Водонепроникний рюкзак Armorstandart Waterproof Outdoor Gear — ідеально підійде для відпочинку на природі, походів, водних різновидів спорту, пляжу, полювання й риболовлі.
У виробництві використовувалися ПВХ-матеріали на брезентовій основі, що дасть змогу відштовхувати воду. Рюкзак дуже практичний і міцний, товщина його стінок усього 0.5 мм. Усі шви запаяні електронним способом
Рюкзак зроблений за типом Rolltop — скручувальний верх із застібками-фастексами. Герметична регульована транспортувальна лямка з надійним замком захистить ваші речі в цілості та схоронності від потрапляння води, бруду, піску та пилу. Рюкзак має ступінь захисту класу IP56, і його легко відмити від забруднень.
Для комфортнішого використання до комплекту входять міцні регульовані плечові ремені. Також гермомішок можна використовувати як звичайний рюкзак у повсякденному житті.
Ідеально підійде для активного відпочинку, полювання та риболовлі
Многие из вас уже слышали, что мы готовим целую линейку аксессуаров Favorite. Первыми “птичками” стали герморюкзаки, о которых и будет этот обзор. Пока в нашем ассортименте всего две модели - сверхлегкий компактный рюкзак, изготовленный из кордуры и с водоотталкивающей пропиткой, и прочный герметичный рюкзак из ПВХ ткани. Легкую модель можно использоваться и в повседневной жизни, путешествиях, походах, активных видах отдыха, а “ролл-топ” прекрасно подойдет для рыбалки в дождь, с лодки или других плавсредств, для сохранения вещей сухими или наоборот - для переноски мокрых вещей. Эти герморюкзаки неоднократно проверены на прочность командой Favorite в рыболовных путешествиях, сплавах и различных поездках. Смотрите, задавайте вопросы и пишите свои впечатления.
Ультралегкий герморюкзак Favorite
Герморюкзак Dry Backpack Favorite
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NatureHike Outdoor 20L Waterproof Bag - BLACK 175307701 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Гермомешки FeelNature Outdoors. Лучшие из бюджетных | 0+
Возможно, самые лучшие внутренние гермомешки, по соотношению цена/качество. Хорошо подобранные материалы, отличное качество изготовления и конечно ЦЕНА!. Объемы 5, 10 и 20 л. Гермомешки FeelNature Outdoors по достоинству оценят туристы, рыбаки, охотники и просто любители активного отдыха.
Гермомешки FeelNature Outdoors на AliExpress:
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound!
ES_Crusaders 3 - Johannes Bornlöf Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Today we're looking at the Outdoor Products 20L Amphibian Backpack.
Dimensions: 23in x x / 1,212 cu in
• Welded seams
• Watertight, roll top seal
• Reflective accents
• Articulated padded shoulder straps with sternum handle
• Top carry handle
• Front mesh pocket
• Two side pockets
• Trekking pole holder
• Made from 420 Denier fabric with TPU coating
• Voted #1 waterproofing pack by Backpacker Magazine
Perfect pack to carry around 20lbs.
Twin vertical foam pads cushion the back but provide little load support. In terms of features, the pack is strictly minimalist. Two waterproof, zippered pockets on the outside stash an old-fashioned flip phone or car keys (but are too small for an iPhone). There's also a small mesh zip pocket on the outside front that's perfect for GU Chomps, sunblock, and lip balm. The main compartment accommodates a day's worth of water and food and a rainshell, but lacks organization.
1 lb. 8 oz.; 20 liters; 1 size;
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Надійний захист речей від води в горах.
Гермомішок у відео:
Інші розміри і види гермомішків: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Зачем вам нужен гермомешок. 20 способов использования
В этом видео Веремьева Мария делится опытом использования гермомешков от классических вариантов вроде защиты снаряжения от влаги до нестандартных решений. По ходу видео вы узнаете о том, какие бывают гермы в принципе, какие полезные элементы в них встречаются, как ими пользоваться.
Все способы продублированы в нашем блоге:
Мария очень старалась, но кратко опять не вышло, поэтому мы сделали тайминг для удобства:
0:00 Зачем вам нужен гермомешок
0:29 Что такое гермомешок и какие они бывают
2:59 Сохранить вещи сухими
4:38 Изоляция влажных вещей от сухих
5:38 Изоляция грязных вещей от чистых и вонючих от свежих
6:12 Перевозка мультитопливных горелок
6:50 Компрессионный мешок (со стропами и без, с клапанами и без, с мембраной и без)
12:30 Ведро (для воды, умывания, мойка посуды)
15:02 Стирка одежды
17:09 Душ-кран или умывальник
19:20 Нагрев воды или растопка снега
20:03 Несессер
20:46 Насос для ковриков
24:42 Подушка
27:12 Велосумка, а также сумка на лодку, квадроцикл, снегоход...
28:14 прочие неординарные способы...
В видео демонстрируются:
- Коврик надувной с насосом Exped AirMat UL LW
- Гермомешок-бурдюк Ortlieb Water Sack 10 и насадка для душа Ortlieb Shower Valve
- Чехол для туалетной бумаги Ortlieb T-Pack
- Компрессионная герма с мембраной Sea to Summit Dry Compression Sack
- Герма с системой Daisy chain Exped Fold-Drybag Endura
- Гермомешок-насос Exped Schnozzel Pumpbag
Где купить?
Гермомешки универсальные:
Гермомешки специально для спальников:
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Как закрутить горловину гермомешка? Как пользоваться гермомешком? Отвечаем.
Гермы разные: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Товар на сайте:
Герметичный мешок overboard waterproof dry tube bag объемами 12 литров, 20 литров и 40 литров. Идеально предохраняет ваши вещи, технику, документы от влаги, от дождя, снега, грязи, песка и тд. Верный спутник в походах, рыбалке, туризме на все сезоны. Качественный, прочный, удобный, функциональный, износостойкий.
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Ціна, наявність та технічні характеристики:
Гермомішок Terra Incognita DryLite 5
Гермомішок Terra Incognita DryLite 10
Гермомішок Terra Incognita DryLite 20
Гермомішок Terra Incognita DryLite 40
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Ten great new innovative Gear products for camping and outdoor adventure or survival. For more information follow the links below.
0:00 Intro
1. BioLite Campstove 0:05
portable camping stove that cooks meals and boils water in minutes while charging your device
Amazon US:
Amazon CA:
2. LuminAID PackLite Lanterns 0:53
This LuminAID lantern can be powered by both its built-in solar panel and its micro USB input
Amazon US:
Amazon CA:
3. Wacaco Portable Espresso Maker 1:48
The Wacaco Minipresso is the best model for anyone who needs a simple, easy-to-use portable espresso maker.
Amazon US:
Amazon CA:
4. GSI Outdoors Kitchen Set 2:34
This 24 piece set includes 4 cutlery sets, folding tools, a cutting board, utility knife, and much more.
Amazon US:
Amazon CA:
5. Matador Toiletry Bottle 3:05
Ideal for beaches, festivals and parks, it resists water and punctures
Amazon US:
Amazon CA:
6. UCO waterproof matches 4:00
waterproof matches in extreme situations
Amazon US:
Amazon CA:
7. GRAYL Geopress Water Purifier 4:41
Water Purifiers make safe, clean drinking water anywhere in the world!
Amazon US:
Amazon CA:
8. SOG Multi-tool PowerAccess 5:34
Compact and full features with compound leverage and easy component access
Amazon US:
Amazon CA:
9. Nemo Astro Lite Sleeping Pad 6:20
This lightweight sleeping bag has lateral baffles which prevent the sides of the pad from curling around your body.
Amazon US:
Amazon CA:
10. Matador Pocket Blanket 8:12
Matador Pocket Blankets are water resistant and puncture resistant to keep you clean, dry and comfortable.
Amazon US:
Amazon CA:
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If you are the creator or owner of the footage and have reservations please notify us at comments or email and we will accommodate you.
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Did Feiwood Make a Better Chest Rig? - Helikon-Tex Numbat Competitor - First Look
Где можно хранить грязную одежду, мокрое снаряжение или защитить от влаги и грязи ваши вещи? Гермомешки PS10 - идеальное решение. Разные цвета герм помогают быстро упорядочивать и находить вещи. Каждый гермомешок отображает его объем в литрах. Эти надежные упаковки хранят, организуют и защищают ваше снаряжение от воды, пыли и грязи и избавляют вас от бесконечных поисков.
• дополнительная точка крепления на дне снаружи для фиксации или удержания во время распаковки;
• усиленное дно из износостойкой ткани PS21 увеличивает срок службы;
• IP 64.
Важно! Закрытие должно выполняться как минимум в 5-6 оборотов.
Гермомешок Ortlieb в каталоге:
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Гермомешок Ortlieb Ultra Lightweight Dry Bag PS10. Обзор
In this video we get an overview of Geckobrands Hydroner 20L Backpack.
See the latest pricing on the Hydroner 20L here:
This backpack features a 20L capacity, durable pvc tarpaulin material and a sleeve to store and still use your phone. Have easy access to gear with the outside mesh zip pocket and bungee cords.
See all bags in the Paddling Buyer's Guide:
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Ціна, наявність та технічні характеристики:
Гермомішки Rockland Ultralekki
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We brought our editors together to provide a full rundown of how (and how not) to pronounce popular outdoor gear brand names. From Fjällräven, to Injinji, to Thule, we've got you covered.
Teva: "TEH-va"
Vasque: "Vask"
Millet: "MEE-lay"
Thule: "TOO-lay"
Fjällräven: "fee-YALL RAY-ven"
Dakine: "duh-KINE"
Yakima: "YAK-ima"
Vibram: "VEE-brum"
Injinji: "in-JIN-jee"
Rossignol: "RAH-zig-nol"
Mammut: "ma-MOOT"
Salomon: "SAHL-uh-mun"
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155Wh 42000mAh Portable Generator Inverter Battery 100W Camping Emergency Home Use UPS Power Source Charged by Solar Panel:
- Text & GPS on Your Phone, no Service Required:
& Byke 1 Person Backpacking Tent with Footprint - Lightweight Yosemite One Man 3 Season Ultralight, Waterproof, Ultra Compact 1p Freestanding Backpack Tents for Camping and Hiking:
Garberg Full Tang Fixed Blade Knife with Carbon Steel Blade.:
Systems Arc 10 Watt Rapid Solar Panel Charger | Includes a Battery Pack (Power Bank) and 2 Year Warranty | Powers Phones Compatible with iPhone, Tablets, USB Devices:
Mag Strike:
Rechargeable 1000LM CREE LED Spotlight, Multi Function Outdoor Camping Lantern Flashlight Hurricane Lantern 4000mAh Waterproof LED Searchlight with USB Cable for Hiking Fishing Emergency:
9. TETON Sports Celsius Regular -18C/0F Sleeping Bag; 0 Degree Sleeping Bag Great for Cold Weather Camping; Lightweight Sleeping Bag; Hiking, Camping:
Go Water Filter Bottle with 2-Stage Integrated Filter Straw for Hiking, Backpacking, Travel:
Schrade SCHF36 Frontier High Carbon Steel Full Tang Fixed Blade Knife with 5in Drop Point and TPE Handle for Outdoor Survival, Camping and Bushcraft:
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5 Outdoor Gear Everyone Will Love 2018 !
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Welcome back to #MustSeeTech!
As a part of our efforts to deliver to your inbox the most recent news about the latest innovations in the world of outdoor recreation, we closely follow the press releases of young startups and well-established manufacturers. Today we would like to demonstrate to you yet another portion of new camping equipment and smart gadgets that can elevate of recreational experiences to the new heights!
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#1 King Peak Tent:
The founders of Kings Peak, who were backpacking enthusiasts for years, did not plan to start their own company, but everything changed in 2020, when Scott King and his wife got a puppy.
#2 TrekChair: #
After a long afternoon hike, catching a breather in a high back chair sounds like the ultimate pleasure. But unless your setup is as light as the TrekChair, this idealistic experience might be unreachable.
#3 Filmatic:
In case you would like to mix up a camp out with a movie night experience or want to review the footage from the recent outdoor adventures, Filmatic is here for you with a reimagined projector.
#4 Girovaga Box:
Designed and build in Italy, Girovaga boxes can turn your van into a camper in matter of minutes. The brand’s lineup includes two models: Rodos for such MPVs as VW Caddy or Renault Kangoo and Valem for the likes of VW Transporter and Mercedes Vito.
#5 Shade Eco:
Fitting into a 60L backpack, the Shade Eco provides a reliable shelter from the sun for beach lovers. The system consists of an easy to set up tent with telescopic poles that can stand up to 8 feet tall and can be tilted to adjust the shade as needed.
#6 Leatherman Bond:
The new Bond multitool is basically a simplified version of Leatherman’s best-selling Rebar model. It sacrifices the serrated knife, replaceable wire cutters and saw, becoming more compact and suitable for everyday use.
#7 Ru:x:
If you are struggling to keep your gear, beach items and camping equipment organized both on a trip or at home, the all-in-one Rux bag might the solution you’ve been looking for.
#8 Klymit Everglow Light Tube:
Just recently the Salt Lake City, Utah manufacturer Klymit had a really bright idea to create an inflatable Everglow light tube for both directional and lantern style campsite lighting.
#9 Besound Explore:
The most affordable Bluetooth speaker from the Danish high-end electronics manufacturer was designed to be a reliable travel companion for the wildest trips. Looking like a tin can, the Besound Explore is made of scratch-resistant type-2 anodized aluminum.
#10 Slidekick:
There is no lack of multitools on the market, but the new Slidekick means to win over buyers with its simplicity and two available implementations, in stainless steel or titanium.
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Top 10 New Outdoor Travel Gadgets Worth Checking Out (Innovative Gear of 2022)
Top 10 Best Backpacking Gear & Backpacking Gear 2021 that you should have before going for a backpacking trip.
Best Backpacking Gear List: (Affiliate Link)
00:00 - Introduction
00:38 - 10. Biolite Portable Solar Light
01:44 - 9. CRKT Eat n Tool
02:20 - 8. WOWTAC A2S LED Headlamp
03:24 - 7. LifeStraw Personal Water Filter
04:00 - 6. GoPro Hero 9
04:46 - 5. POWERADD EnergyCell Ⅱ
05:36 - 4. Victorinox Swiss Army Classic SD Pocket Knife
06:18 - 3. Kershaw Brawler 1990 Assisted Folding Knife
07:02 - 2. Zippo Emergency Fire Kit
07:50 - 1. SOL Survival Kit
***Best Backpacking Gears:
***Family Camping Gadgets:
***Best Large Tunnel Tents:
***Camping Solar Powered Gadgets:
***Must Have Backpacking Gears :
***Filtered Water Bottles:
***Best Soft Coolers for Camping :
***Camping Tent Inventions:
***Camping Air Mattresses & Air Beds:
***Camping Gadgets for Glamping :
***Budget Camping Essentials:
Intro, Outro & Animation Credit: (Boring Motion)
***Music Source: Epidemic Sound
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***The following video abides by the YouTube Community Guideline. Footage used in this video is for educational purposes.
***The footage used in this video follows Fair Usage Policy “Under Section 107” of the “Copyright Act 1976”. If you have any copyright issues, please send us an email or let us know by commenting below.
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Over the years, we've tried and tested countless methods of packing to make our time outside more enjoyable. We've compiled 4 of our favourites which hopefully you'll find useful! Have you got any more tips to add to the list? Pop them in the comments and we'll pin our favourite!
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Scuba Diving Gear On A Budget
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Like most sporting equipment scuba gear, if you go for the fancy stuff the bill for a full set of kit can add up. Yes, the fancy gear does has fancy bells and whistles, literally sometimes, but some additional features are a bit of a waste of time, to be honest. Right now we live in a tricky age where almost anybody can make scuba kit and sell it online so it isn’t as easy as saying that nobody makes bad scuba gear anymore because there is some rubbish out there and the old adage of buy cheap buy twice applies.
So we have to walk on the knife-edge with cheap dive gear. If it comes from a reputable brand that you find in a dive centre then you should be fine. Cheap gear will work underwater but the quality will be noticeable. If you don’t mind a scratchy lining to a wetsuit or a sometimes raspy inhale on a regulator then fine but actually in this video I’ll take a closer look at some features and fads of diving equipment that hike up the price but really aren’t that worth the price.
Now I’ll be the first to admit that I love a good feature like the Edelrid line on an Apeks Spool or Synergy Skirt on a Scubapro mask because it’s literally my job to be interested in those things but I’ll be honest in this video and let you know of some cheaper alternatives
Let's take a look at Scuba Diving Gear On A Budget
Marks brain
Presenter(s): Mark Newman
Writer(s): Mark Newman
Editor(s): Shaun Johnson
#fridayfeature #scubagearonabudget #budgetgear #buycheapbuytwice #scubadiving #simplyscuba
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To browse our huge range of top brand Scuba gear and equipment for all ages, with fast shipping and 28-day returns, visit
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I got my hands on some awesome ultralight camping gear on aliexpress which I wanted to share with you! This is a tyvek bivvy from 3f ul gear. It is the same sort of material they use under roofing tiles. It is breathable and waterproof. Someone has pointed out to me that the zip is not seam sealed on this model but I'll certainly be putting it to the test camping out in it soon. Hope you enjoy this camping gear haul which should be perfect for the summer.
Included in this video is :
3F UL Tyvek Bivvy Bag -
Pelliot folding foam mat -
Wellhouse picnic blanket -
Aegismax nano L sleeping bag -
Light Tour air pad
🎒Recommended kit lists:
☕If you want to buy me a drink:
Huawei P30 -
Rode Wireless GO -
Manfrotto Tripod -
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Guide Gear Men's Ankle Fit Insulated Rubber Boots Product Review
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This video features Waterproof Dry Backpacks by @rockagatorllc1473 at @OverlandExpo Mountain West 2022
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Check out our new Backpacking 101 course: See all of Gear Aid's products on Amazon:
Don't throw your used gear out! Fix it instead! With a simple wash, patch job or seam seal you could revive your gear to near-new status, save yourself the cash you would have spent on new gear, and keep materials out of the landfill all at the same time. So get repairing! We'll show you how with these gear maintenance and repair basics.
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Hey there! We’re Josh and Alisha, the creators of Terradrift, which is all about sustainable travel and adventure. That means vegan travel tips, adventure guides, gear reviews, and a whole lot more. And all of it encourages you to explore responsibly. 'Cause we've just got the one planet, and since we like to get out there and enjoy it as often as possible both near and far, it's our responsibility to treat it with a little bit of respect. So lace up the ol' boots, grab your favorite pack, and wander on! #terradrift
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Аксесуари для похідної кухні та газового обладнання від Terra Incognita
Мой туристический "парк" продолжает понемногу обновляться, и хочу рассказать про:
1) Ведро походное Naturehike New Folding Washbasin S 10л
2) Гермомешок 10д. Tramp
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Top 10 Affordable Outdoor Survival Gears that can rescue you from any adverse situation.
Best Survival Gears List: (Affiliate Link)
0:00 - Introduction
01:11 - 10. Streamlight Microstream USB Rechargeable Flashlight Link:
02:17 - 9. Zippo Emergency Fire Kit
03:01 - 8. Swedish FireKnife Fixed Blade Knife
04:01 - 7. MalloMe Camping Cookware Mess Kit Gear
04:49 - 6. SharpSurvival Emergency Survival Shelter Tent
05:32 - 5. ParaTactical Survival Grenades
06:27 - 4. LifeStraw Personal Water Filter
07:28 - 3. Eyeskey Tactical Survival Compass
08:22 - 2. CRKT Eat'N Tool Outdoor Spork Multitool
09:16 - 1. SOL Traverse Kit
***Tactical Survival Gears Part 1:
***Tactical Survival Gears Part 2:
***Survival Gear for Zombie Apocalypse:
***Best Long Range Spotting Scope:
***Survival Gear & Equipment Part-1:
***Survival Gear & Equipment Part-2:
***Folding Knives for Survival:
***Military Watches For Tactical:
***Tactical & Military Multi-Tools:
***Military Tactical Knives:
Intro, Outro & Animation Credit: (Boring Motion)
***Music Source: Epidemic Sound
***Video Credit:
** Streamlight :
** Zippo :
** MalloMe :
** ParaTactical :
** LifeStraw :
** Adventure Medical Kits :
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Business Email: Mailtop10zone@
***The following video abides by the YouTube Community Guideline. Footage used in this video is for educational purposes.
***The footage used in this video follows Fair Usage Policy “Under Section 107” of the “Copyright Act 1976”. If you have any copyright issues, please send us an email or let us know by commenting below.
#survival #survivalgear #survivalequipment Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Camping Gear & Gadgets that you must have to make your outdoor trip with friends and family convenient and comfortable. This is why, in this video, we've talked about the Top 10 Amazing Outdoor Camping Gear & Gadgets.
Camping Gear & Gadgets List: (Affiliated)
1. Crua Modus 13:17
2. Garmin GPSMAP 66i GPS 11:48
3. Suaoki Ares Powerful Portable Power Station 10:11
4. Benchmade Bushcrafter 162 Knife 08:56
5. Zero Breeze Mark II Portable AC 07:30
6. Furrion eRove Electric Cooler 06:06
7. Handpresso Pump Set black 04:52
8. Schrade SCHKM1 Kukri Machete 03:26
9. Zippo LED Lantern 02:11
10. Max Pump 2 0:37
Checkout these video:
*Best Fixed Blade Survival Knives:
*Military Knife for Survival:
*Best Fixed Blade Camping Knives:
*Camping Gear Inventions:
*Lightweight Stoves for Backpacking:
*Portable Solar Generator:
*Best Ultralight Backpacking Tents:
*Tunnel Tents for Family Camping:
*Outdoor Gear & Gadget Inventions:
*Must Have Backpacking Gears:
*Solar Powered Gadgets for Camping:
*Camping Cooking Gadgets & Equipment:
***Intro, Outro, & Animation Credit: (Boring Motion)
***Music Source & Credit (YouTube Audio Library)
***Video Credit:
*Crua Outdoors :
*Garmin :
*Suaoki Official :
*Benchmade Knife Company :
*Zero Breeze :
*Furrion Limited :
*handpresso :
*Schrade Knives :
*Zippo :
*Leon Choo : ...
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Disclaimer: We have used video footage and images to maximize the clarity of the content, not specifically to promote any violence that go against the community. This content only intends to share information for educational purposes.
***Footage, music, image and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners and we or this channel does not claim any right over them. This video has been produced following Fair Usage Policy “Under Section 107” of the “Copyright Act 1976”. If you have any copyright issues, please contact us by email.
***Some of our contents may contain affiliate links, from which we earn some commission, that supports us to run this channel.
#campinggear #camping #campinggadgets Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Туристическое ведро 10 л. Naturehike и гермомешок 10 л. Tramp.Купил, первые впечатления.
A simply pitched tunnel tent with standing room, that's ideal for small families or couples
Hi Gear Tents are Exclusive to GO Outdoors
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In a video shot exclusively for , Jake Davies aka JD Scuba reviews the C-Monsta, the ultimate wetsuit hanger, designed and made from recycled plastic in the UK.
Find out more at: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
New Dive Gear - June 2018
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Scuba Advice -
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In this Months Episode of New, Dive Gear Mark talks about Santi Primaloft socks, Paralenz adjustable mounts, Scubapro Dry 120 bag and a new brand called Szanto.
- Paralenz Adjustable Mount -
- Scubapro Dry 120 -
- Santi Sock -
- Octo Offer -
- Simply Scuba
- Scubapro
- Paralenz
- Santi
- Szanto
- Mark Newman
- Shaun Johnson
Social Links
To browse our huge range of top brand Scuba gear and equipment for all ages, with fast shipping and 28-day returns, visit
For more helpful product videos plus expert scuba diving advice, head to Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Scuba Diving Gear Will Make Your Scuba Diving Experience More Fun And Safe. Well, we have come up with the 5 Best Scuba Diving Gear & Equipment and discussed them in this video.
Best Scuba Diving Gear List: (Affiliated)
0:00 - Introduction
01:21 - 5. Akona Dry Duffel Backpack
03:15 - 4. Scubapro Everflex
05:23 - 3. Holls 200LX DCX
07:23 - 2. Oceanic Viper
09:31 - 1. Scubapro Synergy Trufit Twin Mask
Check out these videos:
- Top 7 Best Portable Camping Showers:
- Top 5 Best Portable Coffee Maker for Camping & Backpacking:
- The Best Camping Cookware Set | Top 5 Camping Cookware:
- Top 10 Pop Up Campers & Travel Trailers:
***Intro, Outro, & Animation Credit: (Boring Motion)
***Music Source & Credit (YouTube Audio Library)
***Video Credit:
- Scubapro -
- Oceanic -
- Hollis -
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Mail us : mailoutdoorzone@
Disclaimer: We have used video footage and images to maximize the clarity of the content, not specifically to promote anything that go against the community. This content only intends to share information for educational purposes.
***Footage, music, image and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners and we or this channel does not claim any right over them. This video has been produced following Fair Usage Policy “Under Section 107” of the “Copyright Act 1976”. If you have any copyright issues, please contact us by email.
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A summary of all the new scuba gear presented at the boot show in Dusseldorf Germany. All the big brands like Mares, Aqualung, Scubapro and Suunto where there and had some scuba goodness to show! Let's dive in!
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Most gear isn't out yet but some are:
The Mares Genius on Amazon:
The Mares Epic 82x on Amazon:
The Aqualung i770R on Amazon:
The Scubapro Galileo HUD on Amazon:
The Suunto D5 on Amazon:
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New Dive Gear - August 2019
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Reviews -
Teespring -
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In this months episode of New In Mark talks about the new sealife sea dragon range two new masks from Tusa and the Fourth Element ellipse ring system.
New in collection
Sea Dragon 5000F
Sea Dragon Mini 1300s
Sea Dragon Mini 1000F
Freedom Quad
Freedom Elite
Ellipse Glove System
Presenter(s): Mark Newman
Writer(s): Mark Newman
Editor(s): Shaun Johnson
#newin #august #sealife #tusa #fourthelement #teespring #scubadiving #simplyscuba
Let's Get Social
To browse our huge range of top brand Scuba gear and equipment for all ages, with fast shipping and 28-day returns, visit
For more helpful product videos plus expert scuba diving advice, head to Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Статті про #10essentials
00:01 Intro
01:03 Навігація
01:56 Налобний ліхтар
02:44 Захист від сонця
03:45 Аптечка
04:41 Ніж і ремкомплект
05:19 Джерело вогню
06:00 Укриття
06:49 Резервна їжа
06:52 Резервна вода
06:56 Резервний одяг
08:06 Висновки
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Best New Scuba Gear of 2019 | Get Ready for the scuba season!
2017 was the year I finally hit the magical under 10 lbs stereotype of being ultralight. While I do not think being ultralight is necessary for backpacking, I will say that it definitely helps see more of an area and feel less tired and sore at the end of the day. Ultralight is about leaving gear that you don't need at home not necessarily a number.
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Gear I use and recommend
Mountain Hardwear Ghost Whisperer:
Outdoor Research Helium 2:
Toaks Titanium Wind Screen:
Toaks 700ml Titanium Pot:
Toaks Long Handled Spoon:
BRS Titanium Stove:
Altra Lone Peak 3.5:
Darn Tough Socks:
Sawyer Squeeze:
Evernew Water Bag:
Gear Lists:
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*Note to vendors and companies. Sending product samples for testing DOES NOT guarantee video spotlight or review. I will not lower my credibility for paid sponsorship.*
All content is original including music and sound effects. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How I Pack a Backpack for Hiking (with a PACK LINER)
I've really dialed in my system this year and have been using the Zpacks Nero for the majority of my hikes in 2018. Ultralight is about carrying what you need but not being "Stupid Light" as Andrew Skurka has said many times.
Ways to support the channel
Clothing, Mugs, and Stickers:
Gear I use and recommend
Mountain Hardwear Ghost Whisperer:
Outdoor Research Helium 2:
Toaks Titanium Wind Screen:
Toaks 700ml Titanium Pot:
Toaks Long Handled Spoon:
BRS Titanium Stove:
Altra Lone Peak 3.5:
Darn Tough Socks:
Sawyer Squeeze:
Evernew Water Bag:
Patagonia Strider Shorts:
Champion Vapor Shirt:
CNOC Vecto:
Anker 6700mAh:
Ear Plugs:
Gear Lists:
Social Media
Facebook :
Business Inquires
*Note to vendors and companies. Sending product samples for testing DOES NOT guarantee video spotlight or review. I will not lower my credibility for paid sponsorship.*
All content is original including music and sound effects. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
10 обов'язкових речей для походу. Список #10Essentials
Личный опыт использования.
Отличное качество исполнения.
Овальный. Удобно крепить.Достаточно прочный.
Масса 239гр. TPU ламинированная ткань с водонепроницаемостью 10000 мм.
Супер стойкая к истиранию 420 D нейлоновая ткань. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Вид - рюкзак, сфера використання - тактичні, для парамедиків, стать - чоловічий, жіночий, об'єм - 30 л, Матеріал - оксфорд (Oxford), Колір - різнокольоровий....
Вид - рюкзак, сфера використання - тактичні, для поїздок, для пішого та гірського туризму, стать - чоловічий, об'єм - 45 л, Материал - нейлон (Nylon), Колір - з..
Вид - рюкзак, сфера використання - спортивний, для велотуризму, для пішого та гірського туризму, стать - чоловічий, жіночий, об'єм - 45 л, Материал - нейлон, Ко..
Вид - рюкзак, сфера використання - для полювання, тактичні, для пішого та гірського туризму, стать - чоловічий, об'єм - 20 л, Матеріал - 600D XTP Polyester / PU..
Вид - рюкзак, сфера використання - тактичні, для парамедиків, стать - чоловічий, жіночий, об'єм - 30 л, Матеріал - cordura 1000D, Колір - різнокольоровий....
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Гермомішок Armorstandart Waterproof Outdoor Gear 20L Black (ARM59238). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17