Серія прицілів Barska Ridgeline призначена для високоточної стрільби на дальні дистанції з нарізної мисливської зброї середніх і великих калібрів. Приціл Barska Ridgeline 4-16x44 SF (P4) має ряд спеціальних особливостей, які оцінять вимогливі мисливці. Серед іншого - система бічної відбудови паралакса, гравірована далекомірна сітка, система блокування механізму введення поправок і відбудови паралакса, швидке фокусування на окулярі, зручні відкидні захисні кришки окуляра і об'єктива. Приціл має максимальний ступінь водозахисту і азотонаповнення. Оптика має повне багатошарове просвітлення.
Кожна оптична поверхня прицілу покрита багатошаровим просвітленням високої інтенсивності в зелених тонах. Дане просвітлення наноситься для того, щоб пропустити максимальну кількість світла через оптичну систему для забезпечення контрастного і світлого зображення, відсікаючи при цьому УФ-промені.
Як і належить, корпус прицілу виконаний монолітно з анодованого авіаційного сплаву алюмінію з матовим внутрішнім покриттям, повністю герметичний, і відповідає максимальному для оптики рівню водозахисту IPX7. Внутрішній об'єм корпусу заповнений інертним азотом, а, отже, оптика не пітніє зсередини при перепаді температур.
Приціл оснащений зручною бічною системою відбудови паралакса SF (Side Focus) на відстані від 10 ярдів до нескінченності. Механізм відбудови паралакса має блокування Acu-Lock. Для швидкого наведення різкості на ціль передбачена система фокусування Fast Focus на окулярі.
Барабани введення поправок по вертикалі і горизонталі у прицілу відкриті, сконструйовані за тактичною схемою, і мають ціну поділки 0.25 МОА. Така тактична конструкція значно полегшує введення необхідних поправок по ходу стрільби, що особливо актуально при стрільбі на далекі дистанції. Система блокування механізму введення поправок Acu-Lock надійно фіксує барабанчики в установленому положенні, а довговічна кручена пружина забезпечує точне повернення механізму введення поправок після імпульсу віддачі під час стрільби.
Завдяки далекомірній прицільній сітці P4 Sniper, відстань до цілі можна визначити максимально точно, при цьому правильно прийняти поправку на вітер і врахувати траєкторію падіння кулі. Дана прицільна марка розміщена в другій фокальній площині і вірна при 10-кратному збільшенні. Сама сітка виконана методом гравіювання на склі, завдяки чому без проблем протистоїть найсерйознішій віддачі.
Много-много неспешной и медитативной стрельбы. Отвечаем на вопрос: что дал Барсу новый прицел? Хвастаемся обновкой ;)
Установка прицела на винтовку:
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We are now The CampingRandy™ Store. We have been working with Honda in compliance with our company name. Effective April 14th, 2023 we are now The CampingRandy™ Store. Visit
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Spacious and well ventilated, the Ridgeline 4 Plus tent offers extremely spacious and comfortable camping for all. It features a two bedroom vis a vis layout, with a bedroom at either end of the tent, creating a large living space in between. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Spacious and well ventilated, these roomy tents provide incredibly comfortable living conditions for all the family thanks to their 2 bedroom vis à vis layout. In addition to a bright and spacious living area, the Ridgeline™ Plus tents feature a convenient PE rising groundsheet. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Today I drive and review a Lifted 2021 Honda Ridgeline!
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How to lift a 2006-2014 Honda Ridgeline 3 inches with the HRG Offroad lift kit!!
Looking for a HUGE lift for your 2006-2014 Honda Ridgeline?
In this video we install a 3 inch lift kit on a 2013 Honda Ridgeline. The video is broken into 2 parts, the first part (@2:16) goes over the suspension spacer installation. The second part (@14:54) covers the installation of the subframe kit.
We also announce the winner from our last lift kit giveaway!
We also brought back outtakes- check them out at the very end of the video.
For lift kits for CRV, Element, Ridgeline, Pilot, Accord, Civic and Civic Wagon, check out our website:
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Join our facebook group too!
want to send us something?
HRG Offroad
168-A Raceway Dr.
Mooresville, NC 28117
Special thanks to Beaver's Auto Salvage in Kannapolis, NC
704-932-8690. They specialize in Honda cars.
Check out some of our other videos-
We like to test our lift kits in the most extreme situations-
Here is one of us off-roading in a 1989 Civic with a 6" lift kit:
Off roading in a 1991 4WD Civic Wagon:
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How to lift a 2017-2023 Honda Ridgeline 2.5 inches with the HRG Offroad lift kit
In this video, we show how to install a 2.5 inch lift kit on a 2019 Honda Ridgeline.
Time stamps:
1:04 Introduction to @CampingRandy's 2019 Ridgeline
1:33 Explanation of lift spacer height
2:10 Explanation of lift spacers and subframe kit
2:26 Explanation of approach, breaker, and departure angles
3:14 Explanation of wheel and tire sizes for 2nd Gen Ridgeline
5:05 Engine spacers
6:17 Front subframe spacers
8:27 Adjusting steering column
9:15 Modifying firewall
9:53 Front spacers
16:03 Cooking lunch on the Blackstone with Camping Randy
17:16 Explanation of rear spacer height 1.5 vs 2.0
17:41 Rear subframe spacers
20:03 Rear spacers
23:15 Wrap up and final thoughts
Link to the 2.5 inch lift kit for 2017-2022 Honda Ridgeline:
Ridgeline Store:
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Instagram @campingrandy
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Mooresville, NC 28117 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Turning it up at Walker valley after doing some repairs and installing a winch. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Everything that you need to know about the range of Skyjacker Suspension products that are available for the Honda Ridgeline.
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We Wanted to try a new unknown trail. I Thought To myself, this should be fun. I Didn’t know what we were getting into. Enjoy!!
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Music: Dandelion
Music: On My Roof
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In today's episode, we've got a LIFTED 2022 Honda Ridgeline Truck Review! Yep, you read that right, this 2022 Honda Ridgeline is lifted 3.5 inches and is running nearly 31" tires! It's a really cool setup and we think the truck looks awesome. The kit is made by Traxda and our friends at Coeur d'Alene Honda installed it. We'll show you the truck and take you for a ride in this video, so grab something delicious to drink and come along with Uncle Jake for this episode of Lifted 2022 Honda Ridgeline Truck review!
#2022HondaRidgeline #LiftedRidgeline #MotorsandMischief
Tires: They are 265/60R18 Cooper Discoverer Rugged Trek Tires.
Check out the Motors & Mischief Store!
Update! CdA Honda has decided they don't want to sell these lifted Ridgelines despite the overwhelming response to this video. We're looking for another Honda dealer that wants the aftermarket performance business, and we'll update again when we find one. If you're a Honda dealer and you'd like us to send all this business your way, contact us!
Want to do it yourself? Here's the link to the Traxda website:
Already got a Ridgeline but don't want to install the lift yourself? Perfection Tire in Post Falls, Idaho has you covered. If you don't live in update Idaho, drive your Ridgeline up, drop it off in the morning, and they guarantee to have it done by the end of the day. Stay at the Coeur d'Alene resort and make a mini vacation out of it! Or, Perfection Tire will be happy to coordinate shipping your truck to them for the install if you don't want to drive it. Talk to Chad Peters 208-773-2178 or online at . Tell um Motors & Mischief sent you!
Lastly, our understanding is that installing this lift does NOT void the warranty on your Ridgeline. Check out the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act of 1975. Manufacturers cannot deny a warranty claim from an aftermarket part unless they can prove the aftermarket park caused the problem. Some dealerships don't want to mess with aftermarket stuff so they just give you a blanket claim that any aftermarket mods will void the warranty. Our advice is to call around to your local Honda dealers until you find one that understands the Act and is happy to work on modified vehicles.
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-Motors and Mischief
Due to factors beyond the control of Motors & Mischief, we cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. Motors & Mischief assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. Motors & Mischief recommends safe practices when working on vehicles and or with tools seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of Motors & Mischief, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not Motors & Mischief. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
When the VTM4 lock is on, you can see the rear driver wheel slow down giving traction to the passenger rear. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Honda Ridgeline TrailSport Extreme Five Inch Lift 32 inch Tires Flex Camping Off-Road Overlanding
We are now The CampingRandy™ Store. We have been working with Honda in compliance with our company name. Effective April 14th, 2023 we are now The CampingRandy™ Store. Visit
(This is being posted on every video within the CampingRandy™ YouTube Channel) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
New Flatout Suspension Honda Ridgeline rear struts
How to install Flatout Suspension rear coilover (struts) on a Honda Ridgeline. Enjoy!
Adjustable rear tie rods
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Back to earth
Music: Back To Earth (Feat. Danny Layne)
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Honda Ridgeline Sistema VTM-4 Lock parte 1
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Honda Ridgeline:
Traxda 2" lift kit:
🔷🔷🔷Watch My Other Videos Link Below:
👉👉👉Honda Ridgeline offroad drone footage
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A quick video to show how the 3.5 inch kit is installed into 2017 and newer Honda Ridgeline. Thanks Chris! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Honda Ridgeline : What Size Tires? Do they rub? Is it Lifted? Well here are the ANSWERS!
We are now The CampingRandy™ Store. We have been working with Honda in compliance with our company name. Effective April 14th, 2023 we are now The CampingRandy™ Store. Visit
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CampingRandy Patreon:
This video was made due to the amount of questions I get about the tires on my 2019 Honda Ridgeline.... what size, who makes them, what are they and the always famous, do they rub? Well I made a quick video to let you know you need to stay under 30.5" diameter do to you will rub the subframe. And there is no bending or cutting under the wheel well plastic. It's part of the ACE Body Structure. If your running 18" wheels the tires size is 265/60/18 and if you get the 20" Passport or Pilot Wheels you will get 265/50/20s. Let me know if you have any other questions. I hope this helps! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Okay, finally picked up the rear lift kit for the Honda Ridgeline! I got this from JSportUSA - a leader in Honda offroading accessories!
I'm also pleased to announce I have a discount code to share for 15% off anything at JSport! Just use the discount code 503PDX and you can save off whatever you're looking for!
If you like how the truck looks and want a lift kit of your own (1.5" front " rear) ; here's a link
Again - Use Discount Code : 503PDX to save 15% off your purchase!
This was how I got the strut out and re-installed with the spacer on.
1) Block the front wheels, raise the rear of the vehicle and support it on jack stands
2) Unbolt the sway bar end links (12mm bolt, 6mm Allen wrench - 35 ft/lbs)
3) Remove the 3 bolts holding in the strut (12mm - 25 ft/lbs)
4) Remove the strut bolt holding the strut to the chassis (24mm - 135 ft/lbs) and the lower control arm bolt (19mm - 135 ft/lbs)
4) Remove the lower strut mount bolt and control arm to knuckle bolt.
You'll have to use a prybar or crowbar to get the strut back in and all the bolt holes to line up as well as a jack to likely get things positioned appropriately .
Music by Hotham
Free Download:
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Hey guys these are the parts and where to get it:
Part number: Cross Bars Part # 08L04-TGS-100
Get it at:
Loctite Heavy Duty Threadlocker, 0.2 oz, Blue 242, Single
Car Door Clip Panel Trim Removal Tool Kit for Car Dash Radio Audio Installer Pry Tool 9PCS
2021 Honda Ridgeline Black Edition transformation Process. let me know if you guys need any help or else.
Honda toys:
Corsomotion reflectors:
and in the cart enter the Promotion code: JustMyReview! in order to have 5% off on your purchase.
bull bar:
Oznium Bi-Color Amber/White LED new!
BRISHINE White Interior LED Lights Kit for Honda Ridgeline 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
CDEFG Tempered Glass Screen Protector for 2021 2022 2023 Honda Ridgeline
Insight Ridgeline Black TPU Key Fob Cover
Tesa's Most Advanced High Heat Harness Tape 51036 Mercedes, BMW, Audi, VW
Truxxx 202041~1.5" Front Leveling Kit ~ Compatible with 2017-2023 Honda Ridgeline
Disclosure: German V. Just MyReview!, I often review or link to products & services I regularly use and think you might find helpful. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. These videos are for educational purposes only. Any investments are solely your responsibility. It is imperative that you conduct your own research. I am just sharing my personal opinion and skills. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Para facilitar el trabajo recomiendo utilizar una pistola de impacto, al menos dos gatos hidráulicos y dos torres para poder soportar el vehículo.
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Honda Ridgeline:
Traxda 2" lift kit:
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2017 Ridgeline 2" Lift with 31" Tires Honda of Fort Worth
Here is a direct link to the kit used in the video:
In this video, we show how to install the 1.5 inch lift kit from HRG Offroad. For more new Ridgeline content, as well as another video of this installation, check out @CampingRandy on YouTube!
Check out our website:
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Instagram @hrgoffroad
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HRG Offroad
168 Raceway Dr.
Unit A
Mooresville, NC 28117 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
2023 Honda Ridgeline Backseat Cargo Capacity In Inches
When you watch a car review video it is normal for the person presenting the vehicle to give cargo capacity. However, while this information is given in the form of cubic feet based on manufacturer details, how is that information helpful to potential buyers when it comes to knowing what can actually fit in their vehicle? In today’s video, we share that information in the form of inches to simplify the details.
Visit - Visit -
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07 Honda Ridgeline lift and wheel well clearancing for 31'' tires. PT.1
This time we begin the lift kit ,but first we need to make room for our new 31" wheel and tire combo. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This weeks video I tackle replacing the rear wheel bearings, trailing arms and suspension in our 11 year old 200K mile Honda Ridgeline. Didn't find any how-to's on YouTube for this, so I decided to film one for you all!
Tools I use:
Impact Gun -
Socket Set - %C3%B3n-0-394-1-260/dp/B07MZB4NYJ/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=impact+socket+set&qid=1591052276&sr=8-6
Tool Box -
Impact Driver -
Sawzall -
Wheel Bearing Puller Kit -
Press -
GoPro Hero 7 Black - =sr_1_3?crid=1A6ICBW1GXD7A&dchild=1&keywords=gopro+hero+7+black&qid=1591052484&sprefix=gopro+hero+%2Caps%2C229&sr=8-3
DJI Mavic Mini Drone - =sr_1_11?dchild=1&keywords=dji+mini&qid=1591052534&sr=8-11
Sponsored by Chrome ECU -
All parts supplied by Honda Parts Now -
Parts List -
Part No.: 42200-SJC-A01
Bearing Assy., RR. Hub Unit
Part No.: 42210-SJC-A00
Hub Assy., RR.
Part No.: 90681-SP0-000
Circlip, Special (INNER) (89MM)
Part No.: 52610-SJC-A03
Shock Absorber Assy., R. RR.
Part No.: 52620-SJC-A03
Shock Absorber Assy., L. RR.
Part No.: 52372-SJC-A00
Arm, L. RR. Trailing
Part No.: 52372-SJC-A00
Arm, L. RR. Trailing
Part No.: 52325-SJC-A03
Link, L. RR. Stabilizer
Part No.: 52320-SJC-A03
Link, R. RR. Stabilizer
Part No.: 52400-SJC-A02
Arm Assy., L. RR. (UPPER)
Part No.: 52390-SJC-A02
Arm Assy., R. RR. (UPPER)
Part No.: 90173-SJC-A00
Bolt, RR. Arm (UPPER) (12X69)
Special Thanks to +Billy Rybka & +MrAlexTech for helping me level up my editing skills!
My hopes are you all enjoy this film as much as I enjoyed creating it! Special thanks to Neon Nox and Y_V for the music. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
We are now The CampingRandy™ Store. We have been working with Honda in compliance with our company name. Effective April 14th, 2023 we are now The CampingRandy™ Store. Visit
(This is being posted on every video within the CampingRandy™ YouTube Channel) Made a video to talk about the 5 inch lift we installed last week. Using parts from 2.5” HRGOFFROAD Lift Kit, building a 2” Subframe Drop and adding the Flatout Suspension GRPLUS for an additional 2” lift. Nitto Ridge Grapplers 275/65/18 (32.1”) to gain another 1/2”. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Обзор Honda Ridgeline Sport: отличный грузовик, нуждающийся в новых технологиях.
Вы никогда не сможете точно предсказать, когда в вашей жизни произойдут серьезные перемены. Когда моей бабушке недавно поставили диагноз «деменция» и она была переведена в центр длительного ухода, это оказалось толчком, заставившим меня тоже переехать. Это именно тот спонтанный поворот событий, за который владельцы пикапов любят свои грузовики, хотя вместо обычных Ford или Chevy именно Honda Ridgeline Sport 2021 года помогла мне собраться и выехать.
Готовый Бизнес 👉 👉 👉
Да, Ridgeline 2021 года. Тем не менее, нет большой разницы между этим Ridgeline Sport и моделью 2023 модельного года, Honda решила изменить цвета, но в остальном оставила свой пикап, вдохновленный внедорожником, в покое. Это может быть связано с тем, что он уже внес большие изменения, добавив серьезное расстояние между тем, что вы видите здесь, и первыми четырьмя годами выпуска среднеразмерного грузовика второго поколения. Это не значит, что больше нет возможностей для совершенствования, особенно когда речь идет о технологиях.
Обновление для переосмысленного Ridgeline
Honda Ridgeline второго поколения , представленная в 2016 году в качестве модели 2017 года, основана на модифицированной версии платформы Honda Pilot третьего поколения. Трехкостная рама и усиленная задняя стойка делают цельный пикап среднего размера более прочным и легким по сравнению с Ridgeline первого поколения. Как и в случае с грузовиком предыдущего поколения, задача Ridgeline второго поколения не обязательно состоит в том, чтобы отобрать потребителей у конкурентов, таких как Chevrolet Colorado, Ford Ranger и Toyota Tacoma — хотя Honda не возражала бы, если бы такое воровство действительно произошло — но дать поклонникам Honda и Acura грузовик, предназначенный для того, чтобы их подъездные пути и гаражи оставались зонами только для Honda.
Модельные годы 2020 и 2021 годов претерпели самые большие изменения для нынешнего Ridgeline. В 2020 году модельный ряд отделки салона сократился с семи до четырех; Sport заменил RT в качестве базовой модели. Собственная шестиступенчатая автоматическая коробка передач H6 была заменена девятиступенчатой коробкой передач ZF в том же модельном году, а комплект Honda Sensing и восьмидюймовый сенсорный экран стали стандартными для всех остальных комплектаций. В 2021 году Ridgeline получил фейслифтинг с новыми передними крыльями, квадратной передней частью с вертикальной решеткой, более яркими светодиодными фарами и новым задним бампером для размещения двойных выхлопных патрубков, связанных с 3,5-литровым V6.
2021 модельный год также стал первым годом для пакета Honda Performance Development Package , который был у Ridgeline Sport, который я рассмотрел, с прочными расширителями крыльев, 18-дюймовыми легкосплавными дисками HPD в бронзе, наклейками и значками HPD, а также решеткой радиатора для пакета HPD. .
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HPD (Honda Performance Development) driver Tom O'Gorman helps our friends at College Hills Honda install a Jsport Performance Accessories 1.5" billet Ridgeline/Pilot leveling kit on a 2017+ Ridgeline. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bak Revolver X4S on 22 Honda Ridgeline review by Chris from C&H Auto Accessories #754-205-4575
Link to product , , Revolver X4S on 2022 Honda Ridgeline review by Chris from C&H Auto Accessories 1435 Banks Road, Margate, Fl 33063 #754-205-4575 #bakrevolver #bakindustries #hondaridgeline Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Honda Ridgeline camper overlanding outside Las Vegas in Lovell Canyon Road.
Friday the 13th Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
21 All new Honda Ridgeline Sport, new look. Aggressive grill, fender flares, bronze wheels, AWD, V-6
Part One: Off course it's a truck, it has a bed and a trunk. The all new 2021 Honda Ridgeline with new look, standard AWD and V-6. 280 hp. and 262 tq. Nine speed automatic. Same size engine as in the 2022 Tundra and Ford F150, just no turbo's. A very useful truck, class leading wider body and bed. 4 wheel independent suspension and a very sophisticated AWD. I like the two-way tailgate, down of course but also sideways so you can load turf, wood pellets, plywood all with a skid loader. Tows 5000 lbs. with a giant payload of 1583 lbs. Don't forget climate control for the rear seat. MSRP $40,860. HPD package, 2021 honda ridgeline exterior. honda ridgeline 2021, 2021 new honda ridgeline, 2021 honda ridgeline drive, 2021 honda ridgeline interior, Part two is trailering. #MrTruckReviews Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
STOCK: 9733
PRICE: $21,999
MILES: 70,170
VIN: 5FPYK1F74DB006857
PHONE: 920-921-0850
1 OWNER! CLEAN TITLE HISTORY! 3.5 Liter SOHC V6 Engine, 250 Horsepower, Full Four Door Crew Cab, Short Box 5 Foot Shortbox, Sport Package, Automatic Transmission, 4x4 Four Wheel Drive VTM-4 With Lock, Towing Package with Receiver Trailer Hitch and Trailer Wiring Tow Package, Power Mirrors, Electronic Stability Control Traction Control ESC, Saver GT 245/60 R18 Tires, Painted and Polished Aluminum Rims Premium Wheels, Four Wheel Disc Brakes, Bedrail Covers, Fog Lights, Keyless Entry System, Power Sliding Rear Window, Adjustable Height Seatbelts, Driver and Passenger Front Air Bags, . Child Safety System, Side Curtain Air Bags SRS Safety Restraint System, Steering Wheel Controls with Audio and Cruise Controls, Mileage Display, Factory All Weather Floormats, Air Conditioning AC, Cruise Control, Power Locks, Power Windows, Tilt Steering Wheel, Alabaster Silver Metallic! One Owner! Clean Autocheck! Very very clean inside and out! This is one of the sharpest 2013 Honda ridgeline trucks we have ever had on our lot! Make your move before this super clean 4wd is gone!
Call Now! 1-(920)-921-0850 . Check out our Full inventory at ! Summit Automotive Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin also Proudly Serving Oshkosh, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Appleton, and Waupun is a family owned and operated dealership since 1959. We take great pride in our new and used car and truck center with vehicles to fit everyone's budget. We have ON THE SPOT FINANCING. BAD CREDIT OR GOOD CREDIT, we work with over 20 lenders to get you APPROVED AT THE MOST COMPETITIVE RATES. We provide AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION and NATIONWIDE DELIVERY OPTIONS. We are conveniently located on HWY 41 at EXIT 98, Hwy 151 at Military Rd. Exit . Just Look For The TRUCKS ON 41. Advertised price does not include, tax, title, registration and service fee.
STOCK: 9733
PRICE: $21,999
MILES: 70,170
VIN: 5FPYK1F74DB006857
PHONE: 920-921-0850
LOCATION: FOND DU LAC OSHKOSH WISCONSIN, 54937 TRUCKS ON 41 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Check out the Stratus Fleece Sleeping Bag Liner (10°) from Coleman here:
Affordable, versatile and warm – the Stratus Fleece Liner from Coleman is a fantastic addition to your outdoor sleep system.
You can use it to add extra warmth to your existing sleeping bag or as a standalone lightweight bag for summer camping. It features a comfort temperature rating of 10°C, full-length no-snag zippers, an elastic storage strap and stuff sack, and is zip together compatible.
In this video, our gear expert Ben talks you through everything you need to know about the Stratus Fleece Liner from Coleman.
He starts out with the dimensions and packed size, in use dimensions, the material it’s made from, demos the snag-free zip system, opens it up to show you how it can be used as a blanket, and how to zip two together to create a double sleeping bag.
0:00 - Intro
0:44 - Packed dimensions
0:59 - Dimensions
1:20 - Materials & zip
2:10 - Zipping two together Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
2023 Honda Ridgeline - True Cargo Capacity Given In Inches
When you watch a car review video it is normal for the person presenting the vehicle to give cargo capacity. However, while this information is given in the form of cubic feet based on manufacturer details, how is that information helpful to potential buyers when it comes to knowing what can actually fit in their vehicle? In today’s video we share that information in the form of inches to simplify the details.
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#ridgeline #hondaridgeline #2023hondaridgeline #hondaridgeline2023 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is a 2010 Honda Ridgeline with bad front struts that fought hard to keep its originals in place. With enough heat and a long pipe anything is possible.
Customer comes by to help with installation and learn a thing or two. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Review of Au-Tomotive Gold Hitch Covers - Black and Steel Ridgeline Hitch Cover - AUT-RID-RB
Click for more info and reviews of this Au-Tomotive Gold Hitch Covers:
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Full transcript:
Michael: Hi there. I'm Michael with . Today we're going to take a quick look at the Honda Ridgeline trailer hitch cover. This is going to slide into your hitch receiver to help keep out any dirt, deter any rust inside there, so it's going to make it much easier to get your hitch mounted accessories, like your bike racks, cargo carriers, and ball mounts in and out of that does display the officially licensed Honda Ridgeline logo. You can see the logo and the lettering are laser etched onto a textured matte black face plate, so it's going to be very easy to read. As we're going down the road, everyone will be able to see that.
This does have a durable rust-proof stainless steel sleeve and base. It will fit into your two inch by two inch receiver tube opening on your hitch, so as long as you have that two inch by two inch opening, this will work for overall dimensions for our face plate, we're looking at right about five and a quarter of an inch wide, right at three inches tall. On our shank here, our pin hole depth is going to range from about one and five- eighths of an inch up to about two and five-eighths of an inch on the center of that pin hole there. So make sure that that will work for your application. It will use the standard five-eighths inch hitch pin.
Now the hitch pin and clip are not sold with this. You probably already have one for your other hitch mounted accessories. You can use that, won't have any problem with it. We also have some available here at if you don't already have one. And we also have some locking hitch pins that will allow you to lock your hitch mounted accessories or your hitch cover in place so that it doesn't walk off when you're not does come with a limited lifetime warranty and it is made here in the USA.
So I think it's going to do a great job for you. Going to show off your pride in your Honda Ridgeline and just help protect your hitch in general. Make sure that you're not getting any debris in there that could cause corrosion or make it more difficult for you to get your accessories in and 's going to complete our look at the Honda Ridgeline trailer hitch cover. Again, I'm Michael with . Thanks for watching.. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
2006 Honda Ridgeline RTL 4x4 (stk# P2471B ) for sale at Trend Motors Used Car Center in Rockaway, NJ
ONE CARFAX!!! All-Wheel-Drive!! Satellite Radio!! Heated LEATHER!! Power SUNROOF!!! This 2006 Honda Ridgeline RTL is powered by a V6 and paired to a 5-speed AUTOMATIC transmission, combining comfort and convenience with CAPABILITY - this truck can tow up to 5,000 lbs and has a bed capacity of 1,500 lbs!! Under the bed is a HUGE storage space, made possible by the use of an independent rear suspension. Other standard features of the TOP LINE RTL include 17" alloy wheels, the DUAL ACTION tailgate allowing for either a swinging or dropping tailgate, fog lights, power tilt/slide SUNROOF, power sliding rear cabin window, HEATED front seats with LEATHER and power driver's seat, leather-wrapped multifunction steering wheel, LOCKING DIFFERENTIAL for all-road ability, DUAL ZONE digital automatic climate control, and Homelink universal garage door opener. This truck has just about EVERYTHING!! This truck is also OPTIONED with the roof rack, window rain deflectors, hood deflector, RUNNING BOARDS, trailer hitch with connector, taillight trim, and splash guards!
ALL cars come with the balance of the factory warranty or a standard limited for details!!
Trend Motors Pre-Owned Center, located at 81 US-46 West, specializes in ALL makes and to bring you the best of the best as far as pre-owned vehicles at affordable pricing with excellent customer service.
Come visit us in beautiful Rockaway, NJ to see our ever-changing inventory in the metal. We're located less than an hour from New York City and right around the corner from Morristown. Call today to schedule a one-on-one appointment with a qualified sales . Or view our entire inventory at today. Also, make sure to LIKE us on Facebook @ for added incentives! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Part (4 of 6) 4-Post Lift Tray Review; BendPak vs Advantage, Compare and Contrast
4-Post Lift Tray Review; BendPak brand vs Advantage Brand Compare and Contrast
4 Post Lift -
2 Post Lift -
Rolling Bridge -
Drip Tray -
Drip Tray - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор кемпинговой 4-х местной палатки Golden Shark Premium 4. Соотношение цены и качества. Все +/-
Обзор кемпинговой 4-х местной палатки Golden Shark Premium 4 решили мы сделать после того, как начали сами изучать скудные отзывы на кемпинговые палатки, которые нас заинтересовали.
Тема выбора палатки в 2021 году как никогда актуальна, потому что многие впервые стали рассматривать такой вид отдыха ввиду закрытия большинства туристических направлений из=за пандемии короновируса, которая продолжается уже второй год.
В нашем видео мы постарались озвучить все:
- Соотношение цены и качества
- Технические параметры
- Скорость сборки и разборки
- Почему выбрали именно этот вариант
- Сколько спальных мест максимально может быть
и многое другое, что волнует потенциального покупателя.
Мы посчитали эту модель оптимальной для нас на данный момент, она не сильно громоздкая и не сильно дорогая! Пришли к ней путем сравнения характеристик, описаний и отзывов в интернете на подобные палатки и надеемся, что наш опыт тоже кому-то пригодится!
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