3 in
Weight (w/ Magazine): ()
Magazine Capacity: 12 rounds
Power Source: 12g CO2
Action: Semi-Automatic w/Blowback Slide
Velocity: up to 350fps
Hopup: Yes, Adjustable
Construction: Metal slide over Polymer Frame
👉Free shipping on all orders (no minimum order amount)
👉Free 30-day returns = Buy with confidence!
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👉You save $119/a year (No Prime subscription is required comparing to Amazon)
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*subject to supply availability
#sportsandgadgets #sigsauer #p365airsoft #airgun Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I got my hands on a replica of a Sig Sauer P365. This BB gun feels like the real thing. It also has blowback slide action and the slide locks open on the last shot. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Not bad for a hand pistol but after shooting a short target it clearly lacks in target grouping. I fine the look and feel to be outstanding but the performance to fall short of original expectations. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Пневматичні пістолети Sig Sauer для розваг та тренувань з IPSC
Спробувати постріляти з 4 нових моделей пневматичних пістолетів від Sig Sauer ми запросили стрільців, які приймають участь у змаганнях з IPSC. Адже точність, з якою виготовлені пневматичні копії вогнепальних аналогів Sig Sauer та функція імітації ходу затвору Blowback дозволяють використовувати ці пістолети не лише для розваг, а й для тренувань. Більше про можливості пневматичних пістолетів Sig Sauer дивіться у нашому відео та за посиланнями:
00:10 Пістолет пневматичний Sig Sauer P320-M17 Blowback
00:41 Пістолет пневматичний Sig Sauer P226 X5 Blowback
01:16 Пістолет пневматичний Sig Sauer P320 Blowback
01:41 Пістолет пневматичний Sig Sauer P365 Blowback Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Пневматический пистолет Sig Sauer Air P320 M17 4,5 мм
Sig Sauer Air P320 M17 4,5 мм
Все модели Sig Sauer на сайте:
Другие пневматические пистолеты:
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Unboxing the new Sig Sauer P365 Airsoft Pistol by SIG
Looking for a low profile/lightweight airsoft pistol? Look we've got you covered!
This new airsoft pistol is perfect for anyone wanting that P365 feel and look in airsoft form.
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#airsoft #sigsauer #airsoftpistol #sig #aeg #airsoftgun #bb #bb's #airsoftsniper #airsoftrage #hopup #handguard #blowback #greengas #co2 #airsoftpistol #milSim
About Valken: Bringing viewers information about the latest Valken paintball, airsoft, outdoor, and home defense products. Also sharing instructional how-to videos, and highlighting paintball and airsoft events.
Valken Sports is an American owned and operated company that focuses on quality paintball and airsoft products and accessories at an affordable price. Valken also offers several firearm accessories and home defense options for gun dealers, law enforcement, and government agencies.
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Having some fun in the woods, and back yard shooting the Sig Sauer BB gun Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This should help everyone who can't field strip theirs. Do not pull the trigger randomly while not paying attention to moving parts in a mechanical device while said device is disassembled.
Bear in mind this is not a traditional field strip model and should be treated as more of a disassembly. The trigger was not pulled at any time while the slide was off.
Here is how to reset your "hammer" Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Sig Sauer P365 Co2 Gun Field Strip (slide removal only)
This video was only made with intentions to help people in making their air guns last longer, I see many people getting upset over breaking guns when they've abused them quite severely. Here i show you how to get the slide off this air gun in hopes that owners of this particular gun get a longer life out of it, as well as ease of maintenance. Ive only been able to find videos of people breaking their air guns in attempt to disassemble it, so i hope this is helpful to some. Good luck and be safe, remember that i am not responsible for anything you do to your air gun after watching this video
check out streams: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Slip2000 10% of Coupon Code: "DELTAALPHABRAVO"
In this video, I'll show you how the P365 BB gun is loaded with BBs and installing the CO2 cartridge.
0:00 Intro
0:05 Loading BBs
1:13 Installing CO2 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is a review of my new airsoft gun. I wanted this for so long! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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