Легкий неопреновий фіксатор на коліно з відкритою чашечкою. Забезпечує надійний захист і фіксацію колінного суглоба. Наколінник розроблений з урахуванням всіх фізіологічних особливостей коліна людини. Бандаж забезпечує надійну фіксацію колінного суглоба і зв'язок, м'який зігріваючий ефект і мікромасажну дію.
Завдяки анатомічному крою, наколінник не перешкоджає кровотоку і добре сидить на нозі. Силіконовий малюнок всередині наколінника перешкоджає його сповзанню, навіть при інтенсивних навантаженнях.
Носіння фіксатора на коліно рекомендовано:
профілактика травм колінного суглоба і розтягнення зв'язок при інтенсивних навантаженнях;
Представляем вам качественные наколенники для занятия спортом и активными видами отдыха.
Назначение наколенника: компрессионная поддержка коленного сустава для предотвращения или восстановления после травм.
А также данный бандаж для колена за счет плотной и «дышащей» структуры ткани сохраняет тепло в колене, что позволяет снять боли от хронического артрита.
Трехмерная технология изготовления ткани
Высокая эластичность
Хорошая вентиляция
Имеет удобную и комфортную посадку
Регулируемый прижимной ремень
Используется для различных фитнес - упражнений
Качественная плотная ткань.
Высокая гибкость обеспечивает более удобную посадку и поддержку колена.
Держит колени в тепле и снимает боль от хронического артрита.
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Заказать Бандаж коленного сустава Knee Support - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Бандаж, ортез, тутор на коленный сустав: виды, показания к применению / Фиксатор колена
Коленный сустав выполняет важную функцию, во время движения на него приходятся большие нагрузки. Из-за этого он подвержен различным травмам и заболеваниям. Для уменьшения риска его травматизма, а также для лечения его патологий были разработаны бандажи на колено.
Купить ортопедические бандажи и ортезы на колено - :K6leb
Подписывайтесь на наш канал:
Видео: "Бандаж, ортез, тутор на голеностопный сустав. Виды и при каких травмах."
Видео: "Кинезиотейпирование коленного сустава при болях или травмах. Пошаговая инструкция."
Видео: "Еда для суставов !!! ТОП-7 продуктов для восстановления суставов и хрящей."
Видео: "ТОП-6 самых распространённых травм в футболе. С этим столкнутся юные Месси и Неймары"
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Ортопедические изделия бывают нескольких видов и важно знать, какой именно выбрать, чтобы была польза от его ношения. Иначе можно просто потратить иногда и немалые деньги зря, ведь стоимость бандажа может быть свыше 20 тыс.
Доктор может выписать бандаж для коленного сустава при следующих патологиях:
1. травмирование костно-мышечной системы (вывихи, ушибы, растяжение связок);
2. послеоперационный период;
3. гонит и гонартроз;
4. воспаление и дистрофия сухожилий;
5. отек, болезненность колена;
6. повреждение мениска;
7. остеохондропатия бугристости большеберцовой кости.
Врачи все наколенники в зависимости от степени фиксации условно делать на:
средние, такие конструкции изготавливают из плотных эластичных материалов, в них не предусмотрены вставки из металла или пластика, так как модели не предназначены для обездвиживания, они нужны для нормализации движения крови и быстрого восстановления после вывиха и растяжения;
сильные — в них имеются ребра жесткости, такие модели помогают купировать боли, согреть и снизить нагрузку на ногу (показания: воспаление и дистрофически-дегенеративные патологии суставов, переохлаждение);
максимальные — у них полужесткий корпус, имеются шарниры, ребра жесткости, различные липучки, ремни или шнурки (показания: сильное растяжение и послеоперационный период после лечения мениска).
Ношение ортопедических изделий противопоказано если наблюдается:
индивидуальная непереносимость материалов, из которых сделано приспособление;
воспаление вен нижних конечностей с образованием в них тромба;
дерматологические заболевания в зоне надевания фиксатора;
скопления гноя в сочленение, при котором его нельзя прогревать.
Прежде чем купить бандаж на колено стоит проконсультироваться с доктором. Специалист посоветует, какое ортопедическое приспособление подойдет в каждом конкретном случае.
Без него можно приобрести только эластичный бандаж, который разрешено использовать с целью предупреждения травматизма.
Залог здоровья тв, бандаж на колено при артрозе, бандаж на колено как носить, бандаж на колено при остеоартрозе, бандаж на колено для бега, бандаж на колено при болезни шляттера, бандаж на колено для футбола, бандаж на колено при разрыве связок, бандаж на колено вместо гипса, ортез на колено для чего, ортез на колено отзывы, как выбрать ортез на колено, как подобрать ортез на колено, как надевать ортез на колено,травма колена в футболе, травма колена при падении, травма колена у футболистов, травма колена при беге, травма колена реабилитация, травма колена разрыв связок, травма колена как лечить, травма колена боль при разгибании, травма колена бег, травма колена боковые связки, травма колена диагностика, травма мениска колена лечение, лфк травма колена, травма колена мениск, травма колена разрыв мениска, травма колена с внутренней стороны, травма колена футбол, травма колена физиотерапия, травма колена хруст, травма колена что делать, фиксатор колена, фиксатор коленного сустава
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The Benecare Hinged Knee Stabiliser is a lightweight knee brace that has multiple features to provide comfort and support for a variety of knee injuries and orthopaedic conditions.
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The LP Open Patella Knee Support - 708 - for more information on knee supports and braces visit
For more information on knee pain visit:
For more information on Biomechanical causes of knee pain visit:
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Ergonomically designed, the adidas Knee Support bolsters the joint without restricting movement. Ideal for all sports and training types, the durable nylon trim secures the support whilst the breathable moisture wicking material maximises comfort. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Wearing instructions.
Our dual spring stabilizing brace offers exceptional support for damaged knees due to ACL tears, various sports-related injuries, mild osteoarthritis, and ligament problems such as PCL/MCL/LCL. It is also suitable for daily use or during high-impact sports and activities where extra protection is needed. Made with flexible materials that will not restrict movement, as the use of a brace that immobilizes the knee can cause the joints to weaken and cause further injury. The insulating component of neoprene warms the muscles to promote circulation and reduce swelling while relieving pain. At the same time, the dual springs built into the sides will absorb pressure and impact from stressed knees.
►Find the Bodyprox Knee Brace with Side Stabilizers on our website -
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US 09189EN Sport Adjustable Knee Strap English 2015.mp4
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Core Fits-All Neoprene Open Patella Knee Support is comfortable and effective through a full range of motion. The Fits-All Knee Support helps relieve edema, post surgical effusion and symptoms of patellar tendinitis (jumper’s knee). High quality neoprene is ideal for sports and does not restrict movement. Reinforced open patella design adds compression and helps with proper positioning. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Watch our demo of the McDavid Open Patella Thermal Knee Wrap 409. Great neoprene support for minor knee injuries, arthritis and bursitis.
Get yours at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Comfortable and effective through a full range of motion, the Fits-All Knee Support helps relieve edema, post surgical effusion and symptoms of patellar tendinitis (jumper’s knee). High quality neoprene is ideal for sports and does not restrict movement. Reinforced open patella design adds compression and helps with proper positioning. Bilateral design opens flat for easy on/easy off. One size fits up to 25” (63cm) thigh and 18” (46cm) calf; L/XL fits up to 28” (71cm) thigh and 21” (53cm) calf. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Knee Strap by Elastoplast is designed to help relieve symptoms of Patello-femoral Pain Syndrome and tendonitis of the knee. The built-in pressure knee pad provides targeted support to the tendons below the kneecap to guide the kneecap correctly during movement and relieve associated knee pain.
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This video demonstrates how to apply and fit the 66fit Elite Closed Knee Support. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Knee Strap 'how to apply' Video by Elastoplast Sport
The Mueller Max Knee Strap provides pain relief for patellar tendon soreness, stiffness and arthritis. It features dual compression tubes that target above, below and on both sides of the knee to provide targeted patellar tendon compression without reducing knee mobility.
Learn more about Mueller knee braces at:
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The LP Open Patella Knee Support offers comfortable pressure and maximum heat retention on the knee joint. The oval padding around the patella provides extra reinforcement of the knee cap and prevents patella displacement. This is particularly helpful for patella tendonitis, postoperative knee problems, strains, arthritis and protection against abrasions. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mueller Max Knee Strap for Tendonitis at DME-DIrect.com
Adjustable Knee Stabiliser by Elastoplast is designed to help provide strength, protection and rigid support to stiff, weak or injured knees.
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Core Fits-All Open Patella Knee Support is comfortable and effective through a full range of motion. Natural movement is not restricted. For painful knees and ideal for active sports. Reinforcement around the open patella adds compression and helps with proper positioning. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Knee Stabiliser 'how to apply' Video by Elastoplast Sport
This instructional video shows you how to put on the Push med Patella Brace.
For more information visit: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The LP MaxWrap Whole Knee - 691 - for more information on knee supports and braces visit
For more information on knee pain visit:
For more information on Biomechanical causes of knee pain visit:
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EX-701 Open Patella Knee Brace Review vs Standard Generic Knee Support
- Click here to purchase the knee brace and read other reviews.
-Material: Thick neoprene provides protection, compression and warmth to enhance healing. Extra-strength Velcro fully adjustable to accommodate users with different needs, long-lasting durability. Silicon anti-slip strips to prevent slipping.
-Size: Knee brace with 3 bands: 17.5"(Middle)*21"*23", height is 8". -Knee brace is stretchable. It is unisex and fits both left and right knees. The size is depends on the middle strap's length(17.5"), suit for knee circumference within 17.5".
-Open patella design: Alleviate pressure and reduce knee-joint fatigue from intense exercises and heavy work.
-Reinforced Bilateral Dual Side Stabilizer to guides the patella in proper position and to stabilize ACL, PCL, LCL, and MCL ligament.
-Hassle Free Replacement or Full-refund within 12 MONTHS.
Product Description
Aegend - Always the ultimate, learn from legend
Aegend Knee Brace:
- Open patella design relieves stress in the knee area and the reinforced patella stabilizer prevents displacement of the support wrap and guides the kneecap into proper motion.
- Fully adjustable 3 strap closure allows users to find the perfect fit and avoid slipping during even the most active motions.
- The knee support is effective for post-surgery knee pain, strain and arthritis.
- Extra-thick neoprene layer provides added protection against harm.
- Moisture vents cover the entire brace to dissipate sweat effectively and create a comfortable wearing experience.
- The breathable neoprene material retains heat and speeds up recovery period.
- The dual metal spiral stays, that run down each side of the brace, give added support to the knee and help keep it stable.
- Helps with Running, Walking, ACL, Meniscus Tear, and Arthritis.
- It is suitable to be warn for added protection, safe, comfortable support and pain reduction in all kinds of sports and activities including tennis, skiing, golf, basketball, hiking, running, crossfit, softball, volleyball, soccer, cycling and biking. Great for Basketball, Crossfit, Running, Skiing, Tennis and Volleyball
WARNING - Do not use this product if you are sensitive to Rubber or Neoprene Blend Rubber Fabrics. If rash occurs, discontinue use and contact a physician.
Support and Warranty
Aegend promise our quality by offering a 12-month warranty for every Aegend Knee Brace. Please contact us and our support team will spare no effort to meet your need. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Neo G Airflow Knee Support with Multi Zone Compression provides a snug, yet flexible fit, helping warm muscles and support the knee during sporting and occupational activities. The specialist breathable fabric helps control moisture during intense activities whilst providing support during movement and the silicone top band feature is great a helping reduce slipping whilst on the move. The slimline, snug and dynamic design means it can easily be worn under everyday clothes at work, home or on the field for comfort, support and reassurance when you need it most. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The LP Knee Support - 601 - for more information on knee supports and braces visit Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Sports Breathable Neoprene Open Patella Knee Support Braces By Aegend Review
Product benefits of the Genumedi® Knee Support that improves stabilization of the knee with a massaging effect via the compressive fabric and silicone insert.
Check out the product here:
medi is a leading innovator in compression therapy, orthopedics, and wound care. medi helps you live the lifestyle you want to live. I feel better. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Cho-Pat Dual Action Knee Strap provides a unique dimension of relief for those suffering from a wide range of knee conditions, including runner's knee, jumpers knee, IT band syndrome, meniscus tears, patellar tendonitis, weak and arthritic knees, and many more common knee illness. The Cho-Pat Dual Action Knee Straps patented design and construction strategically applied constant dynamic forces to the surrounding areas of the knee, providing the perfect balance of support and mobility.
The Dual Action Knee Strap applies pressure on the patellar tendon below the kneecap to stabilize and tighten the kneecap mechanism, which improves patellar tracking. The strap also applies pressure on the tendon above the kneecap, reducing the pressure being forced on the knees by the quadriceps. Its low-profile and open wraparound design provides comfort and adjustability not found in other straps. This allows for full mobility so that your activity is not limited.
Cho-Pat straps are also produced in multiple sizes. Most one-size-fits-all products generally do not fit well, therefore, limiting their effectiveness. For best results, with your legs straight, measure around the center of your kneecap to find your appropriate size. Cho-Pat products for active lifestyles!
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SHOP NOW! - Cho-Pat® Dual Action® Knee Strap
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Best Selling Cho-Pat Knee Supports:
► Cho-Pat® Dual Action® Knee Strap:
► Cho-Pat® Original Knee Strap™:
► Cho-Pat® Kne Stabilizer™:
More information about:
► Knee Pain:
► Jumper's Knee:
► Runner's Knee:
► Patellar Tendonitis:
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DISCLAIMER: The information in this video and any related comments is for information only and should not be used as a substitute for consulting your doctor. Content is not medical advice. Consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and rehabilitation. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video, we’ll list several reasons why people love the BraceAbility hinged knee brace and extra large knee support wrap for meniscus tears, arthritis joint pain, medial and lateral ligament sprains, and ACL / LCL injuries!
Click the link to shop now! -
Here’s a quick recap of just 4 (of the many) wraparound knee brace features mentioned in this video:
AVERAGE TO PLUS SIZE KNEE PAIN RELIEF: The patellar tracking knee treatment wrap helps treat and prevent knee arthritis, knee joint pain, obesity knee pain, knee sprains and strains, ACL, LCL, MCL and PCL ligament injuries, knee tendonitis, athletic injuries, and surgery recovery. Perfect for support while walking, bending, standing, working, jogging, running, etc.
HEAT-THERAPEUTIC NEOPRENE: The adjustable compression wrap is made 1/8” thick, premium-grade neoprene, which promotes heat retention and flexibility, allowing for full range of motion.
DUAL AXIS POLYCENTRIC HINGES: Two hinges provide enhanced stability to the medial (inner) and lateral (outer) sides of your knee, which is especially useful for those that suffer from carrying around extra weight. Remove the hinges to create a low-profile knee support that is comfortable and discreet enough to wear all day.
LIGHTWEIGHT, OPEN-PATELLA DESIGN: An opening over your kneecap reduces pressure on your sore kneecap, making this plus size brace more breathable and flexible than a solid knee sleeve. In addition, a circular cutout behind your knee (popliteal) helps prevent the brace from bunching when walking or bending.
Music: A New Beginning - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Genumedi® - Product Benefits for the Knee Support Sleeve | medi USA
The McDavid Knee Support With Stays and Cross Straps delivers moderate protection, support and pain relief for various knee conditions. It provides Level 2 Advanced Protection — to ensure this level is right for you, watch this video and see how to fit the McDavid Knee Support With Stays and Cross Straps.
Learn more at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Cho-Pat Dual Action Knee Strap for Knee Pain Relief
Our Medical Grade supports aid recovery & rehabilitation from injury, whilst allowing you to maintain a full range of motion and still giving support. This means you recover quickly, remain mobile and maximize performance, whatever your chosen activity.
Available now at Boots
Neo G - Helping you stay active Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
BraceAbility Bariatric Knee Brace with Hinges for Meniscus Tears and Arthritis Joint Support
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Core Performance Wrap Knee Support has a four-way tension system which provides a custom fit and excellent compression for a multitude of knee problems including patellofemoral pain (runner’s knee), patellar dislocation and subluxation, mild ostheoarthritis, and patellar tendonitis (jumper’s knee). Wraparound design is easy to wear and less bulky than hinged supports. Neoprene construction retains natural body heat and stays in place during swimming or other water activities. Features open back that adds comfort and mobility. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
McDavid SportMed – How to Fit Knee Support With Stays and Cross Straps (MD425)
No more injured reserves. The ACE™ Brand Adjustable Knee Support is designed in comfortable neoprene to provide optimal support and help relieve knee pain whatever your knee needs to do. Run, jump, lift and enjoy. We've got you covered. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Двенадцатилетней Эмили пришлось столкнуться со многими ограничениями в ее повседневной жизни из-за боли в переднем отделе колена. Сложно даже представить, как она смогла бы отказаться от спортивных игр, которыми она так увлекалась – гандбола и баскетбола.
Решением проблемы стали коленные ортезы Ottobock Patella Pro. В них Эмили вернулась к активной жизни и сейчас по-прежнему занимается своими любимыми видами спорта.
Коленный ортез для динамической стабилизации надколенника Patella Pro, арт. 8320, восстанавливает правильную траекторию движения надколенника при сгибании и разгибании в коленном суставе. Он работает в течение всего цикла «сгибание-разгибание». Благодаря этому ортез создает условия для эффективной разгрузки суставных поверхностей пателлофеморального сустава и устраняет боль, связанную с патологическим смещением надколенника.
👉 Подробнее об ортезе Patella Pro (арт. 8320) - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ортез Push med Knee Brace стабилизирует коленный сустав в медиоально-латеральном направлении. Стабилизация достигается благодаря двум безосевым пластинчатым пружинным рессорам, уникальным образом повторяющим естественные движения колена. При этом сгибание и растяжение коленного сустава не ограничиваются. Конструкция ленты обеспечивает плотное прилегание ребер жесткости к суставу. Анатомическая конструкция ортеза и силиконовые вставки обеспечивают хорошую фиксацию ортеза при ходьбе. Тонкая конструкция позволяет ортезу оставаться незаметным под одеждой.
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When putting on a knee support, make sure to get the right size so that the kneecap sits in the hole in the brace. Find out how to avoid constricting circulation with help from a physical therapist in this free video on knee supports.
Expert: Tara Pollak
Bio: Tara Pollak is a doctor of physical therapy and a certified strength and conditioning specialist.
Filmmaker: Max Cusimano
Series Description: The ankles and knees are joints that are subject to common injuries due to the stress and resistance that they must endure on a day-to-day basis. Find out how to treat and prevent ankle and knee injuries in this free video series on physical therapy and sports conditioning. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best knee brace for running Featured in this Video:
0:25 NO.1. Neo G Knee Brace -
1:30 NO.2. BraceAbility Knee Brace -
2:15 NO.3. Neoprene Knee Support -
3:05 NO.4. McDavid Bionic Knee Brace -
4:15 NO.5. DonJoy Deluxe Hinged Knee Brace -
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What is a knee brace for running?
Treat runner's knee, patellar tendonitis, or acute knee pain with strap and band bracing. These are designed to apply comfortable, effective pressure on the knee to help alleviate pain. Simple to wear (fits under clothing) and easy to put on, straps can be worn during daily activities and sports.
What is the best knee brace for running?
If you want to pick the top-rated knee brace for running, then please watch the full video. We strive to review as many products as we can, read real-time reviews, and made our own ranking. In case we miss something, please feel free to comment below so that we can include them in future reviews. We welcome all your comments.
We try to make the best product selection on price per value. Our team analyzes lots of reviews and expert's suggestions to make the best findings that will help you find the most accurate product.
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JPB - High [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Music promoted by Audio Library
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The DonJoy Tru-Pull Lite knee brace keeps the patella in proper alignment, preventing it from sliding to the outside of the knee, and reduces pain associated with patella tracking problems. The Tru-Pull Lite patella support brace is an ideal, lightweight, everyday brace for those who want less brace with the most patella control and knee pain relief. See for yourself why the DonJoy Tru-Pull Lite is the best patella alignment brace. You can try this brace risk free with our 90-day moneyback guarantee. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tynor knee support. Post operative 👉👉https://amzn.eu/d/6wk5Qc9
Help relieve pain associated with patella alignment with the 868 Knee/Patella Support Strap. This anatomically contoured design provides optimum fit and compression support while the dual-strap system still allows for full range of motion. Built with Lycra® and N-Tex™ neoprene this product ensures long lasting comfort.
Performance Level 2: Moderate support for minor to moderate sprains, muscle strains and unstable joints allowing for use as necessary for recovery
Adjustable support
Low-profile interlocking straps
Integrated Antimicrobial Technology to reduce odor causing bacteria
This product is not a substitute for medical care. Always see professional medical advice for the diagnosis and treatment of pain, injury or irritation
Provides optimal fit and compression support throughout full range of motion.
Allow for multiple Patella support configurations to hel releave pain from runner's or jumper's knee.
Offers wide range of personalized secure fit and preferred compression support.
Provides overall moisture wicking compression.
For comfort and long lasting wear. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
GenuPro Comfort : Elastic patellar knee support.
Comfortable*, patellar alignement and joint support
Indications :
Anterior knee or patella pain.
Mild patellar instability.
Patella tendinopathy (including jumper's knee syndrome).
Knee pain and/or swelling management.
Knee osteoarthrosis (mild to moderate).
These products are regulated medical devices which bear the CE marking. Read all instructions before use and seek advice from a qualified healthcare professional. Manufacturer: Thuasne SAS 92 Levallois-Perret, France
Updated Avril 2022
Find out more about our products in our website
* Thanks to viscose yarn, anatomical shaped knit, specific knitted area at the back of the brace and popliteal area Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
DonJoy Tru-Pull Lite Knee Brace for Patella Alignment
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The McDavid 414 Jumper's Knee Strap - for more information on knee supports and braces visit
For more information on knee pain visit:
For more information on Biomechanical causes of knee pain visit:
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Watch our demo of the McDavid Knee Brace With PSII Polycentric Hinges 429. This hinged knee brace is great for a range of knee injuries.
Get yours at
The McDavid PSII Hinged Knee Brace (429) uses state of the art, lightweight materials to provide the maximum level of protection and support. This brace is ideal for assisting with recovery from lateral (LCL) and medial (MCL) collateral ligament injuries. It's also effective for healing and pain relief in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and cartilage problems. The PSII brace is very effective as a preventive measure, as well as remedial treatment.
How it works:
This brace is fitted with geared, aircraft grade aluminium, polycentric hinges on the inside (medial) and outside (lateral) parts of the brace. These hinges are 15% lighter, and slightly shorter than the A428 Pro Stabiliser Knee Brace. The hinges provide unrestricted 'normal' knee movement, but reduce painful rotation of the joint and tendons. Two stops prevent knee hyperextension. To stabilise the kneecap the PSII brace has a sewn-in patellar buttress. Compression from the buttress helps to ease the pain associated with patellar tendonitis. The PSII Knee Brace is easy to fit and simply pull it up into place over the knee using the straps, then fasten the top and bottom hook and loop closures.
Benefits of the PS II Hinged Knee Brace A429:
Helps to improve kneecap tracking
Provides support for the knee joint when bending
Helps to reduce stresses on the ligaments
Reduces pain related to rotational knee movement
Prevents knee hyperextension
Neoprene sleeve provides soft tissue compression to reduce pain and swelling
Retained warmth promotes healing
Open knee enables air flow for additional comfort
Reduces your chances of suffering a knee strain injury
Features Of McDavid 429:
Available in a range of five sizes from Small to Extra Large
Level III - maximum protection and support
Manufactured from lightweight materials
Warming Neoprene sleeve with a sewn-in patellar buttress
Fitted with geared, aircraft grade aluminium, polycentric hinges which are 15% lighter than those used in the McDavid Pro Stabiliser Knee Brace (A428)
Includes rubber condyle pads
Incorporates hyperextension stops
Fits either the left or right knee
Two fully adjustable hook and loop straps
Hand washable
Order the McDavid PS II Hinged Knee Brace 429 to help with:
Playing team sports like basketball, netball and soccer
Physical activities like working out at the gym, snowboarding, skiing, training and practice sessions
Less strenuous activities such as walking and hiking
Health problems like patellar tendonitis and patellar subluxation
Runne's knee (chondromalacia)
Kneecap tracking
Minor to moderate medial and lateral collateral ligament (MCL and LCL) problems
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) problems
Knee instability caused by cartilage injury
Preventing damage to the knee joint
Providing extra support following knee surgery or injury Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This video demonstrates how to apply and fit the 66fit Elite Open Knee Support. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This video demonstrates how to apply and fit the 66fit Elite Stabilized Hinged Open Knee Support. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Mueller 4531 Adjustabel Knee Support is a lightweight knee support that provides firm, comfortable compression, while still maintaining a full range of movement for weak, injured or arthritic knees. Four patented straps allow for adjustable tension to provide a custom figure of eight fit. The Adjustable Straps on the Knee Support mimic the ligaments below and reduce the strain placed on them during recovery and rehabilitation. The soft neoprene blend retains body heat for soothing warmth to help relieve pain and keep your knee flexible to avoid reinjury.
One size fits all - up to 17 inches and this low-medium level of support from Mueller can be worn on either knee. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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