Gold Silver GS-3900 - це ідеальна лампа для походів, пікніків, подорожей, кемпінгу, навчання або офісного використання. Вона стане незамінним помічником у гаражі, коморі або на дачі. Яскравість освітлення регулюється кнопкою. Ліхтарик потужний, оснащений світлодіодом 48 SMD високої яскравості. Світлодіодні елементи лампи мають низьке споживання енергії.
Заряджання від мережі У лампі-світильнику вбудований акумулятор ємністю 6000 мАг. Вбудована літієва батарея 3,7 В. Лампа оснащена стандартним роз'ємом DC як вхідний порт для заряджання, її можна заряджати безпосередньо за допомогою зарядного пристрою або вбудованої сонячної панелі. Зручна підвісна ручка Виріб також має власну ручку, зручну, виготовлену із міцного дроту для перенесення та гачком для підвішування (ідеально для наметів). Підходить для освітлення як усередині приміщень, так і на вулиці.
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Gold Silver GS-3900 - это идеальная лампа для походов, пикников, путешествий, кемпинга, обучения, или офисного использования. Она станет не заменимым помощником в гараже, кладовке или на даче. Яркость освещения регулируется кнопкой.
Фонарик мощный, оснащен светодиодом 48 SMD высокой яркости. Светодиодные элементы лампы имеют низкое энергопотребление.
В лампе-светильнике встроен аккумулятор емкостью 6000 мАч. Встроенная литиевая батарея 3,7 В. Лампа оснащена стандартным разъемом DC как входной порт для зарядки, ее можно заряжать непосредственно с помощью зарядного устройства или встроенной солнечной панели.
Изделие также имеет собственную ручку, удобную, изготовленную из прочной проволоки для переноски и крючком для подвешивания (идеально для палаток). Подходит для освещения как внутри помещений и на улице.
Тип: кемпинговый фонарь / аварийный светильник / фонарь аккумуляторный
Материал корпуса: пластик;
Время работы: 6 час;
Время заряда аккумулятора: 3 час;
Тип питания: аккумулятор, сеть;
Цвет: белый;
Тип ламп: светодиодная;
Количество светодиодов: 48;
Режимы работы фонаря: светильник (3 режима у светильника), SOS;
Тип заряда: от сети, солнечная панель;
Вес: 0.2 кг Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Фонарик с повербанком 3в1 для палатки, ночной рыбалки, кемпинга, охоты
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Фонарик с повербанком, с автономной зарядкой от солнечной панели, очень яркий белый свет, много режимов работы, удобное крепление, пульт управления. Фонарик отлично подойдет для рыбаков, кемпинга, охотников, а так же в нужный момент пригодится в быту.
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Фонарь Кемпинговый
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В этом видео я расскажу и покажу вам светильник, который я заказал себе на Алиэкспресс. Данный светильник подойдёт для тех кто любит частые выезды на природу, а так же для ночной рыбалки. Ну а обо всём остальном я вам расскажу в данном видео. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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gold/silver ratio 👀 (time for a correction?) #shorts
GoldSilver is one of the most trusted names in precious metals. Since 2005, we’ve provided investors with both education and world-class bullion dealer services.
We offer a wide selection of bullion products, private vault storage, global shipping, and easy payment choices.
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2022 Britannia coin - 1 g Gold Bar - 10 oz Silver Bar #gold #silver
I love the Royal Mint Britannia because it comes in so many shapes and sizes! 1 oz silver coins, 1 g gold bars, to 10 ounce silver bars and even bigger!
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Фонарь в палатку(для кемпинга) с USB зарядкой для телефона. ЛУНИНЕЦКИЙ РАЙ.
#фонарьдляпалатки#фонарик Китайский фонарик для кемпинга и отдыха в палатку или шатёр. Мощность фонарика 1W+6LED диодов. Заряжается от сети 220v и солнечной батареи. Есть USB разъём для зарядки гаджетов(телефона,музыкальной колонки). Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Hottest Gold Coins on the Market right now??? #gold #silver #preciousmetals
Bullion Exchanges now presents the 1 Kilo Emirates Gold Silver Cast Bar .999 Fine (w/Assay)! Manufactured by Emirates Gold, this cast bar contains 1 kilo of .999 fine silver. Known for striking secure, high-quality bars. Emirates Gold has been a leading bullion producer for over 25 years. Individual bars arrive in protective packaging. Collectors and investors alike can bolster their portfolio with the 1 Kilo Emirates Gold Silver Cast Bar .999 Fine!
The front features the Emirates Gold logo and inscriptions including a unique serial number.
The back is intentionally left blank. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Get Mike's new book here: Since 2008, the evidence is mounting that the fiat currency system is on the verge of collapse. People can feel it. They are working harder for less. But the Federal Reserve doesn’t want you to believe it’s happening. Yet, a currency crisis is a mathematical inevitability. And there will be a brief, extraordinary moment in the near future where you can tremendously INCREASE your purchasing power, assuming you’re correctly positioned today. 'The Great Gold & Silver Rush of the 21st Century'.
GoldSilver is one of the most trusted names in precious metals. Since 2005, we’ve provided investors with both education and world-class bullion dealer services.
We offer a wide selection of bullion products, private vault storage, global shipping, and easy payment choices.
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As always, thank you for your support. M. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Is the USA past the point of no return? According this amazing chart from Mike Maloney, the answer is a resounding yes. See more at
GoldSilver is one of the most trusted names in precious metals. Since 2005, we’ve provided investors with both education and world-class bullion dealer services.
We offer a wide selection of bullion products, private vault storage, global shipping, and easy payment choices.
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Check out our sister channel Wealthion @Wealthion with Adam Taggart featuring regular guests such as Jim Rickards, Rick Rule, Stephanie Pomboy, Lance Roberts, John Hathaway, Alisdair McLeod, Simon Hunt, John Rubino, Jim Rogers, Marc Faber and more.
As always, thank you for your support. M. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video, we're going to be taking a look at the Gold to Silver Ratio – Gold Coins vs Silver Coins. We're going to be exploring how the GTR affects the size and weight of your coin, precious metals, and bullion collection and show you some stunning results!
If you're looking for an informative and fun way to learn about the Gold to Silver Ratio, then this is the video for you!
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Фонарь кемпинговый подвесной, походный. С солнечной панелью и USB зарядкой с Wildberries за 5 $.
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В комплекте:
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Ссылка на магазин Wildberries:
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Gold Silver GS-535 Güneş Enerjili Solar Lamba kutu açılımı ve deneme
Ассортимент вещей работающих на солнечной энергии непрерывно расширяется. Ещё несколько лет назад удивлялся большому радиоприёмнику с панелью и имевшему одну батарею на 1,5 В. Сейчас можно купить недорого целый комплект радиоэлектроники "выживальщика". По сути почти в каждом устройстве присутствует солнечная электростанция... Фонарик "Старт" один из них. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
В этом видео я делюсь своими впечатлениями от этого фонаря, рассказываю и показываю основные характеристики и комплектацию данной модели. Это не раклама, а личный отзыв. Никаких ссылок на товар я не оставляю, найти его можно по названию модели на алике.
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#кемпинговыйфонарь #fenix #fenixcl
Буду рассказывать на примере своего фонаря это Феникс модель Fenix CL25R. Фонарь разработан специально для освещения в кемпинге, а также использования на рыбалке и во время других видов загородного отдыха с палатками. Он обеспечивает равномерное освещение территории в диаметре 25 м. Максимально доступная яркость для данной модели составляет 350 люмен. Фонарь работает в режимах белого и красного света.
Приветствую вас на моем канале. На нем я буду выкладывать: свои видеосюжеты про походы и вылазки в лес, обзоры на снаряжение, оборудование для активного отдыха и туризма, а также свои размышления и многое другое. Буду рад вашим просмотрам и подпискам.
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How to Buy Precious Metals: Gold Silver Platinum Palladium. A Beginners Guide
So you want to buy gold or silver...
First thing's first. DON'T DO ANYTHING! Until you watch this video in its entirety.
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ALERT: Gold To Silver Ratio Hits 28 Year High - Will It Reach 100?
Download Mike's best-selling book for free here: The gold/silver ratio has just reached 90, this is as high as it has been for 28 years. Find out what Jeff Clark and Mike Maloney make of this event in today's video. Thanks for sharing and clicking that 'Like' button. For those wondering why our videos don't appear in their subscription feed immediately - we release our clips to our free weekly email readers first, then later we publish to YouTube. Sometimes it's just hours, sometimes it's a couple of days later. This is to encourage people to join our free newsletter - because one day, we may not have YouTube to rely on. Join our free newsletter list by going to and entering your email address in the 'Get Market Alerts' box at the bottom of the page. As always, thank you for your support. M.
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One of Mike Maloney's Favorite Books of ALL TIME Is...
Have you heard of this book that Mike Maloney defines as "one of the best books I've ever read"? Let us know if you have read it yourself, or plan on doing so.
GoldSilver is one of the most trusted names in precious metals. Since 2005, we’ve provided investors with both education and world-class bullion dealer services.
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Win 111oz silver here: Join Mike Maloney and Adam Taggart in today’s extended video update, focusing on what could be coming next for the global economy. Will we see more price controls? What will the result be? Will the dollar continue to rise against other fiat currencies? What about about gold and silver? Inflation, energy and more are all covered in this update. Thanks as always for being a subscriber to the newsletter.
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Selling £1/4 Million Of Gold & Silver - This Was My Experience...
#Gold #silver #bank
Welcome to my channel where we provide you with valuable insights and tips on selling gold and silver. If you are interested in investing in precious metals or looking to sell your gold or silver, you have come to the right place.
I cover a wide range of topics related to gold and silver, including the current gold and silver prices, gold investing, silver investing, and strategies to maximize your returns when selling gold or silver.
I provide regular updates on the gold and silver markets, so you can stay informed on the latest trends and make informed decisions. I also provide tips and advice on how to buy and sell gold and silver, including the best places to buy and sell, and how to avoid scams.
Whether you are a seasoned investor or new to the world of precious metals, my channel has something for you. So, be sure to subscribe and hit the notification bell to stay up-to-date on the latest gold and silver news and insights. Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn more about selling gold and silver and maximizing your investment returns!
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Thanks for watching and I will see you next time!
Topics covered in this video:
banking, finance, gold, silver, precious metals, cash, wealth preservation, economic uncertainty, financial independence, store of value, means of exchange, alternative finance, bank withdrawal, financial strategies, personal finance, financial system, economic trends, global economy, investment, asset allocation, monetary policy, inflation, deflation, wealth management, fiat currency, currency devaluation, financial education, financial literacy, monetary history, financial freedom, financial planning, asset protection. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
MORE: Wait a minute - surely the question is the other way around? ! Join Mike Maloney in this fascinating thought experiment based on information from his latest book 'The Great Gold & Silver Rush of the 21st Century'.
GoldSilver is one of the most trusted names in precious metals. Since 2005, we’ve provided investors with both education and world-class bullion dealer services.
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One thing that holds new stackers back from jumping into buying gold and silver is the fear of the government finding out and seizing their gold (which did happen in the US in the 1930’s).
Heck, I even had that fear. For some reason I even wondered if owning gold was still illegal before finally buying some.
But, as a more seasoned stacker, I now know how things actually work. I explain what I know in this video.
0:00 Fear of Government Gold Seizures
0:22 How to Buy Gold or Silver Without a Trace
0:59 What Bullion Dealers Need to Report (Buying)
1:39 Government Surveillance via CBDCs
2:15 Why Gold & Silver are SO Important
2:40 What Bullion Dealers Need to Report (Selling)
3:41 How to Avoid Being Reported (Selling)
3:58 Paper Gold & Silver vs Tangible Gold & Silver
4:42 Is it Illegal to Own Gold or Silver?
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This video is an opinion and in no way should be construed as statements of fact. Stacker Hodler does not provide financial, investment, tax, or legal advice. None of the content on the Stacker Hodler channel is financial, investment, tax, or legal advice and should not be taken as such; the content is intended only for educational and entertainment purposes.
I’m just a pleb on YouTube talking about stuff I’m interested in.
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was offered spot for old Russian Gold 😂 #money #gold #silver #goldsovereign #oro #preciousmetals
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Check out 5 Tips For Planning Your Silver Stacking Strategy ►
In this video, I compare Gold, Silver, Copper & Nickel, and discuss their pros and cons as physical bullion investments.
Physical Copper & Nickel bullion can be bought below spot price in the form of US nickels.
Gold is an incredibly dense store of wealth with a time honored history.
Silver is the most useful of all the industrial metals, and annual production can barely keep up with consumption.
All of these metals have something to offer, but what's my top pick for physical bullion investments in 2021? Watch to find out!
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Gold Silver or Copper: Which Metal Makes The Best Bullion Investment?
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INSANE: This Is What's Happening To The Bond Market Right Now! #shorts
Precious metals market analyst Nikos Kavalis of Metals Focus believes the outlook on silver may be positive in the coming years. And if the recent silver import numbers from India are accurate, we happen to agree! Today the Gold Silver Standard Insights team speak to Nikos and he gives you some really helpful stats on silver supply and demand that you may not have previously known! This interview is based on the following news posted this morning at
Read TOMORROW mornings news at and then send your questions about it to insights@ or DM @JoeInGeneral at and we might answer YOUR question on the next GSS Insights!
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SUBSCRIBE to Our Channel: The strength that the fiat financial powers collectively built is price inflation indeed 💸💸💸
This week the government’s underreported inflation figure came in this at 8.3%, higher than expected for April, but slightly lower than the 8.5% y/y figure reported the month of March prior.
Of course, one of the crucial running lies within CPI data wrangling is found in underreported housing costs which they consistently, consciously misconstrue using wild data input guesses like owner’s equivalent rent figures. Instead of the true price rise in US rent and housing prices year over year which is closer to up +20% y/y, than the supposed +5.1% figure they use to underreport and debase nearly 1/3rd of their regularly reported data.
And we can currently see that average US consumer budgets cannot keep up with the escalating prices of goods and services, as balloting consumer debt levels are reaching new all-time high levels of late. Ramping credit card debts are the largest telltale signal of late.
Ramping price inflation globally and financial bubbles in nearly all major financial asset classes are merely the symptoms of blowing out the world’s circulating fiat currency supply by over $20 trillion since 2020 started.
Basically, one in five circulating fiat currency units today, came out of thin air existence in that last just over a two-year timeframe.
Here is just another data illustration reflecting just how much price inflation US consumers are suffering under.
Consumer spending according to the Track the Recovery website shows that US consumer spending is now persistently in the mid-teen percent higher than it was prior to 2020.
Keynesian economists and their inaccurate price inflation forecasts will keep proving inaccurate ahead. Basically whatever they say we can double or even triple their financial propaganda guesswork, for greater accuracy on real price inflation ongoing.
At least a few high net worth financial commentators were out this week telling the world to get used to stagflation, otherwise known as persistently high inflation and low growth in the real economy.
EL ARIAN clip -
The savage sell-off in silver and gold derivative markets continued this week, as both the US stock and bond market bubbles continued letting out air, and traders around the world scrambled for fiat US dollar liquidity.
The spot silver price is closing this week’s trading just over $21 oz but it briefly fell into the mid $20’s per ounce early today. In terms of the silver spot price, we have not seen levels this low since late July 2020.
The spot gold price briefly tiptoed below the psychological 1,800 oz level, closing the week at just over $1810 oz.
The gold-silver ratio finished this week at 86.
The last month of sell-offs for gold and silver have been historically strong.
But on the bright side, this selloff has also been a blessing for those looking to acquire positions at lower price points.
For instance, for the last nearly 52 years the now fiat US dollar has been completely decoupled from gold price discipline, and the gold-silver ratio has rarely blown out to the high 80s level. Only about one in ten monthly gold-silver ratio averages have eclipsed the 80 levels over the last five decades.
The current spot gold price is now below its 200-day moving average of around $1,835 oz, which when in a bullion bull market, is usually a good time to be acquiring longer-term gold and silver positions.
The main driver for why this has been happening is the drive for liquidity and recent financial market volatility to the downside of late.
While both the US stock and bond markets have been having some of their worst performances to start a year, the fiat Federal Reserve note or fiat US dollar has been gaining relative strength versus all other fiat currencies the world over, aside from the fiat Russian ruble which continues strengthening on a relative basis.
Basically, we’ve lived through financial market calamities before, and it’s almost always the same, massive selloffs and repositioning mean massive short-term demand for the fiat US dollar relatively versus other fiat currencies outstanding.
Recall the original inverse pyramid, created by perhaps the last honest central bank Federal Reserve governor John Exter in the late 1960s. In a liquidity crisis, a scramble for US dollars is second to last, in the end, it becomes a scramble for gold bullion.
That is all for this week’s SD Bullion market update.
As always to you others there, take great care of yourselves and those you love.
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A Positive Silver Outlook? - Gold Silver Standard Insights
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