Olight Odin - компактний, потужний тактичний ліхтар призначений для використання, як в парі зі зброєю, так і окремо.
Як багатьом відомо, в скандинавської міфології, Одін - бог війни, неба, мудрості і поезії та знавець великої магії. Саме тому, новий ліхтар Olight Odin має таку величну назву, адже він створений спеціально для стрільби і оснащений спеціальним швидкознімним кріпленням для установки на планку MIL-STD-1913 або weaver/picatinny.
Максимальна яскравість ліхтаря 2000 люмен і була досягнута за рахунок потужного світлодіода CREE XH-P 35 HI. Дальність світіння становить 300 метрів, чого буде цілком достатньо для роботи зі зброєю. Голова ліхтаря має безель з нержавіючої сталі, який захищає скло ліхтаря від пошкоджень.
Olight Odin має функцію запам'ятовування останнього режиму яскравості, а також швидкий доступ до режиму турбо і стробоскопу.
Корпус ліхтаря виготовлений з анодованого алюмінію, має водонепроникність стандарту IPX-8 і витримує занурення у воду до 30 хвилин на глибину не більше 2-х метрів. Сам же ліхтар в довжину 136,5 мм, а загальна вага ліхтаря становить 143 грами.
Активація ліхтаря відбувається за рахунок безшумної виносної торцевої кнопки. В якості живлення використовується акумулятор Olight ORB 217C50, а зарядка відбувається за допомогою, вже класичної для компанії Olight, магнітної зарядки. У комплекті ліхтар поставляється з кнопкою дистанційного керування, яка тепер має новий механізм фіксації на ліхтарі.
Огляд на ТАКТИЧНИЙ ЛІХТАР Olight Odin
В умовах сьогодення тактичні ліхтарі набувають все більшої популярності, індустрія розвивається, а можливості подібних девайсів розширюються. Одним з виробників, який з року в рік демонструє гарний приклад еволюції своїх приладів є Olight та створена ним модель Odin, про яку в цьому відео розповість Григорій Соя. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор/тест лазерного тактического фонаря Olight odin TURBO часть 1
Обзор/тест лазерного тактического фонаря Olight odin TURBO
ссылка на фонарь - скидка по протокоду "PRO Выстрел"
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Обзор подствольного - тактического фонаря Olight Odin.
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Технические характеристики:
• Источник света - светодиод Cree XH-P 35 HI (High Intensity) Neutral white 5000 K.
• Срок службы светодиода - 50000 часов (~ 5 лет непрерывной работы).
• Мощность светового потока - 2000 люмен.
• Дальность светового потока - 300 метров.
• Интенсивность светового потока - 22,500 Candela.
• Оптика - акриловая высокотемпературная TIR оптика.
• Количество режимов яркости - 2000 и 300 люмен.
• Питание - 1 x Li-ion 21700 3,7 В. (Olight ORB 217C50 5000 мАч в комплекте).
• Зарядка аккумуляторной батареи Olight ORB 217C50 осуществляется магнитной USB зарядкой Olight MCC3 током 2 А.
• Turbo режим рекомендуется использовать в хорошо проветриваемом помещении.
• Фонарь отлично стоит на торце, крепится к металлической поверхности с помощью магнита в торце фонаря.
• Метрическая резьба, обеспечивает долгий срок службы.
• Ударная корона из нержавеющей стали c PVD покрытием черного цвета убережет фонарь от повреждения при случайном падении.
• Прочный эргономичный корпус выполнен из авиационного алюминия марки Т6061 T6 с жестким анодирование 3-й (максимальной) степени.
• Удобная накатка корпуса позволяет держать фонарь даже в мокрых руках.
• Ударозащита по стандарту FL1 Standart (падения с высоты до 1,5 метра).
• Повышенная герметичность корпуса по стандарту IPX-8 ( погружение под воду не более 2х метров на 30 мин) - при условии наличия уплотнительных колец на корпусе фонаря, смазанных силиконовой смазкой.
• Изготовлен в соответствии с военными стандартами армии США Mil-spec: MIL-STD-810F.
• Сертифицирован по европейским стандартам CE и RoHS Certification.
• Габариты: 29 мм. x 26,6 мм. x 136,5 мм
• Вес: 216 г. (комплект)
Комплектация: Фонарь Olight Odin, аккумулятор Li-ion Olight ORB 217C50 5000 мА/ч, зарядный кабель Olight MCC3 Magnetic, кнопка Olight ROD-7 Odin, кронштейн, упаковка.
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Olight Odin GL mini. ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО смотреть перед покупкой! (Watch before buy!)
Распаковка фонаря и мнение автора видео об изделии.
The author's opinion about device, translated to English, at the end of the vid.
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Olight Code 704tactical for 10% Off NON Sale Items
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This week's GunGear featuring the Olight "Odin" rifle mounted light and the Warrior Mini EDC light.
Disclaimer: Olight has not sponsored this video in any way other than providing the gear.
Purchasing from the below links helps support Arm&Gun.
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Olight ODIN
1. 2000 lumens with 300 meters beam throw
3. Included mount compatible with 1913 rails
4. QD magnetic tape switch
5. Magnetic charging, no need to detach the light
6. 5000mAh 21700 rechargeable battery
Warrior Mini
1. 1500 lumens output
2. 3500mAh 21700 rechargeable battery
3. Magnetic charging
4. Dual switch
5. Desert Tan
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The Olight Odin is a 2000 lumen rifle light with a 300 meter throw. It will be 40% off between June 21st and June 23rd starting at 8pm. Click the link below to check it out.
Olight Flashlight link
Use The Permanent 10% OFF Code: outlaw10
Here is a link to donate to a local shelter in Ames Iowa that could use your support
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Обзор тактических фонарей Olight. Фонари для пистолетов, ружей и карабинов.
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In this video, we take a look at the features and how to use our 2,000 lumen Odin rifle light. If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section and learn more at the link! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
New Olight Odin Review & Torture Test: The Brightest WML on the Market!
Get 10% off using Sootch00 with this link:
(Affiliate) #OlightOdin #Weaponlight #SurefireScout
The New Odin is a Dedicated Rifle Light that's compatible with all Surefire Scout Mounts. Included is a Pressure Pad Switch and puts out 2000 Lumens and 300 Meters of Throw. 8 Hour Battery life on the 300 Lumen Setting.
***All shooting was performed at a professional range following all safety protocols
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Music is from Jingle Punks and Epidemic Sounds Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Odin GL M Review - 1500 Lumen Rifle Light With Green Laser
Link To the Olight Store:
10% OFF Coupon Code: APArms
Save 10% Off All Items Not Discounted (Except X9R)
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The Most Brutal, Most HONEST Olight Review You Will Ever See! Olight Odin Test
Olight sent us the Odin to review and Andrew beat the snot out of it. Here are our thoughts.
Olight USA, 10% Off - Use Code "ARFCOM"
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A look at the 1250 lumen Olight Odin Mini weapon-mounted light.
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Розвиток індустрії освітлювальних приладів створив окремий напрямок підствольних ліхтарів, які створені для взаємодії зі зброєю. Ба більше - в сучасному світі підствольний ліхтар став таким самим важливим елементом тюнінгу зброї як приціл, руків'я переносу вогню чи сошки. В новому відео Григорій Соя розповість про сімейство підствольних ліхтарів Olight Baldr, які здатні задовольнити більшу частину потреб стрільців, правоохоронців чи військовослужбовців.
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New Olight Odin GL M 1500 Lumen Rifle Light & Green Laser Review
New Olight Odin GL M 1500 Lumen Rifle Light & Green Laser is battle tough and we put it through it's paces. Get 10% off Using Sootch00 with this link: (Doesn't work During Sales)
Big thanks to Fiocchi USA for Supplying our ammunition!
Sportsman's Guide $20 off $100 or more purchase using SOOTCH
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Music is from Jingle Punks and Epidemic Sounds Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Odin GL Mini 1000 Lumen Rechargeable Rail Mount Flashlight Green Beam Combo
Available @ Longhorn Tactical -
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The Olight Odin GL Mini is a light and green beam combo that has everything included to bring your platform to peak performance. The Odin GL Mini is a powerful 1000 lumen max flashlight that sports a 196 yard max beam throw.
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La venta especial que se menciona en el video terminó el 29 Agosto 2020
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Olight Odin GL M (light + GREEN LASER combo) full review + Christmas sale
This video is sponsored by Olight, I appreciate them sending this Odin GL light/laser combo for my honest review. For more details or to make a purchase, please visit the link below and see the details about the Christmas sale.
Odin GL specs and details:
1. Olight First WML designed for long setups which combines a high-lumen white light and an intense GL beam.
2. Dual Light Sources: Both a white LED light (up to 1,500 lumens and 215-meter beam distance) and a GL beam emitter (20-meter focal length) for accurate aiming.
3. Three Selectable Modes: Switch among white light only, GL beam only, and white light & GL beam combined by twisting the selector ring on the head.
4. Compatible with M-LOK Rail: The rail mount includes two M-LOK inserts and a lock button for easy and secure installation.
5. Innovative Remote Switch: High and Low options with two levels of white light output
6. Three-in-one Tail Cap: Magnetic charging, thumb operation, and remote control support.
7. Rechargeable Battery: The customized 5000mAh 21700 battery can be easily charged via the included MCC3 USB magnetic charging cable.
Christmas sale details:
8:00 PM December 12th- 11:59 PM December 16th EST,
UP to 50% OFF, and 15% OFF Site Wide.
Free shipping on orders over $29.
$(MSRP:$) Get an i1R 2 Pro Dark Red(Limited Quantity)
*Prices mentioned in this video are subject to change without notice, please check the links for current pricing.
Full Disclosure: I am an Olight affiliate and the links in this description are affiliate links. If you choose to make a purchase, it won't cost you any more money, but I will earn a commission.
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Background music made by Jordan Rowan of iMakeMusic
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Proviamo la nuova Olight ODIN!
Flash sale fino al 40% di sconto, Omaggio di Multitool, Inizia dalle 20:00 del 22 giugno, fino alle 24:00 del 23 giugno
LINK PER ACQUISTARE (sostiene il canale): Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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The Olight Odin features 2,000 lumens with a 300-meter beam distance. With the most innovative mounting system on the market, you have to add one to your collection! We had a lot of laughs and fun making this video, we hope you enjoy! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video we put use of the Olight Odin tactical gun light that puts out 2000 lumens. We use this powerful light out in the field under real conditions to help eliminate rats on a very large permission.
#olight #tacticallight
Olight Purchasing Link:
10% OFF Coupon code: MSG10
Free Gift:(End at June 18th 11:59PM)
1. Free Multi-Tool (value $)
2. Every Newly registered customer will get 2 coupons automatically
($10 off order over $60; $15 off order over $99). Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Odin Turbo LEP Flashlight Review & 35% Off Sale
New for 2021, the Odin Turbo is an extreme long range weapon light capable of 1000 yard throw. Using the new LEP technology, this rugged flashlight gives you more distance than any other available at the price. Also included in the sale is the amazing Valkyrie PL Pro, as well as other previously reviewed lights. This sale is May 27th 8pm EDT to May 28 11:59pm EDT. Click the link below to get yours.
Olight Flashlight link
Use The Permanent 10% OFF Code for non-sale items: outlaw10
Here is a link to donate to a local shelter in Ames Iowa that could use your support
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The Olight Odin series is an absolute game-changer in the high output WML industry. We offer 3 drastically different sizes with excellent performance including the 2,000 lumen Odin, 1,250 lumen Odin Mini, and the 1,050-meter beam distance LEP Odin Turbo. Regardless of what you choose, the compability and proven performance make these a no-brainer for your next build! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Odin GL M - 1500 Lumen Rechargeable Rail Mount Flashlight & Green Laser Sight
Available @ Longhorn Tactical -
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Longhorn Tactical - $
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The Odin GL M is a powerful 1500 lumen max flashlight that sports a 235 yard max beam throw. Built-in to the reflector, is a bright green beam. The light has a built-in locking plate which can quickly attach and detach to the included canted m1ok rail mount.
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Odin vs SureFire w/Drop Test:
Sale Details:
10% Off Olight: Promo Code: “HARLEY10” -
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250 Round Test:
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WIN The New Olight ODIN Rifle Light (Flash Sale) (Giveaway CLOSED)
Olight sent me their Odin weapon mounted light to test out for a bit, and I have to say I like it a lot. The mounting system they built for it is head and shoulders above their previous mounts, and they are able to keep it bumping 2000 lumens for a far throw.
Find it at (affiliate link):
Coupon Code "innerbark10" for all non-sale items.
Official website, blog, and online store.
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Olight Odin Flashlight Review:
The Olight Odin Flashlight is a rail-mounted weapon light that is designed specifically to mount on any rifle and most commonly an AR-15.
Let me start by saying it is bright. Very bright in fact, it produces 2000 lumens of light with a 300-meter throw and has an 8-hour run time. It comes with a very versatile mount and a tail cap that has a pressure pad on it. Also, it is rechargeable.
Read the full article here -
UP to 40% OFF site-wide -
Flash sale date: 8:00 PM December 13th -11:59 PM December 17th EST,
Odin Gunmetal Grey or Red (Limited Edition) 30% off -
Odin Gunmetal Grey bundle Obulb Grey; Or Odin Red bundle Obulb Red, 40% off -
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Chapters Olight Odin
0:00 Start
0:53 Packaging & Accessories
1:56 Construction
4:02 Mounting
6:45 Size & Weight
7:26 LED & Beam
8:11 Night Shots
9:30 Heat & Runtimes
10:14 User Interface
10:54 Recharging
11:47 Pro's
12:10 Con's
12:39 Conclusion
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#FlashlightReview #OlightOdin #LongDistanceFlashlight Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
→ Olight Purchasing Link: ?streamerId=1428563681332875265&channel=default
→ If you missed the sale you can use the coupon code below to get 10% off, except X9R
10% OFF Coupon code: WA10
Yes, I have a problem. I enjoy getting new lights and testing them out. Olight fits in with the quality and budget I enjoy.
The new Olight Odin GL M gives you the option to run laser only, laser and light, or light only. The auxiliary switch allows for the use of low or high. The mounting options include M-lok or Keymod.
IMHO, the Odin GL M is a big upgrade and a bit more modern. With that said, I am not big on the use of lasers. Since I can use the light only, this works for me. Seems my friends like to use the laser when messing around. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Sale link -
Big thanks to Rockland Indoor Shooting & Education for letting us take over the range -
The Odin is finally here!!! This 2,000 lumen powerhouse is specifically built for picatinny rails with it's included quick lock remote switch. Get a rechargeable Odin up to 40% off on your favorite rifle starting Father's Day June 21 at 8 PM EDT.!
FREE KEYCHAIN MULTI-TOOL - Login/Register an account now and click the share button for either Facebook or Email. Once you have shared, The Free tool will appear in your cart when the sale starts on Father's Day June 21 at 8 PM EDT. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Odin Mini Review & Black Friday Sale 30% to 45% Off
New for 2020 the Odin Mini is one of the best weapon lights on the market and right now it's only $90. The sale is on from now until Nov 30th, click the link below to get the Odin Mini and many other previously reviewed lights for 30% off including the Baldr Pro, Baldr Mini, and the Warrior Mini.
Olight Flashlight link
Use The Permanent 10% OFF Code: outlaw10
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This is a review of the Odin flashlight by Olight. It has 2000 lumens and I compare it to it's smaller brother the Olight mini. I also briefly review the new Ollight Obulb and I3T EOS TI as well. FYI this is the gunmetal gray edition in the video.
Odin Mini:
Amazon Links:
Odin 2000 Lumens by Olight
CAT Combat Application Tourniquet - GEN 7
Viking Tactics Wide Padded Hybrid Black Sling
Aimpoint PRO Red Dot Reflex Sight
OLIGHT PL-Pro Valkyrie 1500 Lumens
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Specifications on Odin from Olight:
Beam Distance (ft) 984
Beam Distance (m) 300
Max. Performance (lumens) 2,000
Charge Type Magnetic USB Charging Cable
Compatible Batteries Customized 5000mAh 21700 Rechargeable Lithium Battery (Included)
Light Intensity (candela) 22,500
Lens / Reflector Type PMMA Optical Lens
Mode Operation Magnetic Tail Switch
Form/Size Factor Medium Size (Permanent Marker)
Series Series PL
Unique Characteristics
Professionally designed for PICATINNY mounts, the Odin features an innovative removable slide rail mount with a mechanical lock for secure operation.
Innovative magnetic remote pressure switch features a locking function for a tight fit by a single push of the anti-slip knurling ring.
Powered by a single customized 5000mAh 21700 rechargeable lithium battery, it delivers MAX 2,000 lumens and 300 meters.
Adopts the MCC3 USB magnetic charging cable with a charging current of up to 2A, which greatly improves the charging efficiency.
Multifunctional unique tailcap: magnetic charging, tactical operation and remote controlling with ease. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is a short field test of the #Olight #Odin Tactical 2000 lumen tactial #flashlight for the use case of wilderness #searchandrescue. Although the light is intended to be weapon-mounted, I velcro-strapped the light to a Vortex Optics Solo R/T (8x) optic for use in longer-range identifications during field searches.
Detection vs. identification is an important consideration in search and rescue. Combining a lightweight magnified optic with a small, yet higher-candela tactical light results in a piece of kit that is both powerful and easy to carry. The latter is an extremely important consideration as I am a ground-based asset. Ounces are pounds and pounds are pain.
While my immediate use-case is in search and rescue, this video focuses a lot of attention on how the light behaves and how the beam looks in actual field conditions. There is little difference in obtaining a sight picture while coyote hunting and identifying a person laying on the ground and partially obscured by grass and brush at over a hundred yards. So, I hope all potential users of this lighting system might benefit from the video. My general belief is that if you show a light in enough conditions under realistic circumstances, it should be able to sell itself (or not).
Wind noise was an issue during filming. The forecast was for the wind to die down to less than 6mph by the time I started. Instead, the wind picked up in intensity all during filming. I was able to remove most of the noise in post, except for wind gusts. There were numerous sustained gusts in two segments at the highest elevation during the field test. I was unable to eliminate that noise even with a wind screen over my lapel mic. I've decided to once again upgrade the audio for my iPhone 12 Pro MAX.
If there is interest, I will take the Odin out again at the LBJ Grasslands outside Decatur, TX and provide another review on how the light performs in a wilderness environment while mounted on a long gun. Please leave a comment if you are interested.
Although I mounted the light on my POF 415 Edge, I only ran about 50 rounds in a single test (finished off a box of open ammo). That's barely a first step, much less a full evaluation of a WML configuration. If there is sufficient interest, I will continue these tests. I am forced to admit that the small size and portability of the Odin Tactical combined with the Solo R/T makes for an impressive piece of kit for night searches. I'm currently inclined to continue using the Odin in this configuration.
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● Puissance max. de 2000 lumens et portée max. de 300 mètres.
● Deux glissières de fixation, montage / démontage rapide (QD « Quick Detach »)
● Contacteur déporté révolutionnaire push-to-lock pour une fixation rapide et solide
● Robuste et professionnelle pour les supports PICATINNY Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
New Olight Odin GL Mini 1000 Lumen Rifle Light & Green Laser is battle tough and we put it through it's paces. Get 10% off Using Sootch00 with this link: (Doesn't work During Sales)
Rubber Dummies 10% off "Sootch00" Code. Click Affiliate Link: ?aff=6
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Music is from Jingle Punks and Epidemic Sounds Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Best Rifle Light Comparison:THRUNITE TW20 vs Olight Odin Mini & Odin vs Streamlight 88071 HL-X
GIVEAWAY (3 TW20 Rifle Lights)
Giveaway rules:
Make sure you're subscribed, go ahead and like the video, and comment anything about the TW20 rifle light. 3 winners will be picked and announced within 5 days!
Thank Cutlerylover for doing a different brands' rifle light comparison video. This is a long gun light comparison video of THRUNITE TW20, Olight Odin, Streamlight 88071 ProTac Rail Mount HL-X, and Olight Odin Mini.
Thanks for participating and for all the new subscribers! Look at the features of the weapon lights! Which one is the best weapon light for you?
👇👇👇Purchase TW20 weapon mount light (20% OFF):
TW20 Rifle Light:
Olight flashlight:
Streamlight flashlight:
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In this video, we take a look at the new Olight Odin GL M with the combined green laser and white light selector head.
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Olight Odin GL M
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Previously we took out the Odin mini and did our best to absolutely destroy that light. From smashing it on the ground to beating it with a hammer to finally shooting it with a . That little light survived.
So we were excited to see another light in the Olight Odin lineup with the GL M. The biggest difference you'll see here from the Odin Mini we love so much is that is has a light integrated into the head of the light.
The Odin GL M then allows you to select from the various modes of white light, white light and laser, and laser only by rotating the head of the light and moving the dial to the corresponding modes.
Included also is the low-profile M-LOK mount. The mount is a slight deviation as it has two small set screws that lock the light completely in place. This helps to keep the laser aligned and not jiggle around in the mount, but it also completely removes the quick disconnect ability of the light.
We went out and put over a thousand rounds through this light without any sort of covering it carbon from the muzzle device. The laser stayed on point even when we put the light directly on the muzzle device.
This is a great little light IF you're looking to add a laser, if not, that Odin Mini is a total monster in a small package.
(DISCLAIMER: This post may contain paid advertisements or affiliate links. An affiliate link means that if you follow one of the gear links, Thin Line Defense Co receives a small portion of that purchase but incurs no extra cost to you. This helps us make the channel grow and get more great gear to review just for you! Thanks for the amazing support.)
Music by: @Barren Gates Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
LISEZ !!! READ!!! English subtitles available.
Cette vidéo est une présentation de lampe torche.
This video is about a flashlight.
Pour soutenir l'Antre/To support my work :
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Lien affilié Kula Tactical (pour du gear russe !) :
Lien affilié Olight (-10% avec le code Ding10) :
Après la lampe tactique Odin, Olight propose une version un peu plus courte, la Odin mini.
Je vous propose de la découvrir avec moi. Merci à Olight France pour leur soutien.
After the Odin flashlight, Olight proposes a shorter version, the Odin mini. Let's have a look at it. Thanks a lot to Olight France for their support.
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Intro/outro : Maric
Musique :
♫ Termina Ding - Dingchavez (that's me !)
Musiques Epidemic Sound ( ) :
♫ ES_Tangiers - Anders Schill Paulsen
♫ ES_Feel the Tide (Instrumental Version) - Sugar Blizz
L'airsoft est un sport, l'airsoft est un jeu, ne faites pas n'importe quoi avec vos répliques.
Airsoft is a game, airsoft is about having fun, don't do stupid things with your BB guns. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ecco il link convenzionato per ODIN !
Buon giorno snipers, oggi Olight italia mi ha dato la possibilità di portarvi la recensione di questa torcia tattica incredibile. Alta qualità costruttiva, resistenza alle cadute, impermeabilità ed un fascio di luce visibile sino a 300 metri!
😎 Occhiali balistici 😎
😷 Maschera a rete con guanciali in tessuto ( comodissima ) 😷
👕 La mia mimetica COMBAT, colorazione Multicam (no sintetico, solo vero cotone! ) 👕
🩳 I miei pantaloni con ginocchiere, colorazione Multicam (no sintetico, solo vero cotone! ) 🩳
🔫 Il Bolt-Action da SNIPER per iniziare 🔫
🔫 Il miglior fucile elettrico per principianti 🔫
🔴 GAS AUTUNNALE per pistole 🔴
🟢 GAS ESTIVO per pistole 🟢
⚪ GAS ESTIVO a basse performance ( per repliche in plastica ) ⚪
🔦 LINK ALLO STORE O-LIGHT. Torce tattiche professionali 🔦
#olight #odin
📷 La mia fotocamera 📷
📷 Il mio obbiettivo 50 mm 📷
📷 La Gopro che consiglio 📷
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The Best Rifle Light Comparison: ThruNite BSS V4 vs Olight Odin vs Streamlight 88071 ProTac HL-X
GIVEAWAY (ThruNite BSS V4 Weapon Light)
1:Click the button “click here” to participate in Giveaway
2:do the following 6 ways to get more points to win
Thank Cutlerylover for doing a different brands' gun light comparison video.
Look at the features of the tactical flashlights! Which one is the best rifle light for you?
Purchase Link below: 👇👇👇
BSS V4 weapon mount light:
Olight flashlight:
Streamlight flashlight:
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Olight Odin -30% seulement le 23 juin:
Olight Odin + i5T -40% seulement le 23 juin:
La boutique Olight: ?streamerId=1431807972515188747&channel=youtube
No Real No Game Airsoft est une team d'Alsace, nous sommes une bande de potes passionnés depuis plusieurs années.
On joue pour les trois F ( FUN, FIRE, FAIRPLAY) oui je viens de le trouver et alors ça sonne bien !
Bref... Bon visionnage :)
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Un énorme MERCI à Citwo & Bozo pour m'avoir aidé lors du tournage. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This torch is pretty sick, no lie.
#torch #olight #odin #gunlight #unboxing #montage Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
THRUNITE TW20 vs Olight Odin mini full review and demo
This is a full review and demo of the Thrunite TW20 rifle mounted weapon light. As per the request of Thrunite, I have compared it feature for feature against the Olight Odin mini. The TW20 turned out to be a pretty fantastic light. For more details or to make a purchase, check the links below:
Thrunite TW20:
*Prices mentioned in this video are subject to change without notice, please check the links for current pricing.
Full disclosure: This video is sponsored by Thrunite, and I am an Amazon Associate, so the links in this description are affiliate links, which means that if you make a purchase, it doesn't cost you any more money, but I will earn a commission.
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Background music made by Jordan Rowan of iMakeMusic
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In this video I'll take a look at the Olight Odin in Desert Tan. It's a solid light! Enjoy!
Olight playlist:
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Need a solid flashlight?
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Тип - пошуковий, джерело світла - LED, дальність світлового потоку - 350 м, яскравість - 330 люмен, елементи живлення - вбудований акумулятор, вага - 1048 г....
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