Hawke NATURE TREK - це, перш за все, добротні надійні біноклі, виконані в ударостійкому водонепроникному полікарбонатному корпусі, оснащені оптикою, що значно перевершує мінімальні вимоги до сучасних якісних оптичних приладів. Широкий модельний ряд лінійки Nature Trek включає і компактні біноклі для туристичних походів і широкопольні повнорозмірні біноклі для спостереження за природою і птахами, і біноклі з достатнім збільшенням і діаметром лінз для спостережень об'єктів на значній відстані в знижених умовах видимості. Станьте ближче до навколишнього світу де б і коли б ви не подорожували.
Hawke Nature Trek Top Hinge - біноклі з найсучаснішою на сьогоднішній день конструкцією шарніра "Верхній міст", яка забезпечує більш зручне захоплення бінокля і дає перевагу у вазі в порівнянні з класичною шарнірної конструкцією.
Повне багатошарове широкосмугове просвітлення оптики Hawke забезпечує однаково високу світлопропускну здатність у всьому видимому діапазоні і сприяє високій контрастності і передачі кольору в природних тонах.
BAK4 (барієвий крон) - особливий вид оптичного скла, який використовується для виготовлення призм оптичних приладів. Цей матеріал має більш низький коефіцієнт дисперсії (розсіювання світла), ніж скло, використовуване для бюджетних моделей. Як наслідок - помітно знижується хроматична аберація (райдужна оболонка на різких межах переходу від темного до світлого). Крім того, строго певний показник заломлення світла дозволяє уникнути віньєтування (явища урізання світлового пучка по краях), що забезпечує рівномірно світле зображення по всьому полю зору.
Waterproof - означає, що оптика герметизована ущільнюючим О-кільцем і захищена від проникнення вологи при зануренні в рідину протягом 3 хвилин на глибину 1,5 метра. Статичний тиск рідини на глибині 1,5 метра не завдасть приладу ні найменшої шкоди і не вплине на його функціональність. Такій оптиці ніякі погодні умови не страшні.
Fogproof - означає, що корпус зсередини заповнений сухим азотом N2, що не допускає конденсації вологи на внутрішніх поверхнях при градієнті температур, відсутнє запітніння зсередини, а, отже, не виникає корозія матеріалів під впливом вологи. Повітря видаляється з приладу і замінюється інертним газом (в даному випадку азотом N2), який не містить в своєму складі водяної пари і не конденсується.
Сьогодні полікарбонат все частіше використовується для виробництва корпусів оптичних приладів. Застосування цього матеріалу цілком виправдано його мінімальною вагою, хімічною, термічною, механічною стійкістю і простотою обробки. Полікарбонатні корпуси легкі і в той же час міцні. Вони не вимагають додаткової дорогої фінішної обробки.
Собираясь на охоту, не забудьте прихватить с собой бинокль, чтобы высмотреть дичь, скрывающуюся в гуще леса. Сидя на сиже и поджидая появления кабана или медведя, наблюдения в бинокль позволят заведомо обнаружить приближающееся животное. Стоит отметить, что к охотничьим биноклям предъявляют жесткие требования в качестве оптики, механики и, конечно же, эргономики. Кроме того /.../
В обзоре использовались бинокли:
Бинокль Hawke Nature Trek 8x32
Бинокль Hawke Nature Trek 10x32
Бинокль Hawke Nature Trek 8x42
Бинокль Hawke Nature Trek 10x42
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The Hawke Nature-Trek 8x42 binoculars give better low light performance than the smaller version, due to the larger objective lenses. The larger body also makes for easier handling for users with larger hands. 10x42 is seen by many as the ideal combination for bird watching.
Magnification 8x
Objective diameter 42mm
Weight 638g
Field of view 129m @ 1000m
Eye relief 18mm
Coatings FMC
Prisms BaK-4
Waterproof. Yes
Colour. Green Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Walk-Around Video of the New Hawke Nature Trek 8x42 Binoculars. Full Review:
Please note that this video of the Hawke Nature-Trek Binocular is designed to be viewed in conjunction with the full and very detailed review of the bin that you can find on BBR here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hawke Nature Trek 8x42 Vs Hawke Vantage 8x42 binoculars
Buy the Hawke Nature Trek 8x42 here
Buy the Hawke Vantage 8x42 here
A quick comparison between the Hawke Nature Trek and Vantage 8x42 binoculars, concentrating more on the handling and edge of field quality. Forgot to mention that the vantage focuses around half a metre closer.
To see the full specs and link to buy, click on the links above.
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The Hawke Nature Trek 8x42 monocular offers excellent performance with surprisingly low levels of chromatic aberration for non ED glass optics.
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The Nature-Trek family utilises our System H2 optics produced in a shock resistant polycarbonate body, providing a robust yet lightweight package. The high grip rubber armour ensures a secure hold in all weather conditions.
Optics are crisp and clear with notable natural colour reproduction. The precise focusing wheel allows focussing down to 5m.
Compact monocular design - ideal for travel
Fully multi-coated optics to produce sharp images
Dioptre Style focus - close focus from
High resolution BAK-4 roof prisms
Lightweight and durable rubber coated full-size chassis
Stay-on lens covers for maximum lens protection
Twist-up eye cups with position stops for eye relief
Nitrogen purged. Waterproof. Fog proof.
Hawke No-Fault Lifetime Warranty.
Height: 105mm 4.1"
Width: 30mm
Weight: 145g
Eye Relief: 13mm
Close Focus: 5m
Field of View: 119m @1000m
Field of View: 6.8°
Field of View (Apparent): 54°
Exit Pupil:
Power: 8×
Objective: 25mm
Focus System: Dioptre Style
Lens Coating: Fully Multi-Coated
Prism Type: BAK4 - Roof Hi-Res
Eye Cups: Yes Twist-Up Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Hawke Endurance ED 8x25 binoculars Vs Hawke Nature-Trek 8x25 binoculars
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Sigeta Stranger 8x42 – это среднеразмерный бинокль для самых разнообразных наблюдений, он прекрасно подойдет для туристических походов, охоты или рыбалки. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Монокуляр Levenhuk Wise 8x42 выручит вас в любой ситуации, с его помощью можно изучать живую природу, городские ландшафты и множество удаленных объектов. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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В серии биноклей Woodland компания Konus использовала технологии, присущие более высокому классу биноклей, однако цена осталась вполне доступной. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор бинокля BRESSER National Geographic 8x42 с разгрузочным ремнем
🔥 Скидка 3000 руб ПРОМОКОД "Bresser3000" – указывайте в комментарий к заказу
Бинокль Bresser National Geographic 8x42 комплектуется разгрузочным ремнем, который повышает удобство и комфорт при переноске бинокля. Сам бинокль подойдет для наблюдения птиц и животных, природных панорам, городских построек и зрелищных мероприятий.
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endurance ed 50mm (rs 28000) vs nature trek 56mm (rs 22000)
buy at , contact 9899212222 , 9560687095 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Бинокль для наблюдений за птицами: Обзор SVBONY 8X42 SV47
Купить бинокль SVBONY 8X42 SV47
(Есть в наличии на складах в РФ, мне за 3 дня прислали с доставкой)
Также для бинокля отдельно продается Адаптер кронштейна для штатива SVBONY.
Резьба для адаптера спрятана за передней крутилкой :)
Какой бинокль выбрать для наблюдений за птицами?
Отзыв и полевой тест бинокля SVBONY 8X42 SV47.
Сравнение с LEVENHUK Karma PRO 8x32.
Bird binoculars overview
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The Nature-Trek spotting scope family offers exceptional optical performance in a lightweight and waterproof modern design. A Fully Multi-Coated optical system combined with BAK-4 Porro prisms produce extremely clear and sharp images.
The 65mm and 80mm optical systems have been optimised for maximum performance while keeping the scope body short in length making them ideal for hiking and travel. Featuring a rotating tripod band, retractable sunshade and stay-on cover for protection.
The new ultra compact 56mm features barrel focussing with twist-up eye piece, delivering 27x magnification in a scope the size of your hand. Supplied with neoprene stay-on case.
The Nature-Trek binocular family utilises our System H2 optics produced in a shock resistant polycarbonate body, providing a robust yet lightweight package. The high grip rubber armor ensures a secure hold in all weather conditions.
Optics are crisp and clear with notable natural colour reproduction. The precise focusing wheel allows focussing down to 2m. Nature-Trek offers a complete range of binoculars from the very portable 25mm models up to the oversized 50mm models, ideally suited to low light conditions where a large exit pupil diameter is required.
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Sony DEV-50V Цифровой Бинокль (пыле и влаго защита) / от Арстайл /
Бинокль предоставлен для обзора официальным дилером BUSHNELL в России.
Промокод на скидку “SERJ32”
Увеличение, крат 8
Диаметр объектива (апертура), мм 42
Призмы ROOF
Выходной зрачок, мм
Сумеречное число 18.3
Марка стекла призм BAK-7
Удаление выходного зрачка, мм 17.6
Линейное поле зрения, м на 1000 м 123
Минимальное измеряемое расстояние, м 3.5
Покрытие корпуса Обрезиненный
Вес, гр 716
Размеры (Длина x Ширина x Высота), мм 152х132х60
Страна производства Китай
Гарантия 10 лет
Бренд Bushnell
Цвет Черный
Наполнение азотом Да (?) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Manufacturer: Hawke Optics, Melton (Suffolk - U.K.)
Application: Civil
Era: Modern
Magnification: 8x
Objective Lens Size: 32mm
Field of View: 7,7° - 135m at 1000m
Specifics: The British company Hawke Optics is comparable to the American company Bushnell and the German company Bresser, that have specialized in the sale of optics that they have manufactured by companies in Asian countries. These companies have a wide range of binoculars in different price categories. Hawke's top line is the Frontier series (such as Bushnell's Elite series and Bresser's Montana series).
Although as a collector I'm actually more focused on the classic Porro designs, I wanted to have a late modell from one of the reputable manufacturers for comparison and reference. However, the latest models from the "great" manufacturers are usually in the price range of 2000 €/$. That's a brutally high price, especially when you consider that for this amount of money you get a small collection of really decent classic binoculars. So since I wasn't willing to pay such a sum and as I already guessed what you get for it - whereby a big part is always the "latest and greatest factor" - I postponed the decision.
Then I looked at the latest models from other manufacturers. The Hawke Frontier ED X got great reviews everywhere and so I bought it. I've been using the binoculars on a longer tour in the last few weeks and I'm quite happy with it so far. The binoculars provide a very good picture, although the field of view of approx. 7.7° is not so wide. But compared to most roof prism binoculars, this value is still in the upper range. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hawke Frontier ED X 8x32 | Binoculars | Fernglas | бинокль
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review Celestron Ultima 80 vs hawke nature trek 80mm spotting scope ,which is best for birding-hindi
Любители активного отдыха на природе, пеших прогулок по лесу или морских прогулок на катере вдоль побережья часто берут с собой в путешествие бинокль, чтобы подробно рассмотреть удаленные объекты, сложно различимые невооруженным глазом. Такой туристический бинокль должен обладать рядом эксплуатационных характеристик, в частности отличной эргономикой и износоустойчивостью. При этом одна из наиболее популярных комбинаций увеличения и диаметра объективов бинокля для туризма и активного отдыха – 10х42. В данной статье мы предлагаем подробный обзор бинокля Vortex Crossfire II 10x42 WP.
Цена, характеристики и текстовый обзор Бинокля Vortex Crossfire II 10x42 WP:
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Чтобы видеть больше, не обязательно таскать с собой громоздкий бинокль – достаточно качественного, удобного и удивительно компактного монокуляра Levenhuk Wise PLUS 8x42! Восьмикратное увеличение позволяет хорошо рассмотреть сильно удаленные объекты, а светосильный объектив обеспечивает прекрасную видимость не только днем, но и в сумерках. Монокуляр выпускается в водонепроницаемом корпусе – это значит, что ни дождь, ни снег, ни водяные брызги не повредят его. Монокуляр Levenhuk Wise PLUS 8x42 дает чистое и четкое изображение в любых условиях!
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In this video, I reveal the winner of the BBR award for the Best Birding Binoculars of 2019, the Hawke Frontier 8x42 ED X Binoculars.
As this is the most competitive section on BBR, choosing the winner for the Best Bird Watching Binoculars is always very difficult and 2019 was no exception.
However, standing out from the pack was the superb Hawke Frontier 8x42 ED .
These binoculars not only posses just about everything you could want in a great birding binocular but they currently retail at a price that I believe makes them exceptional value for money as well and are my pick as the very best binoculars for birdwatching that I reviewed on the BBR website between 2018 and 2019.
➡️Full Review on BBR Website
➡️Main 2019 Best Binoculars Awards Page for all the winners:
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Hawke Frontier 8x42 ED X - Best Binoculars for Birding 2019
Main Strengths:
✅Excellent build quality using high-quality materials - good examples of this are is the magnesium frame, metal eyepieces and focus wheel, etc.
✅Extremely wide view, good close focus, and ample eye relief.
Superb image quality and brightness
✅Excellent quality and functional carry case and neck strap
📒Lens covers, rain-guard, and cleaning cloth are not at the same level as the rest of the accessories and the instrument itself.
📒A very minor point, but quick release clips on the neck strap would make it even easier to take it off and swap with a harness.
Main Highlights & Details:
RRP: $, £ retail price approx: $349 / £389
Single Hinge Body Design
Magnesium Chassis
Waterproof & Fogproof
Twist-up Eye-cups with click stops
Fully Multi-Coated Optics
ED Glass Lenses
BaK-4 Roof Prisms
Dielectric Mirror Coatings
Very Wide Field of View: 426ft at 1000 yards
Close Focus:
Excellent 18mm of Eye Relief
IPD: /
Weight: / 692g
Dimensions 14cm () x ()
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➡️Watch next – Best Budget Binoculars 2019 (Under 200) 🔴 BBR's Award Winners
➡️Recommended Playlist – BBR's Best Binoculars 2019 Award Winners
📒100% Honest, Real Reviews, Advice & Opinions📒
I would like to make it completely clear that like all the reviews and advice that I give on the BBR video channel and website, this is my honest and completely genuine opinion and I am in no way compensated to describe a binocular in a particular way or with a bias.
In other words, if I think a binocular or a feature on it is great, I will say so. If I think it is rubbish or it is weak in certain areas, I will also point them out.
Before writing and publishing any binocular review, I thoroughly research, test and use the instrument in my office as well as out in the field. I also conduct comprehensive comparisons between the binocular under review with a number of benchmark binoculars in both good and bad light conditions.
Whilst I make every effort not to, I do make the occasional error or am sometimes supplied with the wrong details. If you spot any mistakes, please feel free to contact me either in the comments section, via social media or on my site, so that I can rectify it/them.
As always, I love getting feedback and your opinions. it is these that help me improve and continue to supply you with content, advice, and reviews that you actually want to watch.
Attribution & Thanks to the following Youtubers:
Stephane Thomas for the incredible Tanzania Safari Footage shot in 4K:
Krzysztof Szabla and Frantisek Styblo for their stunning shots of the Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)
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Best Birding Binoculars 2019 - BBR's Best Bird Watching Binoculars Awards
Ideal high power monocular suitable for plane /ship spotting , as well as long distance terrestrial use.
FOV 66m @ 1000m
Close focus
Eye relief 10mm
Weight 415g
Thank you for watching
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Click here to buy
Updated in 2022, I am pleased to say the all new Hawke Vantage 10x42 binocular is a massive improvement on the previous model, with far better optics and better build quality. Perfect for the beginner.
Excuse the brain freeze half way through at around 5 . 30 . The Viking set I was referring to was the Navigo 8x32.
Manufacturer info below
The Hawke Vantage 10x42 binoculars feature our H2 optics and provide incredible value for money. Ideal binoculars for the beginner.
Built from a polycarbonate body with rubber armour, the Vantage binoculars are a lightweight and reliable binocular with easy-to-use features that make them perfect for new nature enthusiasts or when shopping on a budget.
They are supplied with a comfortable neck strap and padded carry case for protection and storage.
Multi-Coated Optics To Produce Sharp Images
Rubber Coated Focus Wheel - Close Focus From
BAK-4 Roof Prisms
Lightweight And Durable Rubber Coated Chassis
Stay-On Lens Covers For Maximum Lens Protection
Twist-Up Eye Cups With Position Stops For Eye Relief
Nitrogen purged. Waterproof. Fog proof.
Hawke No-Fault Lifetime Warranty.
Power: 10x
Objective: 42mm
Height: 142mm
Width: 107-128mm
Weight: 550g
Eye Relief: 16mm
Close Focus:
Field of View: 101m @1000m
Field of View: 5.8°
Field of View (Apparent): 58°
Exit Pupil:
Interpupillary Distance: 56-74mm
Lens Coating: Multi-Coated
Prism Type: BAK4 - Roof
Dioptre System: Right Eye
Eye Cups: Twist-Up
Tripod Mounting Thread: Yes (¼″ - 20 UNC) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#BinoWars: In this video, I will go over the main differences between typical 8x32 vs 8x42 binoculars of similar quality and thus no matter if your interest is general use, birding, wildlife observation, hunting or any other, by the end, you’ll be able to decide which is best for you & your particular needs and preferences.
Related Links:
➡️8x32 vs 8x42 Binoculars - Which is Best - Full Article:
➡️Hawke Frontier ED X 8x32 Binoculars Review
➡️Hawke Frontier 8x42 ED X Binoculars Review
➡️What the Numbers Mean on a Binocular
➡️Complete Guide to the Exit Pupil
Continuing on with BBR’s mini #BinoWars series in which I pit different instruments and different configurations against each other to see which is best, in today’s post I go over the most important differences between 8x32 vs 8x42 binoculars of similar quality. This will take into consideration your particular preferences and needs and therefore no matter if your interests are birding, wildlife observation, travel or just general uses, by the end, you will know which configuration is best for you.
Size: 8x32 versus 8x42
8x42 binoculars use objective lenses that are 42mm in diameter, whilst 8x32 binoculars…. you guessed it, use 32mm lenses! Therefore, it is easy to also understand that in order to accommodate them, an 8x42 is going to naturally be a larger instrument than an 8x32.
Weight 32mm vs 42mm Binoculars
The extra material needed to make the larger lenses and chassis on the 8x42mm binocular add up and thus as well as larger, it also results in them being heavier than the 8x32mm binocular.
Image Brightness 8x32 or 8x42 Binoculars?
The larger surface area of 42mm lenses on an 8x42 means that they have the potential to “capture” more light than the 32mm lens ones on an 8x32.
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➡️Watch next – 8x42 vs 10x42 Binoculars - Which is Best?
➡️Recommended Playlist – BinoWars Series - Binocular vs Binocular
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📒Equipment I Use:📒
➡️Microphone: Shure MV51
➡️Lighting: Fovitec StudioPRO
➡️Tripod: Vanguard ABEO Pro 283CGH & GH-300T Pistol Grip
➡️Camera: Fujifilm Finepix HS50
📒100% Honest, Real Reviews, Advice & Opinions📒
I would like to make it completely clear that like all the reviews and advice that I give on the BBR video channel and website, this is my honest and completely genuine opinion and I am in no way compensated to describe a binocular in a particular way or with a bias.
In other words, if I think a binocular or a feature on it is great, I will say so. If I think it is rubbish or it is weak in certain areas, I will also point them out.
Before writing and publishing any binocular review, I thoroughly research, test and use the instrument in my office as well as out in the field. I also conduct comprehensive comparisons between the binocular under review with a number of benchmark binoculars in both good and bad light conditions.
Whilst I make every effort not to, I do make the occasional error or am sometimes supplied with the wrong details. If you spot any mistakes, please feel free to contact me either in the comments section, via social media or on my site, so that I can rectify it.
As always, I love getting feedback and your opinions. it is these that help me improve and continue to supply you with content, advice, and reviews that you actually want to watch. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
В обзоре бинокль от немецкой компании Bresser модель Everest 10x42 в комплекте противоударный чехол. Компактные размеры, Roof призмы, отличное качество!
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Size, weight, image quality, brightness, and price. In this video I go over the main differences that you can expect between typical 8x42 vs 10x42 binoculars of similar quality and thus no matter if your interest is general use, birding, wildlife observation or hunting, it will help you to decide which configuration is best for your particular needs and preferences.
➡️Full Article on BBR: 8x42 vs 10x42 Binoculars - Which is Best?
➡️What Binocular Numbers Mean:
➡️Exit Pupil – The Complete Guide
Understanding these core distinctions between that of 8x42 vs 10x42 binoculars will enable you to then understand which option is more ideal for what or how you specifically use your binoculars.
Examples of the sections I cover:
Physical Differences: Size & Weight
Optical Differences
8x or 10x Magnification
The whole purpose of using a binocular that magnifies the image is to provide you with a better view of distant objects. So it stands to reason that most people will assume that the more powerful a binocular is, the better.... but there is more to this!
Light Gathering
As both 10x42 and 8x42 binoculars have 42mm objective lenses and assuming they use the same quality glass and coatings, the light-gathering ability between the two will be the same, however like the magnification, there is more to this story!
Price Differences - Did you know 10x42's are often more expensive than the equivalent 8x42 binocular?
Conclusions - 10x42 or 8x42, Which is the Best? I finish the video going over the main points and deciding which binocular is best in which circumstances.
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➡️Watch next – 10x42 vs 10x50 Binoculars - Which is Best?
➡️Recommended Playlist – Binoculars 101 🔴
➡️Let’s connect:
Twitter – @BestBinoReviews
📒Equipment I Use:📒
➡️Microphone: Shure MV51
➡️Lighting: Fovitec StudioPRO
➡️Tripod: Vanguard ABEO Pro 283CGH & GH-300T Pistol Grip
➡️Camera: Fujifilm Finepix HS50
📒100% Honest, Real Reviews, Advice & Opinions📒
I would like to make it completely clear that like all the reviews and advice that I give on the BBR video channel and website, this is my honest and completely genuine opinion and I am in no way compensated to describe a binocular in a particular way or with a bias.
In other words, if I think a binocular or a feature on it is great, I will say so. If I think it is rubbish or it is weak in certain areas, I will also point them out.
Before writing and publishing any binocular review, I thoroughly research, test and use the instrument in my office as well as out in the field. I also conduct comprehensive comparisons between the binocular under review with a number of benchmark binoculars in both good and bad light conditions.
Whilst I make every effort not to, I do make the occasional error or am sometimes supplied with the wrong details. If you spot any mistakes, please feel free to contact me either in the comments section, via social media or on my site, so that I can rectify it/them.
As always, I love getting feedback and your opinions. it is these that help me improve and continue to supply you with content, advice, and reviews that you actually want to watch. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Максимальне корисне збільшення - 100x, Діаметр об'єктива - 50 мм, Фокусна відстань - 600 мм, Оптична конструкція - рефрактори, Тип монтування - азимутальне....
Максимальне корисне збільшення - 140x, Діаметр об'єктива - 70 мм, Фокусна відстань - 400 мм, Оптична конструкція - рефрактори, Тип монтування - азимутальне....
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