Палатка SOL Fly - - понравится любителям путешествовать налегке, но с комфортом. Однослойная модель поместит в себя одного- двоих туристов. Места для оснащения достаточно, чтобы поместить пару велосипедов и рюкзаков. Каркас состоит из фиберглассовых дуг диаметром 7,9 мм. Материал внешнего тента – полиэстер с PU покрытием, не пропускает УФ лучи и не способствует распространению огня. Вход в спальную зону оснащен противомоскитной сеткой, в куполе находится вентиляционное окошко. Все швы проклеены термоусадочной лентой, поэтому вы не промокните в непогоду.
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Правильно підібраний якісний намет – це мало не половина вдалого відпочинку. Та як не розгубитися серед розмаїття моделей та параметрів? Команда ТМ Mousson допоможе вам зробити правильний вибір. Сьогодні ми представляємо лінійку дво- та тримісних наметів MOUSSON FLY із фібергласовими каркасами.
Намети MOUSSON FLY є сучасними, продуманими та укомплектованими усім необхідним. У комплект наметів входять:
- 12 металевих кілків;
- стійки каркасу із армованого скловолокна (так званого фібергласу) діаметром ;
- зовнішній і внутрішній тенти;
- ремкомплект.
Намети FLY – просторі та місткі, зокрема висота тримісного намету складає 140 см, що є його значною перевагою.
Каркаси наметів FLY 2 та FLY 3 виготовлені із якісного і надійного армованого скловолокна - фібергласу. Дуги каркасу діаметром володіють нульовою залишковою деформацією. Це означає, що вони завжди будуть прямими після використання, навіть якщо намет довгий час перебував у розкладеному стані. Намети з фібергласовими каркасам прекрасно підходять до походу-пікніка, рибалки чи просто відпочинку на природі.
Внутрішній тент намету FLY виготовлений із високоякісного матеріалу Polyester. Ми обрали саме цю тканину із поліефірного волокна, адже вона має так званий дихаючий ефект, що забезпечує постійний притік свіжого повітря. Поліестер також вирізняється міцністю та низькою гігроскопічністю. Внутрішній тент легко кріпиться за допомогою пластикових защіпок, що значно полегшує процес встановлення намету та є чудовим рішенням у сучасних наметах.
Днище намету має додаткове поліуретанове покриття, що забезпечує високий показник водонепроникності – 5000 мм водяного стовпця. Це дозволить вам без побоювань перебувати навіть в умовах кількаденної негоди.
Зовнішній тент намету FLY також виготовлено із поліестеру. тому він практично не розтягується при намоканні і не псується під дією ультрафіолету. Додаткове поліуретанове просочення значно підвищує коефіцієнт водонепроникності, який становить 2000 мм водяного стовпця. Усі шви намету проклеєні, тож негода однозначно не зіпсує ваш кемпінг. Окрім цього зовнішній тент має вогнетривке просочення, що підвищує вашу безпеку.
Безпечним відпочинок зроблять також і світловідбиваючі пулери на замках та розтяжках, що надійно фіксують намет та добре помітні у темну пору доби. Зверху на тенті розміщені вентиляційні клапани, що не лише гарантують відмінну циркуляцію повітря, але й запобігають появі і накопиченню конденсату всередині намету.
Намет FLY зручний, легкий і при цьому доволі місткий. Компресійний чохол дозволяє зменшити намет в об’ємі у складеному вигляді, що є додатковим плюсом при транспортуванні. В чохлі є інструкція до виробу, яка для зручно пришита до тканини. У тамбурі намету ви можете зручно розмістити свої похідні наплічники та інші речі. Також всередині намету знаходяться кишеньки для спорядження, а під стелею є додаткова поличка і гачок для ліхтарика.
Вхід в намет обладнаний замками відомої марки SBS. Подвійні двері внутрішнього тенту із високоякісною москітною сіткою не лише забезпечать додаткову вентиляції намету, але й захистять від комах.
Ще одним аргументом на користь наметів MOUSSON Fly є його сучасний дизайн та приємна кольорова гама, а саме кольори зелений, лайм та хакі. Гарантія на намети MOUSSON становить 1 рік.
Ви у пошуках надійного супутника для подорожей? Тоді це безумовно намет MOUSSON Fly!
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Палатка Camp 3 -- подойдет для летнего, осеннего и весеннего отдыха. Материал изделия -- 100% полиэстер.
По весу палатка не тяжелая -- всего 4,3 кг. Учитывая то, что она трехместная. Палатка, как и большинство моделей этой фирмы двухсторонняя, вместительная и просторная. Модель изделия выполнена в самой удобной для палатки формы -- полусфера. Два входа делают ее более удобной в использовании и комфортной.
Так же два выхода добавляют дополнительные функции изделию, например, можно выйти, не беспокоя соседей.
Кроме просторной спальной зоны есть два тамбура -- с обеих сторон выходов. Они довольно вместительные, в них можно хранить вещи или снаряжения. Не смотря, на дышащий материал, из которого сделана палатка, он не пропускает влаги. Так же входы в палатку закрываются москитными сетками.
Палатка отлично подойдет для походов и велопрогулок.
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What Happens When You Put Salt on Orbeez? High Speed Water Absorption Experiment
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In this video I show you what happens when you blend solid orbeez in a blender. I talk about osmosis and show you how fast super absorbant polymers can absorb water. Then I show you a crazy effect that happens when you put salt on orbeez.
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DISCLAIMER: Any experiment you try is at your own risk Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Тестируем переносные насосы / Как выбрать насос для велосипеда
В этом видео мы протестируем компактные переносные насосы. А именно:
• Насос телескопический HP-11;
• Насос двойной с манометром ZF-021;
• Насос телескопический с манометром Stels ZF-024A;
• Насос с манометром Stels ZF-010;
• Насос двойной с манометром ZF-021.
Расскажем, как определить какой насос лучше и на что надо полагаться при выборе насоса.
Fluffy by Smith The Mister
Smith The Mister
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Music promoted by Audio Library Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Soul II Soul - Back To Life (However Do You Want Me) (Official Music Video)
Listen to more Soul II Soul
Official video of Soul II Soul performing Back To Life (However Do You Want Me) from the album Club Classics Vol. One.
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#SoulIISoul #BackToLife #Remastered Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
RÜFÜS DU SOL Live from Joshua Tree
A film by Alexander George
With Tyrone Lindqvist, James Hunt and Jon George
Produced by Danny Robson & Alexander George
Associate Producer: Irene Ku
Assistant Producer: Derek Rickert
Assistant Director: Zach Toupin
Edited by: Scotty Beatty & Alexander George
Audio Mixing: Cam Trewin & Marti Humphrey
Assistant Engineer: Adam Carl
DP/Camera Operator: Michael Booth
Camera Operator: Joe Butler, Trevor Dean, Vinnie Mac
Steadicam Operator: Jose Espinoza
Camera Assistant: Thomas Line
Drone Operator: Brady Spear
Lighting Designer: Matthew James Smith
Lighting Director: David Fairless
Post Producer: Scott Beatty
Assistant Editing: Stephen Shirk
VFX: Andrew Finch, Eric Schrecongost
Colorist: Yanni Kronenberg
Color Assistant: Conlan Mackenzie
Tour Manager: Nemanja “Nam” Bujisic
Production Manager: Jonathan Nelson
Field Producer: Sebastien Kamyab, Clark Fyans
Site & Production Manager: Tim “Wildcat” Peterson
FOH Engineer: Cam Trewin
Monitor Engineer: James Gueness
Audio Technician: Benny Masterton, Dyllan Brooks
Audio Record: David Williams
Playback Tech: Chase Dobson
Backline Tech: Bryan Berge
Lead LX Tech: Joe Silva
LX Tech: Jeffrey Culp, Ernesto Jovel
Production Assistant: Brendan Buckley, Shaun Cyrkin
Production Labor Crew Chief: Kai Christensen
Production Labor: Shianne Buduan, Samantha Chambers, Conner Cross
Lead Truck Driver/Labor: Brian Winchester
Truck Driver/Labor: Sean Topham, Todd Hornsby, Jesse Ailshire
Driver: Greg Sanchez, Matt Reyes
Special Thank You To:
Tom Corson
Aaron Bay-Schuck
Cameron Webley
Jeff Sosnow
Natasha Kilibarda
Julian Hewitt
Corey Pelton
Rob McAnelly
Max Frieser
Kelly Noe
Jason Evigan
Cassian Stewart-Kasimba
Leah Barylsky
Dale Becker
Reprise Records
Warner Records
Cover Artwork By: Reuben Wu
Thank you Arri Rental, Volt Lites, The Dub Stage
Rose Avenue, Mixmag & Reprise Records Present
RÜFÜS DU SOL Live from Joshua Tree
Shot on Location at AWE Ranch California
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Sepultura's video for 'Ratamahatta' from the album, Roots - available now on Roadrunner Records. Download the album on iTunes:
Biboca, Porra !!!
Ze Do Caixao
Hello Uptown
Hello Downtown
Hello Midtown
Hello Trenchtown
Ratamahatta !!! ...
Vamo deton essa porra !!!
Hello Uptown
Hello Downtown
Hello Midtown
Hello Trenchtown
Ratamahatta Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
FKJ playing an exclusive live set in world's largest salt flat Salar de Uyuni for Cercle.
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Video credits:
Artist: FKJ
Venue: Salar de Uyuni
Produced by Cercle
Executive producers: Philippe Tuchmann & Derek Barbolla
Film directed by: Pol Souchier & Derek Barbolla
Directors of photography: Mathieu Glissant
Sound engineer: Laurent de Boisgisson & Thomas Cooksey
Assisted by: Aurélien Moisan
Sound mastering: Laurent de Boisgisson
Drone: Alexis Olas
Special thanks to Terra Andina, Conacine, French Embassy in Bolivia , French Alliance in Bolivia & Live Buzz for all their support.
Thanks to Galerie Joseph.
This artistic performance has been recorded live.
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Derek (Cercle):
− So, I’m a bit moved because what we just experienced was incredible, but I wanted to ask how it felt to be playing in the middle of this natural landscape and not in front of people as you’re used to?
Vincent (FKJ):
− Well, there was a lot less pressure, less expectations,
− I didn’t see the reaction of the people in front of me that I usually interpret in a good or a bad way, sometimes I do interpret their reaction the right way but sometimes it completely wrong, in the end it’s all in my head but here there’s no audience so I’m by myself, I’m a bit like in my room except that have something incredible in front of me so it was easier to adventure myself in unknown territories…
Derek (Cercle):
− You lost yourself in your music tonight?
Vincent (FKJ):
− I was Lost
Derek (Cercle):
− It was really incredible.
− There are a lot of people that have been asking questions online but I will start with one which I believe was asked by Emero: How were you inspired by Bolivia and this specific location ?
Vincent (FKJ):
− Well exactly, the inspiration came from the location.
− Here I didn’t want the location to be just a background to my music but my music to be the soundtrack of the location.
− That’s why I didn’t play many of my songs, I played a few that I thought worked well with this location but for the rest I was just looking around and being inspired by this place, by the nature around
Derek (Cercle):
− It’s true that I heard many tunes that I didn’t know so there were a lot of unreleased.
Vincent (FKJ):
− It wasn’t even unreleased.
Derek (Cercle):
− They were never released.
Vincent (FKJ):
− Yeah, they were not unreleased, probably will never be released
Derek (Cercle):
− Well we were privileged to hear them.
Derek (Cercle):
− Often the themes that we find in your tracks are the skyline and the notion of going home: Why those two themes? What inspires you in those themes?
Vincent (FKJ):
− The skyline is a metaphor for trying to reach your goals in life, make your dreams come true
− And go back home is really about travelling
− The track I don’t want to go back home that I played; I played because it made sense here, I really didn’t want to go back home, I just wanted to keep traveling here
− go back home references the fact that I’m constantly traveling and that I feel good traveling
Derek (Cercle):
− Ok, I think we’re going to end the interview now with the mystery box which is a little gift that we are going to offer you. It’s a tradition but with all the emotions I forgot to take it with me, so someone is running to bring it
− As Aurelien arrives I wanted to thank you for this incredible live
Vincent (FKJ):
− Thank you for organizing all of this
Derek (Cercle):
− I also wanted to thank all the technical team, I think there were around 19 people involved who are really incredible people that worked really hard to prepare this show. So, a huge thank you to them because there wouldn’t have been a show without them, thank you
− And here is the gift, that we offer you with a strong wind. It was made by a local shop, Lam, and is 100% Alpaga
Vincent (FKJ):
− I’m going to put it right away because I’m freezing.
− Thank you very much guys, I had a wonderful time. I will listen to it tomorrow because I don’t know how the result sounded
Derek (Cercle):
− It was beautiful
− Thank you, you really honored this location
− Thank you to our partners whose names will appear on the screen and in the credits
− Thank you for being so many of you following us as always and see you in two weeks Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
So Many Swings! | Supreme Commander Forged Alliance Forever | 4v4 on Syrtis Assault | Cast #126
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Things get a little weird on this episode of Overtime!
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Владимир 89263152612
Герман 89266648340
Ремонт и т.о. скутеров и мотоциклов.
Настройка вариатора.
Подбор скутеров и мотоциклов.
Выезд на осмотр, так же можем дать
совет, что выбрать.
Город Москва.
запчасти SYM и другие.
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Думаем практически каждый сталкивался с такой проблемой как "некорректное отображение ЧСС" с датчика пульса. В этом видео мы постарались собрать и рассказать как о самых распространенных причинах этого явления, так и о более скрытых факторах, которые могут оказывать влияние. Так же мы поговорили о путях решения этих проблем. Разбор причин очень простой, так что будет понятен всем, если нет - то задавайте ваши вопросы и пишите их в комментариях под видео!
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00:00-00:04 - Вступление.
00:04 - Если пульс сильно занижен.
0:15 - Временные потери пульса во время тренировки.
1:16 - Датчик перестал сопрягаться после замены батареи.
1:53 - Быстро разряжается батарея.
2:28 - Сильный износ электродов на ленте нагрудного датчика.
3:04 - Соотношение в %.
3:31 - Советы по уходу за датчиком пульса.
Купить нагрудный пульсометр POLAR, GARMIN, SUUNTO вы можете в магазине SPORTLIFE (официальный дилер в России). Ссылка на магазин: 📌
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Bruno Mars, Anderson .Paak, Silk Sonic - Fly As Me - Live from the BET Soul Train Awards 2021
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🎵 Listen to the Best of Bruno Mars playlist ➤
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The official YouTube channel of Atlantic Records artist Bruno Mars. 11x GRAMMY Award winner and 27x GRAMMY Award nominee Bruno Mars is a celebrated singer, songwriter, producer, and musician with iconic hits like "The Lazy Song", "That's What I Like", "Just The Way You Are", "24K Magic", "Locked Out Of Heaven", and "When I Was Your Man". His legendary body of work also includes blockbuster albums such as Doo-Wops & Hooligans, Unorthodox Jukebox, and 24K Magic, as well as era-defining collaborations like "Uptown Funk" with Mark Ronson, "Finesse" with Cardi B, and "Nothin' On You" with . Forever classic, yet supremely innovative, Bruno continues to redefine music, style, and popular culture, pushing the boundaries of pop, R&B, funk, soul, hip-hop, and dance, and remains as influential as ever.
#SilkSonic #FlyAsMe #SoulTrainAwards #BrunoMars #AndersonPaak Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
"Funkdafied" by Da Brat
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So, So, So Funkdafied
So, So, So Funkdafied
So, So, So Funkdafied
So, So, So Funkdafied
So, So, So Funkdafied
So, So, So Funkdafied
So, So, So Funkdafied
So, So, So Funkdafied
So, So, So Funkdafied
So, So, So Funkdafied
So, So, So Funkdafied
So, So, So Funkdafied
#Funkdafied #DaBrat #OfficialVideo Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
"93 'Til Infinity" by Souls Of Mischief
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Yeah, this is how we chill from 93 'til
This is how we chill from 93 'til
This is how we chill from 93 'til
This is how we chill from 93 'til
Uh-huh, this is how we chill from 93 'til
This is how we chill, from 93 'til
This is how we chill from 93 'til
This is how we chill from 93 'til
#SoulsOfMischief #93TilInfinity #HipHop Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
There's nothing like The Residence in commercial air travel.
The Residence is above First Class; with a living room, separate bedroom and en-suite shower room, it is the only three-room suite on a commercial airline in the world. It is indeed the World's Premiere Flying Experience.
I hadn't flown The Residence in 2 years and I was very keen to re-live this fantastic experience, so I decided to dress up for the occasion. This flight was Etihad's inaugural A380 service from Abu Dhabi to Seoul Incheon.
On the return flight from Incheon to Abu Dhabi (next episode), I will be back in Economy to see the differences in travel experience on the same plane.
Join me for my third, spectacular experience in Etihad Airway’s The Residence! The Residence is completely out of this world within the field of luxury, commercial passenger aviation, far surpassing any first class service that you might care to mention. It is unique in so many ways from providing the only, true double bed in a public, commercial aviation setting within your cabin to the provision of your own personal butler whilst in The Residence lounge and also whilst up in the air, trained in the prestigious Savoy Hotel in London.
I take the inaugural flight from Abu Dhabi international airport to Incheon Airport in Seoul, South Korea at the invitation of Etihad Airways, celebrating the launch of this new route in The Residence. I will be making the return journey in economy class in my next video guys, so watch out for that one!
If you’d like to see my first and second Residence experiences, you can see these in my videos here:
The Residence flying experience provides a home from home on the ground and then in the sky where any need or desire you could think of is expertly and carefully taken of. The Residence experience starts with being chauffeur driven in a luxury car (typically Audi, BMW or Mercedes) to the first class, VIP terminal of the airport where you are met by your personal luggage carrier, butler and chef.
Whilst waiting for your flight, you are housed in your own little palace with access to a spa (I opt to have an extremely relaxing and very nice and pleasant foot massage) and even a smoking room, lavishly decorated and stocked with the finest cigars, including Cuban, from around the world. Your own personal chef is on hand to deliver a Michelin Star level of dining experience, with each dish being hand crafted to your requirements and set in front of you with an explanation of each of the components of the dish before you begin eating. There are a wide variety of premium wines, spirits, beers and champagne to choose from.
Within your Residence lounge, there is a large, wall-mounted television and library. The Residence on the ground experience is absolutely sublime and a true masterpiece of comfort and service for the passenger.
At the gate to the aeroplane, I am met by the person who is to be my butler in the air. He introduces himself and up in the air, it’s clear that he cares – that’s what’s so great about Etihad Airway’s The Residence – the personal touch. They have researched my background before the day and present me with a number of aviation magazines to read and enjoy on the flight, as well as a framed photo of myself and a certificate to commemorate my travelling on this inaugural flight with Etihad in The Residence.
I am extremely impressed with the food I receive on the flight, with a delicious steak and chips being put before me as the main course and delicious little Asian sandwiches with succulent meat as a starter. I am also treated to Bellini Cipriani wine and a wonderful post-dinner digestif of Cellar 28 Remy Martin – greater opulence you couldn’t imagine, honestly!
After dinner, I can sprawl out on my double bed and watch TV in private, after taking a very relaxing and refreshing shower in my private bathroom on board. After sleeping, I rub my eyes to see my personal butler bringing a luxurious and mouth-watering breakfast of waffles and raspberries, served with champagne to get me in the mood to face a new day before we land.
Overall, I am once again bowled over by Etihad’s provision for me within The Residence class on board and I hold Etihad Airway’s The Residence in the highest regard. Would did you think of the whole fantastic experience? Let me know in the comments – as always, I am very pleased to share these gems of an aviation experience with you, my audience, and I thank you for watching. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Disturbed - The Vengeful One [Official Music Video]
Watch the official music video for The Vengeful One by Disturbed from the album Immortalized.
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Disturbed is a multi-platinum-selling heavy metal band renowned for their hits “Down With The Sickness,” “Sound of Silence,” “The Vengeful One,” “The Light,” “Stricken,” “Land Of Confusion,” and “Indestructible.” They worked with artists like Myles Kennedy, and Lzzy Hale — amassing billions of global streams and achieving 5 consecutive number one debuts on the Billboard Top 200.
[Verse 1]
He is observing the chaos, taking in the lack of raw humanity
It's as if the entire world's fallen in love with their insanity
Hear the innocent voices scream
As their tormentors laugh through all of it
No forgiveness from all I've seen
The degradation, I cannot forget
So sleep soundly in your beds tonight
For judgement falls upon you at first light
I'm the hand of God, I'm the dark messiah
I'm the vengeful one
(Look inside and see what you're becoming)
In the blackest moment of a dying world
What have you become?
(Look inside and see what you're becoming)
[Verse 2]
As the violence surges
And the teeming masses have been terrorized
The human predators all gone mad
Are reaping profits born from their demise
The rabid media plays their roles
Stoking the flames of war to no surprise
Only too eager to sell their souls
For the apocalypse must be televised
So sleep soundly in your beds tonight
For judgement falls upon you at first light
I'm the hand of God, I'm the dark messiah
I'm the vengeful one
(Look inside and see what you're becoming)
In the blackest moment of a dying world
What have you become?
(Look inside and see what you're becoming)
When you die, you'll know why
For you cannot be saved
With all the world enslaved
When you die, you'll know why
You'll die, you'll know why
For you cannot be saved
This world is too depraved
When you die, you'll know why
I'm the hand of God, I'm the dark messiah
I'm the vengeful one
(Look inside and see what you're becoming)
In the blackest moment of a dying world
What have you become?
(Look inside and see what you're becoming)
I'm the hand of God, I'm the dark messiah
I'm the vengeful one
(Look inside and see what you're becoming)
In the blackest moment of a dying world
What have you become?
(Look inside and see what you're becoming)
#OfficialMusicVideo #Disturbed #TheVengefulOne #WeAreWarnerRecords Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Masha and the Bear 📺 Variety Show 🎪 (Episode 49) 💥 New episode! 🎬
Masha and The Bear. All episodes playlist:
Masha and The Bear. Compilations:
Masha discovers several new talents at a time and the Bear buys a long-awaited device- a brand new TV! Masha can’t miss such a great chance to prove that creative approach solves any problems especially if Panda is ready to help!
Enjoy previous episodes together with Masha and the Bear 👱♀️🐻
🏒 What a wonderful game ❄️
❄️ Christmas Carol 🧸
🦁 God save the queen 👑
👻 A Ghost Story 🍁
💃 At Your Service 🤖
🔧 What's inside?
🐻 Tee for three
🤠 Once in the Wild West
💃 All the world's a stage
🚀 We Come In Peace!
🌄 Bon voyage
🕵 The Puzzling Case
🐲 Happy New Year… Again!
💂 From England with Love
👩 Two Much
👶 New Kids on the Block
🌕Twinkle, twinkle, little star
⚔ The Three Mashketeers
🐒Monkey Business
📸 Just shoot me:
🐼 Liar, liar, pants on fire:
🚖 Driving Lessons:
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Masha and the Bear are heroes of Russian folklore, known to all Russian children. Just that in the series they are different and live in the modern world, which gave the creators from Animaccord Animation Studio the ability to bring new possibilities to their interactions. Series tell us about a unique relationship between two main characters. Masha is an exceedingly active little girl who can't sit still on one place and has to make everything a business of her own. The Bear is a big and hearty guy who loves comfort and quietness. After their first met the Bear is always in anticipation for another fun and wild adventure that Masha will surely pull him in.
Masha and The Bear.
TaDaBoom English
Masha and The Bear. All episodes:
Mascha und der Bär. Alle Folgen:
Маша и Медведь. Все серии подряд:
Masha y el Oso. Todas las series:
Masha e o Urso. Lista de reprodução:
ماشا والدب. جميع الحلقات :
Маша та Ведмідь. Всі серії
Masha e Orso. Tutti gli Episodi:
Masha et Michka. Tous les épisodes:
Masza i Niedźwiedź. Wszystkie odcinki:
माशा एंड द बेयर. सभी एपसोड:
Maşa İle Koca Ayı. Tüm Bölümler :
מאשה והדוב כל הפרקים :
瑪莎與熊. 全部影集:
마샤와 곰 모든 에피소드:
玛莎和熊 . 全部视频
#MashaandtheBear #cartoonforkids #cartoons Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
СМОТРИТЕ МОДЕРНИЗИРОВАННУЮ ВЕРСИЮ 2020 года - универсальную палатку ЛОТОС 5У:
Купить кемпинговую палатку можно в интернет магазине:
Там же Вы можете ознакомиться с подробным техническим описанием и комплектацией палатки.
Заказать палатку можно по телефону 8 800 333 46 22
Вашему вниманию представлена автоматическая модульная палатка зонтичной системы раскрытия на металлическом каркасе. Размер палатки позволяет с комфортом организовать отдых на природе для большой компании отдыхающих, и способна разместить до 12 человек. Установка палатки производится менее чем за 1 мин. Прочный каркас в форме купола выдерживает высокие ветровые нагрузки. Шестигранная центральная палатка снабжена 4-мя открывающимися стенками образующими входы в палатку, которые дублируются противомоскитными сетками. Одна открывающаяся стенка используется в качестве входа в палатку и имеет Т/образную форму. Три остальные стенки с входами D/образной формы могут использоваться как большие окна для проветривания в жаркую погоду. Эти три входа D/образной формы снабжены специальными тракторными молниями и являются унифицированными элементами, к которым можно пристегнуть дополнительно три спальные палатки, а также можно присоединить другие модульные палатки. Для присоединения модульных палаток между собой используется специальный элемент «Соединение».
С процессом присоединения модульных палаток "ЛОТОС" можно ознакомиться в видеоматериале по ссылке
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Палатки «ЛОТОС» изготавливаются в России. Производитель «Компания Лотос» гарантирует высокое качество и сервисное обеспечение.
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The Pharcyde - Passin' Me By (Official Music Video)
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The Pharcyde "Passin' Me By" (BET Version) from Bizarre Ride II The Pharcyde.
Critically acclaimed as an absolute classic of the alternative Hip-Hop genre, it’s been name-checked by Kanye West as his favorite album of all time and aptly described by NME as "... a cartoon-strip of blunt-smoking antics, sexual innuendo and unashamed political incorrectness, crammed with infectious beats.” A true West Coast original that sprang up amidst the early 1990s gangster rap landscape like LA’s answer to De La Soul’s mentality in its freeform creativity. Essential and enduringly unique, Bizarre Ride II The Pharcyde is a rite of passage for any serious Hip-Hop head.
Stream and buy Bizarre Ride II The Pharcyde:
LP 1
LP 2
Music video by The Pharcyde performing Passin' Me By. (C) 2017 The Bicycle Music Company, Inc. Distributed by Concord Music Group, Inc.
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Check out the brandnew single „Alane“ with Wes - Video out now ►
Chapter 3: The official music video for Robin Schulz' new single "In Your Eyes" featuring Alida!
► Get the single here:
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►Snapchat: robinschulzreal
Hearing whispers in the night
Voices filling up your mind
Your like a ghost of you
You’ve been drowning in the rain
Slowly saving up the pain
So deep inside of you
See the colors of the skies
slowly turn from black and white
A rising hope, bright as gold
Now there’s nothing left to lose
So we’re breakin all the rules
And they don’t know what we know
Cause I can hear
The thunder from afar
A lightning in the dark
I can feel a fire come alive
So calm before the storm
So dark before the dawn
Oh, I can see the fire in your eyes
Now you’ll never be the same
Once you’ve felt that burning flame
You’re chasing stars alive
What was broken’s left behind
watch it crumble in the light
Nothing can stop you now,
The dark winter can affect our soul. With his new song “In Your Eyes”, Robin Schulz points us from the darkness back into the light. Our guide: Norwegian singer-songwriter Alida, whose powerful and uplifting vocals feature in the latest track of the German super-producer.
“You’re like a ghost of you / You’ve been drowning in the rain / Slowly saving up the pain inside of you“, Alida worriedly observes in a loved person by her side. Time to change tack: “Now there’s nothing left to lose / So we’re breaking all the rules“, she decides, “‘cause I can hear the thunder from afar / A lightning in the dark / I can feel the fire come alive ... Oh I can see the fire in your eyes“. And just like the forces of nature in the lyrics, the atmospheric production now explodes into jubilant strings, soaring melodies and towering basslines.
“This is exactly how I want to start a new year“, says Robin Schulz. “I love the vibe of the track and I'm very happy to have Alida on Board. This collaboration is the beginning of an exciting year, I simply cannot wait to get started.“ Alida, who moved from Norway to L.A. in the summer of 2019 and co-wrote “In Your Eyes” during the process before it made its way to the hands of Robin Schulz later, comments: “It was one of those songs that naturally wrote itself. This is a song I was feeling all year but didn’t know how to articulate until now. Robin Schulz heard the song and brought it to life… I’m very excited for everyone to listen and hopefully it touches people like it touched me.”
“In Your Eyes” is accompanied by a music video that builds on the previous visuals for “All This Love“ and “Rather Be Alone“. Once again, Toni Garrn plays the leading role. The most recent video for “Rather Be Alone” ended with Toni Garrn and Robin Schulz’ avatars successfully concluding an intergalactic dance battle. Now, they’re getting beamed into the next level: in the new video, they appear in a dark hall, two futuristic motorbikes right next to them. Level 2 commences…
#robinschulz #inyoureyes #musicvideo #alida #tonigarrn Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ryan Pretend Play with Vending Machine Toy for Kids Story!!!
Ryan Pretend Play with Vending Machine Toy for Kids Story!!! Fun New Story about Snacks and Cooking with Ryan's World! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Karaoke sing along of “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond from Sing King Karaoke
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About Sing King Karaoke: Welcome to the official Sing King Karaoke YouTube channel! On this channel, you’ll find a variety of karaoke and sing along videos with lyrics, including pop rock, R&B, hip hop, piano, acoustic, and electropop genres from Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, ABBA, and more. If you like music, singing along, learning song lyrics, or karaoke, sing along to them in style with Sing King Karaoke, your number one source for YouTube karaoke and lyrics.
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Official audio for “Carry On Wayward Son” by Kansas
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Carry on, my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more
#Kansas #CarryOnWaywardSon #Rock Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Santa is Coming! It is Christmas Eve and we are getting ready to Santa to come. We celebrate the Holiday with our family doing a bunch of Christmas traditions while we wait for Santa!
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ATLANTIC STARR et FREDA PAYNE ( Emission "Best of Soul Train" )- 05/02/2021
ATLANTIC STARR et FREDA PAYNE ( Emission " Best of Soul Train" avec comme présentateur : Don Cornelius) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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On the Sabbath day, Jesus heals a man born blind.
John 9:1-41
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Разбираем вилку RST First AIR - рассказываем про самые неудачные элементы конструкции, которые в этой вилке повсюду. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
KSP Live: REAL TIME MUN MISSION (No Timewarp!) - Part 2 of 2
Today, we attempt the bold, the brash, the are attempting to conduct an Apollo-Style Mun Mission in REAL TIME, with no quicksaving, timewarp, or any other tomfoolery allowed! I have no idea how successful this is going to be, but let's take a crack at it!
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This video is intended for audiences 13+ years old.
00:00:00 Stream Reboot
00:00:35 Descent to Mun Periapsis
01:13:34 Mun Parking Orbit
01:42:41 Lander Separates
02:00:38 Mun Surface Activities
02:47:15 Lander Ascension
03:02:12 Orbital Rendezvous
03:20:48 Journey back to Kerbin
08:25:38 Re-entry Sequence
#KSP #KerbalSpaceProgram #RealTimeMun Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Written and Directed by Melanie Martinez
Executive Producers: Wes Teshome, Phil Botti & Ron Shapiro
Producers: Kimberly Stuckwisch & Tyler Zelinsky
Co-Producer: Gergely Varga
Co-Director: Alissa Torvinen
Director of Photography: Josh McKie
Choreography by Brian Friedman
Production Design by Fernanda Guerrero
Costume Design by Christina Flannery & Melanie Martinez
Hair by William Blair
Key Make Up: Devan Weitzman
Special FX Make Up: Mo Meinhart Edited by Niles Howard & Emilie Aubry
Visual Effects Supervisor: Jeff Hodges
Post Producer: Seth Josephson
Music by Melanie Martinez & Michael Keenan
Casting by Anissa Williams, Zora DeHorter & Attila Mercel
Crybaby: Melanie Martinez
Angelita: Emma Harvey
K-12 available now:
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#MelanieMartinez #K12 #HighSchoolSweethearts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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LOUNGE BEATS from the best luxury bars, restaurants & rooftops.
Rooftop Restaurant & Bar Music - Playlist - Spotify:
01 00:00 The Sweetest Taboo (Remix) - Scubba, Ivette Moraes, Ronan
02 03:09 Passionfruit - Shelly Sony
03 05:46 Dreams ( Remix) - Eve St. Jones,
04 09:05 Radioactive (Krister Remix) - Dual Sessions
05 12:54 Castle In The Sky – Von Mondo, Volpe
06 15:59 Cuarzo (Javier Penna Remix) - Lila Frascara, Javier Penna
07 21:41 Fast Car (Krister Remix) - Dual Sessions
08 24:38 West End Girls - Bellestar, Sixth Finger
09 27:38 Need U (100%) (G-Spliff Remix) - Lila Liu
10 29:58 Tape Loop - Ituana
11 33:10 Seventh Heaven - Limelight Sound
12 36:51 All The Good Girls Go To Hell - Lila Frascara
13 40:05 Magic - Trippynova, Natalie Renoir
14 44:00 09 Let's Dance - Futurama, Dew
15 48:22 How Deep Is Your Love - Bellestar, Klub Rider, Glambeats Corp.
16 52:00 Lovefool (Dalbani Remix) - Urselle
17 55:08 Please Don't Go (Dj Leao Remix) - Future Soundscapes, Sao Vicente
18 57:38 He's The Greatest Dancer (Luxury Remix) - Ituana
19 01:01:11 Oops! I Did It Again (Wax Hero Rework) - Brazil XXI, Eve St. Jones
20 01:04:17 Lullaby - Freedom Dub
21 01:07:37 Can't Take My Eyes Off You - Natalie Renoir, Stereo Dub, Brazil XXI
22 01:10:33 Taking Me Home - Nick Prosen, Dew
23 01:15:35 Just Can't Get Enough (Deep House Mix) - Os Digitalistas, Mayla Da Viola
24 01:18:43 Love You Inside Out - Beluga's Trio, Shelly Sony
25 01:22:26 The Night - Von Mondo, Volpe, Klub Rider
26 01:25:45 I Feel It Coming (Dataset Remix) - Sixth Finger, Natty Bong, Dataset
27 01:28:42 Valerie (Deep Piano Mix) - Julie Benson
28 01:32:19 Waiting For The Night - Glambeats Corp., Herbie Garrett
29 01:35:39 Tiny Dancer (Ronan Remix) (Radio Edit) - Urban Love, Dew
30 01:39:43 Your Love (Bellestar Remix) - Dinah Eastwood, Bellestar
31 01:42:28 Wake Me - Adelle
32 01:45:04 Good For You (Krister Remix) - Style Project, Krister
33 01:48:16 Daylight - Ronan, Dew
34 01:52:10 Too Much Heaven (Wax Hero Remix Extended) - Dual Sessions, Natalie Renoir
35 01:57:23 Can't Take My Eyes Off You - Natalie Renoir, Stereo Dub, Brazil Xxi
36 02:00:52 Hymn For The Weekend - Morgan, G & Machines
37 02:03:33 If I Can't Have You (Radio Edit) - Sixth Finger
38 02:06:44 Melting Edge - Abril D'Sola
#Lounge #Rooftop #Restaurant #Bar #Music Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gunna - Sold Out Dates ft. Lil Baby [Official Audio]
Buy Drip Season 3:
Follow Gunna:
College Park, Georgia-based rapper Gunna became interested in music and rapping as a hobby in his early teens, but got more serious about the possibility of a career in hip-hop around 2016, when he was introduced to Atlanta MC Young Thug by a mutual friend. The two developed a friendship, and before long Gunna was in the studio hopping on Young Thug's track "Floyd Mayweather," where he lent a verse alongside rap superstars Gucci Mane and Travis Scott. That feature was enough to jettison Gunna into relative fame, and he became affiliated with Young Thug's YSL imprint. By late 2016 he'd released the Drip Season mixtape and followed it with Drip Season 2 in the summer of 2017 and toured the US with Playboi Carti. In the fall of 2017 he released a collab EP with producer Wheezy titled Drip or Drownwhich has had great streaming success and is priming his fans for the release of the much anticipated Drip Season 3.
Buy Drip Season 3:
Drip Season 3 Tracklist:
Helluva Price (Prod. by Metro Boomin)
Drippin (Prod by Richie Souf)
Almighty (ft. Hoodrich Pablo Juan) | (Prod. by Turbo)
Top Off (Prod. by Richie Souf)
Pedestrian (Prod. by Metro Boomin, Wheezy, & Doughboy)
Lies About You (ft. Lil Durk) | (Prod. by Richie Souf)
Mistress (Prod. by Dylan)
Car Sick (ft. NAV & Metro Boomin) | (Prod. by Metro Boomin & NAV)
My Soul (Prod. by Metro Boomin & London On The Track)
No Joke (Prod. By Metro Boomin)
Spending Addiction (Prod. by Turbo & Khalil)
Money Don't Change You (Prod. by DY 808Mafia)
Toast Up (Prod. By Wheezy)
Bonus: Drip or Drown Remix (ft. Lil Yachty) | (Prod. by Wheezy) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Какие жидкости использовать для кормушки Flat? [#Спросиуccbaits 13]
Какие жидкости использовать для кормушки Flat?? [#Спросиуccbaits 13]
Спросиуccbaits #13
Вопрос от Сергея.
Какие жидкости использовать для ловли с кормушкой Flat?
Привет. Это 13-й выпуск шоу - Спроси у ССBaits. Нам часто задают вопросы: как рыбачить, на что ловить, что использовать, какие монтажи лучше и сотни других.
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Read a celebration of Rick James’s life and career here:
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Music video by Rick James performing Super Freak.
YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 3,744,313.
(C) 1981 Motown Records, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Призначення - універсальні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - тримісні, Водостійкість тенту - 2000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.2 м, Вага - 2.9 кг, Колір - коричневий....
Призначення - універсальні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - тримісні, Водостійкість тенту - 6000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.3 м, Вага - 5 кг, Колір - зелений....
Призначення - універсальні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - чотиримісні, Водостійкість тенту - 6000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.4 м, Вага - 5.5 кг, Колір - зелений....
Призначення - універсальні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - двомісні, Водостійкість тенту - 6000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.2 м, Вага - 3.7 кг, Колір - зелений....
Призначення - універсальні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - двомісні, Водостійкість тенту - 4000 мм в ст., Висота - 1.2 м, Вага - 3.2 кг, Колір - зелений....
Призначення - для піших і гірських походів, форма - півсфера, Місткість - тримісні, Водостійкість тенту - 8000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.2 м, Вага - 3.9 кг, Колір -..
Призначення - універсальні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - чотиримісні, Водостійкість тенту - 2000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.3 м, Вага - 3.18 кг, Колір - зелений....
Призначення - ультралегкі, швидкозбірні, пляжні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - двомісні, Водостійкість тенту - 2000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.1 м, Колір - синій....
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