Olight Arkfeld — це абсолютно новий портативний EDC ліхтарик від Olight. Модель має 2 колірні температури, 5 рівнів яскравості, а також функцію пам'яті, що дозволяє вибрати останній режим, який використовувався. Максимальний рівень яскравості становить 1000 люменів і здатний висвітлити кожен кут. Інтегрований зелений лазер – гарний помічник під час проведення презентацій. Ергономічний дизайн ліхтаря та перемикача (центральна кнопка та селектор) гарантує максимальний комфорт під час використання.
Елементом живлення слугує Li-Po акумулятор ємністю 1050 mAh. Крім того, магнітний зарядний кабель дозволяє заряджати прилад не розбираючи. На тильній стороні передбачена зручна кліпса для носіння в кишені. Завдяки чудовому дизайну та численним функціям освітлення, Arkfeld може стати неперевершеним ліхтариком для повсякденного використання.
Кишенькові ліхтарі з року в рік стають все компактнішими та зручнішими і Olight знаходиться в авангарді цього процесу. В новому відео ми розповімо про Olight Arkfeld — абсолютно новий портативний EDC ліхтарик від Olight. Максимальний рівень яскравості становить 1000 люменів і здатний висвітлити кожен кут. Інтегрований зелений лазерний вказівник стане гарним помічником під час проведення презентацій. Ергономічний дизайн ліхтаря та перемикача (центральна кнопка та селектор) гарантує максимальний комфорт під час використання. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Новинка 2023 года - Olight Arkfield UV - лучший EDC фонарь
Новинка 2023 года!!!
В этом видео я расскажу про новинку от компании Olight, - это новаторский EDC фонарь Olight Arkfield UV.
Также вы увидите тесты белого света на природе и проверки денежных купюр в ультрафиолетовом диапазоне данного фонаря.
● Компактный фонарь EDC (Every Day Carry) с яркостью 1000 люмен и дальностью действия до 85 м благодаря мощному светодиоду Led Cool White LED и оптике TIR (линза/коллиматор). Кроме того, он оснащен режимом ультрафиолетового излучения мощностью 580 мВт.
● Сердцем фонаря является современная электроника, которая контролирует ток, подаваемый на светодиод. Она гарантирует, что фонарь светит в выбранном режиме с одинаковой мощностью до полной разрядки аккумулятора. Перегрев светодиода в самом высоком режиме предотвращает электронная система, которая через 4 минуты уменьшает ток и стабилизирует свет на уровне 300 люмен. Электроника также отвечает за переключение режимов и запоминание последнего использованного режима.
● Ультратонкий и противоскользящий плоский корпус: уникальный плоский дизайн с противоскользящей фрезеровкой на ручке делает его чрезвычайно удобным для удержания в руке или в кармане. (Вес всего 3,07 унции и толщина 0,59 дюйма).
● Двусторонний карманный зажим для глубокого ношения с отверстием для шнурка и магнитным основанием. Двусторонний зажим плотно крепится к рубашке, карману или шляпе, что упрощает переноску. В зажиме также имеется встроенное отверстие для темляка. Arkfeld UV также имеет магнитное основание, позволяющее легко прикрепить его к металлической поверхности.
Тип зарядки: MCC1A Магнитная USB-зарядка
Встроенный литий-полимерный аккумулятор емкостью 1050 мАч
Максимальная интенсивность света: 1808 кандел
Высокопроизводительный холодный белый светодиод (5700K~6700K)
Режим работы: Центральная кнопка и селектор-переключатель Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The brand new Arkfeld is a dual purpose flashlight that is easy to use yet extremely powerful and packed with features. Check out the instructional video to help you get started!
Get yours in blue, green, black, or tan starting this Wednesday, Aug. 10 at 8:00 PM EDT.!!!
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Brand NEW release! | Olight Arkfeld! (August 2022 Sale!)
Brand NEW release from Olight- The Arkfeld! August 2022 Sale!
The Olight Arkfeld is a brand new release from Olight during the August 2022 sale!
👉Arkfeld NW(Desert Tan):
👉Olight August Sale:
👉10% OFF Coupon code: ChrispyThings10
(The coupon Code is not valid on sale items, nor the X9R.)
Some features are:
●Max 1000 Lumens and 101M throw
●5 Lighting modes + a green laser pointer
●Olight's First Dual Light Source Flashlight: Easily switch between the white light and the green laser with the flip of a switch. It can meet the different needs of your daily life.
● Two Color Temperatures to Choose from: Cool White & Neutral White, able to meet your different lighting needs.
● Compact yet Powerful: Only in weight and thickness. Easy to carry in your pocket with 5 brightness levels, max output of 1,000 lumens while the memory function lets you save your favorite mode!
● Full of Sense of Design: Nonstandard shape with an ultra-thin body, unique flat shape makes it simple but modern and stand out from others.
● Easy to Carry: The Pocket clip plus magnetic end is comfortable to carry in your pocket, and allows you to take it anywhere.
Olight August Sale info:
August 10 20:00 EDT to August 12 23:59 EDT.
Up to 40% OFF and the specific products. Can add $1 to get imini-BK / Otacle-Olive Green and Open mini.
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You wanted to know what gear I used, well here it is!
Panasonic GH5 with Leica 12-60 lens:
Panasonic GH5 body only:
Litepanel Astra 6x:
Litepanels Snapbag Softbox:
Manfrotto Hybrid 502:
Seville Classics Airlift Pro Desk:
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10% Off Sootch00 Discount
Olight Link: (Affiliate)
Discount on Non-Sale Items Only
Flat Design
1000 Lumens down to 1 Lumen
Green Laser Pointer
IPX7 Waterproof Up to 2 Meters for 30 minutes
Impact Resistant up to 2 Meters (and Beyond)
Big thanks to Fiocchi USA for Supplying our ammunition!
Robbie Wheaton's YouTube Channel:
Sportsman's Guide $20 off $100 or more purchase using SOOTCH
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Rubber Dummies 10% off "Sootch00" Code. Click Affiliate Link:
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Music is from Jingle Punks and Epidemic Sounds Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The New Olight Arkfeld UV Flat Flashlight has 1000 Lumens of White Light and a UV Mode. Thanks to Olight for their help.
✅ 10% off using Sootch00
Big thanks to Fiocchi USA for Supplying our ammunition!
Robbie Wheaton's YouTube Channel:
Sportsman's Guide $20 off $100 or more purchase using SOOTCH
USCCA Affiliate Link:
Rubber Dummies 10% off "Sootch00" Code. Click Affiliate Link:
Check out for the SootchZone to see exclusive content
Be a Team Sootch Minuteman:
Hit the Like Button & Subscribe for more Fun Gun Reviews.
Thanks for watching~ Sootch00
Instagram: Sootch_00
Music is from Jingle Punks and Epidemic Sounds Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Because 3 lights are BETTER than 1! NEW Olight Arkfeld PRO Review & Beam Test!
The NEW 3 in 1 Olight Arkfeld Pro improves over the previous Arkfeld and UV models in almost every way. Combining white light, UV light and a green laser all into 1 body with improved battery life makes for one perfect EDC flashlight.
●Versatile 3-in-1 EDC: Olight's FIRST rechargeable flashlight combines 1,300lm white light, 900mW UV light, and Class 3R green laser, offering versatility for various applications.
● Pro White Light & Green Laser: White light for daily illumination, laser for pets toy/presentation, and the white light and laser can work in tandem to provide targeted point plus overall brightness.
● Extreme UV Experience: Strengthened 900mW (365nm) UV light, purer and more professional, nothing invisible to the naked eye, makes stain/pet urine detection a breeze.
● Exquisite Design for Elegant You: Hold the flat and sleek body comfortably or easily carry in a pocket; switch lights by effortlessly rotating the intuitive circular selector.
● More Capacity, More Runtime: The Pro edition is supported by a 1500mAh Li-ion battery, increased 42.9% from the previous Arkfeld, max runtime of 11 days with a five-level indicator, kicking your power anxiety out.
👉Olight Store:
👉10% OFF Coupon code: ChrispyThings10
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You wanted to know what gear I used, well here it is!
Panasonic GH5 with Leica 12-60 lens:
Panasonic GH5 body only:
Litepanel Astra 6x:
Litepanels Snapbag Softbox:
Manfrotto Hybrid 502:
Seville Classics Airlift Pro Desk:
*The Amazon and Olight links are affiliate links so if you want to support the channel that is the way to do it.
I will try to use affiliate links anytime I can. It's the only way to keep this channel going. Thank you for your support!*
00:00 Introduction and Features
01:58 General Discussion
07:25 Lumens and Runtime
08:34 UI
10:41 Not so scientific heat and turbo test
11:33 Beam Test
17:05 Final Thoughts
#edc #olight #flashlight
#everydaycarry #arkfeldpro #edcgear #edcflashlights
#newrelease #olightarkfeldproreview #edccommunity Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Arkfeld Review (1000 Lumens, Green Laser, Unique Form Factor)
Get the Arkfeld at
Use the code Liquidretro to get 5% off. Free Shipping for orders over $100
See the written version of this review on my blog
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Chapters Olight Arkfeld
0:00 Intro
0:20 Packaging & Accessories
1:13 Construction & Design
2:43 User Interface
3:49 Retention
4:45 Size & Weight
5:12 LED & Beam
6:31 Night Shots
7:45 Heat & Runtime
8:25 Recharging
9:35 Conclusion
#FlashlightReview #Olight #Arkfeld
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"Test" Une lampe 1000 Lumens + un pointeur LASER dans un format de télécommande 🔦 "OLIGHT Arkfeld"
Je teste la nouvelle lampe Olight Arkfeld qui est équipée d'un laser.
La lampe Arkfeld :
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Learn more -
Get the Arkfeld for the first time in solid CU or TI during our Black Friday sale, which starts TONIGHT at 8:00 PM EST. at the link!
With over 15 years of experience, we take pride in our lean manufacturing process that we hold to the highest standards possible.
Olight is known for machining high-precision flashlights, and the element series Arkfeld is no exception. We will also release the other element lights in the near future to complete the collection! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Arkfeld UV lampe torche 2 en 1 - UV et lampe 1000lm 85m IPX7 pour inspecter chambre d'hôtel..
Olight Arkfeld UV lampe torche 2 en 1 - UV et lampe 1000lm 85m IPX7 pour inspecter les chambres d'hôtel , détecter le sang, faux billets , punaises de lit, urine d'animaux etc... ► ► chez amazon
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🔥Code promo hors promotion 🔥 (toute l'année)
bricovideo10 : 10% de réduction est valable sur tout le site, sauf les articles déjà en promotion et X9R
IT► Olight Arkfeld Lampada EDC Ricaricabile a Luce Bianca e Lampada UV Combinata Funzionale LED IPX7
ES► OLIGHT Arkfeld UV Diseño de doble fuente de luz con luz blanca + luz UV recargable EDC linterna
DE► Olight Arkfeld UV
UK► Olight Arkfeld UV Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Arkfeld - Lampe Torche EDC 1000 Lumens et GROSSE PROMO DE -20 A -40%
#arkfeld #olight #edc
*Olight Arkfeld - Lampe Torche EDC 1000 Lumens et GROSSE PROMO DE -20 A -40%*
*A partit du 17 Aout 10h pour les VIP et 19 Aout 10h pour tout le monde jusqu’au 20 Aout 29h59*
*Voici les liens Olight:*
*Le lien de la boutique:*
*Le lien de la Arkfeld -30%:*
*Le lien de la Olight Arkfeld en Pack -35%:*
*Le lien de la Olight Warrior Mini 2 -20%:*
*Le lien de la Olight Perun 2 en Pack -30%:*
*Le lien de la Olight Arkfeld Tan en Pack -35%:*
*Le lien de la Olight Odin GL Mini + iXV Tan en Pack -30%:*
*Le lien de la Olight Baldr Mini - Lampe Tactique Laser Vert Militaire Puissante -30%:*
*Le lien de la Olight Olantern Mini Bronze Antique en Pack -35%:*
*Le lien de la Olight ALLTY 2000 + SEEMEE 30 TL en Pack -40%:*
Pour tout le reste le code ARMEMENT-10 Reste actif hors produits en promotions
*Le lien de la Olight Baldr Pro R:*
*Le lien de la Olight Baldr S:*
*Le lien de la Olight Warrior 3S:*
*Le lien de la Olight Warrior X 3:*
*Le lien de la Olight Seeker 3:*
*Le lien de la Olight Seeker 3 Pro:*
*Le lien de la Olight Baton 3 Édition Premium:*
*Le lien de la Marauder 2:*
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La Arkfeld est la première lampe de poche EDC Olight portable à double source de lumière. Elle dispose de 2 températures de couleur, 5 niveaux de luminosité ainsi qu'une fonction mémorisation qui vous permettent de sélectionner ce que vous préférez en un seul clic. Une incroyable sortie maximale de 1000 lumens est capable d'éclairer tous les recoins. Le laser vert, une bonne aide pour réaliser une présentation ou amuser vos animaux de compagnie, est également présent sur ce modèle. La conception ingénieuse de l'interrupteur (bouton central et sélecteur) est à la fois pratique et esthétique. De plus, le câble de charge magnétique vous permet de la recharger facilement. Enfin, la lampe de poche est plate et comporte un clip, pour être aisément transportable (poids de 87g et 15mm d'épaisseur) - Elle peut être fixée sur vos poches et vos chemises sans même remarquer sa présence. Avec un excellent design et de multiples fonctions d'éclairage, la Arkfeld est un choix inégalé comme lampe de poche EDC. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Arkfeld UV flashlight is much better than the original comparison video
Direct link to the Olight store
Use the SDNT10 promo code to get 10% off the non sale items.
The Olight Arkfeld UV flashlight is so much better than the original. Why ? Because they slimmed it down, added a deep carry pocket clip and a UV light. This is the comparison video between the original Arkfeld with laser pointer and the New Arkfeld UV for 2023. Lots of beam shots and out door footage for this fan favorite EDC flashlight.
Check out my other Olight review videos.
My top 3 best Olight flashlights I use all the time.
Olight Seeker 4 Pro comparison with Seeker 3 Pro.
Olight Marauder mini review.
Olight Baton 3 Pro review
Olight Baton 3 Pro MAX review
Olight Warrior 3 review & comparison to the M2R warrior pro.
Olight Warrior mini 3 review
Olight Arkfeld review
Olight Arkfeld UV review
Open Glow review
Olight Seeker 3 pro review.
Olight baton 3 premium edition review.
Olight Javelot mini review.
Olight Perun 2 mini review
Olight I5R rechargeable flashlight review & comparison to the I5T
Olight Warrior mini II review.
Olight Ostation review
Olight Warrior X3 torture test.
Olight Lantern classic pro review
Olight Oknife overview.
Olight Array 2S review.
Join this channel to get be a contributor.
Olight Arkfeld UV flashlight comparison video & its better than the original
The official SDNT website
Charlie uses Fisher metal detectors
The Fisher F19 metal detector on Amazon
The Fisher F pulse Pinpointer on Amazon.
Check out the Olight flashlight gear we use & save $$$ with our coupon code.
Use the SDNT10 promo code to get 10% off the non sale items.
We use the Tactical Rush series backpacks.
My metal detecting dump pouch on Amazon.
Check Out the gear & other items Charlie & the SDNT crew recommend on Amazon
If you would like to be a patron of this channel by making a pledge & being a contributor to Not Thursday.
Not Thursday hiking exploring history Olight flashlights metal detecting New Hampshire Fisher F19 metal detector Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight discount code for Olight website only (Not Amazon): Millis10
Olight Store Link:
Disclaimer, all or some of the links in this description are affiliate links and we will earn a small commission if you use them. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
OLIGHT Arkfeld Pro - Flat 3-in-1 EDC flashlight with LED Light & UV & Laser
Get the OLIGHT Arkfeld Pro here using discount code: JAN20
Get some Glowing balls -
I measured 1306 lumens / 4560cd (135m) @turn on
Versatile 3-in-1 EDC: Olight's FIRST rechargeable torch that combines white light, UV, and green laser in a single torch, offering versatility for a wide range of applications.
Upgraded White Light and UV Light: The white light brightness is 30% higher than Arkfeld, and the UV light power is 55% higher than Arkfeld UV. And the white light and laser can work in tandem for providing targeted point plus overall brightness.
Exquisite and Unique Design: Boasting a sleek and flat body design, providing an elegant aesthetic appeal. The added brand-new wave wheel design enhances grip comfort, ensuring a enjoyable user experience.
More Capacity, More Runtime: The Pro edition is supported by 1500mAh Lithium Polymer Battery, increased 42.9% from previous Arkfeld, max runtime of 11 days with five-level indicator, kicking your power anxiety out.
UV Optical Power
Max Light Intensity
2,608 candela
Light Source
High-Performance Neutral White LED (4000k~5000K), High-Performance Cool White LED (5700K~6700K)
Charging Type
MCC1A Magnetic USB Charging
Beam Distance
334 ft (102 m)
Mode Operation
Central Button & Selector
Compatible Batteries
Built-in 1500mAh Lithium Polymer Battery
Series Arkfeld
Max Performance
1,300 lumens
1,300~420 lumens
Run time LEVEL 1
4 + 126 minutes
420~100 lumens
Run time LEVEL 2
135 + 12 minutes
100 lumens
Run time LEVEL 3
9 hours 45 minutes
15 lumens
1 lumen
Run time LEVEL 5
11 days
(Battery Included)
in (120 mm)
in (27 mm)
in (16 mm)
Carton Box
Daily Lighting; Presentation; Fluorescent Agent Detection; Stain Detection; Hotel Cleanliness Checking; Ringworm Detection; Pet Toy
Arkfeld Pro (Battery Included) x 1
MCC1A Magnetic USB Charging Cable x 1
User Manual x 1
Body Material
Aluminum Alloy
#olight #olightarkfeldpro #olightarkfeld #arkfeld #arkfeldpro #magnetic #laser #laserpen #greenlaser #UV #uvlight #ultraviolet #comparison #unboxing #test #battery #gear #longrange #longrangeflashlight #hunting #edc #flashlight #flashaholic #flashaholics #tactical #mountainrescue #everydaycarry #outdoor #prepper #edcflashlight #bright #gadgets #beamshots #technology #powerful #pocketsearchlight #caving #camping #outdoors #hiking #lighting #fishing #review #torch #tech #techreview #torches #flashlightreview #army #police #asmr #rechargeableflashlight #lawenforcement #patrollight #security #patrol #dutylight #military #taschenlampen #budgetlightforum #candlepowerforums #scary #funny #flash #dangerousplace #foundfootage #scarysounds #led #hdr #highdynamicrange #sonya6700 #sony #a6700 #4kuhd #hlg3 #hlg2 #hlg #asmr #flashlightwalk #nightwalk #ledflashlight #4k24fps #4khdr #24fps #10bit Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Arkfeld Full Review - 1000 lumen EDC flashlight and Laser
Olight's First Dual Light Source Flashlight: Easily switch between the white light and the green laser with the flip of a switch.
10% OFF Coupon code: CFR10
The coupon code is not valid on the sale items and X9R
Affiliate link to Arkfeld:
Bundle link:
Affiliate link to Olightstore:
Thanks for supporting my channel by using the affiliate links above!
00:00 - Intro
01:42 - Charging and Battery
04:07 - User Interface
06:13 - Lockout and Sleep Timer
08:24 - Laser Feature
12:02 - For Cats & BABIES!
12:52 - Runtimes
13:24 - Size Comparison
14:13 - Lumen Measurement
15:50 - Tint Measurement
18:09 - Beamshots
21:07 - Conclusion Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Pocket Carry EDC Flashlights - Nitecore EDC27 vs Olight Arkfeld vs Streamlight Wedge
You can pick up these flashlights and support the channel using these affiliate links!
Nitecore EDC27
Olight Arkfield + Coupon US10
Streamlight Wedge
00:00 Intro
01:12 Nitecore EDC27
02:19 Olight Arkfeld
03:11 Streamlight Wedge
03:46 Beamshots
Watch the YT Shorts here -
Thanks to Karl Casey @WhiteBatAudio for the music!
#everydaycarry #edc #flashlight Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Arkfeld pro is excellent and the best one so far compared
Direct link to the Olight store
Use the SDNT10 promo code to get 10% off the non sale items.
This is the first Olight Arkfeld version I really fell for. The new Arkfeld pro with white light, green laser and UV is excellent. This is one of the best new EDC flashlights for the end of 2023. In this video I will show you lots of beam shots from the CW version Arkfeld pro with outdoor footage at just Bench shots. The improvements to the Arkfeld pro are not just in the size, yes it is a bit bigger and that's what makes it feel really good in the hand. but with that you get a larger battery with more power and longer runtimes. Check out my review as well as the comparison between the Original Arkfeld, Arkfeld UV and now the Arkfeld pro.
Check out my other Olight review videos.
My top 3 best Olight flashlights I use all the time.
Olight Marauder mini review.
Olight Baton 3 Pro review
Olight Baton 3 Pro MAX review
Olight Warrior 3 review & comparison to the M2R warrior pro.
Olight Warrior mini 3 review
Light Seeker 4 pro review
Olight Arkfeld review
Olight Arkfeld UV review
Open Glow review
Olight Seeker 3 pro review.
Olight baton 3 premium edition review.
Olight Javelot mini review.
Olight Perun 2 mini review
Olight I5R rechargeable flashlight review & comparison to the I5T
Olight Warrior mini II review.
Olight Ostation review
Olight Warrior X3 torture test.
Olight Lantern classic pro review
Olight Oknife overview.
Olight Array 2S review.
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We use the Tactical Rush series backpacks.
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Olight Arkfeld pro is excellent and the best one so far
Not Thursday hiking exploring history Olight flashlights metal detecting New Hampshire Fisher F19 metal detector Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Code 704tactical for 10% Off NON Sale Items
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704 Tactical Campsite
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Olight Arkfeld vs Streamlight Wedge: Slimline(Ish) EDC Pocket Lights
On Amazon:
Discover the versatility of the OLIGHT Arkfeld Flat Flashlight. With its 1000 lumens of illumination, this compact flashlight offers powerful lighting in a sleek and flat design. The dual light feature allows you to switch between floodlight and spotlight modes, providing you with tailored lighting options for any situation. Whether you're camping, exploring, or in need of a reliable everyday carry flashlight, the OLIGHT Arkfeld Flat Flashlight delivers impressive performance in a compact package.
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Olight Arkfeld 1000 lumen light and Green laser pointer, Office Workshop Camping flashlight torch
Olight Arkfeld 1000 lumen light and Green laser pointer, Office Workshop Camping flashlight torch
Olight sent me their new Arkfeld green pointer and torch flashlight this is not only a coming hiking light but can be used in the workshop and office, it has a powerful 1000 lumen and a green laser pointer for the conference or just to have fun with the pets..
#olight #Arkfeld #pointer #laserlights
Olight Seeker 3 -
Olight Array 2, Perun head Lamp -
K&F NANO-X Filter Frame -
K&F 94” Tripod -
Use code 20K for 20% off
August Promotion Up to 40% Off +Open mini Order Gift
Arkfeld BK/BL/ODG/DT with CW or NW ,30%OFF(RRP:£,Sale price:£);
Arkfeld Bundles 40% off + Open mini Order Gift
Arkfeld BK with CW + imini BK,39% off(RRP:£,Sale price:£)Bundles Up to 40% OFF!
Arkfeld ODG with CW +i3E ODG,35% off(RRP:£,Sale price:£)
Arkfeld DT with CW+iXV DT,40% off (RRP:£,Sale price:£)
Arkfeld BL with CW+ Obulb Pro BL with MCC1A,40% off (RRP:£,Sale price:£)
Other attrative deals
1. Camping patch plus Open mini,ONLY£8.9 including shipping!!!
2. Olight Perun 2 Desert Color,30%+etra 10% off with code Perun10K,ONLY£
Olight Perun 2 bundles,40%Off +etra 10%off with code Perun10K(£~£)
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Olight Arkfeld 1000 Lumen Rechargeable EDC Flashlight & Green Laser
Available @ Longhorn Tactical -
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The Olight Arkfeld is a 1000 lumen flashlight with green laser pointer that will bring a breath of fresh air to your EDC kit. The unique slim ultra-thin profile can easily slip into your pocket, or use the clip to secure it to straps, or loops.
#olight #olightflashlight #olightarkfeld Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Arkfeld Pro with Ultra Violet, Green Laser and 1300 lumens of white light. Bar shapes work!
Homepage: Olight Arkfeld Pro with UV, Laser and 1300 lumens of white.
10% OFF coupon code: lastbest
*3-1 EDC Flashlight: Offers white light, UV, and green laser in a single flashlight.
*Upgraded White Light: Increased lumens by 30%, provides 1300 lumens for excellent illumination.
*Enhanced UV: High-power output of up to 900mW at a 365nm wavelength, offering a purer and more professional UV light experience compared to standard 395nm UV lights.
*Battery Level Indicator: Includes a five-level battery indicator for easy monitoring of battery status. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Direct link to the Olight store
Use the SDNT10 promo code to get 10% off the non sale items.
Check out my other Olight review videos.
Olight Marauder mini review.
Olight Baton 3 Pro review
Olight Baton 3 Pro MAX review
Olight Warrior 3 review & comparison to the M2R warrior pro.
Olight Arkfeld review
Olight Seeker 3 pro review.
Olight baton 3 premium edition review.
Olight Javelot mini review.
Olight Perun 2 mini review
Olight I5R rechargeable flashlight review & comparison to the I5T
Olight Warrior II mini review.
Olight Ostation review
Olight Warrior X3 torture test.
Olight Lantern classic pro review
Olight Oknife overview.
Olight Array 2S review.
The new Olight Arkfeld flashlight and laser pointer in Pinwheel gunmetal grey finish. This is a fan favorite EDC flashlight because of its slim design and dual light setup. Waterproof, rustproof, drop proof and rechargeable make this 1000 lumen max torch a great choice. Lots of beam shots and outdoor video here so check out how this flashlight performs in the dark.
This is the CW Cool white version.
The official SDNT website
Charlie uses Fisher metal detectors
The Fisher F19 on Amazon
Check Out the gear & other items Charlie & the SDNT crew recommend on Amazon
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Olight Arkfeld flashlight CW Pinwheel gun metal grey beam shots review
Not Thursday hiking exploring history flashlights metal detecting New Hampshire VlOG Fisher F19 metal detector Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Arkfeld is a dual flashlight, green laser on the left 1000 lumen flashlight on the right, with a cool mechanism to control it, magnetic charging, and this one is in titanium. its a long video but i do have time stamps i would appreciate a like and a sub too Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Is the Olight Arkfeld Pro the Swiss Army Knife of EDC torches!? Quite possibly! Equipped with 1300 Lumens, a UV light and a Laser, this torch is a multifunctional streamline and sleek little beast!
Arkfeld Pro - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Arkfeld:
Use Code ZACH to get 10% off your order - Or - Bundle for additional savings!
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#olight #olightarkfeld #DSKFS Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Best EDC Light Just Got Better! New Olight Arkfeld Pro
The Arkfeld Pro is a 1300 lumen light, Green Laser and UV option.
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Music is from Epidemic Sounds Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best EDC Flashlight of 2023? Olight Arkfeld Review and Field Test. I have so much fun carrying this light and it's something that mnore lights should feel like
Olight Arkfeld Up to 40%off +extra 10%Off with code Randy10.
Tracking link:
16th Anniversary Up to 45%Off +extra 10%Off with code Randy10.(This code can be used for all the products,so advise you to mention it in the video too)
the new customers can get a free i3E ODG@Olight 16th Anniversary
Track link:
Olight Arkfeld Up to 40%off +extra 10%Off with code Randy10.
Tracking link:
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Filming equipment:
I current film Canon 250D DSLR -
I use the VANGUARD Alta Pro 2+ 263CP Carbon 3-section Tripod with MACC and 3-Way Pan-Head Anthracite -
with a Neewer mobile rig to hold the phone –
and Rode microphone -
The video was edited using Premier Pro
Credit for two tracks used:
Rock Angel by Joakim Karud Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0 Music promoted by Audio Library
Easier to Fade (feat. Madi Larson) by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Arkfeld Lime Green รีวิวไฟฉายแรงสูง แสงขาวและเลเซอร์สีเขียว โปรส่วนลด ฝาปิดเลนส์รีวิว EP.69
Subscribe to the Longhorn Tactical and get 10% OFF your next purchase -
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Available at Longhorn Tactical
Olight Arkfeld Pro -
0:00 - Intro
0:36 - Features
5:25 - UI & Operation
8:52 - Green Laser
10:30 - UV
12:00 - Beam Shots
15:32 - Final Thoughts
-Max brightness of 1300 lumens with a max throw of 112 yards
-Features white light, UV light, and a green laser pointer
-Laser pointer and flashlight can be used at the same time
-Power indicators let you know when it's time to recharge
-Rechargeable through magnetic charger
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#edc #everydaycarry #flashlight #edcgear #edccommunity #review #nitecore #arkfeldpro #olight #newrelease #arkfeld #pro Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
10% OFF Coupon Code: snareman95
Arkfeld Pro:
Arkfeld Pro Bundle:
Versatile 3-in-1 EDC: Olight's FIRST rechargeable flashlight that combines 1,300lm white light, 900mW UV light, and Class 3R green laser, offering versatility for a wide range of applications.
#tools #edctools #hvac #olight #flashlight Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Arkfeld Pro review and comparison to the original Arkfeld
In this video i review the Olight Arkfeld Pro and compare it to the arkfeld uv.
Discount code OA10
Sale details Date: 8 pm 25/10-11:59 27/10 AEDT
Arkfeld Pro, up to 40% off, $
Link: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Arkfeld: Unique EDC, Utility, Presentation, and MORE!!
EDC Flashlights are fairly regular in function and form. But in today's video we look at a product that breaks the Arkfeld. With a combination of white light as well as a green laser pointer, the Arkfeld strikes the balance between a low profile edc and a multi-role utility light. Having a laser pointer has been an interesting, yet refreshing addition to my edc lineup.
Want your own OLIGHT Products??
10% OFF Coupon code is still: OUTER10
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Find OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram
OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM embodies the intellectual works of “Eric Outer”: host, owner, inventor, creator, designer, photographer, videographer, musician.
OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM includes, but is not limited to, multi-media works that are displayed on a multitude of online and social media platforms and is the property of “Eric Outer”. Content includes, but is not limited to, reviews and feature videos of gear, products, merchandise, outdoor activities, hiking, backpacking, camping, and related subjects.
OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM includes original music performed by the owner and affiliate musicians.
OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM produces products fabricated by numerous vendors and produced with the OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM name and logo. These products are the property of OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM and have been developed per the direction, specifications, and invention of “Eric Outer”.
OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM logos and images are property of “Eric Outer”. The OUTER LIMITLESS (OUTERLIMITLESS) TM tribal tree and font is property of “Eric Outer”. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Arkfeld Vs Streamlight Wedge… I Was Surprised
When I got done with this comparison video I was surprised at how clear the winner came out. Link to Olights Black Friday sale below. Please like, share, and subscribe. Thank you.
Olight Black Friday link:
Olight 10% discount code: gearrunner Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight March Flash Sale:
Take 10% off any time with code TLBS
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Premier Body Armor: Code TLBS for free shipping
Freedom Munitions: Code TLBS for 5% off
Optics Planet: Code TLBS for 5% off
Grizzly Targets: Code LBS99 for 15% off
*Safety Notice: I am a trained, and certified Range Safety Officer, and am following established Range Safety rules in this video. For infotainment purposes only.
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Some new, some updated. The Warrior 3S, Otacle, Otacle 2, and Arkfield.
link to sale:
direct links
Otacle(Olive green):
Arkfeld Desert Tan CW:
Otacle 2(Gray):
Warrior 3S OD Green:
Amazon Shop:
Email: @ (no links plz, wont click them)
Maxlvledc is a channel dedicated to exploring the tools we carry every day. I will be discussing bags, flashlights, knives, multitools, pen, wallets, key organizers, pry tools, functional clothing, and much more. Because I also love to modify these items, there will be videos on tools such as Screwdrivers, pliers, scissor, wrenches, and power tools.
I try to read every comment so pls feel free to ask any questions below! Thanks for stopping in!
I will use affiliate links whenever possible. Using these links allows me to continue to make content for this channel. Thanks so much for your help!
#everydaycarry #edc #maxlvledc #sponsored Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Arkfeld Pro Vs Olight Arkfeld… Who You Picking
The new Olight Arkfeld Pro is a pretty awesome EDC light. It offers more features than the Arkfelds in the past and is worth the upgrade. Pick yours up with the link below.
Olight link:
Olight 10% discount code: GEARRUNNER Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Новинка 2023: Nitecore EDC27 v2 против Olight Arkfield UV
Сравнение двух потомков Surefire Stiletto.
Nitecore EDC27 - 125,5
Olight Arkfield UV - 86,1
Nitecore EDC27 характеристики:
Работает на 2 светодиодах Luminus SST40 с максимальной мощностью 3000 люмен.
Использует оптическую линзу с полным отражением для равномерного и мягкого свечения.
Максимальная пиковая интенсивность луча составляет 12 200 cd , а максимальная дальность – 220 метров.
Многофункциональный OLED-дисплей отображает в реальном времени яркость, напряжение аккумулятора и время работы.
Встроенный литий-ионный аккумулятор емкостью 1700 мАч
Усовершенствованная технология Power Cut-Off (APC) для сверхнизкого энергопотребления в режиме ожидания
Высокоэффективная схема постоянного тока обеспечивает стабильный выход света до 37 часов
Два торцевых переключателя обеспечивают интуитивно понятное управление для тактических применений.
Доступно 5 уровней яркости и 1 специальный режим
Технология STROBE READY™ для быстрого доступа к режиму STROBE (патент № ZL201320545349.4)
Режим STROBE использует случайно изменяющиеся частоты для более сильного головокружительного эффекта.
Встроенная схема зарядки литиево-ионного аккумулятора с портом USB-C
Функция памяти в интеллектуальном режиме
Доступны 2 режима блокировки (режим половинной блокировки и режим полной блокировки)
Встроенный модуль усовершенствованной регулировки температуры (ATR)
(патент № ZL201510534543.6)
Оптические линзы с двусторонним покрытием, устойчивым к царапинам.
Изготовлен из сплава авиационного алюминия.
Анодированная поверхность военного класса HA III
Защита водонепроницаемости и пыленепроницаемости в соответствии с IP54
Ударопрочность до 1 метра
Olight Arkfield UV характеристики:
Источник света: высокопроизводительный светодиод Cool White LED (5700K - 6700K)
Питание: встроенный аккумулятор Li-Po 1050 mAh
Корпус: авиационный алюминий A6061-T6
Водонепроницаемость: стандарт IPX-7
Максимальная дальность: 85 м
Размеры: 110 x 25 x 15 мм
Режимы работы/время освещения:
- 1000 - 300 люмен/ 4 мин + 110 мин,
- 300 - 60 люмен/ 140 мин + 20 мин,
- 60 люмен/ 12 ч 50 мин,
- 60 люмен/ 12 ч 50 мин,
- 15 люмен / 41 ч,
- 15 люмен / 41 час,
- 1 люмен / 8 дней,
- режим UV / 4 ч,
- режим UV / 4 ч,
- стробоскоп - стробоскоп. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Arkfeld UV by Olight - 1000 lumens of white & UV light in your pocket!
Olight August Sale up to 40% off from Aug 10 at 8pm EDT to Aug 12 Midnight. Free Shipping Over $49. Olight Link:
Sootch00 Code only works on Non-Sale Items (affiliate)
The Arkfeld is a new offering from Olight and features a super slim profile size with 1000 lumens of light and a green laser pointer. Perfect for EDC. Easy to recharge and fits in your pocket like a folding knife. Olight Link:
Coupon code for 10% OFF : Sootch00
Sportsman's Guide $20 off $100 or more purchase using code: SOOTCH
EXOTAC 20% Discount Code: Sootch20
Link: (Affiliate)
Be a Team Sootch Minuteman:
Thanks For Watching, Liking & Subscribing! ~ Sootch00
Music is from Epidemic Sounds Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
OLIGHT Arkfeld Pro Flat EDC Flashlight with LED Light UV and Laser #shorts #tools
Arkfeld Pro Sale Link:
10% OFF Coupon Code: WA10
The coupon Code is not valid on sale items, nor the X9R.
Arkfeld Pro MSRP $ 30%OFF SALE PRICE $ SAVE$30
- 3-1 EDC Flashlight: Offers white light, UV, and green laser in a single flashlight.
- Upgraded White Light: Increased lumens by 30%, provides 1300 lumens for excellent illumination.
- Enhanced UV: High-power output of up to 900mW at a 365nm wavelength, offering a purer and more professional UV light experience compared to standard 395nm UV lights.
- Battery Level Indicator: Includes a five-level battery indicator for easy monitoring of battery status. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Arkfeld Pro Initial Impressions and Comparison
A look at the new Arkfeld Pro from Olight with a flashlight, UV light and laser in one.
Check out more flashlight videos here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
10% OFF CODE: PG10
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
We will be reviewing the Arkfeld Pro flashlight and unboxing the Arfeld Pro Dragon edition! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Тип - пошуковий, джерело світла - LED, дальність світлового потоку - 350 м, яскравість - 330 люмен, елементи живлення - вбудований акумулятор, вага - 1048 г....
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