Людині, якій до вподоби туризм, полювання або риболовля (особливо нічний її різновид), навряд чи потрібно пояснювати важливість такого елемента спорядження, як ліхтар. І чим «суворіше» хобі, тим, як заведено, вищі вимоги до пристроїв і пристосувань, які бере із собою прихильник незабутніх відчуттів.
Ліхтарі Led Lenser серія «P» створені спеціально для використання в складних ситуаціях, зокрема для роботи за морського туману та низьких температур. Герметичність і ударостійкість корпусу прекрасно доповнені технологією Advanced Focus System, що дає змогу сфокусувати світловий пучок у потрібній точці, водночас промінь буде однаково однорідний на будь-якій дистанції, без темних або яскравих зон. Також у ліхтарі використана технологія Speed Focus і Dynamic Switch.
Ліхтар Led Lenser P17.2 — це великий і яскравий ліхтар, створений для різних державних служб (швидка, поліція, армія) і для людей які, передусім, цінують надійність і довговічність. Міцний корпус з анодованого алюмінію захистить ніжні нутрощі ліхтаря від ударів, цьому ліхтарю не страшні найсуворіші випробування. На додаток до міцності ліхтар також обладнаний усіма технологіями, які зробили марку Led Lenser знаменитою.
Система Advanced Focus System (AFS) — це запатентована комбінація відбивача та лінзи для створення світлової системи, яка забезпечує сфокусований промінь для далеких відстаней і розсіяний промінь для освітлення об'єктів, розташованих поблизу. За допомогою зміни положення головки ліхтаря ви можете регулювати фокус, у такий спосіб підбираючи ідеальне поєднання розсіювання світла на різних відстанях. Завдяки цій технології промінь буде яскравим і чистим на будь-яких дистанціях.
Система Speed Focus дає змогу миттєво змінювати фокус променя. У такий спосіб освітлювати як об'єкти, розташовані на великій відстані, так і близькі об'єкти, водночас не даючи зайвого засвічування. Фокус перемикається плавно, даючи можливість точно відрегулювати необхідний ступінь розсіювання, конструкція ліхтаря дає змогу виконувати всі маніпуляції однією рукою.
Dynamic Switch — це поліпшена версія старої кнопки, вона чіткіше реагує на натискання та дає змогу миттєво перемикати режими. Крім того, кнопка стала більшою, нею зручніше користуватися в грубих зимових рукавичках.
So having had the 17.2, I can honestly say this new version is a lot brighter. Unfortunately it can't be seen easily on this video as my camera does not like low light shooting. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Nous vous proposons la 4ème vidéo de test extreme en extérieurs des lampes LED LENSER. Cette fois-ci, on se retrouve au coeur des vignes bourguignonnes.
Photos : Sony A7 - ISO100 - f6.3 - 25 sec.
Retrouvez l'ensemble de la gamme Led Lenser chez REBOUL BOURGOGNE, 9 rue Louis Lumière - 21160 Marsannay-La-Côte (Côte d'Or).
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Review LedLenser P17 | Ein Kraftpaket mit 1000 Lumen | 4K
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Led Lenser P17 led zaklamp review - ledscherp.nl [NL/BE]
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Politieagenten, brandweerlieden en reddingswerkers hebben robuuste lampen met een krachtige lichtbundel nodig. Ze moeten tegen een stootje kunnen en tevens bestand zijn tegen grote temperatuurschommelingen. Drie mono D-batterijen zrogen voor voldoende energie en een lange gebruikstijd met geringe kosten. De Dynamic Switch zorgt steeds voor het juiste licht, zodat de lamp niet alleen op een buitengewoon grote afstand licht verspreid, maar ook geschikt is om verblindingsvrij te lezen.
De P17 beschikt over een Dynamic Switch, hiermee kunt u drie verschillende lichtstanden selecteren. Door de P17 aan te zetten activeert u de 100% modus, nog een keer drukken levert de 15% Energy modus, en door de knop half in te drukken krijgt een lichtopbrengst van maar liefst 130%!
Het Advanced Focus System zorgt voor een heel gelijkmatige helderheidsverdeling in de kegel. Dit systeem is ontwikkeld in samenwerking met het instituut voor lichtonderzoek OEC in München en wordt door deskundigen en kenners als een van de de beste systemen gezien.
Dynamic SwitchLinks: Traditionele zaklamp, geen gecontroleerde lichtbundel. Vol met blinde vlekken.
Rechts: LED LENSER bundel met AFS. Mooie verdeelde lichtbundel.
Bijzonder eenvoudig is de instelling van de lichtkegel: de Speed Focus maakt het gemakkelijk om de focus in te stellen, omdat de lampkop hiervoor slechts met een hand verschoven hoeft te worden. U kunt kiezen tussen cirkelvormig licht dat op een toneelspot lijkt, of een scherp gebundeld licht dat tot op een afstand van 280 meter straalt.
- High End Power LED
- Gewicht: 799 gram
- Lichtstroom: 220 lumen*
- Batterij: 3 x D 1,5 V
- Brandtijd: 250 uur*
- Reikwijdte: 330 meter
- Led Lenser P17
- Inclusief 3 x D 1,5 V batterijen
- Geleverd in luxe giftbox
- 5 jaar garantie* Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
LED Lenser "P17R" re-chargeable Flashlight (1000 lumen 2017 model)
LED Lenser are well known as the flagship brand in torches & flashlights. The latest P17R model has a runtime of 8hrs @ 1000 lumens thanks to the LiFePO4 re-chargeable battery. They are $439 from LED Lenser Australia:
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Here, light source, optics and user-friendliness are combined in a ideal package. Three D-cell batteries ensure sufficient energy and a surprisingly long durability at low costs. The newly developed Dynamic Switch enables extremely bright or dimmed light ensuring that the flashlight can be used to light both long distances and close up and is also suitable for lighting without dazzling. Of course, the Ledlenser P17.2 is fitted with our scientifically developed super optic which sets new focussing technology standards throughout the world. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Zerlegeanleitung einer Taschenlampe vom Typ Led Lenser P17 bei ausgelaufenen Batterien Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Review on P17 LED Lenser Flash light... this light is Brighter than 1000 suns baby! Check one out. I got this one at Amazon. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In diesem Video seht Ihr die 2018er LED LENSER P17 ( Lumen) im Detail, den Lieferumfang, eine Nachtaufnahme, die Schaltung UND im Vergleich zur ersten LED LENSER P17 (200 Lumen) Ich bin gespannt wie Ihr die Entwicklung beurteilt. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Led Lenser P17.2 este desigur a doua generatie a popularului model Led Lenser P17. Vine cu un led de generatie noua, o lentila reproiectata ce ajuta la o focusare mai corecta, o putere de iluminare mai mare si o greutate usor redusa.
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LED Lenser P17 & P17.2 (1/3) EDC Taschenlampen Flashlight
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In diesem Video seht Ihr das neue Modell der P17. Gekennzeichnet werden alle Upgrades bei LED LENSER mit dem ".2", so auch bei der P17.2. Die Lampe leistet nun bis zu 450 Lumen und wurde optisch an das neue Markengesicht angepasst. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ledlenser es una marca Alemana con un gran reconocimiento en el mundo de linternas. Tienen una gran variedad de productos y una excelente calidad de materiales y modelos. Este modelo en sí. es el M7R que trae 8 funciones de luz, 3 programas 2 modos de energia, advance focus system y mucho más... de verdad es una linterna muy completa y creo que vale el valor que tiene. Como siempre, quiero agradecer a TACTIS que me facilita estos productos para poder mostrárselos a ustedes. Si les interesa este modelo u otro de esta excelente marca, en Tactis lo encontrarán y si van de parte de Blacksheepchile les harán una atención
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Ledlenser P-Series Rechargeable Torch Flashlight - P14, P17R, P17 - Malaysia Bright LED
The Ledlenser P-Series - Minimalist design, maximum performance.
The sturdy flashlights of the Ledlenser P-Series offer top performance in stylish designs. While externally they only have the bare essentials, they are packed full of useful technical functions, like the Rapid Focus and the Advanced Focus System. This makes them to indispensable little helpers for everyday life: For example, for renovating, tidying and rearranging, taking the dog out, during blackouts, and much more.
Title: Outside by Ikson
Genre and Mood: Dance & Electronic + Happy Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Led Lenser P17.2 - Unboxing (Despachetare Produs Nou)
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Lanterna LED profesionala LED Lenser P17.2 este un model extrem de puternic, care furnizeaza 450 de lumeni in modul BOOST si are o autonomie de pana la 300 de ore! Intra in dotarea politiei, pompierilor, fortelor de protectie si paza, datorita rezistentei si autonomiei sale indelungate.
Lanterna tactica, tehnologie practica Noul P17.2 este dotat cu Dynamic Switch si sistemele de focusare patentate de LED lenser, furnizand atat o lumina tip spot pentru distante lungi, cat si un fascicul pentru iluminarea la apropiere, fara efect de orbire.
Dynamic Switch permite sa alegi intre diferite niveluri de iluminare, astfel ca lanterna LED poate fi utilizata atat pentru iluminare la apropiere, cat si departare.
Boost 450 de lumeni. 420 de metri/ 30 ore - apasa switchul o singura data, si lanterna LED va oferi mai multa lumina decat in conditiile normale de operare. Fucntia BOOST este diponibila atata timp cat butonul de switch este apasat.
Power 350 de lumeni/ 280 de metri/ 50 de ore - cand este reglata pe modul Power, lanterna furnizeaza intreaga ei putere.
Low Power 50 lumeni/ 140 metri/ 300 ore - luminozitate redusa, deci consum mai mic si durata de viata mai lunga.
Lanterna LED profesionala LED Lenser P17.2 este alimentata de 3 baterii D pentru a oferi o lumina puternica, tip spot, si timpi indelungati de utilizare. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The sturdy flashlights of the Ledlenser P-Series offer top performance in stylish designs. While externally they only have the bare essentials, they are packed full of useful technical functions, like the Rapid Focus and the Advanced Focus System. This makes them dependable companions for all outdoors fans and indispensable little helpers for everyday life: For example, for renovating, tidying and rearranging, taking the dog out, during blackouts, and much more.
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Première présentation en français d'une des nouvelle lampe 2017 de la gamme outdoor de Led Lenser. La MT 14 ! de 1000 lumens. EsobOOk
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Lien si vous voulez acheter cette lampe torche: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Led Lenser i7R industrial zaklamp review - ledscherp.nl [NL/BE]
De Led Lenser i7R is een krachtige oplaadbare zaklamp speciaal ontworpen voor industriële klanten zoals monteurs, technici, installateurs of bouwpersoneel. Deze i7R is vergelijkbaar met de P7.2 van Led Lenser en werkt op 4x NiMH AAA batterijen. De accu van de i7R geeft tot 4 uur continue licht wanneer de i7R op de hoogste stand van 220 lumen gebruikt wordt. En is de accu leeg, dan laad je hem weer helemaal op via de meegeleverde laadhouder die je via USB kunt aansluiten! De onderkant van de lader geeft doormiddel van een kleurindicatie aan of je accu weer helemaal vol is.
De Led Lenser i7R combineert een compact formaat van 13 cm met uitzonderlijke prestaties. Een lichtopbrengst van 220 lumen is meer dan genoeg om al je klussen aan te kunnen. Heb je niet de volle lichtsterkte nodig, dan kun je uitwijken naar een minder sterke stand van 25 lumen. De behuizing heeft een extra grove structuur voor betere grip, zeker wanneer je met handschoenen werkt. De schakelaar is ook extra groot om je optimaal gebruiksgemak te geven tijdens het bedienen van de lamp.
De Led Lenser i7R industrial is alleen beschikbaar voor B2B klanten en wordt niet geleverd aan particulieren. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The LED Lenser M17R and P17R are available for purchase at !
LED Lenser M17R:
LED Lenser P17R:
The LED Lenser M17R Adjustable Focus Flashlight perfectly blends cutting-edge technology and flawless design. The M17R produces 850 lumens in high and has advanced focusing ability with fully adjustable spot to flood focus. Choose from 4 different light programs to fully customize your flashlight. The LED Lenser M17R runs on two LiFePO4 rechargeable batteries, which can be recharged over 2,000 times. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ledlenser P7R Core 1400 Lumen Flashlight 🔦 with Adjustable Focus
Check out the P7R Core here -
Welcome to the Urban Survivor channel and in this video we’re going to be taking a look at the LEDLENSER P7R Core which is a usb charging 1400 lumen light with an advanced adjustable focus system which gives you the option to switch between spot and flood modes.
Before we get started be sure to give this video a thumbs up and make sure you are subscribed to the urban survivor channel for more flashlight reviews like this one.
First off I want to thank LEDLENSER who was kind enough to send the P7R Core out to the channel to review. LEDLENSER makes a wide range of flashlights and headlamps for everyday, camping and work use and if you want to learn more about them you can check out the link in the description below.
The LEDLENSER is IP68 rated meaning that it can be submerged in 1.5 meters of water for up to 30 minutes. This is made possible with the help of Flex Sealing Technology which provides high protection against dust and water. The light weighs 202 grams or just over 7 ounces and has a length of 158 mm and a width of 35mm at the head. It feels really well made and it has a nice smooth grip pattern on the body. This light can stand on it’s tail and is not magnetized. There’s also a loop for attaching a lanyard if you wish.
The P7R Core is powered by a removable 21700 4800 maH battery and it comes with a magnetic usb charging cable. To charge it, all you have to do is bring the charger close to the charging port on the body and it will snap in place. The button glows red when it’s charging and green when it’s ready to go.
There’s a button on the side which you can use to turn the light on and off and cycle through the brightness modes.
The light has a maximum output of 1400 lumens on Boost and a 300 meter throw before stepping down to 1000 lumens for a 2 hour runtime. On lower modes the P7R Core offers constant luminous flux over a long period of time rather than stepping down over time. It also has a medium mode with 440 lumens and a 4 hour run time and finally a 15 lumen mode with a 90 hour runtime. The color temperature of the light is 6500K cool white and it has a CRI of 70.
One of the most impressive features on this light is the adjustable focus system which gives you variable control over the focus of the beam. This gives you the option to move between a really focused long range beam or a shorter throw and a wider flood.
There are a few things that really stood out about the P7R Core and what really impressed me as soon as I picked up the light was the build quality. It feels really nice in the hands and the design is simple and sleek.
Being able to adjust the focus of the beam is not something I have seen before on any other flashlight and it's a really great feature because it gives you the option of a really tight beam with an incredibly long throw up to 300m or a nice wide flood if you want to light up a larger area more close by. Adjusting the focus is really easy as well which makes it practical for everyday use.
It’s also nice that the light is ip68 rated and dust resistant so you don’t have to worry if it gets wet..
There were only a few small downsides that I want to share as well.
One thing I noticed is that the magnetic charging mechanism is somewhat weak so you need to be careful not to bump it or it may come loose and stop charging.
This light is also a bit on the expensive side at $129 but you do get a lot for what you pay for.
Overall I was really impressed with LEDLENSER and I'll try to get my hands on some more lights to review in the future. If you want to learn more about this light you can check it out using a link in the description below. Let me know your thoughts on this light in the comments and if you enjoyed be sure to give it a thumbs up! Thanks for watching.
Watch more of my LEDLENSER reviews!
ML4 (Cool) Lantern -
ML6 (Warm) Lantern -
P7R Core -
MH11 Headlamp -
P18R Signature -
P7R Signature -
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No matter how far away from civilisation you are, the ML6 has you covered. State-of-the-art lens technology ensures optimal light distribution with maximum energy efficiency. Glare-free illumination of your surroundings makes it easy to pick the perfect spot for the light. Its hook, removable stand and magnet mean that all possibilities are covered.
The ML6 can also be used as a power bank to recharge other electronic devices, such as smart phones, digital cameras and GPS units. Now there’s nothing to stop you from creating a warm and pleasant atmosphere, wherever you are.
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Hier werdet Ihr die neue LED LENSER X21R.2 in Aktion sehen und über die Bedienung sowie den Lieferumfang informiert. Die neue X21R leistet bis zu Lumen ist damit die hellste LED LENSER "Taschenlampe". Durch das Fokus-System kann der Lichtstrahl gebündelt werden und so eine Leuchtweite von bis zu 700m erzielen. Bedingt durch das Fokus system ist die Lampe jedoch nur nach IPX-4 gesichert. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In diesem Video stellen wir euch die LED Lenser M7RX vor. Sie ist der Nachfolger der erfolgreichen M7R. Sie überzeugt mit einem aufladbaren Lithium Ionen Akku, der starken Lichtleistung (600 Lumen) und einer tollen Verarbeitung. Sie ist universell einsetzbar und hat ein Relativ gutes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis.
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The Ledlenser P5R.2 generates a light output that is reminiscent of spotlights. A light beam of up to 270 lumens* shoots from the high-precision reflectorlens (Boost-Mode). The lamp is powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery that can be recharged up to 1,000 times using the included charger. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In diesem Video zeige ich euch die LED LENSER XEO19R und ihr komplettes Zubehör. Unter anderem am Beispiel der Beleuchtung einer Schwalbe. Viel Spaß beim ansehen. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Google+: +HornysledshopDeutsch/posts
Ein richtiger Knaller ist LED LENSER mit der F1R gelungen. Hattet die normale F1 noch 400 Lumen so leistet die kaum größere F1R bereits Lumen. Ein Wert den vor kurzem einzig die X21 erreichte. Was haltet Ihr von der Pocket Power Lampe? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This rechargeable flashlight is a technological sensation. It produces up to 1600 lumens* in lighting performance which is controlled by our micro-controller-operated Smart Light Technology. This means you have a total of eight lighting functions and three light programs available. Depending on your area of application simply select the right program with the right functions. In addition to this you can decide whether you want to operate the flashlight in regulated power mode or not. You have to have used this flashlight in order to describe it properly. Seven ultra bright LED chips can be focused via seven individual lenses and project an amazingly homogenous and sharply defined circle of light. Particularly when setting the focus the flashlight creates a blazingly bright beam of light which outshines even car headlights. Due to its charging method, the Ledlenser X21R is not only environmentally friendly but also particularly cheap to run. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hallo Leute, hier seht ihr das neue Modell der P7 von LED LENSER. Neu? Jaein denn optisch hat sich an der Lampe nichts viel geändert aber schaut es euch am besten selber an. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A quick overview and un-boxing of the LED Lenser P7 light.
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Fokussierbares Licht für den taktischen Einsatz
Die kompakten Modelle unserer T-Serie sind durch ihre besondere Technologie für den taktischen Einsatz prädestiniert. Sie wurden komplett überarbeitet und bieten nun mehr Leistung, eine bessere Bedienbarkeit und sind noch robuster geworden. Bei der Ledlenser T7.2 kommt ein neuer, wesentlich leistungsstärkerer LED-Chip zum Einsatz. Dieser emittiert einen hoch effizienten Lichtstrom. Die neu berechnete Reflektorlinse in Verbindung mit dem patentierten**** Advanced Focus System erzeugt daraus, gegenüber dem Vorgängermodell, ein noch homogeneres Lichtbild über den gesamten Fokusbereich. Der neuen Dynamic Switch Schalter mit dem markanten Logopunkt ermöglicht blitzschnell den Wechsel der Helligkeitsstufen (Boost, Power oder Low Power). Zudem erlaubt er durch die größere Betätigungsfläche das sichere Bedienen mit matte Hochleistungsanodisierung (Frozen Black Coating) verhindert fast jegliche Reflektionen, bietet mehr Griffigkeit und schützt die Lampe bei stärkster Beanspruchung. Die Ledlenser T7.2 ist exklusiv für Behörden und Fachhändler von taktischen Ausrüstungen vorgesehen! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Our Ledlenser P14.2 features a 39 mm reflector-lens and achieves a level of focusing that sends an incredibly sharp light beam into the night. But there’s more: When you move the lamp head, the concentrated beam expands to form a wide, homogeneous circle of light. The Ledlenser P14.2 is powered by four inexpensive alkaline AA (Mignon) batteries, which also sets new standards in economy. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Linternas AAA (I): Ledlites E3, LedLenser Evo25 y Maglite Solitaire Led
En este primer video sobre linternas os acerco tres linternas con encendido mediante giro del cabezal, luminosidad contenida y en formato 1xAAA o 1xLR03.
Espero que os resulte de interés. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A world bestseller is getting even better!
The Ledlenser P7 is the most-frequently purchased model in the P Series and has already captured the enthusiasm of millions of users around the world. And rightly so: It is a practical all-rounder and is characterized by indestructible technology and extreme durability. The patented**** Advanced Focus System with the convenient single-hand focusing (Speed Focus) is one of the world's best focusing systems and offers even more homogeneous illumination thanks to the new reflector lens. In the new version, we have improved upon the strengths of the device and also incorporated suggestions made by our customers. A larger switch with better grip makes it easier to operate when wearing gloves. The recalculated lens, a revised cooling system, the latest in LED technology and improved ergonomics are all features that make this model the best Ledlenser P7.2 of all time. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Progres pentru clasa P Noul P14.2 furnizeaza un flux luminos maxim de 350 de lumeni, o autonomie maxima 40 ore, acopera o distanta de pana la 270 de metri, performante furnizate de patru baterii AA, 1.5 V.
4 x AA
LED Lenser P14.2
BOOST 350 lumeni/ 270 metri/ 3 ore Power 250 lumeni/ 230 metri/ 5 ore Low Power 50 lumeni/ 100 metri/ 40 ore
1 x High End Power LED
Flux luminos 350 de lumeni
Fasciculul luminos atinge 270 de metri
Functionare: 40 ore
Lungime 19.7 cm
Greutate 357 de grame
Standard IPX-4
Constructie cu sistem modular
Video și Montaj : Bogdan Vlădescu
Muzică: Kevin MacLeod Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Led Lenser P7 versiunea 2018 este varianta cu ultimile imbunatatiri ale unuia din cele mai populare modele ale acestui producator. Lanterna si-a pastrat dimensiunie compacte venind cu imbunatatiri in special la interior si la modul de operare, fiind mult mai bun acum decat in cazul modelului Led Lenser P7.2 pe care il inlocuieste.
Detalii complete gasiti aici: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Slim, elegant, innovative and easy to use. When constructing this lamp, our aim was to enable you to focus its beam with only one hand. The Ledlenser P6.2 is energized with two inexpensive AA (Mignon) batteries and will captivate you with its ultra-white, super-bright light combined with surprisingly little weight. Extremely low operating costs are an additional benefit. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Led Lenser p3 fake/conterfeit - that's a good question
Here is a LED lenser p3 I received from an Ebay seller.
I'm unsure if this is a fake/counterfeit item.
Have a look and leave a comment with your opinion
Here is some info I received from Chris and I'd like to post it for anyone who is needs the info. if you read this Chris, thanks very much for the detail .
After watching your video I had a bit of a look about and found that there where in fact 3 different Models of the P3 Flash ASFP (75 Lumins)
and the P3 ASF (25 Lumins)
There is also the P3 BM (16 Lumins)
Note the shape of the lens, its like yours, a standard bubble lens.
I truly do believe that you do have a genuine product, but one that was probably originally to be sold as part of an offer with a leatherman knife. (hence the no box and after market battery)
Both of the above have a similar lense construction to the P5 and P7 (that cool inword lens) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Google+: +HornysledshopDeutsch/posts
Bei Lumen und einer Leuchtweite von bis zu Meter erwartet man ein Monster von Taschenlampen. Die TM36 ist aber die wohl kompakteste Lampe mit dieses Leistungswerten und kommt eben nicht so gigantisch daher wie man es erwarten könnte. Keine 30cm länge und nicht einmal 1,4 kg lautet die Kampfansage. Dabei steckt in der TM36 eine ganze Menge Technik, angefangen bei dem OLED Display über den großen NBP52 Akku, einen integrierten Lader bis hin zu der Informationsausgabe über Leuchtweite, verbleibende Leuchtdauer, Akkuspannung, Akku Kapazität und Betriebstemperatur. Damit stellt die neue TM36 das Flagschiff von Olight, die SR95S UT in den Schatten. Schaut's euch an. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
: LED Lenser® Rechargeable Super Power Extreme
Delivering an incredible white light, this stunning heavy-duty torch boasts world renound technology that creates an unbeatable lighting experience for any user. This is a serious piece of equipment, designed for the professional or discerning user.
This stunning heavy-duty rechargeable super power torch delivers sensational white light that simply takes your breath away. Expertly German engineered by LED Lenser®, it has seven individual reflector lenses producing a jaw-dropping maximum 3200 Lumens capable of lighting an object up to 700 metres away. This feature makes it the ideal torch for anyone working in security, land keeping, search and rescue, or anyone who owns a boat, and for those who undertake leisure activities in isolated or remote areas. Have you ever seen images from a plane searching the sea for small boats or survivors? You generally can’t see anything. With a massively powerful beam that has a 700 metre (nearly half a mile!) range, your chances of being found are considerably higher. What about if you are a security guard and find yourself having to attend an alarm call out on a large site or massive warehouse? If you can illuminate the intruders from up to 700 metres away, you’ve got a good head start to run for help. These are just two illustrations of why such a torch is a huge benefit.
The torch’s flagship technical specification includes X-Lens Technology, the world renowned patented Advanced Focus System optics and Smart Light Technology Pro; all of which make for a perfect lighting experience for any user.
A mighty performer in every sense, this torch is often used for long-range search and rescue operations as well as outdoor and wildlife adventures as it features every conceivable benefit the most dedicated professional or enthusiast would need. An intuitive Fast Action Switch towards the front of the high-strength aluminium barrel opens up a portfolio of numerous individual user options and controls. These include two Energy modes (Constant Current, Energy Saving), four pre-set Light Programmes (Low, Action, Signal, Defence) utilising up to eight Light Options (Low Power, Power, Boost, Dim, Position, SOS, Blink, Defence Strobe).
Other clever features include: an Emergency Light that switches itself on automatically if the power supply is interrupted or fails; a 360° ten-stage dual Power Indicator enabling the user to see overall battery charge or life remaining no matter what angle the torch is held or supported; a Safety Ytrion Battery – as used in electric vehicles - that charges faster and more efficiently than conventional rechargeable batteries. Not that you will see much of the batteries anyway - with LED Lenser®’s effortless magnetic Floating Charge System Pro you just set the entire torch down into the charger. There is no need to take the batteries out at all. A charge display light changes from red to green when charging is completed.
The X21R.2 is a monster of a torch but its recharge capability makes it surprisingly gentle on the environment and economical on the user budget. It is supplied with a hard carrying case containing integrated battery, magnetic charger, vehicle mount, shoulder strap and mains charging cable.
Contents & Features:
• 7 LED rechargeable torch offering gigantic levels of illuminations whilst being gentle on the environment and economical to use.
• Energy efficient CREE ® Xtreme+ LED Light Chips.
• State-of-the-art, reliable German engineering.
• Advanced Focus System™ Optics. Patented reflector and lens combination for intense spot (distance) or flawless flood (near) illumination.
• X-Lens Technology™. Multiple lenses perfectly calibrated to produce an awesome single beam.
• Smart Light Technology™. Micro-chip controlled multi-option technology, with two energy usage modes (Constant Current, Energy Saving).
• 4 pre-set light programs (Low, Action, Signal, Defence) utilising eight light options (Low Power, Power, Boost, Dim, Position, SOS, Blink, Defence Strobe).
• Speed Focus™. Instant, smooth, stage-less beam selection.
• Fast Action Dynamic Switch™. Instant program selector/reactive switch combination.
• Large beam width due to larger head size – great for illuminating large areas.
• Robust, protective aircraft-grade aluminium housing.
• User-friendly modular design.
• Corrosion resistant gold plated contacts for better conductivity.
• Water and dust resistant to IPX54.
• Technical Information:
• Size: 407 x 95mm Ø.
• Power: 3,200 Lumens max.
• Run Time: up to 40 hours.
• Beam Distance: up to 700m.
• Weight: 1300g.
• Supplied with: Hard Case, Shoulder-strap, Magnetic Contact Charger, Mount, Charging Cable and integrated Yitron Safety Battery. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
2018 has seen the biggest jump in flashlight power yet, but which model is the Brightest?
Will we see 100000 lumens in 2019? Will Imalent strike back again?
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Тип - пошуковий, джерело світла - LED, дальність світлового потоку - 350 м, яскравість - 330 люмен, елементи живлення - вбудований акумулятор, вага - 1048 г....
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