Новий тактичний ліхтар Olight Warrior X Pro це результат глибокої модернізації попередника Warrior X. Максимальна яскравість ліхтаря становить 2250 люмен з дальністю світлового променя до 600 метрів. У моделі реалізована система повідомлення про низький рівень заряду шляхом вібраціі.
Працездатність пристрою забезпечується Li-Ion акумулятором формату 21700, могутнішого ніж 18650 у попередника. Присутня аналогічна можливість підзарядки як і в ліхтарях серії S-Baton. Управління здійснюється за допомогою безшумної торцевої металевої кнопки. При необхідності користувач може самостійно запрограмувати ліхтар на конкретний режим роботи.
Головна відмінність Warrior X Pro від попередника полягає в новому типі акумулятора, збільшеній світлосилі і формі кнопки управління.
Даний ліхтар з легкістю витримує віддачу при стрільбі з вогнепальної зброї.
Кожен виробник періодично оновлює свої моделі, але для чого ж це потрібно робити? У цьому відео на прикладі двох новеньких моделей Olight Warrior X Pro та M2R Pro ми дамо відповідь на це, та ще на кілька інших важливих питань.
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Principaux produits de promotion:
Warrior X Pro Desert Sunset (édition limitée), 20% de réduction, 140,76 $ (PDSF: 175,95 $)
i5T EOS Stardust, 44,95 $ (PDSF: 44,95 $) utilisez le code coupon QCPREPPERS10 économisez 10%
Obulb Pink, 33,95 $ (PDSF: 33,95 $) utilisez le code coupon QCPREPPERS10 économisez 10%
Warrior X Pro Desert Sunset Bundle i5T EOS Stardust, ou Bundle M2R Pro Ocean Camouflage, ou Bundle Obulb Pink, économisez jusqu'à 100,77 $
Quelques produits gratuits:
1) Pour plus de 129 $ obtenez un i3T Black GRATUIT (CARTE: 17,95 $)
2) Pour plus de 299 $ obtenez une recharge gratuite Open 2 BK + O-Refill (CARTE: 67,95 $)
3) Pour plus de 369 $ obtenez un bâton 3 rouge GRATUIT (CARTE: 87,95 $)
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Ліхтар, який світить на 1 кілометр: Olight Warrior X Tubo | Ліхтарі | Ібіс
Уявіть собі ліхтар, який може світити на 1 кілометр. Які він має габарити та чи можна його легко тримати однією рукою? Якщо Ви уявили щось страшне та велике, то ви сильно помилились, бо #Olight Warrior X Tubo дуже зручно лежить в руці та виглядає як звичайний ліхтар. У цьому відео ми познайомимо Вас з цим ліхтарем та розкажемо про нього більш детально.
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Сравнение фонарей Olight Warrior X PRO vs Olight M2R PRO.
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Warrior X Pro 👉
Warrior X Pro + XWM03 + RWX07 👉
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Tenemos entre manos una linterna Olight Warrior X pro, una linterna de mano de alta potencia con 2250 lumenes.
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BIG & TOUGH! Olight Warrior X Pro Tactical Flashlight
Looking at the ultimate flashlight in the Olight Warrior range, the Warrior X Pro. Tactical, Survival, Emergency Flashlight.
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Сравнение тактических фонарей Olight M23 Javelot и Olight Warrior X Pro
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Another updated Olight model in for review, the Warrior X Pro. This time Olight have increased power output a bit at the top end, a larger capacity 21700 cell, and a few other tweaks. There are some downsides too as I explain in this in depth review. Hopefully this helps you make a choice about if the light is right for you!
Sample supplied via Ruyu for unbiased review and testing
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2250 Lumen, 600m Reichweite, 5000mAh Akkukapazität, viele Verbesserungen... Aber was macht die Warrior X Pro unter realistischen Bedingungen? Miro stellt unser neues Pro Modell vor und zeigt die Vorzüge der neuen Lampe.
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My review of the new Warrior X Pro from Olight.
I was'nt keen to do a review of a "tactical" flashlight - but I was blown away with this quality bit of kit!
What's more tonight (29/10/20) @ - they have a "flash sale" with some very good deals on some amazing "bundles" of Olight quality...
Follow this link to get yourself a bargain:
And if you are interested here are some of the bundles!
Flash sale date: 8:00pm October 29th -11:59pm October 31th EDT, lasting 28 hours;
VIP customers(above Silver) will have the early access to our Flash Sale from October 26th EDT.
Main promoting products are as below:
Basalt Grey/Wine Red/Moss Green, 30% off (MAP: ₤; Sales price:₤)
Olantern Basalt Grey/Wine Red/Moss Green+ i3e EOS(BK), MAP: ₤89.9; Sales price:₤56,97;
Olantern Basalt Grey/Wine Red/Moss Green+H2R(CW),MAP: ₤161.9; Sales price:₤
X Pro Red, Green or Blue, 30% off (MAP:₤; Sales price:₤)
Warrior X Pro Red/Green/Blue+ i5T EOS Purple(free blue bezel), 40% off (MAP: ₤; Sales price:₤)
Warrior X Pro Red/Green/Blue+ i3T ODG(free blue bezel), MAP: ₤; Sales price:₤
2CU(Limited Edition), 25% off (MAP: ₤; Sales price:₤)
Open 2 CU+Open 2 BK+Free O-Refill, 40% off (MAP: ₤114.9; Sales price:₤)
Ti (Limited Edition), 25% off (MAP: ₤; Sales price:₤37,46)
i5T Ti+Open 2 BK+ Free O-Refill,40% off (MAP: ₤; Sales price:₤)
a. Warrior X Pro Blue+Open2 CU+Olantern Grey+I5T TI + (free bezel), (MAP: ₤; Sales price:₤199.0)
b. Warrior X Pro Red+Open 2 BK+Olantern Red+I5T Purple+Free O-Refill+(free bezel), 40% off (MAP: ₤292.8; Sales price:₤)
c. Warrior X ProRed+ Olantern Red+ i3t Red(free bezel), 40% off (MAP: ₤; Sales price:₤)
d. Warrior X Pro Green+Olantern Green+i3T Green(free bezel),40% off (MAP: ₤; Sales price:₤)
Over ₤99 get a FREE I3T ODG (MAP: ₤)
Over ₤199 get a FREE M1T Plus DT (MAP: ₤)
Over ₤279 get a FREE S2R II Purple (MAP: ₤)
Note: Free tier gift can't be stacked.
Attention: Coupon Code will work during sales on non-sale listings ONLY!!!
Music - "Mockingbird" by David Mumford sourced from the Free Music Archive
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Olight Warrior X PRO & i5T (Help Coronavirus Response)
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Olight Warrior X Pro: Should you upgrade to this 2250 lumen TACTICAL flashlight?
I was lucky enough to buy the Olight Warrior X Pro at midnight the night the orders went live on the Olight website. I grabbed the OD green Limited Edition bundle with the I5T light. OD Green was limited to only 5000 so if you didn't get one, they're gone for good. The only way you'll find one now is second hand or ebay.
The Olight Warrior X Pro has a max output of 2250 lumens on high, and 300 lumens on low. It can throw light up to 600 meters and is drop tested up to 3 meters. The upgraded MCC3 magnetic charger has a 2A current for fast charging comes with a 21700 5000mah battery!
More from the Olight site:
The Warrior X Pro is the upgraded version of Olight’s revolutionary Warrior X. Using an updated high discharge 5000mAh 21700 lithium battery, the Warrior X Pro is capable of producing a maximum of 2,250 lumens for up to 600 meters of throw and delivering a 2A current for 100% faster charging than Warrior X. While retaining the classic features of the Warrior X's sturdy, aggressive appearance, as well as the vibration battery indicator, silicone tactical ring and optional magnetic remote switch, the Warrior X Pro features a redesigned raised tail switch for an unprecedented intuitive operation experience. The IPX8-rated aluminum alloy body sports a pronounced knurling pattern for a better grip. With unbeatable performance and indestructible build, the Warrior X Pro is ideal for the professional choice of hunting, search and rescue, or while on duty.
(1) Using a customized 5000mAh 21700 lithium battery, the Warrior X Pro produces an incredible 2,250-lumen output and 600-meter throw allowing you to see in any harsh situation.
(2) The redesigned raised tactical tail switch comes with stronger magnetism, and aggressive body knurling for a firmer grip, giving you a simpler interface and operation experience than ever.
(3) Quickly get back in action with the super-efficient MCC3 charging cable which holds 2A current for 100% doubled faster charging than Warrior X.
(4) Sturdy Heavy-duty build with a thick IPX8-rated aluminum alloy body, making it tough enough to endure a harsh 3-meter drop test.
(5) All tactical classics in one: vibration battery indicator, silicone tactical ring, etc. Just feel the sensation of absolute robustness in your hand.
If you want to pick one up for yourself, I've included a link below!
Olight Warrior X Pro Official:✔
Amazon Store:✔
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Olight Warrior X Pro Flashlight Full Review & Torture Test
Get 10% off using Sootch00 with this link:
The New Olight Warrior X Pro Flashlight has 2250 Lumens, 600 Meter Beam Distance and built like a tank. It's a high performance light for security or police.
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Music is from Jingle Punks and Epidemic Sounds Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Olight Warrior X Tactical Weapon Light (HUGE Christmas SALE!!)
Die Warrior X Pro ist die aktualisierte Version der revolutionären Warrior X von Olight.
Sei bringt die klassischen Merkmale der Warrior X mit, wie Robustheit, beeindruckendes Design sowie eine Vibrationsbatterieanzeige und einen optionalen magnetischen Fernschalter. Darüber hinaus hat sie einen neu designten Endkappenschalter für eine beispiellose intuitive Bedienungserfahrung.
Am 31. Januar 2020 kommt dieses neue Modell in Deutschland auf den Markt und das direkt mit 30-40% Rabatt: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here is the latest from Olight with their Warrior X Pro flashlight kit! This is my new favorite flashlight from Olight. The previous version is now my second. There is no need to carry an extra battery with this version for it uses the 21700 cell for better runtimes. This features a USB magnetic charger for people needing to power it back up on the go. The vibrating early warning battery level indicator is on this new model like the previous 18650 version. This uses the world famous Cree XHP35 HI LED for phenomenal beam performance. This also feature that famous aggressive look too. The light feels very rugged. See link to SkyBen Amazon store below:
SkyBen Amazon:
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In 2 Tagen beginnt bereits der Oktober Sale bei Olight und ihr bekommt unter anderem die Möglichkeit euch die Warrior X Pro in Rot, Grün oder Blau mit bis zu 40% Rabatt zu sichern:
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La Warrior X Pro es la versión actualizada del revolucionario modelo Warrior X de Olight.
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Olight Warrior X-pro Flashlight initial impressions and rifle setup.
Because Olight has just launched in South Africa they are having a sale from June 21-25
details below.
Olight South Africa Sale details.
1. Free I3e ( worth R299, just simple register/log in to get yours)
2. All other products up to 45% off, don’t miss out
3. Offer time: available from 20:00 21st to 25th June
4. Buy from the Olight South Africa Official website:
If you are in SA and looking for a good quality flashlight, make sure to take full advantage of this sale !
This is the Olight warrior X-pro flashlight, it comes standard with a five thousand mAh battery, magnetic charger and nylon pouch.
The build quality is quite impressive to say the least, from the impeccable anodizing to the threads cut o the tail cap, it all feels and looks like a very well made premium product.
Further testing will be needed to determine the efficiency of the light in its mounted configuration, from what i have seen it is going to make shooting critters like fox and other varmints a breeze. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Warrior X Pro 24hr Flash Sale - up to 40% off
Our legendary Warrior X Pro is finally getting the camo treatment! The Warrior X Pro has quickly become our go-to pocket thrower, capable of reaching out to 600 metres and a max output of 2250 lumens. We're also releasing our first ever gunmetal grey torch, a colour that has been highly requested and rightfully so, it's absolutely gorgeous.
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Olight Warrior X Pro - A Mighty Thrower! (FLASH SALE 5/8 ONLY)
If you are interested in the Olight Warrior X Pro all the details are on this page -
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in this video of It's Tipp Topp Fishing Keaton does a full review on the Olight Warrior X Pro flashlight.
The Olight Warrior X Pro was sent to me by Olight but we agreed that I would do an honest review with all of the goods and bads mentioned.
if you would like to buy the Olight Warrior X Pro, go to:
if you want to see more Olight Products go to:
and use the code: ITTF
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Nearly Perfect | Olight Warrior X Pro Flashlight Full Review | Rechargeable LED Flashlight
► Check Out This Olight: ?streamerId=1428563681332875265&channel=default
► Use Discount Code: WA10 to get 10% off
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Olight Quality
If you are not familiar with Olight, they are a tactical flashlight manufacturer that builds high-end flashlights at a good price. They have great charging platforms and have mounts to put lights on guns with pressure switches.
Olight is not a cheap knockoff brand. These lights are backed by a 5-year warranty and promise. They take care of their customers and have flash sales often. They will advertise the flash sale well in advance so you know what is coming and at what price. Our experience with Olight has been fantastic overall and we believe yours will be also. If for any reason it is not, we want to know about it!
Warrior X Pro
The Warrior X Pro is the upgraded version of Olight’s revolutionary Warrior X. The Pro version uses a 5000mAh 21700 lithium battery rather than the 18650 found in the Warrior X. The Warrior X Pro produces 2,250 lumens for up to 600 meters of throw. When the Warrior X Pro is low on battery, the flashlight will start to vibrate. The closer the vibrations become, the less battery you have remaining. To aid in charging, the Warrior X pro charges at 2A current for 100% faster charging than Warrior X.
The Warrior X Pro is a heavy-duty built light with an IPX8-rated aluminum-alloy body and fully tested and guaranteed to endure a harsh 3-meter drop test.
The Warrior X Pro features a redesigned raised tail switch that allows for easy changes between high and low beams. This is a tactical light that is ready to do the work needed if asked.
Our recommendation for this light is to use it beyond 10 feet as the light is so concentrated that it will fade out items at a distance under 30 feet. This light will throw to 600 meters and it works best when used at longer ranges, in our opinion. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
📣 Up To 40% Off Warrior X Pro New Limited Edition
➤ Available from 8:00PM 10/22 to 11:59PM 10/23 EDT
Superior Tactical Thrower with 2100 Lumen + 500M Throw. Best Tactical Flashlight Perfect for Hunting, Military,Search & Rescue.
Receive FREE Gift & FREE Shipping for all eligible orders ❗
👉 Check Now: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A review of the Olight Warrior X PRO, in the tan configuration. Brightness testing of the Olight Warrior X Pro, along with comparisons to the Olight Seeker 2, Olight Perun, and the Olight S1R Baton 2.
You can CLICK HERE to purchase your Warrior X!
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Prepared Guy shows you how to access the Olight Warrior X Strobe mode.
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SOBRE NOSOTROS: En Olight somos especialistas en iluminación portátil, nuestros años de experiencia y nuestras decenas de modelos lanzados al mercado en sus diferentes versiones lo avalan.
Olight a sido creado por amantes de la iluminación portátil que buscaban soluciones prácticas y eficientes a sus problemas del día a día, por lo que todos los diseños son ergonómicos, pequeños y muy muy potentes, con protección frentes a caídas, barro y agua para una mayor durabilidad.
También creemos que una buena linterna debe tener también una buena autonomía, por eso llevamos años desarrollando baterías recargables de gran capacidad y cargadores magnéticos exclusivos para poder recargarlas lo más rápido posibles y en la mayoría de situaciones que se puedan dar.
En Olight tenemos linternas para múltiples usos:
- Linternas para fusiles.
- Linternas para pistolas.
- Linternas para senderismo.
- Linternas para búsqueda y rescate.
- Linternas policiales y militares.
- Linternas laborales de señalización.
- Linternas de llavero ultra potentes.
- Linternas de bolsillo EDC.
- Linternas para bicicletas.
- Linternas de decoración.
- y en general todo tipo de linternas para todo tipo de funciones.
#olightespañol Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Warrior X PRO bringt die klassischen Merkmale der Warrior X mit, wie Robustheit, beeindruckendes Design sowie eine Vibrationsbatterieanzeige. Darüber hinaus hat sie einen neu designten Endkappenschalter für eine beispiellose intuitive Bedienungserfahrung.
Einkauf Warrior X PRO in Olightstore Rakuten:
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Be a Sheep Dog! I've been looking for a good tactical flashlight to use around the ranch. By tactical I mean, small tough, throws a lot of light, and can be used in multiple scenarios including intruder deterence.I found the OLight Brand and reached out to them to see if they could solve my problems. OLight appears to be a great quality, reasonable price provider of lighting solutions. They sent me the Warrior X Pro to review. This things pretty tough, feels good in the hand, and it really throws the light out there. You could use this thing to spotlight if you really wanted too.
My Amazon link:
Warrior X Pro
1, Customized 5000mAh 21700 lithium battery, 2,250-lumen output, and 600-meter throw.
2, The redesigned raised tactical tail switch comes with stronger magnetism, and aggressive body knurling for a firmer grip, giving you a simpler interface and operation experience than ever.
3, Quickly get back in action with the super-efficient MCC3 charging cable which holds 2A current for 100% doubled faster charging than Warrior X.
4, IPX8-rated Aluminum alloy body, making it tough enough to endure a harsh 3-meter drop test.
5, All tactical classics in one: vibration battery indicator, silicone tactical ring, etc. Just feel the sensation of absolute robustness in your hand.
"MY GEAR AND EQUIPMENT - Amazon Store" –
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La Première Lampe Torche en Dégradé Tan : Olight Warrior X Pro à -30%
ÉCONOMISEZ jusqu'à €85,77 sur les lampes torches Olight :
● Puissance maximale jusqu’à 2100 Lumens et portée de 500 mètres
● Alimentation améliorée : batterie au lithium spécifique rechargeable 21700 5000mAh
● Capuchon arrière tactique polyvalent
● Un condensé d’innovations tactiques Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
👉Learn more:
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Watch this video to know more about the Warrior X Pro:
🔦 Revolutionary 8 hours runtime generated by 5000mAh 21700 battery
🔦 Superior combination: 2100 lumens and 500m throw
🔦 Powerful impact resistance: 3m drop test
🔦 Raised tail for stronger magnetism and easier operation Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Фонарь предоставлен для обзора официальным дилером фонарей Olight в России.
Промокод на скидку “SERJ32”
Тип фонаря EDC, Тактический/подствольный, Перезаряжаемый
Элемент питания Li-ion аккумулятор 21700
Тип светодиода Cree XHP 35 HI
Яркость, лм 2000
Дальность светового луча, м 300
Расположение кнопки Торцевая, Боковая
Температура света Холодный
Наличие клипсы Есть
Дополнительные функции Strob, Возможность подзарядки, Индикатор разряженности, Режим блокировки
Количество режимов яркости Шесть
Время непрерывного свечения 1800 lm - 4.5 минуты (750 lm - 145 минут, 250 lm - 45 минут/750 lm - 160 минут (250 lm - 40 минут)/250 lm - 10 часов/60 lm - 40 часов/15 lm - 130 часов/1 lm - 50 дней
Материал корпуса Алюминий
Вес, г 179
Длина, мм 136.5
Диаметр корпуса, мм 26.2
Уровень влагозащищенности IPX8
Цвет черный
Комплектация Фонарь, аккумулятор 21700 3.7 V 5000mAh, магнитное зарядное USB-устройство, съемная клипса, чехол, темляк, руководство Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
📣 New Warrior X Pro Up To 40% Off!
Limited Edition ➤ 8PM 10/22 to 11:59PM 10/23 EDT
⚡ Available in 3 Amazing Colours - Red, Blue & Green
⚡ Extremely Powerful with 2100 Lumens + 500M Throw
⚡ High Performance Flashlight Ideal For Hunting, Law Enforcement,Search&Rescue.
👉 Don't Miss out: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
22nd-23rd June Warrior X Pro* up to 40% off Flash sale video!
Go to our website - to know more about it!
● Max 2,100 lumens with a 500-meter throw. Passed 3-meter drop test
● 8-hour runtime powered by a customized 5000mAh 21700 lithium battery (included)
● Included MCC3 fast charging cable. 2A current with 2x the speed of previous models
Come and join us FB Group ( ) to follow next Flashsale! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Warrior X PRO Full Review - Rechargeable 2100 Lumens flashlight!
This is a honest full review of the new Olight Warrior X PRO Rechargeable 2100 Lumens flashlight!
The warrior X Pro is made for professionals and home users who are after a premium light, if you are a fan of EDC you will also love this light!
Check out this light and other products from Olight here:
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Neu: Olight Warrior X Pro und Olight Warrior M2R und Olight Baton Pro Taschenlampe
Vorstellung meiner 3 Taschenlampen von Olight.
Völlig Neu die Olight Warrior X Pro. Perfekt für Jäger, Sicherheitsdienst und Home Defence
Dann die Olight Warrior M2R, perfekt für Outdoor, Break Out und Tactical
und die Olight Baton Pro, perfekt für BOS Einsatzkräfte
Hier der Link zum Olight: ►Olight Taschenlampe:
10% Rabatt bei Olight: Code: OutdoorChiemgau10
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Olight Warrior X PRO 2250 lumens The best military tactical flashlight - TEST VIDEO ITALIA REVIEW
Olight Warrior X PRO 2250 lumens The best military tactical flashlight Unboxing/TEST
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Im kommenden Sale am wird es die Warrior X Pro in der Sonderfarbe Desert Sunset geben. Ist die Farbe was für dich? Dann schlag am um 10 Uhr bei unserem Sale zu. Viel Spaß
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รีวิว Olight Warrior X Pro ไฟฉาย Tactical แรง 2100 Lumens สวย ทน เท่ โปรลดเพียบ!!
ของแถมแจกฟรี :
ลิงค์Warrior X Pro
ลิงค์Obulb Mc
Warrior X Pro +Obulb MC
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Get your Warrior X Pro:
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make sure to add it manually to the shopping cart
Free shipping for orders over $59 Unlimited end time
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Тип - пошуковий, джерело світла - LED, дальність світлового потоку - 350 м, яскравість - 330 люмен, елементи живлення - вбудований акумулятор, вага - 1048 г....
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