Намет Treker MAT-107 — це універсальний просторий тримісний намет. Серед наметів цього розміру він легкий, а збірка намету проста і займає кілька хвилин. Це ідеальний варіант для тих, хто збирається провести нетривалий час з сім'єю, з друзями в лісі, біля води, на пляжі. Такий намет захистить в умовах дощів, від піску, від вітру або від сонця. Вхід до намету на блискавці, додатково продубльований проти москітною сіткою.
Тент захищає від УФ променів (UPF 30). Тент з поліестеру 170Т з поліуретановим просоченням 350 мм. Пол армований, відрізняється міцністю і відмінною водостійкістю, шви проклеєні. Усередині намету є дві кишені для зберігання дрібних речей. Вхідні двері можна залишити відкритими, підвернувши їх і закріпивши до дуги. Зверху намети є додаткове вікно-тент, що забезпечує вільну циркуляцію повітря всередині намету при знятті якого можна дивитися на небо, зірки і місяць. Вікно так само облаштовано проти москітною сіткою.
Класична установка палатки: дуги зі скловолокна діаметром 8 мм, 8 кілочків в чохлі, хороша стійкість до прокручування. Намет упакований в сумку-чохол з ручкою для зручності транспортування і зберігання.
In this new video, Javier López de Anca shows how to paint VVS camouflage on a 1/72 scale Yak-1b from Arma Hobby. Javier shows the complete process from start to finish, including using AMMO Masking Putty, adding volume. and the application of a protective varnish layer. We hope you enjoy this video and find it useful!
Discover all products used in this video on our website here:
En este nuevo video, Javier López de Anca muestra cómo pintar el camuflaje VVS en un Yak-1b a escala 1/72 de Arma Hobby. Javier, muestra el proceso completo de principio a fin, incluyendo el uso de la masilla de enmascarar de AMMO, así como la aplicación de una capa de barniz protector. Esperamos que disfrutes de este video y que sea útil para tus proyectos.
Descubre todos los productos utilizados en este video en nuestra web: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Corrector de Catrice ‘Camouflage high coverage’ | @camilaaldanar #short
Наконец-то мои руки дошли до консилера Catrice Liquid Camouflage! Он был и есть маст-хевом во всех Инста-бьюти блогах. Все его попробовали, все с ним знакомы. Каждый день в моей ленте в инстаграм он встречается по 5 раз, минимум!!
Что это за средство такое? Узнаем в видео ^_^
А для тех, кто интересуется только сухими фактами, то вот, что я хочу отметить о Catrice Liquid Camouflage:
1) Среднее покрытие, идеально под глаза
2) Бытует заблуждение о том, что оттенок 010 Porcelain - самый светлый. Это неправда. 005 Light Natural является САМЫМ СВЕТЛЫМ.
3) У консилера очень ярковыраженная ОТДУШКА. Меня это немного раздражакивает.
4) Стойкость неплохая, но через часов 6 трескается под глазами.
В общем и целом, я поставила ему четверочку. Есть консилеры получше, но не за 300 рублей. Так что он очень даже ничего!👌
Снова благодарю всех за просмотр!❤
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Так что, если хотите меня поддержать, придется лайкать😂
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El corrector de Essence cosmetics 👀el Camouflage matt concealer Tono 40 medium fawn
Hey there!😁
Sooo welcome to the first official instalment of Adel Reviews 💖💫. Today we dive into this drugstore affordable gem. At only N$ ($) this concealer outperformed my expectations. I hope you enjoy this review.🙂
My skincare routine that’s very effective:
Foundation showdown:Lancôme vs Catrice full day wear test
Check out my review on these affordable Clicks eyelashes:
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Adel Paulo❤️
An African beauty content and digital creator✨ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Introducing Stretch Mark Camouflage - a PMU technique
📢 We are so excited to announce the launch of our 🎓ONLINE COURSE🎓 for NEW technique called Stretch Mark Camouflage. 👉
🌟 Mrs .Tatjana Damjanović is marking her 10th year anniversary in the beauty industry with an Exclusive Online Training of insanely popular technique called Stretch Mark Camouflage.
▪️Stretch Mark Camouflage is a non-invasive distribution of camouflage pigments with a device into your stretch marks, scars, c-section scars, self inflicted injuries – using needles/cartridges specially designed for this treatment.
Results are seen right after the treatment, but the skin is still sensitive. Final results can be seen after 3-4 weeks when the pigment fully disperses and the skin is fully healed.
30-60% improvement can be seen in just ONE SESSION, for the best results 3 treatments are recommended.
▪️ 🎓 Sign up for FREE TRIAL here 👇🏻
▪️ What is included in the price?
Our ONLINE COURSE includes Online training + Professional set. You will get certificate of completion once you successfully finish our course.
▪️ What is inside the online lessons?
Stretch Mark Camouflage has 10 sections which will be unlocked 2 by 2.
(All about skin, techniques, device presentation, EXTENSIVE Color theory, Skin conditions, how to determine the right color for your client and much more.
+ Course includes technique performance of Mrs. Tatjana Damjanović herself, while performing Camouflage on her models)
▪️ Why is this treatment a must have for your portfolio?
Because everyone can be your client! Did you know that 75% of world population has stretch marks?
❗️Make sure you are one of the first ones to offer Stretch Mark Camouflage at your salon. The best part is you don’t have to leave the comfort of your home to learn this amazing technique ❗️
Stay tuned for more videos & we are excited to see you among our students 😍
We are one of the largest and most experienced Aesthetic academies in the world with 18+ years of combined staff experience credited by Slovenian, as well as international degrees.
Our satisfied, returning customers can vouch for the quality of our salon. We follow global trends in the services we provide, and strive to create our own trends.
All services are provided by a highly professional staff. 22 Aesthetic Institute offers world-renowned education presented by the very best 22 Institute Team led by Tatjana Damjanović.
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22 Institute
22 Aesthetics
22 Institute Online Course
22 Institute Camouflage Course Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Some people with a visible difference find skin camouflage products helpful to reduce the appearance of their mark, scar or condition.
Our fourth tutorial on applying skin camouflage products, explains the crucial element of setting your camouflage products or makeup. Denise, one of our Skin Camouflage Practitioners, shows the different techniques to do this and suggests how long you leave the powder to set.
This video has been made thanks to the generous support of Avon UK.
Changing Faces supports people with a scar, mark or condition on their face or body that makes them look different. Our services range from skin camouflage to wellbeing support and self-help guides.
See more information on our website:
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Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Stretch Mark Camouflage is a non-invasive distribution of #camouflage pigments with a device into your #stretchmarks, #scars, c-section scars, self inflicted injuries – using needles/cartridges specially designed for this treatment.
📚 Join our FREE TRIAL of the Online Course on this link:
▪️ 💸 The question is how to setup Camouflage pricing? How much can you charge for a treatment?
Prices depend on different countries and their standards, so our Master trainer Tatjana will tell you the approximate prices in US dollars, pounds and euros.
▪️ By offering this treatment at your salon you position yourself on another level. You are offering your clients a treatment that can really help with their self esteem and it is an innovation that can bring you new clientele.
▪️🔎 People are googling ''how to get rid of stretch marks'' on a daily basis and they are looking into options that can potentially help them.
▪️ Stretch Mark Camouflage is one of the most profitable treatments out there. Why? Because so many people have scars and stretch marks and are waiting to be camouflaged. This is not only a great opportunity for you to shine but also to show your potential.
Stay tuned for more videos & we are excited to see you among our students 😍
Join our Stretch Mark Camouflage training from the COMFORT of your OWN HOME.
✅ Stretch Mark Camouflage Online Course available.
📚 Join our FREE TRIAL of the Online Course on this link:
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We are one of the largest and most experienced Aesthetic academies in the world with 18+ years of combined staff experience credited by Slovenian, as well as international degrees. Our satisfied, returning customers can vouch for the quality of our salon. We follow global trends in the services we provide, and strive to create our own trends. All services are provided by a highly professional staff. 22 Aesthetic Institute offers world-renowned education presented by the very best 22 Institute Team led by Tatjana Damjanović.
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Pierwsze wrażenie podkładu Essence Camouflage 2 in 1 Make-up & Concealer!
Test na żywo podkładu Essence Camouflage 2 in 1 Make-up & Concealer w odcieniu 20 Nude Beige + aktualizacja po 8h od aplikacji.
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Essence Camouflage 2in1 Powder & Make-up in 20 Nude beige
Essence Stay Natural Concealer in 3 Soft Nude
Ecocera Puder ryżowy
Kobo Matt Bronzing & Contouring Powder in 311 Nubian Dessert
MAC Blush in Blush All Day
My Secret Face Iluminator in Sparkling Beige
Maybelline Color Tattoo Creamy Mattes in Creme de Rose
Too Faced Chocolate Bon Bons
Kobo Pigment in Misty Rose
Bourjois Twist up the Volume Balm Mascara
Ardell Wispies False Lashes
Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Pomade in Medium Brown
Lime Crime Velvetines Matte Liquid Lipstick in Beet it
Neonail Gel Polish in Cymric Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
💕 Don't forget to follow your girl:
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Всем привет! В этом видео я сравниваю два знаменитых консилера, только один бюджетный Катрис Камуфляж, а второй не дешевый Тарт Шейп Тейп, который является фаворитом года многих американских блогеров!
Консилер TARTE SHAPE TAPE (light neutral) -
ТОП-10 УХОДОВЫХ СРЕДСТВ ДО 200 грн или 500 руб -
ТОП-10 БЮДЖЕТНЫХ ПРОДУКТОВ ДО 150 грн или 400 руб -
Камера: Panasonic Lumix G7
Объектив: 14-42 mm
Звук: ZOOM H1
Монтаж: Sony Vegas Pro 12
Instagram —
Vkontakte — Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Veil Cover Cream Tattoo Camouflage Tutorial with UK's Camouflage Makeup Expert Rae Denman
Rae Denman shows us how to apply Veil cover cream to camouflage a tattoo. Rae's knowledge in the field of camouflage and skin is second to none. Veil cover cream is one of the leading formulas of camouflage makeup in the world. Watch this tutorial or view more on our website Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Some people with a visible difference find skin camouflage products helpful to reduce the appearance of their mark, scar or condition.
In our second tutorial on applying skin camouflage products, Denise, one of our Skin Camouflage Practitioners, advises on the types of brushes to use. She also gives tips on using makeup if you don’t have camouflage products at home.
This video has been made thanks to the generous support of Avon UK.
Changing Faces supports people with a scar, mark or condition on their face or body that makes them look different. Our services range from skin camouflage to wellbeing support and self-help guides.
See more information on our website:
Follow us on social media:
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Catrice Liquid Camouflage Консилер Будьте Осторожны Покупая
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35+ | Битва консилеров Essence против Catrice
Использование консилера после 30 лет
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Stretch Mark Camouflage - Pigments And Shade Finder
Stretch Mark Camouflage 👉 is a non-invasive distribution of #camouflage pigments with a device into your #stretchmarks, #scars, c-section scars, self inflicted injuries – using needles/cartridges specially designed for this treatment.
22 Institute Stretch Mark Camouflage is a pmu technique, not a tattoo.
▪️ What is the difference?
The difference in tattoo technique and camouflage is the technique itself.
Also, tattoo artists use ink, we use mineral pigments.
▪️ Why are 22 Institute Pigments so good? Because they contain minerals without heavy metal parts and still offer great coverage.
Mineral pigments are highly effective colour additives, used for the colouring of quality cosmetic products. These additives are blended with other colours to create opacity, colour effects and unique shades that resonate with customers.
If you are following the Stretch Mark Camouflage subject over the social media, you probably noticed tattoo artists who physically mix the pigments to get closer to the client's skin.
▪️ 22 Camouflage technique is backed up by specially designed pigments who don't need color mixing. We only lighter or darken the base if needed.
Yes, you heard that right!
Are you interested in how you can achieve a natural looking Camouflage in a different way? Forget about mixing colors like a cake recipe!
You can now learn this technique from the COMFORT of your OWN HOME.
Online Course available.
Join our FREE TRIAL of the Online Course on this link:
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We are one of the largest and most experienced Aesthetic academies in the world with 18+ years of combined staff experience credited by Slovenian, as well as international degrees. Our satisfied, returning customers can vouch for the quality of our salon. We follow global trends in the services we provide, and strive to create our own trends.
All services are provided by a highly professional staff. 22 Aesthetic Institute offers world-renowned education presented by the very best 22 Institute Team led by Tatjana Damjanović.
Home page:
#camouflage #stretchmarkcamouflage #tetuagemdeestrias #22institute #scarcamouflage #onlinecourse #stretchmarksbegone #stretchmarktattoo #stretchmarkstreatment #scarcamouflage #scarscamouflage #stretchmarkcamouflagetraining
Song: Jarico - Island
Music promoted by #BackgroundMusicWithoutLimitations
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Камуфляжный грим лица. US Army Camo Face Paint. Делай правильно!
В данном ролике я показал один из самых простых и одновременно эффективных способов нанесения камуфляжного грима или как тут говорят - Camo Face Paint.
Объяснил основные принципы и этапы, так же дал советы из личного опыта.
Способов и методов нанесения грима - огромное количество, но принципы остаются одинаковыми.
- телеграм канал
- инстаграм. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Kosmetycznym odkryciem jesieni jest dla mnie najnowszy podkład marki Essence - CAMOUFLAGE 2in1 MAKE-UP & concealer. Stanowi on połączenie tradycyjnego fluidu oraz korektora, posiadając oczywiście najlepsze cenych obu kosmetyków. Dzięki temu powstał bardzo dobry, kryjący make-up do twarzy, który zakamufluje wszelkie niedoskonałości nie obciążając przy tym cery. Pomimo tego, że Essence kojarzona jest jako producent tanich kosmetyków skierowanych dla nastolatków, śmiało mogę określić, że kobiety w moim wieku również będą z niego zadowolone ;) Atrakcyjna cena - niecałe 16 zł, jest jego dodatkowym atrybutem, aczkolwiek nawet jeśli byłaby znacznie wyższa - moje zdanie na temat tego produktu byłoby identyczne. Essence - CAMOUFLAGE 2in1 MAKE-UP & concealer to po prostu produkt godny polecenia. Zresztą, przekonajcie się o tym same - zapraszam do obejrzenia testu.
PS. na stronie znajdziecie więcej tekstu oraz FOTY :)
Filmik z NOWOŚCIAMI znajdziecie pod tym adresem:
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Stretch Mark Camouflage is a non-invasive distribution of #camouflage pigments with a device into your #stretchmarks, #scars, c-section scars, self inflicted injuries – using needles/cartridges specially designed for this treatment.
🛒 Shop 22 Camouflage pigments here: 👇
📚 Join our FREE TRIAL of the Online Course on this link:
→ In this video we will learn what type of pigments are used for pmu, how to recognize a good pigment and what are the ingredients. We will also do a little experiment, that you can also try that at home. We will prove that our pigments are mineral – that means they are appropriate for stretch mark camouflage.
→ There seems to be much confusion over the use of Organic and Inorganic pigments used for permanent makeup.
→ There are 2 types of pigments used for permanent cosmetic makeup.
1. Iron Oxides (Inorganic pigments)
2. Lakes (Organic pigments)
Tattoo artists use ink.
→ What are typical ingredients of pmu pigments?
A pigment is a combination of two or even more colors. It is very important which is the predominant color or pigment, as it will come to the fore after healing.
Typical components of pigments are:
- Iron oxide
- Other metal hydro oxides (titanium, chromium, copper)
- ‘Lakes’ soluble dyes
- Azo insoluble dyes
→ The raw dyes used in the production of the pigments must be in a harder state otherwise they would melt in body fluids and disperse under the skin. Given that dyes are a powder, they are converted to a liquid state so that the pigment can be introduced under the skin. In summary, the pigments are mixed with water and glycerin. The pigments, of course, also fade.
→ Our pigments have the highest percentage of Titanium Dioxide, which is white in its original state and is always added to lighten the pigments. Our base is also white.
If we translate that into real life – it means the camouflage will always look lighter and even if the additional coatings of the pigmentation fade, the base will stay light. This is very important for our therapists, because it gives them confidence when choosing the right color.
We do not recommend tattoo ink for this type of treatment, because tattoo colors were developed for a different purpose. They were developed for colorful artwork, where color durability is needed. Tattoo ink was made for precise tattoo artists who have an extraordinary knowledge of color shades.
We recommend mineral pigments instead, which are specially made for camouflage treatment.
📚 Join our FREE TRIAL of the Online Course on this link:
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ABOUT 22 INSTITUTE We are one of the largest and most experienced Aesthetic academies in the world with 18+ years of combined staff experience credited by Slovenian, as well as international degrees. Our satisfied, returning customers can vouch for the quality of our salon. We follow global trends in the services we provide, and strive to create our own trends. All services are provided by a highly professional staff. 22 Aesthetic Institute offers world-renowned education presented by the very best 22 Institute Team led by Tatjana Damjanović.
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#scarcamouflagetattoocourse #camouflage #stretchmarkcamouflage #tetuagemdeestrias #22institute #cosmetictattooartist #scarcamouflage #onlinecourse #cosmeticsurgery #stretchmarksbegone #scarcoverup #stretchmarktattoo #stretchmarkstreatment #scarcamouflage #scarscamouflage #stretchmarkcamouflagetraining #scarcamouflagetraining
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💕ПОДДЕРЖКА КАНАЛА💕 - 4276 3000 2509 6234
Тестируем бюджетную косметику - CATRICE, LN PRO, LAMEL
Тональная основа Catrice Clean ID High Cover Luminous Matt Foundation
КОНСИЛЕР CATRICE ultimate camouflage cream
Компактная матирующая пудра LN Professional Mattifying Silk Powder
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Some people with a visible difference find skin camouflage products helpful to reduce the appearance of their mark, scar or condition.
This is the first in a series of tutorials to help you to apply skin camouflage products or makeup at home.
Denise, one of our Skin Camouflage Practitioners explains what you should do before applying camouflage cream, or makeup if you don’t have access to camouflage products. This includes when you should put on your sunscreen and tips on moisturising.
This video has been made thanks to the generous support of Avon UK.
Changing Faces supports people with a scar, mark or condition on their face or body that makes them look different. Our services range from skin camouflage to wellbeing support and self-help guides.
See more information on our website:
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отлично скрывает недостатки кожи,
матовое покрытие, корректирует свечение кожи в чувствительной зоне Т;
маскирует пятна и неприглядные тени на коже,
доступны в 4-х цветах. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Stretch Mark Camouflage Course Overview By Master Tatjana Damjanovic
Enjoy in the OVERVIEW of the Stretch Mark Camouflage Online Course. 👉
The overview is presented by Master Tatjana Damjanovic herself!
In this video you will see how to course looks like, how are the modules set and how do our students perform practical part.
Full Course's Modules:
Why is this treatment a must have for your portfolio? Because everyone can be your client! Did you know that 75% of world's population has stretch marks?
Choose a random working day at your salon for a quick survey with your existing clients. Ask each one if he or she has any stretch marks or scars on their body.
We can gurantee you that 95% of them will give an affirmative answer.
Camouflage is a new technique so the market is not saturated yet. Be one of the first therapists to offer camouflage in your area. Beat the competition Today.
Stretch Mark Camouflage is a non-invasive distribution of #camouflage pigments with a device into your #stretchmarks, #scars, c-section scars, self inflicted injuries – using needles/cartridges specially designed for this treatment.
Join our Stretch Mark Camouflage training from the COMFORT of your OWN HOME.
✅ Stretch Mark Camouflage Online Course available.
📚 Join our FREE TRIAL of the Online Course on this link:
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ABOUT 22 INSTITUTE We are one of the largest and most experienced Aesthetic academies in the world with 18+ years of combined staff experience credited by Slovenian, as well as international degrees. Our satisfied, returning customers can vouch for the quality of our salon. We follow global trends in the services we provide, and strive to create our own trends. All services are provided by a highly professional staff. 22 Aesthetic Institute offers world-renowned education presented by the very best 22 Institute Team led by Tatjana Damjanović.
🔗 Home page:
🔗 22 Shop:
Music: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hejka! Dziś test! Przetestuje na Waszych oczach gąbkę do makijażu dostępną w H&M. Koszt takiej gąbki to ł. Dodatkowo postanowiłam powiedzieć Wam kilka słów na temat mojego aktualnie ulubionego podkładu, jakim jest Essence camouflage make-up & concealer o zawrotnej cenie +- 15zł.
Zachęcam do obejrzenia i subskrypcji :)
snapchat: ilonalulu2306
Napisz do mnie: ilonalulu2306@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Catrice Liquid Camouflage High Coverage Concealer - Консилер для лица, 5ml
The Ulta exclusive brand Catrice is one that I get asked to test out extremely often so, to start things off, I figured I would try out two of their face products geared towards oily skin! Are these hidden gems at the drugstore or things to keep passing over? Σ(ʘᗩʘ’)
*・゜゚・*☆ GENERAL INFO ☆*・゜゚・*
★Snapchat: thriftthick
★Camera (at home): Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ200
★Camera (out & about): Samsung DV180F
★Editing Software: iMovie
*・゜゚・*☆ FOTD/OOTD ☆*・゜゚・*
★On my face:
◇ Guerlain Météorites Light-Diffusing Perfecting Primer
◇ Catrice All Matt Plus Shine Control Makeup "Light Beige"
◇ Catrice Liquid Camouflage Concealer "Fair"
◇ NARS Translucent Crystal Light Reflecting Setting Powder
◇ . Extra Dimension Bronzer "Aphrodite's Shell" (L.E.)
◇ Becca x Jaclyn Hill Champagne Collection Face Palette
◇ Urban Decay Cannonball Ultra Waterproof Mascara
◇ CoverGirl Super Sizer Waterproof Mascara
◇ Motives Essential Brow Kit
◇ NYX Eyebrow Shaper
★On my bod:
◇ Sweater: H&M (Sale)
◇ Necklaces: Gifts
◇ Bracelet/Ring: Gift
◇ Nails: LCN Gel Nails (French Tip)
◇ Jeans: H&M (Sale)
◇ Shoes: DSW
◇ Purse: H&M (Sale)
◇ Glasses: Men's Ray Ban sunglasses frames w/prescription lenses (Pearle Vision)
*・゜゚・*☆ MISC. ☆*・゜゚・*
★Face Tools Used:
◇ Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge
◇ Real Techniques Buffing Brush
*・゜゚・*☆ VIDEO MENTIONED ☆*・゜゚・*
★Holiday Gift Guide, Sephora VIB Sale Wishlist, & MORE!!!
*・゜゚・*☆ REFERRAL PROGRAMS ☆*・゜゚・*
★Ebates Referral Link (my email is thriftthick@):
If you're thinking about purchasing anything online, then I'd highly suggest you do so through Ebates! It would save you some money and, if you use my referral link, it'll earn me a little extra cash at the same time!
★Paula's Choice Referral Link (only works for new customers, sorry!!):
Make an order using my referral link of $15 or more at Paula's Choice and you'll get $10 off of your purchase (as well as earn me $10 towards a future Paula's Choice purchase)! Paula's Choice also works with Ebates so you can get a percentage of cash back from your order as well!
★Octoly Referral Link:
Are you a content creator on YouTube? Sign up through my link and you'll receive 5 points (redeemable for gift cards to Amazon & Sephora) and I'll receive 10 points... woohoo!!
*・゜゚・*☆ P.O. BOX ☆*・゜゚・*
Cassie "Thrift Thick"
P.O. Box 1746
Minnetonka, MN 55345
*・゜゚・*☆ MUSIC ☆*・゜゚・*
★LBN667 "Yuu", "Rosemary", & "Let's Go, Smokes":
★ProleteR "Faidherbe Square (feat. Mister Colfer & DJ Crabees" & "Nothing at all":
*・゜゚・*☆ DISCLAIMER ☆*・゜゚・*
★I hate that I'm even writing this but I just wanted to assure you all that I purchased all of the items shown—unless explicitly stated otherwise—and am not paid (in any way, shape, or form) to create and share this video. The above links are not affiliate links; some have just been shortened with tiny url to make this description box less messy. Never will you ever be exploited by me!! Pinky promise.
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Little Cowboy loading up his horse & heading on the road playing Old Town Road by Lil Nas X Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Куртка застёгивается на молнию с клапаном на липучке.
Пуговицы на стропе.
Имеются 2 больших кармана на груди.
Имеется 2 больших кармана внизу куртки.
И 2 скрытых кармана на молниях внутри куртки.
Манжеты регулируются при помощи липучки.
Утяжки на талии и внизу куртки.
В капюшон встроен каркас, которому можно придать любую форму.
Так же капюшон можно одевать на шлем.
Материал: х/б - 50%, полиэстер - 50%
Производство: Великобритания
Рекомендуемая температура эксплуатации от 5°С до -10°С. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Are you wondering how to apply foundation correctly? Today, I’m reviewing the Dermacolor Camouflage foundation from Kryolan. You will learn how to create a flawless finish with foundation, along with many tips and tricks to properly apply this product. If you’re looking for a new foundation, discover if this is the right product for you!
The products featured in my videos are ones I have purchased at my own expense. Therefore, I stand by my recommendations and believe the featured products are worth the cost.
All information presented on this channel is for news, education, and entertainment purposes only. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Watch Unboxing by Flipkart 🔥 #theunboxingmunda #short #watch #watches
Всем привет! В этом видео тестирую тональную основу от CATRICE ALL MATT Shine Control. У меня оттенок 020 N. Покупала за 7,49 €. Моей комбинированной коже склонной к жирности она подошла идеально. Но наносить ее рекомендую -ТОЛЬКО на базу под макияж, как и советует нам производитель. Если видео было для вас интересным или полезным, то не забудьте поставить лайк, подписаться на канал и оставить комментарий. Спасибо вам за любую активность.
Приятного всем просмотра!
#catrice#catriceallmattshinecontrol#ledi_s Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Kryolan DERMACOLOR CAMOUFLAGE FLUID Foundation Review + How To Use It
Today, I’m reviewing the DERMACOLOR CAMOUFLAGE FLUID foundation from Kryolan. You will learn how to create a flawless finish with this foundation, along with many tips and tricks to properly apply this product. If you’re looking for a new foundation, discover if this is the right product for you!
The products featured in my videos are ones I have purchased at my own expense. Therefore, I stand by my recommendations and believe the featured products are worth the cost.
All information presented on this channel is for news, education, and entertainment purposes only. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Connect with me
instagram - kristinka2708
Catrice all matt plus 010 light beige
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Новинки Белорусской косметики Подводка для глаз: Vinyl INK, Matt INK, GRAPHIC style
Do wygrania korektor Lovely Liquid Camouflage 01 oraz 03
- Musisz być moim subskrybentem i polubić ten film (będę to weryfikować)
-Zostaw komentarz o dowolnej treści i dodaj do niego swój adres email, a dodatkowo wspomnij, który odcień wybierasz - 01 czy 03.
Rozdanie trwa do do końca dnia. Wyniki na insta stories na IG @andziathere
Powodzenia 😍
kolor 01: Ola-kuczko@
kolor 03: barbaraskrzypek0@
Dodam jeszcze, że oba korektory dają pełne krycie. Tarte lubi wchodzić w załamania, a Lovely robi to znacznie delikatniej. Minusem korektora Lovely jest to, że jest dość mocno perfumowany.
Pod oczy w tym filmie użyłam krem Kiehl's z awokado :)
Rozdanie na IG z Laura Mercier 🆘😱 Wygrywa aż 10 osób!
Koszula, którą mam na sobie jest z Bershki, ale podobną możecie kupić tutaj:
Na kod andziathere15 macie 15% rabatu do końca czerwca!
W filmie mówię o:
Tarte Shape Tape kolor Fair Neutral, do kupienia tutaj:
Korektor Lovely Liquid Camouflage kolor nr 01 do kupienia tutaj: lub tutaj:
Tu mnie znajdziesz:
IG: @andziathere Znajdziesz tu wiele makijaży, filmów z tutorialami oraz stylizacji! 💄👗 Dodatkowo na insta stories poznasz mnie od tej bardziej prywatnej strony 💓
IG o was! Tak, prowadzę również profil na Instagramie pod nazwą @makeupslavespl, gdzie codziennie dodaję zdjęcia i filmy moich utalentowanych obserwatorów i nie tylko 😍 Jeśli kochasz makijaż, to wpadnij, zaobserwuj, a potem oznaczaj swoje zdjęcia poprzez tag @makeupslavespl i hasztag #makeupslavespl ❗️
Snap: andziathere
Ostrzegam! Jestem gadułą, dodajesz na własną odpowiedzialność 😅
Blog: To blog o urodzie, modzie i życiu. Stawiam na wysoką jakość zdjęć, wiele informacji i ciekawy tekst! Koniecznie zajrzyj!✨
Jeśli nie chcesz przegapić żadnego posta na blogu czy filmu na You Tube, to koniecznie zostaw tam like 👌🏽
Grupa na fb (makeup slaves polska):
Szukasz urodowych porad lub opinii na temat danego produktu? 🤔 Chcesz sprzedać kosmetyki/ubrania lub kupić je w atrakcyjnej cenie? 💄 A może po prostu kochasz kosmetyki oraz makijaż i potrzebujesz miejsca, gdzie czeka na Ciebie kilkanaście tysięcy osób z podobnymi zainteresowaniami co Ty, aby wspólnie o tym pogadać? 😌
Jeśli tak, to koniecznie wpadnij na grupę na FB "Makeup Slaves Polska"
Kod 'andziathere' 25% na na stałe.
Kod '''' na pierwszy przejazd mytaxi do 20 zł, na stałe.
Kod ''andziathere20'' 30% na na stałe.
Kod ''andziathere'' 5% na na stałe.
Kod ''andziathere15'' 15% na do końca czerwca.
FILM NIE JEST SPONSOROWANY! Jeśli byłoby inaczej, musiałabym was o tym poinformować. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
➢Menaji Camo Concealer → (big thanks to Menaji's team for offering 15% off w/code Khoi15)
➢Stryx Concealer Tool → (big thanks to Stryx for offering a super exclusive 25% discount for GW subscribers w/code GENTWITHIN)
Though nowhere near as discreet as Stryx or Menaji.
➢Tom Ford Concealer →
➢Make Up For Ever Concealer →
➢Milk Makeup Flex Concealer →
➢Tarte Double Duty Concealer →
➢Instant Age Rewind Eraser →
➢NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer →
➢YSL All Hours Concealer →
When it comes to make up, concealer is the entry point. It's the easiest way to get started using make up. It's a relatively straight forward process that's difficult to get wrong. Plus, you're only covering blemishes or lightening certain spots, not covering your entire face.
Are you feeling insecure about a big interview or promising date? Concealer is a good option to help cover up a recent breakout, redness or hide that big red pimple that's drawing way too much attention to itself.
There's an ever growing list of brands for men that have entered the market offering their own concealer tool. This video is a review of Menaji's Camo Concealer and Stryx's Concealer Tool for men. Both offer natural ingredients and no animal testing.
➢Further reading on the blog →
- - - - - - - - - - - -
✖Exclusive Stuff:
➢‘I Am A Gentleman’ Manifesto →
➢A Crash Course to Better Style →
➢Expand Your Style Comfort Zone →
➢Gentlemen Within Community →
➢Exclusive Deals For You →
• Get my skin care routine for 20% off at
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✖Let's Connect
I N S T A G R A M:
F A C E B O O K:
T W I T T E R:
P I N T E R E S T:
W E B S I T E:
S N A P C H A T: khoiii
- - - - - - - - - - - -
✖Video Recommendations:
• Nike Killshot 2 Lookbook:
• Spring Lookbook | Easy Outfit Ideas:
• How To Wear A Bomber Jacket 7 Ways:
• Best No Show Socks | 15 Brands Compared:
• Thursday Boots Review: 2 Years Later:
• 5 Reasons Why I Love My Seiko 5:
• H&M Winter:
• ASOS Winter:
• Everlane:
• Avoid These 11 First Date Outfit Red Flags:
• 18 Common Style Mistakes & How To Fix ‘Em:
• 5 Elements Of Timeless Style:
• Men's Fashion Trends To Wear Right Now (2019):
• 8 Types Of Shirts & 60 Ways To Wear Them:
• 7 Awesome Fall/Winter Boot Styles For Men:
- - - - - - - - - - - -
In 2019, men are valued more for their social status, power and rank in the world as opposed to their appearance, whereas women are always judged on a beauty scale.
This makes it hard to believe that men will be flocking to use beauty products like women do, but I do think a man who's confident in his skin and with his masculinity won't bat an eye at applying concealer.
As someone who suffered horribly with acne throughout my young adult/college years, I fully understand the physical pain and insecurity that can result from having teenage and adult acne.
According to Ipsos, more than 8 out of 10 women agree that having a beauty routine can be empowering. And though it's probably the opposite for men, there are guys who really could benefit from using make up to hide acne scars or skin imperfections so that they feel better about themselves and more confident.
In the end, both Menaji and Stryx have created a quality product that's discreet, easy to use and serves a real purpose. I recommend both.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
FTC: This video is not sponsored. All opinions are my own. Gentleman Within hold all control over video content. Contains affiliate links where I get a small commission if you buy through my channel at no cost to you. This helps support the channel and allows me to continue making videos like this.
#ConcealerForMen #Menaji #Stryx #MenajiCamoConcealer #StryxConcealer #MensConcealer #SkinCare #MakeUpForMen #NaturalIngredients Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Здесь можно приобрести материалы и оборудование для аквапечати: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Särmä TST THERMAL CLOAK Varusteleka Modern Finnish Military Shelter Half Poncho Tent
A look at the Särmä TST Thermal Cloak from Varusteleka. This is an incredible piece of multifunctional kit that serves as rain wear, camouflage, a warming layer, tent, tarp, bivvy and sleeping bag.
Check it out here:
Gear I Use
Plash Palatka
Russian Special Forces Tent Hammock
Russian Special Forces Mountain Tent
Ratnik Shelter
XL Russian Poncho Tent EMR
-all from Russian Cold Camo
Aqua Quest 10x10 Defender Tarp
Polish Lavvu
French F1 Tent
Jerven Fjellduken Hunter
Sarma TST Thermal Cloak
Old Hickory Butcher Knife (kephart mod)
Mora HD Carbon
Tops Tom Brown Tracker 1
Skrama 240
Jääkäripuukko 110
Silky Gomboy
Outdoor Clothing-
Russian Gorka 3 (demi season)
Gorka 3 Fleece A-TACS camo (winter)
Gorka E Summer
Layer 5 Demi Season Suit
Russian Fur Suit (extreme cold weather)
Ratnik Suit
Sumrak Suit
VKBO Summer Suit
FSB Drug Control Summer Suit
Partizan M (fall/spring camouflage suit)
-all from Russian Cold Camo
Swiss Alpenflage M70 Jacket and Pants
Särmä TST Woolshell Pants
Sleeping Gear:
Kelty Zero Degree Bag
USGI Korean War Bivvy
Jerven Fjellduken Hunter
Klymit Insulated Sleep Pad
Raid backpack 60-80L
100L Russian Mountaineering backpack
Bober backpack 25L
Savotta Jakaari M 30L
ALICE Medium and Large
French F1
7Liter Combat Backpack
TH30 v2
TS2 Lantern/Battery charger (excellent)
#survival Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#TacticArt Покраска оружия в камуфляж СУРПАТ | Painting weapons camouflage SURPAT
Лаборатория покраски Battle Beards
Парни покрасили ПМ для своего друга в трендовый камуфляж "Сурпат" Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Paul McCarthy shows you how to use Matisse Spreader Medium. -MM8 Spreader Medium is a transparent flowing paste. It dries fairly “flat” and, when dry, can hardly be discerned on a painted or unpainted area, i.e. it leaves almost no stain. Its main application is for glazing where it imparts fine flow and controlled spreadability and lubrication to the paint. Used on its own, the medium does not dry waterproof and can therefore be used as an intermediary between two partially dried paint films if some water-sensitivity for wash areas is desired. Applied over a dried paint film, it gives a wet upon wet effect but will recede to an almost invisible film when dry.
🎨 🖌️ ✏️ 🖼️ 👩🎨 🖊️ 🖍️ ✍️
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Призначення - універсальні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - тримісні, Водостійкість тенту - 2000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.2 м, Вага - 2.9 кг, Колір - коричневий....
Призначення - універсальні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - тримісні, Водостійкість тенту - 6000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.3 м, Вага - 5 кг, Колір - зелений....
Призначення - універсальні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - чотиримісні, Водостійкість тенту - 6000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.4 м, Вага - 5.5 кг, Колір - зелений....
Призначення - універсальні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - двомісні, Водостійкість тенту - 6000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.2 м, Вага - 3.7 кг, Колір - зелений....
Призначення - універсальні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - двомісні, Водостійкість тенту - 4000 мм в ст., Висота - 1.2 м, Вага - 3.2 кг, Колір - зелений....
Призначення - для піших і гірських походів, форма - півсфера, Місткість - тримісні, Водостійкість тенту - 8000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.2 м, Вага - 3.9 кг, Колір -..
Призначення - універсальні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - чотиримісні, Водостійкість тенту - 2000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.3 м, Вага - 3.18 кг, Колір - зелений....
Призначення - ультралегкі, швидкозбірні, пляжні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - двомісні, Водостійкість тенту - 2000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.1 м, Колір - синій....
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