Кресало набагато надійніше і зручніше у використанні, ніж сірники. Воно допоможе Вам розвести вогонь за будь-яких погодних умовах - навіть у дощ і при сильному вітрі. За допомогою кресала Ви легко підпалите папір, суху траву і кору.
Приобрёл себе огниво Огниво Tramp TRG 031. Взял велосипед, поехал к речке и в лесу там попробовал добыть огонь. Мои первые впечатления.
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✅ Cотрудничество по рекламным и другим вопросам slavik65@
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11 нояб. 2019 г.
Считаю что нужно учитывать и признавать свои неправильные действия, когда нарабатываешь личный опыт и собираешь наблюдения, а потом ими делишься.
Данное видео создано не для красивой картинки. И не для того что бы по умничать и по выпендриваться дороговизной или качеством.
Тяжко смотреть переходите по тайм кодам.
На упаковке Следопыта надпись: вы легко подожжете бумагу, сухую траву или кору.
Легко это только про кору березы(которую у нас еще поискать надо) и салфетки с бумагой туалетной.
Мой вывод: не важна стоимость огнива, важен навык, но также необходимо иметь с правильной гранью кресало или доработанный нож, сквозняк и ветер 28:25 тоже могут внести коррективы не в лучшую сторону при высекании искр.
Хорошая работа простенького Следопыта: 5:15, 7:08, 28:35, 30:20;
С 12:03 начинается пример наиболее эффективной работы не смотря на качество Вашего огнива, а именно максимальное трение на минимальной траектории высекания искр.
Не правильное высекание искр (скорость и количество искр не влияют на процесс если мешает ветер): 3:32, 17:01, 17:58, 20:50, 26:01, 29:55, лучше так не дрючить стержни, это приводит к безрезультатному и быстрому износу.
Не правильная растопка (твердое дерево лучше наскоблить): 7:55.
Ганзо сразу не проявило себя из за убитой рабочей поверхности, после выравнивания оно тоже работает 23:00.
Личная заметка про 108ой солдатский Викс 23:30, без скобы можно пораниться 4:20, соблюдайте требования охраны труда при работе Victorinox с огнивом :))) !
Tramp меньше всех выдает искр, как я понял из за самого маленького диаметра, итог: дольше шкребем и больше выработка - меньше ресурс, а цена как у полноценного Следопыта! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Активные Подголовники. "Правдами И Неправдами" #21. (УКР)
Среди многих людей бытует мнение, что опасным может быть только лобовой удар или удар сбоку. А удара сзади бояться не стоит - максимум, что может случиться - это водителя вожмет в кресло. Поэтому давайте выясним, правда ли это?
Безопасность -
Передача про различные автомобильные системы безопасности.
Производство: Первый автомобильный телеканал.
Интересное видео:
TSI. Правдами и неправдами. #1 -
ABS. Правдами и неправдами. #2 -
Airbag. Правдами и неправдами. #3 -
City Safe Drive. Правдами и неправдами. #4 -
Bi-Xenon. Правдами и неправдами. #5 -
DSG. Правдами и неправдами. #6 -
Offroad. Правдами и неправдами. #7 -
Женщины. Правдами и неправдами. #8 -
Anti-Slip Regulation. Правдами и неправдами. #9 -
Усилитель руля. Правдами и неправдами. #10 -
Интересные плейлисты:
"Экипаж" в HD. -
"Как это работает?" -
Спецрепортажи -
Мотоциклы -
Безопасность -
4x4 -
Ferrari Team Ukraine -
Дети на "автомобильном" -
Минус 1 -
"Автостоп" с Андреем Миськивым -
Автоподиум в HD и 3D -
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Sport-Weekend это попытка совместить приятное с полезным, а именно отдых на природе и спортивные состязания, не знаю, как это получится, но будем стараться. Изначально все планировалось, как небольшой выезд посетителей тренажерного зала PROGGRESSOR для отдыха и дружественного состязания между друг другом, но девиз: «Спорт в массы не отменить"=))).Поэтому приглашаются все желающие, которые хотят провести активно субботний день.С нашей стороны для участников и гостей будут небольшие сюрпризы. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Part 2 - Tess of the d'Urbervilles Audiobook by Thomas Hardy (Chs 08-14)
Part 2. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Adrian Praetzellis.
Playlist for Tess of the d'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy:
Tess of the d'Urbervilles free audiobook at Librivox:
Tess of the d'Urbervilles free eBook at Project Gutenberg:
Tess of the d'Urbervilles at Wikipedia: %27Urbervilles
View a list of all our videobooks: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
🐺 The Gray Wolf's Daughter: A Captivating Tale of Survival and Love in the Wild ❤️
🌲 Step into the untamed wilderness of 19th century Canada with "The Gray Wolf's Daughter," an enthralling novel by Gertrude Warden. 👧 Meet Mowgli, a young woman raised by wolves, who grapples with her dual heritage – the call of the wild and the pull of human society.
🏹 Witness Mowgli's extraordinary journey as she faces daunting challenges, navigating treacherous landscapes and encountering both friend and foe. ⚔️ Experience the heart-pounding thrill of survival as Mowgli hunts for food, protects her pack, and confronts the harsh realities of the wilderness. 🐺
💕 But Mowgli's story is not just about survival; it's a poignant exploration of love, loyalty, and belonging. 🌸 Discover the profound bond between Mowgli and her wolf family, and the unwavering love that guides her every step. 🥰
🌎 "The Gray Wolf's Daughter" is a captivating tale that will transport you to a world where nature reigns supreme and the human spirit is tested to its limits. 📖 Whether you're a fan of historical fiction, adventure stories, or heartwarming tales of love and loyalty, this novel is sure to captivate your imagination.
🌟 Don't miss out on this unforgettable journey! Subscribe to our channel for more enthralling stories and literary adventures. 👉
#TheGrayWolfsDaughter #GertrudeWarden #HistoricalFiction #AdventureStory #WildernessSurvival #WolfPack #ComingOfAge #DualHeritage #CanadianWilderness #SelfDiscovery #Courage #Resilience #Love #Loyalty #Family #Nature #LiteraryFiction #Booktube #ClassicNovels #bookrecommendations
#audiostory #audiobook #musical #enchantingforest #soothingmusic #Musical, #soundtrack
**Navigate by Chapters:**
00:00:00 Welcome!
00:46:19 Chapter 1 - Knights Errant.
01:08:38 Chapter 2 - Stella.
01:31:56 Chapter 3 - A Siren.
01:54:58 Chapter 4 - Enemies.
02:17:58 Chapter 5 - Coming Conflicts.
02:36:21 Chapter 6 - Lord Carthew’s Wooing.
03:02:03 Chapter 7 - A Kiss Too Long.
03:19:40 Chapter 8 - An Old Friend.
03:37:59 Chapter 9 - The Gypsy’s Prophecy.
03:56:08 Chapter 10 - Father and Daughter.
04:13:58 Chapter 11 - An Old Story.
04:32:04 Chapter 12 - For Better, for Worse.
04:49:46 Chapter 13 - The Sending of The Token.
05:09:30 Chapter 14 - The Romanys Have not Forgotten.
05:25:33 Chapter 15 - The Wedding Eve.
05:43:26 Chapter 16 - The Charm.
05:51:49 Chapter 17 - A Mad Bride.
06:11:36 Chapter 18 - The Wedding Journey.
06:32:25 Chapter 19 - Found.
06:42:44 Chapter 20 - Lord Carthew Finds His Wife.
06:59:45 Chapter 21 - The Curse Fulfilled. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Part 1 - A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Audiobook by Mark Twain (Chs 01-06)
Part 1 (Chs 01-06). Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by John Greenman.
Playlist for A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain:
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court free audiobook at Librivox:
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court free eBook at Project Gutenberg:
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court at Wikipedia: %27s_Court
View a list of all our videobooks: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
🤥 The Adventures of Pinocchio: A Journey of Lies, Lessons & Love 🐋
Embark on a magical journey with Pinocchio, the mischievous wooden puppet brought to life by the loving woodcarver Geppetto. 🤥 Watch as Pinocchio's nose grows with every lie he tells, leading him down a path of thrilling adventures and valuable life lessons. 🎭 Join him as he encounters talking crickets, cunning foxes, and even a giant whale!
🎠 From Pleasure Island's tempting delights to the enchanting Blue Fairy, Pinocchio's quest to become a real boy is filled with laughter, tears, and heartwarming moments. 🌟 This animated retelling of Carlo Collodi's classic tale is a must-watch for children and adults alike, reminding us of the importance of honesty, courage, and the enduring power of love. 💖
Don't miss this enchanting adventure that will capture your heart and teach you valuable lessons along the way. Subscribe to our channel for more timeless tales and family-friendly entertainment! 👉 []()
#TheAdventuresOfPinocchio, #CarloCollodi, #PinocchioStory, #ClassicLiterature, #FairyTale, #ItalianLiterature, #WoodenPuppet, #PinocchioAdventures, #ChildrensBooks, #Geppetto, #FairyTaleClassics, #MoralStories, #TimelessTales, #PuppetToBoy, #PinocchioJourney, #LiteraryClassics, #ChildrenLiterature, #FolkTales, #ItalianClassics, #ImaginationStories, #PinocchioMagic, #MischievousPuppet, #AdventureStories, #MoralLessons, #FamilyReads, #TimelessStories, #WhimsicalTales, #PuppetMagic, #CollodiMasterpiece, #PinocchioTransformation, #IconicTales, #LiteraryGems, #ClassicAdventures, #PinocchioAndGeppetto, #EvergreenStories, #HeartwarmingTales, #FantasyClassics, #PinocchioNose, #MagicalStories, #MustReadClassics #audiostory #audiobook #musical #enchantingforest #soothingmusic #Musical, #soundtrack
**Navigate by Chapters:**
00:00:00 Welcome!
00:00:15 Chapter 1.
00:03:48 Chapter 2.
00:07:33 Chapter 3.
00:13:30 Chapter 4.
00:16:47 Chapter 5.
00:20:14 Chapter 6.
00:22:40 Chapter 7.
00:27:06 Chapter 8.
00:30:29 Chapter 9.
00:34:14 Chapter 10.
00:38:02 Chapter 11.
00:42:33 Chapter 12.
00:48:48 Chapter 13.
00:53:29 Chapter 14.
00:58:23 Chapter 15.
01:02:23 Chapter 16.
01:07:28 Chapter 17.
01:14:16 Chapter 18.
01:20:56 Chapter 19.
01:26:18 Chapter 20.
01:30:09 Chapter 21.
01:33:45 Chapter 22.
01:38:21 Chapter 23.
01:45:16 Chapter 24.
01:53:22 Chapter 25.
01:57:34 Chapter 26.
02:01:19 Chapter 27.
02:10:07 Chapter 28.
02:17:34 Chapter 29.
02:27:53 Chapter 30.
02:34:55 Chapter 31.
02:44:31 Chapter 32.
02:52:58 Chapter 33.
03:04:32 Chapter 34.
03:14:50 Chapter 35.
03:23:05 Chapter 36. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Part 01 - Sons and Lovers Audiobook by D. H. Lawrence (Ch 01-02)
Part 01 - (Ch 01-02). Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Mark F. Smith.
Playlist for Sons and Lovers by D. H. Lawrence:
Sons and Lovers free audiobook at Librivox:
Sons and Lovers free eBook at Project Gutenberg:
Sons and Lovers at Wikipedia:
View a list of all our videobooks: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Part 6 - Babbitt Audiobook by Sinclair Lewis (Chs 29-34)
Part 6. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Mike Vendetti.
Playlist for Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis:
Babbitt free audiobook at Librivox:
Babbitt free eBook at Project Gutenberg:
Babbitt at Wikipedia:
View a list of all our videobooks: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Part 1 - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Audiobook by Mark Twain (Chs 01-10)
Part 1. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Mark F. Smith.
Playlist for The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain:
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn free audiobook at Librivox:
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn free eBook at Project Gutenberg:
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn at Wikipedia:
View a list of all our videobooks: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Audiobook by L. Frank Baum
Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by J. Hall.
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz free audiobook at Librivox:
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz free eBook at Project Gutenberg:
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz at Wikipedia:
View a list of all our videobooks: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Part 2 - The Invisible Man Audiobook by H. G. Wells (Chs 18-28)
Part 2. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Alex Foster.
Playlist for The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells:
The Invisible Man free audiobook at Librivox:
The Invisible Man free eBook at Project Gutenberg:
The Invisible Man at Wikipedia:
View a list of all our videobooks: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Part 03 - Moby Dick Audiobook by Herman Melville (Chs 026-040)
Part 3. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Stewart Wills.
Playlist for Moby Dick by Herman Melville:
Moby Dick free audiobook at Librivox:
Moby Dick free eBook at Project Gutenberg:
Moby Dick at Wikipedia:
View a list of all our videobooks: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Part 4 - The House of Mirth Audiobook by Edith Wharton (Book 2 - Chs 01-05)
Part 4. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Elizabeth Klett.
Playlist for The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton:
The House of Mirth free audiobook at Librivox:
The House of Mirth free eBook at Project Gutenberg:
The House of Mirth at Wikipedia:
View a list of all our videobooks: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
✨Great Expectations: A Journey of Love, Loss, and Self-Discovery in Victorian England | Part 3/3 📚🗝️
Embark on an unforgettable journey through the marshes of Kent and the bustling streets of London with Pip, a young orphan yearning for a better life. ✨📖
In Charles Dickens's timeless classic, Great Expectations, witness Pip's transformation from a humble blacksmith's apprentice to a gentleman of "great expectations," thanks to a mysterious benefactor. 🤵💰
Experience the twists and turns of Pip's life as he:
* **Encounters the enigmatic Miss Havisham:** A wealthy recluse trapped in her wedding dress, who instills in Pip a longing for the beautiful and unattainable Estella. 🏚️💔
* **Navigates the social complexities of Victorian England:** Climbs the ladder of social class, only to discover the emptiness of wealth and status. 💰🎭
* **Grapples with love, loss, and betrayal:** Falls deeply in love with Estella, but learns the bitter truth about her upbringing and the manipulations of Miss Havisham. ❤️🔥💔
* **Unravels the mystery of his benefactor:** Discovers the true identity of the person who changed his life, leading to a shocking revelation that challenges his perception of gratitude and forgiveness. 🤫🕵️♂️
* **Embarks on a journey of self-discovery:** Learns the importance of compassion, loyalty, and the true meaning of happiness. 🌱💖
Great Expectations is a captivating tale that explores the themes of social class, ambition, love, and the pursuit of happiness. It's a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers today. ✨📖
**Don't Miss Out on this Unforgettable Story!**
Subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell to follow Pip's extraordinary journey of self-discovery and transformation! 🔔 👉
#GreatExpectations #CharlesDickens #ClassicLiterature #VictorianEngland #Bildungsroman #LoveStory #Mystery #SocialClass #Ambition #Revenge #Forgiveness #Transformation #SelfDiscovery #MissHavisham #Estella #Pip #JoeGargery #AbelMagwitch
**Navigate by Chapters:**
00:00:00 Welcome!
00:00:30 Chapter - _41_.
00:11:41 Chapter - _42_.
00:26:56 Chapter - _43_.
00:37:13 Chapter - _44_.
00:52:27 Chapter - _45_.
01:07:49 Chapter - _46_.
01:23:17 Chapter - _47_.
01:36:27 Chapter - _48_.
01:50:30 Chapter - _49_.
02:08:30 Chapter - _50_.
02:16:18 Chapter - _51_.
02:31:43 Chapter - _52_.
02:42:14 Chapter - _53_.
03:08:47 Chapter - _54_.
03:37:46 Chapter - _55_.
03:52:37 Chapter - _56_.
04:03:47 Chapter - _57_.
04:28:16 Chapter - _58_.
04:44:14 Chapter - _59_. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Part 3 - The Age of Innocence Audiobook by Edith Wharton (Chs 17-22)
Part 3 (Chs 17-22). Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Elizabeth Klett.
Playlist for The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton:
The Age of Innocence free audiobook at Librivox:
The Age of Innocence free eBook at Project Gutenberg:
The Age of Innocence at Wikipedia:
View a list of all our videobooks: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This content has been digitally remastered and is available here:
I was looking at the US Debt Clock online recently. The official figure is over 18 Trillion USD ($18,561,652,758, as of 11:10 AM, CST). That's over One Hundred Fifty-Five Thousand USD ($155,) per taxpayer. Paying that off EVER is clearly impossible.
But it gets worse.
A news article came out earlier in the week stating the official figure leaves out a lot of items, so that the real US National Debt is more like 65 TRILLION USD! How can a country even function loaded down with such a mountain of debt?
Historic global debt is the really frightening answer - the picture in some other countries is even WORSE - which is a huge factor in keeping the US financially afloat this long.
When you add all of this sovereign debt up globally it amounts to far more money than even exists in the world - which is why central banks keep creating so much new money out of thin air.
This excessive money creation is all a banker's trick to make it possible to service the debt (for now anyway) - but never to pay it off. It is a balancing act to try and keep the over-burdened economy from tanking.
It is like a family with a small income putting huge purchases on a credit card until that card is full. Then they get two more cards - one to pay off the debt on the earlier card and another to keep up their spending spree. They may be able to stall off the day of reckoning for awhile, but eventually this scheme will collapse and the creditors will grab all of their stuff. Really, if you or I were to behave with the sort of reckless financial abandon of government we would very soon find ourselves bankrupt and on the street.
Numbers work the same whether on a household or a national, or even a global, level. Make no mistake, this trajectory of using ever-more debt to pay off existing debt can't go on forever. Eventually this sovereign debt crisis has to take the world into the biggest and meanest global economic collapse in the history of the universe.
The bankers, of course, know that.
The bankers though, have another trick up their sleeve. It is their trump card and they intend to use it. They are attempting to transition the world to a cashless economy before the house of cards caves in. Thus we find a war on cash going on. If the bankers can eliminate all cash then they will have control over all financial transactions. They can then manipulate the economy in new ways that have never been tried before. They think that if they can obtain this absolute control over the global economy - and over the finances of every person on earth - they can keep the wolf away from the door, and more importantly for them, maintain their position as masters of the world.
This does not bode well for personal privacy or freedom. In fact, it points to control of the individual that is so complete that no one will be able to buy or sell anything if they are not in good standing with this cashless system. They will not be able to opt out of the banking system by withdrawing their cash - because all money will be digital, controlled by the world banking system and the governments under which they operate.
While this scenario may not be the "mark of the beast" of Revelation 13, it will most certainly lay the infrastructure for "the mark" when the "beast" comes to power.
Practically everything that happens in the world system, from peace to war and from poverty to affluence, arises directly out of economic factors. Here are the mechanics behind fulfillment of Bible prophecy. We are getting closer to the end game now, and the world situation as it actually exists is starting to flesh out what the Great Oppression is actually going to look like.
In our last video we presented a lot about this and the "mark of the beast". Now we're following up with more details documenting who is actually promoting this war on cash (names here) and why they think they need to take the world cashless as soon as they are able to do it.
Grasp this, and it will help you to understand just how close we are to Revelation 13. More than that, join with us in taking action steps to be ready in advance of the monumental events soon to come.
For a limited time see all of this Remnant Exodus Seminar for FREE!
Because Escape is Still Possible... Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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